They are going to steal everything we worked for.

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Post by Ghost »

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Post by MrPeabody »

Real Estate is one possible investment but I personally will not buy anything again in the United States. If the US turns into a police state and starts rounding people up then you are stuck. Also, I would never raise children in the US. In the US, your children belong to the government and any number of alphabet soup agencies could take them away from you at a whim if you aren't politically correct. At the very least, there are so many laws that you have to live in constant fear. And if you get a criminal record, it will destroy any hope you have of moving to another country. And the violence of the entitled underclass is already starting and is going to explode (google "knockout game"). Why live under this stress if you can find another country where the government leaves you alone and people are friendly?
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Post by Teal Lantern »

Ghost wrote:One of the better "strategies" is to not worry about making too much money. There's a good chance I will never make more than $30k a year. I will almost certainly never own land or a house. (I don't want these things. They seem to be liabilities more than assets - at least in the West, where I don't want to be tied down to anyway.) I believe in traveling lightly through life, and I still have a lot of improvement to make there.

Precious metals are not inherently valuable in a total collapse scenario, and this is something I have considered for years. What kind of collapse will the U.S. have? Fast or slow? Gradual decline or TSHTF? In a gradual decline, precious metals will have some value for buying and selling. In a total collapse scenario, best have tangible goods. Far better to have a compound and a garden plus lots of guns and ammo in that case. And good luck defending it alone...

The banksters have been stealing from the little people for thousands of years. It's always a process of figuring out new and more broadly sweeping ways of robbing us all blind. Far better to withdraw as much as possible from their game. And remember, like many guys are increasingly doing...if they are going to steal everything you've worked for...why keep working? ;)
Taking the "Enjoy the Decline" path, eh? :wink:
The TradCons will scream that you're "not contributing to society." :D

and this ...
не поглеждай назад. 8)

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Post by HouseMD »

OutWest wrote:
rudder wrote:
HouseMD wrote:
tre wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:Gold is actively manipulated by the Government and another joke investment.
Gold/Silver prices are definitely being manipulated, but they can't manipulate them forever. Precious metals will never be worthless (unlike paper) and prices will go up once everything else fails. Gold/Silver aren't really "Investments" as they don't make profits really. They only prevent LOSING $$ from inflation caused by the constant money printing. The elitists want you to think that Gold/Silver are bad investments and that is why they manipulate the value so much. This is easier to do as long as the Federal Reserve is in operation. Their plan is working and many are selling them off...don't fall for it.
The thing is, if the global economy collapses, gold will be just as worthless as anything else. The claim that it has intrinsic value is completely false- you can't eat it, you can't weaponize it, you can't build with it. People will be starving and desperate. You think I'm going to give you some of my preciously limited food for some damn rock? I might trade my food for bullets or whatever, but the number of people that we have on the planet are unsustainable without a modern economic system. A gold based system will likely never happen- more likely, if everything collapses, there will be a single global currency and gold will only be useful for black market transactions.

This whole thing is ridiculous anyways. I don't even want to get into the fundamental misunderstandings of how the Federal Reserve works. But people have been saying the U.S. economy would collapse since the day we declared independence. It probably won't collapse completely in my lifetime, and if it does, oh well. Look at the ruble, it collapsed, and Russia was fine within a few years. Iceland's economy collapsed and they aren't exactly dying in the streets. Argentina's currency devalued massively, and now they are back. There isn't one case in the modern world of a currency collapse being so devastating as to result in the government confiscating everyone's money and enslaving them. Yeah, World War I was a war that had very much to do with currency devaluation, but that was a war, not the start of martial law, starvation on a grand scale, mass confiscation, and a country that never escaped the iron grip of dictatorship like many conspiricists thing will happen.

And inflation is something that has to happen in a world with a growing number of people. If you have a GDP of 100,000 dollars and 1,000 citizens, you have 100 dollars per capita of income. If your population doubles, and your currency does not inflate, you have 100,000 dollars and 2,000 citizens. Goods will be twice as valuable due to supply and demand, yet currency will be halved. Therefore, you have massive poverty and unemployment due to your per capita income being halved to 50 dollars per capita for your 2,000 citizens, while goods have twice as much demand and have doubled in price, effectively making the PPP of each citizen 25% of what it was when the population was 1,000. Congratulations, this is what happens when you have a fixed dollar based on a gold standard.

Ive seen economic panic-fests my whole life, and none of them ever bore fruit or Armageddon, nor did they for my father, or my grandfather, or my great grandfather. The chances that financial Armageddon will happen in my life are not zero, but they are low. And the chances that such a collapse will happen in the next ten years, even lower. So I'm just going to keep on investing, 20% foreign stocks, 20% foreign real estate, 20% U.S. stocks, 10% U.S. real estate, 20% foreign bonds, 10% U.S. corporate bonds and we'll see who comes out better in the end, my portfolio, food, guns, medical supplies, and ammo (the latter four of which I will hopefully never need), or your piles of shiny bricks.

Can we just chill with the doom p**n and get back to focusing on women and culture? Because seriously, there's been people getting off about the end of days since the beginning of days and all of them have been declared completely bullshit wrong since the beginning of time.
Amen! I couldn't have said it any better my self.

Your definition of inflation is mistaken. Inflation is NOT merely an increase in the money supply as you define it. If the money supply increases equally relative to an increase in population, goods and services, the relative value of the currency will remain the same. Inflation will occur when the supply of money increase relative to the supply or goods and services- more money chasing the a supply of goods and services that has not increased proportionally. Likewise, deflation will occur when the supply of goods and services increases faster than the supply of money- that is fewer dollars chasing available goods and services.

If you were in Russia in 1917 and predicted the end of were pretty close to right.
If you were in Germany in 1933 and predicted were pretty close to right.
The US could become increasingly despotic and there would not likely be bodies in the streets- just live zombies spewing the party line.

The road warrior type apocalyptic scenes are pretty unlikely. Even the most despotic of regimes have tended to keep order better than that. A functioning economy is in the interest
of despots, but they are still despots. Freedom is a temporary condition and has not been
typical through history. Lockean notions of liberty are flukes historically.

Imagining some kind of road warrior existence in the near future is not nearly as much
fun as a hot chick anyway.

Inflation is an extremely complicated but necessary thing- there are so many nuances to it that I really oversimplified things. The gist of my statement is that you need inflation to grow an economy. Some products accelerate in price faster than general inflation due to their supply and demand curves, making your dollars not stretch as far, but this is inflation due to demand rather than structured currency inflation.

I totally agree with your withdrawal strategy though. I'm a big proponent of extreme early retirement and financial independence. There's only two ways to be free in this world- make enough money to live within your means indefinitely without working (buying your way out of the system) or being a hobo (opting out of the system). In ten years or so I'll be able to do #1, but either path beats being a drone till you die.

Here's a great article on the math behind early retirement: ... etirement/
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Post by MrPeabody »

The crony capitalism and theft from savers will continue.

[youtube][/youtube] ... -boss.html

"The Fed now holds a balance sheet overloaded with an astounding $4 trillion. It expands at the rate of around $1 trillion per year. On Saturday, a former Fed official, Andrew Huszar, described the cartel’s asset purchase program as “the greatest backdoor Wall Street bailout of all time.â€￾ It was designed to prop up crippled zombie financial institutions that would otherwise collapse. Sold to an unwitting public as a palliative for Main Street, it is instead a criminal shell game devised by the psychopaths who run the global economy. “QE may have been driving down the wholesale cost for banks to make loans, but Wall Street was pocketing most of the extra cash,â€￾ Huszar writes for the Wall Street Journal."
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Post by SilverEnergy »

Tsar wrote:Real estate can also be confiscated and it's easily confiscated. It's never a true asset, it's more of a quasi-asset because of the tax liabilities. Land is also priced in fiat values and heavily manipulated. Why should shelter be the most expensive thing in a person's life and they must go into debt for it or constantly pay rent? Home prices are high because of easy credit, willingness to take on the debt, and because institutional buyers are trying to become renters to profiteer off socioeconomic inequality. The average home use to be no more than two to three times a person's annual salary and almost no property tax. There was also no zoning laws in the previous centuries and a person could have a small house built.
Real estate has the best tax advantages of any investment.

Your cash flow and the money that you get from equity isn't taxed at all.

As the landlord, you are NOT paying the debt, your tenants are, while you collect a monthly cash flow.

If you refinance your property, you get to put the difference in your pocket.

If you're this worried about real estate, then real estate investing isn't for you.

Only people who are completely passionate about real estate should be investing in it.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

In ancient Greece and Rome when their currencies were failing, gold and silver prices started going up which they always have.

All fiat currencies fail and commodities go up in price like oil, gold and silver.

China has been buying a LOT of commodities because they know what's coming.

Your precious dollars are going to be worthless within a decade.

Putting faith in your dollars is nothing short of insanity.

I posted some videos in the business forum but I'll just post this one right now.

Cash is trash guys, UNLESS it's backed by gold or silver.

Stocks, bonds and mutual funds do as good as the market is doing and they too will crash once the economy crashes.

All fiat currencies around the world will fail because they keep printing more of it every single day.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

What's going on in the world right now.

The United States is printing 85 billion dollars a month and Japan is printing 80 billion dollars a month.

The rest of the world is also printing fiat currency.

As they continue to do this, the prices will keep going up.

The only way to stop the current inflation is to either stop printing fiat currency or to back our fiat currency with gold or silver.

The dollar will go to its true value of zero.

Our fiat currency is debt.

Those of you who are not preparing and continue to save your paper money are going to lose it all.

Fiat currency is NOT money.

Gold and silver are money.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

Ghost wrote:One of the better "strategies" is to not worry about making too much money. There's a good chance I will never make more than $30k a year. I will almost certainly never own land or a house. (I don't want these things. They seem to be liabilities more than assets - at least in the West, where I don't want to be tied down to anyway.) I believe in traveling lightly through life, and I still have a lot of improvement to make there.

Precious metals are not inherently valuable in a total collapse scenario
, and this is something I have considered for years. What kind of collapse will the U.S. have? Fast or slow? Gradual decline or TSHTF? In a gradual decline, precious metals will have some value for buying and selling. In a total collapse scenario, best have tangible goods. Far better to have a compound and a garden plus lots of guns and ammo in that case. And good luck defending it alone...

The banksters have been stealing from the little people for thousands of years. It's always a process of figuring out new and more broadly sweeping ways of robbing us all blind. Far better to withdraw as much as possible from their game. And remember, like many guys are increasingly doing...if they are going to steal everything you've worked for...why keep working? ;)
The collapse is going to happen WORLD WIDE, not just the United States.

Gold and silver was always used as money throughout time and gold and silver will NEVER go to zero.

Gold and silver have been going up in price for decades and will continue to do so.

Just like prices will continue to go up.

Remember how much gas cost 12 years ago and now look at what's happened.

A book of stamps costs more than it did a year ago.

As soon as foreign countries start sending our dollars back, that's when the nightmarish hyperinflation will begin.

You should grow your own food and have a gun but you will still need to buy goods and services at some point.

In ancient Greece and Rome, people used gold and silver for economic relief while their fiat currencies went down the toilet.

Same thing will happen this time.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

zboy1 wrote:Anyone putting their money in low-interest bearing savings accounts, bonds, Treasuires or CDs, is really asking for it!; the rate of return won't even surpass the annual inflation rate, so you're not even breaking even, really...

And, I wouldn't trust putting all my money in the banks either! I'd rather put my money into something like or split it among some off-shore banks. Also, I'd invest half my money in Gold and Silver to hedge against the coming financial armageddon.
Smart man.

What's happening to the stock market is that our toxic U.S. dollars are being pumped into the stock market.

Anyone who tells you to DIVERSIFY in stocks, bonds and mutual funds......RUN as fast as you can!

If real estate is not your thing, that's fine but people should be investing in gold, silver or oil.

It will be a very sad day when 401ks and savings will be totally wiped out and panic hits.

Like Robert Kiyosaki says,"savers are losers".
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Post by SilverEnergy »

Conventional wisdom from the 20th century is DEAD.

People hate change and that's why they continue to do things like they did before.

People say things like,"the pc will last forever!

When it's pretty clear that smartphones and tablets will run the pc into the ground and possibly make laptops obselete.

People hate getting out of their comfort zone that's why people also say things like,"you must save your dollars!" or "diversify in stocks, mutual funds and bonds!"

The old money rules are gone.
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Post by HouseMD »

SilverEnergy wrote:
Ghost wrote:One of the better "strategies" is to not worry about making too much money. There's a good chance I will never make more than $30k a year. I will almost certainly never own land or a house. (I don't want these things. They seem to be liabilities more than assets - at least in the West, where I don't want to be tied down to anyway.) I believe in traveling lightly through life, and I still have a lot of improvement to make there.

Precious metals are not inherently valuable in a total collapse scenario
, and this is something I have considered for years. What kind of collapse will the U.S. have? Fast or slow? Gradual decline or TSHTF? In a gradual decline, precious metals will have some value for buying and selling. In a total collapse scenario, best have tangible goods. Far better to have a compound and a garden plus lots of guns and ammo in that case. And good luck defending it alone...

The banksters have been stealing from the little people for thousands of years. It's always a process of figuring out new and more broadly sweeping ways of robbing us all blind. Far better to withdraw as much as possible from their game. And remember, like many guys are increasingly doing...if they are going to steal everything you've worked for...why keep working? ;)
The collapse is going to happen WORLD WIDE, not just the United States.

Gold and silver was always used as money throughout time and gold and silver will NEVER go to zero.

Gold and silver have been going up in price for decades and will continue to do so.

Just like prices will continue to go up.

Remember how much gas cost 12 years ago and now look at what's happened.

A book of stamps costs more than it did a year ago.

As soon as foreign countries start sending our dollars back, that's when the nightmarish hyperinflation will begin.

You should grow your own food and have a gun but you will still need to buy goods and services at some point.

In ancient Greece and Rome, people used gold and silver for economic relief while their fiat currencies went down the toilet.

Same thing will happen this time.
I think you seriously underestimate the consequences of total financial collapse of the entire world economy. Roughly 3/4 of people will be starving and murderous. They won't want your gold, they'll want food. And if your gold can buy food still, they will kill you for your gold. I would kill you if it meant saving my ass and not even flinch. Back in Rome gold worked because people could still use it as a medium of exchange for what they produced. Almost everyone produced something, so you could have an economy based on gold as an exchange for work expended in the production of goods. In the modern economy, such a scenario doesnt work. 95 out of 100 people either produce nothi g or require basic materials that can only be delivered by an advanced economy to produce something. Those 95 people will be murderous once hunger sets in, and our shiny rocks wont save you or give you any rokm to bargain. To believe otherwise is foolish.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

gsjackson wrote:
HouseMD wrote: And what about my bit on owning property? Being a landlord is the classic way of keeping your head above water, no matter the economy. It's been that way since the Middle Ages.
Depends on when you buy the property, which depends a lot on luck. I bought two rental properties in Tucson in May 2009, when every realtor under the sun was saying that the market had bottomed out and could only go up. I sold one in 2012, the other just recently, at a total loss of $46K, $22K if you figure in the rent I collected and rent foregone by living in one of them for a while. Those who bought 1-7 years earlier got hammered even worse, of course.

But I consider the losses worth it to be rid of the headaches of being a landlord. If you want to learn all about the worst features of human beings, invest in real estate in the U.S.
Selling is the most dangerous thing you can do in real estate in this kind of economy.

Invest for cash flow and you won't need to sell your properties.

Add value and increase the rents, hire a property manager to help you manage the property.

Add enough value that will make people want to live in your property and pay rent.

Refinance it and collect the equity.
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Post by SilverEnergy »

HouseMD wrote:
SilverEnergy wrote:
Ghost wrote:One of the better "strategies" is to not worry about making too much money. There's a good chance I will never make more than $30k a year. I will almost certainly never own land or a house. (I don't want these things. They seem to be liabilities more than assets - at least in the West, where I don't want to be tied down to anyway.) I believe in traveling lightly through life, and I still have a lot of improvement to make there.

Precious metals are not inherently valuable in a total collapse scenario
, and this is something I have considered for years. What kind of collapse will the U.S. have? Fast or slow? Gradual decline or TSHTF? In a gradual decline, precious metals will have some value for buying and selling. In a total collapse scenario, best have tangible goods. Far better to have a compound and a garden plus lots of guns and ammo in that case. And good luck defending it alone...

The banksters have been stealing from the little people for thousands of years. It's always a process of figuring out new and more broadly sweeping ways of robbing us all blind. Far better to withdraw as much as possible from their game. And remember, like many guys are increasingly doing...if they are going to steal everything you've worked for...why keep working? ;)
The collapse is going to happen WORLD WIDE, not just the United States.

Gold and silver was always used as money throughout time and gold and silver will NEVER go to zero.

Gold and silver have been going up in price for decades and will continue to do so.

Just like prices will continue to go up.

Remember how much gas cost 12 years ago and now look at what's happened.

A book of stamps costs more than it did a year ago.

As soon as foreign countries start sending our dollars back, that's when the nightmarish hyperinflation will begin.

You should grow your own food and have a gun but you will still need to buy goods and services at some point.

In ancient Greece and Rome, people used gold and silver for economic relief while their fiat currencies went down the toilet.

Same thing will happen this time.
I think you seriously underestimate the consequences of total financial collapse of the entire world economy. Roughly 3/4 of people will be starving and murderous. They won't want your gold, they'll want food. And if your gold can buy food still, they will kill you for your gold. I would kill you if it meant saving my a** and not even flinch. Back in Rome gold worked because people could still use it as a medium of exchange for what they produced. Almost everyone produced something, so you could have an economy based on gold as an exchange for work expended in the production of goods. In the modern economy, such a scenario doesnt work. 95 out of 100 people either produce nothi g or require basic materials that can only be delivered by an advanced economy to produce something. Those 95 people will be murderous once hunger sets in, and our shiny rocks wont save you or give you any rokm to bargain. To believe otherwise is foolish.
I listen to the financial expert Robert Kiyosaki and he says that he IS stocked with guns but he is still equipped with gold and silver AND food storages.

Goods and services will still be sold in some capacity.

Yes, there will be panic.

You had best believe that Donald Trump and Warren Buffet who are PREPARED won't be starving.

Warren and Trump have bought commodities like gold and silver and so has Robert Kiyosaki.

That's why you buy yourself a gun.

The dollars will not be worth anything period.

I'm still buying my silver and no one's going to stop me from buying silver.

There's no harm in buying gold or silver as a wealth transfer is going to happen.

I'm not putting any faith in my dollars, stocks, mutual funds or bonds but you guys can.

People should indeed stock up on food, water and guns.

But I'm still going to collect silver as you nor anyone else has given me a good enough reason not to continue collecting silver.

But you best believe that I will have my food, water and guns locked and loaded.
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Post by HouseMD »

SilverEnergy wrote:
HouseMD wrote:
SilverEnergy wrote:
Ghost wrote:One of the better "strategies" is to not worry about making too much money. There's a good chance I will never make more than $30k a year. I will almost certainly never own land or a house. (I don't want these things. They seem to be liabilities more than assets - at least in the West, where I don't want to be tied down to anyway.) I believe in traveling lightly through life, and I still have a lot of improvement to make there.

Precious metals are not inherently valuable in a total collapse scenario
, and this is something I have considered for years. What kind of collapse will the U.S. have? Fast or slow? Gradual decline or TSHTF? In a gradual decline, precious metals will have some value for buying and selling. In a total collapse scenario, best have tangible goods. Far better to have a compound and a garden plus lots of guns and ammo in that case. And good luck defending it alone...

The banksters have been stealing from the little people for thousands of years. It's always a process of figuring out new and more broadly sweeping ways of robbing us all blind. Far better to withdraw as much as possible from their game. And remember, like many guys are increasingly doing...if they are going to steal everything you've worked for...why keep working? ;)
The collapse is going to happen WORLD WIDE, not just the United States.

Gold and silver was always used as money throughout time and gold and silver will NEVER go to zero.

Gold and silver have been going up in price for decades and will continue to do so.

Just like prices will continue to go up.

Remember how much gas cost 12 years ago and now look at what's happened.

A book of stamps costs more than it did a year ago.

As soon as foreign countries start sending our dollars back, that's when the nightmarish hyperinflation will begin.

You should grow your own food and have a gun but you will still need to buy goods and services at some point.

In ancient Greece and Rome, people used gold and silver for economic relief while their fiat currencies went down the toilet.

Same thing will happen this time.
I think you seriously underestimate the consequences of total financial collapse of the entire world economy. Roughly 3/4 of people will be starving and murderous. They won't want your gold, they'll want food. And if your gold can buy food still, they will kill you for your gold. I would kill you if it meant saving my a** and not even flinch. Back in Rome gold worked because people could still use it as a medium of exchange for what they produced. Almost everyone produced something, so you could have an economy based on gold as an exchange for work expended in the production of goods. In the modern economy, such a scenario doesnt work. 95 out of 100 people either produce nothi g or require basic materials that can only be delivered by an advanced economy to produce something. Those 95 people will be murderous once hunger sets in, and our shiny rocks wont save you or give you any rokm to bargain. To believe otherwise is foolish.
I listen to the financial expert Robert Kiyosaki and he says that he IS stocked with guns but he is still equipped with gold and silver AND food storages.

Goods and services will still be sold in some capacity.

Yes, there will be panic.

You had best believe that Donald Trump and Warren Buffet who are PREPARED won't be starving.

Warren and Trump have bought commodities like gold and silver and so has Robert Kiyosaki.

That's why you buy yourself a gun.

The dollars will not be worth anything period.

I'm still buying my silver and no one's going to stop me from buying silver.

There's no harm in buying gold or silver as a wealth transfer is going to happen.

I'm not putting any faith in my dollars, stocks, mutual funds or bonds but you guys can.

People should indeed stock up on food, water and guns.

But I'm still going to collect silver as you nor anyone else has given me a good enough reason not to continue collecting silver.

But you best believe that I will have my food, water and guns locked and loaded.
I'm just saying that in the event of financial collapse, precious metals don't make sense. In many other situations they do, but in a total collapse I'm seriously going to shoot the first guy that tries to give ne some of his gold for my food and leave the rocks on his corpse just to send a message of how worthless they really are.

You're better off with 1000 dollars of food than 1000 dollars of silver in such a scenario, I promise you.

But it won't happen because money is about collective belief and even if the system fell apart tomorrow they would promptly replace it with a new one for the foolish public to buy into and life would continue per tge status quo. Without money, the elites have no excuse for their power nor can they enjoy the luxuries they currently possess, so money will not go away anytime soon.
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