Why God as seen by the neoplatonists,Mulla Sadra and Ibn arabi exists for sure

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Why God as seen by the neoplatonists,Mulla Sadra and Ibn arabi exists for sure

Post by willymonfrete »

existance exists.there are two types of contradictorary existance forms:Necessary and contigent.

if there were nothing necessary,then there would be a infinite(an actual infinite,not a potential one) regress of contigencies,which is impossible.

God is unique:if there had been anything like the unique God,then he could have been another way,which means he's contigent.

further proof:he would be composed of uniqueness and shared factors,thus parts and would not be necessary.his parts themselves would depend on real parts ad nauseum infinitely,for example being self sufficient and distinguished parts would require real factors that are composing composites.This would go on forever infinitely,which is impossible.

Changelessness:Since a necessary being exists,he cannot be made up of actuality and potentiality or existance and essence,but rather his essence is his existance and he is purely actual,for if he could be any other way he would be contigent.and a pure possibility cannot exist.

perfection:Since he is necessary,he does not want or need anything outside himself.He is fullness and lacks nothing good.
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Re: Why God as seen by the neoplatonists,Mulla Sadra and Ibn arabi exists for sure

Post by fschmidt »

This is the kind of f***ed up thinking that ruined Muslims. May Plato burn in hell. There isn't any of this kind of bullshit in the Quran.
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