Why do most Black/White men want to go to Asia?

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Why do most Black/White men want to go to Asia?

Post by zboy1 »

Honestly, I think for Caucasian men, Eastern Europe and Latin America are a better fit for them than Asia?

I've met many disillusioned White expats in Asia, and the reason for that is one: they will never be accepted as an Asian, but as a perpetual foreigner (unlike with overseas Asian) in most Asian countries; the culture is too dissimilar to White, Western culture; Asian culture is anti-foreigner; and lastly, they get burned by the women here--most of whom, see White foreigners as cash-machines, Green-card carriers or exotic, sexual playthings).

It's the same with Blacks in Asia!; wouldn't Black people be better off going to Africa or the Caribbean, rather than Asia?

For Whites, I've been told by some White expats that they preferred Latin America and especially, Russia and Eastern Europe to Asia. Some of the reasons range from going to a more closely related White-dominated culture, i.e. Eastern Europe and Russia, to living in a country dominated by other Caucasian people, to living with people with similar beliefs and attitudes; other reasons include: wanting a White girlfriend or wife and not being constantly stared at...or viewed as strangers, like in Asia.

What do you guys think? I think for some Caucasian men here...they shouldn't always think about Asia as the number one destination, as I've heard they get treated much better in European dominated Latin American countries (Peru, Argentina) and in Russia/Eastern Europe. It's the same with Blacks in Asia: for example, Kokujin Krusader is already unhappy in China, and I've met other unhappy Blacks in Asia as well.

And plus, White males have to realize that in Asia, they will suffer from some discrimination and backlash for being White in Asia.
Last edited by zboy1 on July 7th, 2014, 10:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by zboy1 »

The experiences of Steve55's friend in Brazil, WillNDowd in the Philippines, Magnum and Kokujin Krusader in China, and NewlifeinthePhilippines only add to more proof of what I'm saying.

Obviously, overseas Asians are the best 'fit' in Asia, but I think that's because of the familiarity with Asian culture--having grown-up with it their entire lives; it might not be as easy for someone who is non-Asian.

The fact is...Asia, with the possible exception of the Philippines, is overrated for finding women and living abroad; I think the forum needs to concentrate more on Latin America, Eastern Europe and even some exotic places like Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East, rather than only on Asia.
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Post by hammanta »

I can only speak for myself but reason's for why I like Asia and would probably choose that over most places are as follows...

1) I find Asian women attractive. They seem more feminine and I like their features
2) Ethnic differences. I've grown up in a town that is 93% white and I'm simply tired of it. I've grown up with white friends but I have a lot of friends from various ethnic groups. I like trying different foods and learning about other cultures. Asian history fascinates me.
3) Physical traits of the competition. This may be offensive but I'm sure for many, like myself, this matters. Asian guys are biologically shorter and less muscular than their caucasian and black counterparts on average. Sure there are always exceptions and this doesn't mean that Asians can't be muscular or tall but being Alpha and masculine doesn't seem to have taken hold as it has in the west. I'm of average height and above average muscularity, but in American clubs I'm always dwarfed by a lot of guys and can get intimidated. May seem shallow but the playing fields tend to be much more level in Asia.
4) Not for me but I'm sure some older generations see Asian Women as a war prize of some sort.

I'm sure I could think of more but don't feel like putting the time into it. I'm not opposed to going to S.A. or C.A. as I like the culture and women, but generally Africa and Eastern Europe are at the bottom of my list of places I'd prefer to go. I also don't mind standing out and tend to embrace the minority aspect instead of hate it.
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Post by zboy1 »

hammanta wrote:I can only speak for myself but reason's for why I like Asia and would probably choose that over most places are as follows...

1) I find Asian women attractive. They seem more feminine and I like their features
2) Ethnic differences. I've grown up in a town that is 93% white and I'm simply tired of it. I've grown up with white friends but I have a lot of friends from various ethnic groups. I like trying different foods and learning about other cultures. Asian history fascinates me.
3) Physical traits of the competition. This may be offensive but I'm sure for many, like myself, this matters. Asian guys are biologically shorter and less muscular than their caucasian and black counterparts on average. Sure there are always exceptions and this doesn't mean that Asians can't be muscular or tall but being Alpha and masculine doesn't seem to have taken hold as it has in the west. I'm of average height and above average muscularity, but in American clubs I'm always dwarfed by a lot of guys and can get intimidated. May seem shallow but the playing fields tend to be much more level in Asia.
4) Not for me but I'm sure some older generations see Asian Women as a war prize of some sort.

I'm sure I could think of more but don't feel like putting the time into it. I'm not opposed to going to S.A. or C.A. as I like the culture and women, but generally Africa and Eastern Europe are at the bottom of my list of places I'd prefer to go. I also don't mind standing out and tend to embrace the minority aspect instead of hate it.
So, basically, the feeling of superiority (possibly White supremacy?) is the reason...Just as I figured (Wow! Shake my head...) But at least you're honest with your opinions, hammanta.

I guess we both agree that the kind of masculinity found in the West, i.e. the Jersey Shore guido types, jocks, and dumb violent thug-types (like those found in Black American culture), aren't looked upon as favorably in the East as they are in America. A lot of Asian women don't like that kind of personality, to be honest--and I find that refreshing! Why do you have to act like a violent thug and jock-type for women to like you? At least Asian women like their men to be normal, for the most part.

Yeah, you have your Asian women into those kind of thugs, but their not as numerous as American women, that's for sure.

You didn't like being around other Whites, huh, hammanta? You know...the interesting thing is...some of my White friends in China have told me the same thing. Also, some White expats have told me they don't like being around other White people, too. Is there a reason why? Is White culture that much of a turn-off for some White people?

I've written before (from my observations) that many White men in Asia seem to be hostile towards other White men...possibly viewing them as competition. Interesting...

I wonder what a White nationalist like Cornfed would say about this? Hahaha...
Last edited by zboy1 on July 7th, 2014, 3:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by zboy1 »

Yeah, American men act like total douchebags and di*kheads in nigthclubs in the States; that's why I stopped going to them anymore, when I'm back home.

And even though I feel tall, I don't fee as tall when I'm back in the States; I feel only average. I guess there is that intimidation factor with very tall men. But the reason I feel that way is due to all violence with White and Black men in the West; I don't feel that way in Asia, because of how safe it is over there.

BTW, Asian men are getting taller around here; I was in South Korea, but I saw many men over 6' tall there. Even in China, there is some tall men as well; I think with improved diets, you will see Asian men being much taller than before. It's already happening in some parts of Asia. (Although, I don't see as many Southeast Asian men getting taller, maybe because of genetic defects?)
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Post by WaterUnderTheFridge »

zboy1 wrote: So, basically, the feeling of superiority (possibly White supremacy?) is the reason...
Liking being extra desired by local women (whether these women are motivated by genetic factors or otherwise), is not at all the same thing as feeling, or seeking to feel a sense of your own racial superiority.
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Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

So what about the Blk guys whom aren't thugs whom go to Asia?
And I feel that some Whites have programmed Asians to call Blk guys n@$&@$rs on Asian soil.
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Re: Why do most Black/White men want to go to Asia?

Post by Yohan »

zboy1 wrote:Honestly, I think for Caucasian men, Eastern Europe and Latin America are a better fit for them than Asia?
Maybe you are right, but if you are still young the question remains about what can you work there, how much money can you earn in Eastern Europe or somewhere in Latin America etc.?

Visa and working permit are important for any consideration to relocate.

The question is also from where are these Caucasian men coming? Latin America is a costly and long trip from Europe, but it is popular among men from USA.

Climate is for me personally an important point to consider, I do not want to spend my vacation or retirement in an icy village somewhere in Eastern Europe or in Siberia.

In Asia, it depends on your situation, for example if you are retired, it's not bad to move to Thailand, if you still have to work for a living, Japan is a good destination.

Being a foreigner after relocation? Why not? I never had a problem with that while living among locals in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Japan during the last 40 years...
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Re: Why do most Black/White men want to go to Asia?

Post by Yohan »

zboy1 wrote: And plus, White males have to realize that in Asia, they will suffer from some discrimination and backlash for being White in Asia.
What kind of discrimination might this be?

Can you explain this a little bit more to me? Neither myself, nor my father (died in Japan in 2007 and was 101 years old) nor my children 50/50 Japan/Europe ever complained about 'discrimination' in Asia. I am white, originally from Central Europe.

Most complaints about discrimination in Asia are coming from other Asians, for sure not from white people. For example Koreans in Japan, Japanese in China, Burmese in Thailand, Cambodian in Vietnam, etc. etc.

In Japan it depends merely about if the people living near to you know you or not. I am using since decades the same medical doctors, barber, motorcycle service shop, insurance agent, banking services, various shops etc. - In my area are living very few foreigners, so people sometimes greet me, they know me because of my face, but I have no idea who they are.

In Thailand in my living area near Pattaya are many foreigners, locals are making a good living out of them - food supply, car service, house administration, furniture, sale of plenty of daily items etc. - all is quite business-like. Discrimination? What discrimination?

In Philippines, in Cebu suburbs people were a bit curious when my face was showing up the first time with my Filipina fostergirl, but discrimination? Not at all. Never had such a problem, with nobody.
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Post by droid »

zboy1 wrote:So, basically, the feeling of superiority (possibly White supremacy?) is the reason...Just as I figured (Wow! Shake my head...) But at least you're honest with your opinions, hammanta.
Don't be paranoid man, everyone likes to have an advantage regardless of overlapping issues. You yourself have an advantage with your height over there.
Lol nobody said anything when you dated that Ukrainian girl :twisted:
In libertarian terms, if the demand exists...
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Why do most Black/White men want to go to Asia?

Post by zboy1 »

Yohan wrote:
zboy1 wrote: And plus, White males have to realize that in Asia, they will suffer from some discrimination and backlash for being White in Asia.
What kind of discrimination might this be?

Can you explain this a little bit more to me? Neither myself, nor my father (died in Japan in 2007 and was 101 years old) nor my children 50/50 Japan/Europe ever complained about 'discrimination' in Asia. I am white, originally from Central Europe.

Most complaints about discrimination in Asia are coming from other Asians, for sure not from white people. For example Koreans in Japan, Japanese in China, Burmese in Thailand, Cambodian in Vietnam, etc. etc.

In Japan it depends merely about if the people living near to you know you or not. I am using since decades the same medical doctors, barber, motorcycle service shop, insurance agent, banking services, various shops etc. - In my area are living very few foreigners, so people sometimes greet me, they know me because of my face, but I have no idea who they are.

In Thailand in my living area near Pattaya are many foreigners, locals are making a good living out of them - food supply, car service, house administration, furniture, sale of plenty of daily items etc. - all is quite business-like. Discrimination? What discrimination?

In Philippines, in Cebu suburbs people were a bit curious when my face was showing up the first time with my Filipina fostergirl, but discrimination? Not at all. Never had such a problem, with nobody.
Really? All I hear on other forums like Dave's ESL Cafe, is about all the anti-White racism in Asia; There are tons of videos on YouTube of Whites saying how racist Asians are..and the discrimination they face in Asia; And I hear this same complaint from White expats I've met in Asia as well...

Even experienced HAers like Ladislav mention about discrimination in Asia all the time on this forum...

So are all of them wrong?
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Post by zboy1 »

E Irizarry R&B Singer wrote:Zboy1,
So what about the Blk guys whom aren't thugs whom go to Asia?
And I feel that some Whites have programmed Asians to call Blk guys n@$&@$rs on Asian soil.
Yeah, that's true, E Irizarry! Pathetic ain't it?

Normal Black guys do okay in Asia; but thuggish types I don't think do as well, because Asians don't like that type of lifestyle and attitude--except for women in Japan.

Like I said, why do White and Black guys always think Asia is some kind of racial paradise for them, when other regions of the world maybe, might be a better fit for them in the long term?
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why do most Black/White men want to go to Asia?

Post by Yohan »

zboy1 wrote: Really? All I hear on other forums like Dave's ESL Cafe, is about all the anti-White racism in Asia; There are tons of videos on YouTube of Whites saying how racist Asians are..and the discrimination they face in Asia..
I would like to hear about real cases of discrimination and not about some 'general impression' - who is the white person who was under which situation discriminated in Japan, or Thailand or Philippines?

Japan has now about 11 million foreign tourists per year, and about 15 million Japanese are travelling to abroad. Do they all feel to be 'discriminated'?

Yes, there are a few Japanese who do not like foreigners, but I met also white US-citizens who hate all Japanese, or even all Asians. These are single cases, and if you meet such a person - all what you can do is to avoid to meet him or her again. However as far as I can say, such people are really few here in Japan. After almost 40 years away from Europe and never been back, I should notice at least something, somewhere...
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Post by hammanta »

So, basically, the feeling of superiority (possibly White supremacy?) is the reason...Just as I figured (Wow! Shake my head...) But at least you're honest with your opinions, hammanta.
I wouldn't go that far. I have no problem with people of different races and it doesn't mean I'm better then them in any way but it does help the confidence levels when you tend to be above average in height and physical size to the native population. The same could be said with Latin America as they tend to be shorter and smaller on average. Other than physicality, mentality of foreign guys matters as well. They aren't nearly as confrontational or standoffish and tend to rather just have fun then trying to be the biggest badass around.
I guess we both agree that the kind of masculinity found in the West, i.e. the Jersey Shore guido types, jocks, and dumb violent thug-types (like those found in Black American culture), aren't looked upon as favorably in the East as they are in America. A lot of Asian women don't like that kind of personality, to be honest--and I find that refreshing! Why do you have to act like a violent thug and jock-type for women to like you? At least Asian women like their men to be normal, for the most part.
Agreed! A reason I don't go in clubs anymore. Too many fights and me losing my temper because some Tall Tee wearing prick didn't like that I barely glanced at his girl.

Yeah, you have your Asian women into those kind of thugs, but their not as numerous as American women, that's for sure.
You didn't like being around other Whites, huh, hammanta? You know...the interesting thing is...some of my White friends in China have told me the same thing. Also, some White expats have told me they don't like being around other White people, too. Is there a reason why? Is White culture that much of a turn-off for some White people?
For me I don't hate my race and have many friends that are white, but I do have a passion and drive to experience other cultures. Even when I was younger I'd stare at a globe for hours and watch the travel channel all day. In the town I grew up the population was/is 93% white, and my college was about 85% white, so I only get to experience culture full hand when I travel. And when I do travel I don't wanna be stuck with the same people (white) and mentalities that I could when I'm home.
I've written before (from my observations) that many White men in Asia seem to be hostile towards other White men...possibly viewing them as competition. Interesting...
I could see that. When I'm overseas I don't like when I see a young, and whom I perceive to be, better looking white guy. I guess it kinda takes away the "I'm the only one" factor a little. But it is also not that big of a deal for me either
I wonder what a White nationalist like Cornfed would say about this? Hahaha...
I am interested as well
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