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Post by publicduende »

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Post by designer »

It is never proper for one group to be disenfranchised for the benefit of another. There is only so much "power", to "empower" one person often means dis-empowering another. Let's use racism as an example. Would it be correct to suggest that by "empowering" blacks economically and impoverishing whites americans would be in any kind of way proper? Would this bring about equality? or would it help to divide society and cause unrest? The use of the word 'empowerment' you must understand that that word often is used in popular media to describe something in terms of disenfranchisement of others through the redistribution of wealth or some other element or resource. It is usually paired with women's issues. Also this belief that you have that women are sleeping around is not so common in that it is not a viable market. If so there would be a massive demand for male prostitution. Women are NOT Men and the so called redefinition of women's gender roles is has not resulted in some kind of massive shift. in fact it has been the doorway to much suffering and the degradation of the community and family. There is nothing liberating about the fall of humanity. As much as society tries to run from its normal pattern structure the greater the disconnectedness and insanity. I do not see women in any sort of liberated position. I see them as slaves, voluntary slavery. In ancient egypt the slaves were often kept naked. They were completely on the lowest level of humanity. Thus whenever I see a scantily clad woman I think the same thing. To me it does not represent freedom, it very much is a sign of conformity and control. Women's greatest enemies are themselves. I also want to respond to what you explain to be Men's "fear of women". M8, there is no fear. I do not fear women. I am not a capitalist so for me money is not something that equals 'power' and other bullshite. I see very little value in allowing ones self to be devalued by a system that places monetary value on human life. Western women to me are not 'empowered'. Many muslim and other so called oppressed women of the world have a greater understanding of their role as women and the value of being a woman. Of femininity and the rewards that come with investing in community, family and children. These kinds of investments bring about much greater rewards to the human family than if a woman can have a low end BMW. We all must be responsible in life and understand what we must do as individuals to help humanity. Yet in a capitalist society it all becomes about what you can have. Selfishness is absolute tops. There is certainly a culture of take take take vs giving. Women have been conditioned to consume. They are mindless in that way and are a threat to the survival of the human family. They care very little about others. There is only the 'me' and what I can get. What you define as equality in many ways becomes more about how can I get what the next man has. Or perhaps how can I take what the next man has. The very foundation of Western feminism is built upon the redistribution of wealth and 'power' from white males. It is about destroying men through a well constructed system of state endorsed programs and outright villainy. Sadly men in the west are too stupid to intellectualize these concepts. Instead they have been conditioned to accept this system and to defend it. The same process has been used many times. All of this is just a modified form of communism. Women serve the state, thus the state invests in them. Women are 'better' than men as being a part of the system. men act up, cause problems, ask questions. Like I do and damn me for doing so. A man who asks questions is often attacked by most women and other like minded men who reject his right to challenge the system. No matter if he is correct or not in his claims. Its all bullshit, this whole place but guess what? I dont give a damn. American/British women can go to hell. I am working hard to rid myself of this place and of them.
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Post by Jester »

designer wrote:
Like it or not, women are empowered to choose who they want, I think that's progress,
Sums it all up. Same old liberal arts bullshit. I guess you also say "more power to them" too? Following comments about female assertiveness. Well I am "empowered" too to know that women who select men on superficial and fantasy notions of economic 'security' are ill. Passion and love are what life is about not this economic nightmare called capitalism. Any Man or woman who selects mates on the basis of money or status is a shack of shit as far as I am concerned. There is nothing 'empowering' about being a whore for money. Security is a fantasy as it has been proven quite easily that what is here today can be gone tomorrow. I as a human being am worth more that a Job, a car or some piece of paper, a certificate. There are certain traits and values within my being that define me beyond being a human brand or walking wallet. But that is what it is really all about isnt it? It's about Men or humanity being defined purely in terms of money. Codifying life itself. Thus a man's worth only comes down to money. So great is the pressure for a man to define himself through the accumulation of things that so many go into debt, crime, drugs and worse all to please women. For many men, women are the prime motivators of their negative behaivor. Because without $$ a man feels as if he has no self worth or value. It's the 'things' that give him meaning, not his mind or his compassion and love. The genius is worthless until he makes his first million right? indeed by your logic that is the case. And I am supposed to feel that "Like it or not, women are empowered"? Empowered to do what? Even in your statement you devalue men. As if its all a one way street. You are so clearly conditioned sir. I have spent much time around the Royal Academy, Goldsmiths and various other colleges and universities in the usa and europe. The liberal arts bullshit has come to an end. I saw all of this stuff, the whole language that is now mainstream. I saw all of it during its development. I spent loads of time around losers like Bell Hooks. A mentally ill pervert who preaches male hate through an manifesto of suedo communist, black nationalist, racist propaganda. The bitch needs to be sectioned. Seriously but these people were allowed to have much influence and I see how the ideology of their illness has spread. I was trained in marketing in a very famous school and I see how the language of marketing has been applied now to society. They got everyone talking in the language of the market. In the language of radical feminism. They took men and turned them against themselves and made center not the value of their well being. But the well being or women. Men are more concerned about protecting the concerns of women even at the cost of their existence. This my friend is conditioning. I studied it and know it well. All of it. It is a science. If I saw that I do not like chocolate ice cream your response automatically is to come to the defense of the chocolate flovor. To convince me that not all chocolate ice cream is bad. never can it be left alone that perhaps I simply reject chocolate icecream of all types and that it is my prorogative to not like it. I must be 'educated' by - You and then explained to that those who like chocolate icecream are 'empowered' and that there isnt anything I can do about. As if I am in some way projecting my personal choice onto others, or OPPRESSING them in some form. You cant see that in using certain language you participate in a system that does not promote free expression, opinion or free thought. The true oppressive act is to be found in the language of liberal arts. Because it projects the ideology of socio political conflict onto others throug ha system of selective language. Kind of like being PC, thus if I say that I dont like black gangsta people. The the pre-package label is then applied to suggest and absolute that I must dislike All black people. Though I never said that I did. An assumption about another becomes a political motive or objective. Contained within the language of liberal arts is a mechanism to prevent objective discussion. Its a skillful system of intellectual warfare. It has it founding in the communist paradigm. There is nothing selective or original about any of this. These are hard old true vices used to manipulate and modify collectively a society. There is no conspiracy about this, it is fact and it is a science. I have worked in marketing and I can tell you the systems that are used in place to make people more suggestive. Words like "empowered" are very much used to sum up a number of very clever marketing and political processes. The problem today in the west is that there is no dialog. The language used itself creates further conflict.
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Post by publicduende »

designer wrote:It is never proper for one group to be disenfranchised for the benefit of another. There is only so much "power", to "empower" one person often means dis-empowering another. Let's use racism as an example. Would it be correct to suggest that by "empowering" blacks economically and impoverishing whites americans would be in any kind of way proper? Would this bring about equality? or would it help to divide society and cause unrest? The use of the word 'empowerment' you must understand that that word often is used in popular media to describe something in terms of disenfranchisement of others through the redistribution of wealth or some other element or resource. It is usually paired with women's issues. Also this belief that you have that women are sleeping around is not so common in that it is not a viable market. If so there would be a massive demand for male prostitution. Women are NOT Men and the so called redefinition of women's gender roles is has not resulted in some kind of massive shift. in fact it has been the doorway to much suffering and the degradation of the community and family. There is nothing liberating about the fall of humanity. As much as society tries to run from its normal pattern structure the greater the disconnectedness and insanity. I do not see women in any sort of liberated position. I see them as slaves, voluntary slavery. In ancient egypt the slaves were often kept naked. They were completely on the lowest level of humanity. Thus whenever I see a scantily clad woman I think the same thing. To me it does not represent freedom, it very much is a sign of conformity and control. Women's greatest enemies are themselves. I also want to respond to what you explain to be Men's "fear of women". M8, there is no fear. I do not fear women. I am not a capitalist so for me money is not something that equals 'power' and other bullshite. I see very little value in allowing ones self to be devalued by a system that places monetary value on human life. Western women to me are not 'empowered'. Many muslim and other so called oppressed women of the world have a greater understanding of their role as women and the value of being a woman. Of femininity and the rewards that come with investing in community, family and children. These kinds of investments bring about much greater rewards to the human family than if a woman can have a low end BMW. We all must be responsible in life and understand what we must do as individuals to help humanity. Yet in a capitalist society it all becomes about what you can have. Selfishness is absolute tops. There is certainly a culture of take take take vs giving. Women have been conditioned to consume. They are mindless in that way and are a threat to the survival of the human family. They care very little about others. There is only the 'me' and what I can get. What you define as equality in many ways becomes more about how can I get what the next man has. Or perhaps how can I take what the next man has. The very foundation of Western feminism is built upon the redistribution of wealth and 'power' from white males. It is about destroying men through a well constructed system of state endorsed programs and outright villainy. Sadly men in the west are too stupid to intellectualize these concepts. Instead they have been conditioned to accept this system and to defend it. The same process has been used many times. All of this is just a modified form of communism. Women serve the state, thus the state invests in them. Women are 'better' than men as being a part of the system. men act up, cause problems, ask questions. Like I do and damn me for doing so. A man who asks questions is often attacked by most women and other like minded men who reject his right to challenge the system. No matter if he is correct or not in his claims. Its all bullshit, this whole place but guess what? I dont give a damn. American/British women can go to hell. I am working hard to rid myself of this place and of them.
I will be short this time. I don't think "empowering" means the receiver of the powers will necessarily use them. It's always a matter of personal choice, self-determination as I explained above. If you see the struggles to gender equality haven't resulted in a revolutionary shift, well it's because they were not supposed to. You may want to take for granted historical achievements like women being able to vote, compete with men for good education and good careers, but they have been important markers of social progress in the last 100 years.

I don't subscribe to the idea that women are easily manipulated and aligned to the system because they don't have critical thinking and don't ask questions. The proportion of women among those who campaign for truth and against the rotting of our society, economy an politics is huge, probably close to 50%. We have the Gore Vidals and the Michael Chossudowskys but we also have the Naomi Kleins and the Eva Gollingers, to name a few. If you are implying that it takes assertiveness and intellectual courage to go against the system, modern women surely don't lack the culture and personality to develop and exhibit such qualities.

All in all, I agree with most of your arguments, I'm only seeing you locking in the wrong target. Of course you are worth more than a degree certificate, a bank account, or a lucrative career. Of course genius is not measured by the number of fans or zeroes on payslips. If you get criticised or ridiculed for challenging the status quo by men as well as women is because women, like men, have opinions and might defend them out of the same mix of genuine conviction and hypocrisy. But feeling an outcast for not aligning to the system of values of modern society is not something you can, and should, blame on women in particular. It's a systemic issue, it involves everybody, society at large.
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

In my travels to over 75 countries, Puerto Rican women proved to be the most obnoxious, entitled, feminist women I have ever encountered. Case closed.
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

All_That_Is_Man wrote:I'm gonna revise your list just a little bit...





I would also like to add that these are in order from 1 being the worst to 5 being the lesser evil.
"Manginas grovel. Men travel." - me (04/17/2012)

"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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Post by green1976 »

We could add also their Asian sisters.

-South Korea
-Some part of China

All the arab,muslim countries where females are a prize to have, are a total no go zone for a man who wants easy interaction.

Last time in Thailand i met a Norwegian of Iraqi descent.
He told me that he went to Egypt and that it was the most shitty country he has ever been.
He had a Norwegian female friend and she was totally harrassed non stop.
They were like savages.

Nothing to do in these places,most women have to be covered or they would end up abused,aggressed by sexually frustrated males.
One of the last place to be on earth for easy going interaction with females.
You will have more chance to end up with a closet homo as these guys have nothing more to do than f**k themselves because females are so hidded.

Take this as my observation.

Countries like Thailand or the Phillipines are exception on this earth.

Few places or societies have smooth and easy going women to be met.
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Post by Shattered65 »

You are all wrong the correct answer is the women where ever you live are always the worst followed closely by the next 4 nations that are most like your own. For most people here that means Australians, Americans, Brits, Canadians and Kiwis, in what ever order based on where your from.
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Post by IHateAmericanWomen »

Last edited by IHateAmericanWomen on November 29th, 2013, 4:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fschmidt »





So why don't you look for women abroad?
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

1. Puerto Rican women are THE worst, by far.
2. American Women
3. Anglophone Canadian Women
4. British Women
5. Singaporean Women (Mixture of spoiled-rotten Chinese, Indian, and Malay)
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