Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen Therapy: The Miracle Cure For All Diseases?

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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by Winston »

First of all, no of course I didn't talk to thousands of people who used hydrogen peroxide therapy. But even if I did, I don't think you would consider that to be any evidence, since you deny testimonials you don't agree with. So that's a pointless question. I told you their testimonials are online and made public. I posted so many links to them already.

I also posted some video testimonials from asian guys, black guys and white guys who are very down to earth and testify to reaping health benefits from hydrogen peroxide therapy. Did you watch them? I posted them in the first and second pages of this thread. They sound honest, credible and down to earth. Dismissing them doesn't change that or erase their existence, if you think it does then you are delusional, not realistic or rational.

Moreover, in the first few posts of this thread, CJ and onethousandsknives also testified to receiving health benefits from this. Did you see that? So we have testimonials from HA forum members as well.

Are you taking all this into account? Hello!

Secondly, your argument and comparison with Raid bug spray is HORRIBLE!!!!!!! Come on dude. We are NOT stupid. That is a totally 100 percent INVALID comparison.

Let me tell you something about basic biology, which you don't need to be a biologist to know. The cells of our body NEED oxygen and water to survive. It's an essential ingredient for life and for our cells. Our cells do not need Raid bug spray to survive. Duh! Find me any biologist who thinks that we need bug spray in our bodies to survive! LOL. What you smoking man?! Or MrMan?! Are you on crack or something? What you jiving about bro?! (ebonic accent)

Therefore, let's use basic logic here. If oxygen is essential for cellular survival, and we can't live without it, then when it enters our body, our cells will LOVE oxygen and embrace it. It will be UTILIZED in our body. Our body will make use of it, since oxygen is something POSITIVE, not negative. It's not a pollutant. The immune system is not going to flush out oxygen or attack it, since it's something our body thrives on and feeds off of. Make sense?

Therefore, when you drink oxygen, it's gonna be used by your cells, regardless of whether it enters the bloodstream directly or not. Either way, your body will utilize it. Your body is not stupid like you are MrMan. It's not gonna throw away something beneficial or essential. Your body is smarter than you MrMan. LOL

In contrast, if you inhaled Raid bug spray, of course your body is going to flush it out. It's a pollutant and toxin, designed to kill bugs, so of course your body will not like it or digest it. Your immune system is gonna attack it and flush it out. Duh. What do you expect? Again, your body's cells and immune system are not stupid like you are MrMan. LOL

Let me ask you this: When you drink water, where does all that water go? Does 100 percent of it go to becoming urine? I don't think so. I'm sure we've all known that we ingest more water than we urinate. Obviously the body must use some of the water to replenish the water in the body needed by the cells to survive, especially if one is dehydrated. The body isn't stupid you know.

Btw, doctors do not warn against drinking hydrogen peroxide as long as you dilute it properly. Even if you drank it directly without diluting it, all it would do is burn your throat and maybe stomach for a while. That would cause you pain and maybe slight injury, but it wouldn't kill you. I don't know of anyone who died from it. So it's not true that it kills. You're just making up stuff. Shame on you.

Your logic regarding "bad in large amounts = bad in small amounts" doesn't add up. Just because something is bad in large amounts doesn't mean it's bad in small amounts too. You could die from drinking too much water too, does that mean it's bad for you? You could die of heat, but that doesn't mean a little heat by the fireplace isn't good for you, or a cup of hot tea. We all know that we need a little salt in our body, but too much salt is not good. And so forth. Right? Your logic is terrible.

Btw, I don't understand this part below. How is that relevant to anything? What does it have to do with anything I said?
I've taken some Ibuprofen in the past month, which doesn't sound all that natural. But I don't normally take any kinds of pills or tablets on a regular basis except for an herbal/vitamin capsule I've been taking here recently.

Anyway, your argument presents a false dichotomy. I can just not take the pharmeceuticals, and also not drink the antiseptic used for cuts. I don't have to choose one or the other.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by Winston »

MrMan and Droid,
I found the answer to your question below. Next time, do your homework before talking out of your a**. There are science books for kids that answer these type of questions you know. BUSTED! LOL

http://explainedhealth.com/an-explanati ... your-body/
If you drink water on an empty stomach, it can pass through the stomach into the large intestine and enter your bloodstream within 5 minutes(especially if the water is colder, compared to warm!).
http://fitness.stackexchange.com/questi ... d-expelled
Water (along with most of the food nutrients that you consume) is mostly absorbed by the inner lining of the small intestine. That organ is actually quite large, with a massive inner surface area. The intestine is typically more than 6 meters long, with a diameter of 3-5cm. That means that the small intestine can not only take in a large volume of liquid, it can also absorb the liquid fairly quickly. The water and nutrients absorbed in the small intestines go directly into the bloodstream to be processed and used by the various organs.
http://ask.metafilter.com/255917/What-d ... er-I-drink
To answer part of your question, water goes from the stomach to the small intestine, which absorbs most of it and passes it into the bloodstream.

Water is needed by each of your cells. Water in the bloodstream keeps the heart and kidneys working. Water in the bloodstream is needed to carry blood cells, oxygen, and nutrients to the cells and to carry waste products from the cells and to the kidneys. The kidneys filter out from the blood the waste products that must be excreted. The water from the kidneys carries those products to the bladder and from there to the outside world.
So you see guys, most of the water you drink does GO INTO your bloodstream. This is basic knowledge. Now, if we use basic LOGIC here, we can easily deduce that if the water contains extra OXYGEN in it, which the body sees as an essential ingredient required for survival, then of course the body will absorb that oxygen into the bloodstream too, along with the water. Comprende?

Hope you guys feel foolish and embarrassed now. lol

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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by Winston »

Btw MrMan,
One more thing. Yeah someone can "feel better" due to placebo only. But something can also feel better because it IS better or because you did something that was ACTUALLY good for your body too. So don't use "placebo" to dismiss or deny anything that doesn't fit into your views. That's a total copout and intellectually lazy. Truth seekers don't do that. Anyone can deny or dismiss. It doesn't take any intelligence to that. It doesn't require smarts to be closed minded and deny everything. So I don't buy this notion of yours that if "many people benefit from a natural cure or remedy that you don't believe in" then they MUST be all wrong and it MUST be to placebo only. There is no logic behind that. It's purely emotional and dismissive. And doesn't hold water too. Denying something doesn't make it so. Words do NOT create reality.

Long ago, western medical science said that acupuncture was all due to placebo only too. But they were wrong and have admitted it. They now admit that acupuncture is real and works and have hard proof from extensive double blind MRI studies. So you see, calling something placebo doesn't make it so. Neither is dismissing it going to remove it from reality.

So try to be HUMBLE here, and OPEN-MINDED and learn to LISTEN. That's the lesson here. And it's a lesson we all need to learn. We need stop being know it alls and arrogant, which is too common among western egos.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:MrMan and Droid,
I found the answer to your question below. Next time, do your homework before talking out of your a**. There are science books for kids that answer these type of questions you know. BUSTED! LOL

Hmmm. I asked questions and asked for evidence. I'm not the one talking out of my you-know-what. Most of us went to high school and we should have learned that the small intestine absorbs nutrients. I think I learned that in elementary school. I'm not debating that. My question was about how the H2O2 being absorbed into the system means more O2 in the blood.

What you don't seem to get is that if a molecule contains a type of atom in a certain form, that atom may not be useful. NaCl is table salt. Sodium (Na) and Clorine (Cl) are both poisons. But bound together in the salt molecule, it's not a poison. It's a mineral your body needs.

In what form does our blood need oxygen? I don't know. I'd imagine it would need to be in an O2 molecule. O2 is fairly stable right? What happens if H2O2 breaks down? Does it release an O1 molecule? I seem to recall that O1 isn't that stable of a molecule. So what happens if H2O2 breaks down and releases an O1 molecule in your system? Does it bind with something else, causing damage? I don't know. If H2O2 breaks down when it comes into contact with sunlight, the inside of your body doesn't get much of that, so maybe it just stays as H2O2. In that case, you have hydrogen peroxide in your blood, not extra oxygen in a usable form.

You can get 'oxygen' by drinking water H2O2, but when they talk about oxygen in your blood, they aren't talking about water. They are probably talking about O2. How is the H2O2 supposed to turn into O2 in your blood? That's what I'm wondering. I'm reasoning based on high school chemistry here that I took over 20 years ago, so there may be a legitimate answer to my question. I seem to recall unbound O1 might be a potentially dangerous. I recall it's unstable and seeks to bind with other molecules.

Doctors may have had some success treating certain infections with H2O2 in the blood in very minute amounts. But there could be side effects. You could kill off the good bacteria in your intestine or face some other kind of effects. The medical research I looked at that you posted earlier had some old case studies. That doesn't mean there aren't any risks. Case studies naturally have a small sample size, so it's hard to see a trend in regard to how people respond to a treatment.

The links you showed in that last email don't address the issue, except for that one page, which is written by an author who doesn't seem to have any more knowledge on the subject than the posters on this forum. It's a page with ads at the bottom, probably written by someone looking to generate some ad revenue. You posted references to academic journals before, which makes more sense, and if you see a paper that answers my question about oxygen in the blood, let me know.

And if I ask for evidence and you actually presented it (and this stuff doesn't), that doesn't mean I was busted.
I want real evidence before I start drinking stuff for that is labeled for external use only in my body.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by starchild5 »

I don't think MrMan will ever loose, he has Jesus on his side :lol: :lol:

I don't think he is going to agree with anything, he has already made up his mind because its not in Bible :mrgreen:

When was the last time Mrman agreed to anything... 8)

You had me Hydrogen Peroxide...I did not need any more proof...I would just go and do it on myself and see how it goes...There is plenty of material online to atleast give it a try...Its just that ...its simple and non-jewish with peer reviewed, noble price scientist reviewed thingy...people are not believing it.

You cannot make billions with it hence the Masters of our world are not pushing for it...Even if one takes the worst case scenario with HP...it would be far less than any of the Jewish scams around.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by MrMan »

starchild5 wrote:I don't think MrMan will ever loose, he has Jesus on his side :lol: :lol:

I don't think he is going to agree with anything, he has already made up his mind because its not in Bible :mrgreen:
I wrote a post going into my scientific concerns, about the issue of whether it is possible or likely for H2O2 to turn into usable O2 in the human body, and you come back with a swipe about my religion. Maybe you don't understand my scientific concern on the issue. If you don't understand the point I made based on high school knowledge of chemistry, you shouldn't be giving out biomedical advice.
When was the last time Mrman agreed to anything... 8)
I agree with a lot of topics. The thing, is you are constantly posting fantastic conspiracy theories about aliens, Jews, elites, etc. without evidence. I point out you have no evidence. Post something normal and I might agree with it. Given your propensity to believe things fantastic, I am not going to trust your medical or nutritional advice without solid evidence.

How does the copper that is in the water in a copper vessel get turned into a usable form in the body? What are the beneficial molecules that contain copper that our bodies need? I recall even one of the sites you linked to referred to the issue of our bodies needing copper in a usable form, in the right kind of molecule.

Have you ever studied chemistry?
You had me Hydrogen Peroxide...I did not need any more proof.
It's a good thing for you that the thread is about hydrogen peroxide and not cyanide, then.
..I would just go and do it on myself and see how it goes...There is plenty of material online to atleast give it a try...Its just that ...its simple and non-jewish with peer reviewed, noble price scientist reviewed thingy...people are not believing it.
Medical science seems to be working. At least, it seems to have some positive effects. Some researchers are Jewish. Some are not. They all have to read the same journals and go through the peer-reviewed process. In some fields, multiple researchers will test a theory. That's true of the hard sciences. I am not sure about medicine, but I know one researcher could write a paper challenging anothers' claims. So if there is a Jewish conspiracy, there are checks and balances.
You cannot make billions with it hence the Masters of our world are not pushing for it...Even if one takes the worst case scenario with HP...it would be far less than any of the Jewish scams around.
Considering the size of the fines from the EU for companies allegedly forming a cartel for selling hydrogen peroxide, I'd be surprised if it is not also a billion dollar business. http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP ... ?locale=en

How do you know Jewish people don't also own stock in these companies?

I suspect there is a systemic problem in the US medical industry in which doctors are inclined to prescribe expensive drugs from big pharma instead of learning about and recommending more natural or simpler treatments. Is this a big Jewish conspiracy? I wouldn't think so, unless you count these big companies' strategies as conspiracies. It's the way the system works, and the companies making money promote it. The US creates the legal framework with IP protection. I don't think it is a conspiracy between these people to make people die. I think it's about money, but the type of decisions you could expect using economic theory assuming a profit maximization objective.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by Winston »

Youre switching sides now. Before you were questioning whether h2o2 enters the bloodstream at all. So was droid. Now you are saying that you're questioning whether the oxygen molecule in h2o2 is usable in the bloodstream or not. You definitely switched positions. Look at your prior posts earlier and you will see. Do you even realize it? If so then admit that you were wrong about h2o2 not making it into the bloodstream. Droid was wrong too.

Yes there is a difference between passive and active oxygen. Active oxygen binds with other molecules and is more powerful i heard. Oxygen molecules that are pure without other elements will seek to bind, such as o1 and o3.

Please listen to the radio interviews on YouTube with Ed McCabe. He a best selling book on the subject and answers all your questions in the podcasts. Please do this. You will learn a lot and be inspired. Its very informative.


Btw use your common sense here. Of course whatever you eat or drink will enter your bloodstream. Or at least stay somewhere in your body. Otherwise one could eat all the junk food and sweets one wants without consequence, since all the bad stuff and sugar in the junk food would be expelled from the body, according to your theory. But we all know thats not so. After all there is the saying, "you are what you eat".

If nothing you ate stayed in your blood or body then you'd die from malnutrition. Duh. Think about it. Use your common sense. There'd be no consequence in anything you ate or drank. And people who drink alcohol would never get drunk either, because as droid would say, "theres no scientific reason why alcohol would enter the bloodstream". Lol. So according to droids theory, no one can ever get drunk in his model. Lol

See how silly and foolish you two are now? Lol

Besides, like i said, oxygen is not a toxin. Its essential to life. Of course your body will keep it and use it. Your body is not stupid. It can tell the difference between a good thing and bad thing and can tell what it needs too.

Btw oxygen only kills bad bacteria, not good bacteria. Bad bacteria is anarobic and cannot survive in oxygen rich environments. But good bacteria is not anarobic. If you listened to those podcasts i posted above, and read the ebooks, you'd know that by now! Go listen to them! Geez.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by MrMan »


Have you already shown that H2O2 enters the blood as H2O2 when you drink it? When you drink cola, does the CO2 get into your blood, too, or do you burp it away. I don't know if H202 fizzes in the dark or not. It could release O1 into your system, or that O1 might bind with the lining of your stomach or intestine for all I know. If the H2O2 gets into your blood, how does it help you? How is the oxygen in H2O2 any more beneficial to you than the oxygen in H20? Do H2O2 molecules release O1, producing more stable H2O and this free oxygen molecule floating around? Does O1 help you, or does it mind with something, causing a damaging chemical reaction in the process? If H2O2 gets into your blood, does it harm anything? How much H2O2 is healthy in the blood? Does increasing H2O2 kill bacteria in the blood? It is worth the risk? Is it only worth the risk if you have a harmful bacterial infection that is not treated by antibiotics.

Have you read articles that answer any of these questions.

In general, what you eat gets absorbed by your small intestine or cast out as waste. But fizzy stuff can fizz out the gas before it gets that far. H2O2 is a little different from CO2 since it requires a chemical reaction to release an O1 molecule, and CO2 is just a dissolved gas that comes out of colas and other drinks when they are stirred. But it's still a good analogy to illustrate the point that food you eat can change before it gets to the small intestine.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by MrMan »

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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by Winston »


My hydrogen peroxide therapy is going very well. The past few days ive felt younger and more energetic. I can walk longer and faster without getting tired. Also my sleep quality is better. I wake up feeling refreshed, not groggy, and can get out of bed easily. It doesnt take me 30 or 40 min to get out of bed like it did before. Additionally i dont fart that much anymore, and i urinate less than before too. So i definitely notice some health benefits and improvements.

Im at 21 drops now of 12 percent h2o2. I gotta admit though that so much h2o2 in a glass does make my stomach feel a bit queasy and gaseous. But its not too bad. I dont feel nauseous or anything. The taste is very bleachy but tolerable.

Btw some on YouTube say that three doses of 12 percent does not equal one dosage of 35 percent. They say chemistry doesn't work that way. If it did then three doses of 35 percent would equal 105 percent of h2o2. Im not sure if thats true. But 12 percent is definitely better than nothing at least.

Btw dianne said my snoring was more quiet last night and didnt wake her up. So maybe the hydrogen peroxide has helped with that too. :)
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by droid »

^ Maybe you can add a testimonial on Amazon :P
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by Winston »

MrMan and Droid,
I found an explanation for your question about how h2o2 works in the bloodstream.

From the PDF i linked earlier above "The Truth About Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide":
When hydrogen peroxide is added to the bloodstream, it comes into contact with two important compounds: catalase and cytochrome C. If the concentration of hydrogen peroxide added to the blood is too high, the enzyme catalase quickly converts two molecules of hydrogen peroxide into two molecules of water and one molecule of diatomic oxygen (2H2O2 > 2H2O + O2). When this happens, the blood becomes more highly oxygenated (which is good), but the truly incredible benefits of hydrogen peroxide are lost.

In 1984, J.M. Wrigglesworth found that low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide formed a stable intermediate complex with cytochrome C oxidase which persisted for up to thirty minutes. This complex was not formed when higher concentrations were used. Cytochrome C oxidase holds on to hydrogen peroxide long enough to enable it to find its way to nearly every corner of the body where hydrogen peroxide can then begin to work its wonders.

(J.M. Wrigglesworth, “Formation and Reduction of a ‘Peroxy’ Intermediate of Cytochrome C. Oxidase by Hydrogen Peroxide”, Biochem J.,1984, 217, pages 715-719)
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by droid »

^That's pretty good Winston, but it assumes the h2o2 makes it to the blood in the first place and in the right proportion, my argument is that it gets broken down into H2O and O2 in your mouth and stomach before it gets a chance to do that, since it quickly attacks tissues.
And you probably get a ton more O2 in your gut when breathing and eating than from the peroxide anyway, considering the volumes involved.

Still worth looking at that 'Cytichrome C. Oxidase' aspect you quoted though.
Last edited by droid on March 26th, 2017, 1:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by MrMan »

I'm glad to hear you are farting less, Winston. Maybe your treatment will benefit your social life. :D I wonder if some of the H202 makes it down the track a good ways and kills off the bacteria. Are you eating yogurt or raw pickles (including kimchi or kraut) to replenish the bacteria, just in case?
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide/Oxygen: The Miracle Cure For All Disea

Post by Moretorque »

MrMan wrote:I'm glad to hear you are farting less, Winston. Maybe your treatment will benefit your social life. :D I wonder if some of the H202 makes it down the track a good ways and kills off the bacteria. Are you eating yogurt or raw pickles (including kimchi or kraut) to replenish the bacteria, just in case?
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