Why are Jews hated so much? Why Antisemitism?

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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Moretorque »

The religions of Christianity and the Koran are to be pitted against each other for the next great conflict in order to carve the world up even further for their one world system to be laid down going forward.

This is being done by the western elite who set this financial system up world wide....
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Eric »

Yeah, but how could anyone...have thousands of years of patience to do and orchestrate all of that? That doesn't seem realistic does it? I think the religions just formed naturally, and now they are being used for that purpose.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Moretorque »

That is correct, I am talking over the last 2 centuries. M.S King states that this has all been laid down since the French revolution. He blames the Jews but I see it as the money runs it all and from what I can see only the CITI of London has not been conquered over the last couple centuries.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Eric »

This has to do with the Chassidic movement - also which came around in the last 200 years, and is such only 200 years old as well. It's linked with Kabbalah. This is the crux behind everything.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

This video talk by michael jones called "a goy guide to world history" is very deep and intellectual. He goes over the history of the jews in the last 2000 years, from Rome to the middle ages to modern day. He does so in a neutral tone, not an antisemitic one.

He explains how in the early 20th century Jewish psychologists like sigmund freud blamed sexual repression for all of societys ills and advocated that Christian morality be overturn and the greek soul concept of logos be overturned as well. Then many other Jewish authors and socialists published books in the 1950s advocating that all of society's morals be overthrown, including the nuclear family and religion, and that homosexuality should be normalized, etc. Thats how the hippie movement of the 60s was started and engineered.

Wow very mind blowing and informative. Makes sense too and concurs with what many other authors and intellectuals have said. Jones wrote a book called "the jewish revolutionary spirit" too.

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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

Disturbing documentary about Jewish ritual child sacrifices. Warning: Don't watch this if you don't have a strong stomach. It contains graphic, disturbing images and content. Is any of this true? Why are these sacrifices necessary? Can't Jews get whatever they want with their money and power without such ritual murders and sacrifices?

Video description:

"In order to destroy the prestige of heroism for political crime, we shall send it for trial in the category of thieving, murder, and every abominable and filthy crime. Public opinion will then confuse in its conception this category of crime with the disgrace attaching to every other and will brand it with the same contempt."
-- Protocol 19, Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

If you want to learn and understand why the Jews can commit such insane crimes as ritual murder, you must know the secret Jewish teachings. You must know the teachings of the Torah, the Talmud, and the Schulchan Aruch. These laws and teachings are proof that the Jews feel themselves superior to all nations, that it has declared war on all other races, and that it is the sworn enemy of the whole of non-Jewish humanity."

Even Tacitus, the Roman historian wrote:
"The Jews are a race that hates the gods and mankind. Their laws are in opposition to those of all mortals. They despise what is to us holy. Their laws condone them in committing acts which horrify us." [Historian V.3-8]

A well-known Jewish scholar [Dibre David] writes:
"If the Gentiles knew what we are teaching against them, they would kill us." The Jewish secret laws are based on the fundamental principle that states:
"Only the Jew is human. In contrast, all non-Jews are animals. They are beasts in human form. Anything is permitted against them. The Jew may lie to, cheat, and steal from them. He may even rape and murder them."

-- This is a must read & check here : JEWISH RITUAL MURDER By ARNOLD LEESE :
http://jewknowledge.weebly.com/jewish-r ... urder.html

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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

The Roots of Nazi Ideology

Nazi ideology was total, in that it was a world view that claimed to explain everything about the world and how it functions.
At its core, the Nazi world view was racist and biological, positing that the so-called “Aryan” race – primarily the North Europeans – was the superior race of human beings. Their superiority granted the Aryans the right and obligation to rule over other races and peoples, for the benefit of humankind. The Jews, in complete contrast, were seen as a kind of “anti-race”, dangerous inhuman beings in seemingly human form. They were viewed alternatively as microbes and parasites, or as devils, that is, inhuman creatures with superhuman power.

In this video, Dr. David Silberklang presents the topic of Nazi ideology and answers the following questions:
What is Nazi Ideology? What were its roots? From where did the Nazis derive the ideas which served as the basis of their ideology?

Dr. David Silberklang is Senior Historian and Editor of Yad Vashem Studies, International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem.

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Christian Anti-Judaism - 2:40
Part 3: Social Sciences - 3:53
Part 4: Modern Racism - 5:20
Part 5: Modern Antisemitism - 7:14
Part 6: The Nazi Ideology - 8:15

Archival footage and photographs:

- Yad Vashem Archives
- Color glass slide of a genealogical chart of an 'asocial'- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
individual - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of University of Muenster
- Bundesfilmarchiv/Transit Film GmbH.
- Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834–1890) - The Last Supper
- Giotto di Bondone (1304–1306) - The Arrest of Christ
- Ecclesia and Synagogaת Notre Dame de Paris - Nitot
- History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries - Morton Race
Table - A table from Types of Mankind, by Josiah Clark Nott and George Robert
Gliddon, 1854.
- Otmar von Verschuer with twins - Archiv der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

A Jewish video that explains why Anti-Semitism exists.

What is antisemitism and what role did it play in Nazi Germany?
How can we teach and explain to students the concept of antisemitism?
Antisemitism did not begin when Adolf Hitler came to power in January 1933. Antisemitism had long been entrenched in Germany and other European countries, and Jews for many centuries had been victims of widespread hatred and suspicion. We present the different forms antisemitism has taken over the centuries and the innovations brought to antisemitism by the Nazis in order to better explain the historical context of the rise of racial antisemitic ideology.

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: A New Phenomenon or Part of a Continuum?
Part 3: Jews in Nazi Ideology
Part 4: Nazi Propaganda
Part 5: Antisemitism Today

Dr. Robert Rozett is Director of the Yad Vashem Libraries, as well as an author, researcher and senior editor on Holocaust-related subjects.
Shani Lourie is a staff member at the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem.
Sheryl Silver Ochayon is a staff member at the International School for Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem.
For additional information about Echoes and Reflections visit http://echoesandreflections.org/
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by ladislav »

I spoke with Winston once and it appears that he cannot tell Jews by facial features while most Jews can tell. Also most Central and E. Europeans can tell Jews by looking at the face. Most Americans now cannot. The eye is not as trained. They can only tell White/Black/Asian, etc.

So, Jews are hated by who? Mostly by fanatics in Christian and Muslim countries. And not so much now. In Russia a lot and also, in a lot of other Orthodox nations still. Why? Because the Bible teaches they had killed Jesus and their churches teach that to people. The Catholic and Protestant churches stopped doing it, but the Orthodox one is still teaching it. And in the Koran, they hate Jews because they did not accept Mohammad as a prophet. And it is taught at mosques.

In non Muslim non Christian countries, most people have no idea who Jews are and have no problem with them. In Oriental countries, they will just call them Gweilo or Gaijin or whatever. They cannot tell Jews from non Jews. All Caucasians look the same to them.
So, in China, India, Indochina, etc, there is no hatred for Jews and they have never seen one and don't know anything about them.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

For anyone who wants to know why the Nazis hated the Jews this is a must see and is directly produced by the Nazis themselves. I don't understand why the US media doesn't acknowledge the existence of this film to answer the question and instead pretends that the Nazis had no reason at all and were just purely insane.

The Eternal Jew (1940)

Reviews: (as you can see everyone either loved it or hated it)
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0156524/re ... ef_=tt_urv

It's been censored from YouTube of course, but I found it on Bitchute so you can watch it online. Here's the links. Theres two versions, one with German audio and English subs and one with English audio narration.

English audio narration version.


German audio with English subs version.


Let me know what you all think. Its very taboo and offensive and blood boiling. Do you think most of it is true, or all of it, or none of it, or just a little of it?

@Moretorque and @Cornfed have you seen this one before? I never knew it existed until now.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

To understand the long time conflict between Jews and Europeans in Europe, this book is very helpful and informative understanding the situation, which most Americans don't understand. It was written by a well respected French Anglo author and poet and Catholic from the early 20th Century. But he is not anti-semitic or hateful of the Jews. He is neutral with good intentions and tried to help both sides, the Jews and Europeans, come to a peaceful resolution of their problems. Otherwise, he warned, another world war could develop (which he correctly predicted in the 1920s before WW2).

The book is called "The Jews" by Hilare Belloc. See the links below.

Free download in ebook formats here:


Read the book online in HTML format here:

http://www.gutenberg.org/files/50556/50 ... 0556-h.htm

Italian version for Alex:
https://www.ibs.it/jews-ebook-inglese-h ... 0243839087
https://www.unilibro.it/ebook/hilaire-b ... f/83797576

Description on Amazon:

https://www.amazon.com/Jews-Hilaire-Bel ... 0464925711

"This defining work on Jews, Jewish ethnicity, behavior, impact, and the causes of anti-Semitism, remains one of the most ground-breaking and incisive such studies ever produced in the English language. The book-dedicated to Hilaire Belloc's Jewish friends-laid the blame for anti-Semitism squarely on Jewish behavior, that is, Gentile reaction to what he called the "inevitability of friction" caused by the presence of Jews in non-Jewish society. Belloc believed that if friction between Jews and Gentiles was not resolved, it would lead to a catastrophe. Starting with the thesis that "Jews are an alien body within the society they inhabit-hence irritation and friction," and are a clearly identifiable and definable race, Belloc argued that the only solution was a "recognition on both sides of a separate Jewish nationality." He said that "denial of the problem" was a "fiction" which had broken down because of the obviousness of the "great increase of [Jewish] power" in Western nations. He explains his thesis through a historical survey of Jewish behavior, including a review of what he called "the Jewish revolution in Russia" (the 1917 Bolshevist uprising which created the Soviet Union), and Jewish activities in Central Europe and the United States-where he highlights the work of Henry Ford as having "great effect." He also provides a detailed description of Jewish influence in England. Belloc's conclusion is that Zionism, or the creation of a Jewish homeland, offered the only hope for a realistic solution to the problem of the "endless tragic cycle of anti-Semitism"-but not in Palestine, where he predicted it would cause conflict with the Arab world."

https://www.amazon.com/Jews-Classic-Rep ... 144005469X

"Written by Hilaire Belloc The Jews is one of his political works and is also probably one of his most controversial. Belloc was a prolific English writer of French descent and one of the most well published authors of the twentieth century. Belloc wrote in different styles and about a wide range of topics, but was probably most well known for his poetry and his writing on history, politics, and economics.

In The Jews, Belloc argues that the status of the Jews in Europe, as a people without a home, will surely lead to conflict and that it is critically important to find a recognized and segregated land for these people. Written in 1922, not long after the conclusion of the Great War and in the beginning stages of the long lead-up to World War Two, Belloc's words can today be interpreted as near prophetic. Over the course of 300 pages, Belloc examines the issue from a variety of angles. Chapters include an examination of the causes of friction between the Jewish people and Christians and Muslims, anti-Semitism, Bolshevism, the position of Jews in England, and much more. The book concludes with Belloc's suggested solution to the issue, which is the complete recognition of a separate Jewish nationality.

Many of Belloc's writings have been considered controversial, and this title is no different. The Jews has been accused of being anti-Semitic, although the modern reader may not agree with this assessment. As with any book that has attracted controversy, it is ultimately up to the individual reader to determine how they feel about the author's views.

The Jews is a fascinating political commentary and one that discusses an issue that remains relevant to this day. Belloc's fears of great conflict in Europe are seemingly prophetic when read in modern times. For those interested in political commentary, particularly about the place of the Jewish people in the world, The Jews is an illuminating read."

Some good reviews of the book:

4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent insight into the state of refined European anti-semitism at ...
Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2017
Verified Purchase

Excellent insight into the state of refined European anti-semitism at the turn of the 20th century, from a Catholic, who appreciated what Jews brought to the Intellectual life of Europe, prior to the Holocaust, but also how the Jews antagonized Europeans. He wrote this book more as a warning to Jews that ill will was growing and would soon lash out and engulf them.

He perceived Jews, perhaps rightly, as an alien body living withn and among the Euorpean nations that would either moderate its impact or suffer retaliation.

Belloc seems more concerned then hateful, pleading with Jews, as outsiders, an alien presence, inside the body politic to change their ways and fit in, before Europeans murderously turned on them. As he is writing a mere 15 years before the promulgation of the Nuremberg laws - which cribbed much of its rules segregating Jews from Aryans inthe southern American States

Americans are mainly ignorant of the origins of so much of what made Nazi Germany so vile, came from the Democat controled Southern stats.
The much ballyhooed Saint of Abortion, Margaret Sanger, whose Planned Parenthood provided much of the basis and scientific gloss required for killing the German Handicapted, the Anti-Jewish laws of the 1930's and for the wholesale murder of Jews in the wrok and Death camps of the 1940's.

Dr. Sanger saw the mentally deficient among which she placed American Blacks, as "weeds" among the garden of humans, which were better encouraged to die out.

His criticisms actually boil down to two - Jews are arrogant and they hide their Jewish "Identity" from non-Jews.

On the other hand he is actually quite generaous with his compliments. He is like a friendly teacher, pleading with his headstrong Jewish students, to not overwhelm those around them with their intellectual brillanceand abilties, gather great fortunes in relatively little time, (Often losing them within as short period of time - as opposed to Christians of wealth, who tend, he says, to retain their fortunes intact over centuries). Whether one agrees with Belloc, he was correct about the coming disaster faced by Jews, making reading his analysis useful.

5.0 out of 5 stars The Catholic Answer to the Jewish Question
Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2017
Verified Purchase

It is a fair and unbiased analysis of the Jewish question, which leads to a clearly understanding of both sides. The Jews, citizens of all nations, yet seemingly loyal to none; and the nations, wary of those who call themselves Jews, thus leading to Jews hiding their identity and purposes simply to be left in peace, though this isn't always to the benefit of their host nation.

Belloc outlines three possible solutions that nations might take:
Extermination(which he holds to be the most inhumane and least effective solution),
Deportation(which, though effective for a time, is still inhumane since many of the Jews are natural born citizens of their respective nations and have the right to remain),
Integration(which he holds as impossible due to the fact that the Jews have lived in Europe and the Middle East for two thousand years without converting to Christianity or Islam, and with the habit of constantly moving and the annoyance of their host nation(through wealth building and a noticeable sense of superiority).

In the end Belloc, acknowledges the uniqueness of the Jews in their inability to be tighted to any single nation. Yet, this uniqueness is overshadowed by the recent(in his time) creation of the Jewish state of Israel, its deportation of the native population, and the protected status given it by the British Empire. He goes on to say that the Jews will eventually have to come to a decision of whether to remain an ever moving people or band together as a race in order to hold on to Israel without the aid(or soldiers) of foreign nations. Till then, Israel will remain a burden to the West, and but a candle of the Jewish nation it could have been.

P.S. Belloc does not hate the Jews, and devotes a great deal of the book to addressing the rising sediment of antisemitism that rose in his time; yet acknowledges that the spreading of misinformation by the Jews, the rise of communism/cultural Marxism(seemly lead by Jews), and the general taboo imposed by polite society generally did nothing but fan the flames of hate against the Jews."
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

Another good book about the conflict between Jews and Gentiles from the 1920's by a Jewish author and Zionist insider himself, that's a must read for those interested in the subject.

You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel (1924)

Amazon description:

https://www.amazon.com/You-Gentiles-Mau ... 643701169/

"Written in 1924, this shocking classic work of Jewish Supremacism maps out what the avowedly Zionist author saw as the cause of anti-Semitism through the ages: an irreconcilable difference between Jews and all Gentiles, but Europeans in particular. This difference, Samuel argued, was inherent and biological in origin. The author argues that the real point of difference between Jew and Gentile is that the Gentiles follow what he calls the base “triviality” of Gentiles versus the God-like “seriousness” of Jews. This huge psychological difference, Samuel says, is the reason why Jews regard “playful” Gentiles as backward and silly, and why Gentiles will never be able to penetrate the Jewish perception of the world.

The book goes on to discuss the main points of difference in behavior between Jews and Gentiles focusing on physical activity, religion, concepts of good and evil, loyalty, science, fair play, and discipline. Maurice spells out why Jews have different attitudes to all these moral and philosophical issues—and why these values are the opposite of those endorsed by Gentiles. Samuel then says that these inherent and unchangeable differences will always make the Jews out to be “destroyers” and the “subverters” of European culture and society. Finally, he discusses the dangers presented to Jews by intermarriage with Gentiles, and concludes by saying that there will never be peace between Jew and Gentile until the last European state has “lost its racial homogeneity.”

This edition contains the entire original 1924 text. It has been completely reset and annotated with more than 40 footnotes for the modern reader.

Key quote from the author:

"I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconciliable. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever . . . I have no doubt that when Germany and England and America will long have lost their present identity or name or purpose, we shall still be strong in ours . . . We have joined your capitalistic world in deliberate emulation and rivalry: yet Jewish socialism and Jewish socialists are the banner bearers of the world’s “armies of liberation.” . . . But you feel our disruptive difference most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose . . . Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands."

About the author: Maurice Samuel (1895–1972) was a Romanian-born Jewish writer, who focused on Judaism or the Jewish role in history and society. A leading member of the Zionist Organization of America, he was widely celebrated in Jewish circles, and won many awards during his life, including the Anisfield-Wolf Award in 1943 for his book, The World of Sholom Aleichem; the award of The Saturday Review of Literature in 1944; the 1956 Stephen S. Wise Award; and the 1967 B’nai B’rith Jewish Heritage Award. In 1964 Brandeis University awarded Samuel an honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. On the day of his death, in 1972, Samuel was to have been in Israel to receive the Manger Prize for Yiddish Literature, for which he had been nominated by Israeli President."

Download links:
https://samisdat.info/books/you-gentile ... Samuel.pdf
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Winston »

@Contrarian Expatriate , @ladislav , @fschmidt:

How do u explain this chilling and disturbing quote by jewish zionist author maurice samuel from 1924? Isn't it very revealing? Doesn't it run chills down your spine?

https://www.amazon.com/You-Gentiles-Mau ... 643701169/

Key quote from the author:

"I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconciliable. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever . . . I have no doubt that when Germany and England and America will long have lost their present identity or name or purpose, we shall still be strong in ours . . . We have joined your capitalistic world in deliberate emulation and rivalry: yet Jewish socialism and Jewish socialists are the banner bearers of the world’s “armies of liberation.” . . . But you feel our disruptive difference most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose . . . Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands."

About the author: Maurice Samuel (1895–1972) was a Romanian-born Jewish writer, who focused on Judaism or the Jewish role in history and society. A leading member of the Zionist Organization of America, he was widely celebrated in Jewish circles, and won many awards during his life, including the Anisfield-Wolf Award in 1943 for his book, The World of Sholom Aleichem; the award of The Saturday Review of Literature in 1944; the 1956 Stephen S. Wise Award; and the 1967 B’nai B’rith Jewish Heritage Award. In 1964 Brandeis University awarded Samuel an honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. On the day of his death, in 1972, Samuel was to have been in Israel to receive the Manger Prize for Yiddish Literature, for which he had been nominated by Israeli President."
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Moretorque »

Winston why do you never really talk about the money system ? This is why I think you and this site are a plant for the commies, the money runs everything and the Jews know this this is why they control the money...
Last edited by Moretorque on September 1st, 2020, 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are Jews hated so much? Why Anti-Semitism?

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Winston wrote:
September 1st, 2020, 6:23 am
@Contrarian Expatriate , @ladislav , @fschmidt:

How do u explain this chilling and disturbing quote by jewish zionist author maurice samuel from 1924? Isn't it very revealing? Doesn't it run chills down your spine?

https://www.amazon.com/You-Gentiles-Mau ... 643701169/

Key quote from the author:

"I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconciliable. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever . . . I have no doubt that when Germany and England and America will long have lost their present identity or name or purpose, we shall still be strong in ours . . . We have joined your capitalistic world in deliberate emulation and rivalry: yet Jewish socialism and Jewish socialists are the banner bearers of the world’s “armies of liberation.” . . . But you feel our disruptive difference most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is repellently morose . . . Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands."

About the author: Maurice Samuel (1895–1972) was a Romanian-born Jewish writer, who focused on Judaism or the Jewish role in history and society. A leading member of the Zionist Organization of America, he was widely celebrated in Jewish circles, and won many awards during his life, including the Anisfield-Wolf Award in 1943 for his book, The World of Sholom Aleichem; the award of The Saturday Review of Literature in 1944; the 1956 Stephen S. Wise Award; and the 1967 B’nai B’rith Jewish Heritage Award. In 1964 Brandeis University awarded Samuel an honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. On the day of his death, in 1972, Samuel was to have been in Israel to receive the Manger Prize for Yiddish Literature, for which he had been nominated by Israeli President."
Let's see.... He was an ardent Zionist before Israel became an independent nation who had the agenda of supporting the consolidation of world Jewry into a single homeland. He also was an avid Socialist intent on fomenting hate and distrust against Jewish capitalists. With that in mind, the statement makes sense because it was designed to alienate gentiles from Jews so that both agendas could be realized.
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