Photo shows Filipina bar girls NOT cold or business-like

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Photo shows Filipina bar girls NOT cold or business-like

Post by Winston »

Hi folks,
Check out this photo of me and some Filipina bar girls. Notice the attitude on their face and body language. You will see that they are not cold
and business-like as the sex workers in the Nevada brothels are. In fact you will see that they have a playful, fun and cheerful attitude usually.

So it's not all business with them like people think. I can tell you that from firsthand experience, and so can Ladislav. They definitely put more
emotional investment into it.

But that doesn't mean they are all about love either. It's somewhere in the middle, between love and business. Like Larry Elterman said,
it's a shade of gray, sometimes more on one side and sometimes more on the other. It's the narrow minded folks who generalize and say
it's all business.

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