Blame WOMEN More Than Men For Societal Problems

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Blame WOMEN More Than Men For Societal Problems

Post by armageddon15 »

Newest video, my longest to date..

Video Transcript (not word for word but close enough)..

Blame WOMEN More Than Men For Societal Problems

In the age of equality, we misuse the word equality, because we want to make everyone equal but at the same time we assume that men and women are equally responsible for our failures as individuals and as a society, which is not true. In fact, American women are more to blame for the problems in society than men are. But the fact of the matter is this; there is no way to ever achieve true equality because there are inherent differences between men and women and some inequalities favor men and some favor women. That is nature. But what feminism does is it wants to shift those female inequalities onto men through legislation. For example, if a young woman and young man go in for an interview, it’s understood that women are inherently more risky to hire because they may have children and are more likely to leave work because of that, it is what it is. So when you have “equal opportunity lawsâ€￾ that encourage women to apply, you’re basically trying to say that its equal opportunity by giving women an advantage, and having quotas for females in the workplace and having favorable hiring for them through lower standards. Does that make any sense? Does that sound like equal opportunity, or is more like equal outcome?

And then the inequality gets shifted onto men because they are at a disadvantage in that a less qualified female can be hired over them due to legislation. That’s not fair to men and its discouraging to men. Let’s look at other laws that favor women such as rape shield laws and divorce laws. They can accuse falsely accuse men with immunity and lie with immunity and the law favors them. Women have more rights legally than men do.

The typical argument against this is that men make up the majority of political positions and company positions, so therefore men have more power. This argument makes absolutely no sense and I’ll tell you why. First of all, when they talk about men who have power, they are referring to such a small percentage of the population. They are literally talking about 1 percent of men. Women don’t like when men generalize, but feminist and feministic minded people generalize their ideas based on a minute percentage of men. The truth of the matter is that the majority of women AND men have no measurable power individually, and it’s always been this way and probably always will be.

However, even though men are in power, they have to get elected, and how do you get elected? They do things that voters want, they have to cater to the population in a way that will get them votes so they can get elected. And who makes up the majority of votes in this country? Women. And there are many men who will stick up for women’s issues, much more than the other way around, so essentially that is your majority, and politicians make laws that appeal to this majority, which are man hating laws, that get them reelected. So it doesn’t really matter if women hold the positions or not if the legal system favors them anyway. A politician can essentially be a figurehead and appear to be in power, but if people are telling him what to do and what to say, he’s not really in power at all. Yet women will complain about the lack of representation when it doesn’t really matter.

Ok now I want to talk about women’s inherent advantage in relationships with men. Typically, men pursue women and women have more options. Once they have these options and choose who to have sex with and get pregnant despite having more effective and numerous more options for birth control than men do, they also have all the rights to the baby, because they completely choose whether or not the baby is born or conceived in the first place. If I kick a pregnant woman who is 2 months pregnant in the stomach and the baby dies, I go to jail, but if a woman aborts the baby at the 2 month mark nothing happens to her, and also men can’t make women have children or make them have an abortion, so therefore women have 100 percent of the control to having children, in addition to them naturally having more options for who the father is.

Now what happens is that when a guy is a deadbeat and he doesn’t take care of his kids, American women want to make it seem as if it’s 50 percent men’s fault. That doesn’t make any sense. If women have more options of who they sleep with, and have control over the baby, they have to be held more accountable when something goes wrong, how can they have more rights than men but then turn around and say men are equally responsible? And then we bail out these single mothers by taxing productive members of society who actually make good choices. Now, men do have responsibility but women hold more responsibility since they have more choice and have to deal with the consequences of more choice.

I’ll use a sports analogy. Lets take my favorite team of all time, the 1997-1998 Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan is the superstar, he is the one who got the huge paycheck and gets the glory if he wins a championship. But, with that glory comes more responsibility and more pressure. If he didn’t win the championship, it would have been his job to take the majority of the blame, and if he doesn’t then he is not respected. Yeah maybe Scottie Pippen sucked and Dennis Rodman didn’t rebound, but Jordan is expected to step his game up if he wants to get the glory and the accolades. And what happens if Bill Wennington doesn’t do anything, nobody gives a shit nobody remembers who he is, Jordan gets the majority of the blame because that comes with the territory of getting accolades and this is accepted by sports fans and by the athletes who play. It’s a give and take. Yet when American women have an advantage in something or are favored and given superstar treatment, many of them don’t want to take the majority of the blame, and many times don’t want any blame at all, yet we’re supposed to respect them and treat them equally.

I’ve always said that men need to stop catering to women to solve our problems, I stand by that, but that may sound like it counters everything I’ve said, but I stand by that because I’m not absolving men of their responsibilities in f***ed up society of America, but rather I’m saying women are more responsible, since they have more advantages in general than men do. And women are the ones who whine for things, if they didn’t whine then men wouldn’t think to just make anti male laws for the hell of it or buy them dinner, well some do for nothing, but men would adjust to the idea of never having to pay for women, its not that hard, it benefits us so we would adapt to it. Even for those women who don’t fight for this stuff directly, they benefit from it and they don’t oppose it, so since they are complacent they indirectly support the idea that they deserve privilege, but with privilege comes additional responsibility and criticism. I’ve always believed that passive acceptance must lead to forced acceptance of responsibility and consequence if we to have any accountability as a functioning society. We can’t fight natural inequality, it will always exist on some level, but its time to hold women accountable more than we are, hold them more accountable than men, and to be honest I have a strong feeling that women don’t want that, and when society realizes this, maybe things will actually balance out and be fair. Thanks for listening, I know this video is really long so thanks again. This is armageddon1115, and this is why I’m anti feminist. I’m anti feminist cuz I’m for equality. Rate, comment, subscribe. One.
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Post by conquerall »

I found your video about minorities and dating the other day. Good shit bro.
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Post by E_Irizarry »


I have already left a comment on your video that it's possibly your best video to date. And I heard the stopwatch in the bkgrd. Jajajaa lOL!
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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Post by fschmidt »

Who is more responsible? Who cares. This is the blame game. It is irrelevant to anyone who wants to fix the problem. The reason that men like blaming women is so that these men can wallow in self-pity. Men are perfectly capable of fixing the problem if they really want to.
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Post by E_Irizarry »

fschmidt wrote:Who is more responsible? Who cares. This is the blame game. It is irrelevant to anyone who wants to fix the problem. The reason that men like blaming women is so that these men can wallow in self-pity. Men are perfectly capable of fixing the problem if they really want to.
Mr. Santiago de Chile. Just kidding: I know you don't like it. LOL

But seriously though, how should men go about correcting this crap since its in men's hands?
"I appreciate the opportunities I have in America. Opportunities that allow me to live abroad." **Smiles** - Have2Fly@H.A. (2013)

"The only way to overcome that is to go abroad to get a broad."
- E. Irizarry (2009)

"MGTOW resilience is the key to foreign residence. You better muthafuckin' ask somebody!!"
- E. Irizarry (2012)

"I rather be ostracized by 157.0 million (27.3% of the US of Gay pop), then to appease 1 feminist." - E. Irizarry (2013)

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Post by fschmidt »

E_Irizarry wrote:But seriously though, how should men go about correcting this crap since its in men's hands?
That requires a long answer. The 2 links in my footer are 2 approaches. Both are based on the idea of a sane alternative subculture. The first, CoAlpha, is based on men organizing to do this. This approach failed. Most men prefer complaining to doing anything. Now I realize that religion is the only answer because religion is the only proven means of getting anyone to do anything for morality. And this is the OpenKaraite approach. I know it works because I have spent enough time researching religion. I have also seen the dramatic effect on my 13-year-old daughter since she started attending church and since I started doing Bible study with my kids. Now she lectures everyone on why women should dress conservatively and why people shouldn't get tattoos. Men should join a conservative church and take an active role in supporting patriarchal values there, that is the short answer.
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Post by armageddon15 »

fschmidt wrote:Who is more responsible? Who cares. This is the blame game. It is irrelevant to anyone who wants to fix the problem. The reason that men like blaming women is so that these men can wallow in self-pity. Men are perfectly capable of fixing the problem if they really want to.
How are we supposed to solve a problem if we don't analyze where the problems come from? And most people can't up and move to another country, that's not realistic.
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