Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Rock »

retiredfrank wrote:
Rock wrote:Man you got me so curious about Africa now. I just got my Yellow Fever vaccination (last was over 10 years ago) and will apply Ghana visa tomorrow. If all goes as planned, I intend to be in Accra by end of January 2017 and spend a month there. I may do a side trip to Ivory Coast by land.
I suggest you go the opposite direction and try Togo instead of Ivory Coast. I have heard very good things about Togo. Both are Francophone former French colonies, so knowing basic French would be very useful. Whereas Ghana is Anglophone (plus the native languages, of course, in all cases).

All the problems with Ebola, civil war, etc, seem to occur west of Ghana or else Nigeria and further east into central Africa. Never hear about problems in Togo or Benin, but Togo is the better of the two since Benin separates it from Nigeria.
I don't speak any French unfortunately :(

I picked Ghana because it's like West Africa for Anglophone beginners. It's fairly safe, English speaking, and also relatively prosperous and peaceful. When I visited Doula in Cameroon last time, language was a hindrance to me getting the most out of my visit.

As for Ivory Coast, I like wanna go there because Abijan is an easy overland journey from Accra and it's probably got one of the best infrastructures of any W. African major city. The central area looks impressive and the malls are supposed to be good too. Ivory Coast also has a GDP per capita much higher than that of Togo and Benin and like Ghana has a much higher population.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Shemp »

I'm just passing along info, no personal experience, but supposedly Lome is also easy bus trip trom Accra and well developed coastal town.

Take those GDP figures with a grain of salt. Ukraine has very low GDP but the big cities there are nicer than most big American cities, fit example. Togo is dirt poor on paper but the guy I get info from paints a picture of a place not much different from cities in central America or most of southest Asia ex Singapore. He doesn't speak much French, but manages somehow. I'd give his name but I want to keep my anonymity, sorry.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Rock »

Yohan wrote:
Rock wrote:One more question about Nigerians. I noticed the same thing you mentioned when I visited Kenya and Cameroon - the locals warned that the Nigerians were in general bad news and the source of many criminal problems. But, when Nigerians are discussed in Africa, which of the 3 main tribes (2 Christian and 1 Muslim) are the ones doing most of the dirty work in other countries? Or is it a combo of all three?
I must admit that from the photos I've seen, Nigeria probably has a higher number of super hot black women than most if not all the other sub-saharan African countries. Would you agree with this?
The only reason why you might get this impression is maybe because Nigeria has a huge population, therefore also a high percentage of Africans you meet are from Nigeria. But otherwise?

About 'super hot black women' from Africa? I never met them. A few - I say it again - only a very few when still very young - were looking a 'little bit nice', but I am not really into black women. Their behavior and educational level is often questionable. Cleanliness is another serious issue. Many black African people are living in the garbage and look like that. Regarding black women, maybe some countries in Latin America have more to offer? Not sure, I don't know.

While I was still active with Africans and Arabs (only former French colonies) - long time ago, but I remember well - don't ask me what all these black and Arab people, but also white people from France and Belgium told me about Nigeria.

Never, not even one time, anybody told me anything nice about this large country and its people.

I heard fairly good comments from others and had a good impression of nice people I met personally from Africa who were from the following countries:
French speaking: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Cote d'Ivoire, Madagascar
English speaking: Ghana, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia

All of them told me only the worst about Nigeria and also about Algeria.
All agreed that small crime with a few gang-members is everywhere in Africa, but in Nigeria this is running on a large scale, with international organized crime syndicates, and absolutely no consideration for millions of people living in slums.

The most impoverished and dirtiest place of all Africa, but not dangerous: Equatorial Guinea
Rip-off, arrogance, but little population, too much into alcohol and very lazy people, but not dangerous: Gabon

No African person I ever had any personal contact had any experience with Southern African countries, including myself, so I cannot comment about South Africa, Botswana, Namibia etc.

Kradmelder - please correct me if I said anything wrong in this comment.
Yohan, Nigeria is a very large country and you can find a more visible middle and rich class there than in most other sub-saharan African countries w/exception of S. Africa and a few tiny spots which have oil or other wealth. That contributes to the hottie factor in certain areas of the big Nigerian cities. The second issue is that Yoruba and Ibo (the 2 Christian tribes which dominate certain areas of the south) have so many very tall and big women with a significant percentage having brown to dark brown (vs. black) toned skin. They kinda remind me of Kikuyu in Kenya except they tend to be taller and the cream level (say top 5%) tend to have gorgeous faces. BTW, some of the male specimens from these tribes are very big, masculine, good looking, and at elite levels are true ballers.

In smaller countries like Cameroon (Doula, Younde, or Limbe) you see hotties here and there but nothing like what you can find in Lagos or certain other parts of Nigeria. The environment is a lot more provincial and the so-called middle class urban people there tend not to be as tall as their counterparts in Nigeria.

Nairobi too is relatively cosmopolitan so you can see interesting specimens there as well with a dominance of business savvy Kikuyus, intelligent Luos plus a good sampling of most other significant Kenyan tribes or mixes of them.

As for north Africa, I reckon Casablanca probably has more super sexy and gorgeous women than about any other place on the planet lol. Many are tall, have light skin, and off the charts lower body curves ;)
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Kradmelder »

Johan, outside the scum called Nigerians I find a better way to classify africans is cattle culture vs agricultural subsistence culture. The cattle ones always lorded it over the hardworking peaceful farmers. Cattle culture are parasitic lazy shiftless and violent. Where you have the 2 cultures you have conflict. Like Rwanda zimbabwe etc.

Southern Africa is almost entirely cattle culture, hence the violent worthless blacks. The xhosa are total cattle culture and grow nothing. LAZY thieving bastards that raided cattle to survive. Only the Venda are agricultural and are the best southern african blacks. Zulu are primarily cattle but do grow food. They are violent and the corrupt lot now in charge after pushing out the thieving mandela xhosa bunch.

Cameroon gabon malawi and Benin are totally agricultural. Hence not violent.

I had a contract in Tanzania where I was the only white man in the bush camp. I went through the usual start up of hire and fire. Rules were any theft is immediate dismal. Same for drunkenness. No women in camp except staff. For the first 2 months only partial salary and the rest in a bank account for your families. After that your choice but I prefer you support your family instead of local whores or thieves.

After i had a stable group and made the best one a foreman, i sat with them and I asked them where they are from. They all came from subsistence areas. I asked why are none of you from dar or local (cattle area) or from the north. They said there were some but I fired them all. The cattle ones were worthless.

I had one Sudanese cattle vermin. He said I must make him foreman and pay him more as he is Sudanese and better than the rest. Although i have nothing against racism lol there must be more basis than that lol. I told him you get the same pay and work under the Tanzanian foreman until you prove yourself. He was trouble and the rest were terrified of him as he lorded it over them saying he used to be a terrorist. Even though I told them so what. He was too scared to fight and ran away from his country.

One day he walks into my portable office drunk and demands his full pay. I told him get out you are drunk. He says he will hire an AK and come shoot me. I move my papers so he sees my pistol and tell him come any time I am waiting for you.

He leaves. Later i hear yelling when he grabs a shot gun from one of the camp guards. I jumped him and pistol whipped him till he was just lying there. I then told the darkies pick him up and throw him in the ditch outside with the rest of the rubbish.

All the other darkies could have easily sorted him out. But they have always been too intimidated by cattle culture trash. That is why they allow all the shit to rule africa. Intimidation and racial beliefs that some tribes are higher and should be ruled by lower tribes.

The subsistence ones like whites and have no problem being respectful and subservient. They have always been subservient so may as well do it to a white, who is a better boss than a cattle culture darkie and is superior to a cattle darkie.

The cattle ones hate whites because they know whites will sort their thieving and shit out and prevent them from behaving like total thugs, and whites are not intimidated by them.

That is culture in Africa. That is why democracy will never work. The cattle ones will never accept being ruled by an agricultural majority, like Rwanda, unless the oppression is ruthless, like Zim.

The white man was the best chance they had of stability and progress.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Yohan »

zboy1 wrote: ..... but the one thing I rarely see advice given on is about the strident racism in Asia
This is because the term 'Asia' is too vague.

Where in Asia, under which circumstances...
..... racism and xenophobia, although in Asia, it's less the violent kind of racism, but the more subtle kind of racism, such as being denied entry into clubs, rude stares, back-talking, and Asian woman refusing to date you because you're a foreigner or not Asian looking.
Again, about which country you are talking?

Mongolia? Singapore?

About dating, you will find the same situation also outside of Asia. I am from Europe and I never had any nice dating with a local (white) girl. All of the girls I ever met in my life for a personal talk were of Asian race.
So far wherever I have been in Asia I felt more welcome than in Europe or US/Canada.

Did I meet some rude people in Asia? Yes, I did, but it was really very rare during my 40 years now in Asia.
.....I also suggest Blacks/African Americans don't come to Asia unless they have strong appetites in dealing with racism, and have a lot of confidence in themselves, regardless of racism
In Bangladesh you will find people who are as black as Africans. In India too, and of course also in Sri Lanka. In Cambodia/Eastern Thai are not so few people who are naturally brown/dark skinned.
It's not about race.

It's often about how some people behave while living in a foreign country.
.....That said, not all foreigners will agree with my assessment, which I'm guessing will be people like Yohan (who is very happy in Japan), and maybe even Winston, himself.
Winston is a Chinese, I am a white man. If Winston (and you too, you are Asian American) are walking around somewhere in Taiwan, Korea and Japan, it is impossible to know if you are a local or not until you talk to somebody.
My case is different - wherever I go, I am a foreigner, everybody looking at me will consider me to be a 'foreigner' and why not? What's wrong with that?

So far I had rarely any problem. Of course some curious people, usually children or people in rural areas who hardly have any contact to abroad might look at me and why not? They do not have any bad intention towards me.
.....All in all, though, I don't think this should discourage people from coming to Asia, although I think some non-Asians will be surprised by the level of racism here. Asians are racist even towards other Asians.
Asians racist towards Asians? This is not 'racist' - same race -, this is discrimination concerning nationality.
If you take Japan as an example, if it is so racist I wonder why almost 17 million Asian foreigners are visiting it in during 11 months in 2016, this does not include data of December 2016.
http://www.jnto.go.jp/jpn/statistics/si ... urists.pdf

My friends from Malaysia (Chinese) were visiting me in Japan 5 times during the last 3 years. Racist? Where? How? It cannot be so bad here, otherwise they will tell me about their negative experiences.
I was many times in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines etc. I do not remember to be badly treated by locals.

Maybe you might argue, it makes a difference if you are a tourist or a resident. But tell me how can be 'race' a problem for a tourist?
For a resident, it takes a little time and patience of course, but I am using the same medical doctors since decades, the same barber, the same shop for motorcycle service, the same restaurants which fits my taste etc.
When I enter, local people working there know me, there are no problems.

Of course there are always some people who see discrimination everywhere they go and are complaining about all and everything all the time. - I can only tell them if you cannot live among people who are different from you then best is you go back to your own native country. Honestly what are you doing abroad if it is so wonderful in the place where you are coming from?
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Yohan »

Kradmelder wrote: The subsistence ones like whites and have no problem being respectful and subservient. They have always been subservient so may as well do it to a white, who is a better boss than a cattle culture darkie and is superior to a cattle darkie.

The cattle ones hate whites because they know whites will sort their thieving and shit out and prevent them from behaving like total thugs, and whites are not intimidated by them.

That is culture in Africa. That is why democracy will never work. The cattle ones will never accept being ruled by an agricultural majority, like Rwanda, unless the oppression is ruthless, like Zim.

The white man was the best chance they had of stability and progress.
There is for sure something true with what you write. Your comments as a local man in Africa make a lot of sense.

Africa was much better off under colonial rule compared to now. The colonies were in good condition when they were released and starting to become 'independent countries'.

Nowadays wide parts in Africa are unsafe and impoverished. Many African countries are a religious and political mess, with economy totally broken down. Some places are nothing but a war-zone.

The newest country on the list of 'total mess' - but not the least one for sure - might be Gambia.

I wish you the best for the coming Year 2017.
Last edited by Yohan on December 21st, 2016, 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Kradmelder »

Yohan wrote:
Of course there are always some people who see discrimination everywhere they go and are complaining about all and everything all the time. - I can only tell them if you cannot live among people who are different from you then best is you go back to your own native country. Honestly what are you doing abroad if it is so wonderful in the place where you are coming from?
LOL. When I read this I think immediately of Jews. Those vampires want to live amongst others then complain of anti-semitism. They have made a whole industry of it and create groups to look for anti-semitism so they can whine about it and remain silent about their own usury. Soon they will dig up corpses and charge them with anti semitism and demand compensation for their suffering.

I wish they would pack up and go. Helping them pack up and go leads to even more anti semitism allegations and fills their coffers with shekels.
Last edited by Kradmelder on December 21st, 2016, 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Kradmelder »

Best wishes and happy Weihnacten to you and your family as well Johan.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Yohan »

Kradmelder wrote: LOL. When I read this I think immediately of Jews....

I wish they would pack up and go. Helping them pack up and go leads to even more anti semitism allegations and fills their kaffers with shekels.

The newcomers to Africa are now the Chinese, from mainland China, and I am not sure, who are the better people.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Kradmelder »

Yohan wrote:
Kradmelder wrote: LOL. When I read this I think immediately of Jews....

I wish they would pack up and go. Helping them pack up and go leads to even more anti semitism allegations and fills their kaffers with shekels.

The newcomers to Africa are now the Chinese, from mainland China, and I am not sure, who are the better people.
Chinese are now everywhere in Africa. They have even made Chinatown places where only asians and whites are allowed in :lol:

The Chinese will be ruthless. They Will strip resources unsustainably and will make blacks wish they rather had white oppression again than the Chinese version.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Cornfed »

This cattle thing is interesting. Among white populations, you had people like the English-Scottish borderers (later called the Scots-Irish) who were cattle people and had the same scummy tendencies. But being high-functioning whites, their scummishness could be put to good use as natural colonists and such.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Kradmelder »

Cornfed wrote:This cattle thing is interesting. Among white populations, you had people like the English-Scottish borderers (later called the Scots-Irish) who were cattle people and had the same scummy tendencies. But being high-functioning whites, their scummishness could be put to good use as natural colonists and such.
Perhaps it has to do with historical cultural development. Agricultural people must work hard and plan ahead. Cattle culture you did little but sit under a tree and simply raid your neighbours if your cattle dies off. You make your wife work as digging in soil is beneath you as a warrior.

Most warrior races of the world were cattle culture. Or horse for the mongols. But over time the organisational ability and planning of agricultural people led to armies, like the Romans, which defeats lazy cattle culture warriorshock of need constant expansion to provide basic needs.

But agricultural people are generally not clever, hence had to develop an intellectual and warrior class of their own to organise them, leading to complex societies and hierarchies.

Darkie subsistence farmers are dumb as a plank, but generally decent and don't steal as much. They were never able to make the transition to complex modern societies. Hence were always defeated by warrior zulus or by whites. Like the zulu slaughtered 30 million during the mfecane while they were a small minority. In turn a few hundred white farmers could defeat 20 000 zulu.

During the 8 kaffir wars a small number of white farmers led by professionals were each time able to put down the xhosa hordes who kept violating the border to attack whites.

About 80 British soldiers put to flight 1000s of zulu who also had firearms at Rourkes drift. The white warrior class was just better trained intelligent and organised.

During the apartheid border war small numbers of whites were always able to defeat larger numbers of cattle culture darkies armed with Soviet weapons and varied by modern cuban manned armour and Russian jets far more advanced than anything we had.why? Because of the bond and discipline of whites with the morals of an originally agrarian culture defending their land.

Throughout Europe feudal armies led by Knights eventually defeated a rabble of warrior culture with no higher purpose than immediate plunder. That had been the strength of white culture.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Cornfed »

Kradmelder wrote:
Cornfed wrote:This cattle thing is interesting. Among white populations, you had people like the English-Scottish borderers (later called the Scots-Irish) who were cattle people and had the same scummy tendencies. But being high-functioning whites, their scummishness could be put to good use as natural colonists and such.
Perhaps it has to do with historical cultural development. Agricultural people must work hard and plan ahead. Cattle culture you did little but sit under a tree and simply raid your neighbours if your cattle dies off. You make your wife work as digging in soil is beneath you as a warrior.
As a cattle culture white guy, sounds good to me. Of course if I were part of a greater order I would play my part, but if not, this sounds like the ideal.
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Re: Expat advice from an Asian American: Asians are racist!

Post by Kradmelder »

Cornfed wrote:
Kradmelder wrote:
Cornfed wrote:This cattle thing is interesting. Among white populations, you had people like the English-Scottish borderers (later called the Scots-Irish) who were cattle people and had the same scummy tendencies. But being high-functioning whites, their scummishness could be put to good use as natural colonists and such.
Perhaps it has to do with historical cultural development. Agricultural people must work hard and plan ahead. Cattle culture you did little but sit under a tree and simply raid your neighbours if your cattle dies off. You make your wife work as digging in soil is beneath you as a warrior.
As a cattle culture white guy, sounds good to me. Of course if I were part of a greater order I would play my part, but if not, this sounds like the ideal.

You are not cattle culture. I doubt any white is. Whites have cattle as part of agriculture, raised for food only. Cattle culture the cattle are wealth. They are not there for food but to trade, buy wives, status etc. The cattle are usually in poor condition and over grazed as the quality doesn't matter. Just the quantity. All Europeans have been agrarian since they gave up hunter gatherer. Darkie cattle culture are nothing more than hunter gatherer. Like locusts they descend on a place over graze and plunder.

Agrarian people tend their herds to prevent disease and manage the veld to ensure grazing.

Cattle culture keep putting more cattle on. Until they die off. Then goes to raid more from others. Kaffir cattle culture no longer worked when they ran up against the white man who said you are not going to steal my cattle or I will gun you down like a dog.

American nigger predators display cattle culture. Instead of pumping wealth into assets to ensure a future, they will buy a Cadillac and rather be predators against their neighbours. Until a white man guns them down like a dog for trespassing and stealing his stuff.

The decent American niggers are like subsistence farmers in Africa. They tolerate nigger predators and feel intimidated, which destroys their whole soceity like it does in africa. They should rather rise up and give the predators darkies a good hiding.
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