Jews as Scapegoats

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Re: Jews as Scapegoats (nope, the tribe is guilty, even if individual jews are innocent)

Post by shawnberwick »

WilliamSmith wrote:
May 13th, 2022, 6:39 pm
Ugh, not the goddamn jews subject again, LOL, I want to focus on posting some more good stuff about countries in the world with the women with the best asses, not this.

There is one valid point you made (though I never claimed otherwise): It's true that the world is not YET run by an NWO/Jew World Order, but I never said it was: But they're TRYING to create an NWO / Jew World Order.
You like the Nationa of Islam, when they see whites and Jews as having a very similar agenda historically - which is exactly the point I am making. Farrakhan would likely agree with me if you spoke to him, and would put white history and white thought leaders quotes to you. You might say "I'm aware of that, and agree"... When was the last time you went around talking about the history of White Supremacism as much as you have talking about Jewish Supremacism? If it's not equal, then you are doing exactly what this thread is about... Scapegoating Jews.

Like the various writing that can be found from some of the Founding fathers of America, Margaret Sanger, The "Manifest Destiny" agenda, Europeans who defended slavery and colonialism by arguging that people not of their race were inferior, etc.

My point is (which you don't seem to want to address) is that white people have exactly the same history and have expressed exactly the same open agenda that Jews have.

A perfect example in the modern age of White Supremacists and Jewish Supremacists working together (like they have throughout history) is the Azov Battalion and Zionist Jews. They currently work side by side just like Jews and Whites have done more than other races. Which other races have worked together as much historically White Supremacists and Jewish Supremacists to subjugate other races? History repeating like it has for centuries. However people like yourself seem to only focus on the Jewish Supremacists. Again, do you put as much effort into talking about the threat and dangers or White Supremacism (we've just recently had a mass shooting, and the Azov have risen to power) as much as you do Jewish Supremacism?

Finally... You don't seem to be able to debate with descending into insults, also you seem to assume that I haven't done any research into the JQ. To be blunt, once someone starts becoming so emotional that they start name calling when they debate, I tend to avoid them because I've learned having rational discussion with them is practically impossible. So, I don't think there's much point in continuing engaging with you.
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Re: Jews as Scapegoats

Post by shawnberwick »

For anyone else, I'll put some contemporary examples of Jews and Whites working inseparably side by side;

The Azov Battalion and Zionist Jews in the Ukraine.

Whites and Jews in the highest level of government and corporations. Intermarrying, and intertwining the economies and politics of Israel with the United States.

Influential and respected White Nationalist Jared Taylor openly welcomes, accepts, and works with Jews.

In the past... Which may surprise people... Hitler even had half-Jews and Jews who were Nazis.

However, the intertwined history of Jewish and White supremacists is basically ignored by many who present the JQ. IMO, from what I know of history, they are so deeply intertwined that to talk about one is to talk about the other. Whites and Jews worked together to form Israel, and fund Israel... You can't talk about Israel without including Whites.
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Re: Jews as Scapegoats (nope, the tribe is guilty, even if individual jews are innocent)

Post by WilliamSmith »

shawnberwick wrote:
May 15th, 2022, 4:16 am
When was the last time you went around talking about the history of White Supremacism as much as you have talking about Jewish Supremacism? If it's not equal, then you are doing exactly what this thread is about... Scapegoating Jews.

Like the various writing that can be found from some of the Founding fathers of America, Margaret Sanger, The "Manifest Destiny" agenda, Europeans who defended slavery and colonialism by arguging that people not of their race were inferior, etc.
Here you go again with your sloppy, weak thinking and messy fluid and scattered arguments: Are we talking about the whole history of the human race in this discussion, as though we need to assign the appropriate share of blame to each race/ethnic group in history?
Or are we talking about the present day real central problem of the NWO/Jew World Order, to which the jew banking cabal that includes the Federal Reserve is an integral part?

I've only ever been focusing on the latter (present day problem of the NWO/ZOG), not indulging in some backward-looking exercise in pointing blame or finger-pointing at where which race/ethnic groups did bad things throughout history. If we'd been doing that instead, at one point I would've named Roman Empire as the world's foremost problem over the jews, and I've always viscerally despised it for its atrocities against our more palatable and freer Celtic/Germanic barbarian tribes. I don't have any excuses for "white supremacism" or imperialism in ancient or modern times either, but there is no "white supremacist" power structure in the jewnited states today:
The jews are NOT white, they're an invasive ethnic group that actively seeks to breed in with and then destroy other racial groups (especially whites at this time, but they've been arguably even worse enemies of the blacks since they got heavily involved in the slave trade, then destroyed black communities in earlier America and are still exploiting them to promote domestic racewar and communism today, but let's come back to that topic in more detail another day).
Some people (not necessarily you on this particular point shawnberwick) are so ignorant and subjective they actually thought "black supremacists" were in power in the Obama years, just because that pompous zionist warmongering mulatto (raised by an ugly Eastern Establishment SJW white karen who looked like a transvestite, LOL) was in the White House crawling to the jews and serving their agenda.
To be scrupulously fair in giving credit: Both Obama and Trump both did do a few entertaining things to piss off the kikes, but they both still had to degradingly don their yarmulkes, crawl to the jews, preach against "antisemitism" to promote the jewish suppresssion of free speech and criminal control of the mainstream media, and stain their hands with shameful zionist warmongering in order to even be anywhere near "American" political power. But there is no "America" anymore, and arguably hasn't been for a long time:
The media conglomerate and central banking cabal in the jewnited states are controlled by jews, with the white participation being white cucks (in both political parties) who crawl to the jews and even biologically marry in with them and become part of their ethnic tribalism, like various UK and American/East Coast establishment families (hence the term Anglo-Zionist).
Hence, it's fair to call the power elite "Anglo-Zionist," but there is no "white supremacist" power structure: The filthy jews that control the media say everything's about "white supremacism," but the white nationalist groups and figures are total pariahs as far as the jewmedia and political structures are concerned, and the jewmedia does everything possible to maximize racial animosity between whites and blacks to distract from the fact that the jews are the real problem.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Jews as Scapegoats (nope, the tribe is guilty, even if individual jews are innocent)

Post by WilliamSmith »

The key thing wrong with the over-arcing "boohoo, the jews are being scapegoated and not enough blame to the white/goy accomplices" is that it's a parasite-host relationship started by invading jews, with a jewish agenda:
The jews are the invading parasites, the white/goy elites that work with them, including intermarrying in countries with a jew occupation government, are just as morally repugnant, but the occupied host nation's population did not come up with the jewish agenda and are not the root and source of the problem.

Focusing only on the moral blameworthy side of the matter (vs what I see as the more important point of who/what/how/where has the actual power):
@Lucas88 gave his opinion that the goy who partner with the jewish/zionist pushers of their tribal agenda are even worse, since they're traitors and betrayers of their own people and nations. That's fair enough, since the jew parasites are just being 'the eternal jew' and doing what they've always done: Their satanic pedophile religion literally calls for them to infiltrate, subvert, ruin, and conquer the nations of gentiles as part of their supposedly messianic destiny.

The other kicker is: Which group is crawling to which in these relationships?
It's the white/goy crawling to the invasive jew occupation tribal mafia every time, not vice versa.

Like I said before, the media conglomerate and central banking cabal in the jewnited states are controlled by jews, with the white participation being white cucks (both political parties) who crawl to the jews and even biologically marry in with them and become part of their ethnic tribalism, like various UK and American/East Coast establishment families (hence the term Anglo-Zionist).
But it's the jews who are the invader, it is their agenda to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy the gentile nations, even if the "elite" tends to involve them crossbreeding with goy a lot.
The goy who partner with them are just a bunch of maggots crawling to the world's #1 enemy: the jew.

Ah, one last point: It's not just a whites and jews matter either: The parasite jews breed in with Arabians, Chinese, and probably other groups, and get up to all sorts of the same outrageous human rights abuses and mass-murdering (the "Arabian" slave traders who were actually jews, and instrumentality of Chinese jews in bringing about China's fall to jew communism are two examples, and I posted a thread awhile ago on the latter).

That's my contribution for the day on this subject though: I'm not letting either the kike parasites or their mentally weak jewpilled white-guilt cucks distract me for any longer from the better and brighter topic of which countries in the world with the women with the biggest/best asses. :mrgreen:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Jews as Scapegoats (nope, the tribe is guilty, even if individual jews are innocent)

Post by shawnberwick »

WilliamSmith wrote:
May 15th, 2022, 11:31 am

Here you go again with your sloppy, weak thinking and messy fluid and scattered arguments: Are we talking about the whole history of the human race in this discussion, as though we need to assign the appropriate share of blame to each race/ethnic group in history?
Or are we talking about the present day real central problem of the NWO/Jew World Order, to which the jew banking cabal that includes the Federal Reserve is an integral part?
For the sake of any lurkers... You asked that question, and the post directly before that was me giving examples in 2022.

The point I've repeatedly made since the first posts. Jews and Whites have worked together for centuries, and work together in 2022. They intermarry and cooperate.

White freemasons worked with the Rothchilds to help create Israel. They shared an agenda. The Freemasons did it for estoteric ideological reasons to restore the temple of Solomon, Rothchilds did to to create a home for Jews.

Mossad works alongside the 'The 5 eyes' intelligence communities.

Whites and Jews are so deeply intertwined that to separate them the way people who talk about the JQ does seem like blatant scapegoating. No other races collude like Jews and Whites do.

My point is, if a person is going to take a race centric view of geopolitics (which IMO is myopic) then Jews and Whites undoubtedly have been the architects of modern civilization, for better or worse.

Communism: Marx and Engels. A Jewish man and a White man working together.

Capitalism: Adam Smith, Ludwig Von Mises. Ayn Rand. Milton Friedman. Murray Rothbard. Robert Nozick. Fredrich Hayek. John Maynard Keynes. Jewish and White people.

Liberalism: John Locke. Thomas Hobbes. John Rawls. Michel Foucault. White men.

Feminism: Mary Wollstonecraft, Charles Fourier. White people.

Freemasonry, skull and bones, bohemian grove, etc. White people.

The New World Order is not a Jew World Order. If we are going to take a race centric view of geopolitics then Whites and Jews are the cooperative architects.

I personally don't take a race centric view, but racial awareness is part of my analysis. Race centricism IME tends to lead to ignoring other variables/factors, like when I see Whites talk about Jews.

Edits: spelling and grammar, mainly.
Last edited by shawnberwick on May 15th, 2022, 12:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Jews as Scapegoats

Post by WilliamSmith »

OK @shawnberwick, I think my view on the jews being the root of the agenda still holds (also my point about jews breeding in with other non-white racial groups like Arabs and Chinese and committing typically jewish atrocities amongst those via jew tribalism as well), but just to quickly give you some credit: This discussion is getting better as you raise certain topics that would immediately get you blacklisted by the jewmedia for "antisemitism," and you also cited some key important topics such as the jews and nazis connections, for example. If it's of any interest while we wait, I already posted a bunch of links to great thoroughly researched pieces by non-racist jew Ron Unz on the jews and nazis connection (and tons more topics including WW2 histories) in my long post earlier in this thread. I think you'd find it interesting even if you don't agree with my macro take on the kikes.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Jews as Scapegoats (nope, the tribe is guilty, even if individual jews are innocent)

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
May 15th, 2022, 11:48 am
The key thing wrong with the over-arcing "boohoo, the jews are being scapegoated and not enough blame to the white/goy accomplices" is that it's a parasite-host relationship started by invading jews, with a jewish agenda:
The jews are the invading parasites, the white/goy elites that work with them, including intermarrying in countries with a jew occupation government, are just as morally repugnant, but the occupied host nation's population did not come up with the jewish agenda and are not the root and source of the problem.

Focusing only on the moral blameworthy side of the matter (vs what I see as the more important point of who/what/how/where has the actual power):
@Lucas88 gave his opinion that the goy who partner with the jewish/zionist pushers of their tribal agenda are even worse, since they're traitors and betrayers of their own people and nations. That's fair enough, since the jew parasites are just being 'the eternal jew' and doing what they've always done: Their satanic pedophile religion literally calls for them to infiltrate, subvert, ruin, and conquer the nations of gentiles as part of their supposedly messianic destiny.

The other kicker is: Which group is crawling to which in these relationships?
It's the white/goy crawling to the invasive jew occupation tribal mafia every time, not vice versa.

Like I said before, the media conglomerate and central banking cabal in the jewnited states are controlled by jews, with the white participation being white cucks (both political parties) who crawl to the jews and even biologically marry in with them and become part of their ethnic tribalism, like various UK and American/East Coast establishment families (hence the term Anglo-Zionist).
But it's the jews who are the invader, it is their agenda to infiltrate, subvert, and destroy the gentile nations, even if the "elite" tends to involve them crossbreeding with goy a lot.
The goy who partner with them are just a bunch of maggots crawling to the world's #1 enemy: the jew.

Ah, one last point: It's not just a whites and jews matter either: The parasite jews breed in with Arabians, Chinese, and probably other groups, and get up to all sorts of the same outrageous human rights abuses and mass-murdering (the "Arabian" slave traders who were actually jews, and instrumentality of Chinese jews in bringing about China's fall to jew communism are two examples, and I posted a thread awhile ago on the latter).

That's my contribution for the day on this subject though: I'm not letting either the kike parasites or their mentally weak jewpilled white-guilt cucks distract me for any longer from the better and brighter topic of which countries in the world with the women with the biggest/best asses. :mrgreen:
Dude, I totally agree.

The crux of the matter is not some "headcount of guilt" in some silly nonsense game of moral accountability. It is more accurately the fact that the Jewish elite as a group are the ones who have planned and spearheaded the Zionist conspiracy against our Gentile nations in accordance with their bizarre, tribalistic, ultra-racist, anti-Gentile religious/ideological vision and are therefore at the root of the problem.

Moreover, these same parasitic invaders who constitute the most powerful criminal mafia in history are a direct and imminent threat to the very survival of our civilization and way of life. The situation is URGENT!!!. We don't have time to be playing judge and jury about which group has committed the most atrocities. We have to FIGHT now against the parasitic force and its leaders for our own self-preservation and the preservation of all that is good in the world!!!

I know that I said that the Gentile sellouts are "worse". I meant only in terms of how contemptible they are, not in terms of the threat that they pose. The Jewish elite itself who have organized and continue to carry out this systematic subversion and destruction of our societies is far more pernicious. The presence of despicable Gentile sellouts who screw over their own kind for a boatload of shekels doesn't change anything.

I am 100% committed to the cause of Gentile resistance against the Zionist scumbags. I loath those bastards with all of my heart. I want nothing less than their complete eradication, the dismantlement of their power system and the destruction of their repugnant, demonic, sicko religion.

I personally don't give a rat's ass if people think that I'm "anti-semitic". So what! I don't give a flyin' f**k! The people who call us anti-semitic are usually either libtards for whom I have contempt anyway or naïve people brought up on political correctness.

While I don't believe that all Jews are bad (many of them don't even know about the conspiracy), I don't particularly like them either. I certainly don't trust them. I find Jewish culture disgusting with its extreme tribalism and its anti-Gentile attitudes, not to mention its bizarre religion of the purest hatred which is an absolute abomination.

I'm not fooled by Jews' outwardly friendly demeanor. I know what many of them really think of us. Here's a personal anecdote. Where I live there aren't many Jews but I once met a friendly Jewish lady at an insurance company. For some reason me, the Jewish lady and an English Christian lady started to have a conversation about religion. I don't remember how it came about. What I do remember is that the Jewish lady told the Christian lady that as a Jewess she doesn't believe in Jesus and was brought up on the Talmud. Back then I was a naïve kid. I just assumed that the Talmud was some religious book of Judaism. it was years later when I found out what the Talmud really is and what it teaches about us Gentiles and I was horrified! So I don't even trust regular Jews. Why the hell would I or anybody else be trustful or sympathetic towards a culture which has always been overwhelmingly hostile to us?
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