I actually want to marry a girl

Discussion for marriage-minded members seeking foreign brides for marriage and serious long-term relationships.
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Jonny Law »

Boxman wrote:No BS... no desire for mongering... dead serious here.

i want a good woman to carry my seed so that I may have proper heir to my legacy. But seriously I just want to get married settle down. I want to simply devote myself to a single woman and treat her right.

I tried that in the US but of course the women don't appreciate guys like me. So what's my best bet? I'm financially independent now (finally) and ready to travel. I have no problem permanently relocating abroad.

Are their any legit dating\marriage sites left? Where you can just simply meet some real-life girls and get to know them before jumping on a plane? Please advise.
1. Women initiate the vast majority of divorces!
The myth that marriage is a woman’s ultimate and sacred fulfillment is not true! The reality is that roughly two-thirds of divorces are initiated by women.
2. She better not have a job!
Ohio State University's Liana C. Sayer and her colleagues have provided evidence to suggest that unsatisfied women are much more likely to leave if they are employed.

Jonny Law Says
"Leave America. Go to a refugee camp and meet a traditional woman and never return to America where the bitch has rights."

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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by MrMan »

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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by MrMan »

In general, I'd say American and European women are high risk for divorce. You can look at country divorce rates and see that. Russia had a high divorce rate the last I checked, so I do not get why it is a popular destination for wife-hunters, apparently. Maybe it has to do with an abundance of thin, good-looking women who range from Scandinavian to Eurasian in their looks.

But these societies are not homogeneous, and women in each country are not cookie cutter copies made off of some template. In the US, a 23-year-old millennial Democrat from San Francisco who has slept around with 50 guys before she met you is probably a lot higher risk for divorce than a bonnet-wearing 23-year-old Amish or Mennonite virgin girl from Pennsylvania. The general cultural values of the US have seriously degenerated when it comes to marriage.

If just over 50% of marriages end in divorce (and I've heard that contested since it is supposedly includes the numbers of divorces for those who get married and divorced multiple times) then just under 50% of marriages do not end in divorce. So the question if you want to marry is how do you get in the percent that doesn't get divorced.

There are a lot of factors looking at the US that could make a woman a lower risk for divorce. There is evidence that a woman who is a virgin at marriage, she is much lower risk for divorce. Women who'd only slept with their husbands were lower risk.

This article says that less than 5% of Asian-American adults are divorced. <https://ifstudies.org/blog/marital-demo ... difference>. I don't know if the study they refer to parsed out mixed marriages with Asian-Americans, but it is something to consider.

Claiming certain religious beliefs may not correlate with lower divorce rates, but I've read that those who regularly attend religious services have a 20% lower divorce rate. I believe I have read having different beliefs about religion correlates with a higher divorce rate.

Even in the US, it is possible to marry someone who, as an individual, is low-risk for divorce. It is really important to look at her values. You could bring up some real-life case of a woman who divorced her husband and see what she thinks about it. Try to gauge her beliefs on this. Anything less than a firm conviction about the 'no fault' types of divorce. IMO, a woman who thinks women who stuck it out when men who were violent when they got drunk were admirable might be a good sign if she is emotionally healthy overall, and not the type to invite violent drunk men into her life. There are also women who would divorce over adultery, violence, etc, or who aren't sure about that, but have a strong conviction against leaving a man who treats her well. On the bad extreme are women who would divorce 'if things don't work out' or 'if I love him, but I am no longer in love with him.' That's a way to lose your shirt. You have to be cool about this and work in situations where she can comment on what she thinks without realizing she is being tested.

Also, a man should look for a woman who is easy to get along with, and who also respects and defers to male authority. You might see this with a young woman when it comes to her father. A boyfriend in this situation needs to assert himself a bit to see the dynamics of how she treats him, but respect her father's authority, and so encourage loyalty.

Asian-Americans in the US, in general, have lower divorce rates. Marrying an Asian in the US, first generation in particular, could be lower risk. Finding a wife from Asia and bringing her back may be lower risk if you select carefully. Living abroad in a country with a legal system that is not hostile to men (even if it is because the 'rule of law' in family court is weak) may be even lower risk.

A lot of Asian and other traditional cultures are collectivist, and the girls raised in that culture are raised to put more value on the needs and wishes of their 'in group' in relation to their selves than their counterparts raised in individualistic cultures. The college student might say, "I am studying accounting because my parents wanted me to. I work hard to make them proud." After marriage, the husband becomes a big part of her in-group. You should jump through cultural hoops and expectations to marry a girl like this. Don't elope. If the family supports the marriage, you've got a lot of social glue and social pressure working to keep your marriage together. Just be clear on what her, and her family's, expectations are of a married daughter. Sending money home to her parents may be feasible, but a lot of that loyalty has to shift to her husband after marriage, and of course to the children. You may have to feel her out to see how loyal she will be to her husband and reinforce that kind of thinking when you talk to her when you are married.

Generic American culture doesn't stigmatize or censure women who get divorced. Some of these other more traditional cultures do. That's good because the girl is raised thinking poorly of getting divorced, which helps her form her values on the topic. After marriage, if she's still in the traditional culture or if she has links to a pocket of that culture in the US, that helps work against divorce.

If she's from a culture where the men are in charge and the women have to respect the men, that's okay.

I'd say avoid feminists. Feminism has affected the world, but filtered through traditional Asian cultures, it can become a lot less toxic. I think I've met one woman who called herself a 'feminist' during my time in Indonesia. She mentioned that in a conversation when she was mourning that an expat Chinese businessman who'd had the nerve to lead her on by saying 'hi' to her and asking her how she was doing from time to time, had showed up married to a striking women around her age. He didn't care for feminists. Initiatives for women's issues seem to be filtered through local values and religion.

If there is a girl who is feminist in her thinking in the US, she's likely to be hard to get along with, unsubmissive, and more prone to divorce. In general, I'd say to stay away from a woman who calls herself an 'independent woman.' If she's independent, and doesn't need a man, why would she want to get married? When I talk about submissive, I don't mean a docile personality. It is good if the dynamic is deferring to her man. But she can be the go-getter or spunky type, but still have values and training so that she knows she should respect and obey her husband.
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by MrMan »

There are some legitimate reasons to get married.

My top reasons are religious ones. I don't believe in having sex outside of marriage. I wanted to have sex, so I knew I had to get married. There was a lot more to it than that. But that's part of it. But other than that simplistic argument, there are a lot of practical reasons for marriage.

If you do want to have kids, if you have kids with a girlfriend, your kids will be bastards. You haven't agreed to stay with the girl for life, which makes the relationship, and your relationship with your kids, potentially much less stable. You don't have any social pressure, religious reasons, etc. for her to stay with you. If are decent and her parents happen to have decent values, if you marry her, they'll try to do what they can so her marriage can stay together if you marry her in an honorable way (parents consent, are involved in getting married, etc.)

When we are talking about kids, I don't see how, in the US, not getting married helps much. If you shack up with a woman and make a baby with her, then split up, the courts can still saddle you with child support. I suppose if you met some girl at the bar or hired some girl, you could be with a girl who slept with so many guys that the chances of you getting the child support bill is decreased, especially if you aren't the riches of the bunch. But that scenario is high risk for STDs and it is just gross. How many people do you want to use the toothbrush you use?

There are also practical benefits of marriage. You can be with someone you love who loves you. That's a good thing. Socially, it's more meaningful to have a wife to introduce to colleagues at work than just a girlfriend. Don't 40+ year olds feel kind of silly saying, "This is my girlfriend." I've seen seniors say that, and it just sounds so high schoolish.

Let's say you are a mid-career professional, working 60 or 70 hours. Aside from my own religious and moral beliefs that don't allow it, if I were just hedonistic, if I were some player out picking up girls at bars, or if I had some kind of list of booty calls, what are the odds I'll get home from work at 10 and feel like going out and pulling some girl at the bar or that I could arrange for a mid-night booty call. When you get older, you don't have the energy to invest in going to bars like that and gaming girls all the time. And what quality girls would you have to be around to have a list of booty calls? But as a married man, I could go home tired, wanting to unwind, and have some sexual release waiting for me. As a married man, sexual frustration might mean I go a night or two without some kind of sexual release when I want it if my wife is sick, exhausted, or otherwise unavailable for activity. What is the standard for single men? I suppose I 'game' a little in marriage on occasion, but it's just a little effort for mild flirting and other stuff like that. I have no experience with these dolls some of you posters keep mentioning, but that sure does sound uber lame compared to the real thing and the human connection.

I get to live with my own children and raise them. I live with my own wife. These are actually people you love, not just theoretical abstractions, not cost-benefit analyses.

It's good to have someone else who takes care of stuff. I don't have to go home and cook a nice meal or go to the trouble of going out to dinner. My wife is an excellent cook. The maid cooks sometimes, and she cooks very well, but my wife has a special talent. Maids come and go. I don't wash my own dishes, wash my own laundry or mop floors. I have done some of that in the past when we had little kids. It has to be done. But, generally, if we don't have a maid, my wife does that stuff.

I've also got someone who arranges a social calendar and activities on the weekend. I'll have to tell her if I don't want to do anything on the weekend. But it's good to have that. I don't have to have that on my plate. My wife actually runs a lot of the errands I'd have to run if I weren't married. There are a lot of things she does that I wouldn't want someone else I could theoretically hire if I were single, to do.

And I've got someone who loves me to spend my life with. I'm not bouncing around between unstable short-term relationships with girlfriends. I don't have some kids I'm only allowed to see on weekends that I can't raise myself at some other woman's house. I get to raise my own kids. If society is breaking down, I don't have to embrace that and be a part of that. I can have a bubble of normal life in my own home.
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by JesseL26 »

You can find it my brother and your best bet would be Asian Mainland Chinese or Vietnamese. I met a 22 year old Vietnamese girl here in Florida 1 hour away from me not on a dating site but on Zalo app. She is beyond down to earth she doesn't care about money or anything like that I don't even have a car she doesn't care. I tried excuses to see if I could shake her off of me but I can't. It feels to good to be true but it is true. All she wants is to love and be loved and have a happy family in the future. This is coming from a guy that has never had any luck with women and now I am 31 years old.
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Contrarian Expatriate
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

MrMan wrote:There are some legitimate reasons to get married.

My top reasons are religious ones. I don't believe in having sex outside of marriage. I wanted to have sex, so I knew I had to get married. There was a lot more to it than that. But that's part of it. But other than that simplistic argument, there are a lot of practical reasons for marriage.

If you do want to have kids, if you have kids with a girlfriend, your kids will be bastards. You haven't agreed to stay with the girl for life, which makes the relationship, and your relationship with your kids, potentially much less stable. You don't have any social pressure, religious reasons, etc. for her to stay with you. If are decent and her parents happen to have decent values, if you marry her, they'll try to do what they can so her marriage can stay together if you marry her in an honorable way (parents consent, are involved in getting married, etc.)

When we are talking about kids, I don't see how, in the US, not getting married helps much. If you shack up with a woman and make a baby with her, then split up, the courts can still saddle you with child support. I suppose if you met some girl at the bar or hired some girl, you could be with a girl who slept with so many guys that the chances of you getting the child support bill is decreased, especially if you aren't the riches of the bunch. But that scenario is high risk for STDs and it is just gross. How many people do you want to use the toothbrush you use?

There are also practical benefits of marriage. You can be with someone you love who loves you. That's a good thing. Socially, it's more meaningful to have a wife to introduce to colleagues at work than just a girlfriend. Don't 40+ year olds feel kind of silly saying, "This is my girlfriend." I've seen seniors say that, and it just sounds so high schoolish.

Let's say you are a mid-career professional, working 60 or 70 hours. Aside from my own religious and moral beliefs that don't allow it, if I were just hedonistic, if I were some player out picking up girls at bars, or if I had some kind of list of b***y calls, what are the odds I'll get home from work at 10 and feel like going out and pulling some girl at the bar or that I could arrange for a mid-night b***y call. When you get older, you don't have the energy to invest in going to bars like that and gaming girls all the time. And what quality girls would you have to be around to have a list of b***y calls? But as a married man, I could go home tired, wanting to unwind, and have some sexual release waiting for me. As a married man, sexual frustration might mean I go a night or two without some kind of sexual release when I want it if my wife is sick, exhausted, or otherwise unavailable for activity. What is the standard for single men? I suppose I 'game' a little in marriage on occasion, but it's just a little effort for mild flirting and other stuff like that. I have no experience with these dolls some of you posters keep mentioning, but that sure does sound uber lame compared to the real thing and the human connection.

I get to live with my own children and raise them. I live with my own wife. These are actually people you love, not just theoretical abstractions, not cost-benefit analyses.

It's good to have someone else who takes care of stuff. I don't have to go home and cook a nice meal or go to the trouble of going out to dinner. My wife is an excellent cook. The maid cooks sometimes, and she cooks very well, but my wife has a special talent. Maids come and go. I don't wash my own dishes, wash my own laundry or mop floors. I have done some of that in the past when we had little kids. It has to be done. But, generally, if we don't have a maid, my wife does that stuff.

I've also got someone who arranges a social calendar and activities on the weekend. I'll have to tell her if I don't want to do anything on the weekend. But it's good to have that. I don't have to have that on my plate. My wife actually runs a lot of the errands I'd have to run if I weren't married. There are a lot of things she does that I wouldn't want someone else I could theoretically hire if I were single, to do.

And I've got someone who loves me to spend my life with. I'm not bouncing around between unstable short-term relationships with girlfriends. I don't have some kids I'm only allowed to see on weekends that I can't raise myself at some other woman's house. I get to raise my own kids. If society is breaking down, I don't have to embrace that and be a part of that. I can have a bubble of normal life in my own home.
I have to say your description of marriage sounds like the most pathetically banal and mechanical existence in which a man could live. If you were trying to make marriage seem appealing, you did just the opposite by painting it as some self-imposed set of restrictions and burdens.

Oh great, your wife yanks you around like a rag doll on your precious weekends so you just spin it as her arranging your social calendar so it does not sting so badly.

Take Saint Paul's advice in the Bible and never get married so as to avoid the self-deluded misery that men like this toil under!
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by MrMan »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote: I have to say your description of marriage sounds like the most pathetically banal and mechanical existence in which a man could live. If you were trying to make marriage seem appealing, you did just the opposite by painting it as some self-imposed set of restrictions and burdens.
I was writing about everyday life. I wasn't writing a travel brochure. Why don't you post an honest post about what every day life is like as a single MGTOW--how fun it is to eat alone at restaurants and things like that? Btw, I had sex again last night. What did you do? More ongoing, everyday life stuff for me, but still fun.
Oh great, your wife yanks you around like a rag doll on your precious weekends so you just spin it as her arranging your social calendar so it does not sting so badly.
If I choose to go somewhere, I go. If not, I don't go. It's up to me. I probably would sit around the house a lot if my wife didn't have stuff lined up. If we go on an outing, my wife packs all kinds of food and things like that. I just take the kids and leave the house. It's good to have all those little things she brings that I wouldn't.
Take Saint Paul's advice in the Bible and never get married so as to avoid the self-deluded misery that men like this toil under!
Paul didn't consider it a sin or offense to get married, the way you treat it. The celibacy has the advantage that the one who doesn't marry can focus his attention on how to please the Lord. If a man is cut out for that, good for him. Is that what you are doing with your single life, living celibate, and pleasing the Lord?
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

MrMan wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote: I have to say your description of marriage sounds like the most pathetically banal and mechanical existence in which a man could live. If you were trying to make marriage seem appealing, you did just the opposite by painting it as some self-imposed set of restrictions and burdens.
I was writing about everyday life. I wasn't writing a travel brochure. Why don't you post an honest post about what every day life is like as a single MGTOW--how fun it is to eat alone at restaurants and things like that? Btw, I had sex again last night. What did you do? More ongoing, everyday life stuff for me, but still fun.
Oh great, your wife yanks you around like a rag doll on your precious weekends so you just spin it as her arranging your social calendar so it does not sting so badly.
If I choose to go somewhere, I go. If not, I don't go. It's up to me. I probably would sit around the house a lot if my wife didn't have stuff lined up. If we go on an outing, my wife packs all kinds of food and things like that. I just take the kids and leave the house. It's good to have all those little things she brings that I wouldn't.
Take Saint Paul's advice in the Bible and never get married so as to avoid the self-deluded misery that men like this toil under!
Paul didn't consider it a sin or offense to get married, the way you treat it. The celibacy has the advantage that the one who doesn't marry can focus his attention on how to please the Lord. If a man is cut out for that, good for him. Is that what you are doing with your single life, living celibate, and pleasing the Lord?
Having sex with the same woman of declining beauty you've had to screw exclusively for the last several years is nothing to brag about. If you told me you prefer having periodic sex with only her instead of a fresh, new, supply of young girls, I'd call you a liar. Let's be real about this.

Your Christian Saint Paul EXPLICITLY advises against getting married, period! I did not say anything about marriage being sinful, I said he advised against it. If marriage was such a wonderful thing, your beloved deity Jesus would have married too! That he did not should tell you something about just how godlessly pathetic is marriage for men.

But Jesus smarter than that, he was clearly a MGTOW (as was Saint Paul)!

Men, avoid marriage at all costs as well as the defeated, beta men who try to rationalize just how "great" is married life when they very well know they are miserable. :roll:
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by MrMan »


Paul said to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband. He advised celibacy for those who could take it. Not being a MGTOW who has sex with a 'fresh supply' of girlfriends. Jesus spoke about fornication as a sinful thing, and the church is the bride of Christ. The Bible also says, "Marriage is holy in all, and the bed undefiled." It does not call marriage ungodly.
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

MrMan wrote:ContrarianExpat.

Paul said to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband. He advised celibacy for those who could take it. Not being a MGTOW who has sex with a 'fresh supply' of girlfriends. Jesus spoke about fornication as a sinful thing, and the church is the bride of Christ. The Bible also says, "Marriage is holy in all, and the bed undefiled." It does not call marriage ungodly.
You obviously don't even know your own Bible! You might want to brush up on Corinthians because Paul outright advises MEN TO NOT MARRY. Read it, weep, and file for your divorce immediately! Stop it with the weak-kneed justifications already because it is becoming increasingly clear that you hate being married but you can't bring yourself to admit it for reasons of religion, fear of your wife, and/or lack of self-awareness.

Your self-imposed sexual starvation, and yes you ARE sexually starved if the only woman with whom you've had sex is your wife, is pathetic and unnecessary. There are now married people who consent to their spouses having extra-marital sex because that is natural.

Any man who needs a wife, to among other things, arrange his social calendar (ie. drag him around like a dominated poodle) is no real man, but a mere male like in the depiction below:


Stop encouraging young men to ruin their lives and manhood with marriage. Just stop it!

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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Adama »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote: If marriage was such a wonderful thing, your beloved deity Jesus would have married too! That he did not should tell you something about just how godlessly pathetic is marriage for men.
Christ came to save those who can believe in Him from their sins. He did this by fulfilling the whole law of God and thereby conquering the commandments, as only the Son of God, the Messiah can do. And then after He fulfilled the law, He then died for our sins, taking our punishment. Therefore all we must do to escape eternal punishment in Sheol, is to trust in Him completely to take us to heaven; to believe in Him by faith alone, and not by trusting on our own works. It's a free gift He has extended to all those who have believed in Him. All a person needs is faith.

The people who reject Him do so because they love the pleasure of unrighteousness more than they love the truth.
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Adama »

I can only imagine that a woman who doesn't like to cook and clean for herself and her household might be a woman to avoid altogether. That's like intentionally withholding kindness and goodwill. They won't take care of their own families. That wouldn't make for a good wife, if she compares men who want loving wives to adult babies.
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Bao3niang »

Well, I'll have to disagree about FOBs. They get spoiled more quickly than you realize. And what's the point of finding a foreign woman if all you're going to do is to bring her back to the US? It's like shooting yourself in the foot, at least in my opinion. The win-win scenario woulds be to permanently relocate and marry a woman in the country of your choice. You'll have a place where you can truly call home, and a good life partner. If that's not possible for you, then, you should ask someone who's more qualified than I am to deal with 'less-than-ideal' scenarios.
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by MrMan »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
MrMan wrote:ContrarianExpat.

Paul said to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband. He advised celibacy for those who could take it. Not being a MGTOW who has sex with a 'fresh supply' of girlfriends. Jesus spoke about fornication as a sinful thing, and the church is the bride of Christ. The Bible also says, "Marriage is holy in all, and the bed undefiled." It does not call marriage ungodly.
You obviously don't even know your own Bible! You might want to brush up on Corinthians because Paul outright advises MEN TO NOT MARRY. Read it, weep, and file for your divorce immediately!
The problem with a lot of your posts is, you are ignorant on a topic and you pretend you are an expert. You have done that with your bogus armchair psychoanalysis, and now you are doing it with the Bible. It is not my fault if you either don't bother to read a book through, and then pretend to be an expert on it, or if you can't understand what you read. I wrote a paraphrase of Paul's words in my post to you.

I Corinthians 7
2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. 3 Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 6 But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. 7 For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.

Notice verse 2, where he recommends marriage to prevent sexual immorality. Having a 'fresh supply' of different women isn't an option. It's not good and ethical, either. That's the way you fill a society up with kids who were not raised by their fathers and do not know who their daddies are. Do you think it is good for a child to grow up not knowing who is daddy is?

This is where Paul introduces the idea that he would like it if men, and women, were celibate like himself. He acknowledges celibacy and both as gifts from God.

8 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

When I was a young man, I considered this. A life with no sex did not seem like a viable option for me. Neither did a life without a close relationship with a woman. I wasn't cut out for life-long celibacy, so I chose to marry.

And this is what Paul said about your wicked suggestion that I divorce my wife.

10 Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. 11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.

If you don't know what you are posting about, you can always choose not to post, or just ask questions.
Stop it with the weak-kneed justifications already because it is becoming increasingly clear that you hate being married but you can't bring yourself to admit it for reasons of religion, fear of your wife, and/or lack of self-awareness.
More bull crap psychoanalysis for you. Maybe this is supposed to be mind-reading. Take my advice and don't put on a show at Vegas trying to read people's minds. You aren't good at it.

I posted some reasons to reason with someone from a hedonistic egoist perspective, since that is the perspective you seem to take. MGTOW seems to appeal to people who are into egoism. I even saw there was a MGTOW video in favor of Ayn Rand's philosophy. That was of thinking is bad for everyone else. You may want to do what is good for you, but that is certainly not going to make you a good person for everyone else.

Taking advantage of teenage girls and sleeping with them is not a good thing. Doing the same with women in their 30's who've had sexual experience isn't a good thing, either. Women are human beings. The deeper benefits of marriage are not just egoistic and hedonistic, like cooking and cleaning and frequent sex, but having read some of your posts, that seems to be the sorts of things you are focused on. Your arguments against marriage are at that level. There are benefits to having a loving relationship with another human being. Believe it or not, women are human beings. They aren't just shells there for sexual or emotional gratification.
Your self-imposed sexual starvation, and yes you ARE sexually starved if the only woman with whom you've had sex is your wife,
You'd asked me if I'd rather sleep with one woman than multiple women. Sleeping around is against my conscience and beliefs, so I definitely would choose one woman in marriage. Of course, I understand the appeal of lusting after multiple women. I'd imagine some men find that fun. I'd imagine meth users really enjoy the dopamine rush they get from taking the drug, but it's bad to do that. Just from a hedonistic perspective, if I were concerned only with sex and not morals, I'd rather have lots of sex with one beautiful woman than go around trying to game a new woman every night. Just in terms of pleasure, it is better to have sex reliably have sex four nights a week, or seven, or three, or whatever number it is for a given married couple, than to go out to a bar, try to pull some girl. That's a lot of trouble and wasted hours. How many hours of game would a man have to put in to get sex with five different girls a week as opposed to five times with the same wife--unless he hires a prostitute? Is he really going to pull 9s every night? Is it really all that titilating to have sex with lots of 4s or 6s on his personal rating scale rather than one woman he's chosen whose looks appeal to him.

If you sleep around and she drank some, she could accuse you of rape. She could have a disease. She could get pregnant and kill your baby. You don't know this girl. She could have your baby and not tell you, or have your baby and you have to pay child support. Your also likely sleeping with a girl whose had other men dump their biological material in the same oriface you are using. It could have been a few hours before for all you know. Yuck. And if she insists you use a common, as far as sensation goes, that's like having 10% of sex. I don't use those things.
There are now married people who consent to their spouses having extra-marital sex because that is natural.
It's a good thing for women that may be interested in you that you haven't married them if that's how you think. You may be cool with sleeping with women who have been with other men or who are with other men between their encounters with you, if you think that is natural.
Any man who needs a wife, to among other things, arrange his social calendar (ie. drag him around like a dominated poodle) is no real man, but a mere male like in the depiction below:


Stop encouraging young men to ruin their lives and manhood with marriage. Just stop it!
Stop encouraging wickedness. Stop ignorantly spouting off about things you know nothing about.

If you like that picture, it sounds like you've been brainwashed by the feminists into thinking men need to do their own cooking and cleaning. They've done a number on society, you included.

Btw, didn't you say something about hiring a maid in the past to do your cleaning? Does that make you a big baby?
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Contrarian Expatriate
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Re: I actually want to marry a girl

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

MrMan wrote:
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
MrMan wrote:ContrarianExpat.

Paul said to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband. He advised celibacy for those who could take it. Not being a MGTOW who has sex with a 'fresh supply' of girlfriends. Jesus spoke about fornication as a sinful thing, and the church is the bride of Christ. The Bible also says, "Marriage is holy in all, and the bed undefiled." It does not call marriage ungodly.
You obviously don't even know your own Bible! You might want to brush up on Corinthians because Paul outright advises MEN TO NOT MARRY. Read it, weep, and file for your divorce immediately!
The problem with a lot of your posts is, you are ignorant on a topic and you pretend you are an expert. You have done that with your bogus armchair psychoanalysis, and now you are doing it with the Bible. It is not my fault if you either don't bother to read a book through, and then pretend to be an expert on it, or if you can't understand what you read. I wrote a paraphrase of Paul's words in my post to you.

I Corinthians 7
2 Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. 3 Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband. 6 But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. 7 For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.

Notice verse 2, where he recommends marriage to prevent sexual immorality. Having a 'fresh supply' of different women isn't an option. It's not good and ethical, either. That's the way you fill a society up with kids who were not raised by their fathers and do not know who their daddies are. Do you think it is good for a child to grow up not knowing who is daddy is?

This is where Paul introduces the idea that he would like it if men, and women, were celibate like himself. He acknowledges celibacy and both as gifts from God.

8 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; 9 but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

When I was a young man, I considered this. A life with no sex did not seem like a viable option for me. Neither did a life without a close relationship with a woman. I wasn't cut out for life-long celibacy, so I chose to marry.

And this is what Paul said about your wicked suggestion that I divorce my wife.

10 Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband. 11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.

If you don't know what you are posting about, you can always choose not to post, or just ask questions.
Stop it with the weak-kneed justifications already because it is becoming increasingly clear that you hate being married but you can't bring yourself to admit it for reasons of religion, fear of your wife, and/or lack of self-awareness.
More bull crap psychoanalysis for you. Maybe this is supposed to be mind-reading. Take my advice and don't put on a show at Vegas trying to read people's minds. You aren't good at it.

I posted some reasons to reason with someone from a hedonistic egoist perspective, since that is the perspective you seem to take. MGTOW seems to appeal to people who are into egoism. I even saw there was a MGTOW video in favor of Ayn Rand's philosophy. That was of thinking is bad for everyone else. You may want to do what is good for you, but that is certainly not going to make you a good person for everyone else.

Taking advantage of teenage girls and sleeping with them is not a good thing. Doing the same with women in their 30's who've had sexual experience isn't a good thing, either. Women are human beings. The deeper benefits of marriage are not just egoistic and hedonistic, like cooking and cleaning and frequent sex, but having read some of your posts, that seems to be the sorts of things you are focused on. Your arguments against marriage are at that level. There are benefits to having a loving relationship with another human being. Believe it or not, women are human beings. They aren't just shells there for sexual or emotional gratification.
Your self-imposed sexual starvation, and yes you ARE sexually starved if the only woman with whom you've had sex is your wife,
You'd asked me if I'd rather sleep with one woman than multiple women. Sleeping around is against my conscience and beliefs, so I definitely would choose one woman in marriage. Of course, I understand the appeal of lusting after multiple women. I'd imagine some men find that fun. I'd imagine meth users really enjoy the dopamine rush they get from taking the drug, but it's bad to do that. Just from a hedonistic perspective, if I were concerned only with sex and not morals, I'd rather have lots of sex with one beautiful woman than go around trying to game a new woman every night. Just in terms of pleasure, it is better to have sex reliably have sex four nights a week, or seven, or three, or whatever number it is for a given married couple, than to go out to a bar, try to pull some girl. That's a lot of trouble and wasted hours. How many hours of game would a man have to put in to get sex with five different girls a week as opposed to five times with the same wife--unless he hires a prostitute? Is he really going to pull 9s every night? Is it really all that titilating to have sex with lots of 4s or 6s on his personal rating scale rather than one woman he's chosen whose looks appeal to him.

If you sleep around and she drank some, she could accuse you of rape. She could have a disease. She could get pregnant and kill your baby. You don't know this girl. She could have your baby and not tell you, or have your baby and you have to pay child support. Your also likely sleeping with a girl whose had other men dump their biological material in the same oriface you are using. It could have been a few hours before for all you know. Yuck. And if she insists you use a common, as far as sensation goes, that's like having 10% of sex. I don't use those things.
There are now married people who consent to their spouses having extra-marital sex because that is natural.
It's a good thing for women that may be interested in you that you haven't married them if that's how you think. You may be cool with sleeping with women who have been with other men or who are with other men between their encounters with you, if you think that is natural.
Any man who needs a wife, to among other things, arrange his social calendar (ie. drag him around like a dominated poodle) is no real man, but a mere male like in the depiction below:


Stop encouraging young men to ruin their lives and manhood with marriage. Just stop it!
Stop encouraging wickedness. Stop ignorantly spouting off about things you know nothing about.

If you like that picture, it sounds like you've been brainwashed by the feminists into thinking men need to do their own cooking and cleaning. They've done a number on society, you included.

Btw, didn't you say something about hiring a maid in the past to do your cleaning? Does that make you a big baby?
Trying to emotionally wiggle out of the truth as it was pointed out to you does not make it untrue. In fact, your emotional response tends to show just how true were the things that were pointed out. Deep down you obviously know what I wrote is true :lol:

If you hate being married and hate your married life, don't attack the messenger!
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