Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »


Here is an interesting interview with Stephen E. Flowers, author of "Lords of the Left Hand Path". He explains that the left hand path is not evil, but it simply means non-conformist and going their own way, which can be good or bad. The right hand path is not necessarily good or bad, it's merely conforming to the normal natural life of making a living and raising a family, and then after death reincarnating into your children's descendents, which is what most people do. It's not good or bad, just conforming to what everyone else does. This sort of makes sense. By this definition, Jesus and Buddha followed the left hand path too.

Description of his book: ... 594774676/

Examines the left-hand path and reveals the masters of the tradition

• Explores the practices and beliefs of many left-hand path groups, including the Cult of Set, the Hell-Fire Club, and heretical Sufi, Zoroastrian, Christian, and Muslim sects

• Investigates many infamous occult personalities, including Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, the Marquis de Sade, and Anton LaVey

• Explains the true difference between the right-hand path and the left-hand path--union with and dependence on God versus individual freedom and self-empowerment

From black magic and Satanism to Gnostic sects and Gurdjieff’s Fourth Way, the left-hand path has been linked to many practices, cults, and individuals across the ages. Stephen Flowers, Ph.D., examines the methods, teachings, and historical role of the left-hand path, from its origins in Indian tantric philosophy to its underlying influence in current world affairs, and reveals which philosophers, magicians, and occult figures throughout history can truly be called “Lords of the Left-Hand Path.”

Flowers explains that while the right-hand path seeks union with and thus dependence on God, the left-hand path seeks a “higher law” based on knowledge and power. It is the way of self-empowerment and true freedom. Beginning with ancient Hindu and Buddhist sects and moving Westward, he examines many alleged left-hand path groups, including the Cult of Set, the Yezidi Devil Worshippers, the Assassins, the Neoplatonists, the Hell-Fire Club, the Bolsheviks, the occult Nazis, and several heretical Sufi, Zoroastrian, Christian, and Muslim sects. Following a carefully crafted definition of a true adherent of the left-hand path based on two main principles--self-deification and challenge to the conventions of “good” and “evil”--the author analyzes many famous and infamous personalities, including H. P. Blavatsky, Faust, the Marquis de Sade, Austin Osman Spare, Aleister Crowley, Gerald Gardner, Anton LaVey, and Michael Aquino, and reveals which occult masters were Lords of the Left-Hand Path.

Flowers shows that the left-hand path is not inherently evil but part of our heritage and our deep-seated desire to be free, independent, and in control of our destinies.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

Lucas88 wrote:
May 21st, 2022, 11:05 am
MrMan wrote:
May 21st, 2022, 10:18 am
It sounds like you have chosen the losing side.
Nah, I've chosen the side of light and freedom.

You on the other hand have chosen the side of a demonic impostor who demands blood sacrifices from his followers and finds the aroma of burned flesh pleasant. You literally follow a religion whose central ritual is a bizarre celebration of human sacrifice and a simulacrum of cannibalism and blood drinking. Yet you seem to have no problem with such demonic perversity. Maybe you are a little bit of a sicko too!

Some Christians are sincere spiritual seekers. They've just been misled by the programs of the archons.

Many other Christians are perverse souls who resonate with Yahweh and are unperturbed by his untold evil because they themselves are cut from the same cloth. They really are made in his image. They know only Yahweh and blindly worship him because he really is the creator of their demonic souls!

But those of us who are souls of light come from the true Divine Consciousness and know that Yahweh is merely an impostor. We also understand that the Bible and its religions are simply a tool for our enslavement and destruction.
I noticed the same thing. Christians aren't really brainwashed as atheists assume. They simply resonate with their religion, so it fits them. Perhaps as you say, they belong to the soul group created by the Demiurge, so they naturally resonate with the Christian religion. So once they hear the Gospel, it immediately clicks for them. What they don't get though is that just because the Gospel clicks with them doesn't mean it clicks for everyone. If their religion is ultimate truth as they think, why doesn't it resonate with most people?

I get the sense that most people belong to some kind of soul group or sub soul group. So if you are part of the Mormon soul group for example, the Mormon Gospel will instantly click with you when you hear it. If not, it will seem like nonsense. Why else would thousands of people since the early 1800s go for Mormonism, which makes no sense and has no logic or evidence behind it, unless they are part of the same soul group? It can't be explained any other way. A religion that makes no sense isn't gonna gain a large following unless there is another factor at work.

The thing is, Christianity only appeals to people who are narrow minded, love dogma, and are authoritarian. So if you are a freethinker or freespirit, you cannot be a Christian even if you want to, unless you follow one of the liberal Christianities like Christian Science or Unity Church or Swedenborg Christianity or something. Because Christianity does not allow freethought and requires you to agree with God on everything, because authority is always right and must be obeyed and conformed to. Your opinion does not matter, because God is the authority, and you are not. So it's a cosmic dictatorship and only authoritarians like that. If you are not an authoritarian who thinks authority is always right, including God, then I don't see how Christianity can work for you, unless you go for one of the more liberal New Agey forms of Christianity.

What Christians don't get is that even if the Bible God is real, it does NOT mean that he is perfect, or right about everything, or the highest God in the universe, or the only God. None of those things follow. The character of the God of the OT is terrible and monstrous, so he's definitely not perfect or Christ-like even. There is logical axiom that says that there must be only one God. In nature we see multiples of everything - multiple stars, planets, and galaxies. So why does there have to be only one God? There is no logical basis for monotheism. It sounds like just a control system to consolidate religious power.

Also there's no reason why the God of the Bible has to be the highest God in the universe. He could be a mid-level God or a Demiurge like in Gnosticism, which manages physical matter, but does not run the spirit world. Eastern religions say that there are many gods too. There is no logical reason why he must be the highest, especially since he has many character defects. So even if the Bible God existed before, it doesn't mean he's the only god nor the highest. The logic doesn't follow as Christians assume, and they cannot provide any basis for it, other than the fact that that's what they WANT to believe. So they believe it because they want to believe it, not because it's true or makes sense.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

publicduende wrote:
May 21st, 2022, 8:41 am
Winston wrote:
May 20th, 2022, 3:43 pm
I am confused about something. What is the connection between Freemasons, Illuminati, New Age, Gnosticism, and Mystery Schools? Many Christians link them all together as one. Hence they are all evil and part of the NWO designed to take over the world and enslave everyone and depopulate the planet. Even William Cooper's Mystery Babylon series linked them all as one and the same. He wasn't a Christian fundamentalist, but his research probably came from Christians. However, when I study Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Inner Alchemy, and Kabbalah, they all teach good things and self-improvement and purifying oneself of evil and raising vibration so that one's thoughts can manifest into reality what one wishes. Self improvement and doing good and becoming enlightened are all good things of course, so how can they be connected to the ruling elite and their plan for the NWO to enslave the world? None of this adds up. It's very confusing and contradictory.

Have you read Manly P. Hall or Rudolf Steiner? They said the Masons and Rosicrucians are good occult secret societies with spiritual meaning. So how can that be bad as Christian truthers claim? It's all very confusing.
Some of us like to put all these communities, all these names, into the same buckets. Looking at things in terms of pure chronology, it's obvious that Egyptian and Indian spiritual schools predate everything else. Some say that the root of these schools trace back to vanished civilisations, like Atlantis or even alien races. Hard to prove.

From this foundation, all the other mystery schools evolved and retained some similarities while developing unique knowledge systems and traits. The cult of Hermes Trismegistus started in Greece but was a syncretic combination of the native cult of Hermes (Mercury) with the cult of the Egyptian god Thoth. Hebrew Kabbalah was born out of the same Greek and Egyptian roots but developed independently into different branches, one of which, Hermetic Kabbalah, was the foundation of many Western mystery schools including Rosicrucianism.

In the end, as Manly P Hall showed us, one can delve very deep indeed into any of the philosophical and spiritual teachings of any of these schools without having to embrace their hierarchical system of authority and power. All of them are ways to study the universal laws governing all living and non-living beings (including in the cosmos) and promote awareness of the self, and a fuller, more balanced life. They are undeniably good.

The problem happens when people congregating under these spiritual teaching develop said hierarchical systems of authority and power. They usually give themselves an agenda that, for spiritually impeccable in its intentions, might easily be twisted and bent to accommodate the desire for power and wealth of the few, at the expense of the many.

One of Gurdjeff's key teachings was that, put simply, a soul's (incarnate soul, in our case) spiritual evolution consumes a certain amount of energy, which is in a finite amount in our universe. It's a competitive process. Not everybody can achieve high levels of spiritual evolution and, if they do, it will always be at someone else's expense. A bit like the way many man-made institutions, like societies and the financial markets, work. Don't you think?
Well I don't know how much energy there is in the universe, but it seems like a lot. If you mean spiritual energy, that is hard to measure. I would imagine the energy is infinite? But maybe not, because if the universe has infinite energy, then why are all living things parasitical by nature? Why is there competition for food and resources and energy? If there is scarcity, then the universe must not be infinite. Unless of course, some force has hijacked it. This means that whatever parasitic forces run this world, cannot be all powerful or infinite, because it has to parasite energy off us.

Another thing I don't get about secret societies is: If the lower degrees of Masonry for example, are good and about self-improvement and enlightenment and preach good values, then how can the candidate expected to do a 180 and become evil once they advance beyond the blue degrees? I mean a good person doesn't just turn to evil when they advance. There has to be some type of transition or corrupting force to turn someone from good to evil. If you advance from the 3rd degree to the 4th degree, you aren't just going to turn evil because the lodge says so. It cannot be that simple. So I wonder how it works. How can the inner circle be so different from the outer circle? It's inconsistent because the roots would be different from the exterior. How do you explain that? Have you wondered about this too?
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Re: Isn't it more beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

Ok now as promised earlier in this thread, here are the main points from the Divine Secret Garden audibook series that I linked above. I sent this to some of my friends on WhatsApp:

Wow. The last few weeks I've been listening to the Divine Secret garden audiobook series, recommended by Robert Stanley. It has been the most mind blowing and enlightening series ever. And its one of the best theories to explain who runs our matrix and why we are here and why we suffer and why good and evil exist, etc.

The gist of it is that Lucifer actually WON the war in heaven. And thats why he rules this world. It makes sense if u think about it because no one who loses a war gets to rule the world. Only the winner does. So the Christians have it backwards. Plus if a war with God is unwinnable then its not a war. Lucifer is smarter than everyone on earth and would never enter into an unwinnable war. So the Christian myth of Lucifer trying to overthrow God never made any sense. A war means that both sides have some chance of winning, even if its small. Since no one can engage in war with an all powerful God and God doesnt enter into wars, the war in heaven must have been between two lesser Gods. Just like gnosticism says.

Anyway, the war in heaven was between Lucifer and Satan. Satan lost and became the henchmen of Lucifer. Lucifer rules the world from the 4th dimension with his watchers and Satan and his demons are delegated to ruling the physical 3rd dimension that we live in here. They both work together, thats why you see God and Satan talking to each other in the book of Job as if they were on the same team.

This makes sense if u think about it but is disturbing and dismal. But it explains the classic timeless question of why a good God would allow suffering and evil and injustice to run rampant in this world. Because the God of this world, Lucifer, engineered all that as part of the prison matrix we are in. He has to constantly deceive everyone through religion and new age and science to prevent everyone from knowing the truth. Wow doesnt that make so much sense? Doesn't that explain a lot???

Together Lucifer and Satan constitute the polarity of light and dark, good and evil, to keep us locked in duality. Their goal is to keep us trapped in the matrix and constantly recycled through reincarnation. So we become a neverending battery supply, like you see in the Matrix movie.

Unfortunately for Christians this means that their God Jehovah or Yahweh of the Old Testament is actually Lucifer. But this isn't a surprise to Gnostics since thats what Gnosticism has said all along.

Michael Tsarion said this too. He said the Illuminati, Freemasons and Christians all worship the same God of Light. He calls it the Cult of Aton, which is the Egyptian God of Light. So Lucifer has many names: Amen Ra or Aton/Aten in Egypt, Yahweh or Jehovah in Hebrew, the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth in Gnosticism, the Grand Architect in Freemasonry, etc.

Thats why Christians say "Amen" at the end of a prayer because they are worshipping the Egyptian Sun God, Amen Ra, without realizing it. And why they worship on Sunday to commemorate the day of the Sun God. It makes sense and is hidden in plain sight. Also, Astrotheology and the Zeitgeist movie exposed that long ago.

The connecting link, Tsarion says, that connects Lucifer to the God of the Old Testament, is the earliest name of the Hebrew God which is Adonai or Adon. If you research the roots of that you will find the key link that connects Lucifer the God of Light with Jehovah the God of the Old Testament. Wow. Fascinating!

The Sun represents the God of Light or Lucifer. It illuminates the world like a movie projector. Thats why the elite worship it and Sun worship logos are everywhere - in religion, churches, corporate logos, national flags, movie symbolism, movie endings which show the hero riding off into the sunset, movie beginnings which show the sun dawning on a new day, etc. Its the elite's cult of light.

What do you guys think? Does all that make sense and resonate? I dont know if every detail in the series is true but the gist of it certainly makes sense and fits what u see in this world and answers a lot of mysteries that organized religion and science cannot answer.

The divine secret garden website is down for some reason. (Maybe Lucifer got angry and took it down?) But I've uploaded the whole audiobook series to my Google Drive so you can download it there. But its very long and is nearly 60s hours. There are 8 audiobooks that are 7 or 8 hours each. So it will take a lot of time to get through. It took me over a month to get through it.

If you are limited on time i would just start with book 5 and listen to book 8. Then go back to book 1 to 4 if you want. Because book 5 gets into the meat of answering the crucial questions about how the matrix was created and why we are here and who rules the world.

Btw when i posted about this in my forum under the Lucifer thread, all of a sudden my server crashed. My webhost took many hours to fix it. Must have been a serious fatal problem. Its as if Lucifer and his watchers got angry when i exposed this and wrecked my server. This has never happened before. Usually a server crash is resolved in a few minutes, not many hours. Even now the server still has strange unexplained error messages in the hosting panel that my webhost hasnt fixed yet. Very creepy. Does that mean I'm onto something??? Why else would that happen??? Maybe thats why the divine secret garden website went down too? The one at

What do you guys think? Was that a warning shot from Lucifer and his Watchers? Could they take down my site for good or harm me for spreading too much truth and exposing their cosmic scam? Or was this a sign from the universe that I'm onto something?

Some more revelations from divine secret garden:

1. Since Lucifer runs the 4th dimension outside of our 3rd dimension, thats where we go when we die and see the false light trap that near death experiencers see. When we go there we get guilt tripped during the life review and are told that we didnt live the perfect life yet and made many mistakes, so we have to go back and be reborn again into this 3D world, so we can suffer and toil and be used as a battery by the matrix again. The only way out is to refuse to comply and not give your consent. Or avoid the light trap altogether. More about the false light trap can be found at

2. Since Lucifer runs the 4th dimension outside our time snd space, unfortunately that means we are not only in a simulation, but a simulation within a simulation. Because the 4th dimension is a simulation created by Lucifer or the God of Light too. That means we are in a box within a box, or a double nested simulation. This means we are more f***ed than we realize. Doesnt that suck? Lol

3. The real souls here were tricked into coming here. Lucifer made the 4th dimension beautiful and enticing and full of pleasure to lure us in. Once inside his 4D world he then lured us into his 3D world to trap us and use us as batteries to feed the matrix. Thats how some of us got here. Others are serving a prison sentence here and were sent to purgatory for something they did wrong when they were outside this world. But most people here are just NPCs without a soul, they are just software programs that follow the code in their DNA and are only concerned with survival and material needs. Some of the souls here are not good souls, they are the seed of Cain and belong to Lucifer. So they will do anything he wants and sell their soul without hesitation or guilt because they are his children. The Illuminati bloodlines are of this ilk.

4. This earth is not the original. It is a copy of the original earth and we were moved into a simulation set up by Lucifer that contains a thousand year time loop. At the end of the loop the world will go back to the tenth century again after the harvest and great reset. Its a great cycle and part of the program. So time is like a circle, not a straight line. Once time comes back full circle like the hands on a clock, or the end of a DVD, the simulation resets back to the beginning.

The reason for the loop is that Lucifer doesnt want us to progress too much with the expanding technology we've developed, or else he would lose control. So he set the simulation to end when we have progressed too much. Plus he doesnt have the resources to keep the simulation going beyond a thousand years.

This is why we have deja vu, because we've been in this life before during the previous loops.

One of the purposes of CERN is to try to extend the time loop or cancel it. Because the ruling elite of this world do not want to return to the tenth century either. Because that was a brutal era and it was much harder for the elites to control people back then. And they dont wanna lose all the technology they developed either of course.

I dont know if this time loop part is true. Its very iffy and impossible to verify. But who knows right?

5. The simulation we are in is not like the simulations we have in our PCs. It was created with advanced 4th dimensional technology that is beyond our comprehension and beyond time and space. Thats how it is able to combine digital reality with consciousness and living organisms. Our souls are trapped in a liquid container in the 4th dimension and our consciousness is projected into the simulation from there, like virtual reality goggles but much more sophisticated and realistic.

6. The reason most of us dont find our soulmate but end up settling is because the matrix deliberately keeps u from finding your soulmate, because the divine union or alchemical wedding between you and your soulmate would make u too powerful and strong and complete that the matrix could no longer control you or feed off you. Especially if you are a true divine soul. Its aim is to feed off your suffering so if u are complete and whole with a soulmate then it could no longer do that. That makes a lot of sense but is sad.

7. The Sun represents the light of Lucifer and is like the light from a movie projector into a screen which illuminates the world. This is why Sun worship and Sun logos are everywhere in our culture - in corporate logos, churches, religion, national flags, movie symbolism, etc.

Many movies begin and end with a sunrise and sunset, for example like "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" or THX1138 by George Lucas (see the end scene). Thats why you in western movies you see the hero riding off into the sunset at the end, or the sun dawning at beginning of a movie on a new day. Ive noticed this in countless movies. It can't be a coincidence. Something that consistent and widespread cannot be coincidence. We see this everywhere in thousands of places. The lion represents the Sun God too and thats why MGM shows u a lion at the beginning of movies. And why a golden yellow lion was on the flag of medieval England.

What do you guys think? Do these revelations make sense? Do they resonate with you?

Anyway here's the link to the 8 divine secret garden audiobooks on my google drive if you wanna hear all the details. But be warned, this is disturbing and frightening and may cause u to lose sleep at night. ... sp=sharing

If u want to get into the meat of it u can start with book 5 and after book 8 u can start with 1 to 4 again if interested. I converted all the audiobooks into 32 kpbs format for minimal size. The narration voice is computerized but tolerable.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
May 24th, 2022, 8:44 pm
Well I don't know how much energy there is in the universe, but it seems like a lot. If you mean spiritual energy, that is hard to measure. I would imagine the energy is infinite? But maybe not, because if the universe has infinite energy, then why are all living things parasitical by nature? Why is there competition for food and resources and energy? If there is scarcity, then the universe must not be infinite. Unless of course, some force has hijacked it. This means that whatever parasitic forces run this world, cannot be all powerful or infinite, because it has to parasite energy off us.
I don't remember all of Gurdjieff's theory about universal energy, it's quite intricate. I remember he refers to energy as confined in territories, governed by planets, which have a consciousness of their own and act as energy reservoirs and providers for the souls who live on or around them. Even the number of satellites orbiting around a planet, like the Moon, is a manifestation of this energy.

So the spiritual energy of mankind, planet Earth's inhabitants, is measured in the context of the Earth over its historical, indeed cosmic, cycles.

Does it make sense? No LOL It was one of the least understandable parts of Gurdjieff's theories. To think that his disciple Ouspensky did a majestic job in deciphering all of his teachings.

I guess competition for food and natural resources is a metaphor for the race for spiritual enlightenment. The only difference, and a substantial one, is that competition assumes a winner and a loser, while spiritual growth is something that can, indeed must, be done alone, as a lone journey. So, according to Gurdjieff, the planet's soul acts as a judge, tallying up everybody's effort and guiding the (very) few towards enlightenment.
Winston wrote:
May 24th, 2022, 8:44 pm
Another thing I don't get about secret societies is: If the lower degrees of Masonry for example, are good and about self-improvement and enlightenment and preach good values, then how can the candidate expected to do a 180 and become evil once they advance beyond the blue degrees? I mean a good person doesn't just turn to evil when they advance. There has to be some type of transition or corrupting force to turn someone from good to evil. If you advance from the 3rd degree to the 4th degree, you aren't just going to turn evil because the lodge says so. It cannot be that simple. So I wonder how it works. How can the inner circle be so different from the outer circle? It's inconsistent because the roots would be different from the exterior. How do you explain that? Have you wondered about this too?
The lower degrees of the Masonic orders, just like the pseudo-charity organisations and some private universities are breeding grounds for adepts. Like in any organisation that exhibits hierarchical, compartmentalised authority, you get recruited not only based on how smart you are, but how compliant you are: basically how well you can execute orders from people above you without questioning their nature and motives. That's one surefire way to climb up the ladder. You get tested, you get given some tasks and you're supposed to do them, no matter what impact they might have on those around you, no matter what your brain or coscience say.

Like any army of men, Freemasons want good obedient soldiers who won't question the authority yet have enough sharpness of mind to execute well. Most of them will indeed remain soldiers, maybe thrown a small bone when they are granted that one life-changing (or life-saving) favour, like placing a son at a prestigious university or workplace, saving a family member from going to jail, or being chosen for a lucrative government contract even if much better companies exist.

If you want to know how Masonic thinking works at the lowest level, there's an interesting Italian movie produced in the late 70s, with comedy legend Alberto Sordi. It's called Un Borghese Piccolo Piccolo (An Average Little Man).

Just read the synopsis and you'll understand.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Mercury »

Winston wrote:
November 3rd, 2021, 4:25 pm
Hey Christians,

I got a taboo and disturbing question about Lucifer vs Jesus. If Lucifer or Satan is the God of this world, then doesn't it make more sense to worship him or serve him, than Jesus or Jehovah? Wouldn't serving Lucifer/Satan get you more tangible rewards and benefits since he owns and runs this world? Think about it. The basic logic makes sense. After all, it does seem that all actors, politicians, CEOs, industry giants, athletes, musicians, and entertainers are worshipping Lucifer/Satan nowadays, and they are rich and famous. So it seems that if you want your dreams, desires, and ambitions to come true, you have to worship Lucifer, the God of this world, right? For mountains of proof, check out this video series by Altiyan Childs, a former Freemason. He shows you hundreds of photos, videos, and quotes for 5 hours, that all public figures worship Lucifer/Satan. Here's the playlist of his whole series on Freemasonry and Lucifer/Satan: ... 9kN3gOHEbx

In contrast, what do you get for worshipping Jesus, who is not the God of this unjust and oppressive world and obviously not running it (or else Hollywood would be pro-Jesus)? As a genuine follower of Jesus, you get suffering and poverty, and you have to remain chaste and celibate unless you are married. And you may end up dying as a martyr, like many Biblical prophets and many of Jesus' disciples did. You don't get fulfillment of your dreams or desires. You don't get what you want and instead you get punished with suffering. So what's the point right? Think about it.

Even if following Jesus gets you into the Christian heaven in the afterlife, you could just spend an eternity playing a harp on a cloud or in a meadow, worshipping and singing praises to God, and not getting your desires, dreams, and wishes fulfilled either. Is that what you want? Wouldn't that bore you to death for all eternity? You would be there worshipping God all day 24/7, kissing his butt, and being his slave and servant. You would be serving someone else in other words, and not getting your desires fulfilled. Just like in the Star Trek Voyager episode "Coda" where Captain Janeway almost gets tricked into a false heaven matrix where she would be used to nourish and serve another entity. There's no guarantee that going to the Christian heaven will get you what you want. There's no evidence that the Christian God even cares about your dreams and desires, only in you being SUBSERVIENT to his will, NOT yours. So you may end up just being a servant and slave there in the Christian heaven, with no freedom to do whatever you want or freethought to think whatever you want. Would that really be what you wanted? So if you think about it, it doesn't seem like a good deal does it?

It's no wonder then why the rich and famous prefer to worship Lucifer rather than Jesus. You can't blame them right? Because Lucifer gives them tangible benefits, and the fame, fortune, and power they want. But Jesus gives them nothing but suffering, poverty, chastity, and maybe a martyr's death without making any of their dreams and wishes come true. And there's no guarantee what the afterlife with Jesus will be like. It could be a total slave existence for all eternity with no freedom or freethought, and none of your dreams and desires fulfilled. So isn't it far more profitable and rewarding to worship/serve Lucifer rather than Jesus?

I know all this is taboo and blasphemous to think about it like this. But you gotta wonder right? Isn't this a logical and valid question?
No way in the world! Lucifer/Satan isn't even a god. Lucifer/Satan is a demon that is hell bent on total annihilation. He already ruined God's top creation when he got Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And in fact, Lucifer/Satan is the real power and the real villain behind America's fake, inauthentic, toxic, soulless, disconnected, and superficial culture.

If Adam and Eve had never eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, mankind wouldn't be enduring any pain or suffering. Childbirth wouldn't be painful. Working for our food would be a matter of eating the fruit from the trees and planting the pits in the center of the fruits so that new fruit trees would grow. There would be no chastity or forced celibacy. There would be no wars. No crime on our streets. No divorce, no homicide, no stealing. Injuries sustained in a hurricane, flood, earthquake, tornado, landslide, as well as illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, polio, Covid-19, the flu, the common cold, and even old age itself, would require just one antidote; the fruit of the Tree of Life. The Lake of Fire of course would be really empty, populated only by Satan and his demons. And neither would God have been saying; "You ain't living any longer than 120 years maximum, and that's that!"

Unfortunately, when Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they forfeited the right to an easy life, for themselves and all of their descendants, including us. The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a poison to both the flesh and the human spirit. The flesh was destroyed and the human spirit heavily damaged by the consumption of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And their consumption of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil brought heavy punishment and curses down on all of us, including suffering, poverty, chastity, violence, hate, pain during childbirth, the need for money, the eternal Lake of Fire, and the rumored Great Tribulation.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Cornfed »

It seems like we are seeing the problem with selling your soul to Satan with all the decrepit undead ghouls clinging to their positions and lives at the moment. Pelosi, Feinstein, Biden, Soros, QEII, formerly David Rockefeller with his six heart transplants etc. They have nothing to look forward to but Hell, so they are determined to cling to their rotten lives until the last nanosecond possible.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by NPCslammer »

Celebritards who sold their soul to the Devil.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

Keep in mind that everything in our culture pays homage to Lucifer or Prometheus. Lucy, Luke, and Luca or Lucas are used everywhere.

- The Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" must be an homage to Lucifer. Lucy cannot be there by coincidence because it's used too often, more than any other name.
- When you have good LUCK or get LUCKY, it means Lucifer is on your side, that's why LUC is in the word.
- Star Wars has Luke Skywalker and George Lucas. Two names of Lucifer.
- The TV show "I Love Lucy" is considered a hit classic.
- The movie "LUCY" with Scarlett Johansson about a woman who becomes all powerful like a God, is obvious reference to the God Lucifer.
- In the movie "Universal Soldier", Jean Claude Van Damme's named is "Luc".
- The 80s pop song "My name is Luka. I live on the second floor. I live upstairs from you..."
- One of the fossils used to prove the missing link in evolution was also named Lucy, as we all know.
- In the movie "Tron Legacy" the ruler of the grid is named CLU, which is an anagram of LUC.

So you see, there are too many references to Lucifer for it to be coincidence, more than any other name. That means our culture must be built on Lucifer worship. So he must be the God of this world if the elites all worship him and pay homage to him.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by publicduende »

Winston wrote:
July 23rd, 2022, 9:02 pm
Keep in mind that everything in our culture pays homage to Lucifer or Prometheus. Lucy, Luke, and Luca or Lucas are used everywhere.

- The Beatles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" must be an homage to Lucifer. Lucy cannot be there by coincidence because it's used too often, more than any other name.
- When you have good LUCK or get LUCKY, it means Lucifer is on your side, that's why LUC is in the word.
- Star Wars has Luke Skywalker and George Lucas. Two names of Lucifer.
- The TV show "I Love Lucy" is considered a hit classic.
- The movie "LUCY" with Scarlett Johansson about a woman who becomes all powerful like a God, is obvious reference to the God Lucifer.
- In the movie "Universal Soldier", Jean Claude Van Damme's named is "Luc".
- The 80s pop song "My name is Luka. I live on the second floor. I live upstairs from you..."
- One of the fossils used to prove the missing link in evolution was also named Lucy, as we all know.
- In the movie "Tron Legacy" the ruler of the grid is named CLU, which is an anagram of LUC.

So you see, there are too many references to Lucifer for it to be coincidence, more than any other name. That means our culture must be built on Lucifer worship. So he must be the God of this world if the elites all worship him and pay homage to him.
The myth of Lucifer, "the Light Bringer" has been cast in a negative light only by the Catholic church. In any other religion and mythology, there is always a deity that brings the light (of knowledge, wisdom, etc.) to mankind, at the expense of his own life, and is considered a champion, an ally, a Maker of mankind.

Prometheus steals fire from the Gods to give it to Humanity, so they can evolve. For this, he is punished by Zeus to being tortured for eternity.

All of these legends imply two different stages: one where humanity has been created by the Gods in their likeness but live unaware that they hold a divine spark, the ability to transcend the ordinary and attain a higher purpose. And one where a mythological hero, a rebel deity or semi-deity (like Angel Lucifer), sacrifices their lives to give humanity that awareness.

Beautiful and deep myths that all point to the divine inside ourselves. The Catholic church and every institutionalised form of religion sought to erase this awareness, claiming that we are all sinners and Jesus (indeed, the Holy Ghost) is the only way we can reach God.
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Re: Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by vlkmo »

One thing I will say is that I have some respect for Islamic values. At least Islam (or maybe just a certain interpretation) openly believes that in their Heaven, you will be rewarded with your desire for sex/romance that you were denied down here. The very large majority of Christians believe we will all be eunuchs when we arrive in Heaven.

I relate to OP's question about fulfilling dreams and desires and that is one of my reasons for questioning Christianity.
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