What is the logic of "celebrating" a New Year?

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Re: What is the logic of "celebrating" a New Year?

Post by Winston »

My new, new year rant this year:

Btw everyone. I dont get the logic behind "happy new year". Why should anyone be happy just because the calendar date moved up by one digit? I dont see the logic behind that. Its senseless and baseless.

Shouldn't you have a good reason to be happy or more optimistic or cheerful about a new year, such as an event happening that worked to your advantage or benefit? Or a reason to be more optimistic about the upcoming year?

Why would i be happy that everyone is one year older? Especially if we are trying get younger? What if i didnt have a good year? What if something happened that f***ed up my year? Or what if my year went too fast and im not satisfied with it? Shouldn't i say "unhappy new year" or "sad new year"? Why say "happy new year" if its not true? Just because everyone else is? What if everyone jumped off a bridge...?

Yet the new year tradition expects everyone to be happy for no reason. Thats illogical if you think about it. But of course most people dont think about it. They just copy what everyone else does like sheeple herd with a hive mind.

For most people, life is a drudge of boring routine to make a living. Its not dramatic or exciting or violent or like a soap opera. Just a dull routine of work and repeat everyday. Nothing special. So for most people, next year is the same as last year. Same drudgery. Not much different really. Thus for most people there is nothing to celebrate and no dramatic improvement from year to year really. So whats there to be "happy" about? It makes no sense. And as we all know, new year resolutions never come true anyway so whats the point of making them? Shouldn't we all realize that they are a sham by now?

We all know life is not always happy. Its a cycle of ups and downs and boring routines too. So again, this is just another example of America trying to control everything and go against all that is natural. Thats why american culture is 95 percent fake and unnatural and why the most authentic people dislike america and feel like big misfits there, including me.

This reminds me of the book and movie "a brave new world" by aldous huxley where a futuristic government that controls everyone with medication into conformity, actually requires everyone to be always happy for no reason, and makes being unhappy illegal. Lol. In other words, you are always required to be happy for no reason. It makes no sense if you think about it. And is nothing but pure mind control of human cattle.

The question i gotta ask is: What did the American colonies die for then in their war of Independence, if i am not even free to be honest about not being happy about the new year? Where is the freedom in america if i am required to agree with everyone all the time and conform and required to agree with all customs and cultural beliefs in america? Think about it. If i have no right to disagree or not conform then wheres my freedom? What did american veterans die for? Certainly not freedom, since there is no freedom in America and america does not even feel free to anyone anymore, which people today will gladly admit since its become a common cliche now to say that. Lol

Moreover, wheres my freedom to NOT always say that "im doing great" whenever someone asks "how are you" in america - which essentially requires me to LIE about 50 percent of the time in order to conform, because life always moves in up and down cycles, and is not in a permanent up cycle, as we all know. Thus american culture doesnt allow you to be honest. So wheres my freedom or free will?

Likewise, wheres my freedom to say "my weekend sucked" if its the truth, when asked every monday morning in America, "how was your weekend?" We all know that everyone is expected to say "my weekend was great" which we know cannot always be true because everyone cannot possibly have a "great weekend" every weekend, 100 percent of the time. But we all say it anyway to conform due to social pressure. Just like we dont like the taste of beer but we drink it to conform to social pressure because everyone is doing it too. Etc.

Sorry if all these critical questions are a downer to your new year holiday. However by getting you to think critically I'm actually giving you a gift, because most people (especially asian) never have any original thoughts of their own, or even inner dialogue. All they do is copy what everyone else thinks. So in a way, these original thoughts of mine are a special gift for you, even though its filled with taboo unpopular questions. Lol. After all, isnt it more interesting for me to ask you some challenging questions to make you rethink your reality, than to just tell you "happy new year" like everyone else? At least this way i stand out from the crowd and thus have a better chance of having you remember me. Because i stood out and challenged the logic behind a tradition while everyone else just went along with it. Its people like me who change and make history you know. So you should appreciate that, no matter how taboo or politically incorrect my questions may be. Lol
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Re: What is the logic of "celebrating" a New Year?

Post by Winston »

I think i have a logical explanation for the celebration of new year. I think the true purpose for the tradition of celebrating the new year is that it serves as a psychological pep rally. You see life is hard for most people. So they need a period of congratulations and a pat on the pack, and a surge of hope, optimism and strength for the next year.

So new year is like a motivational rally. Kind of like church or a cult seminar or an Amway rally. Since people have a life of drudgery they need a psychological boost from others at least once a year to keep on going. And others help do that by encouraging and congratulating them that they've survived another year and are not dead. So they have something to be thankful about, to make all their hard work worth the effort. Kind of like a "congratulations you've made it" milestone marker. In this way people motivate each other by celebrating with each other, to give each other mutual support and encouragement for a better new year. Even if its false hope and optimism, still its better than nothing and provides a psychological boost for the common masses.

Also if the year was disappointing or unhappy or a failure, then the people need to psychologically feel that they can put it behind them and begin anew. Like getting another fresh start.

Without the new year celebration, people may get depressed and be less motivated. So all this celebration (and other holidays as well) is useful as a psychological tool to motivate the masses and keep them cheerful, even if its with false hope and optimism.

That would be the usefulness and purpose behind celebrating a new year i think, even if theres no logical reason to celebrate it. Its psychological and motivational and emotionally uplifting. So it does serve some purpose, though not a practical one. Lol

Another purpose of course is that holidays, fun events and celebrations help to let off steam and stress so people dont break down or lose it. Just like car engines and train steam engines need a valve or exhaust pipe to let off steam or else the engine will explode. And city parks are built not for profit but for the residents and city workers to relax and let off steam and stress. And chimneys are built to let out smoke from the fireplace too. So people need outlets to let off their steam so they dont explode or collapse from exhaustion. Its just simple engineering and management of resources (and human cattle). Holidays are just one form of such outlets.

What do you think? These i think are the only logical reasons that makes sense.
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Re: What is the logic of "celebrating" a New Year?

Post by Zambales »

I used to enjoy New Year when I was younger getting absolutely hammered , especially in my late teens. As the years passed the event became less pleasurable and more pretentious & cheesy - similar to Christmas after reaching adulthood. I have to agree with Winston's sentiments, it's not an achievement or something worthy of a celebration and I can't bring myself to join others nowadays for an overrated ceremony where people behave like they've won the damn Superbowl.
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Re: What is the logic of "celebrating" a New Year?

Post by Winston »

Mr S has a good point to add to my observations.

Mr S:

"What you wrote about new years I think is mainly correct, it's a nonsense pep rally for the brain washed masses. It doesn't even make sense as to why January would be the beginning of the year, it should be March at the spring equinox. It's probably because of Julius ceasar being number one back in the day."
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Re: What is the logic of "celebrating" a New Year?

Post by momopi »

In ancient times people believed that the beginning, or what happened in the beginning was an omen for things to come. Like if your sandals broke on your way out then it’s an omen that things won’t go well that day. During New Years people greeted each other with happy or prosperous new year in hope of a good beginning that serves as omen for rest of the year.

New year resolutions was some religious activity or obligation, like going to the temple and vow that you would return borrowed items or money from previous year to the rightful owner. So if you borrowed tools from your neighbor, it’s time to return them.

If you set realistic new year resolutions with specific task list and deadline for yourself, you can accomplish them by making them a priority. If your new year resolution is wishful thinking, then that’s on you.

So, we’re now in 2019. What do you want done, or where do you want to be this year?
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Re: What is the logic of "celebrating" a New Year?

Post by Winston »

Happy new year everyone. Heres something mind blowing to share with you all. Did u know that the ritual of celebrating new year and christmas together is actually a ritual archetype thats been around for thousands of years before Jesus? In roman times it was called saturnalia. The ritual involved celebrating death, renewal and rebirth along with sacrificial scapegoat, such as a lamb, animal, or human. When Christianity was institutionalized in Rome, the saturnalia festival then became Christmas and thats why we celebrate it today, with Christ being the scapegoat or sacrificial lamb of course. So its just a modern ritual of an ancient pagan ritual that goes back thousands of years before Christianity. Thus its not unique like christians assume.

Check out this female author named laura knight jadcyzk. Shes very intellectual and also believes we are prisoners in a slave matrix and everything around us is to control us and keep us enslaved and deceived so we can be used as a resource like farm animals and lab rats. The theory is called "tricked by the light" and makes the most sense and fits all the data. Laura mentioned the ritual of renewal and rebirth above in her interviews and books. U can learn a lot from her. Very mind blowing. Like me shes a true freethinker that will go outside the box from the truther or new age community too. So even among counter culture mavericks shes a maverick too, like me.

https://m.youtube.com/results?search_qu ... ht+jadczyk
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