How to find a loving wife: A response from

Discussion for marriage-minded members seeking foreign brides for marriage and serious long-term relationships.
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How to find a loving wife: A response from

Post by OTB »

Find a good wife by being open minded to a foreign bride

Admin says:

I repeatedly say that there are many nice American women and further you can not judge a people as a whole. However, there are cultural trends and most American men are aware of them. That is, many American women have less than desirable traits for a wife, they sleep around, they do not believe in marriage no matter what, rather they will get divorced if things are not working out. Yes can you beleive this the majority of divorces in the USA are filed by women. American women do not cook, they are prideful, do not learn languages, musical instruments and are not too well-travelled.

If you are an American guy, I am not saying American women are universally wrong for you, just consider the whole world beyond American feminist culture.

Do American women believe in taking care of their husband? I do not know. The ones I meet feel there is something wrong with taking care of your husband, it is almost shameful.

I do know my friends that married foreign brides are happy, their wives make meals no problem, study music. art, literature languages on their own, are thin and humble. My wife says she wants to make me happy and this is her desire in life as well as taking care of our daughter. Wow can you tell me that American women dream of making their husband happy as the center of their life? Their family or child comes before their job? Or do they drop their kids in daycare? Child and husband is number one and nothing else.

I mean I work at home and have given up a career so I can spend time with my family. In the old days or like with the Amish that is the way people lived. Now husbands and wifes are apart most of the day.

Every guy I know that married a foreign bride is happy. In contrast every American guy I know that married an American girl is accepting his fate.

This could just be the circle of friends I have. So do not universally project this to anything. However, American guys should be open-minded enough to date women from other cultures and races. What is the big deal. Why do they have to marry someone from their own culture? Who care about skin color or culture. Love is universal. If Americans realize how many beautiful Indians or Africans or Russians or Italian girls there are, I think they would not be wondering what is wrong with American dating.

A good wife is humble and kind and loyal and will never ever leave you. I would rather be unhappy and miserable all the days of my life than leave my wife and my wife feels this way too. We know we will always be together. Once you say that, you create happiness.

Too many people today just give up. This is not love, this is not marriage this is dating, like in high school.

Who in their right mind would marry someone who is so flimsy with love. Marriage is a divine union. Intimacy is a divine union, while American girls think it is something you do as a teen because everyone else is doing it.

In Poland it is not the same. I lived in Poland for 10 years and am a Polish citizen as well as US. I am married to a Polish girl. It is nothing like the USA. My wife is in shock what it is like here. It is a different culture. Girls almost universally tell me they dream of finding a husband and making him happy. I have never heard an American girls tell me that to my face, they would think it was a joke. Different culture.

We live in a nice area in the USA, yet a disproportional number of our female neighbors are huge. These girls are not fat mind you, but enormous. Peace and love, but that is not good for their health and either a lack of control or a lack of awareness. But you really do not see European girls like that.

If you are a guy be open-minded to the world and consider American girls and dating just one small part of your options.

It is not the weight or the multi partners that upsets guys about American girls, it is their unfriendly attitude. You can not talk to them like normal people without them giving you weird vibes.
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I know that site

Post by Guyver »

Hey OTB, I have been to that site regularly since even before I found out about HA. I have read several of that guy's articles and the responses to comments that he has made. He sounds like he is coming from the right angle as far as marriage and family. What I know about him is he grew up in Boston, took a trip to Poland, and met the Polish girl that later became his wife. He even gave up a 6 figure a year job to move there and be with her. That goes to show you how powerful an effect a heavily traditional, feminine, and intelligent woman can have on an American man who grew up here in feminist America.
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