Marriage and Having Children = Slavery & Insanity

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Marriage and Having Children = Slavery & Insanity

Post by chileanueva »

Marriage = Why the hell would any rational man get married to just 1 woman? 1 piece of p***y for the rest of your goddamn life till you die. Don't give me that true love and grow old bullshit reasons to me. There are so many women out there. I don't want to waste my time with 1 woman who is going to nag me to death and get fat. f**k that shit. I want to f**k lots of different women from various ethnic backgrounds/locations. You are going to get bored, go into a routine of work/go home to nagging wife/repeat everyday. Where is the spontaneous excitement in that? I want to travel, see the world, and bangs lots of hot foreign chicks in exotic locations. Most men marry because they are lonely, desperate, and fall hard for the first woman that comes along. Men then change into these Mangina boring robots who can't hang out with the guys because he's busy making futons with the wife at home. f**k that.

Having kids = Once you have a kid, your bachelor life is f***ing over. Winston is hilarious to say he doesn't have any responsibility and just throws money to his girlfriend and baby, while he fools around across the globe. Knocking up a broad and that vagina popping out your seed means she'll want child support. Bitches are greedy my friends. You really need to find a really cool and understanding chick, those are rare. If you want to be a good father, then you have to be there for your child and raise him/her properly. Otherwise, an absent father means a f***ed up kid. IF YOU WANT MARRIAGE/KIDS/WORK2DEATH, then fine GOOD LUCK! But if you want freedom to do whatever you want, DON'T DO IT. You will waste your time, sanity, and resources to raise a spoiled brat. It's not worth it. You deserve a life of happiness too.

We, as men, have our own needs and lives. Society can go f**k itself if it expects men to work to death for a wife and kids. You have the autonomy as a separate, individual being to desire things for yourself. If you're living to seek approval of others, then you'll sorely be disappointed later in life.

You'll be kicking yourself in the ass for thinking the wrong way and wasting so much time.

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Post by FREEDOM1 »

hey mate
good post - very passionate - tell us how you really feel ha
im 34 now only 5 yers ago i was still thinking find that one girl paradigm
forever - as this is what you are constantly fed by media and society
now i realise this valentines day, dating ,marriage deal is one big load of shit
i realy think people like us are 1 in 10,000 in our thought process
I dont beleive anything, anyone saids anymore - i do my own research
family is not a bad thing - but you must really want to do it an should only do
it after you have done all the things you want to do
i see how women constantly manipulate men - too me its so obvious now
thats right screw marriage - why would i want to sign a contract which means the state
has a say in finacial affairs - f**k them
my government hates me and wants me to be its slave
i despise all so called authority from the prime minisiter to the parking inspector
bunch of parasitic scum shit eaters
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Post by Winston »

Great points! Society is there to enslave you and control you. Not give you freedom or truth. Why bring a child into this world anyway, when it is a world of slavery and suffering? Once any child comes into this world, (especially the US), he/she is automatically groomed for slavery, and treated like a product on an assembly line. Why bring another innocent soul into such a world and subject it to slavery and suffering? Isn't that a cruel thing to do? Especially when he/she is going to turn into a spoiled brat anyway? Why enslave yourself and give up your life and freedom just for a spoiled brat? It doesn't make sense. People do it because they are programmed to.

People have children and get married to follow tradition and because of social/family pressure, not because they have a logical reason to do so. I've met people who said they were not even in love with their bride, and that they were only getting married because it was their duty and responsibility to get married. Weird. What f***ing zombies they are.

If all we do is follow tradition, then how are we different than animals? Animals follow tradition too, the ones encoded in their DNA to eat, survive, and reproduce. If we have no higher purpose or passion other than to follow tradition, then we suck. Anyone can follow a tradition. It's nothing special. What's the meaning in just being another robot who follows tradition?

You gotta have a reason for living or getting married or especially having children (since it can't be undone) other than "because it's a tradition", which is not a valid reason. That's the stupidest reason in the world to do anything - just because it's a "tradition". f**k tradition.

People are conditioned to think that "slavery = fulfillment" which is the most f***ed up thinking in the world.

In the big picture, it's actually better to be a "bad father" or "absent father" than to give up your life and freedom and become a slave just to raise a spoiled brat. f**k that. I know that's a totally taboo way to think, but it's true. In the animal kingdom, the male parent usually goes off after impregnating the female, rather than stay around forever.

I know nature programs us to care for our offspring by becoming slaves to them. But 20 years is way too long. I don't have time for that. That's ridiculous.

Two lovers can be together, even by oral agreement, without any f***ing marriage. It doesn't make sense to have to invoke marriage.

What's f***ed up is that if you ask an average person "Why do you want marriage and kids?" they will just say because those things are important, but do not know WHY they are important. In other words, they are totally brainwashed and don't know why they want it. This means they are just following their programming/tradition by wanting marriage/family, and not doing it for a logical reason out of rationality.
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Post by Truthville »

Forget it!
Last edited by Truthville on February 8th, 2012, 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"What we are seeing in this headless misandry is a grand display of the Tyranny of the Underdog: "I am a wretchedly longstanding victim;therefore I own no burden of adult accountability, nor need to honor any restraint against my words and actions. In fact, all efforts to restrain me are only further proof of my oppressed condition."

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Post by C.J. »

Back when the zionists didn't have much power, marriage was a sacred ceremony, of the joining of both male and female energies. Each party had a lot to gain - the female would gain masculine power(focus), the male would gain a lover and supporter, as well as the synthesis of human power(the basis of some love songs, the lyric "when we're together, we can do anything!" ring a bell?)

Since it's been corrupted by money/the devil/evil, it is no longer the sacred act it once was. Since there's no formal way to access this, western males and females can't gain the focus and support they were destined to have... hence the lack of actual power/ability from married/divorced expats and domestic citizens alike.
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Post by onezero4u »

society and authority can suck my rebelious ball sack
marriage is a 3 ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring and then suffering.
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Re: Marriage and Having Children = Slavery & Insanity

Post by NorthAmericanguy »

chileanueva wrote:Marriage = Why the hell would any rational man get married to just 1 woman? 1 piece of p***y for the rest of your goddamn life till you die. Don't give me that true love and grow old bullshit reasons to me. There are so many women out there. I don't want to waste my time with 1 woman who is going to nag me to death and get fat. f**k that shit. I want to f**k lots of different women from various ethnic backgrounds/locations. You are going to get bored, go into a routine of work/go home to nagging wife/repeat everyday. Where is the spontaneous excitement in that? I want to travel, see the world, and bangs lots of hot foreign chicks in exotic locations. Most men marry because they are lonely, desperate, and fall hard for the first woman that comes along. Men then change into these Mangina boring robots who can't hang out with the guys because he's busy making futons with the wife at home. f**k that.

Having kids = Once you have a kid, your bachelor life is f***ing over. Winston is hilarious to say he doesn't have any responsibility and just throws money to his girlfriend and baby, while he fools around across the globe. Knocking up a broad and that vagina popping out your seed means she'll want child support. Bitches are greedy my friends. You really need to find a really cool and understanding chick, those are rare. If you want to be a good father, then you have to be there for your child and raise him/her properly. Otherwise, an absent father means a f***ed up kid. IF YOU WANT MARRIAGE/KIDS/WORK2DEATH, then fine GOOD LUCK! But if you want freedom to do whatever you want, DON'T DO IT. You will waste your time, sanity, and resources to raise a spoiled brat. It's not worth it. You deserve a life of happiness too.

We, as men, have our own needs and lives. Society can go f**k itself if it expects men to work to death for a wife and kids. You have the autonomy as a separate, individual being to desire things for yourself. If you're living to seek approval of others, then you'll sorely be disappointed later in life.

You'll be kicking yourself in the ass for thinking the wrong way and wasting so much time.


^^ This needs to be archived immediately. 100% agree chileanueva!

One thing I will say in regards to average men in the past, is that, in the pre internet days the vast majority of men were tricked into marriage and having kids because they were told that the marriage life was going to be the best thing for them.

Those men, unlike us, were not able to compare notes over a vast network of other men and locate rare books on the subject at young ages so they signed up for the scam and later on suffered in silence alone thinking they were the only one that got the bad break not realizing that under all the fake smiles of their neighbors they were going through the same problems.

The only guys that were able to escape in the past were gansters, natural playboys, and rich powerful men like JFK who had a harem of women and did not take any vowels they made to women seriously. So you could say these guys had a level of selfishness that actually PROTECTED them from becoming to close to any one woman which is a very dangerous thing to do these days.
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Post by fschmidt »

It's too bad that the fathers of the posters here didn't think like chileanueva.
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Post by chileanueva »

My parents are doctors. They left me a trust fund. I don't apologize for my inherited wealth. I don't brag about it to others.

I want to do great and inspiring things with my life. I have the resources and motivation to do so.

Yes, I'm a hardcore asshole, but I can apologize for my mistakes. I'm not totally evil, yet...

If my parents didn't want me, they should have never f***ed, or just aborted me. But I'm here now and I thank them for not destroying me.

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Post by Winston »

Well chileanueva, I don't know why you keep calling yourself a "selfish bastard". Doing what's best for yourself doesn't make one a selfish bastard. It's simply a choice or priorities, and if serving your needs and ambitions is your priority, then you go about it as efficiently as possible. It makes sense and is logical. The word "selfish" is just a judgmental word to try to shame people who don't conform to group think and to what society says. It's nothing but a mind control tactic, and has nothing to do with facts or truth.
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Post by Winston »

I'm writing a new essay about this topic. Here is a relevant and important part of it:

Facts and Consequences of Children

Furthermore, you need to understand the facts and reality about what children will actually bring you. You need to look at the real consequences here, rather than the myths, expectations or traditions you were fed about having them. The media brainwashes people by depicting the notion that "being pregnant = good news". But it is not always good news, when you consider the reality of the following:

- Children are detrimental to your peace of mind and health, which are the most important things in life. They give you lots of constant worry and stress, which in turn damages your health. And as we all know, health is priceless and the most important thing in life. Peace of mind is the next most important thing in life. But children are not good for either one.

- Children take away your freedom, enslave you, and tie you down. They destroy and impair your personal freedom for 20+ years. You will be obligated to give up your life and freedom to become enslaved in servitude to the needs of a "spoiled brat". And if you hate or regret it, then tough luck, because once you start, there is no quitting or turning back. Thus, it could turn out to be the worst thing that's ever happened to you! As a parent, you will be "tied down" while you work hard everyday to provide money for a good home for them. Your life will no longer be your own, but indebted into servitude for their welfare. It is also hard and unpleasant to travel when you have kids, whether you bring them along or not. (Think of the Chevy Chase "Vacation" movies where family trips are anything but fun) So if you really love to travel, you might want to consider that.

- Children are a big drain on your resources - in terms of finances, time, energy and emotions. You will not be reimbursed or reap any tangible rewards or benefits from your sacrifice - except for intangible emotional ones. So from a business standpoint, having children is the worst business decision you could ever make, as the relationship is a completely one-sided affair, with them receiving all the benefits while you get sucked up dry. The money you spend raising them from birth to adulthood, would be better spent investing in a business, real estate properties, savings, or mutual fund portfolios so that you can be free to travel the world and live to your heart's desire.

Children can give you love and other intangible emotional benefits. Sure. But is it worth all the above? Think about it. If you love children, can you instead become a teacher, daycare center worker, babysitter, or tutor to them? That way, you can enjoy their presence without being burdened or enslaved to them for 20 years with no way out, which could turn out to be a mistake that you regret. Think about that and consider it.

You need to take all these consequences into account, and not just have kids because everyone else is, or because of family/social pressure, or because of a duty to follow tradition - all of which are the wrong reasons. Don't just buy into the media propaganda that "children are a wonderful thing and being pregnant is good news." The media is there to brainwash you into conformity, not to disseminate truth, knowledge, wisdom or awareness to you for your best interest. (That's what I'm here for :)) So don't listen to their BS. Think for yourself and evaluate the consequences as well as your values, priorities, goals and ambitions.

Consider this: If you succumb to tradition and family pressure, and give up your life, freedom and resources just to raise some "spoiled little brats" so they can grow up and say "thank you mom and dad" before they ride off into the horizon to start their own life, you will have wasted your life, and will be left as a washed up slave with your best years behind you.

Also, ponder this: If every generation lived only to prepare the way for the next generation, and never lived for themselves or for the present moment, then what's the point of life? If you live only for your children, who then grow up and live only for their children, and so forth, then life would be just a neverending sequence where everyone "passed the baton" without end. Any purpose for existence would be defeated. See how silly and pointless that would be?

Finally, in addition to all the above, consider that by bringing children into this world, you are dragging innocent souls into a world of enslavement and suffering. Once born, everyone is a slave to the economic system for their survival and basic needs. They are groomed and molded by the state to become obedient productive citizens and treated as economic resources. Remember, this is a world where greed, conflict and suffering is everywhere, where evil thrives and prospers, power corrupts and "might is right". That's not exactly an ideal world to bring new souls into now, is it? You might want to consider this aspect, especially if you aren't in a position to provide kids with a good nurturing life, or are not a stable secure "settle down and plant roots" type of person.

Bottom line: Consider the above consequences and effects when deciding on whether to marry and have children (one or the other or both). Don't just do it because everyone else is, or because it's a tradition and duty set by your society, or because of pressure and expectations from family and friends - those are all the wrong reasons. And don't buy the media propaganda that tells you that everyone needs to be tied down by marriage and children, and are empty/incomplete without it. That's the classic "slavery = fulfillment" type of mind control that society tries to instill in you.

But the truth is, there are many alternative ways of living that are more effective and sensible that you can find, which the media and society will never tell you about or encourage. But unless you want to remain an automaton, you will have to learn to think for yourself, think outside the box, discover yourself, live true to yourself, and do what's best for you.
Last edited by Winston on February 11th, 2012, 9:00 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

fschmidt wrote:It's too bad that the fathers of the posters here didn't think like chileanueva.
Why? Because we don't want kids and want to live for ourselves? By the way, my father did think like chileanueva (and myself), only AFTER he had me which then caused my mother and myself undue amount of hardship because he abandoned his fatherly responsibilities altogether.

The reality is that we are the product of the times, and this selfish ambition to only live for ourselves has even spread as far as China where young Chinese people are avoiding marriage and not having any kids because there is little benefit in doing so.

If you really want kids, you have the right woman, and you live in a stable healthy society that helps you with the basics, then by all means go for it and from afar I could look at your life and be happy for you.
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Post by Winston »

NorthAmericanguy wrote:
fschmidt wrote:It's too bad that the fathers of the posters here didn't think like chileanueva.
Why? Because we don't want kids and want to live for ourselves? By the way, my father did think like chileanueva (and myself), only AFTER he had me which then caused my mother and myself undue amount of hardship because he abandoned his fatherly responsibilities altogether.

The reality is that we are the product of the times, and this selfish ambition to only live for ourselves has even spread as far as China where young Chinese people are avoiding marriage and not having any kids because there is little benefit in doing so.

If you really want kids, you have the right woman, and you live in a stable healthy society that helps you with the basics, then by all means go for it and from afar I could look at your life and be happy for you.
Where did you get the info that people in China are starting to avoid having kids? Every Chinese person I talked to said that marriage and children are what they live for. It seems that they believe that tradition is something to be followed, not questioned or analyzed. That's a pity. I thought Chinese people were a lot smarter than that, with their average IQ of 110.

I wonder what would happen if we instead said:

(Speaking in a gay ass sarcastic tone) "Oh sure! I'd be glad to give up my life and freedom to become a servant to a spoiled little brat! Why sure! I'd love that! I'm ready to stop being selfish and only thinking about myself and start becoming a giver now who only thinks of others! I want to live for someone else now, especially a spoiled little brat! That's what makes me happy!"

Would we be admired here for saying that? Or would the judgmental find something wrong with that too? lol
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

Winston wrote:
NorthAmericanguy wrote:
fschmidt wrote:It's too bad that the fathers of the posters here didn't think like chileanueva.
Why? Because we don't want kids and want to live for ourselves? By the way, my father did think like chileanueva (and myself), only AFTER he had me which then caused my mother and myself undue amount of hardship because he abandoned his fatherly responsibilities altogether.

The reality is that we are the product of the times, and this selfish ambition to only live for ourselves has even spread as far as China where young Chinese people are avoiding marriage and not having any kids because there is little benefit in doing so.

If you really want kids, you have the right woman, and you live in a stable healthy society that helps you with the basics, then by all means go for it and from afar I could look at your life and be happy for you.
Where did you get the info that people in China are starting to avoid having kids? Every Chinese person I talked to said that marriage and children are what they live for. It seems that they believe that tradition is something to be followed, not questioned or analyzed. That's a pity. I thought Chinese people were a lot smarter than that, with their average IQ of 110.

This is just one example from the things I'm looking at:

"But Yang and Chen have their reasons. They point to uncertainties that have accompanied China's breakneck development, including a string of food safety scandals and a deadly crash on one of the nation's showcase high-speed rail lines. Then there's the soaring cost of living, underscored by the worst inflation in three years and a property bubble that refuses to deflate.

"You don't know what kind of country the kid is going to grow up in," said Chu, who sports a snarky smile above a vintage T-shirt and bright red sneakers. "Only when you have lots of money will everything be all right."

"But Chu and Geng show why it may not matter. Economic and social pressures are loosening the filial obligations that have long bound Chinese society. The younger generation longs for more personal comfort. Many Chinese wouldn't have larger families even if they were free to do so. Some want no children at all." ... d-20110903

Also Winston, IQ is only ONE way to measure intelligence, and it is only one aspect of intelligence. There is also, for example, common sense which can get you very far in life even if you don't have a high IQ.
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Post by Truthville »

I came up with a new VERB we should add to the lexicon OF Happier Abroad.


Definition:To abandon a person/thing/situation with extreme prejudice.


"Last night I was walking in a bad part of town, and being followed by a group scary Russians, Man did "Angelo" out of there!


"Last night my girlfriend went into labor, and was screaming for me to be with here in the delivery room, Man, I did a Angelo!"


"I was talking with this deluded Asian guy, and the fool kept going on and on about "Freedom" and "Cheap Bar Whores liking him!" I did a "Angelo" on that situation!
"What we are seeing in this headless misandry is a grand display of the Tyranny of the Underdog: "I am a wretchedly longstanding victim;therefore I own no burden of adult accountability, nor need to honor any restraint against my words and actions. In fact, all efforts to restrain me are only further proof of my oppressed condition."

"It is the most perfect trump-card against accountable living ever devised."
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