Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the answer?

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Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the answer?

Post by MrPeabody »

Here is a link to an interview with Robert F Kennedy Jr. who is running for president. He talks about the corporate kleptocracy, how the lock downs destroyed the middle class, and how constitutional rights are being destroyed.

The interview is 26 minutes. ... -lockdowns
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by gsjackson »

He's been great on the scamdemic, and more than anyone other prominent public figure is standing up for constitutional rights, which is the overriding issue of our time, but I just saw a clip of him about eight years ago saying "climate change deniers" should be locked up. Maybe being ostracized by the Democratic Party and the Deep State during the last several years because of the vaccine issue makes him feel less compelled now to recite the leftist catechism verbatim.

His book on Fauci is must-read.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by MrPeabody »

In the interview he talks about the Trump voters who vote for Trump because they have given up on the system and don't believe in the government anymore. The democrats still haven't figured this out. He intends on appealing to Trump voters as well as everyone else. He doesn't think in terms of left/right. If he is elected he will also open up all the files on the JFK assasination. I hope he stays safe.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by Outcast9428 »

RFK kind of scares me actually... Not because he's far left, or a radical, or an extremist. But precisely because he is a moderate, and could easily appeal to both sides. RFK is basically a 1990s Democrat. Yes, he would certainly de-radicalize the Democratic party. But his broad appeal would force the Republican Party to de-radicalize as well or risk alienating a huge swath of voters. All the progress we've made in turning back the clock will be lost and we'll be stuck in a 1990s left-leaning liberal status quo again. The Republican Party needs the Democrats to keep on terrifying moderate voters with their extremism into supporting us.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by fschmidt »

The answer to what question? The question he will answer is just how corrupt is the Democratic Party. He will lose no matter how popular he is because the Democrats will cheat. Anyone who thinks that America still has democracy is a fool.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by MrPeabody »

fschmidt wrote:
April 23rd, 2023, 11:25 pm
The answer to what question? The question he will answer is just how corrupt is the Democratic Party. He will lose no matter how popular he is because the Democrats will cheat. Anyone who thinks that America still has democracy is a fool.
Ya, they screwed Bernie Sanders. But RFK is a Kennedy and if he catches fire he could be hard to stop. And his competition is an 80 year old man. He wouldn't run if he didn't think he had a good chance. In any case, its our last hope of getting an honest man as president, before the cultural rot completely takes over.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by MrMan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
April 23rd, 2023, 10:52 pm
RFK kind of scares me actually... Not because he's far left, or a radical, or an extremist. But precisely because he is a moderate, and could easily appeal to both sides. RFK is basically a 1990s Democrat. Yes, he would certainly de-radicalize the Democratic party. But his broad appeal would force the Republican Party to de-radicalize as well or risk alienating a huge swath of voters. All the progress we've made in turning back the clock will be lost and we'll be stuck in a 1990s left-leaning liberal status quo again. The Republican Party needs the Democrats to keep on terrifying moderate voters with their extremism into supporting us.
Progress? With Georgia having flipped, how likely is it that there will be a Republican president? Next time, maybe, because of how this presidency has turned out and because Biden is so old.

If the Democrats deradicalized and started moving in the opposite direction, that would be good. I'd like to see the Dems put forth a moderate, and the Republicans win with a conservative candidate. It would depend on the candidates and the situation. Of course, a moderate Democrat losing might allow the party to deradicalize.

Kennedy's voice is a liability. He's hard to hear, and hard to listen to. I don't know much about all of his issues on social conservative issues, except that he opposes the trans sports garbage.

I've heard the Kennedy's described as American royalty. We've heard of Camelot. For me, the shooting of the Kennedy brothers is history, something that happened before I was born. But Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. might appeal to a lot of baby boomers who remember JFK getting shot.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by Outcast9428 »

MrMan wrote:
April 29th, 2023, 9:08 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
April 23rd, 2023, 10:52 pm
RFK kind of scares me actually... Not because he's far left, or a radical, or an extremist. But precisely because he is a moderate, and could easily appeal to both sides. RFK is basically a 1990s Democrat. Yes, he would certainly de-radicalize the Democratic party. But his broad appeal would force the Republican Party to de-radicalize as well or risk alienating a huge swath of voters. All the progress we've made in turning back the clock will be lost and we'll be stuck in a 1990s left-leaning liberal status quo again. The Republican Party needs the Democrats to keep on terrifying moderate voters with their extremism into supporting us.
Progress? With Georgia having flipped, how likely is it that there will be a Republican president? Next time, maybe, because of how this presidency has turned out and because Biden is so old.

If the Democrats deradicalized and started moving in the opposite direction, that would be good. I'd like to see the Dems put forth a moderate, and the Republicans win with a conservative candidate. It would depend on the candidates and the situation. Of course, a moderate Democrat losing might allow the party to deradicalize.

Kennedy's voice is a liability. He's hard to hear, and hard to listen to. I don't know much about all of his issues on social conservative issues, except that he opposes the trans sports garbage.

I've heard the Kennedy's described as American royalty. We've heard of Camelot. For me, the shooting of the Kennedy brothers is history, something that happened before I was born. But Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. might appeal to a lot of baby boomers who remember JFK getting shot.
Georgia hasn't actually flipped, what happened there in 2020 was election fraud. Since then, they have passed laws requiring voters to present a photo ID before their ballot will be counted, and the Republicans won the governor's election during the midterms quite significantly with Kemp winning 53.4% of the vote while Stacy Abrams only won 45.9%. Georgia also appears to have moved further right compared to the last election in 2018 when the same matchup resulted in Kemp getting 50.2% of the vote while Stacy Abrams got 48.8%. There are reports that leftists are leaving a lot of the Southern states such as Georgia because of their abortion bans. The bans on abortion are making it difficult for them to live their promiscuous lifestyles so they are leaving and going to other states. The more leftists leave Georgia, the more we will solidify our control.

The main problem is that two very critical swing states, Pennsylvania and Arizona, still have no photo ID requirement. Arizona requires ID, but not photo ID. Pennsylvania seems to be an absolute cesspit of voter fraud though, they have no ID requirements whatsoever. With this upcoming election, hopefully we will be able to keep an eye out for dropbox fraud.

The main thing I am afraid of, is that a lot of people who vote Republican simply aren't conservative. Look at this forum for example, this forum has a lot of people who dislike the left but are not conservative. Today's Republican Party has a lot of people like that. If we are forced to win a national election while relying solely on conservative voters, then we are screwed. Even with as radical as the Democrats have become, we still barely win. There is a large portion of the country that dislikes conservatives so much that it doesn't matter how radical the Democrats become, they will still vote for them because conservatives in power threaten their ability to live selfish lifestyles whereas Democrats don't.

A hoodlum living in the projects doesn't give a crap about trannies, gay rights, or feminism, but he still votes Democrat because the Democrats are the ones who'll turn a blind eye while he mugs people and steals from stores. People like that are what's really giving the Democrats all their power. The actual progressive left isn't big enough to impose its will on the country by itself. This is especially true in the South where White people vote overwhelmingly for the Republicans and the vast majority of the Democratic Party's remaining voters are Blacks and Hispanics. The same is kind of true of conservatives. There's not really enough of us to impose our will to the extent that we have, the reason we have as much power as we do is because the far left Democrats are scaring the crap out of everybody in the center. Some of the centrists are getting so angry with the far left that its really opening their minds to conservative ideas, especially since the centrists usually hang out with conservatives nowadays instead of the leftists. Neither party really has the numbers to win elections with their base alone, they mostly win by convincing people in the middle that the other party is more scary then we are.

But think about just how ridiculously extreme they had to become before the centrists would vote for us and you realize how much of a pickle we could be in if the Democrats deradicalize and return to being a center left party.

Nothing against Robert Kennedy here. He does actually seem like a pretty nice guy... But that's exactly the problem with him potentially winning. It all comes down to whether the moderate leftists decide that the radical fringe of their party has gone too far and needs a reality check or whether Kennedy is too moderate for them.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by gsjackson »

Words like left, right, center, moderate, and the standard political "analysis" promoted by the corporate media have no meaning anymore. The ruling scum are going all out to lock us up and exterminate us -- as has been made abundantly clear ever since the scamdemic started -- and a pol is either a populist determined to do battle with them or part of the vast majority who work for them. Kennedy seems to get this and wants to take them on.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by MrMan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
April 29th, 2023, 9:41 pm
Georgia hasn't actually flipped, what happened there in 2020 was election fraud. Since then, they have passed laws requiring voters to present a photo ID before their ballot will be counted, and the Republicans won the governor's election during the midterms quite significantly with Kemp winning 53.4% of the vote while Stacy Abrams only won 45.9%. Georgia also appears to have moved further right compared to the last election in 2018 when the same matchup resulted in Kemp getting 50.2% of the vote while Stacy Abrams got 48.8%. There are reports that leftists are leaving a lot of the Southern states such as Georgia because of their abortion bans. The bans on abortion are making it difficult for them to live their promiscuous lifestyles so they are leaving and going to other states. The more leftists leave Georgia, the more we will solidify our control.
I wonder if there was some fraud. Trump's claims got me thinking--- how do we really know. But I know of no proof of Georgia election fraud. Trump was so obnoxious, that could have lost him the election and some Senate seats. Also, Hershel Walker had such a country accent, you could hardly understand him. Warnock is more well-spoken, and pastors MLKs old church. They were claiming Walker paid for abortions and had other scandals on him. Warnock's wife claimed he ran over her toe a few years back, but the Dems milked the claims against Walker more effectively. Walker and the Republicans were blaming Warnock for the economy. I did not hear of Warnock campaign on supporting abortion, pro-trans-castration, or other hot button issues.

It could be that Georgians didn't like a sore loser when it came to Stacey Abrams. The
The main problem is that two very critical swing states, Pennsylvania and Arizona, still have no photo ID requirement. Arizona requires ID, but not photo ID. Pennsylvania seems to be an absolute cesspit of voter fraud though, they have no ID requirements whatsoever. With this upcoming election, hopefully we will be able to keep an eye out for drop box fraud.
It's crazy Dems try to call these kinds of laws 'racist.' Crowder, who has a YouTube show, went around asking black people in Harlem if they knew black people who didn't have ID. They didn't.
Neither party really has the numbers to win elections with their base alone, they mostly win by convincing people in the middle that the other party is more scary then we are.
Yeah, except Trump being so rude and obnoxious last time scared them in the wrong direction. He might get the nomination again. I'm hoping if the Dems put up a radical leftist, that Trump will win.

In the future, I wouldn't mind seeing someone like Desantis, who is outspoken against the radical social elements. We need to shame the leftists with a dystopian agenda until they are ashamed to speak up due to social derision. I like the term 'grooming.' I had said that when I heard the pornographic garbage the Hawaii legislature had mandated middle schoolers read in school, which politicians would be ashamed to read out loud on the assembly floor it was so graphic. Pedophiles no longer have to groom the kids. The legislature and the school system were doing it for them. They got the curriculum from some weird leftist activist organization.

I wish they'd strip the nonprofit status of some of these groups along with Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law... whatever that is, etc. If they just gave everyone a deduction for the average amount everyone spent on charity, reduce our taxes by that much, and stop with the exemptions for donations... just leave churches (land etc) and maybe some charities tax exempt from income tax (and property tax on the state level), then churches would still get donations, and people who want to give out of their own generosity would do so. Conservatives give a much larger percentage of their income that liberals do, who want higher taxes to pay for social causes. So the left-wing 'charities' that promote evil would probably dry up.
But think about just how ridiculously extreme they had to become before the centrists would vote for us and you realize how much of a pickle we could be in if the Democrats deradicalize and return to being a center left party.
They have brainwashed a lot of Gen Y and Z to be extremists. If Trump were out of the picture as a candidate and we had the normal boring candidates, the extremism might be more of a factor. The left has a huge propaganda machine. Is it about 30 or so percent of news viewers who watch right-wing news including Fox on TV? The rest watch 'mainstream' media that has a strong left-bias. If any media outlet calls a biological man 'she', then they are clearly extremist.
Nothing against Robert Kennedy here. He does actually seem like a pretty nice guy... But that's exactly the problem with him potentially winning. It all comes down to whether the moderate leftists decide that the radical fringe of their party has gone too far and needs a reality check or whether Kennedy is too moderate for them.
His stance on the vaccines got him labeled as an extremist. The media oppose him. If it hadn't been for that, he might have gotten some popular support. I don't know all that much about him, but I would like to have the next regime provide some pushback against global regulations on the vaccine, reinstate anti-vax military that were ousted, try to repair some of the damage from that, and set up some standards to prevent disease hysteria and unreasonable policies in the future.

I don't like the idea of yet another pro-abortion president, or any president who has a pro-LGBT agenda. Kennedy seems to not be pro-T. I don't know about LGB.

Btw, was it actually called LGB for a while? I was overseas, and I heard someone calling it LGB, historically, before Time promoted trans in 2014.

I wonder where the weirdness and perversion will go next. Just guessing I'm guessing:

-- trans species rights-- special rights for 'furies.'
-- lowering age of consent, and having special rights for pedophiles using the legal structure created for sexual orientation. (How can pedophilia __not__ be considered a sexual orientation?)
-- speaking out against cis-normativity and cis privilege (implying castration should be on equal footing with non-castration.)
-- special rights for those who want sex with animals.

This is crazy stuff, but our country has proven in the past couple of decades to have quite an appetite for stupid and crazy stuff and the masses have proven themselves to be gullible sheep when it comes to evil and stupid ideologies.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
April 30th, 2023, 1:48 pm
I wonder if there was some fraud. Trump's claims got me thinking--- how do we really know. But I know of no proof of Georgia election fraud.
What the f**k are you talking about? The fraud in Fulton County was the most blatant fraud humanly possible.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
April 30th, 2023, 2:09 pm
MrMan wrote:
April 30th, 2023, 1:48 pm
I wonder if there was some fraud. Trump's claims got me thinking--- how do we really know. But I know of no proof of Georgia election fraud.
What the f**k are you talking about? The fraud in Fulton County was the most blatant fraud humanly possible.
I saw the clips of the ballots below the tables in Fulton County. I was talking about the election of Warnock versus... whoever that rich white guy was or the widow of the other politician. I don't remember who ran against who... or Warnock versus Hershel Walker.

I saw a clip of Obama saying you don't say... the guy was a great football player, so let's elect him to congress.

I was thinking, you don't say, the guy is a great community organizer, so why don't we elect him to the Senate.... and now the presidency... but a lot of people did just that.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by Outcast9428 »

MrMan wrote:
April 30th, 2023, 1:48 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
April 29th, 2023, 9:41 pm
Georgia hasn't actually flipped, what happened there in 2020 was election fraud. Since then, they have passed laws requiring voters to present a photo ID before their ballot will be counted, and the Republicans won the governor's election during the midterms quite significantly with Kemp winning 53.4% of the vote while Stacy Abrams only won 45.9%. Georgia also appears to have moved further right compared to the last election in 2018 when the same matchup resulted in Kemp getting 50.2% of the vote while Stacy Abrams got 48.8%. There are reports that leftists are leaving a lot of the Southern states such as Georgia because of their abortion bans. The bans on abortion are making it difficult for them to live their promiscuous lifestyles so they are leaving and going to other states. The more leftists leave Georgia, the more we will solidify our control.
I wonder if there was some fraud. Trump's claims got me thinking--- how do we really know. But I know of no proof of Georgia election fraud. Trump was so obnoxious, that could have lost him the election and some Senate seats. Also, Hershel Walker had such a country accent, you could hardly understand him. Warnock is more well-spoken, and pastors MLKs old church. They were claiming Walker paid for abortions and had other scandals on him. Warnock's wife claimed he ran over her toe a few years back, but the Dems milked the claims against Walker more effectively. Walker and the Republicans were blaming Warnock for the economy. I did not hear of Warnock campaign on supporting abortion, pro-trans-castration, or other hot button issues.

It could be that Georgians didn't like a sore loser when it came to Stacey Abrams. The
The main problem is that two very critical swing states, Pennsylvania and Arizona, still have no photo ID requirement. Arizona requires ID, but not photo ID. Pennsylvania seems to be an absolute cesspit of voter fraud though, they have no ID requirements whatsoever. With this upcoming election, hopefully we will be able to keep an eye out for drop box fraud.
It's crazy Dems try to call these kinds of laws 'racist.' Crowder, who has a YouTube show, went around asking black people in Harlem if they knew black people who didn't have ID. They didn't.
Neither party really has the numbers to win elections with their base alone, they mostly win by convincing people in the middle that the other party is more scary then we are.
Yeah, except Trump being so rude and obnoxious last time scared them in the wrong direction. He might get the nomination again. I'm hoping if the Dems put up a radical leftist, that Trump will win.

In the future, I wouldn't mind seeing someone like Desantis, who is outspoken against the radical social elements. We need to shame the leftists with a dystopian agenda until they are ashamed to speak up due to social derision. I like the term 'grooming.' I had said that when I heard the pornographic garbage the Hawaii legislature had mandated middle schoolers read in school, which politicians would be ashamed to read out loud on the assembly floor it was so graphic. Pedophiles no longer have to groom the kids. The legislature and the school system were doing it for them. They got the curriculum from some weird leftist activist organization.

I wish they'd strip the nonprofit status of some of these groups along with Planned Parenthood, Southern Poverty Law... whatever that is, etc. If they just gave everyone a deduction for the average amount everyone spent on charity, reduce our taxes by that much, and stop with the exemptions for donations... just leave churches (land etc) and maybe some charities tax exempt from income tax (and property tax on the state level), then churches would still get donations, and people who want to give out of their own generosity would do so. Conservatives give a much larger percentage of their income that liberals do, who want higher taxes to pay for social causes. So the left-wing 'charities' that promote evil would probably dry up.
But think about just how ridiculously extreme they had to become before the centrists would vote for us and you realize how much of a pickle we could be in if the Democrats deradicalize and return to being a center left party.
They have brainwashed a lot of Gen Y and Z to be extremists. If Trump were out of the picture as a candidate and we had the normal boring candidates, the extremism might be more of a factor. The left has a huge propaganda machine. Is it about 30 or so percent of news viewers who watch right-wing news including Fox on TV? The rest watch 'mainstream' media that has a strong left-bias. If any media outlet calls a biological man 'she', then they are clearly extremist.
Nothing against Robert Kennedy here. He does actually seem like a pretty nice guy... But that's exactly the problem with him potentially winning. It all comes down to whether the moderate leftists decide that the radical fringe of their party has gone too far and needs a reality check or whether Kennedy is too moderate for them.
His stance on the vaccines got him labeled as an extremist. The media oppose him. If it hadn't been for that, he might have gotten some popular support. I don't know all that much about him, but I would like to have the next regime provide some pushback against global regulations on the vaccine, reinstate anti-vax military that were ousted, try to repair some of the damage from that, and set up some standards to prevent disease hysteria and unreasonable policies in the future.

I don't like the idea of yet another pro-abortion president, or any president who has a pro-LGBT agenda. Kennedy seems to not be pro-T. I don't know about LGB.

Btw, was it actually called LGB for a while? I was overseas, and I heard someone calling it LGB, historically, before Time promoted trans in 2014.

I wonder where the weirdness and perversion will go next. Just guessing I'm guessing:

-- trans species rights-- special rights for 'furies.'
-- lowering age of consent, and having special rights for pedophiles using the legal structure created for sexual orientation. (How can pedophilia __not__ be considered a sexual orientation?)
-- speaking out against cis-normativity and cis privilege (implying castration should be on equal footing with non-castration.)
-- special rights for those who want sex with animals.

This is crazy stuff, but our country has proven in the past couple of decades to have quite an appetite for stupid and crazy stuff and the masses have proven themselves to be gullible sheep when it comes to evil and stupid ideologies.
I agree with generally preferring DeSantis over Trump. I feel like DeSantis is more consistently conservative and hits harder on the social issues then Trump does. National polls also show him ahead of Trump in a hypothetical matchup between him and Biden vs Trump and Biden.

I think for this election we need to look to someone who can cripple the radical left wing structures of power. Dismantle and replace the FBI along with the CIA. Eliminate the department of education and leave school curriculums up to each individual state. And stop providing federal funding to universities that teach leftist ideology.

I increasingly believe the battle for our culture is going to be waged state by state. As far as national elections go we just need someone who will cripple the left’s ability to impose its ideology on the states.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

I agree with RFK but like he has any real powers...anymore. The Kennedy family is almost liquidated by the Elites.. no longer useful as Manchurian Candidate for the New World Order.
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Re: Is Robert F Kennedy Jr the answer?

Post by peregrino »

Outcast9428 wrote:
April 29th, 2023, 9:41 pm
The main thing I am afraid of, is that a lot of people who vote Republican simply aren't conservative. Look at this forum for example, this forum has a lot of people who dislike the left but are not conservative. Today's Republican Party has a lot of people like that. If we are forced to win a national election while relying solely on conservative voters, then we are screwed. Even with as radical as the Democrats have become, we still barely win. There is a large portion of the country that dislikes conservatives so much that it doesn't matter how radical the Democrats become, they will still vote for them because conservatives in power threaten their ability to live selfish lifestyles whereas Democrats don't.
Let's just spell it out, Republicans got destroyed in 2022 because of abortion. Can you trump the abortion scare card with the tranny scare card? I'd say you're putting a awful lot of faith in women to suddenly see the light.
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