Women Are Sharing The Completely Normal Things They Did That Somehow Pissed Off Men

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Women Are Sharing The Completely Normal Things They Did That Somehow Pissed Off Men

Post by Traveler »

Women Are Sharing The Completely Normal Things They Did That Somehow Pissed Off Men, And This Just Proves Men Are The More Emotional Sex

As women, we deal with an ungodly amount of nonsense from men....

1."I got a haircut. He was upset that I hadn’t discussed it with him first. We were not in a relationship. We were not friends. He was an acquaintance that I occasionally ran into, and he was livid that I had cut off my long, blonde hair without his input/permission."

2."My ex asked if I wanted help carrying my bag at the airport. It was an old one with no wheels. I declined and carried it down a flight of stairs. When we arrived at the bottom, he got mad at me because he thought two men who happened to be standing there were judging him for not carrying my bag."

3."My ex and I had a fight (and then I had to deal with passive aggressive put-downs for months afterward) because I said that I would stay in the virtual world in The Matrix."

4."My ex was mad at me for getting a better GPA than him in college. Then, he told me that if he stayed with me, I would prevent him from getting into medical school. We broke up, and it turned out that a year later, he couldn’t get into medical school because he wasn’t qualified. I had nothing to do with it."

5."I had an ex who would get mad if I called him 'dude.' Like, irrationally angry about it, not just annoyed."

6."My ex would go into a blind rage whenever I forgot to say 'God bless you' after he sneezed. It was unreal."

7."I worked at a pub with my then-boyfriend. At the end of the night, we all sat around having a drink. At one point, I took my hair out of my ponytail to shake it out because it had been up all day and was starting to give me a headache. When we got home, he accused me of taking my hair down to seduce one of our colleagues who was drinking with us. He proceeded to lose his shit about it."

8."Apparently, I pronounce 'magnet' wrong, which drove my ex-husband into a rage."

9."My ex was jealous of my cat. He would feel genuine hostility when I'd kiss and snuggle my cat. One of the most ridiculous things I've seen from a guy. He would argue that the cat looked so smug all the time. Like, are you kidding me?"

10."My ex hated how I decided to get into vegetarianism. He was a big meat eater and would always go into dramatics about how it was hard to go out to eat with me. I live in a very veggie-friendly city, and restaurants have salads!"

11."My ex would lose his mind because he didn't believe I made instant oatmeal correctly for our son."

12."I ordered steak for lunch, and he told that wasn't very ladylike! I followed it up with a beer, paid for mine, and left."

13."We were playing EverQuest (an online role playing game). He'd been playing for YEARS, and I was just learning. He didn't think I was 'playing my character right' and flipped out."

14."I took a fry from the take out bag in the car on our way home. Ex got all mad over it."

15.And finally, "He asked me a question, and I responded, 'I do.' He flipped out, saying I was trying to put the thought of marriage in his mind."
https://news.yahoo.com/women-sharing-co ... 03694.html

Wow, so it's acceptable for a journalist to make negative generalizations about men based on anonymous internet comments....
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