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East Asians and Native Americans - The superior race, the mongoloid race

Discuss racial, ethnic and multicultural issues. Warning: The topics here are likely to be taboo, so if you are easily offended, you are better off not participating here.
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East Asians and Native Americans - The superior race, the mongoloid race

Post by willymonfrete »

it's a fact of nature,that East asians bred TWICE with Denisovans,the close cousin of the neanderthals,and thus developed extremely high Iqs and K selection.

Even poor East asian countries like Bhutan,rank number 1# for happiness and societal cohesion in studies.

I am not talking about thai-like asians,they only bred once with denisovans.

Native americans bred so much with neanderthals,that in some bone fragments,mixture leads up to around 20%.that is a whole lot,way more than the meager 1-5% of caucasoid populations,which of course gave them a IQ advantage.

I reckon that without opressive systems like christianity and the iberian elite,being homeless on their own land,unmixed native americans would create excessively brilliant civilizations from scratch.They already did,even in the amazon before we europeans showed up and ruined it.

Unlike us they find a way to live with nature,instead of fighting it and depleting it.

Yes,the Aztecs and Mayans did horrible sacrifices,but there is sufficient evidence this was due to ancient jewish infiltration,as Yaotl was Yahweh.

There was a War between Viracocha(enlil)and Quetzacoatl(Enki)VS Yaotl,who also was depicted in statues as a reptilian.

Not all caucasoids are bad in regards to native americans though,the french were good to them,intermarried with them,mutual benefit as did the canaanite phoenicians,Nabatean Arabs(I think,who btw also created a wonderful civilization pre-islam) and carthiginians that went deep into north america and the Amazonian Rainforest.

East asians are k selected even more heavily than caucasoids,who are k selected but lean a bit towards R,though not as hyper-R as some of the darker races.

I see the rise of China as a positive thing in the world.I would much rather live in a Chinese led multipolar world,then the current jewish one where everyone but blacks and homos are meta-palestinians,with those two being Meta-Jews.

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Re: East asians and native americans-the superior race,the mongoloid race

Post by Lucas88 »

willymonfrete wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 3:20 pm
it's a fact of nature,that East asians bred TWICE with Denisovans,the close cousin of the neanderthals,and thus developed extremely high Iqs and K selection.

Even poor East asian countries like Bhutan,rank number 1# for happiness and societal cohesion in studies.

I am not talking about thai-like asians,they only bred once with denisovans.

Native americans bred so much with neanderthals,that in some bone fragments,mixture leads up to around 20%.that is a whole lot,way more than the meager 1-5% of caucasoid populations,which of course gave them a IQ advantage.

I reckon that without opressive systems like christianity and the iberian elite,being homeless on their own land,unmixed native americans would create excessively brilliant civilizations from scratch.They already did,even in the amazon before we europeans showed up and ruined it.

Unlike us they find a way to live with nature,instead of fighting it and depleting it.

Yes,the Aztecs and Mayans did horrible sacrifices,but there is sufficient evidence this was due to ancient jewish infiltration,as Yaotl was Yahweh.

There was a War between Viracocha(enlil)and Quetzacoatl(Enki)VS Yaotl,who also was depicted in statues as a reptilian.

Not all caucasoids are bad in regards to native americans though,the french were good to them,intermarried with them,mutual benefit as did the canaanite phoenicians,Nabatean Arabs(I think,who btw also created a wonderful civilization pre-islam) and carthiginians that went deep into north america and the Amazonian Rainforest.

East asians are k selected even more heavily than caucasoids,who are k selected but lean a bit towards R,though not as hyper-R as some of the darker races.

I see the rise of China as a positive thing in the world.I would much rather live in a Chinese led multipolar world,then the current jewish one where everyone but blacks and homos are meta-palestinians,with those two being Meta-Jews.
Some of the claims in your post don't seem right.

According to the sources which I've read, European, Asian and Amerindian populations typically have between 1-2% Neanderthal admixture. Moreover, the Homo Sapiens genetic sample with the highest level of Neanderthal admixture discovered thus far is Oase Man, found in Romania (not North America) and with only 6-9% Neanderthal admixture.

Also, it's still not clear to what extent the small amount of Neanderthal admixture had an effect on cognitive development in those populations, if any at all. The evolution of intelligence is a much more complex topic than simply the percentage of admixture from archaic human populations. The relatively higher IQ of certain Asian populations most likely has its origin in much more recent developments. Indeed, Chinese average IQ increased by about 6 points between the 80s and the 2010s. Meanwhile, other Asian countries such as Mongolia have a more modest average IQ. Actually, even South Korea's national score is now only 102.

However, in the future (possibly the latter half of this century), the superiority of different populations is going to depend much more on the application of bioengineering than simple sexual selection. Once gene editing for things like cognitive enhancement, physical performance enhancement, behavioral trait manipulation, cosmetics and longevity becomes widely available, then population evolution hitherto won't matter very much and whatever populations wield gene editing to their greatest advantage will become the most superior.

Maybe, if we can overthrow the Jew World Order and thwart the Olam ha Ba, we Gentiles will be able to use bioengineering for our own biological and social advancement and create a society populated exclusively by high IQ, physically enhanced and extremely long-lived studs and hot babes. In that scenario, sexual selection strategies would become irrelevant, sexuality would be mostly oriented towards pleasure and spiritual advancement rather than reproduction, monogamy would become largely obsolete, and everybody would be a hot "chad" or "stacey" to borrow some incel terms.

I've seen you talking about things like gene editing and free energy and such here on the forum. It seems like we're both futurists. Futurists understand that the key to improving the human condition lies primarily in science and technology, not in a return to regressive social systems under the banner of "traditionalism". But then again most of the self-identified "tradcons" who we see on the internet don't really stand out for their intellect or creativity and have little understanding of the world (especially when it comes to current scientific and technological developments and projected future trends) outside of their own little ideological bubble.
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Re: East asians and native americans-the superior race,the mongoloid race

Post by willymonfrete »

@Lucas88 My claim is based on german Dziebel,a geneticist that advocates the out of america theory.

Mongolia has a high IQ actually.they're just not ambitious as a culture.

I shun to live in a world where monogamy is obsolete for some marxist orgy.If I could have a virgin I would do it for good.however for fun,this is different,you see I have a double mating startegy just like women do.I know you cannot make a hoe a housewife,but that hoes have their place in society aswell and should not be shunned.I am a big advocate of visiting prostitutes and sex work for example.

Both are good paths.if you can afford it,and find a truly good woman that is also attractive and likes you back,get married!

if you cannot like 99% of us,visit prostitutes,grow a long D and have a Tinder Harem!

Yes,I am a Futurist.Technology is the answer to everything if used correctly,but it can also create dystopic societies in wrong hands(AKA the kabbalists)

The ideal would be genetic engineering,automation,free energy,AI to create a world of 10/10 stacies and chads and not have to work ever again!
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Re: East asians and native americans-the superior race,the mongoloid race

Post by willymonfrete »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 7:12 pm
willymonfrete wrote:
August 30th, 2023, 3:20 pm
it's a fact of nature,that East asians bred TWICE with Denisovans,the close cousin of the neanderthals,and thus developed extremely high Iqs and K selection.

Even poor East asian countries like Bhutan,rank number 1# for happiness and societal cohesion in studies.

I am not talking about thai-like asians,they only bred once with denisovans.

Native americans bred so much with neanderthals,that in some bone fragments,mixture leads up to around 20%.that is a whole lot,way more than the meager 1-5% of caucasoid populations,which of course gave them a IQ advantage.

I reckon that without opressive systems like christianity and the iberian elite,being homeless on their own land,unmixed native americans would create excessively brilliant civilizations from scratch.They already did,even in the amazon before we europeans showed up and ruined it.

Unlike us they find a way to live with nature,instead of fighting it and depleting it.

Yes,the Aztecs and Mayans did horrible sacrifices,but there is sufficient evidence this was due to ancient jewish infiltration,as Yaotl was Yahweh.

There was a War between Viracocha(enlil)and Quetzacoatl(Enki)VS Yaotl,who also was depicted in statues as a reptilian.

Not all caucasoids are bad in regards to native americans though,the french were good to them,intermarried with them,mutual benefit as did the canaanite phoenicians,Nabatean Arabs(I think,who btw also created a wonderful civilization pre-islam) and carthiginians that went deep into north america and the Amazonian Rainforest.

East asians are k selected even more heavily than caucasoids,who are k selected but lean a bit towards R,though not as hyper-R as some of the darker races.

I see the rise of China as a positive thing in the world.I would much rather live in a Chinese led multipolar world,then the current jewish one where everyone but blacks and homos are meta-palestinians,with those two being Meta-Jews.
Some of the claims in your post don't seem right.

According to the sources which I've read, European, Asian and Amerindian populations typically have between 1-2% Neanderthal admixture. Moreover, the Homo Sapiens genetic sample with the highest level of Neanderthal admixture discovered thus far is Oase Man, found in Romania (not North America) and with only 6-9% Neanderthal admixture.

Also, it's still not clear to what extent the small amount of Neanderthal admixture had an effect on cognitive development in those populations, if any at all. The evolution of intelligence is a much more complex topic than simply the percentage of admixture from archaic human populations. The relatively higher IQ of certain Asian populations most likely has its origin in much more recent developments. Indeed, Chinese average IQ increased by about 6 points between the 80s and the 2010s. Meanwhile, other Asian countries such as Mongolia have a more modest average IQ. Actually, even South Korea's national score is now only 102.

However, in the future (possibly the latter half of this century), the superiority of different populations is going to depend much more on the application of bioengineering than simple sexual selection. Once gene editing for things like cognitive enhancement, physical performance enhancement, behavioral trait manipulation, cosmetics and longevity becomes widely available, then population evolution hitherto won't matter very much and whatever populations wield gene editing to their greatest advantage will become the most superior.

Maybe, if we can overthrow the Jew World Order and thwart the Olam ha Ba, we Gentiles will be able to use bioengineering for our own biological and social advancement and create a society populated exclusively by high IQ, physically enhanced and extremely long-lived studs and hot babes. In that scenario, sexual selection strategies would become irrelevant, sexuality would be mostly oriented towards pleasure and spiritual advancement rather than reproduction, monogamy would become largely obsolete, and everybody would be a hot "chad" or "stacey" to borrow some incel terms.

I've seen you talking about things like gene editing and free energy and such here on the forum. It seems like we're both futurists. Futurists understand that the key to improving the human condition lies primarily in science and technology, not in a return to regressive social systems under the banner of "traditionalism". But then again most of the self-identified "tradcons" who we see on the internet don't really stand out for their intellect or creativity and have little understanding of the world (especially when it comes to current scientific and technological developments and projected future trends) outside of their own little ideological bubble.
Your claim that all of us would be equally aesthetic under bioengineering is wrong.different phenotypes have varying cielings.

from my own comparison,white----->Middle eastern---->Indian---->Native american/mestiza---->black africans--->North eastasians--->Southeastasians

this is comparing top tier women,in some cases a mildly attractive white woman beats a top tier east asian woman.

We should make a Aryan world.imagine 1 billion germanic clustered mimicked populace in india vs today's population.

due to pride I know most non-caucasian racial clusters wouldn't want to become aryans,but Indians certainly would,and we would then need to promote birthrates among indians.Bioengineering can introduce new codes,but indians have andronovo dna that can be activated already to be dominant as a genetic expressive cluster.

this would also solve alot of the issues in the subcontinent,by making everyone a Slavic type andronovo aryan,casteism would slowly evaporate except among the hyperreligious.

most indian urbanites are secular anyway.
we would not only have to change their morphology,but also their genetic expression of aesthetics,to have the best bone structure and harmony,anteface,feminine bone structure in the women and balanced bone structure in the men.

We would create bodies of superb aesthetics as a genetic code.

Bharat would truly be great,again.
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Re: East asians and native americans-the superior race,the mongoloid race

Post by Lucas88 »

willymonfrete wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 8:06 am
Your claim that all of us would be equally aesthetic under bioengineering is wrong.different phenotypes have varying cielings.
I didn't claim that we would all be equally aesthetic through bioengineering. Absolute equality is an unobtainable myth and there will always remain differences with regard to human attributes. What I meant was that all people who are citizens of a society that practices bioengineering would be able to vastly improve their own aesthetics to the point where everybody is relatively attractive and nobody is incel-level repulsive or even just average by our current standards and can therefore appeal to at least a significant subset of the opposite sex and achieve sexual access easily. But absolute equality with regard to aesthetics will never be a thing. In fact, people can't even agree on what the optimal aesthetic profile for humans is anyway.
willymonfrete wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 8:06 am
from my own comparison,white----->Middle eastern---->Indian---->Native american/mestiza---->black africans--->North eastasians--->Southeastasians

this is comparing top tier women,in some cases a mildly attractive white woman beats a top tier east asian woman.
Following on from my previous point, this hierarchy of aesthetics just happens to be a reflection of your own subjective preferences and doesn't reflect a universal reality. Some people certainly have a very different hierarchy of aesthetics. In fact, it would be rare to find somebody with the exact same hierarchy as yours. For example, there are subsets of White men who overwhelmingly prefer Latinas/Mestizas (like myself) or East Asians (there are quite a few Asiaphiles nowadays including some people on this forum). Not all of us want an "Aryan" White woman.

Besides, even with bioengineering for the improvement of aesthetics, most people would continue to primarily date others from their own ethnic group anyway. Not all people are determined race mixers like some of us are. Lol! We seem to be the exception, not the norm. Maybe legions of Asian-American girls, for example, have White Fever but you go to Japan or China and you'll still encounter many women who only want to date a guy of their own nationality. Different cultures have different beauty ideals.
willymonfrete wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 8:06 am
We should make a Aryan world.imagine 1 billion germanic clustered mimicked populace in india vs today's population.

due to pride I know most non-caucasian racial clusters wouldn't want to become aryans,but Indians certainly would,and we would then need to promote birthrates among indians.Bioengineering can introduce new codes,but indians have andronovo dna that can be activated already to be dominant as a genetic expressive cluster.

this would also solve alot of the issues in the subcontinent,by making everyone a Slavic type andronovo aryan,casteism would slowly evaporate except among the hyperreligious.

most indian urbanites are secular anyway.
we would not only have to change their morphology,but also their genetic expression of aesthetics,to have the best bone structure and harmony,anteface,feminine bone structure in the women and balanced bone structure in the men.

We would create bodies of superb aesthetics as a genetic code.

Bharat would truly be great,again.
I do support bioengineering for the improvement of aesthetics as well as cognitive and athletic performance but I'm not a White supremacist by any means. I envision the improvement of all races and peoples in a multipolar world and would like to preserve ethnic diversity. I therefore don't see any need to turn large portions of non-Caucasian populations White or "Aryan".
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Re: East asians and native americans-the superior race,the mongoloid race

Post by willymonfrete »

Lucas88 wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 9:21 am
willymonfrete wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 8:06 am
Your claim that all of us would be equally aesthetic under bioengineering is wrong.different phenotypes have varying cielings.
I didn't claim that we would all be equally aesthetic through bioengineering. Absolute equality is an unobtainable myth and there will always remain differences with regard to human attributes. What I meant was that all people who are citizens of a society that practices bioengineering would be able to vastly improve their own aesthetics to the point where everybody is relatively attractive and nobody is incel-level repulsive or even just average by our current standards and can therefore appeal to at least a significant subset of the opposite sex and achieve sexual access easily. But absolute equality with regard to aesthetics will never be a thing. In fact, people can't even agree on what the optimal aesthetic profile for humans is anyway.
willymonfrete wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 8:06 am
from my own comparison,white----->Middle eastern---->Indian---->Native american/mestiza---->black africans--->North eastasians--->Southeastasians

this is comparing top tier women,in some cases a mildly attractive white woman beats a top tier east asian woman.
Following on from my previous point, this hierarchy of aesthetics just happens to be a reflection of your own subjective preferences and doesn't reflect a universal reality. Some people certainly have a very different hierarchy of aesthetics. In fact, it would be rare to find somebody with the exact same hierarchy as yours. For example, there are subsets of White men who overwhelmingly prefer Latinas/Mestizas (like myself) or East Asians (there are quite a few Asiaphiles nowadays including some people on this forum). Not all of us want an "Aryan" White woman.

Besides, even with bioengineering for the improvement of aesthetics, most people would continue to primarily date others from their own ethnic group anyway. Not all people are determined race mixers like some of us are. Lol! We seem to be the exception, not the norm. Maybe legions of Asian-American girls, for example, have White Fever but you go to Japan or China and you'll still encounter many women who only want to date a guy of their own nationality. Different cultures have different beauty ideals.
willymonfrete wrote:
August 31st, 2023, 8:06 am
We should make a Aryan world.imagine 1 billion germanic clustered mimicked populace in india vs today's population.

due to pride I know most non-caucasian racial clusters wouldn't want to become aryans,but Indians certainly would,and we would then need to promote birthrates among indians.Bioengineering can introduce new codes,but indians have andronovo dna that can be activated already to be dominant as a genetic expressive cluster.

this would also solve alot of the issues in the subcontinent,by making everyone a Slavic type andronovo aryan,casteism would slowly evaporate except among the hyperreligious.

most indian urbanites are secular anyway.
we would not only have to change their morphology,but also their genetic expression of aesthetics,to have the best bone structure and harmony,anteface,feminine bone structure in the women and balanced bone structure in the men.

We would create bodies of superb aesthetics as a genetic code.

Bharat would truly be great,again.
I do support bioengineering for the improvement of aesthetics as well as cognitive and athletic performance but I'm not a White supremacist by any means. I envision the improvement of all races and peoples in a multipolar world and would like to preserve ethnic diversity. I therefore don't see any need to turn large portions of non-Caucasian populations White or "Aryan".
Absolutely correct.Beauty is largely subjective outside harmony and bone development.

However,I'm sure most persians and Indians would choose if we have this technology,to be aryan,and that is their right and prerogative.
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