There are good American women that can be trusted

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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There are good American women that can be trusted

Post by jrigole »

Americans that are a pilot/flight attendant on a transatlantic airplane, (example, American Airlines) flight.

If an American citizen is not raised the same way as Barrack Obama/Michelle Obama (same mentality) by your parents when you are an infant/toddler/child than you cannot properly present your self abroad, can not became a pilot/flight attendant on a transatlantic airplane (example, American Airlines) flight, and get a job at the US State Department. All children (both male and female) that are born in the United States that are raised by a European born mother including the children of Tiger Woods have the skills to live and work in Europe and can normally be equally trusted as there European born mother, even when they are adults. Many speak their European mothers native language as good as English, and have a European passport in addition to an American passport. You as a person have no control over how you are raised by your parents when you are an infant/toddler/child. Basically if an American citizen is not raised the same way as Barrack Obama/Michelle Obama (same mentality) by your parents when you are an infant/toddler/child than you will be declared persona non grata in Europe. Persona non grata (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally meaning "an unwelcome person", refers to a foreign person whose entering or remaining in a particular country is prohibited by that country's government. It is the most serious form of censure which one country can apply to foreign diplomats, who are otherwise protected by diplomatic immunity from arrest and other normal kinds of prosecution. An Italian man was aware of this since the late 1960s (the time of the Beatles) because his parents explained to him almost 45 years ago. That is what he told me.

If an American citizen (both male and female) does not have the skills to live and work in Europe (if the Europeans hate you) and would not be allowed to work unsupervised with small children in Europe, than you will never get a job at the US State Department. You also will never become a pilot/flight attendant on a transatlantic airplane (example, American Airlines) flight. It is very difficult to find an American citizen (that is not born in Europe) in the United States that can do.

There are American women that can be trusted who are very good mothers, but 90 percent of American women can not be trusted (can not properly present them selves abroad) live and work outside the United States (in Europe) with there behavior and mentality and are a piece of crap. An Italian man was aware of this since the late 1960s (the time of the Beatles) because his parents explained to him almost 45 years ago.

I have known, American men that are married (have children with) to foreign-born women who hate American women. It is very common to find American man that hate American women and only like foreign born women. There are also many American men that have never gone out with girls, because they know that 90 percent of American women cannot be trusted. This is because European women say that in the open. For example, I know an American father that is around 60 years old (Europeans have told me that he could be trusted) that told his American son that 90 percent of American women can not be trusted, because Europeans have explained this to him.

It is very difficult for American (United States) companies to find Americans that can properly present them selves abroad and have the skills to live and work outside the United States. In general it would be very dumb, for foreign-born man including naturalized US citizens to marry American women and have children with her. Foreign-born man, including naturalized US citizens generally have to go back to their native country to find a girl, and should stay away from American women. This is because it is very difficult to find an American woman that can properly present her self abroad (can be trusted) that has the skills to live and work outside the United States (in Europe). This would be the same for foreign-born women, including naturalized US citizens. This is because it is

I am a European man living in the United States and if some body were to introduce a American women, that can’t properly present her self abroad for the same reason US diplomats that work for the US State Department (US federal government) can, I will tell her that she is a piece of crap. She would be worth less than a piece of shit outside the United States. European man only like American women that can properly present them selves abroad for the same reason US diplomats that work for the US State Department (US federal government) can.

Basically any American women that a European born woman says are a piece of crap, is a piece of crap, and there is noting to do that she can do to prove other wise. There are some American women, whom I can socialize with, but I have to ask a European woman first. I only feel comfortable in dealing with an American woman if a European born woman tells me that she can be trusted. European women in the United States, tell European man and there American (European raised) son in the open that 90 percent of American women can not be trusted because they want to protect there man. European women in the United States can usually tell a European man if, an American woman can be trusted.

I will never tolerate if people says negative things about an American woman, if a European born women tells me that she can be trusted. This would be especially be, the case if she raises her American children properly under official euro rules. I would give her the same respect I give a European born women. There are European born women that can be trusted, that have the skills to determine if an American woman can be trusted according to the official euro rules. There are European women who can be trusted, that do not have the skills to determine if an American women can be trusted according to the official euro rules. So you have to use your discretion. But if a European born women tells me a European man, that a particular American women not be trusted (can not properly present them selves abroad) live and work outside the United States (in Europe) with her behavior and mentality, she will be declared persona non grata (Latin, plural: personae non gratae), literally meaning "an unwelcome person" refers to a foreign person whose entering or remaining in a particular country is prohibited by that country's government. It is the most serious form of censure which one country can apply to foreign diplomats, who are otherwise protected by diplomatic immunity from arrest and other normal kinds of prosecution.

If an American woman is not raised a certain way (raised properly under official European rules) by her mother and or father when she was an infant/toddler/child) than she will be persona non grata by my relatives in Europe. Based on a psychological profile a European woman can predict and profile her characteristics of an American woman and tell how she will behave in the future. Nine out of ten times she is right. A psychological profile is determined on how a person is raised by there parents when they are an infant/toddler/child. You as a person have no control over how you are raised by your parents when you are an infant/toddler/child.

A British father told me in 2002 that his American wife and his American daughter who was ten years old at the time, could be equally be trusted, as there British father/husband and has the skills to live in Europe/UK as easily as easily as there British father can. This is very common among US born, American girls that have a European father and American mother. His American daughter is raised the same way most European women are raised. This British father also told me that only American diplomats can, but most Americans can not live in Europe with their behavior and mentality. This is because European men know what they are doing. It would be socially unacceptable to his relatives in the UK if that were not the case.

A few years ago, I have seen two girls in Boston and I taught they were born in the Netherlands, but there Dutch father told me they are born in the United States in the late 1980’s, and have an American mother. Their Dutch father told me that his American wife and daughters can be equally trusted as there Dutch father/husband. Both girls are European raised (not American raised). Eastern European women who hate American women think they are born in the Netherlands, not the United States. This is because European men know what they are doing. A European father can do that just as easily as a European mother can, provided the American mother lefts him. His American wife and two daughters have the skills to live and work in Europe and can be trusted, under official euro rules. It would be socially unacceptable to his relatives in the Netherlands if that were not the case.

I can tell an American man, if an American woman can be trusted. I can also tell him if she can raise American children properly under properly under official euro rules. I can tell him if she would be permitted to work unsupervised with small children in Europe, by asking a European born women. I can not him who to marry (that should be his decision). It is very easy for a European born woman to determine that. That is what two European born women (one is from Germany and the other one from Italy) told me. If an American woman would not be permitted to work unsupervised with small children in Europe than she cannot became a pilot/flight attendant on a transatlantic airplane (example, American Airlines) flight, and become a diplomat that works for the US State Department. An American women who has a very good relationship with her biological father (mother is still married to her father for more than 20 years) is not likely to divorce at the drop of a hat (play games in family court), and interfere with his parental rights if he is a good father and is on good terms with her parents. This is because her biological father in most cases will not tolerate this. There are always exceptions to the rules.

I know an American man, his American daughter born in 2012 should have the skills to live and work in Western Europe as easily as an average European woman (can be equally trusted), when she becomes an adult, but she only speaks English. This American man knows that the only reason why his second American wife born in 1990 and his American daughter born in 2012 can be trusted, is because two European born women, an Italian and a German told me so. The same American also knows that 90 percent of American women can not be trusted (can not properly present them selves abroad) live and work outside the United States (in Europe) with there behavior and mentality, because Europeans have explained this to him. The same Italian women that told me that 90 percent of American women can not be trusted, told me that his second American wife born in 1990 can be trusted (likes her).

This American man was born in the early 1980’s in the United States and his American son is European raised (not American) the same way as his British grand father/great grandfather, because his mother was born in the Atlantic Ocean and was raised by European (British) parents. When I say his son I thought his son bas born in the UK, but he is born in the United States. He and his American son have the skills to live and work in Europe including the UK, for the same reason president Barrack Obama (same mentality) and can be trusted. He would also be permitted to work unsupervised with small children in Europe. He is a very good father to his son.

His first American wife is a horrible mother and has abandoned her son with him. He is very lucky to be the custodial parent, and does not have to pay court ordered child support to an American mother, that interferes with his parental rights. His second American wife born in 1990 and his American daughter born in 2012 have the skills to live and work in Europe under official European rules. European born women told me that she can be trusted, and she is a very good mother. She is raising his American daughter born 2012 properly under properly under official euro rules. This American man did not know that, 90 percent of American women (the same goes for American man) can not be trusted (can not properly present them selves abroad) live and work outside the United States (in Europe) with there behavior and mentality. A European man and several United States citizens that are born in the United States, (that Europeans told me could be trusted) explained this to him. I can guarantee that my relatives in Belgium would like his second American wife born in 1990 and his American daughter born in 2012, if they were to visit Belgium, because two European women told me so. His American wife and daughter are white Caucasian of Western European decent.

The same (German women) assured me that the American women who married her American (European raised) son would also be permitted to work unsupervised with small children in Belgium and Germany and raises her American grand son properly under official euro rules. She wants her American grand son to have the skills to live and work in Europe including the UK when he becomes an adult. This is because a European born woman knows what she is doing. She also had to explain to her American (European raised) son that 90 percent of American women can not be trusted. She told her American (European raised) son, to never go out with American women unless his European (German) born mother says that she could be trusted.
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