11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

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11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by Winston »

11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men - Sad truths that we men prefer to deny

In response to VampireVlad's long diatribe in another thread about how all women are fundamentally whores who are incapable of emotional sincerity and real love toward a man, at least not the kind that we men give them, here:


I see a lot of truth in his assertions, even if they are extreme and absolute. We men prefer to believe that women are beautiful caring creatures that love us as much as we love them. That's what we want to believe. But the patterns in the behaviors and actions of women seem to indicate otherwise, which support what he says. Let me list some disturbing examples that I'm sure you've all seen before. These are not absolute of course, since there are always exceptions, but they are observable patterns in most women.

1. Women do not love men the same way that men love women. No way. They reserve at least half of their emotions and love for their baby. And the only reason they need men is for support and resources because they need a provider. This is why when a couple breaks up, the man has a lot harder time getting over it, whereas a woman gets over it very easily and moves on. Their emotions for a man are not as deep as a man's emotions for a woman. Also, women change their feelings for a man more easily and quickly too. It's as though they can switch their feelings on and off like a light switch.

2. Men and women do not need sex equally. Even though Western women will stupidly argue that "women need sex just as much as men do" that is total bullshit, which is obvious because firstly, you do NOT see women suffering or going crazy from lack of sex the way that men do. Lack of sex doesn't make women depressed or deflated the way it does to men. You do not see women go on shooting sprees from loneliness -- like George Soudini or Elliot Rogers did. Also, on dating sites, you will often see this statement on women profiles, "If you are just looking for sex, don't contact me". However, you NEVER see that statement on a man's profile on a dating site. NEVER. This means that a male's nature is NOT opposed to casual sex, but a woman's nature is. (The only women that do have casual sex without strings attached are usually F-ed up women who are imbalanced and have big issues, or who are super desperate.) Moreover, there are no brothels for women, only for men, because men will pay for sex but women will not and do not need to. Same with porn. Men pay for it but women do not.

What all this means and proves is that women definitely do NOT need sex as much as men do and do not suffer from lack of it the way that men do. That's for sure. So they cannot really relate to men's sexual needs.

3. If you give women power, money and economic empowerment, many will decide that they no longer need men, or they will become super picky, neither of which is good for men. Equal power seems to cause women to not need love, romance and sex. This indicates that they never truly needed love and romance from men in the first place. In contrast, no matter how rich and powerful a man gets, he still needs women for love, romance, sex, and companionship. He still desires women. Having more wealth means that he is able to at least "purchase" more female company. There is no way that money can replace a man's need for women, female companionship or sex. No way. You aren't going to see a man decide that he doesn't need women anymore just because he has money. But you will see women not need men anymore as soon as they have money, a good job, and economic empowerment. That's a HUGE difference between men and women.

That's why historically, women were not given the same rights, benefits and power that men have, otherwise they would not need men and the tribe would go extinct from lack of reproduction and families. So women had to be kept dependent on men for support and resources. They had to be kept in need of a provider. Otherwise, men and women would NOT need each other equally. This was the wisdom of tradition. For some reason, liberals and modern people don't understand this simple logic and fact. They prefer to think that this fundamental difference doesn't exist. In many ways, people were wiser in the past than today. Modern people do not realize that traditions existed for very good, wise and logical reasons.

4. If you look at photos that girls take with other girls, you will see that they look HAPPIER, FREER, MORE WILD and MORE COMFORTABLE in their photos with other girls, than in their photos with guys. This includes their own boyfriend (unless of course they are really in love with their boyfriend). Girls look their best when with other females for some reason, or when they are alone posing in front of a mirror for a selfie photo. The pattern is obvious. Typically a girl's poses in photos are more wild and crazy when with other girls, but more stiff and rigid when in photos with guys. This means that deep down, girls ENJOY hanging out with other girls more than they do with guys. This is especially true with females in Asia, I've noticed. In contrast, guys look happier in photos with girls than they do in photos with other guys. Anyone can see this if they look at photos in general. It's a total mismatch. So again, this indicates that guys like girls A LOT MORE than girls like guys. It's the sad reality.

5. Women seem to care more about what's popular and trendy then about truth, principle and what's right. They have no inner principles that they stand for or fight for. All they care about is what's POPULAR and TRENDY. Truth or ethics doesn't matter much to them. They do NOT have a passion for things like logic, rationality or truth. That's why women never use words like "logical" or "rational" in their everyday speech and vocabulary. They do not care about logic or have any passion for truth. Logic does not impress women or get praises from them. Try saying logical things to women and see how it impresses them. It NEVER does! That's why they hate chess and hate Star Trek too. And that's why there are almost no noteworthy female philosophers in history; only a small handful can be found, and none of them are from Asia. In Asia it seems, women are the least philosophical, almost nil, whereas you can find some philosophical women in Europe at least.

Obviously, if you think about it, if someone does not care about logic, rationality and truth, and has no true principles, then they are ripe to be defiled into wickedness. Without a passion for truth or logic, they can become evil and corrupt very easily, because there is simply nothing preventing it.

Since women care the most about what's popular and trendy, advertisers have a super EASY time manipulating women to do what they want, even if it's something immoral that they are usually against. For example, Edward Bernays, the advertising consultant of the elite, was able to manipulate American women into smoking cigarettes against their beliefs in the 1920's, by making smoking in advertising campaigns appear cool, popular and a sign of women's freedom and independence. So you see, all you have to do is make something POPULAR and TRENDY, and many women will buy it and follow it, even if it's immoral or goes against their upbringing. This is especially true in Asia, where women have less individuality than their Western counterparts, and are much more collectivist and acceptance-seeking.

But you can't do that with men though. If a man doesn't smoke, you aren't going to get him to smoke by making it "cool" to smoke in advertising campaigns. This is because men prefer to do what THEY think is RIGHT, rather than what's popular like women do. Women also care a lot more about what other people think than men do. This is because women have no true inner convictions or sense of self. They have to seek validation and praise from others. Thus acceptance from others matters a lot more to women than men. Again, this is especially the case with women in Asia, who are very collectivist and seek to be similar, not different.

Also, women do NOT enjoy talking about comparing differences in people and culture, no matter how true. Instead they seem to prefer to deny them or avoid them. If you try talking about that around them, they like to play devil's advocate and try to find little excuses why such differences don't exist or aren't important, and that only individual differences exist. For some reason, female nature seems to lean toward that view, that only individual differences exist, not nationalistic ones. This is true whether the female is western or foreign. They are definitely bigger on political correctness than men are. This means that truth is NOT very high up on their list.

6. Women seem to LOVE ATTENTION and ADMIRATION more than anything else. They get off on it and get a high off it. It's like a drug to them that intoxicates them. It gives them a power trip and validates them. It's the ultimate validation of their worth. Attention is what they get off on, much more than sex, love or men, that's for sure. You can see this from their ACTIONS and REACTIONS when it comes to getting attention. A girl gets a lot more pleasure and high from being seen at a disco or nightclub, than from sex in the bedroom. In contrast, you won't see a normal guy preferring attention over sex. lol. Girls love attention more than truth obviously. And they are good at getting attention. That's why they get more "likes" on Facebook than men do. But they do not make contributions to society or to fields like science, technology, philosophy, etc. whereas men do. Women don't seek to accomplish things or invent or innovate, whereas men do. There are exceptions of course, this is how it generally is. This propensity of women to love attention and admiration makes them far more inclined to WHORE themselves for it, as VampireVlad said.

7. Women also tend to lie frivolously about little things, more than men do, and have less of a conscience about it. They have more double standards as well. This means that deep down, they don't care about ethics or have a strong moral conscience. They prefer to manipulate others for gain than to tell the truth and be honest. That's a sad fact. It means that their fundamental nature is wicked, not moral or virtuous. They can't help it. Even if women don't realize it, their nature is like that. They don't have a strong sense of conviction or principles deep down.

Women can even lie to themselves rather than face their own wicked corrupt nature. For example, they can marry a rich man and convince themselves that they love him for him, and thus lie to themselves as well. This is what probably happened with the model Anna Nicole Smith, who married a multi-millionaire old man so she could inherit his wealth after he passed on. She always publicly said that she really loved him, which may have been a case of her lying to herself to try to not appear like a gold digger, which she preferred not to face or accept about herself.

Women have more double standards as well. When a woman talks about sensitivity, for example, she does not mean being sensitive to YOUR NEEDS, she means being sensitive to HER NEEDS. That's what sensitivity means to a woman. Its a double standard of course. You are required to be more sensitive to her needs than she is to yours, especially in the western world.

8. Women don't seem to love a man for who he is and for himself only. They seem to love a man if he can be used as a GATEWAY to something she wants. Their love seems conditional. Not always of course, but there is a strong pattern of this. This is why women usually want men who make more money than them, and who are taller and stronger as well. If a woman truly loves a man for himself, she would not require that he be richer, taller and stronger than her. Thus their love is conditional. Her criteria must be met first. There are exceptions of course, as in the case of soulmates perhaps. But without a soulmate connection, this is how it is.

For example, during the era of the Roman Empire, Cleopatra, the displaced queen of Egypt, seduced Julius Caesar so that he could help her get back her throne in Egypt from her siblings. It worked of course. But this is how female nature is. They do not love for the sake of love itself. They love for gain and benefit. In this case, Caesar was a gateway to what she wanted. She may have loved him to some degree of course, since she needed him to protect her status, but her love was motivated by self-interest of course, even if she denies it and lies to herself.

9. Women seem to get far more EXCITED and ENTHUSED about things like comfort, luxury, money, fancy material goods, nice clothes, diamonds, big houses, objects that convey status, etc. than they do about men, love, relationships and even sex. Whereas a man will commonly LOVE a woman much MORE than such material things, and is willing to give his all for her, because he places the woman he loves above them, in contrast a woman does NOT usually love a man more than such things. Men don't excite women the way material luxuries and goods do. There are exceptions of course, but in most cases, that's how it is. Women seem to love material luxury, comfort, attention and popularity, more than men, romance, sex, relationships, and even more than truth or justice. That's why they are so easily corruptable and immature and ripe for turning to wickedness.

10. Women don't seem to mind being corrupted, as long as they benefit. In Asia, both in Philippines and China, I've noticed something very disturbing and appalling. Whenever I've told girls in Asia that in America women are given too much power and choices, and that divorce courts usually award most assets to the woman, so that she can abuse her "rights" and power and take advantage of the system, I've noticed something disturbing. Rather than being appalled or repulsed at such an injustice, most Asian girls are actually EXCITED about it. They tend to reply to me with this: "Wow really? I wish I could live in America then!"

It's like they get off on a society that would give them "all the power and choices", and do not mind the injustice of it or the abuse or the suffering to male victims caused by it. They don't seem to mind that a system that gives women more power than men is a recipe for disaster and leads to large amounts of men having no romantic choices, as well as to the breakdown of families and human extinction. Simply put, most women do not mind being CORRUPTED as long as THEY get all the benefits and power. Truth and justice don't matter to them, as long as they have all the advantages. That's really sickening and AMORAL, with no regard for the consequences and no consideration for men's feelings and suffering.

So as VampireVlad said, women do not fundamentally connect or relate emotionally to men, as we men hope they would. As long as they can get power, benefits and luxuries, they couldn't care less about being fair to men. They simply do not harbor principles of justice and fairness inside them. That's very sad and disturbing, but unfortunately, that's how it seems to be. Perhaps that's why many ancient societies believed that women had to be restrained and controlled -- except for some primitive tribal societies which have been known to practice matriarchy.

11. Women don't seem to relate to men or understand men very well. In general that is. Some women may admire us men, but their mentality and mindset doesn't seem to be on the same page. From talking to women a lot, you get the feeling that they don't truly understand, relate or empathize with you. Even when they are friendly, easygoing and down to earth, they do not seem to truly understand us men and feel what we feel.

For example, when I tell foreign women that the most important issues for me in a particular country are whether there is social connection, open genuine people, a good dating life, and approachable women, they seem to NEVER relate to that. Instead, they seem totally disinterested in those issues. They act like those things don't matter, and the only things that matter in a particular country to them are: material luxury, comfort, clean safe streets, and income opportunities from good jobs, etc. That seems to be their focus, not on social life or dating. So you see, their focus seems very different from us and they do not relate or emphasize with what we need.


So you see, all these patterns and differences between women and men, support a lot of what VampireVlad says about women. It is not all 100 percent of course. There are good women out there (and perhaps VampireVlad has never met them for some reason), so there are always exceptions. Reality does not exist in extremes. But for the most part, his assertions about women are correct. The ACTIONS of women corroborate it, which anyone can observe in their patterns.

Simply put, women do NOT need men for sex, love and romance the way that men do. Women do not love men as deeply as men love them. That's why they get over a breakup much easier than men do. That's why when you give women money, power and economic empowerment, many will decide they no longer need men, but the same is definitely NOT true of men.

That's why historically, women were not given the same rights, benefits and power that men have, otherwise they would not need men and the tribe would go extinct from lack of reproduction and families. So women had to be kept dependent on men for support and resources. They had to be kept in need of a provider. Otherwise, men and women would NOT need each other equally. This was the wisdom of tradition. In many ways, people were wiser in the past than today. Modern people do not realize that traditions existed for very good, wise and logical reasons. That's why Roman Philosophers like Cato the Elder said that if you attempt to make women your equals, they will become your masters.

For some reason, liberals and modern people don't understand this simple logic and fact. They prefer to think that this fundamental difference doesn't exist and that men and women can and ought to be equal in every way, which is impossible because they are fundamentally different. They have different roles in life and are good at different things. For example, you do not see women building houses, large buildings and ships. And you do not see women seeking shorter men or weaker men for partners, but you do see men seeking shorter women and weaker women for partners. Nor do you see men raising infants and toddlers as good as women do. Etc. That's why women and men have always been treated differently, and rightly so, because societies were wiser and more realistic and down-to-earth in the past than today. They were more in tune with reality than today.

Instead, liberals and modern people prefer to deny reality and human nature for some socialistic ideological notion of "equality" which they take to the extreme, demanding that men and women be equal in every single way, which is downright delusional and insane. Yet as many philosophers have noted, "when the world becomes insane, the sane is then seen as the one that's insane".

Moreover, women and girls are treated a lot better than men are, especially when they are young. For example, a young cute girl who is traveling will get offers of help from everyone. She will be offered free accommodation in people's homes, will be given free rides, free meals, and whatever help she needs. Even other girls will help her too, not just guys. But a traveling guy will NOT receive such free help and benefits from everyone, at least not as easily. So how can males and females be equal? Where is the equality in that? Duh.

Additional observations and patterns:

Btw, here are some additional interesting observations I've noticed:

While women in general are not interested in philosophy, the few that I've met who are, are all WHITE females. They are never Asian, at least not the ones in Asia. Also, there are only a small handful of great female philosophers in history, and they are all WHITE as well, such as Hypatia of Ancient Greece, Helena Blavatsky from Russia of the 1800s, and Ayn Rand in modern times of course. But I can think of no great Asian or Chinese females who are great philosophers, neither past nor present. NONE at all. Asian and Chinese women are never interested in things like philosophy for some reason. In general, you can only talk about philosophy with males, not females, as we all know. Also, there are very few female chess champions as you know, and the ones that exist are all from Russia and Ukraine. They are never from America or Asia. Ever notice that too? Thus, the female mind is obviously very different from the male mind. So again, why all this bullshit notion of "equality"?

Now I'm all in favor of women having some rights and protections against those who abuse them and mistreat them. Sure why not? But not this BS notion of "equality" and "special privileges" that feminists want. The notion of "equality" is purely ideological and does NOT exist in nature or even in reality. Thus it makes no logical sense at all, but is unnatural and delusional. Why not just promote the principle of treating others with respect, and making it apply to both men and women? At least that's saner and wiser than pretending that everyone is "equal" in every way or that men and women are equal in every way, which is pure and utter nonsense and ripe for abuse and entitlement hogs. Even people do not like everyone "equally". It's time to stop all the bullshit and delusion in Western society.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by Winston »

Here is ethan_sg's comment on the above points:


"@Winston I agree with most of what you wrote in the article. One point though: in a state of nature, women don't have to be "kept in need of a provider" - this need doesn't need to be created. It comes about naturally for 2 reasons. 1) Women are too physically weak to protect themselves from other men. 2) Women are not physically equipped to hunt, kill animals and obtain food the way men are. At the same time, men need women for sex and companionship.

These are natural physical laws created by nature to balance the power between the genders and keep men and women in mutual need of each other, thus creating a naturally symbiotic and complementary relationship. However in the modern world, both technology and the state are increasingly fulfilling the role of protector and provider (technology and machines allow women to provide for themselves by no longer requiring or valuing physically intensive labor plus the state uses men in the form of the military and policemen to protect women).

This destroys that natural symbiosis and practically removes men from that implicit social contract. Many men may therefore argue that modern society is a raw deal for them and that they have little incentive to abide by the status quo in modern society and that it is now a one sided social contract skewed completely towards women."
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Winston wrote:11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men - Sad truths that we men prefer to deny
This sad be true, especially in FEMINIST/MISANDRIC/GYNOENTRIC America and Western countries (Canada, Australia, W. Europe, Japan, Korea etc.). Winston I have heard a lot about this female nature in the MGTOW/MRA youtube.com videos/podcast by Sandman, JDTV, Tom Leykis, Paul Elam, etc. Plus Winston, most women do CRAVE ATTENTION which is why they seem to always post pictures of themselves on Instagram, Facebook, or taking selfies. I believe that women's temptation to go towards evil goes straight back to the Garden of Eden when Satan (in the form of a serpent) had gotten Eve to eat (who later tempted Adam) from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which God had forbid them from doing. Also, some women use the man's desire (or "thirst") for sex to CONTROL them!! Thus which is why you have the "Manginas", "Uncle Tims", White Knights, Captian-Save-A-Hoes, SIMPS, PUAs, etc. I think that by meeting with women in places like the Philippines, Thailand, Colombia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Ukraine, Russia may be more empathetic and respectful towards men.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by Winston »

My intellectual Venetian Alex explained to me below why women dont love men the way that men love women. What do you think? Isnt this sad but true? Why did God create such an imbalance?

[10/4, 1:07 PM] Alex From Venice: how about having a lot of money? that works for sure
[10/4, 1:08 PM] Alex From Venice: basically all women have a great wish for things
[10/4, 1:08 PM] Alex From Venice: more than men
[10/4, 1:08 PM] Alex From Venice: things and baby
[10/4, 1:09 PM] Alex From Venice: a man which can likely provide them the things they wish to have (all men can make them to have a baby so it's irrelevant) for sure has great appeal
[10/4, 1:12 PM] Alex From Venice: my ex girlfriend is so rooted on having things (that looks same or better than the neighbor has) that she rather get bankrupt and prostitute herself than to wait for a better time to get the thing she wants
[10/4, 1:14 PM] Alex From Venice: of course true love can't be bought with money, but money can make a man to gain a great appeal on virtually any girl
[10/4, 1:14 PM] Alex From Venice: that's simple as that
[10/4, 1:48 PM] Alex From Venice: that's from common observations that everyone can have by themselves
[10/4, 1:51 PM] Alex From Venice: when a man wants something it's likely related to improve his appeal to women. When a woman wants something it's just because she likes it or increase her social status
[10/4, 1:56 PM] Alex From Venice: women are more likely to develop envy towards other women that "have more" than men
[10/4, 1:58 PM] Alex From Venice: men are in competition for having women, women are in competition for having things (better clothes, better jewelry, better home)
[10/4, 1:59 PM] Alex From Venice: all the above isn't related to "true love"
[10/4, 2:00 PM] Alex From Venice: but to how a woman interest is caught by a man
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by Winston »

More from Alex about how men love women but women love "things". What do you think? Is this true of all women or only some?

[12/24, 4:25 PM] Alex From Italy: Because guys likes girls
[12/24, 4:25 PM] Alex From Italy: But girls like things
[12/24, 4:25 PM] Alex From Italy: Remember Winston
[12/24, 4:26 PM] Alex From Italy: Ask a guy what beauty is
[12/24, 4:26 PM] Alex From Italy: He will say a girl
[12/24, 4:26 PM] Alex From Italy: Ask a girl what beauty is she will say shoes

[12/24, 4:29 PM] Winston: Yeah its sad that women are so materialistic. Why did god make them that way?
[12/24, 4:29 PM] Winston: Is god materialistic too?
[12/24, 4:30 PM] Winston: But your wife was not materialistic right?

[12/24, 4:31 PM] Alex From Italy: Girls are materialistic because beauty doesn't belong to men but to women only and things
[12/24, 4:33 PM] Alex From Italy: Guys can appreciate a lot the woman's beauty but have more difficulties to appreciate the beauty of a dress of a curtain
[12/24, 4:33 PM] Alex From Italy: While it's the opposite for girls
[12/24, 4:36 PM] Alex From Italy: God gave the beauty to the woman so that man can enjoy of her beauty and gave man the ability to shape the matter so that he can use it to have care of her woman
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by momopi »

I think people need to understand that there is a difference between "need" and "want".

When women were dependent on men to bring home the bacon, they needed men.

When women can bring home bacon themselves, they don't need men for bacon, but most still want attractive men. As they age their shelf life declines with expectations.


For the guys this is what I tell them. You might marry because of love but people stay married because it's a good deal. If your GF leaves you get a new GF. If your wife divorce you get a new wife. If your ex wife takes your kids, get married and have more kids with your new, younger, and prettier wife. The only people that you cannot replace are your parents, you may not always love your parents but you are obligated to look after their welfare to the last days.

Commenting on Winston's post, I think he needs to check women's chess championship records. Chinese women have dominated the list since 1991. They tend to compete when they are younger and retire after marriage and child birth. When choosing a wife, you should look for women who will prioritize her husband and children over her career.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%2 ... ampionship
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by Cornfed »

momopi wrote:When women can bring home bacon themselves, they don't need men for bacon
You mean when the evil regime steals bacon from men and gives it to females unconditionally, then the females don't need to give men anything in return for the bacon men are providing them. Lets call it like it is.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by MrPeabody »

If you marry a third world woman, she loves her mother followed by her children, if any, and then her immediate family. The husband comes last and is easily replaced based on her whims.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by momopi »

MrPeabody wrote:If you marry a third world woman, she loves her mother followed by her children, if any, and then her immediate family. The husband comes last and is easily replaced based on her whims.
It’s her duty to prioritize her parents, just as it’s your duty to prioritize your parents. You can always get a new spouse but not replace your parents. To my parents I would provide for unconditionally. To my wife, other than a joint household account we do not co-mingle our finances & had prenup signed prior to marriage.

When my father was ill I paid for a live in maid in Taiwan. When my wife complained that she was doing most of the housework we negotiated and hired a Mexican lady to come and clean the house every 2 week, paid from our joint household account.

As I have said earlier you may marry for love but will stay married if you feel like you are getting a good deal. If you feel that the marriage is unfair then you won’t want to stay married.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by OutWest »

Did you marry a "Third World Woman" ? If you marry one with children already, that was your first big mistake. And no, in reality, marriage by American men to "third world" women is less likely to end up in divorce, not less. Of the dozens of men I know married to Filipinas over the last decade or more, very few have divorced their husbands, while within the population at large, I would say it is about 50%. If you are living in the Philippines, exactly how will she replace you? Divorce is not even legal in the Philippines. A woman with kids is not considered marriage material by Filipino men and her prospects are not so bright, except perhaps to find a foreigner dumb enough to take her on.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by MrPeabody »

momopi wrote: As I have said earlier you may marry for love but will stay married if you feel like you are getting a good deal. If you feel that the marriage is unfair then you won’t want to stay married.
Men operate under that dangerous delusion that they are always in control. What will you do when you are critically ill and you need to trust her to make decisions in your interest? Do you know what hospitals are like when there is nobody that has your back? The reality is if she doesn't love you, you have nothing. You might as well get one of those Japanese robot dolls
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by momopi »

MrPeabody wrote:
momopi wrote: As I have said earlier you may marry for love but will stay married if you feel like you are getting a good deal. If you feel that the marriage is unfair then you won’t want to stay married.
Men operate under that dangerous delusion that they are always in control. What will you do when you are critically ill and you need to trust her to make decisions in your interest? Do you know what hospitals are like when there is nobody that has your back? The reality is if she doesn't love you, you have nothing. You might as well get one of those Japanese robot dolls
*** Disclaimer: I am not a qualified attorney and information provided here is not legal advise.

Here in California you can fill out the form below as part of your living will. As I am not a qualified legal professional you should consult with your own attorney.

https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/agwe ... llable.pdf
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by MrPeabody »

Oh that solves it. Now it is safe for an American man to marry a green card shark.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by OutWest »

MrPeabody wrote:Oh that solves it. Now it is safe for an American man to marry a green card shark.

It is true. Some men have so little wisdom, and as a man, so shallow a spirit and personality, that whether at home or abroad, they will only attract users. Such men are devoid of anything to offer except some money if they have any, so of course, only users will find them attractive. Typically, useless Earl Buttcracks, they whimper and whine, when quite predictably, they get hosed. Of course, the decent girls steer far clear of them.
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Re: 11 Ways Women Are Whores Without Equal Love Toward Men

Post by MrPeabody »

OutWest wrote:
MrPeabody wrote:Oh that solves it. Now it is safe for an American man to marry a green card shark.

It is true. Some men have so little wisdom, and as a man, so shallow a spirit and personality, that whether at home or abroad, they will only attract users. Such men are devoid of anything to offer except some money if they have any, so of course, only users will find them attractive. Typically, useless Earl Buttcracks, they whimper and whine, when quite predictably, they get hosed. Of course, the decent girls steer far clear of them.
Advice from a dumb ass.
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