Problems Overthinking

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Problems Overthinking

Post by Eric »

Does anyone else have problems with overthinking? Especially, like after reading an article about feminism and how it's messed up, etc., last night. I think I feel messed up today, because of it. I can't explain it, but it's like my thinking's horrible. It's all over the place, I feel bad/terrible, and my heads all confused.

Any one else have this issue? There are definitely triggers - but anything provocative/disturbing controversial will do it. I'll have literally days where I'm like that, for the whole day. The problem is, I used to have huge problems with this when I was young(er). I'd overthink so much, I had serious problems. I had medicine, and had them tell me I had a "disorder", something. Anyways, I've stopped taking the medicine(s). It was a lie, anyway - for big business.
I think it's when I try to think too much - about life, and be clever about things, like the Socialist Marxist stuff in our society, and try to make my own rules - it is always a horrible failure. I think & imagine others around me aren't really happy, but just playing roles - maybe some are happier in their roles than others (women), but ultimately all are unhappy because they aren't doing the work to live, and they aren't autonomous but playing a role.
I feel it's easy to keep it simple.
This is the hardest thing for me to do. I always want to make it more clever or complicated. I feel like I'm always searching for answers - trying too hard.
I don't want to miss out, if there's something I'm missing - if something I'm not doing.
I'm really depressed. I'm not experiencing the amount of women I wanted to. I'm ashamed. I wanted to have far more money, than I do at this point. I feel I should get something back for all my efforts, even if they were mostly in my head. I'm honestly very intelligent, just can't make it work.
I hate thinking about something like if I were in a different place - I'd have it all.
I just wish there was an answer - a simple way and a path to live life. Everything I try to do I fall flat on my face.
I've gotten diverted, plenty of times. And the things I've done I've brought it onto myself, sure.
But the thoughts we have determine boundaries for us, or are creating what we see for ourselves.
I feel like even, everything I do just shoots myself in the foot; while people around me effortlessly just glide on by and create and do things, somehow; and they aren't even clever or using their intelligence. It's not fair.
I want things, but the things I want change. What do we even have a mind for? It just f***s us. I'm tired of thinking all of the time, It drives me insane. It is confusing and pointless. Even when I got up from the chair, I caught a reflection in the window and my minds analyzing/comparing. I can't even get up from a f***ing chair.

Maybe it's good I'm moving to China. I feel like, in other parts of the world- I would have more success. I wouldn't have to act so much, and my talents would be appreciated - instead of ignored, minimized like it is here. I'm wasting my time and life here, just wasting away aging on a shelf.
I'm sick of explaining it to people. Only to be told it's my fault for always feeling the way I do. That I should feel good here, that I have to. That if you don't, you're a loser/lazy, it's your fault, etc., etc.
I'm sick of always struggling with the women. Waking up struggling thinking about the Marxist thing, the female thing, feeling unwanted. I'm tired of waking up unhappy, feeling miserable & being broke. I'm tired of walking outside to greet and meet women who couldn't give a shit about me. I'm sick of trying to impress them constantly, and come up empty. I'm sick of judging myself by all different standards - and not knowing which one to hold on to, or changing.
I'm in shape, fit, handsome...still it makes no difference. I could be all these things and it does not matter.
The thoughts in our minds create our lives. Thinking about this feminist stuff just seals our fates because, it creates our misery. Even if it's out there, we can't think it. Maybe, the answer lies in pure, absolute simplicity. Just not trying, not giving a damn. Not trying to do anything, just going out there and letting what happens naturally.
I ironically, know that this will work. Despite all my efforts, they don't do shit. It is a smack in the face - and humbling.
I'm sick of feeling bad, of having low to no self - esteem, having it based on all this shit - around me.
I'm sick of selfish people. I'm sick of my mind changing like the clouds in the sky. I just wish something would stay the same.

I'm sick of being lost.

I really do think too much - anyone have this problem?
What to do about it?

It feels like my brain exploded when I came to America. I've never had this problem anywhere else - but here because you're expected to do everything yourself, it's a lot of pressure/stress - your brain runs wild and you don't know what to do.
You're always thinking, guessing. There's just no place to rest your laurels, feel belonging.
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by The_Adventurer »

YES! It has a seriously negative effect on my work. The worst is controversial articles and information on the web. There's too much of it, and I know that ideally I should leave it alone. I'm not even in America, but I still read shit about what's going on and run it around in my head for hours. Getting pissed off about something that I am not at all connected to.

I also overthink work stuff, like visual styles and marketing. Some call it analysis paralysis. Instead of taking action, putting stuff out there and letting the audience decide, I will ponder the right and best way for days and little gets done. In fact, I'm doing it right now by being on here instead of making something!

I'm out!
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by Eric »

Yeah - like I break things down into their component pieces, and just goes crazy. Even my brother remarked - man...I've never seen anybody get so deep into things, as you do. "You go really, really deep..." like sarcastically he said it, really meaning it as he said it -like he was making fun of me.

I don't know why I do this. I've always done it. It's almost like there's no ballast point inside my brain. There's no lever, I just go all in to things or the opposite. What's this? Is it normal? How can I prevent from getting too deep into things. I admit I like getting into interesting things....but it has it's damaging effects like afterwards, not being able to think clearly or normally; being segmented & tunnel vision, or whatever.

I think these forums and stuff do it to me. I'm not sure. I need to stop looking at porn, and watching these forums.
...they make me think too much. I'm f*cked for the rest of the day. Idk if that doesn't work, I'm screwed. ..
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by Eric »

I'm having problems. I don't know what's wrong with me - but I feel something is. I don't know, sometimes, I feel too deep into things. People have told me I'm intense, I overthink too much - I go on about something in my head for a long time... to a point where most people woould think it's strange or weird. It is just me, so of course it's all I know in my head, my thoughts. This is alarming/upsetting to me, why's it like this? Is there some type of disease or illness/disorder where you are too serious?
I seem to take things to a level that is not normal. I think it is super-penetrating insight; maybe it is, people have also told me I'm very insightful. Anyways, what concerns me is that I seem to have no ballast, no resting point for what is normal. What most people experience. I feel like I just don't go there.I just go down into something and it is like I disjoint from reality, it's so intense. I only go into the one thing - but so fully I understand all of it, it's component parts - I understand everything about that thing; while I am thinking about it.
This is why I mentioned Aspergers, but no one thinks I have it or that it exists. It's like things don't sync up. I have a hard time with what people consider natural or normal. Even with this message I wrote it the first time and it didn't seem or sound right, so I had to edit it to sound "normal", if that makes sense. I sense I have a different way of thinking about the world, that is slightly off from normal, but, I can't understand it...obviously I can't change it. I just work with it like a handicap or something I guess. It's almost like with a lot of gear shifting, manual work - I can be next to nearly normal; that's the best way I can put it. But it's hard work, and doesn't come as naturally as other people seem to. It seems to fit with ocd.
I've always struggled to feel normal and natural as a kid growing up, as a teenager especially. I knew I was 'different', but it wasn't drastic or noticeable enough to mark it or for anyone to notice. My parents obviously thought nothing was wrong with me; just that it made me smart, intelligent or that ...of course it meant I was just a genius, or something..the more problems I had - parents don't want to think anything bad about their kids, they always frame it positively.
I get into lots of problems with my emotions, thoughts becoming too intense or extreme, obsessive thoughts which obviously manifests outside in the real world and then I have problems.
I think the psychology/psychiatric framework was less than useless in dealing with these issues. I find the basic understanding of God, nature creating us all differently with different capacities, strengths and weaknesses seems to fit best - and help me to cope & survive. All of that other bullshit just made it harder to deal with it or it just got in the way, ironically. Painfully, frustratingly, it blew it up and made even more an issue out of it and just made it worst. It was the worst thing I could've done, but it was sort of forced on me at a young age. I think sickly, that had more to do with a business and profiteering/ creating a victim/patient for life ... than in providing any real help. Sad, of course I was lied to even about this... people - they have no shame, some people.
I hate psychiatry and psychology. I needed God.
What can I do about this problem / is this even something I should worry about?

Am I normal?
Sometimes, I feel like an alien outside observing things from an outside perspective. Almost not even human, just completely detached. People have told me I'm really smart, but, I don't feel this helps me. .. I don't want it. It gets in the way of being human, I feel.
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by The_Adventurer »

Aren't you already in China?
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by livefreeordie »

The elite know about and hide the law know as cause and effect. Look at the Think and Grow Rich books for example, or the second matrix film where this powerful law is discussed, it is a universal law that cuts through the confusion, and you can use your powers that created the negative even better with the positive

If you can be conditioned towards thoughts of failure and low self esteem, you can also be confirmed towards thoughts of success and prosperity

Life is often times like being in a ship, and the level of Will we exert over our lives is akin to our position on board, are we captain, it just the cabin boy obligated to do menial tasks and watch others control our destiny?

I think the trouble we have is that much of the conditions of this 'sea' we are navigating called life is full of icebergs under the water, representing our definitions and belief systems regarding who we are (self esteem) and what we can do (or level of power to get what we desire,)

That is why one of most powerful things you can do is take control of your subconscious mind with whatever tools you are drawn to..

For myself it hadms been having two clear goals for 2016,one is a career money goal, the other is a love relationships health goal, and I record the achievement of this goal and play it on repeat while sleeping

You can use the and tools used against us maliciously, and direct your subconscious mind to deliver you the success you desire. I also repeat my think and grow rich style promises one every morning and night, giving me purpose and direction for my life

Of course my over thinking and negative beliefs and weaknesses get in the way such as laziness and analysis paralysis, but I find that focusing on passion and excitement in my life keeps me on a positive momentum track and gets me into action. I think the ultimate power in life is not necessarily being 'perfect' so to speak but having a clear goal, identifying challenges in the way and overcoming then. The irony is so much seems to hinge on our level of thinking and action, so if you over think avoid those sort of stimulus like Alex Jones style content that gets you angry and often feeling helpless. A thinking mind wants stimulus so feed it positive things audio books, YouTube tutorials, hobbies, good books, interesting documentaries and meeting pretty girls even if online

Sounds like you have a great gift in bring able to go deep, a common trait amongst the most successful entrepreneurs and inventors, who often were misunderstood and under appreciated like you maybe feel. Keep in the flow of your passion, and think of these challenges as an exciting puzzle or game that you are tasked with unlocking and advancing. You can also use this ability to very effectively analyse and transform your belief systems, with a dismantling critical approach to your negative beliefs

Ask yourself "what would I have to believe is true in order to experience X" say over thinking for example.... You will flush out many negative or unserving beliefs that you will magically drop, as you realise they are nonsensical and thus automatically disconnected from your unconscious autopilot experiential life experience, as the unconscious pattern now shifts to a consciously transmuted false belief, or a negative belief you know your have and continue to carry

Reread that if you have to as it will make a profound difference to you, and I don't share this information lightly
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by Yohan »

Eric wrote: I hate psychiatry and psychology. I needed God.
What can I do about this problem / is this even something I should worry about?
Neither psychology nor God is a good solution.

It seems you have a lot of time to think and to overthink.

Maybe you should try to help somebody who is worse off than you, this might help.

I have no idea where you are now, but there are always something like orphanages, handicapped people, blind people etc.
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by Eric »

Thank you for the replies. Adventurer - yes, I am in China. livefreeordie, thank you for that response. I really appreciated it. I believe what you say is true for the most part about laws such as cause and effect; that's also why I think they tell us we can have no personal responsibility now and do what we want with, no consequence. This is an obvious lie and it's the biggest one. I hear what you're saying. I've stopped listening to Alex Jones because I've grown tired of it, bored and I know it's unhealthy. I listen to folks like Tsarion every now and then... and it always throws me for a loop afterwards. IT shakes my foundations of who I am, what I know. I've also been reading some old Egyptian proverbs and religious spiritual material. I also feel good reading it, but afterwards it seems to mess me up quite a bit. I don't know why and find it funny by my natural curiosity to try and seek the good, I should feel bad & be punished...which is what it seems like.
It is right about steering the ship and using your control to affect changes. For me, it seems clear to me I need to make a few changes. I think I need to stop watching pornography online; it is clear to me that it is/was really damaging to me.
I come up with new insights everyday.
I don't know why we sin against ourselves or hurt ourselves...but it seems to be a human tendency to do so that we overcome.
Yohan, not everyone is as cut and dry as you.
I don't think the problem stems from being 'bored with too much time on my hands' as you say. That's a lot of times what my parents threw at me when I was younger, it didn't help things.
It's a generic fix- all solution which is good for the parents but doesn't solve what's going on beneath.
I believe the keys are in yourself not in the rest of the world, fix yourself.

Rethinking about this thread, I think I'm quite normal, just some beliefs I've held have been bad/harmful as livefree has mentioned, they do lodge in subconscious and stay there & affect you. The key is in changing or modifying or overcoming them, taking a front seat at the ship... and taking charge of these laws and principles and making your life work for you.
I find much of these can be found in the Bible, if we would only read it and educate and make ourselves wise. I don't understand those who reject God, or the accumulated wisdom of the entire world up to this point. Like, do you think you're going to somehow figure more out than they did - within your short life? I never have ...even though I pretended to for a long time; what a lost life that must be...having nothing but yourself.
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Re: Problems Overthinking

Post by droid »

The_Adventurer wrote:YES! It has a seriously negative effect on my work. The worst is controversial articles and information on the web. There's too much of it, and I know that ideally I should leave it alone. I'm not even in America, but I still read shit about what's going on and run it around in my head for hours. Getting pissed off about something that I am not at all connected to.

I also overthink work stuff, like visual styles and marketing. Some call it analysis paralysis. Instead of taking action, putting stuff out there and letting the audience decide, I will ponder the right and best way for days and little gets done. In fact, I'm doing it right now by being on here instead of making something! I'm out!
Great post TA!! sometimes i get distracted too and drift. It just doesn't help that the internet is just a click away.
Lately I've been actually too lazy to read and post here, like "meh", so that has helped.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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