Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Outcast9428 »

Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 10:04 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 9:26 pm
Well "Patriarchy" is what got us into today's era. Otherwise, we all be living in huts, flinging fecal matters to each other like bunch of ignorant hairless monkeys. The stupid feminists and SJWs can deny all they want but it has been men who built civilization and invented most of all the technology used. Without all the modern convenience and technology, women wouldn't have the free time to blame men and Patriarchy.
But New Agers and esoteric people claim that advanced ancient societies like Atlantis were all ruled by super wise and evolved women with high levels of spirituality and wisdom. Is that so? lol. If it is, then such women are totally different than the women today. How would the most popular New Agers explain this? They would probably say that the oppression of women has prevented them from reaching their true potential right?
Then they believe in societies which did not exist.

We have very limited examples from history of matriarchal societies, however, the ones that have existed were horrifying places to live.

One of them is Ancient Sparta. The Athenians often criticized the Spartans because the Spartans were dominated by their women. Spartan men were raised from the time they were small children to be the most elite soldiers in the world. Their training lasted until they were 20 years old and was so brutal that more Spartan men died during the training period then actually died in war. Between the age of 21 to 29, Spartan men were not allowed to take a wife and live with her. He was required to live in the barracks with other soldiers. Homosexuality was common, because the only way a Spartan man could sleep with a woman was if he kidnapped her from her house, took her off somewhere without being seen, and f***ed her. Obviously such a task would have been difficult to do on a regular basis.

If a Spartan man managed to survive training, and survive war, and of course, disease. Then between the ages of 30 to 35 he was required to marry. Upon getting married, however, he had no right to his wife. She could commit adultery whenever she wished. Men typically had a harem of women because such a high percentage of the male population of Sparta died that monogamy would have left the majority of women with no husband. If a man's wife was impregnated by another man, he was expected to raise that child as his own.

Sparta's fertility rate was horrible. While Athens had a population of approximately 200,000-300,000 people. Sparta could not get above 50,000. The population varied from 50,000 during peace time to as low as 30,000 during the Peloponnesian war. Sparta could not fight wars all by itself because they had so few men available to fight despite requiring their entire male population to fight, that Sparta was dependent upon allies to provide the manpower for their wars. Sparta trying to fight a war all by themselves would be like America trying to win a war with the Navy SEALS.

As for agriculture, all of it was done with a large slave population called helots. There was about 400,000 helots, and they frequently rebelled. Sparta actually declared war on the helots one day out of every year, and indiscriminately slaughter them in order to keep their population down because they lived in constant fear of the helots revolting.

As for what the women of Sparta did? It seems... Not very much. They kept themselves in highly athletic shape all day but it appears they had no role in agriculture, building, fighting, leading the country or even being a good wife to her husband. Even raising the children was done by the state through training the males. The only substantive role they seemed to have was raising girls, who had barely any expectations placed upon them anyway.

Let me ask these new agers who think having a matriarchy where women are empowered would lead to some, softer, more nurturing society. How do they explain the fact that one of the only examples we have of matriarchy in Europe is this incredibly brutal, dystopian, war-like society that enslaved the vast majority of its people, butchered them relentlessly every year just to keep them in line, and which raised men with no softness whatsoever but rather killed the majority of them through brutal training or warfare, and which had no love or sentimentality between the sexes but rather delayed marriage for men until he was in his 30s, and even then had a polygamous culture where man and woman slept with one another freely and the man was expected to raise any child as his own, even when that child was another man's?

Sparta is a clear example of what unchecked primal femininity looks like. All of this obsession with war, and training strong soldiers, was really just a cover for the primal feminine instinct of wanting to mate with the strongest males. And they created a society where every woman had access to the very strongest males who had survived both brutal training and brutal warfare (although no one had exclusive access to any males). The men had no rights, their entire life was basically a 30 year brutal struggle to prove themselves worthy of being mated with.

Patriarchy, on the other hand, imprisons or kills any man who abuses his wife. Patriarchy demands that no woman be without a husband. Patriarchy demands women be treated gently, with honor, with chivalry. Patriarchy demands women be put on a pedestal, that men may not degrade her sexually with disgusting fetishes, or to pump her and dump her. Patriarchy demands that men actively raise their children and not abandon them. Despite what feminists claim, men do not seek war with one another unless it is absolutely necessary. Patriarchy is so good to women, that there are some women, especially women from patriarchal cultures, who realize how good it is to have men in charge. These women are the more civilized and evolved type of women. A woman who wants to be treated special by one man instead of simply seeking out the apes with the brightest asses to mate with.

Patriarchy is an agreement made between men that every man shall have his own woman, and no man may mess with his woman. And that this agreement will build a society that advances technologically and morally and ultimately give us all peace and harmony. It is the best idea the world has ever seen. One which teaches women to actually be the wonderful creatures that new agers and liberals act like they are. The truth is, when women are empowered, they lose everything that makes them wonderful. If one truly loves women and femininity, then they should seek to eliminate this insane idea that women ought to be empowered.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Outcast9428 wrote:
April 6th, 2023, 12:38 am
Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 10:04 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 9:26 pm
Well "Patriarchy" is what got us into today's era. Otherwise, we all be living in huts, flinging fecal matters to each other like bunch of ignorant hairless monkeys. The stupid feminists and SJWs can deny all they want but it has been men who built civilization and invented most of all the technology used. Without all the modern convenience and technology, women wouldn't have the free time to blame men and Patriarchy.
But New Agers and esoteric people claim that advanced ancient societies like Atlantis were all ruled by super wise and evolved women with high levels of spirituality and wisdom. Is that so? lol. If it is, then such women are totally different than the women today. How would the most popular New Agers explain this? They would probably say that the oppression of women has prevented them from reaching their true potential right?
Then they believe in societies which did not exist.

We have very limited examples from history of matriarchal societies, however, the ones that have existed were horrifying places to live.

One of them is Ancient Sparta. The Athenians often criticized the Spartans because the Spartans were dominated by their women. Spartan men were raised from the time they were small children to be the most elite soldiers in the world. Their training lasted until they were 20 years old and was so brutal that more Spartan men died during the training period then actually died in war. Between the age of 21 to 29, Spartan men were not allowed to take a wife and live with her. He was required to live in the barracks with other soldiers. Homosexuality was common, because the only way a Spartan man could sleep with a woman was if he kidnapped her from her house, took her off somewhere without being seen, and f***ed her. Obviously such a task would have been difficult to do on a regular basis.

If a Spartan man managed to survive training, and survive war, and of course, disease. Then between the ages of 30 to 35 he was required to marry. Upon getting married, however, he had no right to his wife. She could commit adultery whenever she wished. Men typically had a harem of women because such a high percentage of the male population of Sparta died that monogamy would have left the majority of women with no husband. If a man's wife was impregnated by another man, he was expected to raise that child as his own.

Sparta's fertility rate was horrible. While Athens had a population of approximately 200,000-300,000 people. Sparta could not get above 50,000. The population varied from 50,000 during peace time to as low as 30,000 during the Peloponnesian war. Sparta could not fight wars all by itself because they had so few men available to fight despite requiring their entire male population to fight, that Sparta was dependent upon allies to provide the manpower for their wars. Sparta trying to fight a war all by themselves would be like America trying to win a war with the Navy SEALS.

As for agriculture, all of it was done with a large slave population called helots. There was about 400,000 helots, and they frequently rebelled. Sparta actually declared war on the helots one day out of every year, and indiscriminately slaughter them in order to keep their population down because they lived in constant fear of the helots revolting.

As for what the women of Sparta did? It seems... Not very much. They kept themselves in highly athletic shape all day but it appears they had no role in agriculture, building, fighting, leading the country or even being a good wife to her husband. Even raising the children was done by the state through training the males. The only substantive role they seemed to have was raising girls, who had barely any expectations placed upon them anyway.

Let me ask these new agers who think having a matriarchy where women are empowered would lead to some, softer, more nurturing society. How do they explain the fact that one of the only examples we have of matriarchy in Europe is this incredibly brutal, dystopian, war-like society that enslaved the vast majority of its people, butchered them relentlessly every year just to keep them in line, and which raised men with no softness whatsoever but rather killed the majority of them through brutal training or warfare, and which had no love or sentimentality between the sexes but rather delayed marriage for men until he was in his 30s, and even then had a polygamous culture where man and woman slept with one another freely and the man was expected to raise any child as his own, even when that child was another man's?

Sparta is a clear example of what unchecked primal femininity looks like. All of this obsession with war, and training strong soldiers, was really just a cover for the primal feminine instinct of wanting to mate with the strongest males. And they created a society where every woman had access to the very strongest males who had survived both brutal training and brutal warfare (although no one had exclusive access to any males). The men had no rights, their entire life was basically a 30 year brutal struggle to prove themselves worthy of being mated with.

Patriarchy, on the other hand, imprisons or kills any man who abuses his wife. Patriarchy demands that no woman be without a husband. Patriarchy demands women be treated gently, with honor, with chivalry. Patriarchy demands women be put on a pedestal, that men may not degrade her sexually with disgusting fetishes, or to pump her and dump her. Patriarchy demands that men actively raise their children and not abandon them. Despite what feminists claim, men do not seek war with one another unless it is absolutely necessary. Patriarchy is so good to women, that there are some women, especially women from patriarchal cultures, who realize how good it is to have men in charge. These women are the more civilized and evolved type of women. A woman who wants to be treated special by one man instead of simply seeking out the apes with the brightest asses to mate with.

Patriarchy is an agreement made between men that every man shall have his own woman, and no man may mess with his woman. And that this agreement will build a society that advances technologically and morally and ultimately give us all peace and harmony. It is the best idea the world has ever seen. One which teaches women to actually be the wonderful creatures that new agers and liberals act like they are. The truth is, when women are empowered, they lose everything that makes them wonderful. If one truly loves women and femininity, then they should seek to eliminate this insane idea that women ought to be empowered.
Matriarchal societies doesn't tend to survive for really long and only mentioned in the footnotes of history. They are also very limited in tribal, city state and small kingdom level. There are no large Matriarchal empires and Matriarchal society over thousand year old. Every large empires and
civilizations have been Patriarchal.

Why do you think that is? Because Women were oppressed? No. They volunteer to give power to the men and let men do all the hard work and make important decisions. Women are not really that impressive in physical stats, mental stats, and emotional stats. If they were, then more matriarchal empires would emerge.

Despite the massive U.S government support towards female empowerment and repression of the men, there is no female equivalent of Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Bill Gate, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Andrew Carnage, Henry Ford, etc. There are no heavy female hitters and innovators. There are no females that hit a home run, only foul hits. Why do you think that is? There is no female equivalent of Winston Wu..
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Cornfed »

To answer the OP, it is another way the Cultural Marxists are destroying society that the New Age dupes are going along with.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
April 5th, 2023, 2:32 pm
I don't understand something. How come every alt spirituality person claims that Christianity loathed women for 2,000 years? No Christian agrees with that. No one hates women. Women are beautiful and feminine (originally that is) and we all came from women. Just because traditional people believe that men and women have different roles in society doesn't mean they hate women. It's a complete straw man. There's no such thing as misogyny. No one I know hates women. However, there are feminists who are masculine who hate men, as we all know. As usual the truth is the opposite of what is popular.
I was reading something on wife-beating in Judaism. For the most part, it doesn't support it, but there were opinions here and there in favor of it for major offenses like cursing husband's parents. Jewish scholars had lots of different opinions. The article said that Christian culture in the middle ages was misogynistic. I figure given their intended audience, they felt free to take a jab at Christians, but it was an article on rabbinic Judaism and wife beating! Very ironic.

I agree with you. While some individuals may hate women, I don't consider any Christian culture to be misogynistic. Even conservative cultures that want to keep the women in the kitchen usually aren't expressing hate of women. Women in these cultures believe women should be in the kitchen and preserve and promote the traditions.

I read a quote from a preacher, from a conservative group, who made a comment about how men had treated women for centuries. I posted back along the lines of hold on there... what are you talking about. There were probably cruel men all throughout history that beat their wives, etc., but traditional gender roles isn't necessarily bad for women. For thousands of years while men were outside digging fence posts and ploughing fields, women didn't beg to change roles with them and beg to work in the hot sunlight instead of making cloth in the house. Men and women worked hard. In the middle ages, the vast majority were likely farmers. The people we read about in history, kings and counts and such, were a tiny minority, and after he while, they started to (foolishly, IMO) let women become monarchs, too. Some of the powerful upper class were women.

It kind of reminds me of a conservative preacher who thinks homosexual sex is sinful saying these people have been mistreated for so long that.... How is what governments did toward gays mistreatment, like back when they put Oscar Wilde in jail for homosexual sex? He got off light.
Moreover, why do they always say that Patriarchy and Masculinity is evil and bad? If you think about it,
Because they were twisted in their thinking.
Patriarchy is perfectly logical, because MEN built and invented everything you see around you - buildings, roads, planes, cars, houses, cities, etc. All technologies were invented by MEN too, as we all know. And civilization was BUILT by MEN too, as we all know. Therefore, men have a right to be the leaders of society. Just like Bill Gates has the right to be the leader of Microsoft if he built it up, and Steve Jobs has the right to be the leader of Apple if he created it. It's simple logic. How do alt spiritual people, new agers, and truthers not see this? It's obvious and basic. You gotta wonder what everyone is smoking.
Given a choice with no government interference, men tend to be the ones who gravitate toward the tech fields. A tiny sliver of percentage of women might be able to do these things, and scientific discoveries. How many men were there for one Marie Curie... and is there any other discoverer or inventor you can think of who was a woman? Nowadays, women get PhDs in tech fields and add to the incremental discoveries. They can do it, but most of the real innovator genius types in these fields tend to be men.
Finally I don't get how women are supposed to be oppressed and need more rights? In America women are treated much BETTER than men are. They have higher social value, given more attention, are better looking, get a lot more likes on Facebook, etc. So why do they need more rights and benefits and privileges? It makes no sense if you think about it.
Yes, it is getting ridiculous. If they are supposed to be equal to men in ability, why do feminists present women as perpetual victims of men who need government help. If they are equal--equally tough, competent, strong, in all the same ways... it shouldn't be an issue.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Outcast9428 »

@MrMan I agree with your post completely...

Christians in the middle ages were not misogynistic. Reading the Book of Chivalry, the Canterbury Tales, and watching Shakespeare plays... Men in the middle ages, for the most part, were very big about being honorable and treating women well. Most of them dedicate very heartfelt passages about how much they love their wives and how much she means to him. Or talk about how women are what give a man his meaning and joy in life. They were a very passionately romantic people, there's one story in the Canterbury Tales where two knights fight over a woman for years and it ends with them having to duel to the death because neither one of them can accept life without her and they'd rather die then not get to marry her. How often do you find men like that in the modern day in age? A lot of men today treat women like they're disposable. Even the more romantic ones still feel like they can recover from a failed relationship and find another girl who's just as special. People back then, on the other hand, as we see in the Knight's Tale as well as in Romeo and Juliet, they literally felt like the first woman they fell in love with was going to be their last and if it didn't succeed, they were basically screwed. Every Shakespeare play I watch shows that the culture demanded that men be gentlemanly, and parents usually assessed a potential suitor to their daughter by how much of a reputation for being virtuous and gentle he had.

And yes, wanting women to be at home is not misogynistic. Even certain things that feminists think are misogynistic, like men saying women can't do the same level of work that men can, or aren't as good workers in the office, is not really misogynistic. Its not a hateful statement, its simply an opinion. At worst you could argue it is mildly sexist, but being a little bit sexist is very different from being a misogynist.

Weird how the same leftists who condemn Medieval Christian culture as misogynistic usually glorify the Greeks... Even though the Ancient Greeks actually were misogynistic, simply because the Ancient Greeks were so accepting of homosexuality. But the truth is, the Greeks were homosexual precisely because of how misogynistic they were. The Greeks literally acted like women were terrible creatures who constantly distracted men from higher purposes. They talked about how relationships between men and women were inferior and that only men could really love other men. They talked about the female body being disgusting and weak in comparison to the strong male body.

But its not really surprising, because the left has an agenda to destroy Christian civilization. Their arguments are not made in good faith. They simply hate God, and hate Christianity. And because of that, they will glorify any alternative to Christianity while lying and acting as if Medieval Christian culture was really barbaric and immoral when the truth is, people today are not really any more advanced when it comes to morality then people in the middle ages were. Quite frankly, I actually think they were more advanced morally then we are today. Medieval Europe was excessively harsh on criminals, but people today have the opposite problem where they literally seem to want criminals to win. People today seem to believe that punishing evil is somehow immoral in of itself so they refuse to punish wrongdoing. People today completely disregard the notion of justice and act like punishing people for wrongful deeds is a bad thing to do. Its like they want the criminals out on the streets terrorizing everyone. Not to mention how much our modern culture promotes sexual depravity. Something which was not present during the Middle Ages.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by MrMan »

There may be New Agers that promote matriarchy as wise. But Christianity has historically been patriarchal. God is Father after all.

here is a clip of a preacher, Voddie Baucham, who outright supports 'Biblical patriarchy'. He doesn't use that phrase in this clip, but he does use 'patriarchy.'

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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by 69ixine »

Winston,you are a genius.while yin is more beautiful and subtle than yang,yang practically rules over yin.

yang is the active principle,hierarchical structured order etc

I never knew why patriarchy was good until I read this post.Thank you winston!I always was a patriarch,namely for self-interest,but now I am a ethical patriach.

Long live the Patriarchy,Down with the matriarchy!

Yang is 'higher'than yin.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by 69ixine »

It's a fact all matriarchal cultures go extinct and have low quality way of life.

Look at the experiments,they put men on a island and women on a different island,the men built a functional lifestyle,the women started to starve and go into chaos,their natural yin tendency without yang masculine order and guidance and authority.

This is just a metaphysical fact!

why do women want to be men?Why aren't they happy being women with a female makeup?
Last edited by 69ixine on May 12th, 2023, 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by 69ixine »

There is no such thing as a 'matriarchy',only men that are simps and cucks.

Men can do whatever we want to women,they are stronger in a hidden obscure sense,but we are actively and more apparently strong,so we can force women to do whatever we want or don't want,due to our sheer physical strength,higher energy and more organization.

Basically,feminism and matriachy are non-starters,it's the men that hold a gun to all other men's heads thru their state apparatus that are the true enemy to be criticized.

Feminism is still enforced thru force and strength of men!How ironic!Don't females see this when they loathe men?That men make them possible in their anti-natural way of life and lifestyle ?
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Re: Why is Patriarchy considered evil, bad, oppressive but Matriarchy considered good, natural, wise by New Agers?

Post by Jonny Law »

Patriarchy WORKS!

Feminism and Feminist countries (US of Gay) do not enough children.
Patriarchal Countries have children. Their Children overrun Feminist Countries.

Feminism causes their countries and ethnicities to go Extinct :)
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