US culture is making me insane and suicidal

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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Masculine&Proud »

Eric wrote:
Masculine&Proud wrote:
Adama wrote:
Masculine&Proud wrote:
I hear you. As others say you are smart and courageous for questioning the world you/ we men find ourselves in.

I am your age and I live in Australia. Australia use to be a mans country, a paradise of friendship and freedom. In the 80's we were called the lucky country. Now the place has gone to hell. EVERYTIME you turn on the news you see feminist promotion. Things that come to mind in this country which have been legislated are;

- A push to arrest and deny parole for men elledged of domestic violence offences
- Forced inception of a 50/50 gender workforce, regardless of merit or genuine interest
- Women placed in senior positions just because they are women, merit is not a factor and they are changing the way jobs are done to a poor weak standard
- Our government and university employees in Australia are all 95% women. These are concrete jobs. However, they say there are not enough women in Government!?
- Demands for equal pay for women, when women earn the same if not slightly less because they are not in construction etc.
- The very culture of men (things they like, like the military, construction etc are being invaded by women and turned into a female based culture. this is destroying proper infrastructure as women simply do not have the interest or mind for such things. These are natural and traditional male roles
- Men do not assume to know what women's interests are so why do women insist on not only knowing ours, but taking them over in a manipulative manner
- Parking bays at shopping centers painted pink close to the store, while men are made to walk for miles
- We have female football now being paid the same as the men, however the stadiums are EMPTY devoid of spectators. Their salaries and promotion came from men who played the sport for years. (PS I too hate sport).
- This cool to be sluty culture, reality TV thriving off the misery of others seems to be being embraced, particularly by women as they are social creatures by nature.

I feel many Australian and American women are evil. They hate men because men are stronger and equally intelligent. hey are jealous of men and see them as easy targets because we are suppose to respect them, give them an easy pass. When a man sexually harasses a woman he's locked up. When a woman does it its ignored? This has extended to become a culture of federal Government here in Australia. BUT many of these women have been indoctrinated through feminist programs taught at school. The bible states women were created to assist man, not lead man. We are living in an evil society. We must speak out and gain control. I am a professional person. The higher you go the worse this shit is. I have almost considered becoming a bus driver to escape the abuse, harassment and disenfranchisement I am faced with on a daily basis. At work and at home while watching TV.
This is just like the days of Noah and Lot. That is, filled with confused people who are homosexual and murderers. Proof of the End Times.

They want to turn women into men and men into women. They want to exalt women above men to destroy men.

How did Satan destroy Eve? He went to Eve, and then Eve in turn got Adam to destroy himself. They use women to destroy men. That is the tactic. First you must bind the strong man before you can enter his house to steal his goods. They bind the strong man by empowering his woman to destroy him, and by turning her into an ego maniac. How did they destroy and capture Samson? They used Delilah to do it. Get the women to destroy the men, and then civilization can be destroyed. Just that simple.

These people are against life, against God, against civilization. It's their dream to invert reality and help bring about the Anti Christ. But somehow they think the AntiChrist's reign will be forever rather than a couple of years.

Hi Adama. I couldn't have put it more poignantly myself. Its a frightening thought, but what you are saying is right. As you say its written in the bible and I believe many other religious scriptures similarly refer to your concerns as well. Greed and selfishness is evil and is a destroyer of man. Few seem to be taking notice, it seems, in America and especially here in Australia.

...You read a female dating site profile these days, its all 'I WANT, I WANT, YOU WILL BE GAINFULLY EMPLOYED, YOU MUST ATTEND GYM AT LEAST 5 TIMES A WEEK..., I EXPECT YOU TOO COOK MOSTLY..., DONT YOU EXPECT ME TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOU THAN MY FRIENDS AS THEY ARE MY LIFE, FORGET IT IF..., TATOOS ARE A PLUS, NO CLINGY MEN, NO OVER EDUCATED OR EFFECTIONATE MEN- AS I'M A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO NEEDS MY SPACE, BUT GANSTERS AND DUMB COOL BLOKES WITH ABS ARE OK, I WANT TO DATE BUT NOTHING SERIOUS (MEANS SHE CAN TWO-TIME YOU, BE A 'COOL SLUT' & WHEN SHE DUMPS YOU BY SMS CLAIMS YOU WERE 'JUST' FRIENDS), NO BAGGAGE- YET WOMEN CLAIM THEY LIKE CHILDREN, NO PLAYERS (OH, BUT I CAN PLAY), IF YOU CANT BE ORIGINAL OR SPELL PROPERLY P1SS OFF... and a big one now is JUST ASK (and 99.9% of them simply totally ignore you when you do, without even being humanly courteous and saying 'thanks for your interest, but I've found another')'. With this new indoctrinated, dictated, prejudice, hatred culture of American, Australian, English and German women, ITS ALL, 'I I I, ME ME ME...' These are just some examples, you likely know the story.

What women should be asking in their dating profiles, is stuff like; I could offer you, I'd like to be ____ for you, or I hope you are... I like that you... I'm interested that you or I respect that you... I'd like us to share ____ or I hope we could together ____ or I am looking forward to happy times, but I am also willing to work through any bad times.

BTW if you are even mildly religious here in Australia you are bullied and almost considered mad, and the work place is a vastly perfecting an increasingly pig-headed, selfish culture. I have bared the brunt of this abuse for years. Like the OP, I don't know how I've survived. I am now considering my own business, using the professional skills and college training I have attained to escape the hatred; or moving abroad, I'm just not sure where yet. Its getting impossibly hard to be a man in these common misogamy ruled Australian work institutions, at home, or where ever you go!

Also note unlike the U.S. our Governments have an anti-religious culture and never mention 'God'. They seem to claim that Australian citizens' are supposedly meant to be atheists, schooled in correct 'values', (really satanic indoctrination through forced intimidation) which have no formal foundation, no humanity and no powerful spirit, like scripture does. As long as people think its OK its OK. Just make it up as you go along. This has lead to the things you say, like to moral chaos, corruption and evil. Forgiveness now seems to be a thing of the past, instead replaced with prejudice, hypocrisy and merciless judgment, increasingly with feminist gay women at the helm- so God help you here in Australia if you are an underprivileged male, who had it hard in life. They have also manipulatively demonized and indignified religious denominations. Using "faux news" (Trump) they have falsely and unfairly over-represented Catholicism (my religion) using "faux news", other media and federal government authorities. They claim ALL priests are all peadophiles, when its a fact there are peadophiles in ALL institutions of trust, not just Churches, of which comparatively and statistically the latter in fact had a very small number of such cockroaches. I feel God has faith in us to change. Its possible, but so is space travel. So whether that happens or not come judgement day is another story...
Yeah It's completely inverted isn't it? When I think of it I look at the faces of young women nowadays I just see evil. It doesn't look sweet, or innocent, or nice...or even attractive. I mean, these women "look" attractive, but there is something around the eyes- the face...that is just cold/selfish and full of hatred and envy/greed, something bad.
It's unattractive and repulsive, actually.

It's like I have to put up with these women, just to get what I want, which is hardly ever. They are just rotten, leave those behind. It's amazing how I feel also bad in a way for wanting to hook up or have sex, just innocent fun...and it's like I have to find nice girls to do it with - but that's how it should be.
That's how girls should be, but compared to the nasty ones - it somehow, makes you feel bad for doing so. Man, evil messes so many things up, doesn't it? There's just something so thoroughly unattractive & masculine about these women, I wonder if they even know it or realize.
They probably don't care. It is a really disgusting attitude. these women have a demanding entitled attitude which is just foul; that kind of attitude would be foul to anyone. I find my most success with women is out in public in every day life, on the streets, in shops, just talking, and online dating.

Hi Eric. Yes I know what you mean, Man. I looked at a girl once and smiled & she looked back at me with a death stare- and this is their idea of a civilised, caring culture? It's all BS.

I think many of these women change their tune & act like affeminate angels, your Joyce Meadows from the 50's when they see a real hot guy, but if your average your treated like sh1t. Another considered fact is when these women reach 40+ they have a MAJOR crisis. Believe me I know. They almost want to shoot themselves for not behaving more ladylike when they were in their fertile years, lol...

Play your hand right & be careful. Never trust a woman till you really know her, tell her nothing & always wear a condom. There are handfuls of women here in Auatralia who just want sex as they can't afford IVF (evil-F) & single mothers welfare cheques pay more than a job here!

It's good to at least receive acknowledgement from another bloke about this stuff. I have sat in silence for years, mainly because the professional men I work with are intimidated/ too scared to say anything for fears of being sacked.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Kradmelder »

Masculine&Proud wrote:
Eric wrote:
Masculine&Proud wrote:
Adama wrote:
Masculine&Proud wrote:
I hear you. As others say you are smart and courageous for questioning the world you/ we men find ourselves in.

I am your age and I live in Australia. Australia use to be a mans country, a paradise of friendship and freedom. In the 80's we were called the lucky country. Now the place has gone to hell. EVERYTIME you turn on the news you see feminist promotion. Things that come to mind in this country which have been legislated are;

- A push to arrest and deny parole for men elledged of domestic violence offences
- Forced inception of a 50/50 gender workforce, regardless of merit or genuine interest
- Women placed in senior positions just because they are women, merit is not a factor and they are changing the way jobs are done to a poor weak standard
- Our government and university employees in Australia are all 95% women. These are concrete jobs. However, they say there are not enough women in Government!?
- Demands for equal pay for women, when women earn the same if not slightly less because they are not in construction etc.
- The very culture of men (things they like, like the military, construction etc are being invaded by women and turned into a female based culture. this is destroying proper infrastructure as women simply do not have the interest or mind for such things. These are natural and traditional male roles
- Men do not assume to know what women's interests are so why do women insist on not only knowing ours, but taking them over in a manipulative manner
- Parking bays at shopping centers painted pink close to the store, while men are made to walk for miles
- We have female football now being paid the same as the men, however the stadiums are EMPTY devoid of spectators. Their salaries and promotion came from men who played the sport for years. (PS I too hate sport).
- This cool to be sluty culture, reality TV thriving off the misery of others seems to be being embraced, particularly by women as they are social creatures by nature.

I feel many Australian and American women are evil. They hate men because men are stronger and equally intelligent. hey are jealous of men and see them as easy targets because we are suppose to respect them, give them an easy pass. When a man sexually harasses a woman he's locked up. When a woman does it its ignored? This has extended to become a culture of federal Government here in Australia. BUT many of these women have been indoctrinated through feminist programs taught at school. The bible states women were created to assist man, not lead man. We are living in an evil society. We must speak out and gain control. I am a professional person. The higher you go the worse this shit is. I have almost considered becoming a bus driver to escape the abuse, harassment and disenfranchisement I am faced with on a daily basis. At work and at home while watching TV.
This is just like the days of Noah and Lot. That is, filled with confused people who are homosexual and murderers. Proof of the End Times.

They want to turn women into men and men into women. They want to exalt women above men to destroy men.

How did Satan destroy Eve? He went to Eve, and then Eve in turn got Adam to destroy himself. They use women to destroy men. That is the tactic. First you must bind the strong man before you can enter his house to steal his goods. They bind the strong man by empowering his woman to destroy him, and by turning her into an ego maniac. How did they destroy and capture Samson? They used Delilah to do it. Get the women to destroy the men, and then civilization can be destroyed. Just that simple.

These people are against life, against God, against civilization. It's their dream to invert reality and help bring about the Anti Christ. But somehow they think the AntiChrist's reign will be forever rather than a couple of years.

Hi Adama. I couldn't have put it more poignantly myself. Its a frightening thought, but what you are saying is right. As you say its written in the bible and I believe many other religious scriptures similarly refer to your concerns as well. Greed and selfishness is evil and is a destroyer of man. Few seem to be taking notice, it seems, in America and especially here in Australia.

...You read a female dating site profile these days, its all 'I WANT, I WANT, YOU WILL BE GAINFULLY EMPLOYED, YOU MUST ATTEND GYM AT LEAST 5 TIMES A WEEK..., I EXPECT YOU TOO COOK MOSTLY..., DONT YOU EXPECT ME TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOU THAN MY FRIENDS AS THEY ARE MY LIFE, FORGET IT IF..., TATOOS ARE A PLUS, NO CLINGY MEN, NO OVER EDUCATED OR EFFECTIONATE MEN- AS I'M A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO NEEDS MY SPACE, BUT GANSTERS AND DUMB COOL BLOKES WITH ABS ARE OK, I WANT TO DATE BUT NOTHING SERIOUS (MEANS SHE CAN TWO-TIME YOU, BE A 'COOL SLUT' & WHEN SHE DUMPS YOU BY SMS CLAIMS YOU WERE 'JUST' FRIENDS), NO BAGGAGE- YET WOMEN CLAIM THEY LIKE CHILDREN, NO PLAYERS (OH, BUT I CAN PLAY), IF YOU CANT BE ORIGINAL OR SPELL PROPERLY P1SS OFF... and a big one now is JUST ASK (and 99.9% of them simply totally ignore you when you do, without even being humanly courteous and saying 'thanks for your interest, but I've found another')'. With this new indoctrinated, dictated, prejudice, hatred culture of American, Australian, English and German women, ITS ALL, 'I I I, ME ME ME...' These are just some examples, you likely know the story.

What women should be asking in their dating profiles, is stuff like; I could offer you, I'd like to be ____ for you, or I hope you are... I like that you... I'm interested that you or I respect that you... I'd like us to share ____ or I hope we could together ____ or I am looking forward to happy times, but I am also willing to work through any bad times.

BTW if you are even mildly religious here in Australia you are bullied and almost considered mad, and the work place is a vastly perfecting an increasingly pig-headed, selfish culture. I have bared the brunt of this abuse for years. Like the OP, I don't know how I've survived. I am now considering my own business, using the professional skills and college training I have attained to escape the hatred; or moving abroad, I'm just not sure where yet. Its getting impossibly hard to be a man in these common misogamy ruled Australian work institutions, at home, or where ever you go!

Also note unlike the U.S. our Governments have an anti-religious culture and never mention 'God'. They seem to claim that Australian citizens' are supposedly meant to be atheists, schooled in correct 'values', (really satanic indoctrination through forced intimidation) which have no formal foundation, no humanity and no powerful spirit, like scripture does. As long as people think its OK its OK. Just make it up as you go along. This has lead to the things you say, like to moral chaos, corruption and evil. Forgiveness now seems to be a thing of the past, instead replaced with prejudice, hypocrisy and merciless judgment, increasingly with feminist gay women at the helm- so God help you here in Australia if you are an underprivileged male, who had it hard in life. They have also manipulatively demonized and indignified religious denominations. Using "faux news" (Trump) they have falsely and unfairly over-represented Catholicism (my religion) using "faux news", other media and federal government authorities. They claim ALL priests are all peadophiles, when its a fact there are peadophiles in ALL institutions of trust, not just Churches, of which comparatively and statistically the latter in fact had a very small number of such cockroaches. I feel God has faith in us to change. Its possible, but so is space travel. So whether that happens or not come judgement day is another story...
Yeah It's completely inverted isn't it? When I think of it I look at the faces of young women nowadays I just see evil. It doesn't look sweet, or innocent, or nice...or even attractive. I mean, these women "look" attractive, but there is something around the eyes- the face...that is just cold/selfish and full of hatred and envy/greed, something bad.
It's unattractive and repulsive, actually.

It's like I have to put up with these women, just to get what I want, which is hardly ever. They are just rotten, leave those behind. It's amazing how I feel also bad in a way for wanting to hook up or have sex, just innocent fun...and it's like I have to find nice girls to do it with - but that's how it should be.
That's how girls should be, but compared to the nasty ones - it somehow, makes you feel bad for doing so. Man, evil messes so many things up, doesn't it? There's just something so thoroughly unattractive & masculine about these women, I wonder if they even know it or realize.
They probably don't care. It is a really disgusting attitude. these women have a demanding entitled attitude which is just foul; that kind of attitude would be foul to anyone. I find my most success with women is out in public in every day life, on the streets, in shops, just talking, and online dating.

Hi Eric. Yes I know what you mean, Man. I looked at a girl once and smiled & she looked back at me with a death stare- and this is their idea of a civilised, caring culture? It's all BS.

I think many of these women change their tune & act like affeminate angels, your Joyce Meadows from the 50's when they see a real hot guy, but if your average your treated like sh1t. Another considered fact is when these women reach 40+ they have a MAJOR crisis. Believe me I know. They almost want to shoot themselves for not behaving more ladylike when they were in their fertile years, lol...

Play your hand right & be careful. Never trust a woman till you really know her, tell her nothing & always wear a condom. There are handfuls of women here in Auatralia who just want sex as they can't afford IVF (evil-F) & single mothers welfare cheques pay more than a job here!

It's good to at least receive acknowledgement from another bloke about this stuff. I have sat in silence for years, mainly because the professional men I work with are intimidated/ too scared to say anything for fears of being sacked.

:lol: :lol: I know that feeling. There is no push amongst white women to get pregnant here as single moms as there is no govt pay cheque to live well as a breeding heifer. They can only claim a house and car and salary from a man, so a man with no assets is not a target. Once they hit late 20s and early 30s and the biological clock starts ticking, be careful. Any man where they smell money becomes a target. I was with one in her mid 30s who wanted a baby bad but still wanted ot party, She figured move into my house, live well and at least she can claim housing and a salary for 18 years. No way. I didnt believe her she was on the pill and made sure I only come in her mouth. Good riddance.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Cornfed »

Kradmelder wrote: :lol: :lol: I know that feeling. There is no push amongst white women to get pregnant here as single moms as there is no govt pay cheque to live well as a breeding heifer. They can only claim a house and car and salary from a man, so a man with no assets is not a target. Once they hit late 20s and early 30s and the biological clock starts ticking, be careful. Any man where they smell money becomes a target. I was with one in her mid 30s who wanted a baby bad but still wanted ot party, She figured move into my house, live well and at least she can claim housing and a salary for 18 years. No way. I didnt believe her she was on the pill and made sure I only come in her mouth. Good riddance.
But of course this one has reeled you in like the simp that you are. Check back in a year and you will see I'm right, just like always.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Kradmelder »

Cornfed wrote:
Kradmelder wrote: :lol: :lol: I know that feeling. There is no push amongst white women to get pregnant here as single moms as there is no govt pay cheque to live well as a breeding heifer. They can only claim a house and car and salary from a man, so a man with no assets is not a target. Once they hit late 20s and early 30s and the biological clock starts ticking, be careful. Any man where they smell money becomes a target. I was with one in her mid 30s who wanted a baby bad but still wanted ot party, She figured move into my house, live well and at least she can claim housing and a salary for 18 years. No way. I didnt believe her she was on the pill and made sure I only come in her mouth. Good riddance.
But of course this one has reeled you in like the simp that you are. Check back in a year and you will see I'm right, just like always.
the only thing about you i consider is to thank God and all my life choices and my parents choices that i didnt end up like you, an unhappy loser with no prospects, no life, no joy and full of bitterness and blaming everyone for it. When even WNs can't tolerate you, that says a lot. Your opinions matter for nothing because they got you where you are, a place no man wishes to be. So they are not exactly pearls of wisdom any man will listen to. It could almost be better to be a successful black than to be like you. Short men, ugly men, men with a disability can do nothing about it, but if successful can still do well with women and life. Fat farks and miserable bastards and wasters, well that is their choice. No one can feel sorry for them.

By the way, if you read you will not that woman that wanted the baby is long gone, ditched her.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Cornfed »

Kradmelder wrote:the only thing about you i consider is to thank God and all my life choices and my parents choices that i didnt end up like you, an unhappy loser with no prospects, no life, no joy and full of bitterness and blaming everyone for it. When even WNs can't tolerate you, that says a lot. Your opinions matter for nothing because they got you where you are, a place no man wishes to be. So they are not exactly pearls of wisdom any man will listen to. It could almost be better to be a successful black than to be like you. Short men, ugly men, men with a disability can do nothing about it, but if successful can still do well with women and life. Fat farks and miserable bastards and wasters, well that is their choice. No one can feel sorry for them.

By the way, if you read you will not that woman that wanted the baby is long gone, ditched her.
Yeah well in a year you will realise I was right (about everything) but you will never admit it.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Kradmelder »

Cornfed wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:the only thing about you i consider is to thank God and all my life choices and my parents choices that i didnt end up like you, an unhappy loser with no prospects, no life, no joy and full of bitterness and blaming everyone for it. When even WNs can't tolerate you, that says a lot. Your opinions matter for nothing because they got you where you are, a place no man wishes to be. So they are not exactly pearls of wisdom any man will listen to. It could almost be better to be a successful black than to be like you. Short men, ugly men, men with a disability can do nothing about it, but if successful can still do well with women and life. Fat farks and miserable bastards and wasters, well that is their choice. No one can feel sorry for them.

By the way, if you read you will not that woman that wanted the baby is long gone, ditched her.
Yeah well in a year you will realise I was right (about everything) but you will never admit it.
Ja and stormfront and daily stormer and whatever will also all admit they were wrong to ban you and your life is a shining example of how a white man should live, since it is so successful and full of admirers and white women. :roll: Everybody has been wrong but you. Maybe you should take another of thos red or blue or green pills or whatever and convince yourself your way is working well for you.

Meanwhle saffers will stay here, go to USA, OZ, NZ, UK wherever, and make successful happy lives in spite off the hordes of jews and women and whatever all plotting to hold them back. Meanwhile the losers in those countries will do what they always do: piss and moan at all the obstacles.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Teal Lantern »

Kradmelder wrote: :lol: :lol: I know that feeling. There is no push amongst white women to get pregnant here as single moms as there is no govt pay cheque to live well as a breeding heifer. They can only claim a house and car and salary from a man, so a man with no assets is not a target. Once they hit late 20s and early 30s and the biological clock starts ticking, be careful. Any man where they smell money becomes a target. I was with one in her mid 30s who wanted a baby bad but still wanted ot party, She figured move into my house, live well and at least she can claim housing and a salary for 18 years. No way. I didnt believe her she was on the pill and made sure I only come in her mouth. Good riddance.
In the USSA, they'll save it, spit it, and inject it. The courts say the man still has to pay. :evil: ... MfasOTauf1
не поглеждай назад. 8)

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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Kradmelder »

Teal Lantern wrote:
Kradmelder wrote: :lol: :lol: I know that feeling. There is no push amongst white women to get pregnant here as single moms as there is no govt pay cheque to live well as a breeding heifer. They can only claim a house and car and salary from a man, so a man with no assets is not a target. Once they hit late 20s and early 30s and the biological clock starts ticking, be careful. Any man where they smell money becomes a target. I was with one in her mid 30s who wanted a baby bad but still wanted ot party, She figured move into my house, live well and at least she can claim housing and a salary for 18 years. No way. I didnt believe her she was on the pill and made sure I only come in her mouth. Good riddance.
In the USSA, they'll save it, spit it, and inject it. The courts say the man still has to pay. :evil: ... MfasOTauf1

The only solution then is push it in deepr so they have to swallow or gag :lol:
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Masculine&Proud »

[/quote]:lol: :lol: I know that feeling. There is no push amongst white women to get pregnant here as single moms as there is no govt pay cheque to live well as a breeding heifer. They can only claim a house and car and salary from a man, so a man with no assets is not a target. Once they hit late 20s and early 30s and the biological clock starts ticking, be careful. Any man where they smell money becomes a target. I was with one in her mid 30s who wanted a baby bad but still wanted ot party, She figured move into my house, live well and at least she can claim housing and a salary for 18 years. No way. I didnt believe her she was on the pill and made sure I only come in her mouth. Good riddance.[/quote]

Ha ha haaa...! I cant stop laughing. Good job for putting her on the bus ;-)

I may have told you, but I also dated one who was middle aged a few weeks back. She was the same. Her eyes lite up and she saw gravy and heard I had a real job. That was the one who wanted kids first, a man last. After a quick dip, she also became part of my history books, FAST. :P

I just met another one online. You'll love this, she is a Social Worker :D Also 33yo. I will tread very carefully, thanks for the caution :lol:

Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by HappyGuy »

Katmandu wrote:
April 21st, 2016, 11:41 pm
USA is almost beyond repair (it can be repaired but that would require something drastic) but you're already ahead of most Americans because you understand why so maybe you could be happy about the fact that you understand it while everybody else just doesn't get it.
True :shock:
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by MrMan »

bafw43 wrote:
April 16th, 2016, 3:11 pm
I have a masters and several years experience so finding work teaching overseas shouldn't be a problem. My students come from all over the world. Only about two students out of hundreds have ever gone to see a therapist. It's unheard of their countries for the most part. Only one has ever taken antidepressants. The vast majority of them haven't experienced divorce in their families of origin. I'm 43 and have never been married and don't have any kids. That is a huge red flag in this country. People in this country have told me I should have a divorce or two under my belt at my age. We live in a throwaway culture. My dad has been married three times. People change spouses more often than they change their underwear. Our country seems soulless and empty. I'm a cultural recluse and avoid spending time in the mainstream culture. I hate sports. I hate dating women who have pages of expectations and requirements while they themselves are fat and dumpy and bring nothing to the table but their used up gash. Today has been a really bad day. Some days are better than others.
This is an old post. How have you been? Are you doing okay?

I don't think I read your post back when you made it. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a professor who was an expert in cross cultural psychology. He was Indian. He said going to psychologists and therapists is virtually unheard of outside of the individualistic western world. In his home country, extended family live under the same roof. The newly married man comes home late, and one of his relatives tells him he is married so he needs to spend some time with his wife. There are older relatives there giving advice. Why go to a therapist? In some cities in the US, single professionals live alone in their apartments and have little social contact. They pay a therapist to talk about their problems. Maybe that's an oversimplificiation, but there is some truth to it. He wasn't a clinical psychologist, and that was his perspective.

As for dating fat dumpy women, why do that at all? If I were single, if a woman wasn't attractive to me, I wouldn't want to date her at all. It's better not to get married than to marry someone who will up and leave you--- if children are left out of the equation. (I wouldn't tell someone with kids it was better they'd never married.)

If you are looking for a wife, in today's interconnected age, it is possible to try to find one abroad. I taught English overseas and did other ESL work in my 20s and 30s. I met my wife while I was working overseas. I lived in Indonesia. I'd occasionally see an older expat with a young Indonesian woman. It seemed like most couples were closer in age. The age gap thing seems to be more of a thing in the Philippines. Marrying a foreigner was a desirable thing for some Indonesians back when I was young and available. The economy has improved and people are richer, so the inferiority complex/colonial mentality might be weakening some in the cities, where they think people form developed countries are more desirable in some ways, but I think it is still there. That's one aspect of it. Some women there just like Caucasian men. I think these things apply to other parts of Southeast Asia as well. They give a white man and other foreigners an 'advantage' in dating. Here in the US, there are some men who just want Asian women or redheads, so a plain Asian woman or redheads may benefit from this. Being foreign or white in some countries is a dating advantage. You don't need an 'advantage' to find someone suitable.

An advantage to marrying an Asian--- generally--- is that most of the cultures there are very family oriented and usually divorce is frowned upon and sanctioned socially. This can affect a woman's mindset. In some of the cultures, women are more open to the idea of a man being in charge, especially if he promotes this idea and acts accordingly while dating and into marriage. That works well if he marries a younger woman, who is less qualified to make any kind of household decision. Western women programmed by feminism cringe at the idea. One of my wife's younger cousin wanted to marry a stern, firm, or strong man. (We were speaking in indonesian.) You don't hear feminists think that. The only Indonesian I can ever remember calling herself a feminist was a Chinese woman who'd spent time in the US and was lamenting that she was 30 and the man she liked had married someone else.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Winston »

This chillhop music will definitely soothe your soul if you are sad or lonely.

Below in the comments section, someone listed 100 reasons not to commit suicide. They are good to read while listening to this music, especially for those who are depressed or feeling suicidal. If you know anyone who is suicidal, send this list to them and the music above too.

100 Reasons why you shouldn't commit suicide.

1. We would miss you.
2. It's not worth the regret. Either by yourself, if you failed or just simply left scars or the regret everyone else feels by not doing enough to help you.
3. It does get better. Believe it or not, it will eventually get better. Sometimes you have to go through the storm to get to the rainbow.
4. There's so much you would miss out on doing.
5. There is always a reason to live. It might not be clear right now, but it is always there.
6. So many people care, and it would hurt them if you hurt yourself.
7. You ARE worth it. Don't let anyone, especially yourself, tell you otherwise.
8. You are amazing.
9. A time will come, once you've battled the toughest times of your life and are in ease once again, where you will be so glad that you decided to keep on living. You will emerge stronger from this all, and won't regret your choice to carry on with life. Because things always get better.
10. What about all the things you've always wanted to do? What about the things you've planned, but never got around to doing? You can't do them when you're dead.
11. I love you. Even if only one person loves you, that's still a reason to stay alive.
12. You won't be able to listen to music if you die.
13. Killing yourself is never worth it. You'll hurt both yourself and all the people you care about.
14. There are so many people that would miss you, including me.
15. You're preventing a future generation, YOUR KIDS, from even being born.
16. How do you think your family would feel? Would it improve their lives if you died?
17. You're gorgeous, amazing, and to someone you are perfect.
18. Think about your favorite music artist, you'll never hear their voice again...
19. You'll never have the feeling of walking into a warm building on a cold day
20. Listening to incredibly loud music
21. Being alive is just really good.
22. Not being alive is really bad.
23. Finding your soulmate.
24. Red pandas
25. Going to diners at three in the morning.
26. Really soft pillows.
27. Eating pizza in New York City.
28. Proving people wrong with your success.
29. Watching the jerks that doubted you fail at life.
30. Seeing someone trip over a garbage can.
31. Being able to help other people.
32. Bonfires.
33. Sitting on rooftops.
34. Seeing every single country in the world.
35. Going on road trips.
36. You might win the lottery someday.
37. Listening to music on a record player.
38. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
39. Taking really cool pictures.
40. Literally meeting thousands of new people.
41. Hearing crazy stories.
42. Telling crazy stories.
43. Eating ice cream on a hot day.
44. More Harry Potter books could come out, you never know.
45. Traveling to another planet someday.
46. Having an underwater house.
47. Randomly running into your hero on the street.
48. Having your own room at a fancy hotel.
49. Trampolines.
50. Think about your favorite movie, you'll never watch it again.
51. Think about the feeling of laughing out loud in a public place because your best friend has just sent you an inside joke,
52. Your survival will make the world better, even if it's for just one person or 20 or 100 or more.
53. People do care.
54. Treehouses
55. Hanging out with your soul mate in a treehouse
55. Snorting when you laugh and not caring who sees
56. I don't even know you and I love you.
57. I don't even know you and I care about you.
58. Nobody is going to be like you ever, so embrace your uniqueness!
59. You won't be here to experience the first cat world emperor.
61. Starbucks.
62. Hugs.
63. Stargazing.
64. You have a purpose, and it's up to you to find out what it is.
65. You've changed somebody's life.
66. You could change the world.
67. You will meet the person that's perfect for you.
68. No matter how much or how little, you have your life ahead of you.
69. You have the chance to save somebody's life.
70. If you end your life, you're stopping yourself from achieving great things.
71. Making snow angels.
72. Making snowmen.
73. Snowball fights.
74. Life is what you make of it.
75. Everybody has talent.
76. Laughing until you cry.
77. Having the ability to be sad means you have the ability to be happy.
78. The world would not be the same if you didn't exist.
79. It's possible to turn frowns, upside down
80. Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit, and never let them take you alive.
81. Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary. Be your own hero.
82. Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
83. One day your smile will be real.
84. Having a really hot, relaxing bath after a stressful day.
85. Lying on the grass and laughing at the clouds.
86. Getting completely smashed with your best friends.
87. Eating crazy food.
88. Staying up all night watching your favorite films with a loved one.
89. Sleeping in all day.
90. Creating something you're proud of.
91. You can look back on yourself 70 years later and be proud you didn't commit suicide.
92. Being able to meet your Internet friends.
93. Tea / Coffee / Hot Chocolate
94. The new season of Sherlock
95. Cuddling under the stars.
96. Being stupid in public because you just can.
97. If you are reading this then you are alive! Is there any more reason to smile?
98. Being able to hug that one person you haven't seen in years
99. People care enough about you and your future to come up with 100 reasons for you not to do this.
100. But, the final and most important one is, just, being able to experience life. Because even if your life doesn't seem so great right now, anything could happen.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by 69ixine »

civilized societies with their capitalism and feudalism and consumerism and tight control of big government are hell.I just want natural living.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.
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