Percentage of freaks increasing?

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Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Cornfed »

I'm wondering whether the percentage of people who are freaks in Western society is increasing. Here I am talking about people who are genuine physical freaks, and not just freaks because they are stupid dysgenics. In a given week I can see people with deformities that in the past I would expect to see about once in a lifetime. For example, last week I saw a girl with lobster-like claws instead of hands and feet and a woman without a neck (I didn't think it was possible to live without a neck). Has anyone else noticed this, and if so, what might be causing it? Toxins in everything, high maternal age, drug use by mothers and accumulated dysgenia as a result of low infant mortality perhaps?
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Cornfed »

MarcosZeitola wrote:Natural selection is, largely, dead these days in the Western world. In Africa, the Middle East and many other less-developed countries around the world, such people would not live to see adulthood because they aren't given the same priority as other people. In China, especially because of their one-child policy, the children that are given up for adoption and end up in orphanages are almost all handicapped in some way. That's why, if you look at a Western couple adopting a Chinese kid in the last 15 years or so, there almost always is something physically wrong with them. Said crippled Chinese kid then has some more crippled kids in America, whereas the Chinese race back home stays fit as a fiddle. Other countries are no different; I read that in Armenia, only 2% of children with Down's Syndrome grow up with their families.

It is only in the Western world that people who would not make it in the world, live to a ripe old age and usually get to reproduce. Advanced maternal age, as you mentioned, probably plays a major role too.
Wow, a good, sensible post from you. Good on you.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by starchild5 »

When I was in Germany I saw this as well. Lots of people with abnormal body shape and deformities. I saw even immigrants, non-whites having some form of abnormality than I have seen in Philippines and India combined.

Especially with regards to legs. Lots of people have issues with their legs and the way they walk is very deformed like. Even immigrants especially Turkish people have this. My landlord daughter was retarded as well.

In Philippines people walk straight and healthy. In Germany, people have awkward walking styles due to weak leg. I think its GMOs, Chemicals, Chem trails.....After few weeks, even I started having pain in my legs.

I'm talking about folks who encounter in your daily life. I sure saw lots of abnormalities in Germany to take a Notice of it. Never saw it in Philippines.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Luc Furr »

starchild5 wrote:When I was in Germany I saw this as well. Lots of people with abnormal body shape and deformities. I saw even immigrants, non-whites having some form of abnormality than I have seen in Philippines and India combined.

Especially with regards to legs. Lots of people have issues with their legs and the way they walk is very deformed like. Even immigrants especially Turkish people have this. My landlord daughter was retarded as well.

In Philippines people walk straight and healthy. In Germany, people have awkward walking styles due to weak leg. I think its GMOs, Chemicals, Chem trails.....After few weeks, even I started having pain in my legs.

I'm talking about folks who encounter in your daily life. I sure saw lots of abnormalities in Germany to take a Notice of it. Never saw it in Philippines.
Yeah, when I was in Germany I noticed them too. Interesting, how perceptions differ. I did not see them as abnormal. I saw them as fantastic.
Different types of people in Europe is nothing new, big, small, weak, strong, dull, brilliant.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Cornfed »

Much like the issue of overpopulation, it is an interesting issue as to how you would prevent this kind of incremental dysgenia if you were the benevolent dictator of the world.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Cornfed »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
Cornfed wrote:Much like the issue of overpopulation, it is an interesting issue as to how you would prevent this kind of incremental dysgenia if you were the benevolent dictator of the world.
A futile mental exercize; we are not benevolent dictators of the world. All we have control over is our own lives and what we do with our own genes, what others do with theirs we have no say over.
True, but it is possible that we will be tasked with giving guidance on how to structure a functional society to the clueless and dazed survivors of the collapse of civilization in our own little areas sooner than we might think, so it might pay to consider such issues.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Cornfed »

MarcosZeitola wrote:The only way to prevent them from re-occuring is to what the ancient Spartans did: toss deformed babies over the wall. Of course we're speaking purely hypothetical here.
Yeah, it is like evil Western regimes do the opposite. They have young females murder their healthy offspring inside their young, healthy wombs, and then when the females are old toxin and disease ridden crones they carry various kinds of freaks to term who then become pits for enormous amounts of resources.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Jester »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
starchild5 wrote:Even immigrants especially Turkish people have this. My landlord daughter was retarded as well.
Turks, and Maroccans, that arrive from the rural areas of their countries to become cheap laborers in the West, typically are very traditional in their beliefs. Cousins marrying are very common. As a result, retardation and birth defects are more common among these people, the same way as it is more common with Amish and Orthodox Jews who have similar incestuous practices. Their lifestyles change when they move to Germany, but their culture remains largely the same and as a result, so does their choice of partner. Retardation, as I have noticed, is therefore quite common among Turks in the West, who are often even more desperate to find a partner who is similar to them as they are back in Turkey, as a ways of maintaining their identity.
I knew a Jew who had studied this and he said it was TRIBAL inbreeding rather than incest that was the problem with Tay Sachs disease etc.

His point at the time was that the Biblical prohibition against incest functioned to make families safe for kids to be kids. Preventing disease was not the point.

So anyway yeah a little cross-breeding seems to be a good thing.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Jester »

Cornfed wrote:
MarcosZeitola wrote:The only way to prevent them from re-occuring is to what the ancient Spartans did: toss deformed babies over the wall. Of course we're speaking purely hypothetical here.
Yeah, it is like evil Western regimes do the opposite. They have young females murder their healthy offspring inside their young, healthy wombs, and then when the females are old toxin and disease ridden crones they carry various kinds of freaks to term who then become pits for enormous amounts of resources.

Ive never seen this point made before
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Jester »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
I think we can all agree the Western world as of right now, is f***ed up. Probably beyond repair. What matters now is what we do with our own lives. I wish we could transform society somehow, I wish we could guide people in the right direction, but at the end of the day it's all just wishful thinking isn't it? There are places where you can find young and willing women, the type of young healthy wombs you are looking for. Or ought to be looking for. Find them and spread your seed, before it is too late.

The best thing one can do to ensure a health(ier) future, is by raising a healthy family. Because for every healthy man and woman who don't, there's a dozen unhealthy ones that do. Failing to do that, is failing to help the human race. If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.

Close the thread.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Luc Furr »

Are you sure you know WHO is valuable and WHO is not?
Sparta is long gone because it was not fit for survival.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by MrMan »

I'm not seeing it. Do you live in an area where people's family trees don't fork? Do you live near a nuclear power plant?
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Moretorque »

Cornfed wrote:
MarcosZeitola wrote:The only way to prevent them from re-occuring is to what the ancient Spartans did: toss deformed babies over the wall. Of course we're speaking purely hypothetical here.
Yeah, it is like evil Western regimes do the opposite. They have young females murder their healthy offspring inside their young, healthy wombs, and then when the females are old toxin and disease ridden crones they carry various kinds of freaks to term who then become pits for enormous amounts of resources.
Cornfed I was watching a show and some of the black tribes in Africa had a hole ready filled with water to instantly drown a new born if there was something wrong with it upon being squirted out into this world. So maybe our ancestors have more sense than modern Europeans in this regard?

Not everybody can be perfect such as yourself but we are striving. :D
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Moretorque »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
Cornfed wrote:Yeah, it is like evil Western regimes do the opposite. They have young females murder their healthy offspring inside their young, healthy wombs, and then when the females are old toxin and disease ridden crones they carry various kinds of freaks to term who then become pits for enormous amounts of resources.
I think we can all agree the Western world as of right now, is f***ed up. Probably beyond repair. What matters now is what we do with our own lives. I wish we could transform society somehow, I wish we could guide people in the right direction, but at the end of the day it's all just wishful thinking isn't it? There are places where you can find young and willing women, the type of young healthy wombs you are looking for. Or ought to be looking for. Find them and spread your seed, before it is too late.

The best thing one can do to ensure a health(ier) future, is by raising a healthy family. Because for every healthy man and woman who don't, there's a dozen unhealthy ones that do. Failing to do that, is failing to help the human race. If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.
The real solution is not to bring more children here to suffer on this planet, man has screwed it up ecologically speaking and it is coming home to roost bad on the generation arriving now. I am all about healthy families and children but that time has passed. The people who bring our kids here and don't want them fu ck them and the people who do want families to love.

Just look what is going on at Fukushima to get an idea of how much of a mess things are turning out to be for future generations.
Last edited by Moretorque on February 19th, 2015, 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Percentage of freaks increasing?

Post by Moretorque »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
Moretorque wrote:The real solution is not to bring more children here to suffer on this planet, man has screwed it up ecologically speaking and it is coming home to roost bad on the generation arriving now. I am all about healthy families and children but that time has passed. The people who bring our kids here and don't want them fu ck them and the people who do want families to love.
Gotta explain this logic to me... the people who don't want children but have them anyway f**k over the planet, you say. You seem to imply it's okay to have children if you desire to have them and love your children... but at the same time you are saying we shouldn't bring any children into the world? Lots of mixed signals in one post.
Look your a Christian supposedly, you have to decide weather it is right to bring a child here with a mass extinction ramped up and accelerating. They tell you in the bible, Adam I have given you everything you need for perpetual generation and that is coming to a end. Now after a full blown mass extinction runs it's course it will be hell on earth for our offspring. They told us you cannot eat freely of the midst in the center of the garden. IT'S MOTHERS TWAT

Our world looks like this from over picking the fruit in the center of the garden and then the arrival of the child is a after thought, yes most males think with their peters and the children of this world suffer. You see that is what mother does she will multiply thee.

If you want to bring children here because you truly want them that is good but to create a life from not being able to control your man hood then not standing up to the plate to be the father is very very bad and it is more than likely going to cost us our world. Over 60% of children just here in the USA are unplanned pregnancies.

When you pray the bible is a real story you do not understand what you are praying for, father wrote the good book to play to our ego so the boy would haul it through time with himself. Just look at the problems that stupid thing has caused and is being used to start WW3 right now.

The Christer's are so dumb our rulers may be able to pull this off.
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