Winston, you're fat because you're vegetarian

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Post by onethousandknives »

Winston wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:
Winston wrote:MrPeabody,
Yeah but why is the establishment promoting vegetarianism? Aren't there lobbyists from the meat industry paying off Congressmen and Senators?

Is the mainstream media promoting vegetarianism too? I don't notice that they are.

Most of the health experts I read said that you can be healthy eating meat as long as you eat organic meat from grass fed cows on the free range, and not processed meat from factory farms.

What if I keep my vegetarian diet but stop eating grains and wheat? Would that solve the weight problem?
I can't recommend a diet because I'm not a vegetarian. They do seem to have pull and the fanaticism needed to expand their beliefs. After all, they convinced Clinton to become a vegan.
I think I know why the establishment is encouraging vegetarianism. It's because not eating meat lowers testosterone and raises estrogen. Their agenda is to feminize men and masculinize women. They do this because they want America to be androgynous society where there is no distinction between men and women. It's really sick. But that might be why they would be pro-vegetarianism.

Also, vegetarianism and animal rights is popular with liberals, and in America you are not allowed to be anti-liberal. So they've had to go along with it to appease them.
I would argue the opposite is going on. Eating meat has a much higher correlation to raising your estrogen than eating plants. Besides that meat and eggs naturally contain estrogen from the animal itself, in the form of estradiol, the same main estrogen in humans, it's injected into meat as a growth hormone. Most cows today have estradiol mixed with trenbolone (an androgen, like testosterone) to accelerate their growth. Besides this, many people are concerned about the phytoestrogen content of soy, however, most soy is used for animal feed, and most for that purpose is GMO at that. The soy animal feed arguably can cause excess estrogen build up in the meat, too, without directly applying hormones as used for beef. This is of course neverminding the fact again, that animals contain estradiol that's identical to human estradiol.

And as far as the "cholesterol turns into testosterone" myth, again, that's not particularly true either, it has the same problem DHEA (the precursor steroid your body uses to make other steroids, one step up from cholesterol, the precursor of all hormones) supplementation in men has, after a certain level it starts turning into estrogen with no more gains in testosterone. In women, though, DHEA does the opposite, it turns to testosterone. We're eating more meat than we ever ever have in the past, as the government subsidizes meat pricing and has regulations in place allowing hormones to be used to make feeding and growing meat cheaper. So under these circumstances, emasculated men and masculinized women are much more common, as exogenous hormones added to meat end up in our bodies, and we have way too many hormonal precursors (cholesterol and saturated fat) in our bodies.

Nowadays I would argue "the establishment" is actually pushing against a vegetarian diet. Everyone is concerned about how much protein they need even if they only sit on the couch and do nothing all day. You have mainstream newspapers espousing low carb diets, saturated fat, eating paleo, etc. I would argue even that grain growers would want more people eating more meat, as if they eat more meat, they make more money as large majority of grain produced is used entirely for feeding animals.

Keep in mind, I still do eat animal products and am not a strict vegetarian, but I've vastly curtailed the amount I eat and feel much better. Obviously everyone probably should eat a little bit of animal products just to keep sanity/variety/etc just like moderate alcohol consumption is proved to be better than none, but to argue for eating massive amounts of meat is idiotic.

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The Simple Answer to Vegetarianism

Post by CGrantAnderson »

The simple fact of the matter is that humans are not designed or meant to be vegetarians.

Their digestive system is built to be omnivorous.

Look at bears and pigs. Both of these species are omnivorous and have digestive system that closely resemble humans.

Then go to a grocery store. It's full of what? Vegetables? 100%? No...It has an incredible wide variety of foods. Because humans are omnivorous.

So being vegetarian is wrong as it denies your body necessary nutriments.

I once worked with a guy whose wife was a rabid vegetarian. Their kids did not eat meat. They were healthy and well formed but their heights were extremely subnormal. Image growing up and you're only four and one half feet tall. You're going to have a lot of problems in life. And their height problem was caused by extreme vegetarianism (lack of protein).

- Grant the Omnivore
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Vegetarianism ---

Post by robbie555 »

Winston wrote:I think I may know why I've been feeling weak and tired all the time and can't concentrate or focus on getting out of America.

I read many reports by ex-vegetarians who said that being vegetarian too long made them drowsy, tired all the time, messed up their concentration, gave them headaches and increased their weight. That's what happened to me too. So perhaps me being vegetarian is depriving me of nutrition I need to function. Maybe that's why I have trouble concentrating or focusing and lack willpower.

All the best health experts I read said that being a 100 percent vegetarian or vegan is NOT optimal for health. And that the best diet consists of at least some meat and fish once in a while (healthy organic meat and fish that is, not factory farmed).

Dr. Mercola, one of the most knowledge doctors, said that everyone has a different nutritional type. In his experience, only 1/3 of people can be 100 percent vegetarians long term. The other 1/3 have high protein bodies that need high amounts of meat and fish. They cannot be vegetarian even for a while. Angelie Jolie is an example of this. She said that she almost died when she tried to be a vegan. (See the link below) And the other 1/3 is a mix of the two types.

I'm probably that third type that's somewhere in the middle. My body cannot sustain being vegetarian or vegan long term, or else I'll have health problems. That's why I am fat and have high blood pressure. An Indian friend of mine (Rock's former tenant Monkro) experienced the same, so he had to quit being a vegetarian. This means that I gotta quit being a 100 percent vegetarian and start eating at least a little meat and fish. When I do, I should have more energy and willpower.

See what Dr. Mercola said about this here: ... d-her.aspx

What he says is very informative. Psychology Today says that 3 out of 4 vegetarians have to quit the diet after a while. ... ating-meat

The thing is, we all make the MAJOR FALLACY that what's true for us is true for everyone else. We have all been guilty of that at some time. For example, atheists assume that because they don't need God or religion to be happy, that everyone else should not either. And Christians assume that because Christianity made them happy and whole, that everyone else ought to become Christian too. But that's not true. See what I mean?

Likewise, many vegans will assume that if it works for them, then everyone can be vegan. But that's not true because not everyone is the same nutritional type. See what I mean? Read Dr. Mercola's article above. Hope you guys learn to not make that fallacy too.
First of all, Winston, i've read many of your postings and have enjoyed a lot immensely..and have shared with my "dateless friends" lol

As for diet, I suppose like anything else one could say the devil is in the details....Typically when one mentions the word vegetarian or vegetarianism it might conjure up images of purity, higher ethical standards regarding the treatment of animals and other pious nods to lofty idealism...But it does it mean in the vernacular? The everyday? Just means you shun meat..OK and so what?......You could eat some of the worst crap on the planet and still call yourself a vegetarian...and delude oneself that you are healthy because of that..Question is - What KIND of vegetarian are you...What kind of knowledge are you bringing to the table (no pun!)when feeding the most person you have to take care of .? (YOU!) For example, what's your intake of transfats? Eat a lot of packaged crap?? Whoops... What's your antioxidant status? Are you getting enough of the right nutrients in the proportions suited to any particular condition you have? What's your immune status? How old are you? Exercise? HOW ARE YOUR ADRENALS - a big one? Winston, are you getting too many carbs? This is one of the easiest ways to push your endocrine system out of kilter -especially for vegetarians..because they tend to overcompensate their lack of meat (perceived lack of protein) with too many carbs....So now you begin to suffer from a low blood sugar roller coaster ride..and then you feel tired, lethargic and a thousand other vague symptoms and wonder why...I know, must be I ain't gettin' enough meat damn it! Are you getting a bit too many pesticides...? What supplements are you taking? or not taking? I'm not a strict vegetarian anymore...but i wouldn't knock it...If you do any research at all you'll discover that many countries have much lower disease rates than the US and are for lack of a better term- vegetarian. Meat consumption is positively linked to a few diseases..I think it more cool to try to just be aware of what we consume- rather than compartmentalize outselves into being vegetarian or non vegetarian or following the latest diet du jour.....Sure eat meat,fish, if you want, but watch out for the fried food, watch the sugars and binging on empty calories, try to maximize your antioxidant intake- maybe have a green veggie juice every now and then - just small measures can help. Also it's human nature to cherry pick our arguments....A lot of people don't thrive on a vegetarian diet, but a lot of people do...Question is what are the people that trive doing differently than the ones that don't....
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Re: The Simple Answer to Vegetarianism

Post by MrPeabody »

CGrantAnderson wrote:The simple fact of the matter is that humans are not designed or meant to be vegetarians.

Their digestive system is built to be omnivorous.

Look at bears and pigs. Both of these species are omnivorous and have digestive system that closely resemble humans.

Then go to a grocery store. It's full of what? Vegetables? 100%? No...It has an incredible wide variety of foods. Because humans are omnivorous.

So being vegetarian is wrong as it denies your body necessary nutriments.

I once worked with a guy whose wife was a rabid vegetarian. Their kids did not eat meat. They were healthy and well formed but their heights were extremely subnormal. Image growing up and you're only four and one half feet tall. You're going to have a lot of problems in life. And their height problem was caused by extreme vegetarianism (lack of protein).

- Grant the Omnivore
The most tragic part of this is the damage that Vegans are doing to their children. There have been several cases where vegans have been prosecuted criminally for killing their children with lack of nutrition.
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Post by Repatriate »

Vegetarianism has some things to do with it but more important is your sugar and carb intake in general.

You should also look into your testosterone levels. Rock and several other people have made the observation that you have very low TST levels. Low energy, strange psychological moods, and weak body frame can be blamed on that as well. It's obvious you are suffering from all 3 issues.

Try taking zinc as a natural TST booster and if you don't see improvement in a month think about doing TST replacement therapy.
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Post by KokujinKrusader »

Vegetarianism alone, just like eating meat alone, is not going to make a person fat for the most part. There are other habits that you need to change if you want to shed the pounds and develop your physique.
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Post by mattyman »

Just because a diet is vegetarian doesn't always mean healthy. It might be advisable to check how much sugar is in the diet. This is one thing that is very easily overlooked and very easy to lose track of. You'd be surprised at how much added sugar there is in so many foods today. A lot of people say 'all carbs bad' particularly from the American diet industry, but in the UK, we KNOW that it's one TYPE of carbohydrate; namely sugars, that are the biggest culprits. There are three types of carbs; sugar, starch and fibre. Only sugars and starches being readily convertible to energy.

Carbohydrates, such as starches and sugars are first converted to blood glucose, which when above a certain threshold causes insulin to be released, causing cells to absorb it. Some tissues, like muscle and liver, can store glucose as glycogen. If glycogen stores are full, then the excess glucose will be converted to fat.

Sugars tend to be much higher in glycemic index than starches, meaning that fr any given amount of carbs, the blood sugar rises quickly, and reaches a higher peak/insulin demand than something of a lower glycemix index.

As an analogy, think of two thunderstorms; one raining on a forested, permeable, catchment, where a lot of rain soaks into the ground, and another raining on an impermeable concrete jungle, where a lot of the water runs off, both raining the same amount of water. A storm drain, draining the urban catchment will see a huge rise, in a much shorter period of time, and reaching a much greater height, than on the forested catchment.

With sugar, the quick releasing carb, it's almost akin to a thunderstorm on a highly impermeable urban area, where most rain runs off. When sugary foods are absorbed, the blood glucose rises fast (just like water rising in a storm drain in an impermeable catchment), and to a much higher peak, than the same amount of calories delivered in the form of starch (which will be much more attenuated, analogous to our permeable forested catchment).

What does this mean? If the peak blood glucose at any given time becomes too high for eaither cells to use directly as energy, or for muscle and liver to mop-up and store as glycogen, glucose will be converted to triglycerides (fat).

Apparently, eating carbohydrates with proteins or fats actually attenuates the rate at which glucose is released into the blood. Some things that are considered 'healthy' (such as boiled potato on it's own, pasta, on it's own, or without meat, oil or cheese) can in fact have a higher glyceamic index than things considered 'unhealthy' such as burgers, or even chocolate.

it should be noted that the above foodstuffs are also high in fat too. Foods that are high in both carbs and fats are the worst for weight gain.

For those who advocate meat-based diets

High protein diets are often associated with being lean. There are so many theories out there it's difficult to know what to believe. First; some argue that protein supresses the hunger hormone ghrelin. The again others argue that HIGH FIBRE diets also help you to stay full for longer. I personally think that there is truth in both these arguments, though much research has yet to be done.

As for Winston; I think a significant part of the problem could well be sugar. You'd be surprised as to how much there is in much industrially-produced food. Meat and animal based products are DEFINITELY NOT the main sources of weight gain in many people today.

I definitely won't rule out sugar. Just have a google around, or a look at the packaging on many foods. It really is pretty surprising how much there is in the typical western diet.
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Post by onethousandknives »

mattyman wrote:Just because a diet is vegetarian doesn't always mean healthy. It might be advisable to check how much sugar is in the diet. This is one thing that is very easily overlooked and very easy to lose track of. You'd be surprised at how much added sugar there is in so many foods today. A lot of people say 'all carbs bad' particularly from the American diet industry, but in the UK, we KNOW that it's one TYPE of carbohydrate; namely sugars, that are the biggest culprits. There are three types of carbs; sugar, starch and fibre. Only sugars and starches being readily convertible to energy.

Carbohydrates, such as starches and sugars are first converted to blood glucose, which when above a certain threshold causes insulin to be released, causing cells to absorb it. Some tissues, like muscle and liver, can store glucose as glycogen. If glycogen stores are full, then the excess glucose will be converted to fat.

Sugars tend to be much higher in glycemic index than starches, meaning that fr any given amount of carbs, the blood sugar rises quickly, and reaches a higher peak/insulin demand than something of a lower glycemix index.

As an analogy, think of two thunderstorms; one raining on a forested, permeable, catchment, where a lot of rain soaks into the ground, and another raining on an impermeable concrete jungle, where a lot of the water runs off, both raining the same amount of water. A storm drain, draining the urban catchment will see a huge rise, in a much shorter period of time, and reaching a much greater height, than on the forested catchment.

With sugar, the quick releasing carb, it's almost akin to a thunderstorm on a highly impermeable urban area, where most rain runs off. When sugary foods are absorbed, the blood glucose rises fast (just like water rising in a storm drain in an impermeable catchment), and to a much higher peak, than the same amount of calories delivered in the form of starch (which will be much more attenuated, analogous to our permeable forested catchment).

What does this mean? If the peak blood glucose at any given time becomes too high for eaither cells to use directly as energy, or for muscle and liver to mop-up and store as glycogen, glucose will be converted to triglycerides (fat).

Apparently, eating carbohydrates with proteins or fats actually attenuates the rate at which glucose is released into the blood. Some things that are considered 'healthy' (such as boiled potato on it's own, pasta, on it's own, or without meat, oil or cheese) can in fact have a higher glyceamic index than things considered 'unhealthy' such as burgers, or even chocolate.

it should be noted that the above foodstuffs are also high in fat too. Foods that are high in both carbs and fats are the worst for weight gain.

For those who advocate meat-based diets

High protein diets are often associated with being lean. There are so many theories out there it's difficult to know what to believe. First; some argue that protein supresses the hunger hormone ghrelin. The again others argue that HIGH FIBRE diets also help you to stay full for longer. I personally think that there is truth in both these arguments, though much research has yet to be done.

As for Winston; I think a significant part of the problem could well be sugar. You'd be surprised as to how much there is in much industrially-produced food. Meat and animal based products are DEFINITELY NOT the main sources of weight gain in many people today.

I definitely won't rule out sugar. Just have a google around, or a look at the packaging on many foods. It really is pretty surprising how much there is in the typical western diet.
I don't think sugar is the main culprit. It's still fats. The problem is a lot of things people associate as a "carb" food are actually very high in fat, and usually have about half of their calories as fats. Cake for example, probably half the calories in a slice of cake are from the oil. This gets even more extreme when people start eating snack foods like cookies and chips. Take for instance even an Oreo cookie. 7g fat per 3 cookies. 7g fat is equal to 63 calories. Yes, the cookies have 25g carbs, but 25g carbs is only equal to 100 calories. In this way alone, a higher carb diet, I would say even WITH sugars, is more ideal just from a caloric point of view, as you can eat more grams of food for less calories. Even things like say, ramen noodles, they're fried and get half their calories from fats. So people villainize "carb" foods that actually by volume are get a high percent of their calories from fats.

Carbs also have a very hard time turning into fat. It's biologically very rare for it to occur in humans. The process is called de novo lipogenesis, and for most people you need to be eating about 700+g carbs per day with no physical activity. And yes, carbs will raise insulin levels, but since the carbs themselves have such a hard time turning into fat (this process requires energy) the insulin generally only pushes triglycerides into fat cells, and most triglycerides are from fats you eat in food.

The only exception to these "rules" so to speak is fructose. Fructose is strangely actually very low on the glycemic index, and does not trigger much of an insulin spike. However fructose generally does not go to skeletal muscle glycogen like glucose does and instead goes straight to the liver and fills its glycogen stores up. This is why you get a "sugar rush" or "sugar high" after eating something sugary. The liver glycogen is what replenishes the brain's glycogen stores and your central nervous system. However, the liver can only hold a relatively small amount of glycogen, and the liver is where de novo lipogenesis occurs. So in that light, eating too much fructose is the one exception to carbs being very hard to turn into fat.

But higher carbs is the way to go, even from a simple hunger/satiety perspective because of calories. A cup of cooked rice has about 200 calories. So for a 2000 calorie a day diet, you'd need 10 cups of rice. Most people would have a hard time eating 10 cups of rice. For comparison for fats, two tablespoons of peanut butter is 200 calories. If you were to get all your calories from peanut butter, you'd have only a little over a cup of food to eat. Compared to rice, you'd have to eat over half a gallon of food.
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Gif image of Winston eating popcorn. LOL (Repatriate will love this one)

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Re: Winston, you're fat because you're a vegetarian

Post by Winston »

Great news!

I just stepped on the weight scale and noticed that since coming to Taiwan, I've lost 10 pounds! I now weigh 170 lbs, or 78 kg. When I was in Vegas I weighed about 180 lbs. So that's 10 pounds reduced!

My parents have been feeding me only healthy vegetarian food with low carbs and no sugar. So it's helped a lot. I also feel lighter when I walk and my stomach feels somewhat smaller and flatter too!

Hurray. We should all celebrate with some delicious high sugar cake! lol j/k.
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Re: Winston, you're fat because you're a vegetarian

Post by momopi »

Winston wrote:Great news!
I just stepped on the weight scale and noticed that since coming to Taiwan, I've lost 10 pounds! I now weigh 170 lbs, or 78 kg. When I was in Vegas I weighed about 180 lbs. So that's 10 pounds reduced!
My parents have been feeding me only healthy vegetarian food with low carbs and no sugar. So it's helped a lot. I also feel lighter when I walk and my stomach feels somewhat smaller and flatter too!
Hurray. We should all celebrate with some delicious high sugar cake! lol j/k.

Try mushroom hot pot with shirataki/konnyaku noodles, veggies, lotus root, tofu, etc.

You don't need to cross post this like 3 times...
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Re: Winston, you're fat because you're vegetarian

Post by Winston »

Actually there is a more logical reason I'm fat than being a vegetarian. I've just discovered it. The medical industry admits to it too. See here:

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Re: Winston, you're fat because you're vegetarian

Post by Winston »

You forget a few things:

1. Vegetarians live longer on average than meat eaters. Many studies show this. Yes and that's true even if the oldest people in the world are not vegetarians. The pattern is still there.

2. Vegetarians do not get heart disease and blocked arteries like meat eaters do. Even my friend Rock, who is healthy, works out, in shape and lean, and eats high protein meat everyday, now has heart artery blockage problems and is going back to Taiwan to get surgery to help unclog his arteries. Apparently, even he wasn't aware that this is only a problem for meat eaters. Vegetarians don't get this problem.

3. Being vegetarian raises your mental and spiritual awareness level and consciousness level too. And creativity level as well. Ask any artist, painter, musician, writer, philosopher, etc. They will all tell you that their best work and creativity comes when they do not eat meat, because it allows them to access higher channels of creativity and higher dimensions for inspiration and creativity, which puts them in "the zone". Once that happens, their work becomes automatic. Creativity and new ideas flows through them, as if higher forces were channeling it from above.

Eating meat decreases all of that. When I ate meat, before 1990, I was like a typical nerdy Chinese teen - no ideas, no original thoughts, no ability to think, no ability to write any essays. I just stared at a blank paper and was clueless as to what to write, when I was a meat eater that is. But yes I was a lot thinner as well. However, that may be due to my blood pressure medication (beta blockers) too. See here: viewtopic.php?f=27&t=22790&p=323149#p323149

Mr S noticed this too. Even though he's a meat eater, he finds that as his consciousness grows and becomes closer to God and more Christ-like and less materialistic, that he has less desire to eat meat, because eating meat is not in accord with higher states of consciousness. So being vegetarian is better for a spiritual path for sure, as well as a philosopher's path and writer's path, and for mental and spiritual clarity too.

Hope you guys consider all that.
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Re: Winston, you're fat because you're vegetarian

Post by onethousandknives »

Winston wrote:
March 27th, 2019, 5:54 am
You forget a few things:

1. Vegetarians live longer on average than meat eaters. Many studies show this. Yes and that's true even if the oldest people in the world are not vegetarians. The pattern is still there.

2. Vegetarians do not get heart disease and blocked arteries like meat eaters do. Even my friend Rock, who is healthy, works out, in shape and lean, and eats high protein meat everyday, now has heart artery blockage problems and is going back to Taiwan to get surgery to help unclog his arteries. Apparently, even he wasn't aware that this is only a problem for meat eaters. Vegetarians don't get this problem.

3. Being vegetarian raises your mental and spiritual awareness level and consciousness level too. And creativity level as well. Ask any artist, painter, musician, writer, philosopher, etc. They will all tell you that their best work and creativity comes when they do not eat meat, because it allows them to access higher channels of creativity and higher dimensions for inspiration and creativity, which puts them in "the zone". Once that happens, their work becomes automatic. Creativity and new ideas flows through them, as if higher forces were channeling it from above.

Eating meat decreases all of that. When I ate meat, before 1990, I was like a typical nerdy Chinese teen - no ideas, no original thoughts, no ability to think, no ability to write any essays. I just stared at a blank paper and was clueless as to what to write, when I was a meat eater that is. But yes I was a lot thinner as well. However, that may be due to my blood pressure medication (beta blockers) too. See here: ... 49#p323149

Mr S noticed this too. Even though he's a meat eater, he finds that as his consciousness grows and becomes closer to God and more Christ-like and less materialistic, that he has less desire to eat meat, because eating meat is not in accord with higher states of consciousness. So being vegetarian is better for a spiritual path for sure, as well as a philosopher's path and writer's path, and for mental and spiritual clarity too.

Hope you guys consider all that.
Hey, I've been fully vegetarian since January of this year. I feel a lot better emotionally and spiritually without meat in my diet. I think meat eating is sort of a blood ritual humans do, similar to Satanists/the "elites"/etc, though on the surface it seems like nothing. I think where people eating meat comes from is from this though they need to take the lifeforce of another sentient being to nourish their own lifeforce, and I think being a vegetarian forces you to rely only on God/the Source/the Universe/whatever you want to call it for that life force, which scares a lot of people.

What actually prompted me was when I was in Vietnam I'd pass by dog and cat meat restaurants, and saw how much of their relatively low salaries they spent on meat, and the health problems that clearly came from meat consumption. I also got served dog meat on my plate at a restaurant and my girlfriend took it off for me before I ate it. In my one sort of meeting with some Vietnamese doctors I sort of became acquaintances with, they laughed about how eating cats and dogs was great and how good cat tasted. There were a few Buddhist veg restaurants in Vietnam, but not nearly as many as Taiwan, so that's one other reason I liked Taiwan more. Also no dog and cat meat in TW unless you were to be very specifically searching it out, and it's illegal there with large fines. My girlfriend's family seemed especially callous and barbaric and they would actually get pet cats, raise them for a few months, and sell them for meat, though they stopped doing this a few years prior to me coming there.

So being unhappy abroad actually forced this change for me after some time of being back in the States, I just could no longer stomach meat in general. This January I went from more or less eating meat to keep harmony with other people around me, to just stopping it totally. I just feel much more at peace, have much less anxiety and general tension without it. Not that everyday is roses, but it's such a better mindstate.

If you wanna lose weight, just download the Myfitnesspal phone app, put your age, how much weight you want to lose per week, and your activity levels, and it will automatically count calories for you. You can type in "walking" select how many minutes, and it'll add those exercise calories, and most foods you can simply scan the bar codes for prepared food, but ideally home cooked food requires measuring ingredients. A lot of Taiwanese stuff you can just scan barcodes, and a lot dishes are in it already. You can lose 1kg a week easily as long as you're honest with the inputs, regardless of your diet.
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Re: Winston, you're fat because you're vegetarian

Post by flowerthief00 »

onethousandknives wrote:
October 12th, 2020, 11:08 pm
What actually prompted me was when I was in Vietnam I'd pass by dog and cat meat restaurants, and saw how much of their relatively low salaries they spent on meat, and the health problems that clearly came from meat consumption....

Multiple dog-lovers in Vietnam have told me of a time that they had a pet dog stolen and knew that their loyal friend was never coming back. Apparently there is enough demand for dog meat that you can make money pinching your neighbors' pet and shipping the unlucky pup off to the butcher.

This is the only case in which I would say that dog meat can be worse than pig meat, whenever I get asked my opinion on the eating of dogs (which I do from time to time). They are creatures of equal intelligence. If the eating of one is wrong, so must be the eating of the other.
There were a few Buddhist veg restaurants in Vietnam, but not nearly as many as Taiwan, so that's one other reason I liked Taiwan more.
I considered Taiwan as a place to live for this reason, before deciding against it because the island is so small that I know I would get bored. They do seem to have a happening veg scene over there even better than Thailand or Vietnam, MUCH better than Japan or Korea.

It was Taiwan that forced me to re-evaluate my theory that the closer geographically one gets to the source of Buddhism (or the farther away one gets from the cultures that selectively define their own interpretation of it) the more veg-friendly the culture becomes. Doesn't appear to be the case always.
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