How to find work in another country?

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How to find work in another country?

Post by Wolfeye »

I'm wondering about how to find work in another country, both while in that country & while still in America (like it being set up before I leave & ready when I land there). I remember hearing about stuff like building houses in another country for a company that I get hired by in this one. Maybe it's just simply the idea of companies with branches in other countries, but I'm wondering what companies those might be & how to research them. I'm looking for information on how to GET information, not just job-hunting strategies. It seems that manual labor is potentially pretty lucrative at the moment (at least in some countries, one of them being Spain- a place I'm interested in moving to). Working in the tourism business is something else that might work, particularly that I might be able to translate things for people from English-speaking countries. That's not something you need a language degree for like you do for being a language professor. I also hear that if you speak languages, that might open up other opportunities- even that they might be willing to train someone without experience.

Something I'd like to eventually do is be a wilderness skills instructor. Not just survival stuff, but overall self-reliance things. I figure outdoor activities & overall life skills in that environment might be something interesting for people & I want a decent amount of variety. Could be useful in that I'd be running into people from various "walks of life" and make connections, learn things, or add to my skills or staff. Plus there's the potential for making friends, which IS sometimes extremely hard in America. Kind of an ice barrier, followed by a surface-level limit to conversions, followed by no one saying what they really mean or taking serious things seriously. NOT what I'm looking to raise a family in, partially because I can't trust that things won't fall through in the areas that these people hold up that might very well impact my family.
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