Important Interview on MF Global collapse

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Important Interview on MF Global collapse

Post by MrPeabody »

I have enclosed the link below of an interview with a respected financial analyst, Ann Barnhardt, that will burn your ears off. She talks about Jon Corzine and the recent collapse of the futures firm MF global. Jon Corzine, a former Goldman Sachs employee, has basically stolen billions of dollars, and the government is doing absolutely nothing because he is a large contributor to Obama.

"There is no integrity in the system. And let’s make it simple—it is not just about the government protecting the “too big to fail banks". It is about criminal oligarchs as individuals protecting each other. They don’t give a crap about the customers of JP Morgan or you know, Citi or Goldman or anything. What they care about is each other. The Obama regime is protecting Jon Corzine proper, the individual. Because he is one of them. He is one of these criminal oligarchs. And for your listeners who may not remember, Jon Corzine is a former congressman. But immediately preceding MF Global he was the Governor of New Jersey and he just cork screwed Jersey into the ground. It is Chris Christy who beat Jon Corzine to become the governor of New Jersey. So yes, this Republican, Chris Christy, was elected in New Jersey—uber liberal, blue state New Jersey—because Corzine financially destroyed this state. And again, this guy Corzine is former head of Goldman. He is not stupid. You have to stop thinking that these people are just misguided or that there is some sort of a difference of opinion on economic theory. These people are nefariously trying to destroy everything in this country. It's called the Cloward-Piven strategy. Go in and destroy and collapse the entire economy, everything and then rebuild a new Marxist, Socialist, fascist state out of the burning rubble of this destruction. This is intentional. This is nefarious. This is not a function of incompetence. It's a function of malice of forethought and conscientious theft and destruction."

" The only lesson that these criminal degenerates learned from the 2008 situation was that they could do anything they want and that pimp daddy government would bail them out. You have to understand, people like Jon Corzine, these are evil, evil people. He went into MF Global looking to rape that company personally for his own good. And that's what the motivation of a lot of these people are. You have to get your heads around this. You have to get your heads around the fact that there are truly evil people in the world who do not give a crap about anyone or anything except themselves, their own personal wealth and their own personal power. And they would sell their grandmother to the Nazis for a nickel without hesitation if they thought they could get away with it. It's the same with people like Jon Corzine, and then we have talked about the fact that Jon Corzine is tied into the Obama regime. And we now know that the government is absolutely stuffed to the gills almost exclusively with this same type of moral degenerate culture. These people that are in the government—not just the Congress and Executive Branch but also in the bureaucracy—they are in it for themselves. They are in it for the money. And two weeks ago when we had the 60 minutes exposé on the insider trading, those of us who have been in the business have known intuitively that that was going on for a very, very long time. We knew that there was front running going on by politicians. A great example of this is someone like Harry Reid. When he entered Congress, Harry Reid had a low six-figure net worth. He now has an eight-figure net worth. And he's never done anything except be a United States Senator. The salary I think of which is something like $170,000 a year. How does that happen? How does a man with $170,000 a year salaried position go from having a six-figure net worth to an eight-figure net worth? That doesn’t make any sense unless he is doing nefarious, illegal, insider trading type deals.

It is obvious what's been going on. You have to start acknowledging these people for what they are, and that is moral degenerates who are basically sociopaths and psychopaths. Meaning they don’t feel any sympathy or empathy for other human beings. The only thing they care about is themselves. They will do anything. They will steal. They will lie. They will cheat. They will lie to your face. They will look in the camera with this tremendous earnestness and lie with fork tongues through their teeth in order to advance their wealth and power. And if we, as a people, don’t get real about this, if we keep having these Pollyanna visions that these people are all on our side and they are really looking out for us. And they are doing the best they can. We will be cork screwed into the ground and this nation will be reduced to a smoldering rubble. You've got to wake up." ... l-collapse

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Post by zboy1 »

Why the hell is that crook John Corzine not in jail????????? For that matter, why isn't any of the banksters responsible for this mess in jail???? Why isn't Hank Paulson, Angelo Mozzilo, Lloyd Blankfein, Richard Fuld, Timothy Geithner, Barney Frank, and Ben Bernanke in jail??? During the S&L crisis, thousands of people were sent to jail for fraud. Yet, as of today, only Bernie Madoff and Raj Rajaratnam are in prison, while everyone else is off scott free?
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Post by Repatriate »

Because those individuals make up the power structure in the U.S. How are you going to throw these powerful oligarchs into jail? Are you kidding? It's a complete good ole' boys club with connections that run from the Senate all the way down to local mayors. They are all filthy rich. The difference between them and someone like Madoff is plausible deniability. Madoff was running a blatant scam from the start. Comparing Madoff with these guys is like comparing some two bit lucky bank robber to the sicilian mafia. These other individuals have legions of people to shield them and they try to be "hands off" or hide behind various laws that they helped lobby for that protect against financial transparency and public scrutiny.
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Post by MrPeabody »

zboy1 wrote:Why the hell is that crook John Corzine not in jail????????? For that matter, why isn't any of the banksters responsible for this mess in jail???? Why isn't Hank Paulson, Angelo Mozzilo, Lloyd Blankfein, Richard Fuld, Timothy Geithner, Barney Frank, and Ben Bernanke in jail??? During the S&L crisis, thousands of people were sent to jail for fraud. Yet, as of today, only Bernie Madoff and Raj Rajaratnam are in prison, while everyone else is off scott free?
Why Nobody Went to Jail During the Credit Crisis

The FBI is no longer chasing white collar criminals

James J Puplava CFP with William K Black PhD

Jim welcomes Professor of Economics and Law William Black to Financial Sense Newshour. He explains to Jim why no one has gone to jail four years after the beginning of the historic Credit Crisis. Professor Black believes that the level of corruption and fraud is so pervasive that very few of the guilty will ever be brought to justice.

Bill Black is an Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC). He was the Executive Director of the Institute for Fraud Prevention from 2005-2007. He has taught previously at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and at Santa Clara University, where he was also the distinguished scholar in residence for insurance law and a visiting scholar at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. ... dit-crisis
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Post by gsjackson »

I'm a little confused by the original article. Is she saying that Corzine and the other predatory oligarchs are actually socialists whose ultimate agenda is to turn the US into a communist country? At which point, they will presumably turn over their ill-gotten gains and make them available for the general welfare? That really, really strains credulity.
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Post by MrPeabody »

gsjackson wrote:I'm a little confused by the original article. Is she saying that Corzine and the other predatory oligarchs are actually socialists whose ultimate agenda is to turn the US into a communist country? At which point, they will presumably turn over their ill-gotten gains and make them available for the general welfare? That really, really strains credulity.

I agree. Being a former CEO of Goldman Sachs and looking a congressman straight in the face and saying you don't know where a billion dollars went, even though every financial transaction of a futures account is electronically tracked to the finest detail, does stretch credulity. They are billed as financial geniuses until it comes to knowing where the money is that they stole. Then they are as dumb as dumb can be. It really, really strains credulity.
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