Why Asian Cultures are Devoted to Enforcing Anti-Happiness

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Why Asian Cultures are Devoted to Enforcing Anti-Happiness

Post by theprimebait »

Why Asian Cultures are Devoted to Enforcing Anti-Happiness

August 27, 2013 dissention 10 comments

Let me begin by clarifying that this is not a hit piece against asians or their “culturesâ€￾. A lot of the issues I will talk about in this post are almost as prevalent in other “culturesâ€￾ and pretty much all other large human organisations. So let us define what “culturesâ€￾ are and are not.

Cultures are large and impersonal human organisations that survive by offering illusory membership benefits to the majority of its members in return for unquestioning obedience, conformity and sacrifice by those very same members.

The defining feature of every cult, religion, nation and culture throughout human history is that they are all scams to enslave, exploit and abuse the majority for the benefit of a very small minority and their flunkies. They have no interest in delivering on any of the promises they routinely make to the majority of their members and will actively resist attempts by others to do so. With that in mind, let me talk about the old observation that made me write this post. Years ago, I observed that many otherwise divergent asian cultures had a peculiar set of common behaviors and attitudes centered around happiness.

Asian cultures are almost fanatically devoted to promoting and enforcing anti-happiness.

Whether it is the exam and hierarchy dominated culture of China, the ‘everyone is watching you’ culture of Japan or the excessive family sacrifice dominated culture of India.. there is an almost deliberate effort to destroy the happiness of most individuals in each system. But to what end? Who benefits from all this hard work, status jockeying, enforced conformity and sacrifice? Has the average (or median) Chinese ever benefited from any of that hard work, rote memorizing and bowing to authority? What about the average Japanese? What about the average Indian?

Some of you might say that the economic growth and development experienced by Asian countries within the last 60-70 years is proof that the ‘asian way’ of anti-happiness produces good results. My counter question is: OK, so why did it not work for the previous few thousand years? Why did it take the industrial revolution, imported from outside, for asian countries to finally lift the living standards of their median members? And why didn’t the scientific and industrial revolutions start in countries that supposedly respected and rewarded learning and intelligence? Then there is also the question of why Asian countries resisted the scientific and industrial revolution for so long.

Even today educated Japanese people believe that the bloodlines of people descended from survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are tainted. Educated south Koreans obsess about blood groups and their Indian counterparts still take astrology a bit too seriously. Note that I am not claiming that people in western countries are any better when it comes to believing in bullshit. But should you not expect more from educated Asians, especially since they are typically more science literate. But what does any of this have to do with enforcing anti-happiness?

I recently wrote a post about how pleasing others progressively lost its value. In that post, I wrote about how the relationship between an individual and the larger group is fundamentally adversarial. Only external constraints and limitations can prevent either party for abusing the other to the point of non-viability. That is why small and personal groups can survive for tens of thousands of years while highly centralized and functional “nationsâ€￾ can unravel after the death of just one charismatic despot.

But what about malfunctional social systems? How long can they survive if they keep on exploiting, abusing and stealing from the majority of its members to benefit a small minority. The answer is dependent on the availability of new surplus suckers. Only the continuous creation, indoctrination and exploitation of more naive younger members can prop up dysfunctional social systems such as civilizations. Which brings us to the next logical question.. what is the exact role of parents and other older members of these systems in exploiting their own children.

In one of my previous posts, once again, I had speculated that the relationship between asian parents and their kids is most similar to that between an employer and his employees. But how is that different from a less dysfunctional parent-child relationship? What makes the ‘asian type’ parent-child relationship different from that in.. say hunter-gatherers? The answer lies in the balance of give and take for both parties. In more “primitiveâ€￾ societies parental investment is based in expectations of reciprocity rather than calculations of net economic gains from each offspring. To be clear, I am not implying that people in ‘primitive’ societies are intrinsically better. They just cannot get away with that shit..

So how does you maximize the net economic gain from each offspring? The answer is as simple as it is unpleasant. Happy and self-confident people do not make good slaves or indentured workers. The best workers are perpetually unhappy, insecure, fearful, paranoid and willing to hurt themselves for approval from their abusers.

The best way to create compliant workers to keep the ponzi scheme going is to constantly belittle your kids, compare them to others, guilt them into slaving for your benefit and interfere in their normal sexual development. It also helps to create mini-systems of worthless honorifics, enforcing proper slave behavior, participating in complicated but meaningless rituals and seeing patterns and omens in everything from numbers to cloud patterns.

What do you think? Comments?

http://dissention.wordpress.com/2013/08 ... happiness/
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Post by momopi »

The ancient Chinese civilization, like many others, had sacrifice and sacrificial ideology as one of the pillars of culture and power structure. Sacrifice can range from ritual offerings of steamed buns, to beheading 100 slaves. In the time of Confucius, when a wealthy man builds a new house, he might sacrifice a few slaves to commemorate the construction and completion of his house. When the man died, his sons might sacrifice household servants and bury them with their master. To this day you can still find traditional Chinese funerals where sacrificial offerings are made with paper for burning, including paper dolls to represent human servants.

The sacrificial offering of a person means that tradition, obligation, and servitude was stronger than life itself. Confucius spoke bitterly against blood sacrifice and blind obedience to tradition during his lifetime. He taught that filial piety is a virtue and not blindly obeying one's parents, or follow a tradition of human sacrifice. That is, there is a "right" and "wrong" in ethics, and that you should do something because it's the right thing to do, not because you're blindly following some tradition.

However, when parents teach filial piety, the teachings become very selective for the parent's self-benefit.
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Post by zboy1 »

Asians are too conformist and work too hard for my liking: that's why the Chinese people I see in the cities in China, rarely smile or look very happy whenever I see them.
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Post by Moretorque »

zboy1 wrote:Asians are too conformist and work too hard for my liking: that's why the Chinese people I see in the cities in China, rarely smile or look very happy whenever I see them.
That is what the people want who set this financial con game up, that is why most all production has been set up in China. They want drones who work cheap and build what they want but it looks like the elite of China may be deviating from England's script so that is why we are seeing so much tension building between Russia n China Vs America and England.

England along with America have Fn raped everybody who invested in bonds with this counterfeiting con game. Once you understand the corruptness of this socialist fake money system there will more than likely be total revolt, they are hoping they can fluoridate and use other toxins to dumb the herd down even further to limit backlash and depopulate.

For the most part their plan has worked very well until the net came on exposing the system that really runs our lives on a daily bases, a brilliant system of a simple book entry of credit and debt.
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Post by Repatriate »

momopi wrote:The ancient Chinese civilization, like many others, had sacrifice and sacrificial ideology as one of the pillars of culture and power structure. Sacrifice can range from ritual offerings of steamed buns, to beheading 100 slaves. In the time of Confucius, when a wealthy man builds a new house, he might sacrifice a few slaves to commemorate the construction and completion of his house. When the man died, his sons might sacrifice household servants and bury them with their master. To this day you can still find traditional Chinese funerals where sacrificial offerings are made with paper for burning, including paper dolls to represent human servants.

The sacrificial offering of a person means that tradition, obligation, and servitude was stronger than life itself. Confucius spoke bitterly against blood sacrifice and blind obedience to tradition during his lifetime. He taught that filial piety is a virtue and not blindly obeying one's parents, or follow a tradition of human sacrifice. That is, there is a "right" and "wrong" in ethics, and that you should do something because it's the right thing to do, not because you're blindly following some tradition.

However, when parents teach filial piety, the teachings become very selective for the parent's self-benefit.
zboy1 wrote:Asians are too conformist and work too hard for my liking: that's why the Chinese people I see in the cities in China, rarely smile or look very happy whenever I see them.
I feel that NE Asian countries have one thing in common which is the cultures embrace or even enjoy suffering on some level. Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese are all very pessimistic and fatalistic people when you delve into the cultural psyche. I know way too many NE asians living in America who are legitimate millionaires yet who live cheap frugal lives without ever enjoying any of their money.

A few of my relatives have well over 1 million net worth yet they live like they are barely getting by. My uncle still refuses to turn on the air conditioner in order to save a few dollars on his electric bill. He'd rather sweat and be miserable in his $700,000+ home than spend a little more temporarily for a few months. This is the mentality of NE asians. This is why so many asian-americans end up so miserable too. Their traditional parents instilled values that are good for economic success but incompatible for maintaining balanced healthy lives in the western world.
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Post by anamericaninbangkok »

Chinese don't smile or show social warmth because they can't make money from it! If they can, they smile. Otherwise, their social manners are geared towards rudeness.
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Post by zboy1 »

anamericaninbangkok wrote:Chinese don't smile or show social warmth because they can't make money from it! If they can, they smile. Otherwise, their social manners are geared towards rudeness.
True! Northeast Asians tend to be unemotional robots. What about Thai's and Filipinos? Southeast Asians tend to be opposite of Northeast Asians, right?
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Post by Jester »

anamericaninbangkok wrote:Chinese don't smile or show social warmth because they can't make money from it! If they can, they smile. Otherwise, their social manners are geared towards rudeness.
So I am deducing that you DON'T find this same trait in Central Thais?
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Re: Why Asian Cultures are Devoted to Enforcing Anti-Happine

Post by Jester »

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Post by Moretorque »

The " Prime Bait " look's like he could be a jihadist terrorist ?
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Post by Rayn »

Yakuza is kicking ass as usual in that blog post, under the different nick as Heo Hak. I recognize his unique views on Asians everywhere.

And he is pretty much right : The malaise of today's Asian societies are primarily because of them emulating the society systems of the West.
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Post by momopi »

Repatriate wrote: A few of my relatives have well over 1 million net worth yet they live like they are barely getting by. My uncle still refuses to turn on the air conditioner in order to save a few dollars on his electric bill. He'd rather sweat and be miserable in his $700,000+ home than spend a little more temporarily for a few months. This is the mentality of NE asians. This is why so many asian-americans end up so miserable too. Their traditional parents instilled values that are good for economic success but incompatible for maintaining balanced healthy lives in the western world.

Tell him that Tatung brand air cooler (TTAC) is on sale at Superco for $89.95. Just add water and ice pack (2 ice packs included in box).

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