Evidence & Quotes That The Allies & Jews Started WWI & II, Not Germany

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Re: US Historians/Churchill Say The Allies Started WWII! Loo

Post by Vegascook »

droid wrote:
Vegascook wrote:The Japanese diplomats were continually insulted and the US government imposed economic sanctions which forced Japan to either invade Manchuria or face the total collapse of a newly industrialized economy.
Nice post, but weren't the sanctions put in place after the invasion of Manchuria?
Multiple sanctions were used against Japan both before and after the invasion of Manchuria. Strategic materials such as iron ore and coal were denied to the Empire of Japan by the US government. Manchuria has massive deposits of both coal and iron and the only way Japan could ensure adequate supply of these resources was invasion after the US imposed sanctions. Following the annexation of Manchuria the US imposed another set of sanctions in which Japanese assets were frozen and they could not even use cash to purchase incidental materials. Oil, rubber, coal, iron ore, quinine, sulfur, and many other strategic resources were placed on sanction lists prior to Japan's invasion of China and southeast Asia. Japan is resource poor in that it does not have abundant industrial scale deposits of coal, iron ore, oil, and sulfur. America used this fact to its advantage to restrict the expansion of Japan's military and sanctions did slow the development of the Japanese navy prior to Manchuria's invasion. However, after taking this territory from China Japan had ready access to resources necessary for its steel mills. Subsequent sanctions merely went the last mile to deny Japan access to its money held in American banks. The US tried to put a strangle hold on Japan's economy and as a result they chose to simply take resources from China.

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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Winston »

Check out these quotes from a book im reading on kindle called "The Myth of German Villainy", available on Amazon.com. They cite various sources that say that the allies and Jews are the ones that wanted and started WW2 and pushed for its inception. Roosevelt and Churchill were in on it too for personal reasons and were influenced by powerful jews as well.

Its very shocking and disturbing. It looks like Hitler may not have been the bad guy or monster after all. If so, then history owes Hitler an apology. Hitler may very well be the most misportrayed man in history. How did Churchill and Roosevelt sleep at night knowing they caused the death of millions of innocent people just for their personal glory? Unbelievable.


British historian Nesta Webster wrote in her book, "Germany and England", published in 1938, shortly before World War II began:

“Britons in the past have not been easily worked up to hate, but this insane hatred of two men, Mussolini and Hitler, is being instilled in them by the Jews and those who benefit by them, and acting like a poison in the life blood of our people. Germany is under a visible anti-Jewish dictatorship. We are under an invisible Jewish dictatorship, but a dictatorship that can be felt in every sphere of life, for no one can escape from it. Already the Jews can make or break the career of any man as they please. Once war breaks out we cannot doubt that they will be found in every key position and will hold us at their mercy. Then the real purpose of the world war will become apparent. As long as the Jews do not hold Germany they can never realize their final aim –world domination. Therefore Hitler must be overthrown and Jewish power restored.”

The Polish Ambassador to Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki,
In a report from Washington back to the Foreign Ministry in Warsaw, dated February 9, 1939, he wrote:

“The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful ……The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge the entire world into war and bring about general catastrophe. This mood is becoming more and more apparent. In their definition of democratic states, the Jews have also created real chaos: they have mixed together the idea of democracy and communism and have above all raised the banner of burning hatred against Nazism. This hatred has become a frenzy. It is propagated everywhere and by every means: in theaters, in the cinema, and in the press. The Germans are portrayed as a nation living under the arrogance of Hitler which wants to conquer the whole world and drown all of humanity in an ocean of blood. In conversations with Jewish press representatives I have repeatedly come up against the inexorable and convinced view that war is inevitable. This international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda to oppose any tendency towards any kind of consolidation and understanding between nations. In this way, the conviction is growing steadily but surely in public opinion here that the Germans and their satellites, in the form of fascism, are enemies who must be subdued by the ‘democratic world.’“

Roosevelt wanted a war to distract attention from his failed economic policies. He also wanted war because he cherished the idea of himself as an heroic wartime president. The Jews who surrounded Roosevelt, such as Henry Morgenthau, Jr., as well as all the other officials in the   Henry Morgenthau, Jr. Roosevelt administration, worked themselves into a fever fantasizing about Nazi Germany’s malevolent intentions.   According to David L. Hoggan, in his paper, “President Roosevelt and the Origins of the 1939 War, “…anyone within Roosevelt’s and Hull’s circle who did not declare that Hitler was hopelessly insane was virtually ostracized.”

Meanwhile, back in the United States, the anti-war movement was growing in strength. One of the leading voices in that movement was that of Hamilton Fish, a leading Republican congressman from New York. Fish made a series of radio speeches to expose Roosevelt’s march to war while claiming that he only wanted peace. On January 6, 1939, Fish told a nationwide radio audience:

“The inflammatory and provocative message of the President to Congress and the world [given two days before] has unnecessarily alarmed the American people and created, together with a barrage of propaganda emanating from high New Deal officials, a war hysteria, dangerous to the peace of America and the world. The only logical conclusion to such speeches is another war fought overseas by American soldiers. All the totalitarian nations referred to by President Roosevelt …haven’t the faintest thought of making war on us or invading Latin America. I do not propose to mince words on such an issue, affecting the life, liberty and happiness of our people. The time has come to call a halt to the warmongers of the New Deal, backed by war profiteers, Communists, and hysterical internationalists [meaning Jews], who want us to quarantine the world with American blood and money. He [Roosevelt] evidently desires to whip up a frenzy of hate and war psychosis as a red herring to take the minds of our people off their own unsolved domestic problems. He visualizes hobgoblins and creates in the public mind a fear of foreign invasions that exists only in his own imagination.”

In another radio address of April 5, 1939, Congressman Fish said:

“The youth of America are again being prepared for another blood bath in Europe in order to make the world safe for democracy. If Hitler and the Nazi government regain Memel or Danzig, taken away from Germany by the Versailles Treaty, and where the population is 90 percent German, why is it necessary to issue threats and denunciations and incite our people to war? I would not sacrifice the life of one American soldier for a half dozen Memels or Danzigs. We repudiated the Versailles Treaty because it was based on greed and hatred, and as long as its inequalities and injustices exist there are bound to be wars of liberation. The sooner certain provisions of the Versailles Treaty are scrapped the better for the peace of the world. I believe that if the areas that are distinctly German in population are restored to Germany, except Alsace-Lorraine and the Tyrol, there will be no war in western Europe. There may be a war between the Nazis and the Communists, but if there is that is not our war or that of Great Britain or France or any of the democracies. New Deal spokesmen have stirred up war hysteria into a veritable frenzy. The New Deal propaganda machine is working overtime to prepare the minds of our people for war, who are already suffering from a bad case of war jitters. President Roosevelt is the number one warmonger in America, and is largely responsible for the fear that pervades the Nation which has given the stock market and the American people a bad case of the jitters. I accuse the administration of instigating war propaganda and hysteria to cover up the failure and collapse of the New Deal policies, with 12 million unemployed and business confidence destroyed. I believe we have far more to fear from our enemies from within than we have from without. All the Communists are united in urging us to go to war against Germany and Japan for the benefit of Soviet Russia. Great Britain still expects every American to do her duty, by preserving the British Empire and her colonies. The war profiteers, munitions makers and international bankers [meaning Jews] are all set up for our participation in a new world war.”

The hero aviator, Charles A. Lindbergh, was also a leading opponent of Roosevelt’s war aims, and went around the country speaking out against going to war with Germany. In his diary entry of May 1, 1941, Lindbergh wrote:

“The pressure for war is high and mounting. The people are opposed to it, but the Administration seems to have ‘the bit in its teeth’ and [is] hell-bent on its way to war. Most of the Jewish interests in the country are behind war, and they control a huge part of our press and radio and most of our motion pictures. There are also the ‘intellectuals,’ and the ‘Anglophiles,’ and the British agents who are allowed free rein, the international financial interests, and many others."

Roosevelt’s motives for wanting a war with Germany have long been the subject of debate. As America’s interests were not threatened in any way by Germany, nor would they be served by a war, Roosevelt’s determination to have a war made little sense…, that is, unless one takes into account Roosevelt’s intimate ties to organized Jewry. As Jewish historian Lucy Dawidowicz noted:

“Roosevelt himself brought into his immediate circle more Jews than any other President before or after him. Felix Frankfurter, Bernard M. Baruch and Henry Morgenthau were his close advisers. Benjamin V. Cohen, Samuel Rosenman and David K. Niles were his friends and trusted aides.”

Roosevelt was totally in thrall to the Jews, owed his political career to the Jews, and had so surrounded himself with Jews, almost to the exclusion of all others, that he essentially became one of them. Their attitudes, motives and goals became his. They hated Germany, so he hated Germany. They were determined to destroy Germany, so he was determined to destroy Germany.

In the summer of 1939 Polish ambassador to Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki returned to Warsaw on leave and was astonished at the calm mood in Poland, compared to the war psychosis that had gripped the West. In a conversation with Polish Foreign Ministry Under-Secretary, Count Jan Szembek, about the growing war psychosis that had gripped the West. Potocki said to Szembek:

“In the West there are all kinds of elements openly pushing for war: the Jews, the super-capitalists, the arms dealers. Today they are all ready for a great business, because they have found a place which can be set on fire: Danzig; and a nation that is ready to fight: Poland. They want to do business on our backs. They are indifferent to the destruction of our country. Indeed, since everything will have to be rebuilt later on, they can profit from that as well.”
From the diary of Count Szembek.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Moretorque »

Mr. Wu why do I never hear you speak of the banking system ? this is where they get their power to do what they do. Everything else is just a distraction is it not ?

Un backed currencies are the money supply that makes all this possible, the sheople are too dumb to figure it out. Are you a dumb sheep ?
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Vegascook »

The mass media was churning out anti German war propaganda with interventionist messages as soon as the Nazi party became a major contender for power. This trend drastically increased after Hitler assumed power and purged communists within Germany. Communism was outlawed by the Third Reich and brutally suppressed by the Brown Shirts who were the Party's enforcers at the beginning. Communism was essentially a Russian doctrine brought to life by Jewish revolutionaries who slaughtered millions of Russian Christians who were opposed to the creation of an atheist, totalitarian regime which sought the destruction of religion and freedom in every form. Lenin and Trotsky were the two main Jewish leaders who directly carried out more genocide than Hitler has ever been accused of. Death squads, forced labor, seizure of private property, state sponsored starvation of dissidents, and a total socially re-engineered society were the objectives of communism. Fascism arose as an organized resistance to communism since weak democracies allowed communism to infest nation after nation. The rule of law in democracy was used by communist Jews to usurp power and impose their will on the majority. Nazism completely turned Germany around in terms of economics, military, and political stability and the American communists hated that, so they used mass media to demonize Germany and Hitler.

The New Deal along with FDR's other economic policies resulted in a worsening economy which has been measured by statistical data. Seizure of private gold, making it illegal for private citizens to own gold, putting America on a paper currency, wealth redistribution, misguided public works with no appreciable economic benefit, over taxing the wealthy, and publicly bashing the industrialists were but a few of the thousands of bad decisions made by FDR. WWII resulted in the destruction of nearly all consumer goods production outside America. Post WWII America had 90% of the industrial capacity for consumer goods, which resulted in an economic boom. It was not FDR's economic policies that made America wealthy, but rather the fact that the competition had been carpet bombed into nothing over the course of the war. The PR campaign worked and the liberal mushrooms ate the shit fed to them while being kept in the dark about the truth.

Hitler did not have any immediate plans to invade America or any nations protected under the Monroe Doctrine. He actively tried to keep the US out of the war due to American intervention in WWI which tipped the scale against Germany. The Germans wanted revenge for the mistreatment they suffered after WWI and America was the only victor who opposed the Treaty of Versailles. England and France rejected President Wilson's Thirteen Point Plan in favor of reparations which destroyed post WWI Germany. Hitler did however have long-term plans for a war with the US once he conquered England, France, and the Soviet Union.

Our government wisely realized that there would be another war due to the stupidity of England and France. Both nations provoked hatred in every German citizen who suffered as a result of punitive reparations which required huge amounts of currency to pay back. The Weirmar Republic began printing huge amounts of paper currency to satisfy the bankers who demanded payment of the war debt. The mark fell in value to the point that it took suitcases full of paper money to buy a loaf of bread. Life savings, pensions, businesses, homes, farms, and the government were all destroyed. The Nazis reformed the banking system and introduced a new currency while taking care of the economy, business, and personal interests of Germans. The status quo for banking was destroyed by Nazism and bankers became servants of the state rather than masters of it.

FDR campaigned as an isolationist who wanted peace, but once in office he put America on a war policy. Movies, radio programs, newspapers, and activists all supported his covert policy of war against Germany. Germans were pictured as the bad guys while England and France were depicted as victims. On a daily basis the average American was bombarded with war propaganda which urged them to fight fascism. While this PR campaign was being waged against an unsuspecting public the industrialists were secretly retooling their factories for war production. After Pearl harbor there was a near seamless full conversion to a war time economy as business leaders knew ahead of time what the end result would be.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Winston »

Moretorque wrote:Mr. Wu why do I never hear you speak of the banking system ? this is where they get their power to do what they do. Everything else is just a distraction is it not ?

Un backed currencies are the money supply that makes all this possible, the sheople are too dumb to figure it out. Are you a dumb sheep ?
Because i am citing quotes from historians and those involved in WW2, and these quotes do not mention anything about the banking system or printing of currency. If you can find quotes by historians or from Hitlers speeches that mention this, then by all means post them. Ive found quotes from Hitlers speeches that do mention "international capital and world trade" though, which i will post here later. But im sure those are all connected to banking. Remember we are citing primary sources in this thread, not conjecture. So find some and quote some if they apply.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Winston »

For a chef in las vegas, you sure know a lot about history. Lol

Thanks for a very elaborate synopsis of WW2 that makes a lot of sense. I have some questions about what you wrote though.

1. You said communism was a russian doctrine brought to life by jews. But werent karl marx and frederick engels both jews? They wrote the communist manifesto. So doesnt that mean that communism is a jewish doctrine?

2. If the jews were behind russian communism, then why didnt they make the Soviet Union prosperous and successful so that the rest of the world would follow its example? Why did communism fail there? Didnt the jews have the power to make anything it wanted to become successful?

3. Why didnt elite jews in russia and america make those two powers into allies after WW2?

4. Instead of attacking the whole nation of poland, why didnt hitler just send german troops or security guards to protect danzig and other german towns in poland, if thats all he wanted to do? Why destroy all of poland and its capitol of warsaw too?

5. You said earlier that if Hitler had killed or captured those 340,000 British troops at dunkirk instead of letting them go, then britain would have been defenseless from invasion. The book i read said that too. How so? Britain had millions of men and a powerful RAF airforce to defend itself. I dont see how 340,000 men would make much difference. I also dont see how britain won the battle of britain since all the odds were against them and they were outnumbered 10 to 1. Logically they had no chance. Did providence or God intervene?

The book i read said Hitler liked Britain and didnt put much effort into conquering it like he should have. He should have captured England and took Winston Churchill and used Churchill as a hostage to bargain with America to back down from the war. He would have had a better bargaining chip that way. Churchill the warmonger deserved to be captured anyway, it would have been poetic justice. Instead Hitler foolishly invaded Russia.

Also when he had the chance to take Moscow, Hitler didnt but elected to go south to capture Ukraines farmlands and the Caucasus oil fields instead. He should have listened to his generals. Had he captured Moscow first, he might have captured Stalin, who was the most evil dictator ever, and weakened Russia considerably. Isnt the goal in chess to take the king? But stalin would have probably escaped Moscow anyway.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Winston »

Here is a translated speech transcript by Hitler in Munich in 1923 where he explains why Britain and her allies engineered the first world war to bring ruin to Germany. As you can see, Hitler is very well educated, aware and intellectual about history and world affairs.

"I realised that the fight was not against enemy nations, but against international capital." - Adolf Hitler

"The conflict of interests between Germany and England lay in the economic sphere. Up till 1850 England's position as a world power was undisputed. British trade conquered the world. Germany, owing to her greater industry and increased capacity begins to be a dangerous rival. In a short time those firms which in Germany were in English hands pass into the possession of German industrialists. German industry expands vastly and the products of that industry even in the London market drive out British goods. Forty thousand dead have rendered possible the life of forty millions.  When England in the face of such a Germany as this bid fair to be brought to her knees, then she bethought herself of the last weapon in the armoury of international rivalry - violence. A Press propaganda on an imposing scale was started as a preparatory measure. But who is the chief of the whole British Press concerned with world trade? One name crystallises itself out of the rest: Northcliffe - a Jew! Every week he sends out into the world thirty million newspapers. And 99 per cent of the Press of England is in Jewish hands. So with the most despicable catch-phrases the appeal is made to man's lowest instincts. A campaign of provocation is carried out with assertions, libels and promises such as only Jewish newspapers would have the effrontery to put before an Aryan people. And then at last, 1914: they egg the people on. 'Ah, poor violated Belgium', Up! To the rescue of small nations - for the honour of humanity!' The same lies, the same provocation throughout the entire world. And the success of that provocation the German people can trace grievously enough."
- Munich. 13th April 1923. Hitler's Speeches, Baynes. Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1942.

This quote below corroborates Hitlers explanation for why these two world wars were being started against Germany.

"Joining with Samuel Untermeyer in calling for a war against Germany, Bernard Baruch, at the same time, was promoting preparations for war against Germany. 'I emphasised that the defeat of Germany and Japan and their elimination from world trade would give Britain a tremendous opportunity to swell her foreign commerce in both volume and profit." - Samuel Untermeyer, The Public Years, p.347

Here is a 1939 Reichstag speech by Hitler where he explains that the allies and jews are the warmongers, whereas all he wants is peace.

"The German nation has no feeling of hatred towards England, America, or France; all it wants is peace and quiet. But these nations are continually being stirred up to hatred of Germany and the German people by Jewish and non-Jewish agitators. And so, should the warmongers achieve what they are aiming at, our own people would be landed in a situation for which they would be psychologically quite unprepared and which they would thus fail to grasp. I therefore consider it necessary that from now on our propaganda and our Press should always make a point of answering these attacks, and above all bring them to the notice of the German people.  The German nation must know who the men are who want to bring about a war by hook or by crook. It is my conviction that these people are mistaken in their calculations, for when National Socialist propaganda is devoted to the answering of the attacks we shall succeed just as we succeeded inside Germany herself in overcoming, through the convincing power of our propaganda, the Jewish world-enemy. The nations will in a short time realise that National Socialist Germany wants no enmity with other nations; that all the assertions as to our intended attacks on other nations are lies - lies born of morbid hysteria, or of a mania for self-preservation on the part of certain politicians; but that in certain States these lies are being used by unscrupulous profiteers to salvage their own finances. That, above all, international Jewry may hope in this way to satisfy its thirst for revenge and gain, but that on the other hand this is the grossest defamation which can be brought to bear on a great and peace-loving nation."
- Reichstag, 30th January 1939

"Never have German soldiers fought on American soil, unless it was in the cause of American independence and freedom; but American soldiers were brought to Europe to help strangle a great nation which was fighting for its freedom. Germany did not attack America, but America attacked Germany, and, as the Committee of Investigation of the American House of Representatives concluded: from purely capitalist motives, without any other cause.”
- Reichstag, 30th January 1939.

Below a British government official admitted in 1984 that Hitler was right all along and only wanted peace, not a world war.

“I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of balance of power, and we were encouraged by the 'Americans' around Roosevelt. We ignore Hitler's pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realise that Hitler was right. He offered us the co-operation of Germany; instead, since 1945, we have been facing the immense power of the Soviet Union. I feel ashamed and humiliated to see that the aims we accused Hitler of, are being relentlessly pursued now, only under a different label."
- The British Attorney General, Sir. Hartley Shawcross, Stourbridge, March 16th 1984 (AP)
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Eric »

Winston wrote: Vegascook,
For a chef in las vegas, you sure know a lot about history. Lol

Thanks for a very elaborate synopsis of WW2 that makes a lot of sense. I have some questions about what you wrote though.

1. You said communism was a russian doctrine brought to life by jews. But werent karl marx and frederick engels both jews? They wrote the communist manifesto. So doesnt that mean that communism is a jewish doctrine?

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were both Jews, in part. The communist manifesto and communism was a Jewish creation and doctrine, not Russian.
2. If the jews were behind russian communism, then why didnt they make the Soviet Union prosperous and successful so that the rest of the world would follow its example? Why did communism fail there? Didnt the jews have the power to make anything it wanted to become successful?
From my understanding, the Soviet Union was made to create an atheistic state - which would overthrow the power of the czars, and a force to counterbalance Christendom - and keep it in check. This new creation; once established, would be re-created elsewhere, in other states - and spread as a force destroying each culture and promoting atheism and socialism.
It served its purpose, and went into dissolution at the end of the 20th century.
3. Why didn't elite jews in russia and america make those two powers into allies after WW2?
Please, see my response to Question 2.
4. You said earlier that if Hitler had killed or captured those 340,000 British troops at dunkirk instead of letting them go, then britain would have been defenseless from invasion. The book i read said that too. How so? Britain had millions of men and a powerful RAF airforce to defend itself. I dont see how 340,000 men would make much difference. I also dont see how britain won the battle of britain since all the odds were against them and they were outnumbered 10 to 1. Logically they had no chance. Did providence or God intervene?
I don't know enough historical information about this to respond.
The book i read said Hitler liked Britain and didnt put much effort into conquering it like he should have. He should have captured England and took Winston Churchill and used Churchill as a hostage to bargain with America to back down from the war. He would have had a better bargaining chip that way. Churchill the warmonger deserved to be captured anyway, it would have been poetic justice. Instead Hitler foolishly invaded Russia.

Hitler knew the Allies were networked in with each other. He realized the strategic disaster of doing what you're saying. He tried to fend off war and find a peaceable solution as much as possible; but the Allies were determined to destroy Germany, entirely.

Also when he had the chance to take Moscow, Hitler didnt but elected to go south to capture Ukraines farmlands and the Caucasus oil fields instead. He should have listened to his generals. Had he captured Moscow first, he might have captured Stalin, who was the most evil dictator ever, and weakened Russia considerably. Isnt the goal in chess to take the king? But stalin would have probably escaped Moscow anyway.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Moretorque »

Vegas Chef, there is a book that goes into all this recently written by Mike King called " The Bad War "....

There is an interesting point to point out, in 1850 around the time the Communist Manifesto was written the head quarters for the world wide communist party was in England or the biggest club so to speak, communism is just another name for a dictatorship. Also Das Capital was written in the London Museum .... ? The London Museum is funded by the Bank of England or the Citi Corp.

All roads go back to the CITI and financiers who have been operating out of there for the last 200 years of history ?

The Ashkenazi Jews out of Europe control the money and this is their system we live under plain and simple.....

They figured long ago democracies commit suicide and why ? because 90% of the populace are idiots and are easily controlled like cattle. Just put some #'s on a piece of paper and "Go Charge " and the idiots do your bidding through a system they call credit. Power is in #'s and they know the majority are child like cattle, the people who are doing this know their history and they rely on the fact most don't!
Last edited by Moretorque on May 12th, 2016, 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Eric »

It's a great thing we are a constitutional republic - not a democracy. That's why the USA is so hard to overthrow, and overcome. The USA is a nation of individuals with free thought, ideals, free speech...and hundreds of millions of firearms and weapons. This country was designed to stand up to tyranny, subversion, of all kinds.

They have been working on us for a long, long time. With enough fetters, spears and ropes, the biggest bull will come down.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Moretorque »

The reason this country has been so hard to overthrow has been because it has always been armed to the teeth, the bank has captured all of our armies and a lot of the personnel do not like what the bank is using them to do so the bank has been purging the military!
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:Vegascook,
For a chef in las vegas, you sure know a lot about history. Lol

Thanks for a very elaborate synopsis of WW2 that makes a lot of sense. I have some questions about what you wrote though.

1. You said communism was a russian doctrine brought to life by jews. But werent karl marx and frederick engels both jews? They wrote the communist manifesto. So doesnt that mean that communism is a jewish doctrine?

2. If the jews were behind russian communism, then why didnt they make the Soviet Union prosperous and successful so that the rest of the world would follow its example? Why did communism fail there? Didnt the jews have the power to make anything it wanted to become successful?

3. Why didnt elite jews in russia and america make those two powers into allies after WW2?

4. Instead of attacking the whole nation of poland, why didnt hitler just send german troops or security guards to protect danzig and other german towns in poland, if thats all he wanted to do? Why destroy all of poland and its capitol of warsaw too?

5. You said earlier that if Hitler had killed or captured those 340,000 British troops at dunkirk instead of letting them go, then britain would have been defenseless from invasion. The book i read said that too. How so? Britain had millions of men and a powerful RAF airforce to defend itself. I dont see how 340,000 men would make much difference. I also dont see how britain won the battle of britain since all the odds were against them and they were outnumbered 10 to 1. Logically they had no chance. Did providence or God intervene?

The book i read said Hitler liked Britain and didnt put much effort into conquering it like he should have. He should have captured England and took Winston Churchill and used Churchill as a hostage to bargain with America to back down from the war. He would have had a better bargaining chip that way. Churchill the warmonger deserved to be captured anyway, it would have been poetic justice. Instead Hitler foolishly invaded Russia.

Also when he had the chance to take Moscow, Hitler didnt but elected to go south to capture Ukraines farmlands and the Caucasus oil fields instead. He should have listened to his generals. Had he captured Moscow first, he might have captured Stalin, who was the most evil dictator ever, and weakened Russia considerably. Isnt the goal in chess to take the king? But stalin would have probably escaped Moscow anyway.
Winston, Communism is a lie. They lied to the common people. The complete opposite of what communism claims to be is what it actually is. It is about the enslavement and mass murder of the goyim while the self chosen get to rule and live off their fat. They are also working together to implement one world government so that the antichrist can come rule this world. That's why Communism sought to take over the entire world. That's why Commie governments murder literally millions of their own people. That is also why the West didn't care whether Russia or China or Cambodia killed millions of their own people, and you'll almost never learn of it in school, neither will you hear about that in their media. They want everyone enslaved and then dead. They don't want wealth and prosperity for anyone but them.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Eric »

Adama wrote:
Winston wrote:Vegascook,
For a chef in las vegas, you sure know a lot about history. Lol

Thanks for a very elaborate synopsis of WW2 that makes a lot of sense. I have some questions about what you wrote though.

1. You said communism was a russian doctrine brought to life by jews. But werent karl marx and frederick engels both jews? They wrote the communist manifesto. So doesnt that mean that communism is a jewish doctrine?

2. If the jews were behind russian communism, then why didnt they make the Soviet Union prosperous and successful so that the rest of the world would follow its example? Why did communism fail there? Didnt the jews have the power to make anything it wanted to become successful?

3. Why didnt elite jews in russia and america make those two powers into allies after WW2?

4. Instead of attacking the whole nation of poland, why didnt hitler just send german troops or security guards to protect danzig and other german towns in poland, if thats all he wanted to do? Why destroy all of poland and its capitol of warsaw too?

5. You said earlier that if Hitler had killed or captured those 340,000 British troops at dunkirk instead of letting them go, then britain would have been defenseless from invasion. The book i read said that too. How so? Britain had millions of men and a powerful RAF airforce to defend itself. I dont see how 340,000 men would make much difference. I also dont see how britain won the battle of britain since all the odds were against them and they were outnumbered 10 to 1. Logically they had no chance. Did providence or God intervene?

The book i read said Hitler liked Britain and didnt put much effort into conquering it like he should have. He should have captured England and took Winston Churchill and used Churchill as a hostage to bargain with America to back down from the war. He would have had a better bargaining chip that way. Churchill the warmonger deserved to be captured anyway, it would have been poetic justice. Instead Hitler foolishly invaded Russia.

Also when he had the chance to take Moscow, Hitler didnt but elected to go south to capture Ukraines farmlands and the Caucasus oil fields instead. He should have listened to his generals. Had he captured Moscow first, he might have captured Stalin, who was the most evil dictator ever, and weakened Russia considerably. Isnt the goal in chess to take the king? But stalin would have probably escaped Moscow anyway.
Winston, Communism is a lie. They lied to the common people. The complete opposite of what communism claims to be is what it actually is. It is about the enslavement and mass murder of the goyim while the self chosen get to rule and live off their fat. They are also working together to implement one world government so that the antichrist can come rule this world. That's why Communism sought to take over the entire world. That's why Commie governments murder literally millions of their own people. That is also why the West didn't care whether Russia or China or Cambodia killed millions of their own people, and you'll almost never learn of it in school, neither will you hear about that in their media. They want everyone enslaved and then dead. They don't want wealth and prosperity for anyone but them.

Yes, this is the truth!
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Adama »

4. Instead of attacking the whole nation of poland, why didnt hitler just send german troops or security guards to protect danzig and other german towns in poland, if thats all he wanted to do? Why destroy all of poland and its capitol of warsaw too?
The Allies had already promised to attack Germany if they made any aggressive move against Poland. Doesn't matter if they just wanted to defend the poor Germans in Danzig. So in order to save those people, Hitler made a pact with Stalin, thinking that that would prevent the Allies from attacking Germany. Unfortunately, the Allies only declared war against Germany, while attempting to make Russia their ally, despite the fact that Stalin was committing the same crimes against Poland as Hitler if not worse.

Do you see it now? They were going to take out Germany no matter what. They got the whole world together to take down one nation because they were thwarting Self Chosen domination. Remember Hitler removed all of the Commies out of their positions of power in Germany, which meant that lots of self chosen lost their power. Then the whole world of Modern Self Chosen elected to have a world wide boycott against Germany. That's how much power they had world wide. Then Germany labeled Jewish shops with the word Jude, meaning Jew, so that the Germans could boycott the self chosen in return. But of course that is misconstrued as racial hatred, when really it was tit for tat.
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Re: Evidence/Quotes That Allies/Jews Started WWII, Not Hitle

Post by Vegascook »

Here’s my clarification on the points you brought up as well as ideas mentioned by others.

1) I agree with you in that Karl Marx and Fredrick Engles were the literary founders of communism, however they only proposed a theoretical political system in their book. Lenin and Trotsky did begin the 1917 Revolution, but they did not produce a viable state outside of Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Kiev. The Russian countryside and nation as a whole was overrun with the “Whites” which was the collective name foe every group opposing communism. Stalin and his Russian supporters were the ones in fact who took communist theory and made it into reality by consolidating power and eliminating all opposition to communist rule.

Monolithic Communism and Stalinist Communism are regarded as the same thing because this political reality put Russia at the center of world-wide communism. Lenin died long before he could establish a viable state and nearly lost control of Moscow itself due to many problems which include: food shortages, diphtheria pandemic, inadequate housing, lack of firewood for heating homes, and brigandage within a short distance of Russia’s capital.

It was Jews who thought up communism, it was Jews who launched the 1917 Revolution, and it was Russians who finished the difficult process of creating a viable government. In order to be a viable government a nation must be able to maintain order within its borders while at the same time have a military capable of ensuring that borders are defended. Lenin failed because his provisional government allowed lawlessness in 98% of Russia in addition to allowing the Japanese to invade Siberia. Stalin reversed Lenin and Trotsky’s deficiencies.

This should address both Winston and Eric. Practice trumps theory in every instance of history or statesmanship. If we were to go with theoretical concepts from literary sources then the Communist Manifesto would have to give overwhelming credit to Sir Thomas Moore’s Utopia because it is in fact based upon that work; Soviet political scholars were in fact taught that Utopia was the first communist literature mass produced.

2) Communism is not about prosperity; it is about wealth redistribution, destroying the current ruling class, creating a new ruling class, enslaving the working class people, maintaining a perpetual police state, and stamping out all dissenting opinion in every form with whatever means are available. As outlined in Utopia the needs of the community as a whole are met first. Food, housing, medical care, education, and a military are what a communist nation puts first and foremost. Consumer goods, luxuries, and wealth are disdained by true communists because they seek to deny the greed apparent in human nature. In essence a communist state expects the worker to toil endlessly with the bare minimum of personal comforts. This is one reason while the Soviet Union made sure vodka was plentiful so that people could at least get drunk while they went without goods and services we commonly take for granted here.

Communism will always fail if it sticks to its essential doctrine which is to deny human nature. Humans are greedy; we expect to be rewarded for our hard work or sacrifice. Communism puts a jackboot upon the very face of people who are the most productive in any given society. These people must join the party to advance, submit and shut up, or quietly pretend to work and collect benefits that they know they have not earned. “We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us!” This phrase essentially sums up the proletariat’s point of view under communism. Willfully underproductive workers always destroy the company that they work for, the nation that they claim to love, and the ideals that they falsely claim to adhere to.

In regards to what Eric said: The Czar and his family were executed by a firing squad using submachine guns, the rest of the nobles had fled Russia, there were no Czar loyalists capable of resisting the communists, Lenin tried to commit genocide upon Christians rather than counter-balance the Russian Orthodox Church, Communism only served the Communists rather than the people or the nation, and each nation infected by Russian Communism was in fact a puppet of the Russians rather than a true nation standing upon its own.

The Soviet Union was created on paper after the execution of the royal family and each nation which allowed the KGB to support it only succeeded as long as Russia supported it. Russia was in fact the single biggest entity within the artificial creation that was the Soviet Union and was cannibalized from the Russian Empire. Russian was the unspoken language of the USSR. Russian culture also dominated every aspect of the USSR as well. Jews may have thought up the idea of communism and launched a revolution but they did not create a viable communist state.

3) After Stalin rose to enough influence he had Trotsky assassinated. Lenin had previously died from unknown causes, one of which might have been a slow acting poison. Lenin and Trotsky were the two top people in charge of the 1917 Revolution and with them out of the way Stalin gained total control of the Soviet Union. Through the 1920’s and 1930’s Jews were systematically purged form the Communist Party in a top-down approach instituted by Stalin using KGB assassins. Trotsky died in Mexico and the assassin spent a luxurious life sentence in “prison” (Room service, luxuries, booze, and women on command within a cell that was essentially a hotel room.)

There were no Jews left within the Communist Party after Stalin’s purge. Every single one of them was killed. The Jews within the Soviet Union were relegated to 2nd class citizenship and some of them were allowed to leave along with KGB spies pretending to be political refugees persecuted for their religion. American Jews had nothing in common with Soviet Jews or the Jews allowed to leave the Soviet Union since there had been a very successful purge used in conjunction with re-education campaigns. Soviet Jews were thoroughly indoctrinated in anti-American philosophy which guaranteed problems in regards to cooperating with American Jews. World-wide communism wasn’t the goal, cultural supremacy of either America or Russia was.

Also the Communist Party in America had been discredited in the 1930’s when Stalin signed a Pact of Cooperation with Hitler for the purpose of conquering Poland. Communism lost its appeal, the American Fascist Party lost its leader after an embezzlement convict of its leader, and J. Edgar Hoover engineered all outcomes through his manipulations. Post WWII Stalin broke his promises made at the Yalta Conference and seized large areas of central Europe for his empire. Communism had thoroughly established itself as the philosophy of liars and hypocrites at this point and no self-respecting American in 1950’s would have admitted to ever having any communist tendencies, especially after Senator McCarthy’s purge. Jews were eliminated in the USSR while communists were eliminated in the USA in terms of political power; that in essence is why there could not have been an international Jewish collaboration.

4) The Battle of Dunkirk was important for several reasons, but I’m only going to stick to your question on this one. The British Empire was spread over every time zone on the planet at the time since they were the number one superpower at the time. A minimal garrison was at hand within the UK proper. Most of the surplus armaments from WWI had been reallocated to problem areas such as the Far East, Middle East, South Africa, India, and Australia. Japan was an active region threat to the British Empire and had the capacity to overwhelm UK forces within the Pacific as well as in Asia. Resources and troops were diverted to counter Japan at the expense of domestic security as was assumed Germany could not present a clear threat to England. The troops fleeing Dunkirk were the only troops available to defend the UK since they threw everything locally available at the Third Reich. They risked everything and nearly lost it all. Had that force been annihilated there would have been no standing army protecting Britain. The British had sold off surplus weapons from WWI and also had a policy of restricting private firearms ownership. As a result there were not enough weapons to equip able bodied men or veterans from WWI. There was a critical shortage of war supplies even before Dunkirk.

The 340,000 men that retreated became the minimal credible defense that prevented Hitler from ordering a full-scale invasion. These men then trained others who were equipped with American weapons supplied by FDR since the UK did not have adequate reserves or production facilities. Radar which was invented by the UK allowed the RAF to respond to incursions by Germany without wasting fuel or man hours by patrolling the skies. This allowed the limited number of RAF pilots as well as fighter craft to stand down and rest/sleep as needed. If the radar technology had not been developed Germany could have launched surprise attacks with impunity and won through attrition. Radar, an initial fighter technology supremacy, and American industrial aid are what kept the UK alive. If any one of those factors had not been in Churchill’s favor the Battle of Britain would have been won by the Third Reich. Germany out-produced the UK in industrial terms, the Third Reich also developed jet engine technology as well as rocketry during WWII, Germany had more citizens, and the UK was an island empire cut off from its colonial resources.

Hitler made the mistake of getting into an urban war for the three major cities in the USSR; namely Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Stalingrad. Seizing Ukraine was necessary to acquire crude oil to fuel the Panzer division, wheat to feed Germany, and to divert troops from a losing strategy that did not take advantage of Blitzkrieg tactics at which Panzer divisions excelled at. Taking out Stalin ironically would have helped Russia as it would have eliminated a psychopath/sociopath who had no concept of military tactics or strategy. Stalin was a statesman who knew how to run a nation, but had no clue as to how to best lead or motivate troops. During the initial German invasion of the USSR Russian were cooperating until Hitler ordered their genocide, and then they rallied behind Stalin because there was no other choice if they wanted to live. Sometimes it’s best to leave an incompetent king in place if you want to destroy his kingdom, allowing Stalin to live ensured that unnecessary attrition occurred within the Red Army and thus weakened the USSR.

The Third Reich also had a weak king in that it was led by a syphilis infected, self-loathing Jew, who was addicted to methamphetamines as well as barbiturates. Towards the end of WWII this man sabotaged Rommel (The best German general of the century), destroyed strategic assets to “punish” Germany for failing him, and built fantasy cities in his bunker while Germany was being destroyed in every direction.

Hitler’s grandmother had a child by a Jewish man, which according to the Third Reich’s Supreme Court would have in fact counted Hitler as a Jew had they know of his origins. Hitler had this same grandmother’s hometown burned to the ground and erased from record to cover his ancestry. The ideal of the Aryan was the blue eyed Caucasian with blond hair and Hitler most definitely was not blond or blue-eyed. He did not in fact fit the ideal of his professed political beliefs; these are the actions of a Jew seeking to bring down an entire nation. Did not Lenin claim to stand for the Russian people while killing them wholesale, didn’t Trotsky lead his commandos against Russian peasants and slaughter them for defending their farms against communist raiders, don’t the Jews in Hollywood undermine the US by destroying family values. I have mixed feeling about Hitler, he at times seemed like a nationalist, and at others seemed like pawn that brought death to all sides.

WII did not have to happen, it was engineered to happen and any objective scholar of history would agree to this opinion in one form or another. Germany was not to blame and there were several conspiracies in play as anyone with some modicum education and intelligence could readily see this trend, the truth will never be known however.

By the way: cool conversation thread, keep it going, this is fun to keep track of.
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