Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

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Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

You know ever since I use to be a porn addict and only recently stopped even watching the stuff as much as I did in my teens and 20s. As a partially mixed black man, I've always found interracial porn digusting as hell but only whenever it involved black men f***ing non black women. Why? Because it seems like after all the leftism shit has taken over whites truly are what the propaganda present them to be...Failures, weak, self hating, self defeating, etc.

This is not to say that all white people act like this. But the real issue is that white women seem hell bent on tearing down everything their own men built on their own turf. Of course they have support from some of the men as well... Why? Because the only white men who get off to their own demise are normally just men who were probably victims of child abuse by their shit white mothers after the dad either left, got kicked out his life, or maybe died too soon. Then you have some men that are just dumb and it's simply another form of self abuse/self harm. Therefore these men go through life embracing negative traits like it's normal to believe they are "inferior" to black men. It doesn't help when society keeps presenting this in media as well using as much propaganda as possible to brain wash the mentally challenged into believing what they see, and then some people in society trying their damnest to make the propaganda real.

The fact is, white women seem very proud of being self hating and hell bent on destroying their own people, their own nations, their own culture, and their own heritage. They have no problem telling their own kids it's their "fault" about everything, they only get involved with blacks for this very reason because they do it as a way to try to piss off white men they believe are "racist." Or white men who simply won't roll over for blacks and let them step on them like the weak whites are doing. It's like they want to challenge the few white men left that are proud of who they are, and have no white guilt issues. Let alone sit around envying black men because of some race bait porn shit about women of the world desiring them more over anyone else.

I also came to the understanding that white women truly hate their own men more than black women who resent black men. Because black women don't advocate for the destruction of their own race, but white women actually do. I've never seen a black woman advocate for open borders even if the people are the same shade of color as themselves. But white women gladly advocate for open borders, are guilty of always abusing their own children, push homosexuality and transgenderism on their own kids and other people's kids more so than any other race of women in the West.

It's like they really want to eradicate and hurt white males to the point where they no longer exist at all. And I'm trying to figure out, what is the benefit to killing off your own race in a country you live in and have to share with them? What is the benefit in trying to eliminate and hurt your own men that have provided you with everything that you have including your freedom to do all the BS you're allowed and free to even do compared to Islamic women? Do they believe that black men will take better care of them? Do they believe the black men will be better fathers? Nigs can't even help black women, so it's obvious that if they won't help black women, why do white women believe that removing and kicking white men out of society will be beneficial?

They are the most destructive on a mental level, and I can't even figure out why that is. People say a lot of things about black women but here is the thing about them vs white women in the West. Black women don't travel as often as white women do. Therefore they aren't the ones preaching feminism and self hatred abroad in other nations. White women do this all the time because they travel abroad more, they even adopt kids from Africa (I've even seen photos where white women along with the husband would adopt a legion of black male kids....And I would just become ultimate suspicious about it like wtf are they adopting a bunch of black males for?).

And how often do black women adopt white kids from European nations including the ones with enough wealth to take care of white kids who live in poverty? The liberal white men aren't any better who also contribute to trying to destroy societies where people have pride in their culture, heritage, and aren't walking around feeling guilty for shit that blacks still do to each other. I have such a difficult time understand whites of the Western world, but I also have the same problem with black people too. Especially the males who I am very hostile toward.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on September 17th, 2022, 10:29 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Mercer wrote:
September 17th, 2022, 9:33 am
Women in general do whatever is popular or pushed by the mainstream media and social media. The mainstream media and social media say that white men are bad so women go along with this. Women are hiveminded creatures.

Weak, white liberal men also act like this. They are very feminine and self-hating. The entire website of Reddit is a hivemind and filled with millions of white liberal men who talk about how much they hate white men nonstop.

Women and white liberal men also have high amounts of mental illness in general. They are crazy people.
So if society started pushing the truth on who commits
the most violent crime in the U.S. would that change the behavior of whites?
I honestly don't believe it would.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on September 17th, 2022, 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by Cornfed »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
September 17th, 2022, 8:54 am
You know ever since I use to be a porn addict and only recently stopped even watching the stuff as much as I did in my teens and 20s. As a partially mixed black man, I've always found interracial porn digusting as hell but only whenever it involved black men f***ing non black women.
With unlimited porn, and in the case of Western skanks unlimited sex, normal sex becomes boring, so there is a tendency to have to go for more and more gross and degrading sex to get the same level of stimulation. Bestiality with blacks is the logical endpoint.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Cornfed wrote:
September 17th, 2022, 9:51 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
September 17th, 2022, 8:54 am
You know ever since I use to be a porn addict and only recently stopped even watching the stuff as much as I did in my teens and 20s. As a partially mixed black man, I've always found interracial porn digusting as hell but only whenever it involved black men f***ing non black women.
With unlimited porn, and in the case of Western skanks unlimited sex, normal sex becomes boring, so there is a tendency to have to go for more and more gross and degrading sex to get the same level of stimulation. Bestiality with blacks is the logical endpoint.
If that were the case it would end at some point in people's lives to get bored of all it really.
With time and age you slowly grow out of a lot of stuff especially if you abused it in your past life.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by Outcast9428 »

It’s because 65% of white women in America have some kind of sadomasochistic fantasies. The porn industry has a huge part of the blame for seriously exacerbating these tendencies. People keep wondering why I hate this shit so much but they don’t understand that sadomasochism is not some thing “consenting adults!” Just do in the bedroom and then forget about. It’s a poisonous drug on par with fentanyl that corrupts a person’s entire soul and personality. It makes perfect sense that a woman who is a sexual sadomasochist will also be a cultural sadomasochist. And when these women go abroad they seek to spread their sickness to others.

Think as well about how destructive it would be if we really really normalized suicide to the point where like 20% of the population was killing themselves. Think about the consequences that would have on everybody who is alive. The truth is that self destruction is not harmless because self destructive individuals drag everybody else down with them.

If you marry/date a sadomasochistic woman, it will not matter how good of a husband you are. It won’t matter if you treat her well, it won’t matter if you treat the kids well. It won’t matter if you are responsible, smart, and the kids are happy. If anything, doing that is going to make her angry. On a subconscious level she thinks you should be treating her like shit and is angry at you for not doing that. Masochists love destruction for the sake of destruction just as much as sadists do. They are equally evil it only takes different forms. So when she gets her “revenge on you” for being such a good husband she will be more merciless and cruel then you can imagine. Because in her sick, twisted head, you’re the bad guy for “being boring.” To masochistic women nothing is more evil then being “boring” and they think a man being good and responsible is boring. They wish he was an alcoholic who beat her and got into bar fights and she would be forced to bail him out. She wishes he would impulsively spend a shitload of money on something they don’t need. If her man is good she will look for any “normal excuse” she can find to justify to her friends and family why you are the devil. Even if it requires making shit up.

Sadomasochistic women generally pursue relationships with thugs and gangsters. They deliberately seek out relationships with men who will be abusive. People wonder why Swedish women are acting the way they are without recognizing that 75% of Swedish women think BDSM should be accepted by society.

Feminists are much more likely to have sadomasochistic fantasies then women who are sexually conservative. This is why, despite what male feminists think… Feminist women are the least likely to enjoy a relationship with them. They only like those men if he will be a cuckold while also being a provider who gives her the lifestyle she wants while she f***s thugs and gangsters.

This is why violent porn must be banned. This is why bdsm acts should be criminalized. People guilty of these behaviors should be shamed as disgusting perverts on par with pedophiles and bestiality. When people are arrested for watching violent pornography their faces should be displayed across local news channels. Every woman with tattoos should be regarded as a suspected masochist. Women who are masochists should be confined to insane asylums so that no man accidentally marries them and continues perpetuating these destructive genes.

This sickness is the equivalent of China’s opium epidemic and the only way we’re going to defeat it is if we start mercilessly cracking down on it using state power.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Outcast9428 wrote:
September 17th, 2022, 10:41 am
It’s because 65% of white women in America have some kind of sadomasochistic fantasies. The porn industry has a huge part of the blame for seriously exacerbating these tendencies. People keep wondering why I hate this shit so much but they don’t understand that sadomasochism is not some thing “consenting adults!” Just do in the bedroom and then forget about. It’s a poisonous drug on par with fentanyl that corrupts a person’s entire soul and personality. It makes perfect sense that a woman who is a sexual sadomasochist will also be a cultural sadomasochist. And when these women go abroad they seek to spread their sickness to others.

Think as well about how destructive it would be if we really really normalized suicide to the point where like 20% of the population was killing themselves. Think about the consequences that would have on everybody who is alive. The truth is that self destruction is not harmless because self destructive individuals drag everybody else down with them.

If you marry/date a sadomasochistic woman, it will not matter how good of a husband you are. It won’t matter if you treat her well, it won’t matter if you treat the kids well. It won’t matter if you are responsible, smart, and the kids are happy. If anything, doing that is going to make her angry. On a subconscious level she thinks you should be treating her like shit and is angry at you for not doing that. Masochists love destruction for the sake of destruction just as much as sadists do. They are equally evil it only takes different forms. So when she gets her “revenge on you” for being such a good husband she will be more merciless and cruel then you can imagine. Because in her sick, twisted head, you’re the bad guy for “being boring.” To masochistic women nothing is more evil then being “boring” and they think a man being good and responsible is boring. They wish he was an alcoholic who beat her and got into bar fights and she would be forced to bail him out. She wishes he would impulsively spend a shitload of money on something they don’t need. If her man is good she will look for any “normal excuse” she can find to justify to her friends and family why you are the devil. Even if it requires making shit up.

Sadomasochistic women generally pursue relationships with thugs and gangsters. They deliberately seek out relationships with men who will be abusive. People wonder why Swedish women are acting the way they are without recognizing that 75% of Swedish women think BDSM should be accepted by society.

Feminists are much more likely to have sadomasochistic fantasies then women who are sexually conservative. This is why, despite what male feminists think… Feminist women are the least likely to enjoy a relationship with them. They only like those men if he will be a cuckold while also being a provider who gives her the lifestyle she wants while she f***s thugs and gangsters.

This is why violent porn must be banned. This is why bdsm acts should be criminalized. People guilty of these behaviors should be shamed as disgusting perverts on par with pedophiles and bestiality. When people are arrested for watching violent pornography their faces should be displayed across local news channels. Every woman with tattoos should be regarded as a suspected masochist. Women who are masochists should be confined to insane asylums so that no man accidentally marries them and continues perpetuating these destructive genes.

This sickness is the equivalent of China’s opium epidemic and the only way we’re going to defeat it is if we start mercilessly cracking down on it using state power.
All the thug and gang worship shit is really depressing, honestly I believe in order for people to suffer to the point where they want to change, the country will have to be hit with an actual major threat. So far nothing severe enough has happened. Even with Biden f***ing everything up, the only people feeling the effects are old people, disabled people, and people waaaaay at the bottom, a few average people, but the ones who still can find time to wander around proud of everything that's wrong with the west? Those people haven't felt the effects.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 23rd, 2022, 8:28 pm
Most people across racial lines seem rather self hating lately. Racial pride is typically only found in the absolute bottom of the barrel low ranking representatives of any given racial group. Just look at Black Israelites or KKK members they all look fat and inbred
Not really, I've seen photographs of some of those White Supremacist guys in certain parts of Europe...
They were big ass muscular white men. Like those Neo-Nazi's in prison I've seen photographs of on the web, I didn't see any fat inbred looking whites among their kind. I would say it depends on the location. But when I wrote about self hating white women, they truly are ugly as hell. Normally it is they who is overweight, but even the skinny ones aren't much to look at either.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Mercer wrote:
September 24th, 2022, 9:34 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
September 23rd, 2022, 8:28 pm
Most people across racial lines seem rather self hating lately.
You don't even live in the west so how would you know? If you lived in the west you would see that every group is proud of their race and culture except for white people. Blacks say black pride, Latinos say brown pride (even white Latinos say they're brown and claim not to be white), Asians say Asian pride, etc. and they want to hang out only with their own people yet the majority of white people now are mostly cucks who say that they're ashamed to be white, white people are bad and diversity is good, their own culture is bad, you're not allowed to say anything bad about groups that aren't white otherwise it's hate speech but it's fine to talk shit about white people and say you hate whites, etc.
Everything Mercer said is all true about the West related to the pride thing. And I cannot argue with the truth. Whites have been trained to hate themselves, it's all part of the plan to get rid of them by those in charge that believe the other groups will be easier to kick around and control.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on September 26th, 2022, 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by jamesbond »

Mercer wrote:
September 17th, 2022, 9:33 am
Women in general do whatever is popular or pushed by the mainstream media and social media. The mainstream media and social media say that white men are bad so women go along with this. Women are hiveminded creatures.

Weak, white liberal men also act like this. They are very feminine and self-hating. The entire website of Reddit is a hivemind and filled with millions of white liberal men who talk about how much they hate white men nonstop.

Women and white liberal men also have high amounts of mental illness in general. They are crazy people.

Women do have the 'hive mind' mentality and will do what ever is popular and expected of them from authority figures. White women in America have the highest rate of mental illness of any group of people anywhere in the world. It's no wonder why men are starting to avoid white women in America like the plague. :shock:
"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by willymonfrete »

It's only the liberals though,and that's what is in big cities.

Liberal women have high rates of mental illness and sadomasochism,so don't judge white angels based on these people.

You can see it as organized Jewry brainwashing their subconscious,so don't even hate them,they are conditoned like robots being programmed with toxic software.

Let the hate go.Just focus on finding a MAGA white woman or Eastern european white woman.

Focus on things you can change(like your looks,finances,location)instead of things you cannot!
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by willymonfrete »

Also,Genetics play a huge role,a predominant one in your politics and if you're Racially aware or not.
Whites came from different areas of Europe,different countries and different regions and social classes within those Countries.

So again,it is something outside of your control.

There will always be white liberals,even without brainwashing.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by josephty2 »

The United States is not a country for challenges.

It's a country that prefers goals (get a thesaurus).
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

josephty2 wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 12:49 am
The United States is not a country for challenges.

It's a country that prefers goals (get a thesaurus).
Who are you even talking to?
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

willymonfrete wrote:
October 13th, 2022, 3:08 pm
It's only the liberals though,and that's what is in big cities.

Liberal women have high rates of mental illness and sadomasochism,so don't judge white angels based on these people.

You can see it as organized Jewry brainwashing their subconscious,so don't even hate them,they are conditoned like robots being programmed with toxic software.

Let the hate go.Just focus on finding a MAGA white woman or Eastern european white woman.

Focus on things you can change(like your looks,finances,location)instead of things you cannot!
First off you really need to stop calling them "Angels."
No woman on earth today even comes close to being such, not even the religious ones.

You also mentioned Jewry brainwashing like these dumb f**k Far right women aren't brainwashed just as bad as the liberal ones are. Any bitch who is Pro-Israel is no better than the Liberal women. I don't want a Conservative woman or a liberal one. Their both garbage. Come back to me when those Conservative women start demanding to have the third world deported out of Europe and standing up to their shitty Liberal "sisters" who are all for open borders.
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Re: Why are white women so self hating? Wtf is their goddamn problem?

Post by josephty2 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 5:07 am
josephty2 wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 12:49 am
The United States is not a country for challenges.

It's a country that prefers goals (get a thesaurus).
Who are you even talking to?
I don't use iPhones.

I suppose "sequential prerequisites" might suffice instead of the word "goals". Even gamers in the US don't play games because "it's a challenge", though there are exceptions.
Then again, some people go all the way (cognitive dissonance/fallacy of incomplete evidence).

Eat dates.

The problem is iphones.
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