My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by HouseMD »

Winston wrote:
November 4th, 2020, 8:45 pm
Btw bad news again. Last night i could not sleep at all. The stomachache happened again and lasted 6 hours. I tried every stomach remedy i had. Nothing worked. I couldn't sleep til morning and could not use CPAP.

Im pretty sure the CPAP causes it because when i don't use CPAP my stomach doesnt ache like that. However it doesnt make sense because if i had aerophagia the bloating would stop after i turned off the CPAP after waking up. However the strange part is that when I wake up i feel great and well rested. No stomachache. The stomachache doesnt happen until 6 to 12 hours later. Yesterday it didnt happen until 14 hours later. I thought it wouldnt happen at all and was relieved. But unfortunately it came 14 hrs later.

This makes no sense. Why would a cause and effect be delayed 14 hours like that? Yet im sure there has to be a connection because it only happens after i use CPAP. Also the stomachache is unusual because it doesnt respond to any treatment, not alka seltzer, not pepto bismol, not baking soda, not fiber capsules, not gas x, not the best Japanese stomach powder and tablets. Nothing. And it also happens on an empty stomach too. So its not caused by food.

This is a very mysterious and inconsistent stomach ache. It seems connected to CPAP. However i dont get why a stomach ache would be caused by something 6 to 12 hours prior. Usually something that causes a stomachache causes it right away in minutes. 14 hr delay in cause and effect is unusual.

Today i went to the stomach doctor in the hospital. He couldn't figure it out either. He thinks it might be related to my gallbladder which has some small stones and sludge in it. So he gave me some gas relief pills. He couldn't figure it out either. Because this stomach ache doesnt make sense and is not consistent or normal. Theres no clear cause. He did an ultrasound too but only found little stones and sludge in my gallbladder. Irritable bowel syndrome would happen in the lower part of the stomach, not the upper center part, he said. He doesn't know the cause either. He thinks it might be related to my gallbladder. However it only comes when i use CPAP. So that doesn't hold water.

Im not sure how i can continue CPAP therapy, even though its giving me great quality sleep and making me feel well rested and alert, if the price of it is that i have to suffer a 5 to 6 hour stomach ache everyday which cant be alleviated by any medicine or treatment and persistent and long. That really sucks. When a stomachache goes for 5 or 6 hours it feels like forever. Time slows down too. Feels endless. Can't think or type either. I kept yelling and lecturing my stomach "stop it! Theres no logical reason for u to be hurting! Dick!"

Perhaps the CPAP causes a small imbalance in my stomach which causes a chain reaction of events that doesn't manifest until hours later, or half a day later in my case? Even if that's so, it's still odd and unusual because stomachaches usually happen fast, not after a 12 hour delay.

What do you think @HouseMD?

I have a theory. It's nutty..... but it does make some sense.

My theory is that the universe does not like u to solve problems u are meant to have. So if u solve one problem another comes up to take its place. Because u are not meant to be problem free. Could be karma too. If its your karma to suffer a health problem and u avoid it, it will manifest in another form because u cant escape your karma.

You see, we live in a matrix ruled by a demiurge (look up Gnosticism or the Cathars of France, who were genocided by the Catholic church). The demiurge requires all of us to have our fair share of suffering. Thats why we all have our fair share of suffering. Its the price we pay for existence. Kind of like a tax or rental fee we pay to exist in this universe and be alive. The demiurge and its archons feed and parasite our suffering and pain and negative emotions. Its sustenance for them. (This is mentioned in the Carlos Castenada books too)

Therefore if u get rid of some of your suffering, other kinds of suffering will arise to take its place. Because u arent meant to live without some sort of suffering. A classic example is when a poor person becomes rich, and no longer has money problems, he or she will suddenly have problems in another area, such as health problems, mental problems, family problems, relationship problems, tragedy or terminal illness in his family, etc.

Im sure youve all seen that happen before, either in your life or others. Its a form of Murphy's law or just the universe balancing itself or making sure you dont get more than what u deserve. Or its a tradeoff, in that for every gain u get u gotta give up something as a cost in order preserve the balance. The universe has to balance everything so that it doesnt collapse or blow up.

Anyway i know that sounds kinda woo woo and metaphysical. But if u are a person who believes in a higher power and not an atheist, it does make some sense if u think about it for a while. Its definitely a possibility, especially in cases where things are mysterious and unexplained.

Another theory is that the CPAP causes an imbalance in my internal organs or stomach. But that imbalance doesnt manifest for 6 to 12 hours for some reason. Maybe slow effect.
No clue. Could be swallowing air that ends up causing pain as it passes through your small intestine but the whole thing is weird. I don't like to dig into actual physical complaints like this without a full history and physical as there's about a million causes of stomach pain and some are benign while others are deadly
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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Winston »

New device implanted in your body that works to stop sleep apnea by sending electrical signals to your mouth to stop your tongue from blocking your breathing during sleep. What do you think @Contrarian Expatriate? lol. Would you want something like that implanted in your body? lol

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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Winston »

Who wants an implant in your body that has a battery in it? lol

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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Winston »

How to stop snoring and sleep apnea.

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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Winston »

@Contrarian Expatriate

What's your take on this:

Hi folks,
I have a little problem. Every few days I can't sleep with the CPAP mask on, even though it's comfortable with nasal pillow. Because with the hose attached to my face, I find it hard to toss and turn right and left while in bed, because the hose from the mask seems hard to stretch, it's like a tight rubber band that makes movement feel inhibited and restricted.

As a result, I have to take a break from CPAP once or twice a week, because some nights I feel so tired that I can't tolerate not being able to turn left and right in bed at will. On some nights I can't even fall asleep with the mask on, even if I take a tablet of melatonin. That's a pity, but happens sometimes.

Do any of you have this problem too? If so, how have you dealt with it? What I mean is, after a while, you miss the freedom of being in bed with no mask on so you can turn left or right at will. You know what I mean? Sometimes you miss that freedom of movement too much that you have to take off the mask and just sleep on your side to reduce the OSA.

On ebay I saw some masks where the hose is on TOP of the head gear, right above your head, not right under the nasal pillow like most masks are. Do you think that may be better for movement of your head turning left and right in bed?

Also ebay CPAP masks are cheaper. Do any of you get your masks from there? Is it ok to do so? Is the quality of them ok in your experience, as long as the seller has high ratings? Any experiences with this?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Btw, here's a photo of one of the CPAP masks I saw on ebay that has the hose at the top of your head, which may make turning left and right easier. The only thing is that the hose may get under your ear sometimes when you toss and turn. What do you all think? Is this type of mask better for tossing and turning?

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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Winston »

Sorry if this is a fringe topic, but I hope it's interesting. I was looking at subliminal sound therapy tracks on YouTube and found some for sleep apnea. I was wondering if any of you have ever tried these before. Here are some tracks on YouTube so you can see what I mean: ... leep+apnea ... leep+apnea

The ones with rife frequency at the second link above are supposedly the most effective, since they are based on the work of Dr. Royal Rife, who discovered in the early 1900s that sound and frequency treatment can cure many diseases by targeting the resonant frequency of the disease. He claimed to have cured 19 patients of cancer. Of course the establishment denied all this and smeared him for it, not surprisingly.

Here's a short video about Dr. Royal Rife and his rife frequency therapy discovery:

Here is an index list of all rife frequency tracks available if you wanna check them out on a website about rife frequency treatment.

This is the one for sleep apnea:

Do any of you have any experience with this kind of stuff? Can it really reduce sleep apnea or help in any way? I know that there are probably untapped powers of the mind to heal, which many New Agers and self-help authors like to rave about. Most likely they are exaggerated, since we all know that the self-help and self-improvement industry gurus love to overexaggerate your potential. However, they probably do have some truth in them, otherwise they would not be popular. It cannot be totally valueless as scoffers claim. The truth is usually somewhere in the middle, not at either extreme. I'm sure changing your thoughts and reprogramming your subconscious mind does work to an extent, but not sure about the limitations.

Personally, in the past I've used subliminals with moderate success. They are good for things like depression, anxiety, fear, psychological healing, PTSD and OCD, with regular repeated use of course. But I'm not sure if they would work for sleep apnea. Because that is more of a physiological issue. However, since we know that there is a mind-body connection, who knows. Under the YouTube subliminal tracks above are many positive comments, so there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to support this kind of stuff. But I cannot say which of the comments are real and which are planted of course. The tracks are free, so I don't see why anyone would fake any testimonials.

Keep in mind a few things though before you ridicule any of this stuff:

1. Corporate advertisers use subliminals in their advertising all the time and have been for a long time. If they didn't work, these big corporate advertisers would not use them. They know what they are doing what is effective in the art of persuasion. They are experts at it. So they must work to some extent. Subliminals are all around us in images, sounds, messages, etc. So we are affected by them all the time even if we don't realize it.

2. Just because something is fringe doesn't mean there's no truth to it. Sometimes fringe topics are proven to be true later. For example the man who discovered germs and advised surgeons to wash their hands was ridiculed and put in an insane asylum. It was not until a century later that he was vindicated and science caught up with his discovery.

3. Even if it's mostly placebo, the mind does have potential to heal if there is strong belief attached.

4. Anecdotal evidence is real evidence and used in courts of law, meta-analysis of new drug treatments, employer recommendation letters, etc. So it does have value and should not be dismissed. Besides I'd rather trust honest everyday people than corrupt institutions and corporations that have a monopoly on the medical industry any day.

Hope you keep those things in mind. What do you all think? Any experiences with subliminal sound therapy or rife frequencies?
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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Gali »

Winston did you try the Wim Hoff breathing exercise?
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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Winston »

Gali wrote:
November 1st, 2021, 12:15 am
Winston did you try the Wim Hoff breathing exercise?
No where is it? Which thread?
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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Gali »

Winston wrote:
November 6th, 2021, 9:38 am
Gali wrote:
November 1st, 2021, 12:15 am
Winston did you try the Wim Hoff breathing exercise?
No where is it? Which thread?
It is simple but quite powerful. It is extremely popular.
Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing
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Re: My Loud snoring/Sleep apnea problem - What to do? Do I need a CPAP machine?

Post by Spencer »

Wiseton i have some idea for try

go doc ask he do pulmary function testing for lung

if you have problem mybe he give roid inhaler use every 12 hour

also decongest nose sprayer help for breath all night

it might that inhaler and decongest spray make reductions on yr apnea symptom for relief you

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