Psychiatrists expose the fraud of Psychiatry

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Psychiatrists expose the fraud of Psychiatry

Post by Winston »

Dr. Niall McLaren, an Australian practicing psychiatrist for 22 years, explains what is wrong with the psychiatric profession: That it cannot/will not take criticism, for fear the entire model of biological psychiatry will unravel.
That there is no science to psychiatric diagnoses, no brain based diseases. And that psychiatry only pushes mental disorders
as biological disease in order to convince people to take psychiatric drugs, causing a host of dangerous side effects.

For more psychiatrists/psychologists and doctors who have spoken out against the fraud of psychiatry's biological model of mental disorders
(chemical imbalance, etc) click here: ... fic-tests/

Psychiatrists, Physicians & Psychologists That Debunk Psychiatry as a Science

“There are no objective tests in psychiatry-no X-ray, laboratory, or exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder.�
— Allen Frances, Former DSM-IV Task Force Chairman

“…modern psychiatry has yet to convincingly prove the genetic/biologic cause of any single mental illness…Patients [have] been diagnosed with ‘chemical imbalances’ despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim, and…there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like.�
— Dr. David Kaiser, psychiatrist

“There’s no biological imbalance. When people come to me and they say, ‘I have a biochemical imbalance,’ I say, ‘Show me your lab tests.’ There are no lab tests. So what’s the biochemical imbalance?�
— Dr. Ron Leifer, psychiatrist

“DSM-IV is the fabrication upon which psychiatry seeks acceptance by medicine in general. Insiders know it is more a political than scientific document… DSM-IV has become a bible and a money making bestseller—its major failings notwithstanding.�
— Loren Mosher, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry

“All psychiatrists have in common that when they are caught on camera or on microphone, they cower and admit that there are no such things as chemical imbalances/diseases, or examinations or tests for them. What they do in practice, lying in every instance, abrogating [revoking] the informed consent right of every patient and poisoning them in the name of ‘treatment’ is nothing short of criminal.�
— Dr Fred Baughman Jr., Pediatric Neurologist

“Psychiatry makes unproven claims that depression, bipolar illness, anxiety, alcoholism and a host of other disorders are in fact primarily biologic and probably genetic in origin…This kind of faith in science and progress is staggering, not to mention naïve and perhaps delusional.�
— Dr. David Kaiser, psychiatrist

“In short, the whole business of creating psychiatric categories of ‘disease,’ formalizing them with consensus, and subsequently ascribing diagnostic codes to them, which in turn leads to their use for insurance billing, is nothing but an extended racket furnishing psychiatry a pseudo-scientific aura. The perpetrators are, of course, feeding at the public trough.�
— Dr. Thomas Dorman, internist and member of the
Royal College of Physicians of the UK

“I believe, until the public and psychiatry itself see that DSM labels are not only useless as medical ‘diagnoses’ but also have the potential to do great harm—particularly when they are used as means to deny individual freedoms, or as weapons by psychiatrists acting as hired guns for the legal system.�
— Dr. Sydney Walker III, psychiatrist

“The way things get into the DSM is not based on blood test or brain scan or physical findings. It’s based on descriptions of behavior. And that’s what the whole psychiatry system is.�
— Dr. Colin Ross, psychiatrist

“No biochemical, neurological, or genetic markers have been found for Attention Deficit Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Depression, Schizophrenia, anxiety, compulsive alcohol and drug abuse, overeating, gambling or any other so-called mental illness, disease, or disorder.�
— Bruce Levine, Ph.D., psychologist and
author of Commonsense Rebellion

“Unlike medical diagnoses that convey a probable cause, appropriate treatment and likely prognosis, the disorders listed in DSM-IV [and ICD-10] are terms arrived at through peer consensus.�
— Tana Dineen Ph.D., Canadian psychologist

Intro to Psychiatry: Industry of Death

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Post by MrPeabody »

One big problem is that the medical field has been corrupted by big money pharmacy. If you go to just a regular physician, he will prescribe anti-depressants even though the doctor has no psychiatric training. If a patient even once mentions the word “depression� or that he is sad, the doctor will tell him that he needs antidepressants. If the patient asks why, he will be told, that it is because he has a chemical imbalance. But, if the patient asks what blood test showed this imbalance, the doctor will become angry and change the subject. This is clearly fraud – when an untrained doctor tells people they have a chemical imbalance without even taking a validated blood test which proves this imbalance.
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1000 percent agreement

Post by starkeep »

8) All the psyche industry knows what to do is push drugs for the pill manufacturers. I have never seen anyone cured if anything many have gotten much worse
after taking psyche medication. Many mass shoootings by students that were all on psyche medicine and mothers that have to leave the country after the police take their children for not taking ridilin. I have never seen so many pill pushing commercials in my life as that are on us tv with so many warnings that the warnings ars so much worse then whatever is supposedly wrong with someone. I have never seen any psyche pill commercials in any foreign country.
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Post by NorthAmericanguy »

catameran wrote:One big problem is that the medical field has been corrupted by big money pharmacy. If you go to just a regular physician, he will prescribe anti-depressants even though the doctor has no psychiatric training. If a patient even once mentions the word “depression� or that he is sad, the doctor will tell him that he needs antidepressants. If the patient asks why, he will be told, that it is because he has a chemical imbalance. But, if the patient asks what blood test showed this imbalance, the doctor will become angry and change the subject. This is clearly fraud – when an untrained doctor tells people they have a chemical imbalance without even taking a validated blood test which proves this imbalance.
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Post by wuxi »

If your a man and you suffer from depression its likely due to one of the following medical conditions. Your psychiatrist will not tell you this or test you for these conditions. His goal is to put you on anti-depressants because he gets a commission every time he writes out a prescription for them.

1. Hypothyroidism
2. Low Cortisol(Adrenals)
3. Low Testosterone
4. Sleep Apnea
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Post by Enishi »

I was depressed for awhile until I started writing more, meditating more, and stopped basing my self esteem on the approval of AWs.
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Post by Winston »

Check out what freethinking psychiatrist RD Lang said about mental illness and psychiatry. The last three paragraphs say it all.

http://www.psychologistanywhereanytime. ... d_lang.htm
Lang's view of madness

Lang argued that the strange behavior and seemingly confused speech of people undergoing a psychotic episode were ultimately understandable as an attempt to communicate worries and concerns, often in situations where this was not possible or not permitted. Lang stressed the role of society, and particularly the family, in the development of madness. He argued that individuals can often be put in impossible situations, where they are unable to conform to the conflicting expectations of their peers, leading to a 'lose-lose situation' and immense mental distress for the individuals concerned. (In 1956, Gregory Bateson articulated a related theory of schizophrenia as stemming from Double Bind situations.) Madness was therefore an expression of this distress, and should be valued as a cathartic and transformative experience.

This was in stark contrast to the psychiatric orthodoxy of the time (and is still contrary to the majority opinion of mainstream psychiatry). Psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers had previously pronounced, in his seminal work General Psychopathology, that the content of madness (and particularly of delusions) were 'un-understandable', and therefore were worthy of little consideration except as a sign of some other underlying primary disorder. Lang was revolutionary in valuing the content of psychotic behavior and speech as a valid expression of distress, albeit wrapped in an unusual personal symbolism. According to Lang, if a therapist can better understand his or her patient, the therapist can begin to make sense of the symbolism of the patient's madness, and therefore start addressing the concerns which are the root cause of the distress.

It is notable that Lang never denied the existence of mental illness, but simply viewed it in a radically different light from his contemporaries. For Lang, madness could be a transformative episode whereby the process of undergoing mental distress was compared to a shamanic journey. The traveler could return from the journey with important insights, and may even have become a wiser and more grounded person as a result.

Lang was involved in research linking development of psychosis to family background. Despite supporting evidence, this has been controversial ever since, and the influence of parents who feel 'blamed' for a child's diagnosis of schizophrenia accounts for most of Lang's unpopularity in many circles. It was an inappropriate attribution by commentators who had not grasped the breadth of Lang's view of the nature of pathogenesis in families, as he had maintained throughout his career that parents are equally mystified, and unaware of the disturbed nature of the patterns of communication. Lang's most enduring and practically beneficial contribution to mental health, however, is probably his co-founding and chairmanship in 1964 of the Philadelphia Association and the wider movement of therapeutic communities, adopted in more effective and less confrontational psychiatric settings.

Lang is often regarded as an important figure in the anti-psychiatry movement, along with David Cooper. However, like many of his contemporaries, labeling him as 'anti-psychiatry' is a caricature of his stated views. Lang never denied the value of treating mental distress, but simply wanted to challenge the core values of contemporary psychiatry which considered (and some would say still considers) mental illness as primarily a biological phenomenon of no intrinsic value.

But as Lang was, moreover, a critic of psychiatric diagnosis, he argued that diagnosis of a mental disorder contradicted accepted medical procedure: diagnosis was made on the basis of behavior or conduct, and examination and ancillary tests that traditionally precede diagnosis of viable pathologies like broken bones or pneumonia occurred after (if at all) the diagnosis of mental disorder. Hence, psychiatry was founded on a false epistemology: illness diagnosed by conduct but treated biologically.

The fact that medical doctors had annexed mental disorders did not mean they were practicing medicine; hence, the popular term "medical model of mental illness" is oxymoronic, since, according to Lang, diagnosis of mental illness did not follow the traditional medical model. The notion that biological psychiatry is a real science or a genuine branch of medicine has been challenged by other critics.
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Post by MrPeabody »

Lang was correct. In a family, the person who is diagnosed as mentally ill is usually the most sensitive person who reacts badly to the madness around him. It’s the family members who appear normal who need the most help. There is actually a division of psychology “Family Therapy� that admits this.

This is actually a theme in all major religions, and especially Christianity. Mystics have talked about it for centuries and are way ahead of the psychiatrists.

Here are some quotes from the mystic teacher Vernon Howard.

“Human society is one gigantic lunatic asylum. But the inmates don’t know they are lunatics, which is why they remain lunatics.�

“Society’s lunatic asylum includes people both inside and outside the stone walls of a mental hospital. Those on the inside are simply more obviously out of control. Those on the outside simply better actors.�

“Senseless people always react with the same lies when exposed by sanity. They are never original in their frenzied attacks against Reality. For example, they accuse Truth-tellers of being negative. But it is the lunatics themselves who are negative. Their own shrieking hatred proves it. But with their usual dishonesty they refuse to see this.�

“Few people ever see the full horror of the human condition? Why? Because the lunatics outside the walls have all conspired to call each other sane.�

“You can do much better. You can live as apart from human madness as a mountain cabin is apart from a noisy city.�

-- “Solved: The Mystery of Life� by Vernon Howard
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Post by MrPeabody »

Bruce Levine: The Rebel Yell

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Clinical psychologist Bruce Levine is the author of Common Sense Rebellion and Surviving America’s Depression Epidemic. He regularly deals with “anti-authoritarian� clients who would be diagnosed by the health care authorities as suffering from “oppositional defiant disorder� or ADHD, and helps them to deal with adjusting to their societal, work or school environment without rebelling in a self-destructive manner.

In a psychiatric context, Levine explains how successful political movements like the American Revolution and the more recent populist uprising are historically led by people who have individual self-respect, something very much lacking in today’s society, as well as collective confidence and trust in one another. “When you’re living in a society that breaks people’s self-respect and breaks their bonds of trust with one another, it makes it very difficult to have any kind of democratic revolutionary movement,� remarks Levine.

Levine identifies the process of “learned helplessness� as one of the primary factors that has led to society feeling broken, demoralized, hopeless and defeated. He cites an experiment involving dogs where both groups of animals were subjected to electro-shocks, wherein one group of dogs was able to stop the electro-shocks and the other was not. The dogs not able to stop the shocks moved into passivity and depression, and even when presented with the opportunity to escape did not even try to take it because they had learned helplessness. Levine compares this to national elections, where people vote for either Democrats or Republicans but still end up with the same consequences, or don’t vote whatsoever but still end up with the same consequences. “That’s learned helplessness,� explains Levine, “No matter what you do you’re going to get that same degree of pain.�

Levine compares the apathy and the lack of demonstrations against the 2000 election fraud controversy in the U.S. to similar examples in Mexico in Iran, where millions of people protest even though in doing so they are risking their lives. He identifies debt as a central contributor to people’s apathy and how populations are broken. Unlike previous generations, every young person who leaves education is now saddled with an average of $20,000 of debt, and so are petrified of losing their job or having their benefits taken away, thus are far less likely to go out and protest against the system that holds them in bondage.

Bruce Levine: The Rebel Yell lev4 Bruce Levine: The Rebel Yell lev3 Bruce Levine: The Rebel Yell lev2

Three other major factors that have broken an entire generation of young people are the influence of television, the education system, and the mental health profession. Because kids spend all their spare time watching TV and playing video games, they are losing their interest in reading, points out Levine, the perfect cocktail for an authoritarian regime that needs helpless, dumbed-down victims who will tolerate any amount of intellectual and political disengagement. In turn, by forcing children to read books they are not interested in, schools discourage kids from becoming individual readers and restrict their capacity for critical thinking.

School is an authoritarian pacifier, states Levine, while television also teaches young people that the only way to get entertained is through some authority. Meanwhile, kids who rebel become victims of the mental health industry, an inter-personal police force where the pacifying weapons are medication and drugging. Any form of individualistic behavior is increasingly being characterized as aberrant, warns Levine, as part of the process of suppressing a general rebellion against the status quo, as the list of mental disorders listed by the American Psychiatric Association grows and grows with each re-issue of the DSM Manual, which is the bible for the mental health industry.

Levine explains how prior to 1980, there was no “oppositional defiance disorder� listed in the DSM Manual, and how psychiatric conditions listed in the manual are for the most part added for cultural and political reasons, not for genuine health concerns. As we have documented, the process of identifying those who question authority as mentally ill is rooted in some of the most brutal authoritarian regimes in history. Critics of the state were branded mentally ill and sent to psikhushkas – mental hospitals – in the former Soviet Union.

Speaking on the subject of the most common mental illness – depression – Levine notes how the condition was very rare as recently as 25 years ago, but that since an industry grew up around bombarding people with medication, over-prescription of depression became a very lucrative business, with normal human behavior being medicalized as a form of depression. However, perhaps the major reason for skyrocketing rates of depression is the cultural shift towards social isolation, lack of support and lack of community, with around 25 per cent of Americans now living alone and 25 per cent also saying that they now have no confidants whatsoever in their life whom they can trust and receive empathy from, a figure up from just 10 per cent in 1980. ... -yell.html
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Lies of the Mental Health Industry

Post by Winston »

Check out this awesome rant by TheLogicJunkie where he exposes the lies, myths and fallacies of the mental health industry in America. It's pretty eloquent.

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Post by Winston »

Check out what this former emergency crisis counselor told me about his former occupation:
About my job, I enjoyed it but am a lazy motherf***er and though I worked hard at it (there was no other choice), I relish my life of leisure. Seeing severe mentally ill people and drug/alcohol abusers in crisis is not an easy job, and I saw a lot of things a person probably shouldn't see; but you should also know I share a lot of your skepticism regarding the American mental health system. I certainly cannot attribute all craziness to our f***ed up society, but I was a counselor for over twenty years and have seen a lot of people who were f***ed up because of our society, which is why your site resonates with me quite a bit, among other obvious reasons :). The American psychiatric establishment is part and parcel of the system so it assumes that if a person is unhappy there is always something wrong within the person, either a biochemical imbalance or the person's failure to adapt to our grueling and isolated culture. It is considered normal and laudable to work a soul-crushing job, have few friends and, if you are a man, to go without physical gratification for years, and one is supposed to be happy and upbeat while leading this dissatisfying life.
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Post by baletetree »

I don't think Psychology/Psychiatry is a fraud. There are many legitimate illnesses that cannot be dealt by other experts. For Marital problems as example, you need a counselor. Lawyers will just leech you off. Relatives would just spread rumors. Radio DJs may help (w/c is sometimes done in my country), they're probably right or not, but it's not an expert opinion. Besides, would you like your problems to be heard on air?

But there is always a danger in misdiagnosis in this field. There used to be actors who pretended to be crazy and therapists were unable to tell that they were just play acting. They were sent to a mental institution and funny, the crazy patients knew that the actors were just play-acting.
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Re: Psychiatrists expose the fraud of Psychiatry

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this former therapist explain why psychiatry is a fraud. That's very sad. What he says makes sense and is disturbing. He makes good points.
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