Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Lucas88 wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 2:47 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 10:49 am
Well, everything is relative. If your not a native born Asian, you will never know. That's what I have experienced so far.
Asians maybe more lenient towards white foreigners but they are vicious towards each other and to the race they deemed "inferior" to them.
I am sorry, that's the truth whether you like it or not.
Yes, Asians are more lenient towards White foreigners. I lived in Japan in the early 2010s and that was exactly what I experienced. White foreigners who live in Japan are exempt from the strict rules and minutiae of Japanese social etiquette. They are simply not held to the same standards as Japanese and other Asian people and therefore enjoy certain privileges and freedoms within Japanese society.

I don't hate East Asians but I don't particularly like them either. East Asians are perhaps the race with which I resonate the least. They just have a really alien vibe and strike me as cold, robotic and even NPC-like. They're the exact opposite of Mediterranean and Latin people with their passionate and soulful nature and their vivacious and free-spirited societies. I find it extremely difficult to relate to East Asian people and especially the Japanese. It's as though there's just no feeling between us and the interaction goes nowhere. I prefer most other races.

There are of course exceptions. I really get along with my Chinese acupuncturist Dr. Chen who's really awesome and with whom I have deep and intellectually stimulating conversations. We've even had conversations about the New World Order and the Jews!

As for the different Asian nationalities, I actually prefer the Chinese over the Japanese, even though this is certainly a minority opinion. Even though the Chinese have a reputation for being greedy and unscrupulous (and @MarcosZeitola believes that they are complete savages), they have a much more direct communication style and are easier to talk to while the Japanese have an indirect communication style and are usually totally fake since fakeness is baked into their social culture with the concept of honne and tatemae 本音建前. I also have admiration for certain aspects of ancient Chinese culture such as Qi Kung and Traditional Chinese Medicine. And, of course, hanzi 漢字 too which have their origin in China.

I tend to like Southeast Asians a lot more than East Asians. Southeast Asians are a completely different entity. They are more warm-blooded and passionate and more like Latinos in some regards. I have a positive view of Thais, Filipinos and Vietnamese.
Yes, If your white male in East Asia, you will have a much easier life then your native friends. Much easier. I guess that's why I see bunch of white people praticing Eastern spirituality, Buddhism like David Carradine and some sh*t.. East Asians don't really practice much spirituality at all for real. Even if you have visited churches and temples in Korea, all those motherf*ckers care is about money! Money Money Money! Spirituality is just a show.

Koreans are especially vicious, judgmental, and unforgiving towards each other. That's why even Koreans in K-town say "Don't trust them other Koreans over there because they are going to scam you." If your a native Korean living in Korea, you better have lot of money, be a good fighter (both physically and mentally), be very cunning, and be 6ft tall. A life of a native Korean is constant grinding and grueling competition from birth to death. Starting to kindergarten to the day that you hit six feet under. It's a very grim and deadly proposition if your born in S.Korea.
Koreans treat other Koreans like sh*t but the South East Asians are treated much worst, no less than dogs.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!

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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Yohan wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 9:22 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 10:49 am
Well, everything is relative. If your not a native born Asian, you will never know. That's what I have experienced so far.
Asians maybe more lenient towards white foreigners but they are vicious towards each other and to the race they deemed "inferior" to them.
I am sorry, that's the truth whether you like it or not.
This is true, but the word 'race' is misleading. The better word to use is ethnicity.

In countries like Japan and Korea, if you are of 'white race' like myself from Europe, there is no problem and no way to mistaken me for an Asian, I am simply said, totally different from them, even living in that region since more than 4 decades.

As I always had a good job and income and could also communicate with people living next to me, I very rarely (but cannot say 'never') noticed discrimination or rejection, not in Japan, not in Korea, not in Thailand or Philippines etc.

This feeling is quite different among Asians themselves, for example the relationship between Japanese and Koreans, or Malay and Chinese, Vietnamese and Cambodians and Thai etc.

The impression of Western visitors from abroad that 'all Asians are so nice etc.' is indeed wrong. Asian people can be very rude, intolerant and aggressive within their family and other people of their own ethnicity. They can become violent and hateful against other people of different ethnicity.

It is because they have nothing in common - we have to consider their history (wars among them), different languages (have to communicate in English) and different religion, minorities etc. also play a major role.

Japanese and Koreans are a good example, they look so similar to each other that it is impossible to say by looking at them who is a Japanese and who is a Korean, but if you look at their way of life (traditional housing, clothes, food etc) and hear them talking and see their behavior, you will quickly understand that these two groups are of different ethnicity.

It is true that Japanese and Korean language have much in common - but if a Japanese and a Korean meet without any knowledge of the other language, they cannot communicate to each other.

I notice that myself, too, my Japanese is quite good, but so far I failed to speak Korean, of course it is because I am not using the language frequently, no exercise at all and when I try to speak and read Korean, I mix up Japanese and Korean vocabulary - both languages are similar, but not so similar either...and using a different way how to write too.
Well I am glad your doing well in Japan.
Yes, I agree.. white people gets leniency and breaks from most of the cultural expectations in Japan and South Korea. I think because white people from a western country are automatically or unconsciously associated with power, status, fascination, and prestige(I am not really sure what constitutes prestige). White people are well treated in Korea and is considered honored guests. They get a spot light in Korean Media and more they proclaim they love South Korea, the more Korean audience literally gets some kind of emotional orgasm from it.

But it gets really "darker" when your from Africa or South East Asia. Both of them are treated really badly in South Korea.
I don't know about Japan's treatment towards both ethnicities.. but it's very brutal for them. That's why Africans have to lie that he is "African-American" so he doesn't get discriminated in Korea. South East Asians have to lie that he is from Taiwan or an American of Filipino descent just to get a private English tutoring job in Korea. Korean women won't hire Filipinos.

I don't know how Koreans treat middle easterners, Southern Europeans, Indians, Latin Americans, etc because most of them don't even come to Korea. Overall, if you have light skin, blond hair and blue eyes your fine. If you have black skin or look like South East Asian then your in trouble.

Generally Koreans doesn't like the Japanese and the Korean youtubers and media always plays on Korean Nationalism on Japan not doing well and suffering the "lost 3 decades". However, lots of Koreans tends to visit Japan as tourists and there are lot of Koreans moving to Japan to work in IT jobs and others...

Koreans have mixed feelings and general distaste towards the Chinese, always calling them "JJangGae" 짱깨 or "Chink" in English.
Chinese people are viewed as vermin and dirty bastards in Korea. However, many Koreans visit China for tourism and many of the Korean Conglomerates factories are in China..

I am not sure how Koreans think about Vietnamese, Malays, Cambodians, Thai, etc. But I have heard and read that Koreans hate and discriminate Filipinos very much for some reason.. I don't understand why..

I mean even Koreans discriminate each other.
Koreans discriminate Korean Americans , ethnic Koreans from China and even recently escaped North Koreans.
I can only give you a brief generalizations

Koreans think Korean Americans are not Korean enough and they are bunch of black haired foreigners who can't speak their language.
Korean Americans are sometimes treated badly in Korea for not speaking korean.

Now the ethnic Koreans from China are called Joseon-jok "조선족" meaning "Joseon Tribe". They are much more discriminated than the Korean Americans. They are considered shady, untrustworthy and not really Korean, but as a Chinese. The Joseon jok are always looked down upon and regarded as no good criminals.

The North Koreans from Korea are not as well treated because of their northern accent of Korean and their association in the North. They face
lot of loneliness, hardship and ridicule from Korean society. They have to work really hard to integrate themselves and get rid of everything they have learned in North Korea.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by Kalinago »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 10:35 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 4:26 pm
Especially the ugly ass females?

I mean Chinese and Japanese and koreans etc

I can't stand them.

If you're not Chinese or Gringo they act like you're some space alien from Saturn,or their slave.

Then they whine with #StopAsianHate,when the reason blacks and Hispanics and even Indians and Arabians hate them is because they are robotically racist insentient passive agressive cowardly pieces of Shit.

I at one point used to support China and The 'Asian Masculinity'and such nonsense out of sympathy,until Dealing with all of them gave me a breaking point,and Now I wish for enslavement of the Chinese people by the USA and NATO.

With Indians,if you are not a muslim they don't have a issue with you at all.they also have more humour and basic humanity.

Even Jews are not like this in real life.

I get along with EVERYONE IRL except East Asians.
Blacks don't even like blacks and kill them just for the hell out of it, so what the hell are you talking about? And Arabs beat on their own women even if they look at them a certain way lol so how does that make them better than Asians?
And Latinos call blacks niggers all the time. The thing is blacks aren't going to just screw with Latinos like they mess with Asians because Latinos will fight back. Blacks pick fights with people they feel are timid and scared of them. Besides blacks call everything racist nowadays the same way LBGTQ clowns are always calling everything trans/homophobic. I've had more issues with other blacks than I have had with any other race in the U.S. and the only time they even care about something happening to another black person is when they can turn it into a political issue so they can have an excuse to blame all white people and then turn them on each other.

The problem is nigs want everybody to kiss their ass and suck up to them, and when they don't they call people racist yet the dumb f***s can't even get along with their own people. The two racial groups that have the most conflict with each other in the U.S. is Latinos and Blacks or blacks on blacks.
Asians are hardly a big part of the population. But there are neighborhoods occupied by Latinos that blacks aren't even welcomed into and when all that Rodney King shit happened, Blacks were outright attacking Koreans for no reason, hell in 2020 they were even attacking black own businesses, that right there goes to show you that black people are garbage and just think the world should tolerate everything they do because of their skin color and some BS that none of them even experienced that happened 400+ years ago and feel that it gives them a free pass to show out and call racist when they don't get things their way and that's literately EVERY where they go they pull that "racist" card. The only time I ever got discriminated against by Asians was during a job I applied for and they owned this hotel, but everyone except for a large portion of white people do that in the U.S including Hispanics, Indians, Muslims, and that's openly discriminate against people who aren't their own since they prefer to hire only their own in the workplace and ignore all that diversity bullshit self defeating white people are so damn obsessed with. Hispanics aren't going to change their language just to accommodate English speaking people but white people will try to force you to learn Spanish because they are traitorous assholes that got it all backwards.

But look what the nigs did in South Africa when they wanted the white people to leave. They outright murdered them. Nobody in the U.S. is murdering black people at record high numbers other than other black people themselves and the Latinos they engage with through gang violence. I mean hell I won't even socialize with black people either other than the ones I've known since I was a child and family members. But out there on the street? f**k em they don't even exist to me. Too much crap history with them for me to even care anymore about them. We live in a world where blacks are always fussing about how racist everyone else is but at the same time we still treat each other like enemies. You have any idea how many times a black male tried to find an excuse to have a confrontation?

Any country where they have more rights over the people that let them move in and take over they generally do whatever the hell they want to do. That's why gang rapes were so out of control when Africans and Muslim mfers flooded into Europe and European govs made it unlawful for people to complain about the problems to prove "we aren't racist but feel free to keep gang raping our women and kids." Although the women advocating for invaders to move in deserve the rape for being backstabbing idiots against their own. Nigs have never done shit for anybody, they can bring up MLK all they want but one man shown preaching the same old tired shit every time it's Black History Month gets f*ckin old.
I am half african american culturally,my mother is culturally african american though she is mixed race(french Louisiana Creole,Latin iberian and Toscano italian,Choctaw amerindian,black,Irish-Celtic)and this is primarily a issue in urban northern and midwest USA areas.

Southern blacks are the kindest,most hospitable and authentic people in america.

I remember as a child when I visited my family in rural mississippi I was truly happy,and felt I could be myself and I wanted to move there,despite coming from'abroad'(The Netherlands)and my recent visits to my aunts in alabama confirmed this.

The trope that all places abroad are more social than america is false,when you compare people in the deep south of african american backrounds to the cold,controlling and aspie Dutch,my father's people.

The left has just molded black people into a golem in those areas.

It's similar to how Moroccans are some of the kindest,humble,hospitable,passionate,fun-loving and Golden hearted people on earth but then you go to France and Holland and they are utter violent criminal subhuman Trash compared to their cousins back home.

I would say the same about USA latinos vs latinos in latin america.

or UK and american Indians vs indians from India.

You also act like Modern USA blacks are the sum of africans and afro-latinos,afro-brazilians etc which is not true.

East Asiatics view anyone that isn't Northeastasian or blonde Gringo as a subhuman slave.

Blacks want basic respect,an end to discrimination and not dehumanizing them and of course to be able to take care of their families.

Not ghetto'hood'blacks,but the black race globally as a whole.

So no,East asiatics cannot be compared to blacks as a general rule.

and that is coming from someone that hates ghetto blacks to the core.
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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by Kalinago »

Outcast9428 wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 9:56 am
Complete opposite of my experience with Asians. I find myself getting along with Asian people better then any other race.
you're white,I look latino /puerto rican IRL and my black and hispanic friends have similar experiences.East asians also hate indians,and arabs aswell.
Last edited by Kalinago on March 3rd, 2023, 8:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by Kalinago »

Yohan wrote:
March 2nd, 2023, 8:54 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 4:26 pm
Especially the ugly ass females?
I mean Chinese and Japanese and koreans etc
I can't stand them.
If you're not Chinese or Gringo they act like you're some space alien from Saturn,or their slave.
Then they whine with #StopAsianHate,when the reason blacks and Hispanics and even Indians and Arabians hate them is because they are robotically racist insentient passive agressive cowardly pieces of Shit.
I at one point used to support China and The 'Asian Masculinity'and such nonsense out of sympathy,until Dealing with all of them gave me a breaking point,and Now I wish for enslavement of the Chinese people by the USA and NATO.
With Indians,if you are not a muslim they don't have a issue with you at all.they also have more humour and basic humanity.
Even Jews are not like this in real life.
I get along with EVERYONE IRL except East Asians.
You are talking about the behavior of American women.

This comment sounds to me that it is only about Asian-Americans, and not about Asian people who are living in Asia in their own countries.

A Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. who is born in USA and living next door to you in the States is nothing else or nothing better than any American woman. Many of them lost their identity, can often barely speak any Asian language, and understand only English etc.

These American Asian are not the same people you meet in Asia.

This has been a rant of the culmination of a life-long experience,with FOBs primarily in both america and holland,aswell as extended chinese,korean and Japanese Tourists in holland.

You are like the typical white guy that thinks racism is 'over'cuz you don't face it and everyone looks up to you.

there is an exception to this-Japanese MEN.Japanese men are the coolest motherfuckers I have met next to some latino tourists in miami from my hostel that I befriended,and Irish men-in contrast to the British men and women are also very cool fuckers and I vibe with them anywhere I have been.

I always felt ashamed for having scots-irish ancestry because scots-irish protestants opressed the Catholic Irish.

Turkish men are also cool as f**k,educated and intelligent,organized ,chilled out and swagged out in their behaviour,kind,respectful ,non-violent and not causing trpouble yet readsy to kick ass if need be for their loved ones and usually they are also very goodlooking.if there were any 'ubermensch'it would be turkish men imo.

I used to only role with turkish men as a teenager,I even went on a trip to egypt with them.absolutely superior race of men,if there were any.

if you are homeless,Like I was they let you sleep in their mosque and give you free food without asking.

But Religious turks/anatolians are much better than secular ones,I don't like secular turks at all.

Also the reliigous turks I met Atleast tried to not be Racist,for example they always admired Asians and saw arabians as inferior but in a way a pet owner would see his dog,not in a malicious way and They were heavily into african american music and culture,and the ones that studied at university in america always praised black people but they were still proud of their culture and race and most of them were technically what leftists and jews would call 'Fascists'and some turkish friends had were outright part of the Fascist Grey Wolves,you know a healthy BALANCE of pride in your race and atleast trying to respect for other gentile peoples(something most people are not sophisticated or smart enough to strike a balance between).
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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Kalinago wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 7:56 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 10:35 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 4:26 pm
Especially the ugly ass females?

I mean Chinese and Japanese and koreans etc

I can't stand them.

If you're not Chinese or Gringo they act like you're some space alien from Saturn,or their slave.

Then they whine with #StopAsianHate,when the reason blacks and Hispanics and even Indians and Arabians hate them is because they are robotically racist insentient passive agressive cowardly pieces of Shit.

I at one point used to support China and The 'Asian Masculinity'and such nonsense out of sympathy,until Dealing with all of them gave me a breaking point,and Now I wish for enslavement of the Chinese people by the USA and NATO.

With Indians,if you are not a muslim they don't have a issue with you at all.they also have more humour and basic humanity.

Even Jews are not like this in real life.

I get along with EVERYONE IRL except East Asians.
Blacks don't even like blacks and kill them just for the hell out of it, so what the hell are you talking about? And Arabs beat on their own women even if they look at them a certain way lol so how does that make them better than Asians?
And Latinos call blacks niggers all the time. The thing is blacks aren't going to just screw with Latinos like they mess with Asians because Latinos will fight back. Blacks pick fights with people they feel are timid and scared of them. Besides blacks call everything racist nowadays the same way LBGTQ clowns are always calling everything trans/homophobic. I've had more issues with other blacks than I have had with any other race in the U.S. and the only time they even care about something happening to another black person is when they can turn it into a political issue so they can have an excuse to blame all white people and then turn them on each other.

The problem is nigs want everybody to kiss their ass and suck up to them, and when they don't they call people racist yet the dumb f***s can't even get along with their own people. The two racial groups that have the most conflict with each other in the U.S. is Latinos and Blacks or blacks on blacks.
Asians are hardly a big part of the population. But there are neighborhoods occupied by Latinos that blacks aren't even welcomed into and when all that Rodney King shit happened, Blacks were outright attacking Koreans for no reason, hell in 2020 they were even attacking black own businesses, that right there goes to show you that black people are garbage and just think the world should tolerate everything they do because of their skin color and some BS that none of them even experienced that happened 400+ years ago and feel that it gives them a free pass to show out and call racist when they don't get things their way and that's literately EVERY where they go they pull that "racist" card. The only time I ever got discriminated against by Asians was during a job I applied for and they owned this hotel, but everyone except for a large portion of white people do that in the U.S including Hispanics, Indians, Muslims, and that's openly discriminate against people who aren't their own since they prefer to hire only their own in the workplace and ignore all that diversity bullshit self defeating white people are so damn obsessed with. Hispanics aren't going to change their language just to accommodate English speaking people but white people will try to force you to learn Spanish because they are traitorous assholes that got it all backwards.

But look what the nigs did in South Africa when they wanted the white people to leave. They outright murdered them. Nobody in the U.S. is murdering black people at record high numbers other than other black people themselves and the Latinos they engage with through gang violence. I mean hell I won't even socialize with black people either other than the ones I've known since I was a child and family members. But out there on the street? f**k em they don't even exist to me. Too much crap history with them for me to even care anymore about them. We live in a world where blacks are always fussing about how racist everyone else is but at the same time we still treat each other like enemies. You have any idea how many times a black male tried to find an excuse to have a confrontation?

Any country where they have more rights over the people that let them move in and take over they generally do whatever the hell they want to do. That's why gang rapes were so out of control when Africans and Muslim mfers flooded into Europe and European govs made it unlawful for people to complain about the problems to prove "we aren't racist but feel free to keep gang raping our women and kids." Although the women advocating for invaders to move in deserve the rape for being backstabbing idiots against their own. Nigs have never done shit for anybody, they can bring up MLK all they want but one man shown preaching the same old tired shit every time it's Black History Month gets f*ckin old.
I am half african american culturally,my mother is culturally african american though she is mixed race(french Louisiana Creole,Latin iberian and Toscano italian,Choctaw amerindian,black,Irish-Celtic)and this is primarily a issue in urban northern and midwest USA areas.

Southern blacks are the kindest,most hospitable and authentic people in america.

I remember as a child when I visited my family in rural mississippi I was truly happy,and felt I could be myself and I wanted to move there,despite coming from'abroad'(The Netherlands)and my recent visits to my aunts in alabama confirmed this.

The trope that all places abroad are more social than america is false,when you compare people in the deep south of african american backrounds to the cold,controlling and aspie Dutch,my father's people.

The left has just molded black people into a golem in those areas.

It's similar to how Moroccans are some of the kindest,humble,hospitable,passionate,fun-loving and Golden hearted people on earth but then you go to France and Holland and they are utter violent criminal subhuman Trash compared to their cousins back home.

I would say the same about USA latinos vs latinos in latin america.

or UK and american Indians vs indians from India.

You also act like Modern USA blacks are the sum of africans and afro-latinos,afro-brazilians etc which is not true.

East Asiatics view anyone that isn't Northeastasian or blonde Gringo as a subhuman slave.

Blacks want basic respect,an end to discrimination and not dehumanizing them and of course to be able to take care of their families.

Not ghetto'hood'blacks,but the black race globally as a whole.

So no,East asiatics cannot be compared to blacks as a general rule.

and that is coming from someone that hates ghetto blacks to the core.
Black people globally demanding shit is a joke. You can't demand people to "respect you" just because. IF people don't f***ing like you they just don't f***ing like you, end of story. Why is that so hard for you nigs of today to f***ing understand? I don't see the world demanding blacks to give respect so blacks shouldn't be doing the same. What is it with black people always wanting the world to just give them something? I never went through life with this mentality EVER. Here in America white people are the only ones that kiss my ass proudly to avoid being labeled racist and I still don't fuckin like it. I never asked for them to bow down to me, to suck to up me, to treat their own like shit while giving me special favors, I never asked for that.

And the only blacks down south who are "polite" are mostly aging blacks like my grandmother. But the black youth down south and people in their 30s and what not are just as bad as the blacks from everywhere else in the West. Where do you think all that Southern rap shit came from? DOWN SOUTH. And it's ghetto as hell, no different from the rap music that originated out of California.

and not every black that turns out to be violent is ghetto either. So that's where you're also wrong. Latin Americans aren't perfect either, they gave us MS-13 and a bunch of brutal Hispanic gangs that are hardcore savages. The fact is if people don't want you around, you have to learn to accept that and leave them be. I don't get where blacks have to be this only race in existence that feel that the world owes them shit and if they don't get their way they have to get mad and protest forcing people to accept them. Life is too short for that. At the age of 36 I know when I'm not wanted and if I'm not wanted that's fine. I'm not going to force society to be tolerant like some liberal dipshit just because Asians or anyone else want nothing to do with me. Blacks trying to populate places like Japan and Korea is f***ing absurd anyway. That's not your country, and you can't expect people to change in said countries just to accommodate you either.

Just like Hispanics coming here don't have a right to demand that I accommodate them if I don't want to. Black people have their own nations yet they aren't satisfied because they act like the entire world f***ing belongs to them. Stop talking like black people are so damn tolerant of people while everyone else is "racist" toward them. What other country do you know of where they set their own people on fire by wrapping them up in a car tire and lighting it? People globally see that type of shit on the internet, and they've seen how violent refugees from Africa and Islamic countries were acting in Europe, hell f***ing no they don't want these people flooding into their country in large ass numbers. I don't know about you but I don't live for acceptance. People have a choice to accept me or not accept me, if they choose not to, so be it.

LBGTQ people want global acceptance too, even the pedophiles among them believe the world need to be more tolerant of them, what make black people and their issues any different from all the other groups of victimhood types fussing that the world is doing them wrong? I went to a high school that was full of Asians, i use to try to hang out with them but they never spoke English. They would always talk in Hmong, so I had no idea if they were making fun of me or what. But despite all of that they never asked me to hang out with them in the first place. I made the choice to be around them since blacks treated me like shit and were always the only people I had conflict with in a physical way. At least if Asians didn't want me around they never tried to physically harm me.
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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by Kalinago »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 1:27 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 7:56 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 10:35 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 4:26 pm
Especially the ugly ass females?

I mean Chinese and Japanese and koreans etc

I can't stand them.

If you're not Chinese or Gringo they act like you're some space alien from Saturn,or their slave.

Then they whine with #StopAsianHate,when the reason blacks and Hispanics and even Indians and Arabians hate them is because they are robotically racist insentient passive agressive cowardly pieces of Shit.

I at one point used to support China and The 'Asian Masculinity'and such nonsense out of sympathy,until Dealing with all of them gave me a breaking point,and Now I wish for enslavement of the Chinese people by the USA and NATO.

With Indians,if you are not a muslim they don't have a issue with you at all.they also have more humour and basic humanity.

Even Jews are not like this in real life.

I get along with EVERYONE IRL except East Asians.
Blacks don't even like blacks and kill them just for the hell out of it, so what the hell are you talking about? And Arabs beat on their own women even if they look at them a certain way lol so how does that make them better than Asians?
And Latinos call blacks niggers all the time. The thing is blacks aren't going to just screw with Latinos like they mess with Asians because Latinos will fight back. Blacks pick fights with people they feel are timid and scared of them. Besides blacks call everything racist nowadays the same way LBGTQ clowns are always calling everything trans/homophobic. I've had more issues with other blacks than I have had with any other race in the U.S. and the only time they even care about something happening to another black person is when they can turn it into a political issue so they can have an excuse to blame all white people and then turn them on each other.

The problem is nigs want everybody to kiss their ass and suck up to them, and when they don't they call people racist yet the dumb f***s can't even get along with their own people. The two racial groups that have the most conflict with each other in the U.S. is Latinos and Blacks or blacks on blacks.
Asians are hardly a big part of the population. But there are neighborhoods occupied by Latinos that blacks aren't even welcomed into and when all that Rodney King shit happened, Blacks were outright attacking Koreans for no reason, hell in 2020 they were even attacking black own businesses, that right there goes to show you that black people are garbage and just think the world should tolerate everything they do because of their skin color and some BS that none of them even experienced that happened 400+ years ago and feel that it gives them a free pass to show out and call racist when they don't get things their way and that's literately EVERY where they go they pull that "racist" card. The only time I ever got discriminated against by Asians was during a job I applied for and they owned this hotel, but everyone except for a large portion of white people do that in the U.S including Hispanics, Indians, Muslims, and that's openly discriminate against people who aren't their own since they prefer to hire only their own in the workplace and ignore all that diversity bullshit self defeating white people are so damn obsessed with. Hispanics aren't going to change their language just to accommodate English speaking people but white people will try to force you to learn Spanish because they are traitorous assholes that got it all backwards.

But look what the nigs did in South Africa when they wanted the white people to leave. They outright murdered them. Nobody in the U.S. is murdering black people at record high numbers other than other black people themselves and the Latinos they engage with through gang violence. I mean hell I won't even socialize with black people either other than the ones I've known since I was a child and family members. But out there on the street? f**k em they don't even exist to me. Too much crap history with them for me to even care anymore about them. We live in a world where blacks are always fussing about how racist everyone else is but at the same time we still treat each other like enemies. You have any idea how many times a black male tried to find an excuse to have a confrontation?

Any country where they have more rights over the people that let them move in and take over they generally do whatever the hell they want to do. That's why gang rapes were so out of control when Africans and Muslim mfers flooded into Europe and European govs made it unlawful for people to complain about the problems to prove "we aren't racist but feel free to keep gang raping our women and kids." Although the women advocating for invaders to move in deserve the rape for being backstabbing idiots against their own. Nigs have never done shit for anybody, they can bring up MLK all they want but one man shown preaching the same old tired shit every time it's Black History Month gets f*ckin old.
I am half african american culturally,my mother is culturally african american though she is mixed race(french Louisiana Creole,Latin iberian and Toscano italian,Choctaw amerindian,black,Irish-Celtic)and this is primarily a issue in urban northern and midwest USA areas.

Southern blacks are the kindest,most hospitable and authentic people in america.

I remember as a child when I visited my family in rural mississippi I was truly happy,and felt I could be myself and I wanted to move there,despite coming from'abroad'(The Netherlands)and my recent visits to my aunts in alabama confirmed this.

The trope that all places abroad are more social than america is false,when you compare people in the deep south of african american backrounds to the cold,controlling and aspie Dutch,my father's people.

The left has just molded black people into a golem in those areas.

It's similar to how Moroccans are some of the kindest,humble,hospitable,passionate,fun-loving and Golden hearted people on earth but then you go to France and Holland and they are utter violent criminal subhuman Trash compared to their cousins back home.

I would say the same about USA latinos vs latinos in latin america.

or UK and american Indians vs indians from India.

You also act like Modern USA blacks are the sum of africans and afro-latinos,afro-brazilians etc which is not true.

East Asiatics view anyone that isn't Northeastasian or blonde Gringo as a subhuman slave.

Blacks want basic respect,an end to discrimination and not dehumanizing them and of course to be able to take care of their families.

Not ghetto'hood'blacks,but the black race globally as a whole.

So no,East asiatics cannot be compared to blacks as a general rule.

and that is coming from someone that hates ghetto blacks to the core.
Black people globally demanding shit is a joke. You can't demand people to "respect you" just because. IF people don't f***ing like you they just don't f***ing like you, end of story. Why is that so hard for you nigs of today to f***ing understand? I don't see the world demanding blacks to give respect so blacks shouldn't be doing the same. What is it with black people always wanting the world to just give them something? I never went through life with this mentality EVER. Here in America white people are the only ones that kiss my ass proudly to avoid being labeled racist and I still don't fuckin like it. I never asked for them to bow down to me, to suck to up me, to treat their own like shit while giving me special favors, I never asked for that.

And the only blacks down south who are "polite" are mostly aging blacks like my grandmother. But the black youth down south and people in their 30s and what not are just as bad as the blacks from everywhere else in the West. Where do you think all that Southern rap shit came from? DOWN SOUTH. And it's ghetto as hell, no different from the rap music that originated out of California.

and not every black that turns out to be violent is ghetto either. So that's where you're also wrong. Latin Americans aren't perfect either, they gave us MS-13 and a bunch of brutal Hispanic gangs that are hardcore savages. The fact is if people don't want you around, you have to learn to accept that and leave them be. I don't get where blacks have to be this only race in existence that feel that the world owes them shit and if they don't get their way they have to get mad and protest forcing people to accept them. Life is too short for that. At the age of 36 I know when I'm not wanted and if I'm not wanted that's fine. I'm not going to force society to be tolerant like some liberal dipshit just because Asians or anyone else want nothing to do with me. Blacks trying to populate places like Japan and Korea is f***ing absurd anyway. That's not your country, and you can't expect people to change in said countries just to accommodate you either.

Just like Hispanics coming here don't have a right to demand that I accommodate them if I don't want to. Black people have their own nations yet they aren't satisfied because they act like the entire world f***ing belongs to them. Stop talking like black people are so damn tolerant of people while everyone else is "racist" toward them. What other country do you know of where they set their own people on fire by wrapping them up in a car tire and lighting it? People globally see that type of shit on the internet, and they've seen how violent refugees from Africa and Islamic countries were acting in Europe, hell f***ing no they don't want these people flooding into their country in large ass numbers. I don't know about you but I don't live for acceptance. People have a choice to accept me or not accept me, if they choose not to, so be it.

LBGTQ people want global acceptance too, even the pedophiles among them believe the world need to be more tolerant of them, what make black people and their issues any different from all the other groups of victimhood types fussing that the world is doing them wrong? I went to a high school that was full of Asians, i use to try to hang out with them but they never spoke English. They would always talk in Hmong, so I had no idea if they were making fun of me or what. But despite all of that they never asked me to hang out with them in the first place. I made the choice to be around them since blacks treated me like shit and were always the only people I had conflict with in a physical way. At least if Asians didn't want me around they never tried to physically harm me.
Wow!I haven't been to the south in a long time,so You are likely correct about this.

Yes,being around black men is dangerous for anyone,even other black men for sure.
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Re: Why are all Asians I meet such utter A$$holes?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Kalinago wrote:
March 4th, 2023, 12:08 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 1:27 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 3rd, 2023, 7:56 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 10:35 pm
Kalinago wrote:
March 1st, 2023, 4:26 pm
Especially the ugly ass females?

I mean Chinese and Japanese and koreans etc

I can't stand them.

If you're not Chinese or Gringo they act like you're some space alien from Saturn,or their slave.

Then they whine with #StopAsianHate,when the reason blacks and Hispanics and even Indians and Arabians hate them is because they are robotically racist insentient passive agressive cowardly pieces of Shit.

I at one point used to support China and The 'Asian Masculinity'and such nonsense out of sympathy,until Dealing with all of them gave me a breaking point,and Now I wish for enslavement of the Chinese people by the USA and NATO.

With Indians,if you are not a muslim they don't have a issue with you at all.they also have more humour and basic humanity.

Even Jews are not like this in real life.

I get along with EVERYONE IRL except East Asians.
Blacks don't even like blacks and kill them just for the hell out of it, so what the hell are you talking about? And Arabs beat on their own women even if they look at them a certain way lol so how does that make them better than Asians?
And Latinos call blacks niggers all the time. The thing is blacks aren't going to just screw with Latinos like they mess with Asians because Latinos will fight back. Blacks pick fights with people they feel are timid and scared of them. Besides blacks call everything racist nowadays the same way LBGTQ clowns are always calling everything trans/homophobic. I've had more issues with other blacks than I have had with any other race in the U.S. and the only time they even care about something happening to another black person is when they can turn it into a political issue so they can have an excuse to blame all white people and then turn them on each other.

The problem is nigs want everybody to kiss their ass and suck up to them, and when they don't they call people racist yet the dumb f***s can't even get along with their own people. The two racial groups that have the most conflict with each other in the U.S. is Latinos and Blacks or blacks on blacks.
Asians are hardly a big part of the population. But there are neighborhoods occupied by Latinos that blacks aren't even welcomed into and when all that Rodney King shit happened, Blacks were outright attacking Koreans for no reason, hell in 2020 they were even attacking black own businesses, that right there goes to show you that black people are garbage and just think the world should tolerate everything they do because of their skin color and some BS that none of them even experienced that happened 400+ years ago and feel that it gives them a free pass to show out and call racist when they don't get things their way and that's literately EVERY where they go they pull that "racist" card. The only time I ever got discriminated against by Asians was during a job I applied for and they owned this hotel, but everyone except for a large portion of white people do that in the U.S including Hispanics, Indians, Muslims, and that's openly discriminate against people who aren't their own since they prefer to hire only their own in the workplace and ignore all that diversity bullshit self defeating white people are so damn obsessed with. Hispanics aren't going to change their language just to accommodate English speaking people but white people will try to force you to learn Spanish because they are traitorous assholes that got it all backwards.

But look what the nigs did in South Africa when they wanted the white people to leave. They outright murdered them. Nobody in the U.S. is murdering black people at record high numbers other than other black people themselves and the Latinos they engage with through gang violence. I mean hell I won't even socialize with black people either other than the ones I've known since I was a child and family members. But out there on the street? f**k em they don't even exist to me. Too much crap history with them for me to even care anymore about them. We live in a world where blacks are always fussing about how racist everyone else is but at the same time we still treat each other like enemies. You have any idea how many times a black male tried to find an excuse to have a confrontation?

Any country where they have more rights over the people that let them move in and take over they generally do whatever the hell they want to do. That's why gang rapes were so out of control when Africans and Muslim mfers flooded into Europe and European govs made it unlawful for people to complain about the problems to prove "we aren't racist but feel free to keep gang raping our women and kids." Although the women advocating for invaders to move in deserve the rape for being backstabbing idiots against their own. Nigs have never done shit for anybody, they can bring up MLK all they want but one man shown preaching the same old tired shit every time it's Black History Month gets f*ckin old.
I am half african american culturally,my mother is culturally african american though she is mixed race(french Louisiana Creole,Latin iberian and Toscano italian,Choctaw amerindian,black,Irish-Celtic)and this is primarily a issue in urban northern and midwest USA areas.

Southern blacks are the kindest,most hospitable and authentic people in america.

I remember as a child when I visited my family in rural mississippi I was truly happy,and felt I could be myself and I wanted to move there,despite coming from'abroad'(The Netherlands)and my recent visits to my aunts in alabama confirmed this.

The trope that all places abroad are more social than america is false,when you compare people in the deep south of african american backrounds to the cold,controlling and aspie Dutch,my father's people.

The left has just molded black people into a golem in those areas.

It's similar to how Moroccans are some of the kindest,humble,hospitable,passionate,fun-loving and Golden hearted people on earth but then you go to France and Holland and they are utter violent criminal subhuman Trash compared to their cousins back home.

I would say the same about USA latinos vs latinos in latin america.

or UK and american Indians vs indians from India.

You also act like Modern USA blacks are the sum of africans and afro-latinos,afro-brazilians etc which is not true.

East Asiatics view anyone that isn't Northeastasian or blonde Gringo as a subhuman slave.

Blacks want basic respect,an end to discrimination and not dehumanizing them and of course to be able to take care of their families.

Not ghetto'hood'blacks,but the black race globally as a whole.

So no,East asiatics cannot be compared to blacks as a general rule.

and that is coming from someone that hates ghetto blacks to the core.
Black people globally demanding shit is a joke. You can't demand people to "respect you" just because. IF people don't f***ing like you they just don't f***ing like you, end of story. Why is that so hard for you nigs of today to f***ing understand? I don't see the world demanding blacks to give respect so blacks shouldn't be doing the same. What is it with black people always wanting the world to just give them something? I never went through life with this mentality EVER. Here in America white people are the only ones that kiss my ass proudly to avoid being labeled racist and I still don't fuckin like it. I never asked for them to bow down to me, to suck to up me, to treat their own like shit while giving me special favors, I never asked for that.

And the only blacks down south who are "polite" are mostly aging blacks like my grandmother. But the black youth down south and people in their 30s and what not are just as bad as the blacks from everywhere else in the West. Where do you think all that Southern rap shit came from? DOWN SOUTH. And it's ghetto as hell, no different from the rap music that originated out of California.

and not every black that turns out to be violent is ghetto either. So that's where you're also wrong. Latin Americans aren't perfect either, they gave us MS-13 and a bunch of brutal Hispanic gangs that are hardcore savages. The fact is if people don't want you around, you have to learn to accept that and leave them be. I don't get where blacks have to be this only race in existence that feel that the world owes them shit and if they don't get their way they have to get mad and protest forcing people to accept them. Life is too short for that. At the age of 36 I know when I'm not wanted and if I'm not wanted that's fine. I'm not going to force society to be tolerant like some liberal dipshit just because Asians or anyone else want nothing to do with me. Blacks trying to populate places like Japan and Korea is f***ing absurd anyway. That's not your country, and you can't expect people to change in said countries just to accommodate you either.

Just like Hispanics coming here don't have a right to demand that I accommodate them if I don't want to. Black people have their own nations yet they aren't satisfied because they act like the entire world f***ing belongs to them. Stop talking like black people are so damn tolerant of people while everyone else is "racist" toward them. What other country do you know of where they set their own people on fire by wrapping them up in a car tire and lighting it? People globally see that type of shit on the internet, and they've seen how violent refugees from Africa and Islamic countries were acting in Europe, hell f***ing no they don't want these people flooding into their country in large ass numbers. I don't know about you but I don't live for acceptance. People have a choice to accept me or not accept me, if they choose not to, so be it.

LBGTQ people want global acceptance too, even the pedophiles among them believe the world need to be more tolerant of them, what make black people and their issues any different from all the other groups of victimhood types fussing that the world is doing them wrong? I went to a high school that was full of Asians, i use to try to hang out with them but they never spoke English. They would always talk in Hmong, so I had no idea if they were making fun of me or what. But despite all of that they never asked me to hang out with them in the first place. I made the choice to be around them since blacks treated me like shit and were always the only people I had conflict with in a physical way. At least if Asians didn't want me around they never tried to physically harm me.
Wow!I haven't been to the south in a long time,so You are likely correct about this.

Yes,being around black men is dangerous for anyone,even other black men for sure.
I knew I flew off the edge, I'm just under a lot of stress lately. So I apologies for the string of hostile words.
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