Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people just programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Winston »

MrMan wrote:
Do you ever consider that I may be right? Ever? Even for a while? Why are you 100 percent sure that your Christian paradigm is the absolute truth? Do you even realize you're under mind control?
We've discussed how I've experienced very specific prayers being answered. I've seen people who have gotten healed supernaturally. I've seen specific prophecies that hit the nail on the head. I see God interacting in my life and in the life of others. if things don't turn out my way, I know I still need to surrender to God, and I have been able to feel peace in that situation. I went for years not really knowing how I was going to scrape up enough money for rent while I was in grad school, with a wife and kids, worked some really long hours--the worst maybe was the 23 and a half hour day-- trying to scrape up the cash with my wife during some days when we were working not getting enough sleep. I've been overseas with a net worth in the hundreds with about that much on a credit card, needing a job, having to trust God to line stuff up for me. God has come through for me on so many occassions.

As far as some of your social issues are concerned maybe there are some things you can do. A Chinese expat I studied with in grad school said I probably knew what it was like. You don't fit in over there and you don't fit in here. He'd lived so many years in the US, running hotels with his partners, he did not fit in culturally in China. But he did not fit in with his environment. I thought about it. I was different after having lived in Indonesia, and I was not like anyone else. I do have a family, though, which gives me people to spend time with every day. My wife is from Indonesia and has lived in the US, but has no problem making friends and leaving a positive impact on people's lives. It's impressive really. But I can still relate to not fitting in.

I've also been an expat overseas when I was single.

When I was in Jakarta, I got to be a part of a group of young adult expats like myself. We were a part of a church cell group. There were Indonesians that were a part of the group, but also expats from various countries. There were white missionary kids who grew up in Africa and South America, but who also bounced back and forth to their home country. There was an African in our group, and lots of other nationalities represented. One was Hong Kong-American ethnic Chinese. Some in the group were raised all over the place. This was a group of friends I could hang out with. Mainly we spent time in that call group and eating out, and a lot of it was social. I wasn't as tight with all the group members as some of the others there were. My wife got to be friends with members of this group, too. I had another group I hung out with, too.

International churches may be a place for groups like this to form, especially among singles who have that extra time married couples with kids do not, and who do not exactly fit in who can form friendships with other people who are partly a part of one culture and partly a part of another culture. I have also seen English teachers in South Korea hang out with each other, too. Their culture is a bit more monolithic, usually US and Canadians hanging out, and they may get a US educated Korean friend who they can talk to who can relate, who was changed by the expat experience in the US or Canada who bonds with the group because of that.

Is there a group of expats there in Taiwan, maybe English teachers or teachers at an international school who are single, and have time? I'd imagine there might be expats working in the tech industry involved in getting all those computer components to their home countries, but some of them may be the 60 hour a week executives (totally guessing since I have never been there). What about Taiwanese people who spent so much time abroad, they don't feel Taiwanese anymore? Is there some group you could join?

Btw, I can post a little on these forums. I cannot watch the hundreds of hours of video posted on the forum. Sometimes I read posts in bed after getting up or before sleeping. If I don't have headphones, I'm not going to wake my wife up with a video, either.
Well the thing is, New Agers believe in answered prayers and supernatural healings too. So do Muslims. Why is your religion right and theirs wrong? I agree there is evidence of supernatural healings. Even the Catholics have them, like at the pool in Lourdes, France. Does that prove that the Catholic faith is the only true one? Just because miracles or healings happen doesn't mean that one particular religion is right and the rest wrong. Why is your religion the only true one and others wrong?

There are meetup groups but they are all in Taipei, which is far away from me. Even if I went to them, like I said, everyone you meet is superficial, like an acquaintance. It's a waste of time to travel far away just to meet an acquaintance. Some expats may be cool and similar to me, but I have plenty of expat friends in the Philippines. No need to waste my time trying to meet people in Taiwan. I prefer to just leave. Problem solved. If it weren't for my parents, I'd never be here at all.

But Taiwanese locals are never similar to me and never resonate with me. They seem colder than ice, so I don't get how you are supposed to resonate with them, especially if I am not colder than ice myself. Isn't that baffling? There's always this awkward feeling I have with them, like trying to walk upstream in a river. It's hard to explain in words. Like something is off and awkward and unnatural. You know what I mean? Even when I text them on Messenger I always feel like I am bothering them and invading their space, and they rarely answer if ever. Taiwanese are not welcoming to me at all, unless it's business related, but socially it's a sin to try to socialize without a business related reason, like crossing the line. It makes them upset. Everything I wanna do feels wrong or illegal in Taiwan. That's how God awful it is. In contrast in the Philippines I can do whatever I want and feel cool about it. The difference is greater than you can imagine.

They do not like honest people, and if you say something they don't like, they block you or ignore you. Unless they are your friend or relative maybe. Even most of my Taiwanese relatives keep their distance and don't wanna be bothered. They are very private and keep to their own bubble. They are never sweet and are very strict, if you say the wrong thing, you are a freak and they prefer to avoid you. It's very very very cold and negative, worse than you can imagine. I swear.

You don't get something. I told you before, even if I had friends or a girlfriend in Taiwan, I still would not be happy, because there's this constant dark force or vortex that keeps trying to crush my soul and make me into a zombie or clone, like nearly all Taiwanese are. It's hard to explain in words. You have to feel it to understand. I don't like that. It's like a constant psychic attack on my soul. Because you are not supposed to have a soul or personality or express yourself in Taiwan, especially in Chiayi. I know that sounds extreme but that's the best way I can put it in words. Some things cannot be conveyed in words. You know what I mean?

I heard that in Japan some are miserable too for the same reason. A Norwegian lady I talked to told me that her friend was miserable and depressed in a Japanese fishing village too and had nothing to do and no one to talk to. Even when he had a girlfriend in Japan he still felt depressed. Some cultures are like that, they try to suck out your soul and constantly require you to suppress and repress your soul and desires. Philippines is never like that of course. The difference is greater than you can imagine.

I even have a hard time going to the grocery store in Taiwan. When I see how cold and stuck up people are, it makes me sick to the stomach. I sometimes have stomach aches too. It's worse than a sci fi dystopia movie.

There are supposed to be some expat hang out places in Chiayi but I cannot find them or read Chinese and it is hard to find places or park anywhere. Small Asian cities are not laid out well. And Taiwanese rarely if ever reply to my texts so I can't just ask them either. Plus it's a waste of time anyway trying to build a social circle. Even if I had one, I still don't like the negative vibe here, which is VERY negative to the extreme and hard to explain in words. Zboy1 experienced it too and he didn't like it either. You have to feel it to know what I mean. Words can't do it justice.

I just talked to my expat friend today on the phone in Taipei who goes to the Philippines too. He said that in Taipei now it's hard to find any expats to hang out with either, they all wanna stay home and not go out. There's like this weird vibe that makes people reclusive and stay home and not wanna be bothered. It's sickening. Similar to the US but worse and more extreme. Have you ever seen that kind of vibe before where everyone wants to stay home and be reclusive as if some invisible force is making people that way? It's sickening. You aren't supposed to talk about it though. And if you bring this up with acquaintances, they get weirded out and may block you, because acquaintances expect you to be politically correct, especially if they are Taiwanese. Any deep talk weirds them out.

Like I said, everything in Taiwan sucks. I think Taiwanese know it too, that's why they get riled up if you say anything negative about their country, because it breaks their false illusion that their country is amazing and great and number 1. They hate the truth and if you break their illusions, they get upset. You definitely cannot be honest around Taiwanese folks, that's for sure. I honestly wouldn't mind if China came and just took over Taiwan. It can't get any worse than this.

You know, I have a group on the LINE chat app, which Taiwanese always use, that consists of my parents' Taiwanese relatives, both in the US and Taiwan. And you know what? No one on the group has any real conversation with each other. All they do is send forwards of stupid shit like dogs and cats doing tricks or some superficial crap like that. Or forwards in Chinese which I can't even read. No one has a real conversation in the group. If I were to ask the group "why don't any of you try to have a real conversation rather than just sending forwards all the time?" I'm sure I'd come across as a freak for saying that. It'd be awkward. That's how bad it is. You can't even be honest or speak your mind. How God awful. Why does God allow this? How could God allow things to come to this? It's terrible beyond words. You can't even be honest or express yourself around your Taiwanese relatives. How does anyone live like this? How do normal people tolerate things that I cannot? Am I too sensitive or am I the only one that's not an NPC? You gotta wonder.
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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
November 22nd, 2021, 12:37 pm
The thing is, you had zero basis to conclude that God stopped any wars, especially WW1 and WW2 and the Vietnam War which went on for 10 years.
You are trying to shift the burden of proof onto me. You were saying God did not stop those wars. You are the one making the assertion here. That's a pretty ridiculous assertion from my perspective. How could you know that?

We live in a world where God allows wars and allows people to sin and do bad things. That doesn't prove that God does not exist. It does not prove that God is not all-powerful. It just proves that the all-powerful God does not stop wars.

Your reasoning about God also seems to be overly simplistic, IMO. I know there are people who believe God is a set of omni-s-- omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. I'd add 'omniloving' for a very recent addition to that. Then if you assuming allowing 'bad stuff' to happen isn't loving, you end up with a problem. But God as presented in the Bible isn't presented so simplistically. God lets stuff happen. He lets people and spiritual entities make choices and do bad things, and is slow to wrath, giving people space to repent. There is an ultimate plan to deal with the problem of sin and evil. In the meantime, both of these things exist.

I did not live in the 1940's. I suspect there were people praying for an end to WWII. I know my grandmother prayed for her sons in the war. One of my uncles was walking to pick up his sister at the factory where she was working to escort her home. He saw the stars lined up to spell 'victory' soon before the end of the war. I think he took that as a kind of visions from God about what would happen.
Why you giving God credit that he doesn't deserve? Sure you can say God works through people. But that's pure speculation. It means he's not all powerful.
No, it just means He works through people lets people do things. He also lets angels do things.
Why not say that Allah worked through people to end those wars?
Christians call God 'Allah' in some languages, too. It's in the Indonesian Bible for example.
If God were really what you imagine, all good and wants peace and harmony, those wars wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Your projecting your oversimplistic reasoning onto me.
Everyone knows that men ended those wars through a war of attrition. They were not necessary at all and accomplished nothing. Everyone is still a slave to money and work and government laws, regardless of who wins those major wars. And how can God be so slow as to take 10 years to end the Vietnam War? Clearly God wasn't involved. People were. Everyone knows that. So in a sense it's dishonest to make things up like that which don't even make sense.
You are making up stuff. You don't know what God decided. He could have ended the war in response to intercession, or set out a certain period of time during which he would allow that war to happen. You don't know.
You never answered my question. Why are you only allowed to thank God for good things but not blame him for bad things? Why the double standard? Why does he have to be perfect? Isn't it because you need him to be perfect, not because he actually is?
This quote from Job 2 actually answers you quite well,
He replied, "You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.
In Pantheism, Hinduism, mystery schools (ancient and modern), Taoism, etc. you eventually learn that God must fund both good and evil, just like the banksters had to fund the Nazis and Allies, or no war would exist. So God supports both sides. If he didn't support evil, then evil wouldn't exist. This is the big spiritual secret you and the profane masses don't get. Even Indian gurus know this. Alan Watts alluded to it in his books and lectures too, when he said that God plays both sides in the game of chess and in the game of black vs white. It's all a game and illusion. Satan is merely God's left hand. If you ever evolve spiritually you eventually get this, like a light bulb. It's not something you can understand mentally. It takes a certain realization to grasp this kind of insight. It's definitely not for the profane masses. I'm sure the initiates of Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism eventually learn about this too. It's inevitable at some point.
God may use Satan's actions for His ultimate ends. That does not make Satan into a part of God.
If I didn't have a soul, we wouldn't be discussing this. I'd be an NPC going to work and blocking everyone I don't know and having no comments or opinions, like typical Asians do. I wouldn't even be posting this right now. I'd be working and eating and doing normal errands and ignoring everyone I don't know. I would not be having a real conversation with anyone. The average person in Asia cannot discuss this topic at all. Not even a little. They have zero opinions and cannot discuss any intellectual topic. That's what I'd be like if I were an NPC. So get real man. I have strong emotions, which NPCs don't have.
I don't find Indonesians to be quite so boring and unthinking. If you go a little further north in Asia, conformity, harmony, not shaking the boat with different opinions, etc. seem to be important in some countries.
I didn't abandon my faith in 1992 just because I didn't get what I wanted. Did you even read the story? It was not shallow at all. God took away my only companion and only girl I had to talk to. It was very cruel. I wasn't asking for much. I had nothing and even what little was left was taken away. It was very cruel and sadistic. Only a cold hearted person would do that to me. I was not greedy or selfish at all. Just wanted a person to talk to. It wasn't much to ask. You forget that.
That was what you wanted, right? A friend? I just read an article about a Christian husband and wife who were arrested by the Russian communists in the early part of the 20th century. The wife slept on a rat infested floor with no bedding. She was constantly monitored, and they were waiting for her to crack mentally and emotionally, but she kept a heart of thanksgiving to the Lord and would sing songs of praise to him. From what I read, it did not sound like she had friends to hang out with in prison. Rats and a hard Russian prison floor sound a little rougher than a middle or high school in California. She finally got out when a new premier came in and loosened up a little on the religious persecution. Decades later, she found out that her husband had died in prison also.
I am not a wicked man. I never lie or cheat people out of their money or deceive people. I am too honest if anything. I have integrity too. I always keep my promises and pay what I owe. I never scam anyone. How am I a wicked man? Just because I blame the creator for the errors in his creation?
That is good if that is the case. Did you ever make any promises in past relationships? Are you being righteous toward your family? Do you have son? Are you raising him?

From my perspective, I consider sleeping with prostitutes, and sleeping around in general with women to be sinful. You occasionally post stuff about that-- a credit card issue in a brothel. I also consider it sinful to speak evil of God, to worship other gods or to promote that sort of thing.

You have your standards for behavior. I have mine. What really matters is what the Creator requires of you.
Keep in mind too that when Christian preachers say stuff like "If God didn't have absolute control over every atom and molecule, he wouldn't be God" they shoot themselves in the foot, because if God is in absolute control of everything, then everything that goes wrong in life and in the world is his fault and his responsibility than if he were not in control. So Christians refute themselves when they say that, unknowingly of course.
Christians have different ideas about to what extent God micromanages everything. There tend to be more 'heavy determinists' among Calvinists who emphasize sovereignty. Some other Christians believe that people have free will.
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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote: I didn't abandon my faith in 1992 just because I didn't get what I wanted. Did you even read the story? It was not shallow at all. God took away my only companion and only girl I had to talk to. It was very cruel. I wasn't asking for much. I had nothing and even what little was left was taken away. It was very cruel and sadistic. Only a cold hearted person would do that to me. I was not greedy or selfish at all. Just wanted a person to talk to. It wasn't much to ask. You forget that.
So are you saying God exists, but that God was cruel not to answer your prayer for a friend to sit next to back when you were a child in school?
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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
November 22nd, 2021, 11:10 am
NPCS don't have these things. I've never known any Taiwanese that fit the above. They are purely practical and materialistic only. Or on auto pilot with no need to think. Like bees in a bee hive. They don't stop to wonder "What the hell is going on? Where am I?" They are happy to be in a trance and under mass hypnosis. They just follow and conform to a routine and see nothing wrong with that. Like programs and androids do. Their only inner struggles are with material things and base pleasures, like food and sex. There is no spirit vs flesh struggle. Only souled humans have that.
Sounds like more of an issue of a shallow culture...maybe. It could be your perception of things. I have never been to Taiwan.
Now I don't know you MrMan. But if you are an NPC yourself or don't have a real soul, and only have binary thinking in 1s and 0s and see things in black and white, like Christians typically do, then you cannot tell the difference between a real soul and an NPC right? As they say, it takes one to know one. I don't know you of course, so I don't know if you have a soul or not. But if you don't, then you are in no position to evaluate this right? Because an NPC will not see anything wrong with another NPC. Only a real souled human will recognize a real soul or NPC.
Your whole philosophy on this just seems totally false to me. It sounds like you have come upon some readings that allow you to think of yourself as superior in some way with the many people that you do not feel like you really connect with. And I can see the appeal of that. A lot of people believe things that make them feel special because they want to feel special. Why don't you turn your critical eye on these sources you are studying about who has a soul and who doesn't? How do you know they have any clue of what they are talking about? If these other people really do have souls and you just find their culture, way of thinking, etc. to be boring, then isn't that a bad thing? Couldn't this philosophy also be used to justify murder? Let's say someone believed Taiwanese did not have souls, so just murdered a bunch of them. Would it be wrong if they really didn't have souls, and therefore were not real people? But if they are real people, have souls, have value, then the murderer is wrong.

Living in Taiwan after growing up in the US may make you feel a bit like a fish out of water, and maybe as an Asian American in the US, you felt a bit like that growing up.
Also, you gotta understand that ancient wise spirituality did not teach that everyone has a soul at birth. A soul is something you have to EARN through spiritual work or spiritual alchemy. That's something Christians don't understand. Those who have a real soul don't need to be saved, they are already connected to the creator source.
Is there any reason for you to believe that is the case? Someone wrote that or made a video, and you parrot that idea (or a version made up from bits and pieces of beliefs here and there, as is typical of New Agers.)

You might feel like Christians see 0s and 1s, but to me, sometimes it feels like New Agers and liberals might have part of their brain made out of cotton candy. Not literally, of course, but I don't see anything here you are writing about souls that obviously has to be true.
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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Winston »

Matt talks about the great NPC debate:

In Taiwan young people are worse than NPCs because an NPC can talk to you at least with programmed responses, if you approach it in a video game, but the typical Taiwanese cannot talk to strangers. They are scared of strangers and have no social skills and no confidence. Especially the girls and young women in Taiwan for sure. Zero personality, zero social skills, zero conversation skills. I swear. Go to Taiwan and if you are honest, aware, observant and no-nonsense, you will see this.

Matt makes a good point that in the US, if you go to school in grades K through 12, not once will you ever hear the teacher mention the word "soul or spirit". Not once. So true. The establishment definitely wants you to be 100 percent materialistic and 0 percent spiritual.
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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by NPCslammer »

Winston wrote:
February 7th, 2022, 8:32 pm
Matt talks about the great NPC debate:

In Taiwan young people are worse than NPCs because an NPC can talk to you at least with programmed responses, if you approach it in a video game, but the typical Taiwanese cannot talk to strangers. They are scared of strangers and have no social skills and no confidence. Especially the girls and young women in Taiwan for sure. Zero personality, zero social skills, zero conversation skills. I swear. Go to Taiwan and if you are honest, aware, observant and no-nonsense, you will see this.

Matt makes a good point that in the US, if you go to school in grades K through 12, not once will you ever hear the teacher mention the word "soul or spirit". Not once. So true. The establishment definitely wants you to be 100 percent materialistic and 0 percent spiritual.
I think that the brain chemistry is different in Asians because they are on totally different level of robotic, NPC behavior. Never been to Taiwan, but this was extremely evident in Japan. This is why I believe Asians receive lots of racism. They are biologically cold, unempathetic, unemotive, robotic, NPCs. Other races can sense this either consciously or subconsciously and dislike them for it. That’s just my opinion.
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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Gali »

NPCslammer wrote:
February 7th, 2022, 9:16 pm
Winston wrote:
February 7th, 2022, 8:32 pm
Matt talks about the great NPC debate:

In Taiwan young people are worse than NPCs because an NPC can talk to you at least with programmed responses, if you approach it in a video game, but the typical Taiwanese cannot talk to strangers. They are scared of strangers and have no social skills and no confidence. Especially the girls and young women in Taiwan for sure. Zero personality, zero social skills, zero conversation skills. I swear. Go to Taiwan and if you are honest, aware, observant and no-nonsense, you will see this.

Matt makes a good point that in the US, if you go to school in grades K through 12, not once will you ever hear the teacher mention the word "soul or spirit". Not once. So true. The establishment definitely wants you to be 100 percent materialistic and 0 percent spiritual.
I think that the brain chemistry is different in Asians because they are on totally different level of robotic, NPC behavior. Never been to Taiwan, but this was extremely evident in Japan. This is why I believe Asians receive lots of racism. They are biologically cold, unempathetic, unemotive, robotic, NPCs. Other races can sense this either consciously or subconsciously and dislike them for it. That’s just my opinion.
Asians have much lower crime rate. That is why certain non asians receive lots of racism.
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Re: Soulless People: Are most people programs in the Matrix? NPCs, Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by NPCslammer »

Gali wrote:
February 7th, 2022, 9:28 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
February 7th, 2022, 9:16 pm
Winston wrote:
February 7th, 2022, 8:32 pm
Matt talks about the great NPC debate:

In Taiwan young people are worse than NPCs because an NPC can talk to you at least with programmed responses, if you approach it in a video game, but the typical Taiwanese cannot talk to strangers. They are scared of strangers and have no social skills and no confidence. Especially the girls and young women in Taiwan for sure. Zero personality, zero social skills, zero conversation skills. I swear. Go to Taiwan and if you are honest, aware, observant and no-nonsense, you will see this.

Matt makes a good point that in the US, if you go to school in grades K through 12, not once will you ever hear the teacher mention the word "soul or spirit". Not once. So true. The establishment definitely wants you to be 100 percent materialistic and 0 percent spiritual.
I think that the brain chemistry is different in Asians because they are on totally different level of robotic, NPC behavior. Never been to Taiwan, but this was extremely evident in Japan. This is why I believe Asians receive lots of racism. They are biologically cold, unempathetic, unemotive, robotic, NPCs. Other races can sense this either consciously or subconsciously and dislike them for it. That’s just my opinion.
Asians have much lower crime rate. That is why certain non asians receive lots of racism.
I agree.
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Re: Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Winston »

I posted this under Matt's video above:

"Matt, if you look up organic portals and pre-Adamic man, the esoteric sources do not say that the masses are completely soulless like video game characters. So you are attacking straw mans here. What they say is that they have more of an animalistic/materialistic soul that is generated by the matrix, similar to what animals have. They do not have a divine soul or individual soul that seeks spirituality or enlightenment or truth. They are only concerned with survival and material needs, which makes sense and is true of the average person and sheeple. Especially in Asia where there is no individual thought, only group collective thought and conformity. Organic portals were created before Adam and Eve at the same time as the animals were, as described in Genesis chapter 1. Since they do not have individual souls, they do not reincarnate, because their animating spirit comes from a collective hive soul, same as animals do. They tend to not have any past life memories either, nor do they experience NDEs when near death. Hope that clears things up. Also, some say that even among souled humans, there are two types: The seed of Seth, which are divine souls like us, and the seed of Cain, which the Illuminati and ruling elite come from and also those with Luciferian souls who are quick to sell their souls for money and power without hesitation. Since their soul belongs to Lucifer or Satan from the get go, they will do whatever the matrix and control system want, since they are here to serve the matrix. Examples would be George Bush, Dick Cheney and Bill Gates. Hope that clears things up."

Btw, Matt also makes a fair point about how NPCs cannot be completely soulless because video game characters do not need to connect with nature or exercise to release their stress. Robots don't do that. However, if an NPC were programmed to do such things, I'm sure they could. Video game characters today can show emotions and expressions on their faces too. That's how good computer graphics are nowadays.
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Re: Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Winston »

Email I'm sending to Matt:

Hey Matt,
I wanna run a thought by you. Doesn't it seem that the Russians and Ukrainians in this war are just NPCs and that both sides are just AI programs fighting each other in a simulation? Here's why: All the Ukrainians on TV claim to want to sacrifice their lives for their country as if it were a virtue and good thing. However, giving your life for your country doesn't make sense for obvious reasons:

1. First, a country doesn't exist. It's an artificial construct, not a sentient entity or being. Therefore, it makes no sense to "die for your country" if the country is an artificial construct in the first place and is therefore an illusion.

2. Second, this war is totally unecessary. If the Ukraine leaders had signed a promissory agreement not to join NATO, then this invasion would have been avoided and all the deaths and casualties so far would have never happened. Very simple. But these politicians are stubborn a-holes and stupid idiots who don't mind sacrificing human lives for illusory patriotic ideals, which is very stupid and foolish and low IQ. Why would anyone want to die just because their leaders are stupid and stubborn a-holes? It makes no sense. Who could be that dumb? I mean what real person would do that? Only an NPC would right?

Like you said Matt, in a real world, everyone would see these things since they are obvious. But these NPCs you see on TV do not, they all seem to be blind to foolish ideals and don't care about saving lives. Therefore they are most likely NPCs or unreal people right? Not living divine souls like us. What do you think?

Also, I have another theory to run by you: Remember that video you did about the 50+ synchronicities between Lincoln and Kennedy which could never be possible in a real world, since each synchronicity is millions to one? Well that begs the question: Maybe the system has to repeat certain things once a century, just like the four seasons have to repeat every year in a cycle. So maybe the system has to generate a world war based on senseless pretexts, once or twice a century? For example, the system generated the pandemic to repeat the 1918 Spanish Flu, so the 2020 is close to a century repeat. Likewise, perhaps the system needs to generate another world war too, to repeat WW1 and WW2, so it escalates this senseless war in Ukraine to try to start it, because that's just part of the program, since everything in history repeats in cycles, just like the four seasons repeat every year. So the matrix system is what is generating all this to happen, not some cabal or group of ordinary men, a point you have made countless times in your videos.

What do you think? Am I on to something?

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Re: Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Winston »

Matt ponders how many people are as real as you are? See his videocast below.

"How many “people” are as real as you are?

In this video (not a podcast) I ponder how “all men are not created equal,” and the different type of people, or different types of incarnations that may be here on Earth with us.

(This is NOT an alien video, although that may be the best description for Jeff Bezos!) You and I know how real we are, but it’s probably wrong to assume everyone is the same as we are. There is much evidence there are different types “of people” here with us." ... s-you-are/
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Re: Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Lucas88 »

I am of the view that not only do NPCs or organic portals exist but also that they constitute the overwhelming majority of people here on this planet.

I discussed the notion that some people could be NPCs for the first time with @Pixel--Dude during a deep philosophical conversation over a nice coffee. I had wondered from time to time whether some people were soulless and controlled by some kind of group consciousness or AI program like in a videogame but in my own thoughts I tended to dismiss the idea as silly and never really gave it serious consideration. Pixel--Dude and I speculated about the possibility of the existence of NPCs and how a system could work and what characteristics NPCs might have and whether some of the people who we know fit the description. At first we were both on the fence about NPCs and found the notion disturbing to say the least but then we both began to do research on the topic and discovered that there was a wealth of information about NPCs/organic portals/soulless humans on the internet and that many others had already theorized about the same concept albeit with different terminology and interpretations.

I perceive a large percentage of the people who I know or encounter as soulless and NPC-like. Many seem to be inclined only towards base material things and have no capacity for any deeper philosophical interests or anything of a more transcendental nature. In this regard they are like the Hylics or "matter-bound souls" of the Gnostic tripartite division of souls. Moreover, many people seem to have absolutely no ability to think for themselves or question official narratives. None whatsoever. Most blindly follow mainstream trends and dogmas no matter how absurd these might be and simply cannot fathom any other perspective that deviates from these or why anybody would even question them to begin with. It's as though something just does not compute. When it comes to spirituality some people don't have any spiritual instincts at all nor can they even conceive of paranormal phenomena even though others like ourselves have had numerous experiences of the paranormal (I've had many). I suspect that such natural atheists are almost always NPCs. They deny the soul and all that is spiritual precisely because they themselves are soulless and have no use for spirituality. In fact I've even noticed that the more atheistic somebody is the more conformist and NPC-like they tend to be too. I've also found that many NPC-like people automatically don't like me. They are cold with me and give me a hostile vibe even though I'm always polite and friendly. It's as though they sense that I'm not one of them and are therefore disturbed by my presence. I also perceive a certain flatness in their consciousness, a somewhat cold and low-vibrational frequency, and that they lack something. In my opinion what they lack is none other than an evolved soul or higher spiritual faculties.

The existence of NPCs would explain the apparent contradiction in the numbers of reincarnating souls with the growing world population although that isn't really a contradiction at all since one may suppose that new souls could arrive from other planes of existence in order to experience reality here on Earth. But what kind of soul would want to incarnate in this world of madness? I believe that the original humans or old souls are trapped here in the archon matrix system since millennia while the rest are NPCs manufactured and incarnated by the archons themselves and animated by a group consciousness. An important thing to consider: since the world population has grown from 2 billion to over 7 billion in the last century alone that means that in recent times an extremely high percentage of people have been NPCs in relation to the number of souled humans. That would explain why so many people were willing to become slaves/worker drones in the name of industrialism. Modernity is in my view the NPC era from its conformist values and ideologies of anti-individuality (e.g., communism) to its lifestyle of relentless drudgery (NPCs see this as normal).

Pixel--Dude and I have even had conversations about NPC (pseudo-) spirituality. Some NPCs belong to a religion or the New Age and might appear spiritual on the outside but a deeper observation will reveal that their spirituality is merely shallow and mechanical (indeed many religious people confuse theological readings and mere religiosity with spirituality). I once took Ayahuasca with a group of New Agers. I had a deep vision concerning the nature of reality and soul evolution but after our session the others just talked about the same trite New Age notion that we are all "one", that we're all the "same", and blablablabla. One dude even told me that he didn't perceive my presence in this physical reality and that even though I spoke my words had no meaning to him. How bizarre, right? The others just mindlessly agreed with him. I think that those New Agers were possibly NPCs with a pseudo-spiritual veneer. When they take Ayahuasca they perceive that we are all one because they are tapping into the NPC group consciousness of which they are a part. They also perceived me as different and became a bit hostile towards me because they are not of the same soul group as me and they can only connect with their own.

Where do NPCs come from and what is their purpose?

New Agers or those who subscribe to simulation theory will say that what we call NPCs are simply a natural part of the simulation for our own evolution or less evolved souls who still operate at a lower animalistic level of consciousness. They therefore have the possibility to evolve through their experiences in material reality.

Gnostics and other advocates of the archon soul trap theory will say that they constitute an archontic creation and are incarnated into the world as a force of control through conformity, as reinforcers of groupthink, as vehicles of archontic ideologies and agendas, etc. In this case they are purely artificial "souls" put here as the "Agent Smiths" of the matrix.

The spiritual path which I practice - Enkism - also considers a large part of humanity to be "externals" or fabricated souls incarnated here by the impostor god Yahweh after he and "angels" took control of the Earth. The reasons for this are the same as above.

I myself initially wanted to believe that NPCs were simply unevolved souls who had the possibility of evolution but now I am more and more convinced that they are just defective beings who occupy our planet and who belong to a group consciousness created by demonic entities and have absolutely nothing in common with souled humans. It is best to stay away from them as much as possible.
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Re: Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Winston »

@Lucas88 oh so you and @Pixel--Dude know each other? Did he invite you here, or did you invite him here? It's cool you have another aware friend to talk to. You and him should do a podcast sometime and talk about this. Or we should all do one together like a roundtable discussion. :)

I was wondering something. If NPCs exist, do you think they are self-aware and sentient? Or are they non-aware and have no consciousness, like video game characters? I do see many that seem soulless, no doubt. However, religions like Shintoism and Hinduism say that even rocks and trees and plants have some sentience or self-awareness. So I don't know what to believe. What do you think? Or could it be that NPCs simply have animal and plant level consciousness, which is not zero but just very primitive?

Btw, if you watch the video by Matt McKinley above, what he says is that NPCs start out as real souls but gradually become wooden Pinocchios as they make choices to conform to society and materialism. He calls it the "Reverse Pinocchio" theory. Did you watch it? Here is the link again:

The problem I have with this theory is that people do not choose what they are. They are what they are due to their soul, blood, DNA, karma, assigned script, etc. It's as if they are assigned a role by the universe. No one is a blank slate. A normie cannot simply choose to be awake or a freethinker, and a freethinker cannot simply choose to be a normie. I tried to fit in in high school but no one accepted me as normal, for example. So it's not like I was given a choice. You can't simply "choose" to be like everyone if you are not. In other words, you can't be something you are not, as the cliche goes.

For example, those who climb Mt. Everest and risk their lives doing it, say they do it because it's in their blood, not out of a blank slate free will. And if you watch interviews with serial killers, they say they do not know why they are serial killers. It's simply innate and in their blood so they cannot help it or control it. It's not a free will choice out of a blank slate. So it seems that everyone has a script and are assigned a role in this matrix or drama of life. So they can only be what they are. This may include us too. Who knows. How do we know we are not following some type of "outcast/misfit/awake" script that was assigned to us too?

So the problem with Matt's theory is that it assumes everyone is a blank slate and can choose to be whatever they want. I don't see that as the case. Most likely, normies are normies because that's just what they are to the core. I'll bet most of us here were never true 100 percent normies, only semi-normies at best. Because you cannot change 100 percent of what you are to the core. Most misfits were misfits in childhood, which later blossomed out. Even if I wanted to a a normie, I couldn't. I'll bet Matt could not either, even if he tried to be a normie with all his willpower, because you cannot be something you're not.

I'm not saying free will doesn't exist, but if it does, it's a very small factor and most people do not have it. Most are on auto pilot controlled by a script and subconscious impulses.

What do you think?
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Re: Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
May 10th, 2022, 7:04 am
@Lucas88 oh so you and @Pixel--Dude know each other? Did he invite you here, or did you invite him here? It's cool you have another aware friend to talk to. You and him should do a podcast sometime and talk about this. Or we should all do one together like a roundtable discussion. :)
Pixel--Dude and I know each other from childhood and live in the same town. I invited him to the forum shortly after I joined since I knew that many of the topics would interest him. We often have deep discussions about topics of a metaphysical nature such as the nature of reality, reincarnation, extraterrestrials, religions and mystery schools, and the paranormal. We both have various alternative interests.

Maybe we could do a podcast with you about this sort of stuff, Winston. I've never done a podcast before and I'm socially awkward and nervous about public speaking but we could give it a try!

To be honest, Pixel--Dude and I even considered doing some podcasts about a list of topics we had planned but we never got round to it :(

Now onto the topic of NPCs/organic portals

I'm not sure whether NPCs/organic portals have some level of individuation and rudimentary sentience and self-awareness or whether they are completely unindividuated and insentient and are simply controlled by an external script from an overarching group soul or hivemind like the NPCs in a videogame. I tend to assume that they have some level of individuation and self-awareness but are at the same time more animalistic in terms of the quality of their consciousness and more limited in the scope of their interests and understanding. It's as though they have been engineered to operate on a more basic level and lack the higher components of the soul and are therefore unable to fathom anything beyond basic survival and base material desires and sometimes really simplistic ideological or religious doctrines. This would fit with the idea that NPCs/organic portals were created by the demiurge/archontic forces as a simple slave race within the archon matrix, intelligent enough to fall in line and serve their function yet basic enough not to think too deeply or question the status quo. However, I cannot possibly know for sure how NPC consciousness is since in our present physical state we can only truly know our own consciousness.

I have always wondered whether NPCs/organic portals can even reincarnate or whether they simply return to an impersonal group consciousness and thereby lose their personal identity and are recycled after bodily death. Or even whether they have extremely limited reincarnative capacity due to their artificial nature. What I've noticed about NPCs/organic portals is that they never seem to have any concept of spiritual evolution. They are usually either atheists or agnostics who have no spiritual instincts whatsoever and simply deny the possibility of any kind of afterlife or reincarnation or religious believers who believe that "god" will resurrect their soul in a new body in exchange for faith and submission. A minority are New Agers who deny that the individual even exists in the first place with their "all is one" doctrine (some even seek "to return to Source"). The common theme is that none of these types have any concept of soul evolution on an individual level. It is as though they understand that their own self is wholly dependent upon some overarching group consciousness which they themselves can never transcend. They therefore have no concept of the eternal or the transcendental.

I think that your analysis of the situation is correct. NPCs/organic portals are simply following their own nature just as we are following our own. We could never choose to be NPCs since we have a completely different spiritual constitution. Even if we tried to fake it real NPCs would still sense our alien presence and act cold towards us (anecdotally I have always been perceived as different and excluded from normie circles even when I have tried to act "normal"). Likewise, a NPC/organic portal can never be like us. Some may appear more souled at first glance but their ability for imitation isn't 100% perfect and something usually gives them away when we get to know them better. Besides, for those of us who are more sensitive to energy, NPCs/organic portals have a disturbing flatness with regard to their energetic constitution. It's an extremely alien form of energy which feels somewhat blank and hollow. I can tell them apart from souled humans after I've spent some time talking to them.

We as souled humans also have our own needs which derive from our own spiritual constitution and drive us towards certain actions. We therefore don't have complete freewill and are certainly not blank slates. As I understand it we souled humans come into this world with our own basic life plans and with the desire to live certain experiences and achieve certain things for our further soul evolution. We also come with our own unique traits and proclivities which are the result of our soul's inherent personality and all of our past-life experiences. Our incarnated ego is shaped by all of this. However, if we are unable to fulfill these predetermined goals and desires, we will inevitably become frustrated and depressed. This is often the cause of the extreme dissatisfaction and restlessness of the soul which some of us experience. Needless to say, our needs as souled humans are totally distinct from those of NPCs/organic portals. This is why we never feel understood in NPC societies and often fail to adapt and end up as misfits. NPC societies are designed for the needs of NPCs and are therefore completely contrary to the nature of our souls! We need to explore certain areas of experience and pursue certain creative avenues, forms of knowledge and spirituality in accordance with our individual life plan but the dominant NPC social doctrine requires us to work relentlessly and pursue society's economic goals even though these are against our soul's nature.
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Re: Soulless People/NPCs: Are most people programs in the Matrix? Organic Portals, Pre-Adamic Race

Post by Pixel--Dude »


Hey guys. Sorry for the late reply. I actually wrote out a response to the question Winston asked about NPCs but for some reason it didn’t post. I’m at work and I don’t have much time so I will try to keep my post as concise as possible.

Originally, I believed NPCs were like characters from a video game. Rendered pixels with no depth or character or capacity for any noble ideals. I did believe that they were just soulless automatons who need to be told how to think and how to behave. My theory on the NPC phenomenon has evolved since so i will provide an overview of what I think.

Their origin: I believe our planet is under the control of hostile extraterrestrials who fought off our original gods, the ones who were named the Watchers in biblical scripture. These taught us various things, including the secrets of heaven and Earth (more on this in another post) The negative extraterrestrials, not liking how much we were advancing “But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”Genesis 11:1-7”
It’s clear from reading the bible that if Yahweh exists he is a demonic entity who seeks to keep humanity as passive and obedient slaves as opposed to brilliant gods reaching their true potential. History, as they say, is invariably written by the victorious. The story of Soddom and Gomorrah and the evil winds sent by “god” sound eerily reminiscent of nuclear war. I think Yahweh and his army defeated our gods and enslaved humanity. Turning this planet into a giant plantation farm infested with negative energy and malevolent beings.
But let’s focus on the aspect of NPCs and why they could be here. NPCs, I believe, are a creation of Yahweh. I don’t understand exactly how it works but I saw something about this during a psychedelic experience. Similar to Brahaman from Hinduism who individuates partitions of consciousness to experience and grow so that Brahman itself may grow through us, I think Yahweh/Anu/Saturn/Chronos created a cheap imitation of Brahaman. A robotic hive mind consciousness, if you like. And the purpose of this is to keep souled humans from discovering their true purpose in spirituality and evolution of the soul. Think about it. The vast majority will think you are weird and crazy for following a spiritual path. They idolise hard work (which is clandestine slavery) and they outnumber souled humans vastly. No wonder the global elite favour a democratic system when nobody’s votes matter anyway. Because the majority of people are NPCs who will vote in accordance with what the media tell them to think.

NPC Consciousness: I believe any simulation needs to be immersive. Malevolent E.T.s know this as well. So even though I believe that NPCs have a hive mind consciousness, I still believe that hive mind individuates their consciousness on some level to allow some NPCs to be slightly elevated above the others in order to create diversity and differing opinions and beliefs. So the very basic NPCs will be your typical atheists who worship the cult of hard work and condemn those who don’t conform. But then some NPCs will pursue things like Christianity and even an imitation of authentic spirituality in the form of New Age. I think they are programmed to try and bring souled humans into the fold and distract them from spirituality and evolution of the soul. NPCs who are followers of the Abrahamic religions believe in Yahweh/Allah and that is because he IS their God. NPCs who are atheist believe there is nothing after death because they do not reincarnate, their soul is recycled back through the hive mind consciousness. NPCs follow the New Age and can even have spiritual experiences through psychedelics where they claim they experience ego death and that they are all one. Which again is true in the case of NPCs.

NPC spiritual anatomy: The human soul spiritual anatomy consists of energetic points called chakras which help keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health in balance. I think NPCs only have chakras which connect them to the material rather than the spiritual. The root chakra and the sacral chakra, perhaps the solar plexus chakra as well are all that NPCs use in my opinion. The heart chakra for them is different to human souls heart chakras. They seem incapable of transcendental values such as love and loyalty. Take friendship for example. NPCs tend to be people who only value friendship based on utility, rather than a genuine bond between friends. Me and Lucas have had several friends just go their own way after years and years of friendship with no explanation offered at all. I suspect that is because of factors such as, stopping drinking or not sharing weed with them anymore etc. Friendships based on utility are empty and will never last. I think NPCs are capable of loving others, but maybe their immediate family only as they don’t seem too concerned about making meaningful relationships or care about much outside of the acquisition of money or whatever other materialist desire they seek. I think they probably lack the higher chakras and so they will never question things, not even their own beliefs as any critical thinker should.

What do you guys reckon to NPCs? Should they be treated with compassion? Or disdain? Or complete indifference? What would you do if you discovered a lot of your family or loved ones were actually NPC souls?
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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