Why Europe is better for Intellectuals, Freethinkers & Freespirits than America

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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:Rock and Repatriate:

Your comments above were very asinine and IRRELEVANT as well. I told you a thousand times: This has NOTHING to do with my appearance. I never said that I got a lot of attention or adoration in Europe. What I said was:

1. I was happier in Europe because the culture, vibe and people fit my personality and soul better. The collective soul, culture and architecture there is much more RICH and is closer to my ideal type of society. So it matches me better in terms of my personality and soul, which is rich as well.

2. The people there are more down to earth, broad minded, and intellectual, so I connect with them better since we are more alike and on similar wavelengths. There's better synergy there for me. People are more fun and freespirited and do not live to work like Americans and Taiwanese do, so I feel more validated and accepted there. People are also more open to talking to strangers as well. And they are not hollow, empty and materialistic as Taiwanese and Americans are. Nor are they as petty and judgmental.

3. The vibe there feels more positive, fun, open and freespirited, at least compared to the US and Taiwan. That's for sure. Thus it is energy I can feed off of. Food for my soul, in other words. I don't get that in Taiwan or America, that's for sure. In contrast, the US and Taiwan have negative/repressed/paranoid/antisocial/toxic energy that feels like poison to my soul.

4. The cultures in Europe are more interesting, stimulating and attractive to me as well.

5. I feel at home in Europe and a strong sense of familiarity too, as if I have had many past lives there, perhaps in Ancient Rome or the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It's as if I had a long lost history there.

As you can see, NONE of this has anything to do with my appearance or looks. It's obvious to anyone with a basic reading comprehension. The thing is, you two guys love playing devil's advocate and nitpicking rather than accepting truth and reality for what it is.

How is it that I can explain the above to people like El_Caudillo and Falcon JUST ONCE, and they will understand what I mean completely and relate as well. Yet when I explain it to people like Rock or Repatriate 1000 times, they still don't understand and twist what I say to mean something totally different? SO WEIRD! Just because you guys don't have a Euro soul, doesn't mean that others don't. At the very least you guys should be able to understand this intellectually, but you don't for some reason. How odd.
Are you losing your marbles? The comments you are addressing are over 3 years old! Repat is loooooong gone lololo.

If Europe is so fit for you, why have you spent all your time in Taiwan, USA, and Phils? If actions are what counts, I would say Europe falls way down on your list of priorities. Flat earth, moon hoaxes, Murphy Law, JFK, posting threads on fake AFA girls, and hanging out in Chiayi seem to be your true passions lol.

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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Winston »

Rock wrote: Are you losing your marbles? The comments you are addressing are over 3 years old! Repat is loooooong gone lololo.

If Europe is so fit for you, why have you spent all your time in Taiwan, USA, and Phils? If actions are what counts, I would say Europe falls way down on your list of priorities. Flat earth, moon hoaxes, Murphy Law, JFK, posting threads on fake AFA girls, and hanging out in Chiayi seem to be your true passions lol.
I already told you. Some evil dark force tries to keep me ties to Taiwan. Are you deaf? I wrote the above to you because you seem to fail to grasp it. Do you understand it now? Will I ever have to repeat it again? How come I can explain this just ONCE to el_caudillo and he gets it but you can't??????? Why?????

Btw my external hard drive just broke while I transferred my files from my phone's SD card to it so that I can transfer it back to a new SD card. So I can't even use my phone now and my external hard drive can't even be read.l from. This problem took up the whole day yesterday. Im still unable to fix it and recover my crucial files. This NEVER happens. So you see, a routine transfer went wrong in the most improbable way. These hard drives are sturdy and never break. But the evil force in Taiwan can break them. It makes things that never go wrong suddenly go wrong. Thats another proof right there. There's an evil force here for sure.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Winston »

Anyway rock, please answer the question that you dodged. Do you understand the above 4 or 5 points about why I'm happier in Europe? And do you see that it has NOTHING to do with my looks or appearance as you and repatriate FALSELY insinuated? Comprende? Does that compute?

How come other people get it but you don't? You're not dumb or illiterate. So how can this be? Is it because you're too eager to play devil's advocate or you don't want to acknowledge the truth since you have a Taiwanese mindset and not a European one?

Can you logically address these questions full on?

Also why did you falsely claim that I wouldn't like Europe anymore because my appearance isn't as good as before, when the 4 or 5 reasons I listed above had NOTHING to do with my appearance? Thats totally ILLOGICAL! Spock or Data wouldn't have made that mistake, so why would you?!
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Winston wrote:* Updated: November, 2016 *

Good News: Intellectuals, Freethinkers and Freespirits will be Happier in Europe than in America. Here's why.

Here is something interesting that is not usually pointed out. Freethinkers, intellectuals and deep thinkers tend not to like America, because American culture is predicated on a great deal of fakeness, phoniness, hype, lies and illusion, all of which are pet peeves to deep thinkers, who are able to see through these things. They tend to prefer Europe, where the cultures are more conducive to being intellectual, philosophical and genuine, and the people tend to be more authentic, down-to-earth, open-minded, friendly and social. Europeans also tend to prefer substance, not flash, whereas Americans go for the latter.

So the good news for freethinkers and intellectuals is that they will be a lot happier in Europe than in America. They will feel more at home and validated for who they are, and have a far easier time meeting new people, making friends, having fun and getting dates. Here are the reasons why:

1. People in Europe are more open-minded, more curious and more attracted to novelty. Being naturally curious, they have a wider variety of interests and are more broad-minded. Thus they will be on a more compatible wavelength with a freethinker and vibe better with them. This is true of European females too, who are more open-minded, mature and down-to-earth than their American counterparts. They also try to learn from those who are different than them, such as foreigners. So differences garner curiosity from Europeans, whereas in America, differences are seen as a negative thing and divide people. If you are different from others in America, you are shunned and ostracized, and seen as weird. You won't be met with curiosity or fascination. Thus being different can be more of a positive factor in Europe, rather than a negative one like in the US.

2. Europeans are more apt to having deep conversations about life, philosophy, history and culture. Believe it or not, having deep discussions in pubs is normal and common in Europe, whereas in America it would definitely be abnormal and weird to try to have deep/intellectual discussions in a bar or pub. This is even true of young people and young women as well, which act much more mature and down-to-earth than their American counterparts. In general, having meaningful substantive discussions is the norm and common in European societies. So overall, a freethinker will connect better in Europe and feel more at home.

But in America, people are more superficial and prefer talking about something polite and meaningless, like the weather. Talking about something deep and intellectual with mainstream Americans feels awkward and beyond their scope. After all, Americans tend to prefer flash over substance, whereas Europeans prefer the latter.

In fact, even some of America's founding fathers such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were happier in Europe, because they were intellectual geniuses and felt more intellectual stimulation and connection there than in America, which was lacking in those areas. This is evident from their diaries and journals, which PBS biographical documentaries about their lives have noted. So even in the 1700's, America was not the place for intellectual types. Historically, America's immigrants came only to make money and obtain private land, not for social connection or intellectual stimulation.

3. The social atmosphere is more inclusive, friendly and sociable. People do not live in fear and are not paranoid of strangers. They are more comfortable and relaxed about meeting new people. So they will engage you more easily, even if you're alone. Social interaction is much more smooth and natural. Thus one can go out alone and meet people easily, even in casual public settings such as in a park or cafe. You can't do that in the US though, where if you go out alone, you will stay alone, so if you don't have a pre-existing clique, you are screwed and look like a loser.

4. In Europe, people have richer souls, and are more authentic and down-to-earth. So if you are the same way, you will feel "surrounded by real souls". Thus you not feel alienated or isolated, even if you are sitting alone and drinking coffee at a cafe by yourself. That's the beauty of it. You are surrounded by your own kind, so the depressing empty feeling you get in America isn't there anymore. Since people are more genuine and down-to-earth, you don't have to act fake around them, like you feel compelled to do in America.

5. The cultures in Europe are more interesting, stimulating and attractive. So you feel more stimulated and excited in them. European cultures are "food for your soul". They are full of rich history, art, beauty, music, cuisine, creativity, legends, aesthetic beauty, soul, passion, romance, cathedrals, etc. This is reflected in the architecture too, such as in the Old Towns and historic areas, as we all know. A country's architecture reflects its culture and people, so in this case it speaks volumes.

In contrast, US architecture tends to be bland and soulless, especially in the suburbs and strip malls, and designed for efficiency only, not aesthetics. That's because in the US, you are only supposed to care about working and consumerism, not about having a rich soul. That's why the US feels so empty and depressing for those with rich souls, like me. The cookie cutter buildings in the US indirectly tells you that life in the US is all about conformity, efficiency and obeying every little rule without joy, passion, love or freedom.

6. The vibe and energy in Europe feels more fun, open and freespirited. Thus it energizes you and makes you feel good, especially if you are freespirited and fun loving. It's food for your spirit and feels healthy. Hence it's better for your mental health which affects your physical health as well. And it make you want to go out more too. In contrast, the vibe in America feels uptight, negative, paranoid, antisocial, repressed, and stressful. It tries to suck out your soul and deflate you and bring out the worst in you. It makes you feel reclusive like you don't even want to go out because it's pointless to.

Life in the US makes you feel full of angst, tension and stress, like you're about to lose it. So many people go psycho and crazy in America. Even the World Health Organization reports that America has the highest rate of mental illness in the world, and the highest rate of antidepressant use, as well as the highest rate of psychiatric visits. And many immigrants in the US report feeling lonely and stressful, not free or happy at all. So you see, the vibe and energy of a culture is very important and affects your mental and physical health. And Europe provides a refreshing contrast to the US in this regard.

7. Fun activities and cultural events are more frequent and inclusive in Europe. You will have more fun than you ever had in America. There are always cultural events going on around town, even in a small town. And you can always join in, celebrate and party with others, without feeling awkward around strangers. There is a feeling of inclusiveness in such social activities that you could never dream of in America. Trust me, I've experienced it and can personally attest to this. You will truly be amazed. Also, holiday celebrations tend to be stretched out over several days. Even Mother's Day is celebrated for several days with festivities, performances and events, not just one day like in the US.

Note: The above attributes of Europe apply to Russia too. However, I do not mention Russia because although it is a very fun, exciting and dynamic country, it is also more dangerous, has a higher crime rate with muggings and scams, and is more of a hassle to get into because you have to buy a visa to enter the country. But Russia is a very exciting and soulful culture, so if you don't mind braving the risks, I would say go for it. :)
Hey Winston this is a great post!!! I agree with you 100%!!! This is because I find my personality (being a intellectual/deep thinker and artist myself) fits more into a European mindset then an American one.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Falcon »

Yes indeed Winston, I get it just once too. :wink:

Shouldn't Rock get it just once too? I wouldn't expect him to NOT get it.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Eric »

I'm agreeing that its been a long time, and its unfortunately changed as well. I have vague recollections of what you're talking about, but I think its negligible now...the difference.

Its really depressing to think about, because I know what you are talking about.

The biggest thing here is, I feel that I'm surrounded by idiots...its not that people are antisocial, its that I can't stand them, and they have the depth of a sheet of paper, they are shallow and yes...the culture is competitive.

Overall I just don't care anymore, I think going to China put that nail in that coffin for me.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Eric »

I may go join the Peace Corps and do something for a couple years. There is a lot going on, a lot of different cultures and mindsets clashing in our heads, when we feel the ways that we do - we've got to sort them out.

Winston I'm going to be honest with you. In my hopeful maturity...I'm figuring out some things about myself, and mellowing out quite substantially. I really used to read and resonate with the things you said, ways you described them. It was as if you were speaking and reading my mind, of my own feelings I had about Europe, and America. I mean you used to say everything I thought to myself, but in ways I couldn't describe. I feel others felt the same, too.
However, as I'm getting older I realize that it's not what's outside me that has to change, it's what's going on inside. I don't know if that's just me - but I suspect although we came from different backgrounds, something in our past alienated us, and we are seeking to escape that somehow.
Maybe you are just really smart. I think that I'm pretty smart too, and smarter people generally have a harder time in dumbass or predicted cultures like the US, that's true.

But, as I get older I realize that I can calm down and not make impulsive 'feeling' decisions... a lot of how you feel are just feelings, I get the feeling you are pretty impulsive in other areas of life as well. Am I right? Maybe you should dedicate your life to improving who you are, where you are... finding calm, maturation in your areas, etc. Then you can ...work on getting out of America and going back to Europe in the meantime?

It turned out I have a lot of areas of ironing out, for myself while I am still and maybe always here.
*There are so many things in American culture that pull at you from side to side and left to right. It's hard to even get out alive from that, but when you do reach "maturity" and hopefully get out of that storm, and get your head on right (as I'm feeling that I finally maybe have) ...then you have a chance to organize, think and to plan. Not impulsive decisions based on irrationality. You'll find you're happier where you're at, and able to make choices. You don't need to go, you may go. That is up to you but, you're more comfortable where you are. That's my experience at least. You'll have confidence, which I feel is what's lacking in so many people and all men in particular. Maturity is a choice, one chooses to have it, you're always working at it.
It's been a long, painful time for me to get to this point. I hit a point where I stopped blaming, stopped being angry at everything, looked at my own depression and the sources for it, my own irresponsible behavior - I started reading uplifting and coping things that empowered me to change my life, and I stopped reading any depressing things or things that made me feel helpless like a victim. There are no shortage of those, here in America. I also hit a point - and this is important, where I got real with myself and promised myself that I'd face and work on the uncomfortable things, whenever they came up, and make myself a better person. No matter how hard it hurt, or what I'd have to do to do it, that was important and ultimately liberating for me.
I'm 30 years old. I don't blame you for wanting to get out of America, as I still do want to. But, I'm asking you look at yourself and work on yourself where you're at. You'll then be in a better place.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Eric »

You're right about most of the things here in America, there is a lot of bullshit and most of the conspiracy theories are accurate. But I can't focus on that I'll miss my mark. You have to keep going and do what you want.

You have to just keep going. Take life into your own hands it removes alibis and it's responsibility but it gets rid of that anger and it gets you contentedness; look around at your fellow Americans, how many of them are like that? None...almost because everyone has put something outside of themselves. It's a lot of responsibility and work but I assure you, it's worth it.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Winston »

I sent rock these questions on WhatsApp. Do you all agree?

[6/19, 7:17 PM] Winston: Btw rock i dont understand something. How come u try to portray the social scene in Europe as being the same as the US? I would definitely disagree with that strongly. It may not be like russia but it certainly is more down to earth and inclusive and fun and open than the US. Even eurobrat would agree. At least its not toxic. You dont feel like a loser for not being part of the in crowd or cool crowd.
[6/19, 7:19 PM] Winston: Plus when u connect with the environment and surroundings, you dont feel as lonely. Even if youre alone. Thats why u can be out in beautiful nature alone and not feel lonely. But u can be around thousands of strangers in the big city and feel lonely. Especially strangers who are antisocial, paranoid, stressed, angry, etc.
[6/19, 7:19 PM] Winston: Even john muir, the famous naturalist and national park conservationist who founded the Sierra club, said he never felt lonely when being alone in Yosemite national park. And Audrey hepburn the great actress said that too. I feel the same way. And i feel that way in europe too. If i vibe with the culture i dont feel lonely even when im alone. Right?
[6/19, 7:19 PM] Winston: So why arent u a eurofile too, like me and eurobrat are?
[6/19, 7:19 PM] Winston: Btw u claim before that u only want to be in a place where u can get sex or intimacy easily. But i had that in angeles and it is not fulfilling long term even though it is fun. Its also important to vibe and connect with your environment and culture and people around u too right? Do u or i feel like we connect with the culture or people in the Philippines? Think about it. I doubt it.
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: I agree with u. I am a sex addict too. So i came to angeles. But now i realize its a bad place cause i dont connect with the people or culture there. And in fact there is no culture there. Its just all about gimme ur money. Etc.
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: And the people are low IQ and greedy and stupid as f**k. I definitely dont feel the connection you get in Europe. My soul is refined. I like classical music and history and philosophy, which is all a prominent part of European culture.
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: And im an old soul too. Philippines is baby soul collective.
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: The video series soul ages describes Philippines as infant souls that just evolved out of the animal kingdom.
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: Do u ever wake up some days there in manila and wonder to yourself "WTF am i still doing here?!"
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: U agree with me right? That one should be in a place where one feels a connection to the people and culture and environment. Right?
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: Or at least has some chemistry and synergy with it.
[6/19, 7:38 PM] Winston: Rock still claims that getting sex is what matters most. Lol
[6/19, 7:53 PM] Winston: But ageism isnt really an issue in Europe. U can still have fun there and be an older men. There are older men in Europe having fun. If they have some good charisma and looks they can still get younger women. Or they can date other older women. And even if not they can still make friends and have some social life.
[6/19, 7:53 PM] Winston: For me its not age. Its that white women in Europe arent attracted to asian men and especially shorter asian men like me. Especially if they are taller than me. So even if im young they still arent attracted to me.
[6/19, 7:53 PM] Winston: But my soul fits much better in Europe. Thats the thing. Asia is too materialistic and workaholic and money obsessed. Im not like that. So in terms of soul im a fish out of water. Know what i mean?
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Eric »

Much has been said about America's puritanical problem. I wholeheartedly agree with this. I think America's prudeness and puratinism is responsible for probably over 90% of the countries mental illness, social ills and problems, "American stubborn and hard-headed-ness, pride, ignorance....and worst of all; get ready for it

the American puritan "feminism" that we all see and have to deal with as men especially. I think puritanism caused in me, so much mental dysfunction and neurosis. it can't be good for an entire country, and it's not. Like has been said here, it was encountering Europe's liberal and balanced ideas and especially their freedom and fun loving women most of all that opened my eyes up. Overall, it can be said they have more common sense than we have here.
I'm kind of wanting to go back there now. It'd be nice.
The problem with stubborn people is that they'll never admit they're stubborn, hence the problem will usually just go on forever. Until you have some major thing, or forced cultural change which will happen slowly, which we're experiencing now. I don't mean to complain about this country, but there are a lot of unhealthy and conflicting things happening here - one has to look out for one's own sanity and health and well being. It's a great country in many ways, but that's a thing, you have to choose what you want and where you want to go.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Eric »

I can't be certain of it, but think that the cheery/spastic attitude of Puritans comes from having a good, hard work ethic...possibly when nothing of intelligence or nothing more was expected of you than that, hard work and a "good attitude". This was how my father was naturally, and my mother was very, very different. The ironic thing is that my Dad was highly, extremely intelligent, but saw him make some of the most foolish and stupid mistakes, I believe it came from that ideology. My mother was very European and they were so entirely different. She is something of almost 97% East European, came from an "ethnic" home and my father was definitely Lutheran and came from a home where they never smiled and worked hard.
It's amazing they got along at all ; )
Thinking about it, it's very interesting...but if had to choose I would err on the side of what's wise, and what's naturally just more healthy. I'd have to go with my Mother. If I can go back again I would. And do it again; I don't think that dualistic, Puritanical approach works well for life, I've seen it crash and burn throughout my lifetime and cause a lot of inner strife and angst, extremes, not to mention social and otherwise problems for people even though they prize it as 'a high trait', but that's usually how stubbornness is.
I'm not bashing my father; he had a great many skills and was talented and disciplined beyond what I've seen of anybody - but I'm just using wisdom and common sense and that's what makes sense to me...for my life. Not to mention, as had already been mentioned America's prevailing anti-intellectualism is linked to that attitude. It's really a lose lose situation.
I'd wished I'd made some smarter decisions early on, but it's not too late now. But was pushed by my father and our culture a lot in that direction; so not entirely my fault. It was kind of confusing in my home, with these two competing influences. Anyways, erring on the side of wisdom is always right. We know that, inside us something always tells us what's right and what's not so smart.
I'm still 30 and growing..It's all in the mind, if you're conscious and growing and open, that's it and that's all that matters.

Interesting thread and topic.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Adama »

In the USA, everything is a competition, and many people have artificial pride through this competition. So the amount of friends a person has becomes a measure of how worthy the person is IN THEIR OWN EYES, and they give themselves glory because of this. They are better than those people who have few or no friends. This goes for both men and women.

As for the women, many of them have egos that have been inflated to the stratosphere. They are better than men and above men. Men must work to earn the love of women. And anything women do is fair and just.

Now because the women are so prideful, which really means they need to destroy other people to win and therefore declare themselves better than others to themselves, they have made dating and the mating dance into outright war.

You see if you want to win, everything must be turned into a competition, especially an evil one, in which the rules change. And women get to set the rules, and they get to change the rules on a whim. Remember, men must serve women here. Therefore the egos of the cruel women are outrageous.

That's why it becomes a game to them whether they can get the man to jump through hoops. And at the end of running the gauntlet, the man thinks to himself that he is finally going to win the prize. No, there is no prize, and the woman having you run the gauntlet is really your enemy who has set out to destroy you. You running through the gauntlet for an unworthy prize is the proof. When the man gets to the end of that gauntlet, the prideful woman will psychologically murder the man even worse than when she had him "proving himself" by putting him through fire rings hoops.

That's why it is a game. They can't do 50%. That's why a man is cheap if he pays for everything but asks her to pay the tip. That makes him a loser for expecting anything at all.

That's why women PRETEND like they want to pay 50% but if you dare ask them to, they call you a loser. It's all a pretense and a false front, because really, in every situation they have determined that they must prevail against you, and everything is turned into a competition.

That's why they can agree to go out on dates one moment, and instantly change their minds and declare that they were only being friendly and they are only interested in friendship. They reserve the right to change the rules, and even to change reality, by saying that the things which they did were meant to initiate friendship rather than romance. It is not about relationships with many women. It's about the exhibition of power to themselves, so they can worship themselves and delight in their own greatness.

Love is War in North America. It truly is.

Everything that is good about relationships they have turned into an evil. They've inverted everything.

And many of the women themselves completely lack a feminine spirit. Instead they have an androgynous spirit at best, or they have an outright demonic spirit in which they get to rule over you, the man, as a goddess, and you should consider yourself lucky to have one of them in your life. Their very presence should be enough glory for you to bask in, while they do nothing for you, except for, of course, the back biting and slander and all the requirements they have for you in their one sided victory over your soul.

You can see they've shunned and abandoned proper femininity because they view it as subservient, and we all know, they are better than men. So why would a lord or a god do something such as serving someone lesser than her? Femininity is oppressive to these liberated women. Therefore they have cast it away, for POWER AND GLORY to behave as evil gods, and destroy men, who are their adversaries.

So when you're talking to a woman initially, it is not a pleasure or a joy to interact with them. The whole time you're talking to an American women, you're just waiting for the anvil to drop onto your head. You're so busy watching for that anvil that you know is there, because many if not most American women carry that hammer and that anvil with them, to crush you unsuspectingly. All lights were green, and they've led you down the path to a relationship, but at the last moment, when they've led you into the trap and you can't back out easily, and when you're whet with anticipation, that is when they let loose the hammer and the anvil, against your soul. That will leave you wondering, why and what for. But it is because, they have no true desire for love or relationships.

Their true desire is to glorify themselves at your expense. That's why they are attention whores. Me me me. They just want to suck out the glory from you, and leave you with nothing, but really they want to leave you destitute and break your spirit. To them, that is an exhibition of their great beauty, power and glory, to manipulate men.

This is what interacting with American women is all about, for the most part. It's truly sad.

But also, many American men are completely on board with this foolishness and spiritual murder. They too are dead souls who justify the wicked and they will admonish and shun you for not worshiping these poor excuses for women as gods.

I've figured out now, that the core of many American women is not feminine. It is pure evil and outrageous pride. They serve their god, and their god is their EGO. They are their own gods. They don't care one bit for men.

And men worship women so much and have bought into this nonsense, which is why society is like this. Because if the men didn't worship women, and if the men condemned these liberated women, then life would be good here, instead of veiled evil that calls itself normal and good.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Adama »

In Europe, people have richer souls, and are more authentic and down-to-earth.
In other words, there are more people in Europe who are humble and not looking to oppress you psychologically so that they can feel like winners. See, these American women, for the most part, are not down to earth. Many are conceited. They are too important to engage YOU in a conversation. Of course you need a personal introduction from an approved person. You can't make conversation uninvited because you must be vetted, because you're attempting to join an exclusive club when you're talking to a woman. You must be deemed worthy. (Are you starting to see the pride of evil gods?)

And even if you are invited, they reserve the right to pretend as if you were never invited at any moment. In other words, what the goddess has granted, she can also take away. But because there is no fairness or justice with these people, the reason for your ejection will be pure vanity and nonsense. As long as she gets to oppress you and laugh at you, it's good for her. They'll even make up some reasons to socially isolate you, if they can't find reasons. Then she'll tell everyone the reason for your ejection is because you're basically less than human, and all her friends will go along with it and shun you and probably also laugh at you.

But then you'll think to yourself, Surely this can't be ALL AMERICAN WOMEN. But you'll wait and keep trying with American woman, after American woman, after American woman, and you'll slowly come to loathe American women day by day, as you meet woman after woman, who are just looking for reasons to exalt themselves by destroying you with attraction-rejection, insults and bitterness, slander, backbiting and malignity, and other forms of psychological war games which they practice with impunity.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than

Post by Adama »

The vibe and energy in Europe feels more fun, open and freespirited. Thus it energizes you and makes you feel good, especially if you are freespirited and fun loving. It's food for your spirit and feels healthy. Hence it's better for your mental health which affects your physical health as well. And it make you want to go out more too. In contrast, the vibe in America feels uptight, negative, paranoid, antisocial, repressed, and stressful. It tries to suck out your soul and deflate you and bring out the worst in you. It makes you feel reclusive like you don't even want to go out because it's pointless to.
This is true. When you meet a European woman, she decides almost right then and there whether she is interested or not. So for the most part, except for the Americanized ones, she's not going to reject you days or weeks later. Rejection is immediate. They are not searching for attention adulation from men as much for their egos, and they are not so chicken afraid that they must dump you before you get too close.

In other words, they know what the limits are and conform to them. Whereas with American women, there are no rules, and even the most basic and fundamental rules are broken by American women because they refuse to be held to a standard of accountability.

So when you find a European woman who is into you and flirting with you, IT FEELS GOOD, especially because you know, if she were going to dump you, she would dump you within the first five minutes instead of making up stories later on to flake.

(And it must be that American women in their pride are extremely cowardly.)

A European woman will even strike first sometimes. An American woman will rarely speak to a man first, and unless an American woman is acting so that they can gain a supply of attention, usually they are poor at flirting. American women are mainly "too shy" (or perhaps weak and cowardly) to flirt properly. The best you might get from them is the hair flip, but they have no feminine character other than what is rehearsed, for the most part.

Also, the American woman's femininity has been destroyed. So you don't feel like you're really talking to a woman, but more like an androgynous person who is physically attractive on the outside. But there is no feminine spiritual vibe coming from most American women. They completely lack feminine gestures and mannerisms.

And even sometimes the only time you might see an American woman giggle, is when she's laughing at you (taking pleasure in your misfortune, or feeling as if she's better than you). There is no feminine energy with AWs for the most part. It is just a matter of, are you attracted to her or not. But their spirits usually do not give off good energy. Sad. They are neutered.
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Re: Why Europe is better for Intellectuals/Freethinkers than USA

Post by rppearso »

This may sound crazy but do scientists and engineers gather in pubs and the like and discuss mathematics, engineering, etc? Like not superficial level but deep mathematical and engineering topics, design, etc?
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