Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradicting

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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:Last night I talked to Monkro, Rock's former tenant in Taipei who has the same views as I do about America. He told me something interesting that makes a lot of sense. He said:

"If you can't get a woman in your country, then obviously there is something wrong with your country (assuming you are a decent guy of course). So why then would you want to bring a foreign woman to it?"

He is right if you think about it. Bringing a foreign woman or bride to America is in effect a LOGICAL SELF-CONTRADICTION. If something is so messed up in your country that you can't even find a good woman, then why would you want to bring a good woman from abroad to it? See what I mean? It's inherently SELF-CONTRADICTORY if you think about it.

A country that is toxic and turns women bad is definitely NOT a place you should bring a sweet, good, kind, caring, wholesome, feminine woman to. Right?

This is what the romance tour and marriage agencies don't consider or take into account.
You are operating under a set of assumptions that men who bring wives back to their country do not all agree with.

A man may not be able to find a wife in his own country because he has a giant beaklike nose, bowed legs, and a very hairy back. He might be able to find a wife in a country where a 'pointy nose' is considered attractive, because he might be considered better looking there than in his home country. His unique, exotic looks may at least get him more positive attention than at home.

Not every man who finds a wife abroad accepts the idea that the United States has this awful culture that corrupts everyone who lives in it. And those who see cultural problems in the US with feminism and beliefs about marriage may not believe that living here later in life erases the cultural values the wife gained in her country-of-origin.

And if a man found a wife overseas, that doesn't meant that he was incapable of finding one in his home country. If I had never married and knew what I knew now or was widowed, I'd probably look for a wife in Indonesia. I don't think it would be impossible to find a good one in the US, but I appreciate Indonesian women's values regarding marriage and family. I also think that as an exotic white man who automatically gets some 'status' due to reverse positive discrimination in Indonesia, I'd attract prettier, younger girls than in the US. I wouldn't want some old divorcee if I were single at my age.

Some men marry women from abroad because they are attracted to the looks of women from a certain country, along with the accents and just the exotic and foreignness factor. I appreciate my wife's ability to make authentic Indonesian food, too.

If a Caucasian Asiaphile were wife-hunting in the US, the pool is limited in the US. He may not be able to find as many attractive Asians to choose from. And he'd have less a chance of meeting one that liked him back in the smaller pool of potential partners in the US than if he went to China or the Filippines or wherever.
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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:Not every man who finds a wife abroad accepts the idea that the United States has this awful culture that corrupts everyone who lives in it.
Their lack of acceptance will not help when they are ass-raped in the divorce court or poisoned for the insurance money. The truth is the truth.
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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by Adama »

MrMan wrote:
Winston wrote:Last night I talked to Monkro, Rock's former tenant in Taipei who has the same views as I do about America. He told me something interesting that makes a lot of sense. He said:

"If you can't get a woman in your country, then obviously there is something wrong with your country (assuming you are a decent guy of course). So why then would you want to bring a foreign woman to it?"

He is right if you think about it. Bringing a foreign woman or bride to America is in effect a LOGICAL SELF-CONTRADICTION. If something is so messed up in your country that you can't even find a good woman, then why would you want to bring a good woman from abroad to it? See what I mean? It's inherently SELF-CONTRADICTORY if you think about it.

A country that is toxic and turns women bad is definitely NOT a place you should bring a sweet, good, kind, caring, wholesome, feminine woman to. Right?

This is what the romance tour and marriage agencies don't consider or take into account.
You are operating under a set of assumptions that men who bring wives back to their country do not all agree with.

A man may not be able to find a wife in his own country because he has a giant beaklike nose, bowed legs, and a very hairy back. He might be able to find a wife in a country where a 'pointy nose' is considered attractive, because he might be considered better looking there than in his home country. His unique, exotic looks may at least get him more positive attention than at home.

Not every man who finds a wife abroad accepts the idea that the United States has this awful culture that corrupts everyone who lives in it. And those who see cultural problems in the US with feminism and beliefs about marriage may not believe that living here later in life erases the cultural values the wife gained in her country-of-origin.

And if a man found a wife overseas, that doesn't meant that he was incapable of finding one in his home country. If I had never married and knew what I knew now or was widowed, I'd probably look for a wife in Indonesia. I don't think it would be impossible to find a good one in the US, but I appreciate Indonesian women's values regarding marriage and family. I also think that as an exotic white man who automatically gets some 'status' due to reverse positive discrimination in Indonesia, I'd attract prettier, younger girls than in the US. I wouldn't want some old divorcee if I were single at my age.

Some men marry women from abroad because they are attracted to the looks of women from a certain country, along with the accents and just the exotic and foreignness factor. I appreciate my wife's ability to make authentic Indonesian food, too.

If a Caucasian Asiaphile were wife-hunting in the US, the pool is limited in the US. He may not be able to find as many attractive Asians to choose from. And he'd have less a chance of meeting one that liked him back in the smaller pool of potential partners in the US than if he went to China or the Filippines or wherever.
Keep in mind also that these men have zero faith in God. So they do not believe that He is guiding them or that He will protect them from evil.

I don't think it is the US per se that corrupts women. I think if the woman becomes corrupt, there was always an inner-slut or feminist just waiting to come out. She always was that way, just the opportunities in the states allow for it to bloom. Most of the men who *know* women who became Americanized were really just dating sl*ts who were always that way. They just consider them Americanized because they got dumped. That type of woman would have dumped those men either way though.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by firahs75 »

Ghost wrote:
I don't think it is the US per se that corrupts women. I think if the woman becomes corrupt, there was always an inner-slut or feminist just waiting to come out.
Then why were AWs good women (generally) 45+ years ago? Are we to believe that AWs are now so shitty because they all just happened to have an inner-slut?

It's the culture that determines what the women become.

In most cases, environment is stronger than willpower...
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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by Adama »

firahs75 wrote:
Ghost wrote:
I don't think it is the US per se that corrupts women. I think if the woman becomes corrupt, there was always an inner-slut or feminist just waiting to come out.
Then why were AWs good women (generally) 45+ years ago? Are we to believe that AWs are now so shitty because they all just happened to have an inner-slut?

It's the culture that determines what the women become.

In most cases, environment is stronger than willpower...

You two misunderstood my point, or I was unclear with the explanation. Culture definitely determines and influences behavior. That is why American women are a problem. That is truth. I will never deny that.

What I meant was, the culture shouldnt affect an adult woman who wasnt raised in the US to a large extent. I meant it when I said a good woman isnt going to turn into a bad woman simply because she moves here. If she were truly already good, then she would find bad things offensive, and she would not adopt those ways.

Now if she was lazy, greedy, whorish before, then those traits will enlarge by bringing her here. But if she was truly a virtuous woman already, she should not automatically become a greedy, lazy slore just because she moved here. She's already an adult, her personality has already been formed, and she is good.

This is why men like MrMan and Fschmidt weren't afraid to bring their wives to the states. A good person will remain a good person.

Just like there are certain people who would be willing to sell their souls for a million dollars. Say someone rich asked you to do something you would ordinarily find revolting. There are certain people who would sell out and do that thing for money, and there are certain people who would consider the proposal itself disgusting and refuse.

And I would bet most of the time when the women turn bad, it is because the man himself was allowing it or even encouraging her in feminist ways. That is because American men do not know what gender roles are supposed to be. They don't even know they are treating the woman the way feminists would demand, rather than the traditional way. So over time, the woman becomes more of a feminist because her man is giving her freedom her own countrymen would never give her. She starts to like that freedom and feels more entitled. Meanwhile if the American man had kept her in her country, even though he is an unwitting feminist, the culture around him helps protect him from himself. The culture helps keep that woman sweet even though he, as his own worst enemy, is the unwitting feminist destructive force. Just like those losers on Plnet-love who think Russian and Colombian women make great wives, but they are upset that Russian and Colombian men do not pay child support under penalty of imprisonment. These men found good wives, but because the men themselves are feminist, they are leading their wives down the road of feminism, because they are American men who've been raised in the same screwed up way as American women have.
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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by Adama »

Basically there are three forces at work influencing women, especially wives: 1. The husband. 2. The wife herself. 3. The culture. Those are listed in order of importance. Be a husband to your wife. Be the man. Stop worrying about the other stuff. She will follow you. That's what she was designed for, and that will even trump her own inner self for many women, meaning the man's leadership is more important because women were designed to follow their husbands. So your opinion and leadership can lead her successfully even if the culture around you is evil. You'll need to have one and two in line. That is, you would have to be the leader (1) and she would have to be the follower (2), and you can conquer the culture (3).
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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by drealm »

If the only thing you want to do is chase your dick and not give a shit about anyone, then yes bringing a foreign wife to America is self-contradicting.

If you have higher aspirations then it's not.

Let's look at this list:

(1) Get laid
(2) Find long term relationship
(3) Support family
(4) Raise family
(5) Have a community

(1) and (2) are easier to do abroad.

(3) Has anyone here tried starting a business abroad? Has anyone tried taking out a loan? Has anyone tried paying bills? If you think America is horrible, get a reality check. You will be scammed infinitely more abroad and everything is slow and incompetent.

(4) Isn't it a contradiction to go to a shithole where we're exploiting the local degenerate conditions to win a girlfriend/wife and then turn around and plant our children in this same petri dish and not expect them to absorb the local ineffective culture that made us stand our as superior in the first place? You know that stupid Mexican/Filipina/whatever girl who gets pregnant at 16? Well she's going be your daughter's classmate in high school, maybe even her best friend. Does this strike anyone as a good influence? You know the young scammer guys who are trying to make an extra buck off naive tourists? Well those guys are going to be the neighborhood boys your son hangs out with. The country you will be living in isn't a pristine church, it's a sewer with a few gold nuggets floating in it.

(5) When you get tired of screwing exotic women, eating strange new food and laughing over cultural differences you will eventually want male company that you can trust and relate to. Don't expect the country farmer that sold you his daughter to be stimulating. And don't expect your warm friendly neighbor who always smiles at you to not screw your wife or steal your mail if he is given the opportunity.
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Re: Why Bringing a Foreign Wife to America is Self-Contradic

Post by cdnFA »

drealm wrote:
(4) Isn't it a contradiction to go to a shithole where we're exploiting the local degenerate conditions to win a girlfriend/wife and then turn around and plant our children in this same petri dish and not expect them to absorb the local ineffective culture that made us stand our as superior in the first place? You know that stupid Mexican/Filipina/whatever girl who gets pregnant at 16? Well she's going be your daughter's classmate in high school, maybe even her best friend. Does this strike anyone as a good influence? You know the young scammer guys who are trying to make an extra buck off naive tourists? Well those guys are going to be the neighborhood boys your son hangs out with. The country you will be living in isn't a pristine church, it's a sewer with a few gold nuggets floating in it.

(5) When you get tired of screwing exotic women, eating strange new food and laughing over cultural differences you will eventually want male company that you can trust and relate to. Don't expect the country farmer that sold you his daughter to be stimulating. And don't expect your warm friendly neighbor who always smiles at you to not screw your wife or steal your mail if he is given the opportunity.
I don't want kids, but I'd like to that you for expressing thoughts that were sort of nebulous before in my mind.

I've thought of living overseas and I am Canadian, I like Canada and those fat checks they give people past the age of 65 just for being Canadian are a bit much to pass up. I don't think I'd want to stay overseas forever. Enough for it to be interesting, ideally enough to get a woman. However even living in a first world nation like Japan just seems I donno, not appealing.

One might ask if the girl in question might feel the same way, but they say once someone leaves Japan they often don't want to go back. Canada is filled with Filipinos and Chinese. I know an Indian guy who is quite patriotic but would never ever move back. Sure being a single guy here sucks, in particular for me, but if that was settled away, I'd rather live nowhere else. I could deal with the US or the other parts of the Anglosphere but beyond that, meh.
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