US culture is making me insane and suicidal

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US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by bafw43 »

I can't take it anymore. The loneliness, isolation, ever expanding control freak tyrannical government, tattoos, reality TV, consumerism, and the abysmal dating scene. If you dare question American exceptionalism you will be branded a loser, because after all, America is the greatest and if you can't make it here it's your own damn fault. That is how we are brainwashed. We are taught to blame ourselves and never question the sick paradigm that is our culture. I've been falling into that trap a lot lately. It's pretty easy to do in an insane asylum like southern California. My biggest problem is money, or lack thereof. Here in the states your character is judged by the size of your wallet. Of course, that is even more true in some countries, like China. Women only care about $$$$ and don't care how you earn it, only that you have it. That is a huge byproduct of our consumerist, narcissistic culture. People who make a lot of money honestly or not are lionized here. Money is god and buying shit we don't need is our patriotic duty. I feel like I am getting squeezed to death by high taxes, Obamacare premiums, cost of living, and other expenses. I am treading water at best. The foreign owned and controlled Fed Reserve is responsible for a lot of this. Unfortunately most dumbed down Americans don't know or care about the criminality of that organization. Being stupid is apparently trendy. Being a slut is a badge of honor. Man hating is taught in schools and through the media. Selfishness and extreme individualism rule and there is no room for things like community. Everything seems upside down here. Maybe it's just me. Perhaps I should start taking antidepressants to anesthetize myself so that I can become a part of the matrix again.

I teach in an intensive English program at a university in the states. I have a masters and several years experience so finding work teaching overseas shouldn't be a problem. My students come from all over the world. Only about two students out of hundreds have ever gone to see a therapist. It's unheard of their countries for the most part. Only one has ever taken antidepressants. The vast majority of them haven't experienced divorce in their families of origin. I'm 43 and have never been married and don't have any kids. That is a huge red flag in this country. People in this country have told me I should have a divorce or two under my belt at my age. We live in a throwaway culture. My dad has been married three times. People change spouses more often than they change their underwear. Our country seems soulless and empty. I'm a cultural recluse and avoid spending time in the mainstream culture. I hate sports. I hate dating women who have pages of expectations and requirements while they themselves are fat and dumpy and bring nothing to the table but their used up gash. Today has been a really bad day. Some days are better than others.

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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Moretorque »

Cheer up, you will find we are real positive around here. There is always a silver lining.

Look at it this way, we are living during the 6th mass extinction because the ape grafted with technology has torn it's ape eco support system up to the point to where it cannot rebound fast enough.

Man is obviously a bust and more than likely is getting the boot shortly, then some time down the road both entities who share this world " He and She " will get what's coming to them when the world is engulfed by a Red Giant putting these two a$$holes out of their misery!

FEEL BETTER now ? :D let me know, there is plenty more where that came from....
Last edited by Moretorque on April 17th, 2016, 5:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by fschmidt »

So why don't you teach English abroad?
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Will N. Dowd »

Feel positive about yourself that you are smart enough to see the US for what it really is and not to do all the stupid BS most people do without questioning it. You should also feel happy you are not divorced, paying alimony, and/or child support to some crazy ex and kids you can't see. Your situation could be much, much worse. I would start making plans to exit. Start selling your things, and pick up the thrift reselling hobby that the thrift hunters do in Las Vegas:

It will keep you busy making money and not feeling sorry for yourself.

Start reading more red pill sites like and a

If you went to Canada, Australia, NZ, UK, Ireland, and probably South Africa too, it wouldn't be much different, maybe worse if that's possible.

Millions of guys are in your situation, so why not use craigslist to start a local MGTOW meetup group in your area to meet others that you relate too.

Society won't change for you, the only solution is to change societies.

Listen to Tom Leykis starting tomorrow, it will be best thing you can do to improve your life:
Last edited by Will N. Dowd on April 17th, 2016, 2:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by MrMark1972 »

Hang in there dude...I know how you feel...I'm reminded of that every damn day at the gym,workplace and especially the shopping mall.The only solution is for you to make a travel plan and see other parts of the world to then decide what fits your tastes and desires in life.I'm not practicing what I preach as financial and business obligations have kept me tied up until hopefully later this year when I will jump on a plane and see what's next...I feel that I wasted my twenties and thirties in what I now consider one of the worst places on earth for a single man over 40...I agree with the suggestion that you seriously look into teaching English abroad....Good Luck and hope you feel a bit better knowing that we all share the same POV.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by IraqVet2003 »

bafw43 wrote:I can't take it anymore. The loneliness, isolation, ever expanding control freak tyrannical government, tattoos, reality TV, consumerism, and the abysmal dating scene. If you dare question American exceptionalism you will be branded a loser, because after all, America is the greatest and if you can't make it here it's your own damn fault. That is how we are brainwashed. We are taught to blame ourselves and never question the sick paradigm that is our culture. I've been falling into that trap a lot lately. It's pretty easy to do in an insane asylum like southern California. My biggest problem is money, or lack thereof. Here in the states your character is judged by the size of your wallet. Of course, that is even more true in some countries, like China. Women only care about $$$$ and don't care how you earn it, only that you have it. That is a huge byproduct of our consumerist, narcissistic culture. People who make a lot of money honestly or not are lionized here. Money is god and buying shit we don't need is our patriotic duty. I feel like I am getting squeezed to death by high taxes, Obamacare premiums, cost of living, and other expenses. I am treading water at best. The foreign owned and controlled Fed Reserve is responsible for a lot of this. Unfortunately most dumbed down Americans don't know or care about the criminality of that organization. Being stupid is apparently trendy. Being a slut is a badge of honor. Man hating is taught in schools and through the media. Selfishness and extreme individualism rule and there is no room for things like community. Everything seems upside down here. Maybe it's just me. Perhaps I should start taking antidepressants to anesthetize myself so that I can become a part of the matrix again.

I teach in an intensive English program at a university in the states. I have a masters and several years experience so finding work teaching overseas shouldn't be a problem. My students come from all over the world. Only about two students out of hundreds have ever gone to see a therapist. It's unheard of their countries for the most part. Only one has ever taken antidepressants. The vast majority of them haven't experienced divorce in their families of origin. I'm 43 and have never been married and don't have any kids. That is a huge red flag in this country. People in this country have told me I should have a divorce or two under my belt at my age. We live in a throwaway culture. My dad has been married three times. People change spouses more often than they change their underwear. Our country seems soulless and empty. I'm a cultural recluse and avoid spending time in the mainstream culture. I hate sports. I hate dating women who have pages of expectations and requirements while they themselves are fat and dumpy and bring nothing to the table but their used up gash. Today has been a really bad day. Some days are better than others.
America as a nation is economically, socially, morally, spiritually, politically, and culturally going down the tubes!!! Bafw43 you are 100% right not the only one who thinks this way. Also, I'm 43 yrs. old who has never been married and has no children. Nor do I care for sports either. But no matter how bad you feel at least be grateful that you don't have to pay alimony and/or child support. If you can consider teaching English abroad in order to escape the high cost of living, high taxes, terrible dating/marriage scene, misandry, etc.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by gnosis »


Don't give up. With your background you do have options overseas. Do some research and talk to people.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Will N. Dowd »

On top of listening to Tom Leykis, you should watch reality TV shows that have people stuck in worse situations than yourself. It may be cruel to think that way, but it will make you feel much better about yourself. Most reality shows on MTV are about white trash in the US, but I think "Teen Mom" takes the championship as the worst of all, possibly tied with "Jersey Shore". These Teen Mom girls, their bf's and baby daddies, families, friends and lives in general are an absolute disgrace. They all seem to be treading water in a sea of dumb ass kids with deadbeats, weight gain and loss, domestic violence charges, court appearances, tattoos, fights, breakups, marriage and divorce, debt and dead end jobs. I watch it occasionally to remind myself of the kind of typical stupid mistakes the average person makes and the repercussions from making them. I think you'll feel lucky to be where you are compared to the insanity they and millions of others are stuck in.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Eric »

I totally understand how you feel, dude. I'm waking up again to, how I'm sick of not/hardly never getting laid. I'm a guy in my 20's and they're almost gone. I can't believe it. This country is like the opposite of being able to get laid. It doesn't make sense and pisses me off because you will still hear these guys talk about how they get laid in frats...or the thug type of guys bragging about how they are always fine. I don't understand it. How can a regular guy get laid here, it seems like this country's designed for it not to happen?
Am I crazy for saying this? ...I've been attacked and mocked for saying it before/ called a "loser", etc, the usual insecure attacks mostly funnily by guys who I think don't get laid either.

I can't stand this injustice anymore. I see how you feel. I've adapted to this nonsense for the longest time - I even went to a liberal arts college (because I didn't know any better), and tried to fit in. I saw that it's not helping me. Everything that's there to "help" you hurts you, and what's bad is good, and good is bad. It's inverted. As insane as that is, it's actually true. I told myself it couldn't be true when I realized this, that it was too crazy to consider, but it IS true! It seems ridiculous to most people but it is actually true.
I know that I'm not but I feel like a loser in this country, my country. Just for being a normal, sort of stand-up guy who tries to be decent and is traditional.
What's worse is that we feel alone, lonely/ attacked ...and no crew to hang with. Someone came back and said America looks like a "feminist armpit". I couldn't agree more. I think a lot of us have even gotten to a point where we said, "ok, what the hell", and swallowed the kool-aid because, what else are we supposed to do? I know it sounds horrible but we tried to go with the tide...we saw everyone else doing it...that's the way things were changing, we might've even thought some of these guys were getting laid.

I'm just trying to stay right inside. I'm sick of the media message, I can't let that get to me or affect my head.
There have to be pockets of some normal people out somewhere. I just wish there were more guys I could hang out with where I'd feel normal. You know just normal guy things, go out and chase women; no crazy things, drugs, binge drinking.... etc.
Most of those guy groups you'll find are really insecure themselves, like try to be ultra-masculine and criticize one another. It also seems like none of these guys find and hang out with or support eachother, but are too busy just trying to survive, and don't trust anybody. I don't want to think this way, and I try not to be depressed. But I am really lonely here, I've always pretty much been.
I think you have to just turn away from the Marxist crap and stop trying to tolerate, fit in adapt to it. It just weakens you ultimately in the end. You're gonna spend all that time trying to correct yourself later?
And then you're alone doing all this, you feel weak. Women will just look at you like a weirdo freak because you're trying to make it. It's how I feel - could this suck any harder?
I don't want to feel lonely. I want a group to connect to and feel home with, supportive and to just be a part of. Nobody likes to feel alone. We all like to be a part of somewhere/someplace ...
I just don't know how I'm going to do this. Everyone seems Marxist, apart from that it's just lonely individuals, going their own way.
There's no solidarity anywhere.
You'd think these people would want to come together. What's stopping Americans from coming together?
I don't get this. Mutual competition/ fear of others, hostility, fear of societies judgement of "not being alone"? It sucks.
Why do we listen to this?
I'm asking myself that. .... It can't be that bad. There have to be people that come together sometime.

I don't know, I just know how you feel.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Cornfed »

Eric wrote:How can a regular guy get laid here, it seems like this country's designed for it not to happen?
Of course that is what it is designed for. If intelligent, decent white guys had been able to attract quality females and have children early in life in any numbers over the last few decades, the banksters etc. would have all been swinging from lamp posts years ago.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Katmandu »

USA is almost beyond repair (it can be repaired but that would require something drastic) but you're already ahead of most Americans because you understand why so maybe you could be happy about the fact that you understand it while everybody else just doesn't get it.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

This is a timely thread because the news reports today show that the suicide rate among white, middle aged people is skyrocketing, especially among the women.

I attribute this to whites being the primary demographic that drinks the kool aid about marriage, family, and house buying malarkey. It is to their detriment and when they learn that, they break. ... hites.html
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E Irizarry R&B Singer
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Cornfed wrote:
Eric wrote:How can a regular guy get laid here, it seems like this country's designed for it not to happen?
Of course that is what it is designed for. If intelligent, decent white guys had been able to attract quality females and have children early in life in any numbers over the last few decades, the banksters etc. would have all been swinging from lamp posts years ago.
This is probably the most ingenious thing you have ever stated.
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

Eric wrote:I totally understand how you feel, dude. I'm waking up again to, how I'm sick of not/hardly never getting laid. I'm a guy in my 20's and they're almost gone. I can't believe it. This country is like the opposite of being able to get laid. It doesn't make sense and pisses me off because you will still hear these guys talk about how they get laid in frats...or the thug type of guys bragging about how they are always fine. I don't understand it. How can a regular guy get laid here, it seems like this country's designed for it not to happen?
Am I crazy for saying this? ...I've been attacked and mocked for saying it before/ called a "loser", etc, the usual insecure attacks mostly funnily by guys who I think don't get laid either.

I can't stand this injustice anymore. I see how you feel. I've adapted to this nonsense for the longest time - I even went to a liberal arts college (because I didn't know any better), and tried to fit in. I saw that it's not helping me. Everything that's there to "help" you hurts you, and what's bad is good, and good is bad. It's inverted. As insane as that is, it's actually true. I told myself it couldn't be true when I realized this, that it was too crazy to consider, but it IS true! It seems ridiculous to most people but it is actually true.
I know that I'm not but I feel like a loser in this country, my country. Just for being a normal, sort of stand-up guy who tries to be decent and is traditional.
What's worse is that we feel alone, lonely/ attacked ...and no crew to hang with. Someone came back and said America looks like a "feminist armpit". I couldn't agree more. I think a lot of us have even gotten to a point where we said, "ok, what the hell", and swallowed the kool-aid because, what else are we supposed to do? I know it sounds horrible but we tried to go with the tide...we saw everyone else doing it...that's the way things were changing, we might've even thought some of these guys were getting laid.

I'm just trying to stay right inside. I'm sick of the media message, I can't let that get to me or affect my head.
There have to be pockets of some normal people out somewhere. I just wish there were more guys I could hang out with where I'd feel normal. You know just normal guy things, go out and chase women; no crazy things, drugs, binge drinking.... etc.
Most of those guy groups you'll find are really insecure themselves, like try to be ultra-masculine and criticize one another. It also seems like none of these guys find and hang out with or support eachother, but are too busy just trying to survive, and don't trust anybody. I don't want to think this way, and I try not to be depressed. But I am really lonely here, I've always pretty much been.
I think you have to just turn away from the Marxist crap and stop trying to tolerate, fit in adapt to it. It just weakens you ultimately in the end. You're gonna spend all that time trying to correct yourself later?
And then you're alone doing all this, you feel weak. Women will just look at you like a weirdo freak because you're trying to make it. It's how I feel - could this suck any harder?
I don't want to feel lonely. I want a group to connect to and feel home with, supportive and to just be a part of. Nobody likes to feel alone. We all like to be a part of somewhere/someplace ...
I just don't know how I'm going to do this. Everyone seems Marxist, apart from that it's just lonely individuals, going their own way.
There's no solidarity anywhere.
You'd think these people would want to come together. What's stopping Americans from coming together?
I don't get this. Mutual competition/ fear of others, hostility, fear of societies judgement of "not being alone"? It sucks.
Why do we listen to this?
I'm asking myself that. .... It can't be that bad. There have to be people that come together sometime.

I don't know, I just know how you feel.
Go to China. Expatriate before its.........
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Re: US culture is making me insane and suicidal

Post by Adama »

Find a Bible believing church near you (use google). Then talk to the pastor and the brothers there. They will help you, guaranteed.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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