Bobby Fischer: Chess Champion turned Anti-American/Anti-Semite

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Bobby Fischer: Chess Champion turned Anti-American/Anti-Semite

Post by Winston »

Did you know this famous world chess champion, Bobby Fischer, also believed in a Zionist conspiracy?

Bobby Fischer documentary

Part 1 of 5:

Bobby Fischer biography

Part 1 of 5:

Last edited by Winston on October 11th, 2012, 4:42 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

I just finished watching those documentaries about Bobby Fischer. Apparently, after he won the World Chess Championship in 1972 against the Russians, he was offered millions to appear in public events. He could have had it all. But instead, he became a recluse and become paranoid and insane. Why is that? Why would a genius like that give up everything?

Also, I've played chess with a lot of people and find that insane/eccentric/unstable types usually suck and make a lot of illogical moves and blunders that make them easy to defeat. So if he was mad, how could he have been a world champion chess player? That's odd.

Here in this interview, Bobby Fischer talks about how US guards in Tokyo purposely imprisoned him next to nuclear power plants to try to poison him with radiation, which may have caused his death. Apparently, he believed in conspiracies too. Psychologists today say that he probably had Asperger's Syndrome.

After his release:

Last edited by Winston on October 19th, 2011, 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Winston »

Check out world chess champion Bobby Fischer's anti-American and anti-Jew rants in these interviews below, which were done during the last years of his life when he had allegedly gone insane and paranoid. They were done on a radio show in the Philippines. He made many trips to the Philippines for some reason. I have no idea why though. Wouldn't he feel totally out of place in a country with an IQ of 86 while his was 180? Wouldn't he get sick of being surrounded by retards he had nothing in common with? Plus he was a perfectionist who was bothered by the smallest things, so wouldn't it have driven him crazy to be in a country where things are inefficient and low quality?

Warning: Extreme

His anti-Jew rants. Warning: Extreme

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Post by Winston »

Check this out. Bobby Fischer had a girlfriend in the Philippines. Isn't that crazy? What would a guy with an IQ of 180 have in common with a simple Filipina? lol And after he died, she tried to claim that her daughter was his, in order to try to inherit his $2 million estate. But if you look at the photo of her daughter below, next to Bobby Fischer, she doesn't even look half-white. So what kind of vain attempt is that?


Look how plain she looks too.


She claims that he wrote her daughter Jinky postcards and signed them as "Dad", which you can see images of at the link above. I wonder if she forged them or not. Would a super genius like Bobby Fischer be dumb enough to think that she was his daughter when she looked nothing like him? Or were these postcards forgeries?

Eventually, they did a DNA test and found out that this Filipina girl Jinky was not his daughter after all. See news report below. ... his-daugh/

Can you imagine Bobby Fischer having a daughter with a Filipina? What kind of IQ would she have, when one parent has an IQ of 180 while the other has 86?

Why would he want to partner up with an animal like her anyway? What would they have in common? Wouldn't a perfectionist bothered by little things, as he was, be driven crazy in the Philippines?

It does seem that eccentric types of people are drawn to the Philippines for some reason.
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Post by Winston »

Here is what a former mental health counselor who is fascinated by mad geniuses told me about Bobby Fischer and his take on him.

Hey Winston,

Thanks for the Bobby Fischer info. I watched a documentary on him on HBO a couple of months ago and he has recently, for whatever reasons, been in the news lately. I know he was great friends with a Filipino grandmaster and lived in Baguio for a couple of years where he was introduced to the woman who claimed to bear his daughter. He also had a Japanese wife so maybe he just had a yen, no pun intended, for Asian women. Let me address some of the things you mentioned on your forum postings:

---You wonder why Fischer, a genius with an I.Q. of 180, would marry a Pinay (average IQ 86). First, we don't know if this Pinay was an exception. I have some Pinay friends who have IQ's (I would estimate) in the 150 range or so and are as bright as anyone I know. Second, not all men care all that much about the I.Q.'s or conversational abilities of the women they are with. One of my best friends, for example, is a very well-read and intelligent guy who is "married" to a Thai woman and I always find it amusing to watch them together on the beach as he reads Dostoyevsky and she is reading a comic book. She is not stupid, by any means, but lacks even a high school education whereas my friend is a worldly sophisticate--the sort that can name the composer and tune of any piece of classical music he hears and who has read most of the world's great writing, fiction and otherwise and was educated in some of America's finest schools. He looks for beauty, above all else, and couldn't give a shit whether the woman has any intellectual firepower.

--There are many strange things about Fischer, ranging from his time in the Worldwide Church of God ( a religious cult) to his being an anti-Semitic Jew. From what I have been able to gather, Fischer had a very strange childhood, was abandoned by his father at an early age and eventually abandoned by his mother as a teenager when she went to Europe to study. His lived, ate and breathed chess and apparently all of his considerable intellectual talents went into the study of the game. By no means did he have anything approaching a "normal" or balanced life and my guess is that this early imbalance and real sense of abandonment led, eventually, to his bizarre beliefs and behaviors.

After Fischer had won the world chess championship I think it was only then that he began thinking about other things and having had little guidance as a child in anything other than chess, his mind led him to embrace some very strange belief systems. It is pretty rare for a man with an I.Q. of 180 to be a fundamental Christian, also, though not unheard of--even Newton was an ardent believer in God.

Fischer's anti-Semitism is a bit more complicated, I think, and the facile answer to give is that it stems from rejection of the parents who abandoned him. This is an easy explanation and might be too easy. I think during our consult I mentioned to you that most geniuses actually have led pretty stable and well-adjusted lives, but there are aberrations and Fischer may just be one of them. Genius does not mitigate against having mental illness or bizarre beliefs so one cannot automatically assume that because a person has an I.Q. of 180 that they will always have sound opinions or be mentally stable. It could be that Fischer suffered from paranoid delusions--certainly his increasingly strange behavior as he grew older could be used to argue that fact. It appears to me, too, that aside from having his identity in chess, he was also seeking an identity outside of chess and it appears he was drawn to groups with extremist positions, e.g., Worldwide Church of God, Anti-Semites, etc. One can only speculate here as to why he was drawn to a fundamental Christian sect? Perhaps since he was a natural outsider in any community, he was drawn to groups comprising other outsiders and those who go very much against the grain of mainstream society--which both these groups do.

In sum, I think a lot of Fischer's late-life bizarre behavior stems from his childhood--an imbalanced childhood which was consumed by his love of chess and devotion to it above anything else, coupled with his abandonment by his parents which probably created an intense anger which he channeled into his racial self-hatred. Hatred within a racial group is not an uncommon thing and, as you well-know, there are multitudinous examples of this. Howard University, for example, which H. L. Mencken once dubbed the "Etiopp Sorbonne," used to use the "brown paper bag test" and any black student having skin color darker than a typical grocery bag was usually denied admission. In New Orleans, a very racially diverse city, there were bars for quadroons, octaroons, etc. and blacks not amongst these groups were denied admission to these bars and were also looked down upon as inferior, stupid and further down on the racial totem pole. Since most of Fisher's energies up until around age 30 were given over to becoming world chess champion, I don't think he spent a lot of time pondering other issues about his life, the world, etc., thus making him a very unusual person to say the least.
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Post by fschmidt »

That letter from the former mental health counselor shows why one should avoid mental health professionals who understand nothing. I think I have some understanding of Bobby Fischer. All the people I knew at the top of the IQ scale were destroyed by America. One went crazy. America is a terrible country for bright people. Like Fischer, I grew up around liberal Jews and I hate them. Growing up around liberal Jews and being Jewish oneself gives one a feeling of betrayal. I am sure this is the emotional reason for Fischer's antisemitism. But he never deals with the issue that he himself is ethnically Jewish, and this points to some kind of denial or craziness in his mind. He took well justified emotions, hatred of America and of liberal Jews, and extended this into a worldview. There is no indication that he ever studied Jewish history or learned about other forms of Judaism like the Orthodox.

I completely rejected Judaism when I was younger because all I knew was liberal Judaism which is truly evil. But there is more to Judaism than this, there are good parts of Judaism. I also hate America, as Fischer did. But I can find no redeeming pockets of modern American culture, so unlike Judaism, I do have a general hatred of America.
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Post by MrPeabody »

The therapist is just stating his own values and opinions and passing it off as “expert� knowledge. He assumes Fisher’s beliefs are absurd (they are certainly to the therapist) and then goes on to give one of the standard cut-and-past explanations of how the trauma happened in childhood. You now know what will happen to you if you go to a therapist. You will come out even more angry because you are talking to an insensitive lout who is trying to form one of his silly theories and doesn’t spend anytime seriously listening to what you are saying. His underlying psychological theories assume that it's the individual that is maladaptive and the possibility that the noxious surrounding culture is the problem, is never considered. He is basically being paid to baby sit people by the insurance companies so doesn’t need to say anything that is actually true and there are consequences if it isn’t.

As I get older, I value people who are basically good, more than I value intelligence. Maybe Fischer was with her because she was a good person.
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Post by Winston »

Actually, he was a crisis counselor, and he is a freethinker and part of this movement too. So he is not a typical mental health counselor that thinks within the system. His observations are usually very sound, wise and down to earth.

For example, he told me this:

Thanks for the Steve Hoca link. I will listen to the interview. I've been harping about American women for years now and your site and interviews like this are just further validation of my experiences here, and I know all too sadly that I am not alone. Many American men go through various hells every day. I understand from your own recent writings re: Angeles that other than achieving some inner quiescence, there really is no perfect place and it is probably best for some spirits to flit between worlds to achieve a precarious balance., sort of like Ladislav's concept of "quilting" your worlds. As an example, you are in Angeles which probably was p***y paradise when you came so it blinded you a bit to the many negatives of the place, such as its unhealthy environment, prevalence of many jaded and scabrous mongers, paucity of decent vegetarian restaurants, ad infinitum. On the other hand, it can be an ideal place for someone like me who is coming there for ten days to f**k a lot of women and does not plan to settle down there. It sounds like you are in your own process of finding your balance and perhaps living in either a bit healthier area of Phils. part of the time or dividing your time between countries. Finding the balance is hard, admittedly, though I think it is crucial for having any sort of fulfilling life (to the extent such a notion is realistic, anyway). One thing that amazes me is why more American men do not go crazy over their forced suppression of the sex drive here. It amazes me that men are expected to go for years here without sex or companionship or even human touch and this is considered normal. It is a testament to the conformity and sheep-like mentality of most people.
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Post by odbo »

Bobby Fischer with Ferdinand Marcos @ 2:20

Must of been amazing to visit Japan in the 70s
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Post by momopi »

Winston wrote: Can you imagine Bobby Fischer having a daughter with a Filipina? What kind of IQ would she have, when one parent has an IQ of 180 while the other has 86?
Why would he want to partner up with an animal like her anyway? What would they have in common? Wouldn't a perfectionist bothered by little things, as he was, be driven crazy in the Philippines?
How do you view your son?
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Post by Winston »

momopi wrote:
Winston wrote: Can you imagine Bobby Fischer having a daughter with a Filipina? What kind of IQ would she have, when one parent has an IQ of 180 while the other has 86?
Why would he want to partner up with an animal like her anyway? What would they have in common? Wouldn't a perfectionist bothered by little things, as he was, be driven crazy in the Philippines?
How do you view your son?
Well no comment. But Filipinos aren't exactly the best race to breed with.

Can I ask you a question? How would you feel if your son was half-Filipino? Do you dare to answer such a taboo question?
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Post by Jester »

MrPeabody wrote: As I get older, I value people who are basically good, more than I value intelligence. Maybe Fischer was with her because she was a good person.
That's how I feel.
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Post by Jester »

Winston wrote:Check this out. Bobby Fischer had a girlfriend in the Philippines. Isn't that crazy? What would a guy with an IQ of 180 have in common with a simple Filipina? lol..........

Can you imagine Bobby Fischer having a daughter with a Filipina? What kind of IQ would she have, when one parent has an IQ of 180 while the other has 86?

Why would he want to partner up with an animal like her anyway? What would they have in common? Wouldn't a perfectionist bothered by little things, as he was, be driven crazy in the Philippines?
I know at least one lonely, love-starved intellectual egghead who has pondered thay very question.

Winston wrote: It does seem that eccentric types of people are drawn to the Philippines for some reason.
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Re: Bobby Fischer: Chess Champion turned Anti-American/Anti-Semite

Post by Winston »

Mental health expert evaluates Bobby Fischer's mental health.

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Re: Bobby Fischer: Chess Champion turned Anti-American/Anti-Semite

Post by TruthSeeker »

I saw one video with BF saying he didn't like chess. He said it's just a game that anyone could invent. He said 10,000 of these games can be invented with different rules.

Is there any evidence he may have been taken out for his anti-Israel statements?
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