Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

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Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Lucas88 »

Certain guys on this forum such as @WilliamSmith and myself make no secret of our desire to sleep with a variety of hot mamacitas even if this is seen as "degenerate" by the tradcon types and the strict monogamists such as @Outcast9428 and @MrMan. I know that I myself have an adventurous spirit and a voracious sexual appetite and am too attracted to multiple distinct phenotypes (e.g., thick brown-skinned Latinas with big butts, thick Mulatas with even bigger butts, thick chinitas with big butts and oriental/indigenous features, etc.) to be satisfied with a single girl. On top of that I tend to find relationships somewhat boring to say the least and even find them restrictive and suffocating. At this point I don't consider myself suitable for a relationship or marriage. I'm just too wild and untamable for that shit.

A hunter needs strategies for the hunt. Not a single strategy is right for everybody. Every hunter must discover which strategies are right for him. WilliamSmith who stands at 6'2", is endowed with natural blond hair and blue eyes, has studied the game for decades and obsessively lifts weights like an 80s action hero seems to be an accomplished pussyslayer at this point in his life. From what he's written it's clear that he's enjoying great success in the US chasing his beloved Black ladies with curves and big phat asses. However, for those of us who are a bit on the nerdy side, are too autistic for the societies that we live in or otherwise suck with women, things might be a little more difficult. We've gotta think more outside the box and come up with more detailed strategies to enjoy the great female treat that is sugar for our coffee.

This thread is of utmost practicality. Here I would like us to discuss various sexual strategies for non-monogamous men who like to enjoy an abundance and varied assortment of poontang pie!

Here are some of those which I have thought of:

Location Hacking

This strategy obviously reflects the whole philosophy of this website and movement but it's always worth revisiting the fundamentals. Location hacking, as I've chosen to call it here, consists of relocating either temporarily or permanently to another country or region in which we have access to women of higher quality than those of our respective homelands and in which we ourselves are also perceived as exotic and attractive to a large part of the women there. The purpose of this strategy is to give us a substantial edge in the local dating market.

The target location that we choose will largely depend upon our own ethnicity and phenotype. A White guy from Europe or North America will be perceived as exotic and attractive in Latin America and certain parts of Asia but a Black dude might not necessarily receive the same level of attention in those regions. A Black dude would probably do better in certain Northern European countries where Black guys are somewhat idealized among a significant subset of the White female population. East Asian guys like @Winston seem to be well liked in SEA countries where the Chinese have a presence as an elite business class and are therefore seen as having high status. Every guy must do his own research and find out where men of his race are considered the most desirable.

I have experience with this strategy in Latin America. I'm pretty much invisible to females in my home country of the UK but in places like Peru and Mexico I was frequently oggled and even approached by local women who perceived me as exotic and desirable by virtue of my blue eyes and Caucasian features. It is just so much easier to get girls when you are considered the prize and girls chase you. Don't listen to the haters. Not all of the local women in Latin America are after a green card and a free journey to Europe or the US. Many of them find European men attractive and just want a raunchy bonk with the first decent-looking exotic Caucasian guy they find since it is often one of their fantasies. Location hacking can get good results for an average guy. He can go from being most girls' afterthought to being a desired stud or at least somewhat above average.

This strategy can require certain sacrifices and effort though. Nothing is really free. In order to be optimally effective you often have to have a decent level of language proficency. Knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese goes a long way in Hispano-American countries and Brazil. You also have to be willing to adapt to another culture and step out of your comfort zone. Some of these countries are chaotic and have low levels of security and resemble the Wild West. You've gotta have an adventurous soul and be able to put up with the challanges of thirdworld life.

Racial Hierachy Reevaluation

This strategy can be used in conjunction with the first one or can be used alone in one's home country and consists of going after women of races and ethnic groups which are considered "low status" by the mainstream. Now I'm not saying that I agree with such racist notions of certain groups of women being of low status due to their race or ethnicity. I personally find some groups of women unfortunately designated as "unattractive" by the mainstream extremely attractive. I love many curvaceous Black women and Mulatas regardless of how most other White guys view them.

In Latin America darker-skinned Latinas and especially Mulatas are considered low status. The same thing goes for women with strong indigenous features. But the mainstream's beauty ideals don't mean anything to me. I'm happy to go with Mulatas and women with strong indigenous features. In fact my Peruvian girlfriend who I met in Spain was of Aimara descent and almost looked Asian to some people. Usually such "less desirable" women will be more receptive to a foreign man perceived as high status than the lighter-skinned women who are idealized by Latin American societies and often form part of the social elite. Moreover the local men won't understand why a Caucasian guy would even go with such women and are unlikely to be jealous or become violent towards us as a result.

Some people who have imbibed the mainstream's implicit racial hierarchies and beauty ideals will assume that we are simply settling for females of low status and undesirable phenotypes but I don't see it like that at all. I don't even recognize such artificial constructs as valid in the first place nor do I subscribe to a Eurocentric aesthetic ideal. In fact I don't even find White women attractive at all and only date women with complexions ranging from light brown to black. I also prefer more mixed Latin American facial features with either an Asianesque indigenous touch or a bit of an African look. Since I genuinely find beauty in many of the women who are seen as ordinary or even undesirable by the mainstream this stategy of racial hierarchy reevaluation favors me and other men who see things the same way.

Gym Maxxing

I don't want to use an incel term but the name expresses this particular strategy succinctly. For me getting into phenomenal shape through weight training or other forms of physical exercise such as MMA is perhaps the best way to make ourselves attractive to women. This is because most women are turned on by physical fitness and primal masculinity. These things tap into their primal female instincts. This strategy is particularly good because it ensures that the women who you pursue are attracted to you sexually. They will favor you for a passionate sexual encounter over another guy who simply offers male utility.

I think that gym maxxing is far superior to money maxxing. It is not my intention to insult anybody here but I find men who are only able to attract women through their wealth and material luxuries quite pitiable. Most of the women who go with those kinds of guys aren't really attracted to them. They only want them for their money and the practical benefits that they have to offer and would rather be getting f***ed by a more in-shape and more primally masculine guy such as an athlete or a muscled-up gym instructor. In fact there are plenty of women who do get taken to orgasm by these kinds of primally masculine men while their hardworking yet boring beta provider husbands are toiling at work for their high saleries.

I'm of the view that if a guy has to offer money and material luxuries to women in order to get them to enter a sexual relationship with him then that guy's a "loser" from a sexual standpoint and a poor sap at the very least. Please note that here I'm talking about actual sexual relationships and not about guys who simply go with prostitutes out of convenience. If you can only be "loved" for your money then your situation as a man sucks. A truly desirable man is able to get women wet with his athletic body and his primal masculinity alone or perhaps with these things in conjunction with some well-polished charm and charisma. If you develop your body through weight training and physical exercise you can more easily get women to like you for the pure sexual attraction that you inspire. You don't have to barter for sex by being a pitiable cash cow.

You don't need to be rich to attract women for sex. You don't even need to be hardworking or have a good career (that condition is just for the betas). If you wish to truly make yourself attractive to women your time would be best invested in frequent gym sessions, combat sports training, a good diet and suppliments. Once you become a chiseled masculine beast and freak of nature you'll have women wanting to sleep with you out of sexual desire and attraction alone. You won't even have to offer anything in return since you're already way more desirable to most women than the regular beta bucks chumps. This is just a fact of life: women are genuinely attracted to men who are in shape and look the part.

Milf Hunting

It is often hard to score with young women in their early 20s because they know that they're highly desirable and therefore have high standards but it usually isn't that hard to get with a hot milf in her late 30s who keeps herself in shape and still looks relatively good. I've even encountered women in their early 40s who do fitness training and things like Jiujitsu and Kickboxing and still have impressive physiques because of it. Some milfs even get fake titties and other cosmetic surgeries and therefore look considerably more youthful than their actual age. Many of these women are divorced and have money and are interested in having some hot passionate fun with a younger guy with a good body. If you're a young guy who's an athlete or into the fitness lifestyle you can easily get into a friends-with-benefits type arrangement with these milfs. Some of them will even become your "sugar mommy" and provide you with certain material benefits too.

With milf hunting both parties benefit substantially. The younger guy gets to knock boots with a still reasonably attractive lady with life experience and mental maturity while the milf gets to be f***ed by an athletic young man with an abundance of sexual vigor and made to feel desired as a female. The guy might even enjoy certain perks like getting to use her car or being invited out with her paying all of the expenses. In this case the roles are reversed. The woman pays for the man rather than the man paying for the woman as is customarily the case.

Tgurl Hunting

This is a controversial topic. Maybe @WanderingProtagonist could comment on this one since he's actually considered doing this and even made a profile on a TS dating website. Some guys choose to go with attractive feminine transformers either out of desperation or because they've developped an attraction to them through pornography or real-life encounters. I'm not judging those guys. Dating a transformer who looks like a girl is objectively better than being a dateless incel even if some people say that it's "gay". It is no secret that transformers are generally easier than women. They have the libido of a gay male even after prolonged hormone therapy and have more realistic standards because they understand that they are sexual minorities and that only a certain kind of man is willing to date them. So dating transformers is a real option for guys who don't have much success with women. In fact when I was doing NoFap years ago I came across guys on a NoFap website who even admitted that they started to have sexual encounters with Tgurls because it was so easy.

Now I'm certainly no homo by any stretch of the imagination but I still recognize that some transformersexuals today look better than many women and even act more feminine too. This is a reason to go with them for any guy who isn't preoccupied with being seen as gay or viewing himself as such. If a guy is aesthetically oriented and only cares about enjoying physical beauty or certain physical features regardless of whether they belong to an actual woman or a feminized Tgurl then it shouldn't be a problem for him. I admit that I am somewhat like that. I'd rather go with an attractive Latin American transformer with hips, booty, big round titties and a cute face than with an ugly female and especially an ugly Anglo female. At this point I am attracted to Latinas first and foremost and these just happen to be women (or at least most of them do). I'd rather do a Latin American transformer than, say, an Anglo female because at least the transformer is still a Latina and is therefore aesthetically superior from my point of view. I'm probably the biggest Latina lover on the forum!

Even if I did do a hot Latin American transformersexual I wouldn't give a shit about the alleged "gayness". I'm not in the 4th grade anymore. I couldn't care less if some people thought I was a fag. I do MMA anyway. In fact I'd just do a hard sparring session at my MMA gym in order to wash away the alleged gayness with the pure unadulterated masculinity of combat sports training. MMA cleanses the soul of any masculine man of all faggotry! But I'm not a prudish Anglo faggot anyway. In terms of my mental constitution I'm much more like an ultra-macho Mediterranean man with my well-placed Greco-Roman masculinity and my big warrior cojones which know only masculine power and domination! Besides, the Inquisition ended centuries ago. The sanctimonious religious tradcons of the world no longer have the authority to imprison us or burn us at the stake just because we did a transformer. It doesn't even matter how "based" they are just because they married Asian wives!


I know that I kinda went off topic a little with my ramblings about transformers and Greco-Roman masculinity towards the end of the last section since that part coincided with the beginning of one of my manic episodes but the above are my analyses of various sexual strategies for adventurous masculine men. Feel free to comment on any of these points or to introduce your own.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 12th, 2022, 11:55 am
Certain guys on this forum such as @WilliamSmith and myself make no secret of our desire to sleep with a variety of hot mamacitas even if this is seen as "degenerate" by the tradcon types and the strict monogamists such as @Outcast9428 and @MrMan. I know that I myself have an adventurous spirit and a voracious sexual appetite and am too attracted to multiple distinct phenotypes (e.g., thick brown-skinned Latinas with big butts, thick Mulatas with even bigger butts, thick chinitas with big butts and oriental/indigenous features, etc.) to be satisfied with a single girl. On top of that I tend to find relationships somewhat boring to say the least and even find them restrictive and suffocating. At this point I don't consider myself suitable for a relationship or marriage. I'm just too wild and untamable for that shit.

A hunter needs strategies for the hunt. Not a single strategy is right for everybody. Every hunter must discover which strategies are right for him. WilliamSmith who stands at 6'2", is endowed with natural blond hair and blue eyes, has studied the game for decades and obsessively lifts weights like an 80s action hero seems to be an accomplished pussyslayer at this point in his life. From what he's written it's clear that he's enjoying great success in the US chasing his beloved Black ladies with curves and big phat asses. However, for those of us who are a bit on the nerdy side, are too autistic for the societies that we live in or otherwise suck with women, things might be a little more difficult. We've gotta think more outside the box and come up with more detailed strategies to enjoy the great female treat that is sugar for our coffee.

This thread is of utmost practicality. Here I would like us to discuss various sexual strategies for non-monogamous men who like to enjoy an abundance and varied assortment of poontang pie!

Here are some of those which I have thought of:

Location Hacking

This strategy obviously reflects the whole philosophy of this website and movement but it's always worth revisiting the fundamentals. Location hacking, as I've chosen to call it here, consists of relocating either temporarily or permanently to another country or region in which we have access to women of higher quality than those of our respective homelands and in which we ourselves are also perceived as exotic and attractive to a large part of the women there. The purpose of this strategy is to give us a substantial edge in the local dating market.

The target location that we choose will largely depend upon our own ethnicity and phenotype. A White guy from Europe or North America will be perceived as exotic and attractive in Latin America and certain parts of Asia but a Black dude might not necessarily receive the same level of attention in those regions. A Black dude would probably do better in certain Northern European countries where Black guys are somewhat idealized among a significant subset of the White female population. East Asian guys like @Winston seem to be well liked in SEA countries where the Chinese have a presence as an elite business class and are therefore seen as having high status. Every guy must do his own research and find out where men of his race are considered the most desirable.

I have experience with this strategy in Latin America. I'm pretty much invisible to females in my home country of the UK but in places like Peru and Mexico I was frequently oggled and even approached by local women who perceived me as exotic and desirable by virtue of my blue eyes and Caucasian features. It is just so much easier to get girls when you are considered the prize and girls chase you. Don't listen to the haters. Not all of the local women in Latin America are after a green card and a free journey to Europe or the US. Many of them find European men attractive and just want a raunchy bonk with the first decent-looking exotic Caucasian guy they find since it is often one of their fantasies. Location hacking can get good results for an average guy. He can go from being most girls' afterthought to being a desired stud or at least somewhat above average.

This strategy can require certain sacrifices and effort though. Nothing is really free. In order to be optimally effective you often have to have a decent level of language proficency. Knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese goes a long way in Hispano-American countries and Brazil. You also have to be willing to adapt to another culture and step out of your comfort zone. Some of these countries are chaotic and have low levels of security and resemble the Wild West. You've gotta have an adventurous soul and be able to put up with the challanges of thirdworld life.

Racial Hierachy Reevaluation

This strategy can be used in conjunction with the first one or can be used alone in one's home country and consists of going after women of races and ethnic groups which are considered "low status" by the mainstream. Now I'm not saying that I agree with such racist notions of certain groups of women being of low status due to their race or ethnicity. I personally find some groups of women unfortunately designated as "unattractive" by the mainstream extremely attractive. I love many curvaceous Black women and Mulatas regardless of how most other White guys view them.

In Latin America darker-skinned Latinas and especially Mulatas are considered low status. The same thing goes for women with strong indigenous features. But the mainstream's beauty ideals don't mean anything to me. I'm happy to go with Mulatas and women with strong indigenous features. In fact my Peruvian girlfriend who I met in Spain was of Aimara descent and almost looked Asian to some people. Usually such "less desirable" women will be more receptive to a foreign man perceived as high status than the lighter-skinned women who are idealized by Latin American societies and often form part of the social elite. Moreover the local men won't understand why a Caucasian guy would even go with such women and are unlikely to be jealous or become violent towards us as a result.

Some people who have imbibed the mainstream's implicit racial hierarchies and beauty ideals will assume that we are simply settling for females of low status and undesirable phenotypes but I don't see it like that at all. I don't even recognize such artificial constructs as valid in the first place nor do I subscribe to a Eurocentric aesthetic ideal. In fact I don't even find White women attractive at all and only date women with complexions ranging from light brown to black. I also prefer more mixed Latin American facial features with either an Asianesque indigenous touch or a bit of an African look. Since I genuinely find beauty in many of the women who are seen as ordinary or even undesirable by the mainstream this stategy of racial hierarchy reevaluation favors me and other men who see things the same way.

Gym Maxxing

I don't want to use an incel term but the name expresses this particular strategy succinctly. For me getting into phenomenal shape through weight training or other forms of physical exercise such as MMA is perhaps the best way to make ourselves attractive to women. This is because most women are turned on by physical fitness and primal masculinity. These things tap into their primal female instincts. This strategy is particularly good because it ensures that the women who you pursue are attracted to you sexually. They will favor you for a passionate sexual encounter over another guy who simply offers male utility.

I think that gym maxxing is far superior to money maxxing. It is not my intention to insult anybody here but I find men who are only able to attract women through their wealth and material luxuries quite pitiable. Most of the women who go with those kinds of guys aren't really attracted to them. They only want them for their money and the practical benefits that they have to offer and would rather be getting f***ed by a more in-shape and more primally masculine guy such as an athlete or a muscled-up gym instructor. In fact there are plenty of women who do get taken to orgasm by these kinds of primally masculine men while their hardworking yet boring beta provider husbands are toiling at work for their high saleries.

I'm of the view that if a guy has to offer money and material luxuries to women in order to get them to enter a sexual relationship with him then that guy's a "loser" from a sexual standpoint and a poor sap at the very least. Please note that here I'm talking about actual sexual relationships and not about guys who simply go with prostitutes out of convenience. If you can only be "loved" for your money then your situation as a man sucks. A truly desirable man is able to get women wet with his athletic body and his primal masculinity alone or perhaps with these things in conjunction with some well-polished charm and charisma. If you develop your body through weight training and physical exercise you can more easily get women to like you for the pure sexual attraction that you inspire. You don't have to barter for sex by being a pitiable cash cow.

You don't need to be rich to attract women for sex. You don't even need to be hardworking or have a good career (that condition is just for the betas). If you wish to truly make yourself attractive to women your time would be best invested in frequent gym sessions, combat sports training, a good diet and suppliments. Once you become a chiseled masculine beast and freak of nature you'll have women wanting to sleep with you out of sexual desire and attraction alone. You won't even have to offer anything in return since you're already way more desirable to most women than the regular beta bucks chumps. This is just a fact of life: women are genuinely attracted to men who are in shape and look the part.

Milf Hunting

It is often hard to score with young women in their early 20s because they know that they're highly desirable and therefore have high standards but it usually isn't that hard to get with a hot milf in her late 30s who keeps herself in shape and still looks relatively good. I've even encountered women in their early 40s who do fitness training and things like Jiujitsu and Kickboxing and still have impressive physiques because of it. Some milfs even get fake titties and other cosmetic surgeries and therefore look considerably more youthful than their actual age. Many of these women are divorced and have money and are interested in having some hot passionate fun with a younger guy with a good body. If you're a young guy who's an athlete or into the fitness lifestyle you can easily get into a friends-with-benefits type arrangement with these milfs. Some of them will even become your "sugar mommy" and provide you with certain material benefits too.

With milf hunting both parties benefit substantially. The younger guy gets to knock boots with a still reasonably attractive lady with life experience and mental maturity while the milf gets to be f***ed by an athletic young man with an abundance of sexual vigor and made to feel desired as a female. The guy might even enjoy certain perks like getting to use her car or being invited out with her paying all of the expenses. In this case the roles are reversed. The woman pays for the man rather than the man paying for the woman as is customarily the case.

Tgurl Hunting

This is a controversial topic. Maybe @WanderingProtagonist could comment on this one since he's actually considered doing this and even made a profile on a TS dating website. Some guys choose to go with attractive feminine transformers either out of desperation or because they've developped an attraction to them through pornography or real-life encounters. I'm not judging those guys. Dating a transformer who looks like a girl is objectively better than being a dateless incel even if some people say that it's "gay". It is no secret that transformers are generally easier than women. They have the libido of a gay male even after prolonged hormone therapy and have more realistic standards because they understand that they are sexual minorities and that only a certain kind of man is willing to date them. So dating transformers is a real option for guys who don't have much success with women. In fact, when I was doing NoFap years ago I came across guys on a NoFap website who even admitted that they started to have sexual encounters with Tgurls because it was so easy.

Now I'm certainly no homo by any stretch of the imagination but I still recognize that some transformersexuals today look better than many women and even act more feminine too. This is a reason to go with them for any guy who isn't preoccupied with being seen as gay or viewing himself as such. If a guy is aesthetically oriented and only cares about enjoying physical beauty or certain physical features regardless of whether they belong to an actual woman or a feminized Tgurl then it shouldn't be a problem for him. I admit that I am somewhat like that. I'd rather go with an attractive Latin American transformer with hips, booty, big round titties, and a cute face than with an ugly female and especially an ugly Anglo female. At this point, I am attracted to Latinas first and foremost and these just happen to be women (or at least most of them do). I'd rather do a Latin American transformer than, say, an Anglo female because at least the transformer is still a Latina and is therefore aesthetically superior from my point of view. I'm probably the biggest Latina lover on the forum!

Even if I did do a hot Latin American transformersexual I wouldn't give a shit about the alleged "gayness". I'm not in the 4th grade anymore. I couldn't care less if some people thought I was a fag. I do MMA anyway. I'd just do a hard sparring session at my MMA gym to wash away the alleged gayness with the pure unadulterated masculinity of combat sports training. MMA cleanses the soul of any masculine man of all faggotry! But I'm not a prudish Anglo faggot anyway. In terms of my mental constitution, I'm much more like an ultra-macho Mediterranean man with my well-placed Greco-Roman masculinity and my big warrior cojones which know only masculine power and domination! Besides, the Inquisition ended centuries ago. The sanctimonious religious traditions of the world no longer have the authority to imprison us or burn us at the stake just because we did a transformer. It doesn't even matter how "based" they are just because they married Asian wives!


I know that I kinda went off topic a little with my ramblings about transformers and Greco-Roman masculinity towards the end of the last section since that part coincided with the beginning of one of my manic episodes but the above are my analyses of various sexual strategies for adventurous masculine men. Feel free to comment on any of these points or to introduce your own.
It's indeed true that a lot of men go for the trans types because of desperation. Others do it mainly for sex/fetish reasons, but they can smell that a mile away too if you're targeting them for that reason and on dating sites. Some of them will also try to exploit it to their advantage since Onlyfans have a shit ton of them using it just as much as women are using it. Onlyfans was how I also found out about the "masculine " nation of China has trans people too and I will see Chinese men literately trying to hook up and f**k them but this will happen to any nation that purposely makes it tough on the men to get women or allow the women to have power in some ways. You're going to create an underground society of men secretly going homo within countries where it's banned because you gave women power, or you created a situation where men are outnumbering the women so only the men at the top can have a woman while everyone else is forced to go gay, alone or incel.

You'll have downlow males living in these anti-homo countries sneaking around and f***ing transgenders or other men. Anyone that thinks Muslim countries and China is exempt from men engaging in homosexuality just because it's outlawed or frowned upon is dangerously wrong. The Government can't monitor what people do behind closed doors if they aren't on the internet bragging or out in the open displaying it, so they would never know how many secret gays or trans people they have in their society. Men are going to make desperate choices to do things out of desperation even if they don't agree with the decision themselves.

It's like how I don't agree with the concept of homosexuality but I'd still be willing to get involved with a transgender because I hate being lonely and single all the time. Not to mention women are just very difficult to prevent from leaving you the first sign of struggle... It's rare to meet women that will stand by their man when times get VERY TOUGH. Women are so used to comfort and having it easy that if they experience any form of struggle they are going to turn tail and abandon you.

You will meet a lot of bitchy ones that think they are superior to women because they know men desire them at the same level as they desire women if they look equally as good or in some cases, better. American transgenders (who aren't in porn) tend to look ugly as f**k...No lie, On I looked at the American ones lol and my GOD you would laugh or either puke. They often have facial hair still. Some of them look like hardcore meth users. Just ugly as all hell. It's hard to believe they even make profiles on those sites knowing they look so shitty. Then there are the super old aging ones seriously America creates the ugliest looking trans people...

These are also usually the ones that are part of the whole LGBTQ community that runs around waving that stupid ugly ass flag. I notice a lot of the prostitute-looking ones from places like Detroit they take advantage of male desperation. The more desirable people are the more likely they are to develop a narcissistic attitude about others around them and while trans people are indeed easier as far as sex goes. It's the same thing for gay men going for men who aren't identifying as women too which is the whole reason why it's easy in the first place. Gay males probably have more sex than heterosexual males do.

But in the U.S. the Trans people (wish there was a vomit smiley) even their best-looking ones tend to look like shit compared to the ones in Asia and Latin American countries. But I haven't tried dating anyone in a while. The last time I was on a dating site actively looking was three years ago. I've given up since then because I live in California and refuse to date anyone in this f***ed up state despite my cousin always telling me "cousin you need a girlfriend."

I do understand if some men prefer to be incels vs going the trans route though because it's not easy for them to just do that. The thing about women though is that if you date them you have to stick with them in their own home country if your own country has a shittier culture. The thing is I don't know if a trans person from a country with a better culture than America would change once brought over to the states like women tend to change when they get a taste of the asshole culture. I have admitted I went after transgenders out of pure desperation.

Trying to make actual women happy seems so damn hard if you don't exactly have your act together. I mean finding one that will stand by you when you struggle vs abandoning you for another man if he has his life together while yours fell apart. It's tough, women are scared of struggle and worry about their survival. Look how all the liberal ones want to avoid responsibility and go the abortion route. That's because killing a baby is easier than being a mother to them. Dating is rough these days for men everywhere especially men living in countries like America, Japan, Canada, Korea, China, etc.

When I was in Jr high I had it easy...Girls would talk to me and show interest all the time and I'd ignore them. I even did this to girls that were very polite and nice to me. I was just a shy and withdrawn person. I dated a Muslim girl that had very long hair when I was in the seventh grade, then she went to another high school and when I finally met her she was hanging with the wrong crowd, and became all ghetto and shit. She then cut off her long hair, started talking like a thug, and even called me Nigga a few times...I was just so turned off by this thinking "what the goddamn hell happened to you????!!" She wasn't the same girl that use to leave kiss marks on love letters anymore. The girl that gave me cute stuffed animal toys :lol: she was just not the person I fell for...She had turned completely hood rat...and I'm thinking "You met a shitty black man at your other school that introduced you to the worse aspect of black culture didn't you just like all these shitty white girls running around twerking and trying to act like black women... I wanted to tell her she disgusted me.

High school was a different scenario, I hardly had any dates and was lonely every day. I'd hang out with guys who had girlfriends and that just made it even worse. And I was always jealous of my cousin because he never had a hard time getting girls, but me? I wasn't fortunate at all. Things hit rock bottom in college when every girl I tried befriending treated me like a rapist. You can see it in their eyes they didn't want to be talked to. I could never figure out why the girls in college didn't want anything to do with me so... It was like "okay going to see what the deal is with these trans people." What I find laughable though is some women with a high rejection rate that turns almost every man down will shame men for going this route, men they have no damn interest in whatsoever they want to shame and make them feel f***ing bad about it because they get off on rejecting men and want those same men to be lonely and not have anybody at all. That's the reason why feminists were trying to recruit trans people into their ranks so they can use them against men.

They don't want men to have alternatives. Some of them were even trying to figure out ways to do this against technology too if the possibility of sex androids or just androids like Detroit Becoming Human were to exist. They would try to figure out ways to do something that would make it so men couldn't replace women with them. I read articles about how some lonely men would buy those human-like sex dolls they sell and not only have sex with them to avoid rejection but they would even date the damn thing, marry it or haul it around in public. This one 30-something-year-old Chinese man in China said he spent so much time looking for a wife in China, but because he wasn't "high status" he got rejected by so many women to the point where he was just so tired of it, and bought a sex doll and started dating it to fill in the empty void.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Outcast9428 »

You are incorrect that moneymaxxing is only a practical benefit. Women’s orgasms are heavily effected simply by how much money their husband makes. It changes how physically attractive you are perceived because women are 1,000x more sensitive to economic status cues compared to men. A man would never marry a fat girl just because she has money because our system doesn’t operate that way but for women, a guy who has money is literally perceived as more physically attractive to their brain which is why some guys who either lack confidence or lack physical aesthetics can still get girls by having a lot of money. That being said if someone is truly ugly it’s gonna have to be a really huge pot of money to make up for their physical flaws.

Now keep in mind, for some women their sexuality is more like men’s and it’s entirely based on looks so for them, the likelihood of them wanting a rich but less attractive guy is virtually zero. For other girls, the effect of money is probably double what it is for the average girl.

I’d argue different tactics work with different races of girls.

With Asian and Indian girls I’d moneymax first, looksmax second, confidencemax last.

White girls you kind of need everything. That’s why they’re the hardest. You don’t really get a pass for lacking in any of the three. White guys are the only ones who tend to have all three.

Jewish girls you ought to degeneratemax :lol:

Hispanic girls are kind of like the non-picky version of white girls. If you have one trait but not necessarily another one you should be fine. Some go for confidence, others looks, others money.

Black girls definitely confidencemax first, moneymax second, looksmax last.

Arab girls moneymax first, confidencemax second, looksmax last.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

Good thread @Lucas88! This looks like a good one to keep coming back to. :D
Lucas88 wrote:
July 12th, 2022, 11:55 am
Certain guys on this forum such as @WilliamSmith and myself make no secret of our desire to sleep with a variety of hot mamacitas even if this is seen as "degenerate" by the tradcon types and the strict monogamists such as @Outcast9428 and @MrMan. I know that I myself have an adventurous spirit and a voracious sexual appetite and am too attracted to multiple distinct phenotypes (e.g., thick brown-skinned Latinas with big butts, thick Mulatas with even bigger butts, thick chinitas with big butts and oriental/indigenous features, etc.) to be satisfied with a single girl. On top of that I tend to find relationships somewhat boring to say the least and even find them restrictive and suffocating. At this point I don't consider myself suitable for a relationship or marriage. I'm just too wild and untamable for that shit.

A hunter needs strategies for the hunt. Not a single strategy is right for everybody. Every hunter must discover which strategies are right for him. WilliamSmith who stands at 6'2", is endowed with natural blond hair and blue eyes, has studied the game for decades and obsessively lifts weights like an 80s action hero seems to be an accomplished pussyslayer at this point in his life. From what he's written it's clear that he's enjoying great success in the US chasing his beloved Black ladies with curves and big phat asses. However, for those of us who are a bit on the nerdy side, are too autistic for the societies that we live in or otherwise suck with women, things might be a little more difficult. We've gotta think more outside the box and come up with more detailed strategies to enjoy the great female treat that is sugar for our coffee.
Yeah, I am not a "PUA" or Don Juan type with a high notch count though, since I'm a romantic ideally, but am too restless and sex-crazed to have only one woman because it would make me too possessive and anxious, especially if I get too close to being a hodler with only one woman, and then if something bad happened and she left I'd be like a restless werewolf and want to aggressively go out and get whatever women I could get my hands on into bed to get over the loss! :o
So I definitely think at least a 2-woman "polyamory" situation is better for me personally, especially if it's friends-with-benefits (not crazy about the unromantic term, but it's a good concept). I like a romance better, so am not running around
Also, ya know, it's also fun to be banging multiple women because it makes you feel like a bit of a stud, and I still remember when I had no such confidence it was possible to live this way :lol: ).
But it sounds like the veteran member @E Irizarry R&B Singer is a bonafide PUA though: Over 100 Latinas, I'm impressed even though I don't have that kind of a goal since I'd rather just lazily keep mounting the same 2-3 women indefinitely rather than actually go worldwide notching the belt up that high.

I did study the PUA literature a lot, but better yet there's the bodice ripper romance novel genre and some specific books that make female sexuality at the primal biological and psychological levels more clear (and I also have the big multi-volume hardbound Memoirs of Casanova, heheh, but a lot of the PUA material is more practical even though I do recommend Casanova), and that + stepping to some degree into the role of an actor, not by being a fake, but watching guys like the Connery and Dalton bonds, got me to the point I got confident with women. (Those are my choices but there's tons of other leading men as role models that other personality types could learn a lot from.)
This is a promising thread for sure, but we should do a thread to compile all the best resources like I mentioned that help men go from lacking confidence with women into guys who are very confident:
A lot of the PUA literature is very funny and un-PC, but I like this project. Also, any guy who tries to build a name for himself in this always has naysayers saying anything he says must be a "scam" or he's lying, but I'm never going to be qualified to be anyone's coach (definitely wouldn't like that even if I was) and don't give advice, but I should dig through all the best PUA literature and other related stuff and post at least summaries of it. I never paid for anything except picking up occasional books (almost always used ones).

@E Irizarry R&B Singer how did you learn the ropes to get to the point you had the confidence to nail over 100 Latinas? That's a lot of women, LOL. Did you learn from any PUA type material like I partially did, or just through experience?
Though I guess based on the archaic video games we posted in the games thread that shows we've both been around for awhile, so that naturally helps the notch count go up over time, but still, it doesn't go over 100 women unless you've obviously gotten comfortable getting the women, and managed to get out of the phase I see too many otherwise promising young guys in where for some reason they have it in their heads they can't attract the women.
A lot of the young guys these days aren't untouchables at all and they definitely could be getting women, but they have ridiculously defeatist ideas in their head, and I see the quality of PUA materials looking like a lot of it has gone downhill and they've introduced completely bogus concepts like "SMV" that is only a partial truism, but is easily to completely blow it out of the water by citing tons of guys who are unstoppable with women and get laid like champs even if they're like some guys I've seen who are unemployed fat slackers living in their Mom's basements or mooching off their friends living on their couches and are homeless, and have absolutely no "SMV", but they have found an algorithm on how they interact with women and escalate, and a state of being in themselves that makes them confident getting laid continuously with no problems. Obviously it's not all "inner game," but that's such a huge part of it even if it's not like meditation exercises will actually cause sexy women in heat to crawl in the windows.

Oh, and there's one other thing on that note: Another reason PUA stuff is good is because a lot of the best guys were funny looking, off the top of my head, some of the guys who turned themselves into charmers were basically beta males and some were overtly weird looking, short, and not hunky he-men by any stretch, whereas the more natural alpha male types were also short and fat even though they're more on the natural manly side, and they like sitting around wearing Hawaiian shirts and wearing sunglasses and can still get laid with a zillion women even though they're in their 50's and 60's and are pretty fat. :lol: Now don't read any of that the wrong way: It wasn't me ripping on them or trying to be insulting, but it was to encourage guys who currently lack confidence with women that they CAN learn how to get the women, be more charismatic, better in the sack (especially by learning about women's orgasms, because a lot of guys waste time fixating on penis size or complete irrelevancy like trying to attract women with "status"), and a lot more that's learnable.

I'm not a "PUA" anyway like I explained (but used their material to learn and get confident as well as naturally having to get some actual experience approaching women), but it's also true I'm 6'2" with the "Aryan" look and blue eyes and try to stay in shape even though it's totally unnecessary to be a highly successful lady's man even with a shrimpy (or fat) physique, I just like it because I'm into the whole 80s Action movie and Conan the Barbarian nerdom thing. But my point here: The naysayers BS-ing themselves or others about "SMV" would say, oh well that guy is tall or whatever and so it's SMV, but the PUA's who are short and fat manly men in Hawaiian shirts or who were formerly shrimpy introverted nerds and became highly successful with women later prove that it is learnable, because they don't have any "SMV." :wink:

Well there's that rant to start, now I'll go look at each item on your list in the first post in more detail...
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

DiSS-Claimer: TL;DR warning. @WilliamSmith, I have experience living in NYC most of my life AND because I was exposed to pr0n at the precociously-astute age of 8. Before Jew-liani (Rudy Guiliani he's Italian-American I know, I know but his handlers were hardcore kike lobbyists) got in after David Dinkins had let NYC subside to its least-safest time in history - during the early to mid 90s - more so than now actually..... THAT there was Hell's Kitchen...42nd Street area hung out in the informal "red light district" NYC had in the 90s until '00 (i.e 2000) where famous pr0n stars from NYC lived.

I met Ron Jeremy (yes I know he's Jewish but he is cool af) and Vanessa del Rio when I was 9 LMAO! They both refused to sign me an autograph, but Vanessa thought it was bad for me and my other preadolescent friend to be there and shoo'ed us off whilst Ron talked to me for a minute before he shoo'ed me off too. :lol: I met Ron a 2nd time in Newburgh, NY back in '95 with my late friend Rich and we talked about "the industry" and how to break into it. He laughed when I mentioned I 13 years earlier he shoo'ed me away from signing my autograph in the City (Manhattan). I think I am a sex fiend because I was exposed to sex "too" early. I refuse to see a shrink for it; I love s3x. @ least I'm not a marica/mariconazo/bicha/bwattyboy/faggot (I'm not implying that you are BTW!).

I met quite a few celebs in NY when it was special to meet a celeb: e.g. Robert DeNiro....Wyclef Jean.....Theo Rossi....the late Prodigy from Mobb Deep, Fab Five Freddy formerly of Yo! MTV Raps, Rev. Jesse Jackson (fckin' fraud)....the late Tito Puente at Jimmy's Bronx Cafe....the fat Rev. Al Sharpton (yes I'm "old" but young af at the same time)..I remember when Al Sharpton got knocked on the ground by Roy Ennis on the Morton Downey Jr show back in '89.

I went to school with rapper J-Live in the early 90s up in SUNY Albany and with R&B singer Brandy's songwriter Japhne Tejeda that also went to (SUNY Albany) that co-wrote her songs with the producer of some of her songs and "You Rock My World" by the late King of Pop Michael Jackson.

That show, Video Music Box with V.J. Ralph McDaniels on public station WYC channel 31, and The Richard Bey Show out of Secaucus, NJ (NNJ: northern NJ) made NYC a special place for daytime entertainment.

I use R&B to repress myself; it calms me down. I listen to it alone. I refuse to listen to R&B around females as if she and I were to fall out, then that fckin' song would remind me of she! Around women, I try to only listen to wordless music such as instrumental Jazz of all eras or Pop or Rock so that it lacks sentimental idiosyncratic value to me.

Sorry dude! I digressed a tad, but I had to give you the backstories.

To finally answer your question, I had the precocious confidence of a man as a boy and evolved into manhood with elevated game (and I got played and caught slipping a few times). I was learning Porto as a child by my great grandparents on father's side (both sides BRazilian) but I thought it was a stupid language and thought English ruled (and it still rules but I value Brazilian Porto nowadays). Since I somewhat knew Porto, learning Spanish was a cinch. Porto wasn't and still isn't popular in the U.S. of Gay so pounding my chest about how I'm Brazilian had no weight outside of Mass. (I never went there until just a few years ago), Newark NJ, Orlando, Miami & parts of southern Calif. I didn't really hang out in those parts tbth...I was raised Black American ADOS and all that pro-Wack b.s. I gave it up as I realized how much my family fronted on being Brazilian for being Black American and realized how much my mother loathed being Brazilian because her mother made her feel less than adequate as a human-being so my mother distanced herself and ...yeah I know i probably shouldn't type this...but she became a mudshark after my parents' divorce and got into dark-skin'ned Black dudes like literally worshipping the late Barry White, the late Gerald Levert, the late Isaac Hayes, Rick James, Smokey Robinson, etc. I found it too dysfunctional and repulsive. Most Black people never accepted her unless they were Black dark guys screwing her. Okay enough. Ugh. :-/ #badrabbithole

So I knew Latin culture and am proud to be a Lusophone more specifically a Brazilian American.

Latinas....K rikisima

The aesthetics.....
the sassiness but knew her place in life's ecosystem of gender balance.....
the hair......
the good hygiene....
the disdain for using condoms during sex (as it would imply that I thought she was a s_lut and/or dirty and/or I was cheating on her) :lol:...

all that sh*t turned me the fck on. So I had to adapt to get some of their WAP. Case closed.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WilliamSmith »

Location hacking, a very interesting topic! I think learning the basic PUA/seduction stuff I mentioned in the previous post can help any man so much anywhere, that I personally think it's the #1 priority no matter where you go, yet location hacking is a great thing to study even if you're confident with the women everywhere (or in many places), because at this point it's hard to make a case for why anyone would want to stay in the collapsing West, unless it's people who are really well connected to specific people here. So why not go where the women might even fantasize about a guy somewhat like you? :)
Lucas88 wrote:
July 12th, 2022, 11:55 am
Location Hacking

This strategy obviously reflects the whole philosophy of this website and movement but it's always worth revisiting the fundamentals. Location hacking, as I've chosen to call it here, consists of relocating either temporarily or permanently to another country or region in which we have access to women of higher quality than those of our respective homelands and in which we ourselves are also perceived as exotic and attractive to a large part of the women there. The purpose of this strategy is to give us a substantial edge in the local dating market.

The target location that we choose will largely depend upon our own ethnicity and phenotype. A White guy from Europe or North America will be perceived as exotic and attractive in Latin America and certain parts of Asia but a Black dude might not necessarily receive the same level of attention in those regions. A Black dude would probably do better in certain Northern European countries where Black guys are somewhat idealized among a significant subset of the White female population. East Asian guys like @Winston seem to be well liked in SEA countries where the Chinese have a presence as an elite business class and are therefore seen as having high status. Every guy must do his own research and find out where men of his race are considered the most desirable.

I have experience with this strategy in Latin America. I'm pretty much invisible to females in my home country of the UK but in places like Peru and Mexico I was frequently oggled and even approached by local women who perceived me as exotic and desirable by virtue of my blue eyes and Caucasian features. It is just so much easier to get girls when you are considered the prize and girls chase you. Don't listen to the haters. Not all of the local women in Latin America are after a green card and a free journey to Europe or the US. Many of them find European men attractive and just want a raunchy bonk with the first decent-looking exotic Caucasian guy they find since it is often one of their fantasies. Location hacking can get good results for an average guy. He can go from being most girls' afterthought to being a desired stud or at least somewhat above average.

This strategy can require certain sacrifices and effort though. Nothing is really free. In order to be optimally effective you often have to have a decent level of language proficency. Knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese goes a long way in Hispano-American countries and Brazil. You also have to be willing to adapt to another culture and step out of your comfort zone. Some of these countries are chaotic and have low levels of security and resemble the Wild West. You've gotta have an adventurous soul and be able to put up with the challanges of thirdworld life.
That was a neat story about Peru, I remember you writing that in a different thread. I agree about the part about ignoring the haters who say the women are easier in some areas only because of supposed green card hunting or gold-digging, etc. I understand their frustration because no men want to see foreigners swarming in and stealing the women too much, but I noticed a lot of Asians bitch about white men supposedly getting their women because of perceived status, but that's just flat-out untrue much of the time.

My personal view is that it makes great sense where women like the type of guy you are, but it's better to minimize emphasis on "SMV" or "status" because I noticed a lot of guys (not you Lucas88, by the way) who are naysayers against PUA/seduction skills but then expected to be able to impress women by displays of status or spending money, which I see as a bad idea.
Some of the guys who propound that kind of an idea even admit they don't even have a girlfriend and get some kind of "p4p" fix from getting handjobs, so I'm not trying to pick on them, but give my view here that "SMV" and status mind games and theories are the wrong thing to focus on.
Sometimes it just leads to guys spending money but not developing any sexual tension with the women, so it fizzles out and the man complains that he didn't get any p***y after wasting some money, so to me that sounds completely pointless and frustrating, but not a disaster. But some actually do lead to disasters, like some older Western guys who were too naive ended up getting their clocks cleaned by gold-diggers when they married one and she swindles him out of everything when he mistakenly thought he was getting the "tradwife" dream, but wasn't good enough about getting women attracted to him so he couldn't read her motives, so he went with "SMV" and lost it all. That kind of thing is a disaster that could've been avoided if the men had the more anti-SMV philosophy like I do, and focus on what women actually like in terms of more universal attraction principles and women's sexual fantasies (which are often similar all over the world despite huge cultural differences).

But how much of an extra "bonus" edge a man has based on trends in popular perception among subsets of the women is interesting. Even though I think "the fundamentals" are more important, that was certainly true for a period of time with white men and a lot of Asian women over in some of the Asian countries (and I guess to some degree here too, but I don't know as much about Asian American chicks):
A white guy who seems like an adequately confident romantic gentleman can still score like crazy among Asian women, however in days of yore I heard there was more of a "white fever" phenomenon because America had a strong perception of strength up until as late as maybe the 1990s, so white men from there often were seen as both exotic individually, but also possibly even more desirable if they came from a respected country and culture (which the USSA no longer is).
In the 2000s the jews turned America into the world's leading killer in overseas zionist warfare and internally ran it down the tubes into its present state of Weimar degeneration to where most people don't respect it anymore, even if women are still open to white guys who come out of this !@#$hole non-nation on an individual basis.
So nowadays there's still tons of Japanese women open to Western guys (and the PUAs can get women anywhere of course), yet there isn't much of an automatic edge except for those of us who can be enough of a romantic poor-man's James Bond to the women who love gentlemanly (but sexually assertive) romance.
Some women there still have a view of Westerners as a bit more romanticized, but over the generations they get a bunch of dorks, soyboys, and white/jew libs who go over there, and in the more recent neo-Weimar period they get gross little sexual perverts into their AV or that disgusting perverted "Hentai" anime, as well as tons of jews and some whites on the "Japan is racist" bandwagon they yell about even though they invade Japan, so the broader perception of white men has plummeted from all that, so the edge you'd have there depends on whether you seem to have the more idealized white guy qualities, which would be either the "romantic gentleman" who's hopefully also good in bed, or the hunk/Chad type. :lol:

Where do you think the best countries for white men are, anyway?
I have my own plans, but am just curious. :)
@Lucas88 made a strong case for Peru and I've heard similarly about other Latin American nations.
The Philippines is rather famous for this, Asian guys seem to like it too.
Japan is an interesting prospect and if you know you definitely like Japanese women (which I do, I am just more passionately enthusiastic about black women), but it has its idiosyncrasies that might make it more of a challenge.
My impression has long been that Chinese women are the most openly enthusiastic about white men, but of course Emperor Xi has cracked down on the jews that run the USSA and much of the West trying to destroy China from inside and out, which I heard included kicking out swarms of annoying white men running around after their chicks, LOL.
If you actually are a sexually aggressive enough man anyway, then Eastern European or Russian white women might be great choice.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

White and European men overall kill it in Peru. Peruvians are the S. Asian Indians of South America with their "weirdness" of pro-chromatic but anti-dark skin and anti Black diaspora kind of sentiments.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 9:21 am
You are incorrect that moneymaxxing is only a practical benefit. Women’s orgasms are heavily effected simply by how much money their husband makes. It changes how physically attractive you are perceived because women are 1,000x more sensitive to economic status cues compared to men. A man would never marry a fat girl just because she has money because our system doesn’t operate that way but for women, a guy who has money is literally perceived as more physically attractive to their brain which is why some guys who either lack confidence or lack physical aesthetics can still get girls by having a lot of money. That being said if someone is truly ugly it’s gonna have to be a really huge pot of money to make up for their physical flaws.

Now keep in mind, for some women their sexuality is more like men’s and it’s entirely based on looks so for them, the likelihood of them wanting a rich but less attractive guy is virtually zero. For other girls, the effect of money is probably double what it is for the average girl.
From my observations the importance of money is grossly overestimated among the SMV-obsessed "RedPill" crowd and many others on the Manosphere. I'd even go as far as to say that it's a self-limiting belief for many men. Conspicuous displays of wealth are important for men who don't really have much else to offer (i.e., those who the RedPill crowd call "betas") but when a man develops a phenomenal masculine physique through weight training and other forms of exercise or athletic activity and makes himself truly attractive to the ladies money is no longer of much importance and the ladies are overcome with a powerful desire to sleep with him. If a man gets a woman wet with his physique and primal masculinity alone or perhaps with these things in conjunction with some charm and charisma she will often be willing to sleep with him without demanding any material benefits. Trust me! I've seen this for myself many times! The guys on the internet who go on about how women only care about money are usually betas themselves and so that has been their experience. But phenomenally athletic guys don't need to make huge bucks to attract women. Women let them f**k them for free! Women can often be as sexually motivated as men when they are genuinely turned on by a man's trained masculine physique.

I greatly favor gym maxxing over money maxxing. I want to be desired for my physique and the true passionate sexual attraction which it inspires in a woman. I would never want to be "loved" only for my money. I have way more respect for myself than that. I would never want to be some woman's pathetic "pay pig". My ideal is to train hard and get in phenomenal shape so that women see me as a physically endowed stud and desire me for my body, charisma and coolness alone. The idea of being a physically endowed stud fulfilling some Latin American lady's fantasy turns me on a helluva lot!

I don't think that your attempt to pigeonhole various races of women in accordance with their supposed priorities of attraction is necessarily an accurate representation of reality, at least not when it comes to casual sexual encounters or friends-with-benefits type arrangements. Asian women are notoriously money-oriented when it comes to long-term relationships and marriage but even they change their tune when they just want a sporadic love affair with an attractive guy, especially with a foreigner. I've lived in Japan and know full well that many Japanese women will have sex with a gaijin man almost immediately even if he only has a crappy job in the country. They are so turned on by such gaijin men physically that they are willing to put out completely for free and without taking into account their economic status. Often they are simply looking to fulfill a fantasy. I remember when a Japanese woman literally threw herself on me at a bus station in Ogaki when I was 20 years old and obviously in shape from my Jiujitsu and gym training. She came running at me in the most excited manner imaginable asking me: "Are you American? Are you American?". Back then I was too shy to reciprocate and was quite frankly caught off guard and the woman was a bit too skinny for my tastes (if she had been a Latina with a big butt then it would have been a different story :D ) but I'm sure that a seasoned veteran like @WilliamSmith would have seized the opportunity and given that little gaijin-fetishizing Asian chick a good f***ing! :lol:
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 5:24 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 9:21 am
You are incorrect that moneymaxxing is only a practical benefit. Women’s orgasms are heavily effected simply by how much money their husband makes. It changes how physically attractive you are perceived because women are 1,000x more sensitive to economic status cues compared to men. A man would never marry a fat girl just because she has money because our system doesn’t operate that way but for women, a guy who has money is literally perceived as more physically attractive to their brain which is why some guys who either lack confidence or lack physical aesthetics can still get girls by having a lot of money. That being said if someone is truly ugly it’s gonna have to be a really huge pot of money to make up for their physical flaws.

Now keep in mind, for some women their sexuality is more like men’s and it’s entirely based on looks so for them, the likelihood of them wanting a rich but less attractive guy is virtually zero. For other girls, the effect of money is probably double what it is for the average girl.
From my observations the importance of money is grossly overestimated among the SMV-obsessed "RedPill" crowd and many others on the Manosphere. I'd even go as far as to say that it's a self-limiting belief for many men. Conspicuous displays of wealth are important for men who don't really have much else to offer (i.e., those who the RedPill crowd call "betas") but when a man develops a phenomenal masculine physique through weight training and other forms of exercise or athletic activity and makes himself truly attractive to the ladies money is no longer of much importance and the ladies are overcome with a powerful desire to sleep with him. If a man gets a woman wet with his physique and primal masculinity alone or perhaps with these things in conjunction with some charm and charisma she will often be willing to sleep with him without demanding any material benefits. Trust me! I've seen this for myself many times! The guys on the internet who go on about how women only care about money are usually betas themselves and so that has been their experience. But phenomenally athletic guys don't need to make huge bucks to attract women. Women let them f**k them for free! Women can often be as sexually motivated as men when they are genuinely turned on by a man's trained masculine physique.

I greatly favor gym maxxing over money maxxing. I want to be desired for my physique and the true passionate sexual attraction which it inspires in a woman. I would never want to be "loved" only for my money. I have way more respect for myself than that. I would never want to be some woman's pathetic "pay pig". My ideal is to train hard and get in phenomenal shape so that women see me as a physically endowed stud and desire me for my body, charisma and coolness alone. The idea of being a physically endowed stud fulfilling some Latin American lady's fantasy turns me on a helluva lot!

I don't think that your attempt to pigeonhole various races of women in accordance with their supposed priorities of attraction is necessarily an accurate representation of reality, at least not when it comes to casual sexual encounters or friends-with-benefits type arrangements. Asian women are notoriously money-oriented when it comes to long-term relationships and marriage but even they change their tune when they just want a sporadic love affair with an attractive guy, especially with a foreigner. I've lived in Japan and know full well that many Japanese women will have sex with a gaijin man almost immediately even if he only has a crappy job in the country. They are so turned on by such gaijin men physically that they are willing to put out completely for free and without taking into account their economic status. Often they are simply looking to fulfill a fantasy. I remember when a Japanese woman literally threw herself on me at a bus station in Ogaki when I was 20 years old and obviously in shape from my Jiujitsu and gym training. She came running at me in the most excited manner imaginable asking me: "Are you American? Are you American?". Back then I was too shy to reciprocate and was quite frankly caught off guard and the woman was a bit too skinny for my tastes (if she had been a Latina with a big butt then it would have been a different story :D ) but I'm sure that a seasoned veteran like @WilliamSmith would have seized the opportunity and given that little gaijin-fetishizing Asian chick a good f***ing! :lol:
Women fetishizing me would piss me off. To make her feel guilty I'd say something like "Do you know where the sexy Newhalfs hang out instead?" Which reminds me to ask, why did you leave anyway? Of all the Asian countries they seem more and more like a lost cause, especially for a first world country. I use to believe they were even above the Chinese, but I realized now Japanese people aren't nearly as ambitious...If they were the women wouldn't be acting like that, but I think all these countries are responsible for how their own men and women end up. Especially when they don't do anything to help them. But oh well, I lost interest in a lot of these places long ago. Always thought of Japan as the most overrated Asian country right up there with South Korea.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Outcast9428 »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 5:24 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 9:21 am
You are incorrect that moneymaxxing is only a practical benefit. Women’s orgasms are heavily effected simply by how much money their husband makes. It changes how physically attractive you are perceived because women are 1,000x more sensitive to economic status cues compared to men. A man would never marry a fat girl just because she has money because our system doesn’t operate that way but for women, a guy who has money is literally perceived as more physically attractive to their brain which is why some guys who either lack confidence or lack physical aesthetics can still get girls by having a lot of money. That being said if someone is truly ugly it’s gonna have to be a really huge pot of money to make up for their physical flaws.

Now keep in mind, for some women their sexuality is more like men’s and it’s entirely based on looks so for them, the likelihood of them wanting a rich but less attractive guy is virtually zero. For other girls, the effect of money is probably double what it is for the average girl.
From my observations the importance of money is grossly overestimated among the SMV-obsessed "RedPill" crowd and many others on the Manosphere. I'd even go as far as to say that it's a self-limiting belief for many men. Conspicuous displays of wealth are important for men who don't really have much else to offer (i.e., those who the RedPill crowd call "betas") but when a man develops a phenomenal masculine physique through weight training and other forms of exercise or athletic activity and makes himself truly attractive to the ladies money is no longer of much importance and the ladies are overcome with a powerful desire to sleep with him. If a man gets a woman wet with his physique and primal masculinity alone or perhaps with these things in conjunction with some charm and charisma she will often be willing to sleep with him without demanding any material benefits. Trust me! I've seen this for myself many times! The guys on the internet who go on about how women only care about money are usually betas themselves and so that has been their experience. But phenomenally athletic guys don't need to make huge bucks to attract women. Women let them f**k them for free! Women can often be as sexually motivated as men when they are genuinely turned on by a man's trained masculine physique.

I greatly favor gym maxxing over money maxxing. I want to be desired for my physique and the true passionate sexual attraction which it inspires in a woman. I would never want to be "loved" only for my money. I have way more respect for myself than that. I would never want to be some woman's pathetic "pay pig". My ideal is to train hard and get in phenomenal shape so that women see me as a physically endowed stud and desire me for my body, charisma and coolness alone. The idea of being a physically endowed stud fulfilling some Latin American lady's fantasy turns me on a helluva lot!

I don't think that your attempt to pigeonhole various races of women in accordance with their supposed priorities of attraction is necessarily an accurate representation of reality, at least not when it comes to casual sexual encounters or friends-with-benefits type arrangements. Asian women are notoriously money-oriented when it comes to long-term relationships and marriage but even they change their tune when they just want a sporadic love affair with an attractive guy, especially with a foreigner. I've lived in Japan and know full well that many Japanese women will have sex with a gaijin man almost immediately even if he only has a crappy job in the country. They are so turned on by such gaijin men physically that they are willing to put out completely for free and without taking into account their economic status. Often they are simply looking to fulfill a fantasy. I remember when a Japanese woman literally threw herself on me at a bus station in Ogaki when I was 20 years old and obviously in shape from my Jiujitsu and gym training. She came running at me in the most excited manner imaginable asking me: "Are you American? Are you American?". Back then I was too shy to reciprocate and was quite frankly caught off guard and the woman was a bit too skinny for my tastes (if she had been a Latina with a big butt then it would have been a different story :D ) but I'm sure that a seasoned veteran like @WilliamSmith would have seized the opportunity and given that little gaijin-fetishizing Asian chick a good f***ing! :lol:
Money or physique, what's the difference really? The original argument you made though was that money only brings practical benefits to a relationship. That is because you are thinking like a man. Income level, and income by itself, has a strong physiological effect on girls. Although I will mention that the following image was from a study that specifically looked at Chinese girls. ... via%3Dihub


The following source finds that it is impossible for an unattractive woman to make up for her looks. Men, however, can make up for their looks if they have enough money. With this study, they showed men and women pictures of the same body and found that men were almost entirely unaffected by hearing how much money the girl made but that women rated men as more attractive the more money he made. ... 381730315X

That being said, it might require you to make a truly absurd amount. In order for a man who is completely average, like at the 50% mark, to compete with a guy in the top 10% as far as facial features go, he would need to make $200,000 compared to the attractive man's $62,000 to be on equal footing. A guy in the bottom 10% as far as facial looks go would need $260,000. Height matters a lot too though. If the attractive guy is also six feet tall then a guy who is 5"8 would need to make an additional $146,000 to be on equal footing with him. All combined, an average, 5"8 guy would need to make $335,000 to compete with a 6 foot, attractive guy in the top 10% who makes $62,000. Obviously many men can't do that which is why its difficult to compete with people who are more attractive then you are, but it is possible, and if you're at least above average, then that helps a lot compared to a truly unattractive guy trying to make up for his looks with money.

I don't really mind the idea of a girl kind of liking me for my money as long as its not the only reason. I don't see how its any different from a girl liking you for your looks. At least if a girl likes you for your money though its an affirmation of your life skills, suitability for fatherhood, intelligence, and basically showing she thinks you are more responsible. From the research I've done, it seems like girls who are more sensitive to a man's financial situation are more suited to me. They are long term thinkers and marriage oriented.

All that being said, I need to make more then my current $40,000 a year if I hope to catch such a girl :lol:. Its okay though, that's only for now, if my plans are successful I should make between $100,000-$200,000 a year. Plus, $40,000 probably sounds like a huge amount of money to a Filipina girl.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 7:00 pm
Women fetishizing me would piss me off. To make her feel guilty I'd say something like "Do you know where the sexy Newhalfs hang out instead?" Which reminds me to ask, why did you leave anyway? Of all the Asian countries they seem more and more like a lost cause, especially for a first world country. I use to believe they were even above the Chinese, but I realized now Japanese people aren't nearly as ambitious...If they were the women wouldn't be acting like that, but I think all these countries are responsible for how their own men and women end up. Especially when they don't do anything to help them. But oh well, I lost interest in a lot of these places long ago. Always thought of Japan as the most overrated Asian country right up there with South Korea.
Japan was always merely my second option. My first option for expatriation was the Hispanophone world (either Spain or Latin America) and Spanish was my original foreign language but then I also developed an interest in Asian culture too and started to learn Japanese. I decided to go with the more exotic and adventurous option and chose Japan as my destination but in the end I found that I wasn't too compatible with Japanese culture and didn't enjoy life there as much as some Japanophiles do and so I decided to go with my original plan which was to go to Spain or Latin America (I actually spent considerable time in both of these places). I agree that Japan is one of the most overrated countries ever even though saying so will surely piss off a lot of Japan-worshiping, anime fag, crypto-lolicon weabos :lol: .

I was also naïve and doubted my ability to attract a Latina. I still didn't know that Latinas liked White European men. I assumed that they wouldn't like me for being a nerdy whiteboy even though I lifted weights and was never fully a nerd just a little socially awkward and was under the impression that I would only be able to get girls from nerdy races such as Asians. The truth is that I always had a negative image of myself and men of my own nationality. I recognized my own social ineptitude and perceived British and Northern European guys as mostly dorky, uncool faggots who no hip, passionate, fiery Latina would ever want to date. I still hold this same view of British and Northern European guys since so many of the ones who I've met just seemed dorky, spineless and a bit faggy but when I met my first Latin American girlfriend at the age of 23 she told me that Latin American women generally like White men from most European countries and I was pleasantly surprised. My subsequent experiences with Latinas and Latin American culture would confirm this as true. I myself continue to look upon British men with disdain since I think that the British are the lowest trash of Europe but most Latinas don't seem to know much about the different European cultures and peoples outside of Spain and tend to think that all Europeans are attractive and highly cultured and so I just present myself as a cultured European, explain how I lived in Spain and learned Spanish there, downplay my English roots and emphasize my Irish ancestry and maternal surname.

In retrospect my first attempt at location hacking was misguided due to ignorance and a lack of accurate information on my part. I chose a place which wasn't right for me erroneously thinking that it was one of my best possible options for dating. But Japan isn't that easy for dating unless you truly fit into the culture and naturally vibe with the women. For a Caucasian dude like myself (and presumably for a Black guy too) most parts of Latin America and also the Philippines are much easier places for getting girls.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 8:35 pm
Money or physique, what's the difference really? The original argument you made though was that money only brings practical benefits to a relationship. That is because you are thinking like a man. Income level, and income by itself, has a strong physiological effect on girls. Although I will mention that the following image was from a study that specifically looked at Chinese girls.
Well the difference matters to me a lot. I want to be desired for my physique and raw primal masculinity, not for the contents of my wallet or bank account. My ideal is to be a chiseled athletic stud who can get the ladies wet and into bed through physical attraction and genetic superiority alone and without having to offer money or the image of wealth like some average beta. I would rather seduce women through my musculature and pure sexual passion and leave the money maxxing shit for the weak beta provider slave drone faggots who lack physique and raw primal masculinity and need a high salary in order to realistically attract a female. But that's just me!

I know that you tradcon types like to believe that building a stable career and living in accordance with society's conformist rules is the best way to attract a woman and you guys might even pull out some statistics on my ass (even though we all know that statistically 73% of all statistics are bullshit anyway) but the RedPill guys and even the MGTOWs know what's up and many of us on the ground know of countless examples of broke yet physically attractive gym rat types with a confident alpha demeanor who still lay plenty of women and for whom the ladies pine. Since I don't care about monogamy (at least not for myself but I wish well any guy who does want it), am only interested in friends-with-benefit type arrangements and want to be that stud who takes Latin American ladies on a wild one-of-a-kind adventure and makes them feel desired, I see gym maxxing as a much better strategy.

The study is from China. Enough said. I don't know about other guys but I'm not interested in dealing with silly money-grubbing Asian women anyway! :lol:
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by Outcast9428 »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 9:40 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 8:35 pm
Money or physique, what's the difference really? The original argument you made though was that money only brings practical benefits to a relationship. That is because you are thinking like a man. Income level, and income by itself, has a strong physiological effect on girls. Although I will mention that the following image was from a study that specifically looked at Chinese girls.
Well the difference matters to me a lot. I want to be desired for my physique and raw primal masculinity, not for the contents of my wallet or bank account. My ideal is to be a chiseled athletic stud who can get the ladies wet and into bed through physical attraction and genetic superiority alone and without having to offer money or the image of wealth like some average beta. I would rather seduce women through my musculature and pure sexual passion and leave the money maxxing shit for the weak beta provider slave drone faggots who lack physique and raw primal masculinity and need a high salary in order to realistically attract a female. But that's just me!

I know that you tradcon types like to believe that building a stable career and living in accordance with society's conformist rules is the best way to attract a woman and you guys might even pull out some statistics on my ass (even though we all know that statistically 73% of all statistics are bullshit anyway) but the RedPill guys and even the MGTOWs know what's up and many of us on the ground know of countless examples of broke yet physically attractive gym rat types with a confident alpha demeanor who still lay plenty of women and for whom the ladies pine. Since I don't care about monogamy (at least not for myself but I wish well any guy who does want it), am only interested in friends-with-benefit type arrangements and want to be that stud who takes Latin American ladies on a wild one-of-a-kind adventure and makes them feel desired, I see gym maxxing as a much better strategy.

The study is from China. Enough said. I don't know about other guys but I'm not interested in dealing with silly money-grubbing Asian women anyway! :lol:
I don't need a woman to f**k me to know that I have good genes. I don't want a woman who lusts for excitement and novelty. I want a woman who craves safety, security, and comfort. I need to filter out degenerate women as much as humanely possible and in order to do that. I need to maximize my ability to provide safety, security, and comfort while making myself as unappealing to floozies as possible. Their rejection of me is a filtration device that weeds out the kind of women I want nothing to do with. You mention to me that my strategy is unappealing to the majority of women, especially women in today's society... That's the entire point. I'm not trying to attract as many women as possible, I'm actually intentionally trying to sabotage how attractive I am to certain kinds of women because I'm trying to attract a very specific kind of woman and be the ideal husband for my ideal wife.
Last edited by Outcast9428 on July 14th, 2022, 12:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 9:00 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 7:00 pm
Women fetishizing me would piss me off. To make her feel guilty I'd say something like "Do you know where the sexy Newhalfs hang out instead?" Which reminds me to ask, why did you leave anyway? Of all the Asian countries they seem more and more like a lost cause, especially for a first world country. I use to believe they were even above the Chinese, but I realized now Japanese people aren't nearly as ambitious...If they were the women wouldn't be acting like that, but I think all these countries are responsible for how their own men and women end up. Especially when they don't do anything to help them. But oh well, I lost interest in a lot of these places long ago. Always thought of Japan as the most overrated Asian country right up there with South Korea.
Japan was always merely my second option. My first option for expatriation was the Hispanophone world (either Spain or Latin America) and Spanish was my original foreign language but then I also developed an interest in Asian culture too and started to learn Japanese. I decided to go with the more exotic and adventurous option and chose Japan as my destination but in the end I found that I wasn't too compatible with Japanese culture and didn't enjoy life there as much as some Japanophiles do and so I decided to go with my original plan which was to go to Spain or Latin America (I actually spent considerable time in both of these places). I agree that Japan is one of the most overrated countries ever even though saying so will surely piss off a lot of Japan-worshiping, anime fag, crypto-lolicon weabos :lol: .

I was also naïve and doubted my ability to attract a Latina. I still didn't know that Latinas liked White European men. I assumed that they wouldn't like me for being a nerdy whiteboy even though I lifted weights and was never fully a nerd just a little socially awkward and was under the impression that I would only be able to get girls from nerdy races such as Asians. The truth is that I always had a negative image of myself and men of my own nationality. I recognized my own social ineptitude and perceived British and Northern European guys as mostly dorky, uncool faggots who no hip, passionate, fiery Latina would ever want to date. I still hold this same view of British and Northern European guys since so many of the ones who I've met just seemed dorky, spineless and a bit faggy but when I met my first Latin American girlfriend at the age of 23 she told me that Latin American women generally like White men from most European countries and I was pleasantly surprised. My subsequent experiences with Latinas and Latin American culture would confirm this as true. I myself continue to look upon British men with disdain since I think that the British are the lowest trash of Europe but most Latinas don't seem to know much about the different European cultures and peoples outside of Spain and tend to think that all Europeans are attractive and highly cultured and so I just present myself as a cultured European, explain how I lived in Spain and learned Spanish there, downplay my English roots and emphasize my Irish ancestry and maternal surname.

In retrospect my first attempt at location hacking was misguided due to ignorance and a lack of accurate information on my part. I chose a place which wasn't right for me erroneously thinking that it was one of my best possible options for dating. But Japan isn't that easy for dating unless you truly fit into the culture and naturally vibe with the women. For a Caucasian dude like myself (and presumably for a Black guy too) most parts of Latin America and also the Philippines are much easier places for getting girls.
Well I understand, I have a negative outlook of other blacks,but I don't have any negative views of Native Americans. And honestly believe their history is a hell of a lot better and more interesting than black history. But nobody is forcing students to learn about Native Americans, that's because they can't exploit them or use them as propaganda bait like they do with the blacks.
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E Irizarry R&B Singer
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Re: Sexual Strategies for Adventurous Masculine Men

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 14th, 2022, 12:46 am
Lucas88 wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 9:00 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
July 13th, 2022, 7:00 pm
Women fetishizing me would piss me off. To make her feel guilty I'd say something like "Do you know where the sexy Newhalfs hang out instead?" Which reminds me to ask, why did you leave anyway? Of all the Asian countries they seem more and more like a lost cause, especially for a first world country. I use to believe they were even above the Chinese, but I realized now Japanese people aren't nearly as ambitious...If they were the women wouldn't be acting like that, but I think all these countries are responsible for how their own men and women end up. Especially when they don't do anything to help them. But oh well, I lost interest in a lot of these places long ago. Always thought of Japan as the most overrated Asian country right up there with South Korea.
Japan was always merely my second option. My first option for expatriation was the Hispanophone world (either Spain or Latin America) and Spanish was my original foreign language but then I also developed an interest in Asian culture too and started to learn Japanese. I decided to go with the more exotic and adventurous option and chose Japan as my destination but in the end I found that I wasn't too compatible with Japanese culture and didn't enjoy life there as much as some Japanophiles do and so I decided to go with my original plan which was to go to Spain or Latin America (I actually spent considerable time in both of these places). I agree that Japan is one of the most overrated countries ever even though saying so will surely piss off a lot of Japan-worshiping, anime fag, crypto-lolicon weabos :lol: .

I was also naïve and doubted my ability to attract a Latina. I still didn't know that Latinas liked White European men. I assumed that they wouldn't like me for being a nerdy whiteboy even though I lifted weights and was never fully a nerd just a little socially awkward and was under the impression that I would only be able to get girls from nerdy races such as Asians. The truth is that I always had a negative image of myself and men of my own nationality. I recognized my own social ineptitude and perceived British and Northern European guys as mostly dorky, uncool faggots who no hip, passionate, fiery Latina would ever want to date. I still hold this same view of British and Northern European guys since so many of the ones who I've met just seemed dorky, spineless and a bit faggy but when I met my first Latin American girlfriend at the age of 23 she told me that Latin American women generally like White men from most European countries and I was pleasantly surprised. My subsequent experiences with Latinas and Latin American culture would confirm this as true. I myself continue to look upon British men with disdain since I think that the British are the lowest trash of Europe but most Latinas don't seem to know much about the different European cultures and peoples outside of Spain and tend to think that all Europeans are attractive and highly cultured and so I just present myself as a cultured European, explain how I lived in Spain and learned Spanish there, downplay my English roots and emphasize my Irish ancestry and maternal surname.

In retrospect my first attempt at location hacking was misguided due to ignorance and a lack of accurate information on my part. I chose a place which wasn't right for me erroneously thinking that it was one of my best possible options for dating. But Japan isn't that easy for dating unless you truly fit into the culture and naturally vibe with the women. For a Caucasian dude like myself (and presumably for a Black guy too) most parts of Latin America and also the Philippines are much easier places for getting girls.
Well I understand, I have a negative outlook of other blacks,but I don't have any negative views of Native Americans. And honestly believe their history is a hell of a lot better and more interesting than black history. But nobody is forcing students to learn about Native Americans, that's because they can't exploit them or use them as propaganda bait like they do with the blacks.
No wonder you ignore me. You assume that I'm an unfettered Black guy because I have "R&B Singer" in my moniker yes-yes? Whether that's the case or not, you and I have more in common than you'd like to admit.
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