Is the white race evil?

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Post by Maker55 »

EXACTLY Djforyourmoney,

Blacks and whites were slaves together and treated the same when the african slaves first came to the Untied States.

The elite whites then created the concept of SKIN COLOR to separate the white and black slaves.

The REAL ENEMEY of middle and lower class whites are ELITE WHITES.
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Post by terminator »

Hitler was white & evil so there's your proof!
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Post by djfourmoney »

Maker55 wrote:EXACTLY Djforyourmoney,

Blacks and whites were slaves together and treated the same when the african slaves first came to the Untied States.

The elite whites then created the concept of SKIN COLOR to separate the white and black slaves.

The REAL ENEMEY of middle and lower class whites are ELITE WHITES.
Bingo, this is why Tim Wise makes White men especially uncomfortable...
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Post by djfourmoney »

terminator wrote:Hitler was white & evil so there's your proof!
Yes and No, he could have been stopped during WWI, WWII would have never happen without the Banksters -

You can use the straw men of Jewish Bankers like Stormfront likes to use, but honestly do you want to be associated with a bunch of easily attacked White Nationalist???

That's why using Freemason, et-al is pointless and gets you called conspiracy theorist. Explain the problem, don't assign blame directly and let people use their own since of what's right and what's wrong to determine who's to blame and what course of action to be taken.

Well meaning but fearful Germans, Poles and others allowed their Governments to make Jews who were generally prosperous small business owners (not just bankers, gold smiths, etc) boogie men and so when they announced they would round them up, nobody batted an eye... You do not wanna go back down that road of "blame Jews" you want to FIX the SYSTEM so they can no longer take advantage of it, if you believe they have some innate ability or something.
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Post by slppryslp »

Yes before the white man came, there was peace and happiness in the world, tribes universally got along, murder was unknown, and groups never attacked one another (especially not for wealth, territory gain, or women!). Often they would build a large fire and hold hands and sing cumbaya (though they didn't know the words). Then one day a white baby was born, we like to call him the devil..and he grew up and decided to start killing people and overtaking the world which was so easy because these were foreign concepts to the people currently living. Things have never been the same since. True Story.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

djfourmoney wrote:
NorthAmericanguy wrote:
AmericanEvil wrote:Sorry, but HUMAN BEINGS do not drop bombs on other humans. Only MONSTERS do that.
Oh, so no other race has killed people? Try, for a start, researching ancient China and you will see the how blood thirsty and brutal they were towards their own kind let alone others.

As a matter of fact, one of the reasons why Asiatics are so advanced in hand to hand combat is due to the fact that intense warfare and fighting was part of their culture for centuries. Their style of fighting became obsolete as soon as Europeans came along, however.
Sigh, look.... African tribes war over NATURAL RESOURCES. This didn't and largely doesn't effect White men unless it jacks up the price of their imported oil (this mostly impacts Europeans) or mining raw materials (Miners strikes).

They also think its okay to employ low wage workers in Africa. BMW has recently expanded its footprint in S.Africa yet the employees can't even afford to buy the cars they build.

*That was a personal mandate of Henry Ford, not intended to benefit Black workers, but it has the unintended consequence of giving many People of Color high paying manufacturing jobs. The UAW has been constantly under-attack since the Neo-Cons have been in power.

Europeans have been fighting among themselves for hundreds of years. Its only been recently that it has been calm and the pursuit of the EU without a monetary union is the legacy of all that warring. Eventually they will have that monetary union and give up some sovereignty. People make a big deal out of that, but its unwarranted.

White men always want to deflect criticism for a culture he tries to protect. Again the default culture and economic system wants to remain in place.

Libertarians argue for a level playing field, that sounds great until you remember how much wealth Whites own compared to others. With a proven at times very racist and predatory financial system how are say Blacks going to get the capital needed to reach parity with Whites? This is where the impact of the Government reneging on its 40 acres and a mule promise (wouldn't be the first or last time) looms large.

As I have said before, poor White men, that means every White dude on this board, has no reason to protect the system that shows him no respect. Uses him as cannon fodder in wars for other people's natural resources, instead of investing in alternative sources of energy that would create jobs. He has no reason to equal the ills of Elite White men to the ills of other cultures having genocides and destruction of societies. That is making a case of justification of racism, colonialism and white supremacy.

What the elite whites have successfully done is fool poor white man into siding with him because they share the same skin color. This tactic continues to work otherwise Right Wing media wouldn't be so powerful. Rush uses the language of Men's Rights Movement when he barks Feminazi's... This is a poly to get you to side with his belief system, the same one he displayed on ESPN so many years ago when he unfairly said McNabb was the starter on the Eagles only because of Affirmative Action.

I don't know why its taken soooo long for poor White men to notice the establishment culture has been attacking you since the 1970's. Now they belittle you at every turn, constantly on the media and use you as cannon fodder for just about everything wrong with men in general. The establishment does not attack Black men directly as they would appear "racist" so they use Black women to do it for them. That does not mean they slip up now and then. The over the top rhetoric about Obama is directly related to this racial outburst that is actually meant for Black men in general not just Obama.

Again, stop justifying the behavior of White elites by saying "other cultures/races do it" that is clear deflection. If you never pick up a gun and shot at another man because of his skin color, then stop feeling guilty. You should however feel guilty for voting Republican since the Neo-Cons came into power starting in Congress during the 1970's. They have never had your interest in mind, they only use you are TOOLS.

Do you understand?
Points noted.
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Post by Winston »

I've moved this topic to the Racial Issues section. Next time you guys start a topic about race, post it in that section.
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Post by Winston »

Banned cartoon about what the white people did to the black people in America.

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Post by FreeYourMind »

slppryslp wrote:Yes before the white man came, there was peace and happiness in the world, tribes universally got along, murder was unknown, and groups never attacked one another (especially not for wealth, territory gain, or women!). Often they would build a large fire and hold hands and sing cumbaya (though they didn't know the words). Then one day a white baby was born, we like to call him the devil..and he grew up and decided to start killing people and overtaking the world which was so easy because these were foreign concepts to the people currently living. Things have never been the same since. True Story.
lol. I'm sure the OP, who is obviously Blue Murder and that other user name he was using a few months back, believes you are serious.

Too bad the professional White hater is back, and unfortunately there are a few others here who also spout the anti-White communist line as well.

Get a clue before your next hate-filled rant: The establishment, the elites, are predominantly Jewish, not White. Until you understand that you can't understand why the elite are the enemies of poor Whites (and everyone else). And if you don't know the vast differences between Jews and Whites, you are hopelessly ignorant at this point.
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Re: Is the white race evil?

Post by Jester »

Cornfed wrote:

However, we do seem to have some fatal genetic flaws, such as a lethal amount of the aforementioned xenophilia, a weak sense of loyalty to each other and a morbid concern with fitting in with social norms as defined by the elite. Hence in order to conquer and destroy a white population all you need to do is drive a wedge between the economic interests of the upper classes and the masses, then bribe the upper classes into turning traitor and leading the masses to their own destruction, whereupon the masses can be counted on to obediently commit societal suicide. This seems to be a fairly ingrained flaw in the makeup of white people, so some judicious outbreeding may indeed be called for.
Race-treason by upper-class Whites against working-class Whites is undeniable (construction jobs to Mexican illegals, manufacturing jobs to China, public schools to Black and Chicano gangs, military secrets to Israel, etc.) but don't ALL upper classes do that?

Mel Gibson's movie "Apocalypto" documented slave-taking and cruelty by the Mayan upper class. Also lying to and deceiving their own masses of people. The fact that noone dared attack the movie's veracity, proves every bit is true, case closed.

Blacks in Northeast Brazil speak Yoruba among themselves. Are they from Nigeria? Nope. The Portugese were never in Nigeria. Their slaves had to come from further south along the coast of Africa. So why is Yoruba spoken in Brazil? Obviously because the Nigerians had conguered other Africans and built an empire before Whites arrived. Imperialism is not just a White proclivity.

And what do the upper classes in modern Africa do? Same race as their people, and no significant White colonial population these days. So what do they do? Rip off their countries. Put billions into Swiss banks. Yes, the Anglo bankers have indeed driven a "wedge" betwen African upper and lower classes. There I agree with you. But I think this demonstrates that the phenomenon transcends race. Apparently a modern money economy, capitalism, has that effect.

Whites are not more evil or more corruptible. We have a habit, formed over millennia of difficult environments, of long-term planning (like Jews and Northeast Asians), and a willingness to take risks (like Huns, Mongols and Polynesians). So we have done well in conquests and screwing with other people for the last few centuries. But are we more evil or corruptible than others? I don't think so.

I do think that White Americans are the most BRAINWASHED people outside North Korea. I do agree with "judicious outbreeding" to make up for flaws - in our case vanity, a messiah complex, consequent false guilt, and (recent) gullibility. But that's another thread.

I just don't think that the White upper class is unique in its self-interested actions.

If I'm wrong, let me know. Give me a counter-example. I'd like to meet an upper class that isn't treacherously self-interested.
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Post by FreeYourMind »

Jester, how then do you explain the 180 degree change in U.S. policies over the past 50 or so years -- immigration was always geared toward Europeans, then with the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act it became 90% non-White, with the result that Whites will be a minority in the U.S. in roughly 20 years.

How do you explain affirmative action, the degradation of Whites in the media (women as sluts, men as nerds and buffoons), the reality that not a single White politician will stand up for White rights in this country because it means instant ruination of his career, and a whole slew of other revolutionary changes, including feminism, Cultural Marxism, de-Christianization, rabid pro-Zionism, etc.

It happened because the old money White ruling class was supplanted by a Jewish elite that now dominates the media, finance, the judiciary including the Supreme Court, and just about all other institutions. The Jewish agenda is about what's good for the Jews, not what's good for Whites, Blacks, Asians or anyone else. Whites did have an elite that looked out for their interests for a long time, but those days are gone because the new elite is hostile to all but its own narrow group interests. One can't understand what's taking place in the U.S. without understanding who has the power and what it's being used for.
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Post by Jester »

FreeYourMind wrote:Jester, how then do you explain the 180 degree change in U.S. policies over the past 50 or so years -- immigration was always geared toward Europeans, then with the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act it became 90% non-White, with the result that Whites will be a minority in the U.S. in roughly 20 years.

How do you explain affirmative action, the degradation of Whites in the media (women as sluts, men as nerds and buffoons), the reality that not a single White politician will stand up for White rights in this country because it means instant ruination of his career, and a whole slew of other revolutionary changes, including feminism, Cultural Marxism, de-Christianization, rabid pro-Zionism, etc.

It happened because the old money White ruling class was supplanted by a Jewish elite that now dominates the media, finance, the judiciary including the Supreme Court, and just about all other institutions. The Jewish agenda is about what's good for the Jews, not what's good for Whites, Blacks, Asians or anyone else. Whites did have an elite that looked out for their interests for a long time, but those days are gone because the new elite is hostile to all but its own narrow group interests. One can't understand what's taking place in the U.S. without understanding who has the power and what it's being used for.
I agree with most of what you say. But the White elite began its betrayal as early as the 1840's, with the importation of Irish workers, and the nasty vilification that led to the bloody War Between the States. And there were no Jews here at the time. OK a few British Sephardic types, but no Russian Jews, and no Marxist Jews. Jews had no control of government or culture. We can't blame Jews for the Civil War. Both sides were White.

What we DID have at the time were masons, and they were powerful and openly murderous at the time. Conspiracy festers among the Jews, as among Sicilians and Gypsies as well. Sure. But they apparently do not have a monopoly on evil.

OTOH look at the situation today, a century and a half later. Are the Jews the most powerful group in the U.S.? Sure. But even today. the conspiratorial elite includes slightly more White faces than Jewish. I counted the ruling committee of Bilderberg, and it was 50% White, 40% Jew or Jew-married, and 10% other.

We could go back and forth on people like the Rockefellers. Sure, they were conversos way way back. Hell, so was I probably, a lot of Jews settled in my town in Armenia 1800 years ago. They left when we became Christians, in a fit of pique apparently, but obviously like everywhere Jewish, some became Christians, and stayed. It's who you identify with that counts, though.

But Rockefellers aside, look at the clearly White faces among the treasonous killer elite. Janet Napolitano. Ted Turner. Winston Churchill. Stalin. George Bush Senior. The Windsors. Dwight Eisenhower.

Yes, Jews have too much control over Hollywood and over finance, and this should be limited. It is not okay. They are out of control.

But let's be fair, and acknowledge how many Jews are compulsively, obnoxiously truthful, which is a good thing. It means that they are on our side. The LaRouche movement, which began my awakening, is full of Jews. You've seen the George Carlin video where he warns about the corporatist government. I don't know much about Paul Wellstone, but I suspect he fits this profile as well. Read the Jerusalem Post sometime, it is LESS neocon, violent Zionist than the U.S. press. You have to give credit where credit is due.

In a miltary situation, if you have a traitor in your unit, you would eliminate that traitor before engaging opposing forces. So to me, guys like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney are the first ones to arrest.

"Are Whites evil?" I would say no - but some are.

"Are Jews evil?" Well, they have Blood on their hands, true. But only a few really understand that fact and revel in it. Most see themselves as following ancient rules of success, I think. Some morality coupled with practical, ruthless know-how on business and life.

Most Jews do act in a tribalist fashion - but this is not in itself evil. A little tribal protectionism is a wise thing. Obnoxious, and suspect to the rest of us, but hey, it's a rough world out there.

A tiny minority of Jews, including virtually all Talmudic rabbis who are into Kabbalah, DO practice evil (human sacrifice). Or at least they know about these things and keep silent, which makes them complicit.

OTOH, again to be fair, most Whites know about the murder of JFK, and about the Rockefellers, and about the Rothschilds, etc., and they keep silent about it. That makes them complicit.

Re your first question, about immigration since 1965, these people have a timetable. They no longer needed a powerful White America to crush Germany, etc., and so they could begin to replace the White working class with more controllable types. There was no sudden change in their leadership, it was just time for a new phase.

If not for the Lindberghs and the Huey Longs and the Hitlers, etc., they would have started this phase much earlier. The head of the American Bankers Association (ABA) wrote in the 1920's that the plan was to reduce homeowners to renters living essentially in serfdom.

And - he was White.
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Post by Jester »

Winston wrote:Banned cartoon about what the white people did to the black people in America.

Interesting. I guess this is that "South park" sleaze?

You should research the runup to genocide in Rwanda. For months leading up to the massacres, the radio station in Kampala was broadcasting virulent anti-Tutsi propaganda, preparing the minds of the Hutus for killing.

This video reminds me of that.

Two quick points:

on Whites vs Indians, the Indians started it. White settlers did not attack Indians at first.

The Indians felt like everything was their "hunting grounds". but this is like the British rule that you couldn't hunt deer or gather firewood in the King's Woods.

No, you don't own Nebraska because you once stopped and took a leak there.

Liberals who support moderate land reform in places like Venezuela, where elites control unused land or grazing land that could be farmed by landless peasants, should ask themselves why Indians should be romanticized when they were trying to hoard an entire continent as "hunting grounds".

Yes, Indians were butchered more than once. And I suspect that in every single case it was a retaliation for butchery they committed.

They got a raw deal under Andrew Jackson, the Cherokee should have been able to stay in Georgia. The Cherokee were not attacking Whites at that time and place. Forcing them to leave was wrong.

Although... I bet that there was quite a bit of thievery committed by Indian neighbors that committed to the Whites' disgust.

Modern American wealth was not built on slave labor. The wealth of the Antebellum South was destroyed in the Yankee invasion. Period. Gone with the wind, as they say. What they didn't burn down, they stole through foreclosure.

It was not that wealthy, anyway, just some well-off farmers. The real plantation houses were just decent farmhouses.

If you want a modern example of White wealth with slave labor, versus without slave labor, visit Brazil. The north, that had slaves, is poorer. The South, which is all White, is richer.

You can get rich quick by buying slaves, or by importing wetbacks. But it doesn't seem to lead to a wealthy society as well as free labor by educated men.

The money that Whites and Jews have today is not at all from slave labor.
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Post by FreeYourMind »

Jester wrote:
FreeYourMind wrote:Jester, how then do you explain the 180 degree change in U.S. policies over the past 50 or so years -- immigration was always geared toward Europeans, then with the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act it became 90% non-White, with the result that Whites will be a minority in the U.S. in roughly 20 years.

How do you explain affirmative action, the degradation of Whites in the media (women as sluts, men as nerds and buffoons), the reality that not a single White politician will stand up for White rights in this country because it means instant ruination of his career, and a whole slew of other revolutionary changes, including feminism, Cultural Marxism, de-Christianization, rabid pro-Zionism, etc.

It happened because the old money White ruling class was supplanted by a Jewish elite that now dominates the media, finance, the judiciary including the Supreme Court, and just about all other institutions. The Jewish agenda is about what's good for the Jews, not what's good for Whites, Blacks, Asians or anyone else. Whites did have an elite that looked out for their interests for a long time, but those days are gone because the new elite is hostile to all but its own narrow group interests. One can't understand what's taking place in the U.S. without understanding who has the power and what it's being used for.
I agree with most of what you say. But the White elite began its betrayal as early as the 1840's, with the importation of Irish workers, and the nasty vilification that led to the bloody War Between the States. And there were no Jews here at the time. OK a few British Sephardic types, but no Russian Jews, and no Marxist Jews. Jews had no control of government or culture. We can't blame Jews for the Civil War. Both sides were White.

What we DID have at the time were masons, and they were powerful and openly murderous at the time. Conspiracy festers among the Jews, as among Sicilians and Gypsies as well. Sure. But they apparently do not have a monopoly on evil.

OTOH look at the situation today, a century and a half later. Are the Jews the most powerful group in the U.S.? Sure. But even today. the conspiratorial elite includes slightly more White faces than Jewish. I counted the ruling committee of Bilderberg, and it was 50% White, 40% Jew or Jew-married, and 10% other.

We could go back and forth on people like the Rockefellers. Sure, they were conversos way way back. Hell, so was I probably, a lot of Jews settled in my town in Armenia 1800 years ago. They left when we became Christians, in a fit of pique apparently, but obviously like everywhere Jewish, some became Christians, and stayed. It's who you identify with that counts, though.

But Rockefellers aside, look at the clearly White faces among the treasonous killer elite. Janet Napolitano. Ted Turner. Winston Churchill. Stalin. George Bush Senior. The Windsors. Dwight Eisenhower.

Yes, Jews have too much control over Hollywood and over finance, and this should be limited. It is not okay. They are out of control.

But let's be fair, and acknowledge how many Jews are compulsively, obnoxiously truthful, which is a good thing. It means that they are on our side. The LaRouche movement, which began my awakening, is full of Jews. You've seen the George Carlin video where he warns about the corporatist government. I don't know much about Paul Wellstone, but I suspect he fits this profile as well. Read the Jerusalem Post sometime, it is LESS neocon, violent Zionist than the U.S. press. You have to give credit where credit is due.

In a miltary situation, if you have a traitor in your unit, you would eliminate that traitor before engaging opposing forces. So to me, guys like Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney are the first ones to arrest.

"Are Whites evil?" I would say no - but some are.

"Are Jews evil?" Well, they have Blood on their hands, true. But only a few really understand that fact and revel in it. Most see themselves as following ancient rules of success, I think. Some morality coupled with practical, ruthless know-how on business and life.

Most Jews do act in a tribalist fashion - but this is not in itself evil. A little tribal protectionism is a wise thing. Obnoxious, and suspect to the rest of us, but hey, it's a rough world out there.

A tiny minority of Jews, including virtually all Talmudic rabbis who are into Kabbalah, DO practice evil (human sacrifice). Or at least they know about these things and keep silent, which makes them complicit.

OTOH, again to be fair, most Whites know about the murder of JFK, and about the Rockefellers, and about the Rothschilds, etc., and they keep silent about it. That makes them complicit.

Re your first question, about immigration since 1965, these people have a timetable. They no longer needed a powerful White America to crush Germany, etc., and so they could begin to replace the White working class with more controllable types. There was no sudden change in their leadership, it was just time for a new phase.

If not for the Lindberghs and the Huey Longs and the Hitlers, etc., they would have started this phase much earlier. The head of the American Bankers Association (ABA) wrote in the 1920's that the plan was to reduce homeowners to renters living essentially in serfdom.

And - he was White.

You're right that the White elite has been far from ideal in the U.S. And they were decadent enough and altruistic enough to allow themselves to be supplanted by the more energetic and cohesive Jews.

There's a lot of flaws in this country's history. The Mason connection is indeed very important, and still is. Secret societies played a significant role in the establishment of the country and their influence remains strong.

The White establishment seemed to want a kind of universal White nation beginning with the importation of large numbers of Irish, then immigrants from all over Europe, which was strongly resisted by native elements. Once the Jews became more influential, then the U.S. elite decided they wanted a true universal nation of all races and ethnicities, which is seen in every movie, TV show, commercial and other media and which has resulted in today's crazy madhouse of a society.

Certainly slavery was horribly unjust and much of today's bad feelings between Blacks and Whites stems from it. Whites want Blacks to "get over it" but many Blacks can't and can't say I blame them to a large degree. Whites and Blacks are shaped by very different historical experiences, which leads too easily to each denouncing the other as racist.

It seems incredible to me that anyone can still call this a "White racist" country or a "White supremacist" one when the agenda is so aggressive in making Whites a minority numerically and psychologically. Those that want to bash Whites should focus on the elites, because they've warped just about all of the 99%, no matter their racial background, with divide and conquer tactics.
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Post by ChosenTraveler »

I wouldn't say that the white race is evil, but they have become quite proficient at it.
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