Chinese girls are obsessed with White guys in Shenzhen

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Post by ladislav »

And the above goes to show how different personal experiences are. I mean like totally. They are completely situational and what happens to me doesn't happen to others and refuse to believe that I am at fault here. There are all kinds of wacky and illogical people in Asian countries and I've had my fill of them. They do tend to come out when you become fluent like them.

So, have you learned Tagalog now? I mean so that you can have a full uninterrupted conversation? Have you learned any other Asian language fluently like me?

One that is totally fluent will be treated differently. Do learn and then let's compare notes.

I had people yelling at me- "why should I speak Visaya to you, are you a Filipino? " I had people tell me that me speaking Filipino was an insult to them. I had Japanese guffaw in very rude laughter and switch to English. I had Thais say that I know too much and mock me. And many just refused to speak to me period.

Granted, there were also good people there but monolingual English speakers and those who speak just a few words experience a whole different world.
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Post by hammanta »


To answer your question, no I haven't become fluent, not even close. And you are right we all have personal experiences but that doesn't mean that the whole population is as such. My brother's girlfriend who is black just went to wal-mart and had a lady say some very nasty racial comments to her. From her experience, many white people are racist. Does that mean all or the majority of white people are racist, absolutely not. But what sticks out more to her are those people who are unique. It is a biased interpretation that can be easily skewed. Such as my opinion. But what is not to say that in a foreign country the people are talking shit behind your back or even to your face but you don't even know it cause you don't speak the language. They very well could be talking bad about me but I dont know it. So what makes your opinion any stronger than mine? You just happen to know what they are saying. Those few people that were bigots could easily skew your interpretation of the hundreds of regular people you may speak to that have no problem with you speaking their language. Then again, are you completely fluent in Thai, mandarin, Korean, and tagalog, or whatever languages you say you are? Even in english I become offended by how some filipinos and hispanics communicate but in reality I know the meaning can probably become skewed or they are not sure they are offending me. I've had my filipino friends call me fat. To them it is not an insult, it is strictly a view point and nothing to become upset about. Another girl said she thought I had a "hunky" body right in front of her husband and she said that her husband needed to look like me. In my culture that would be completely offensive to her husband but he just laughed and agreed. My point is that things become skewed and misunderstood through language barriers. I am not trying to disapprove your experiences but from my own and other's I have talked to or heard from they tend to differ from yours.
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Post by ladislav »


Let's just agree that this is a complicated issue and we get exposed to all kinds of people with all kinds of opinions and cultural differences. Some are intentionally good to you, some --unintentionally, some are intentionally rude and some-- unintentionally. Some are nationalistic types who think that no white/black man has the right to speak an Asian language and must speak English and some who think that a non-Oriental should speak the language of the county. It's just a wide variety of people that one gets exposed to. But the word " some" is too general. We need %'s.

Since we do not have Gallup Poll-variety results, only personal experiences can be studied, and these are not only different, but highly subjective. They depend on so many factors such as your economic/work status, your physical appearance, the location you are in, the class of people you meet as well as what you can hear/understand and how you perceive that information.

You always run into a huge variety of people with all kinds of attitudes and opinions. This is why polls are so important, and in America and Europe they're conducted regularly. The results are always: so many % believe this and that, and other bla-bla-bla % believe so-and-so. This is something palpable to go by. We have no such polls for Asian treatment of non-Asians, white people, black people, etc.

If we could conduct cross section studies, such as for example stand on the street corner in some Asian country and interview random 1000 people or so, or give them questionnaires to fill out, we would have some semi-solid data to work with.

Otherwise, when expats argue about their experiences with the locals, it's always:

Expat #1 " Locals are this and that and they said/did that bad thing to me and do/say these things all the time and a lot of them do that".

Expat #2. "Never happened to me. As in 'never'. And if it happens to you, then you are an a##h.ole and you need to examine your attitude".

The above conversation is particularly common when it's white people living in a non-white country. This is partly due to the fact that many such Anglo whites carry a guilt complex of the - "we used to be bad to them before so we must treat them nice and they are downtrodden masses and we should patronize them" variety. "We're racist and rude, and they're all nice and polite".

When faced with racism coming from Asians ( in their country towards the expat- where he is now a minority non citizen and just a guest in a country that does not have the same civil rights and ethnic sensitivity) he/she has cognitive dissonance, refuses to accept facts and immediately shifts the blame on the expat victim of abuse.

However, bigots do come in all colors and races, and it's bad to treat anyone unequally no matter who he/she is. But many white Anglos abroad have a problem understanding that. And large expat communities also overwhelmingly reject such complaints with the 'never happened to me' argument.

Now, if it's say, a black guy in Europe who gets verbally abused, then immediately it's the locals' fault according to most expats.

This is unfair as no one should be treated badly by anyone.

The above is again what I've seen or heard. I think someone will need to do an opinion study and publish the results. Say, get 2000 people to give their view on such things. But what complicates matters here is the language issue. Should the poll be in the local language? And how honest would these Asian people be?

And I'm talking about Asian people in Asia, not American residents of Asian origin. These are two completely different breeds.

It would be an interesting study, indeed.

I don't know if you've been following events in Ukraine but, to refresh everyone's memory here, the deal is: Putin says that ethnic Russians and Russian speakers in general are oppressed in that country. He's using this as an excuse to carry out a military invasion. In my opinion/experience, this is complete nonsense- it's like saying that English speakers are oppressed in Ireland. Everyone in Ukraine is fluent in Russian and half speak it at home even though they're not ethnically Russian.

So, what one Ukraine TV station did was go out on the street with a crew pretending to be tourists from Russia. They were in the Catholic part of Ukraine and they were approaching a set number of people and asking them in Russian how to get to the Russian Orthodox Church.

They talked to some 20 people and some 17 gave them directions in fluent Russian; one person did not talk to them and just ignored them. One said that they didn't know and turned away. One asked them if they could speak Ukrainian and then talked to them in Ukrainian and refused to speak Russian.

So, here you have at least some stats that more or less represent how many % are like this and how many are like that. These stats are fluid and have an error margin but they do give a general idea of the situation.

We should do the same in Asia.
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Post by velocity »

zboy1 wrote:
Cornfed wrote:Sounds idea. Maybe I will try to get a job in Shenzhen next year.
You know what's funny about you, Cornfed? LOL! You're a White nationalist type; in another words, you don't like Jews, Blacks or Latinos, and you consider Whites to be the superior race; yet, you're a miscegenator with Asian females--the same crap you decry on this forum, when White females date Black, Mestizos and other non-White men.

You're a damn hypocrite, Cornfed!
I don't really have a dog in this particular fight but I did just get done reading through a bunch of kai's (older) posts and that dude was constantly condescending and with "old white this" and "white people that" and blah blah blah. He certainly was not subtle about it and was never called on it from what I can tell. He seemed to have a bit of a chip on the ol' shoulder.

Of course tone is not always easily deciphered with the written word so perhaps I am wrong or a bit off.

I have been away from these type of boards/communities for years now (ex patted but back in USA for a job...for now...blech) but am seeing some familiar names here.
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Post by Jester »

Welcome back, velocity, hope you enjoy catching up with old friends.

Looking forward to seeing a little of your experiences abroad.

Re Angry Blacks and Angry Whites, I personally don't mind it as long as it's rant-and-let-rant.

Yes, there have been Black posters on here who match Cornfed, some without his (evil) wit.

OTOH, I have learned from Blacks on here. To me, no matter what race-fights erupt in the USSA, fellow refugees are fellow refugees, not my enemy. Fellow misfits.

And yes of course I am often lol at stuff Cornfed says.
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Re: Chinese girls are obsessed with White guys in Shenzhen

Post by DCX_10 »

Zboy:I have been to Shenzhen many many times. I do not agree with your statement. In fact, generally speaking only if a Chinese girl does not think she is desired by local boys would she look for a white boy. But sure there are always girls looking for a thrill, something different. Shenzhen is a great place for guys, I am sure a good guy will find (more than) your share of great girls. Good luck!
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Post by Chad114 »

Contrarian Expatriate wrote:
Cornfed wrote:Sounds idea. Maybe I will try to get a job in Shenzhen next year.
So where is your racial pride now you hypocrite? You rail about how whites are superior, but I guess since white women are not impressed with your whiteness, you are resorting to white-worshiping Chinese women to dupe you out of the wealth that you so clearly do not have.

So it is now confirmed; you are a loser "par excellence."
Low hanging fruit, only way losers like him can get laid. Level the playing field and his kind would be extinct.
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Post by Cornfed »

Chad114 wrote:Low hanging fruit, only way losers like him can get laid. Level the playing field and his kind would be extinct.
When the playing field was relatively level in the recent past, my kind proliferated.
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Post by D_Athlete »

Sounds like Shenzhen is good for white guys. :D

Where are some good spots to pick up hot Chinese girls? I've heard COCO Park is where it's at.
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Post by zboy1 »

D_Athlete wrote:Sounds like Shenzhen is good for white guys. :D

Where are some good spots to pick up hot Chinese girls? I've heard COCO Park is where it's at.
Yes! Coco Park is a good place for expats to get girls, but be careful!: there's lots of gold-diggers and prostitutes hanging around there as well. Be warned.
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Re: Chinese girls are obsessed with White guys in Shenzhen

Post by Winston »

Are you sure most Shenzhen girls want to date white guys? That's not what I hear from others here. They all say that most Chinese women don't want to be seen with white guys. Only a small minority do. But that minority is enough so that any decent white guy can get a Chinese date or girlfriend.

When I was in Shenzhen, I saw lots of white guys with hot tall Chinese women. However, they were not the fat older type of white men with a pot belly like in Angeles City. They looked like the younger IT types and white collar types, like Edward Snowden.

China is a mixed bag really. You hear very different experiences. Some white guys said they couldn't get any dates there. And some say they got dates easily there. Some say Taiwan is better for white guys, but others say that's not true anymore. I guess a place as big as China is gonna have a lot of varying trip reports.

Btw, recently a friend of me and Rock named David, who is a great PUA artist and cold approachers, went to Shenzhen and said he couldn't get any dates at all. That was shocking, since when we were in Thailand, he was getting tons of dates from cold approaching. In fact, he said that he didn't see many women in Shenzhen. That's hard to believe, since I saw women everywhere in Shenzhen. It's like he was in a parallel universe there, or different dimension. Very Twilight Zone like. You can ask David about it. He posts in this forum under the username "newarrior".
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Post by Winston »

zboy1 wrote:
D_Athlete wrote:Sounds like Shenzhen is good for white guys. :D

Where are some good spots to pick up hot Chinese girls? I've heard COCO Park is where it's at.
Yes! Coco Park is a good place for expats to get girls, but be careful!: there's lots of gold-diggers and prostitutes hanging around there as well. Be warned.
Me and Ethan_sg went to Coco Park many times. I don't see how you are supposed to pick up any girls there or meet any girls. It's a big mall. And in malls, the girls are focused on shopping, they don't stop to talk to strangers. And in the bars there, people sit in groups and only talk to those in their group, so it's a cliquish scene. It didn't look like a place where people came to meet people.

However, a lot of groups such as English corner groups and groups use Coco Park as a meeting place. So if you are subscribed to these groups, they usually post their meet up or English corner announcements at a pub at Coco Park.

Overall, I think cold approaching does work in China. It worked well for me. I got dates from doing it and even some girlfriends. However, keep in mind that:

1) Most guys are not comfortable doing cold approach. We are not raised by society to do that kind of thing. It's considered predatory and abnormal by western society. So most guys don't have the guts for it.

2) You have to have good social skills and talking skills and have worked in sales/marketing type jobs to be comfortable with cold approach. Or have a lot of experience with it. It's not something that comes easily. You also gotta be an open minded type to enjoy talking to strangers easily too.

3) You also have to be in a positive mood to do it. If you are thinking negative thoughts or not in a great mood, you may not feel the energy or motivation to do it. It takes a certain type of mood. Plus you always have to deal with approach anxiety, no matter how experienced you are, because each new girl you approach represents "the great unknown" so even if you're experienced and used to it, there's always gonna be approach anxiety. Even experienced actors report feeling stage anxiety each time they go on stage to do a performance.

4) Even if you are good at cold approaching, most of the girls you meet are just going to become casual acquaintances or flake out. That's how life is. Most people you meet in general do not become close friends or lovers or intimate partners. It's a numbers game where you will hit it off or succeed with only a small percentage. Therefore, you gotta be very PROACTIVE and do it a lot and take advantage of every opportunity before it's missed, and not be afraid of failure or rejection.

5) One thing I find that helps ease the tension and stress of cold approach is if you treat it as a joke and act playful about it. Kind of like how a comedian acts when he or she is telling a joke on stage. He creates a lighthearted mood and acts playful, like a kid having fun. If you do that, it makes it far less stressful and takes the anxiety off, for you and the girl you're approaching. It also makes the girls feel more at ease, since you are acting kind of funny and close to making them laugh -- whether at you or with you, either way it helps. Even if you're not a good comedian or good at telling jokes or making them laugh, at least act like you are having fun. That way it will rub off on them and make them feel better and more comfortable about meeting you and talking to you, thus allowing you to work your charm. This way the atmosphere doesn't feel as serious, so they are less likely to be uptight about it.

So overall, cold approaching is hard work. Not easy. It can be fun, but it involves a lot of approach anxiety too. It also involves skills and is for certain personality types, particularly those who are good in sales/marketing/public relations type of jobs. Also you gotta be open minded to talk to strangers easily. Not everyone can do that. You can get results with it. But you gotta be proactive and doing it a lot or regularly to get results. It's something you gotta work at, because it goes against how we are raised in society. We are not raised by society to cold approach women or try to pick up girls. That's something outside the normal system that one has to work at and develop constantly. But each time you do it, it does get easier the next time, that's the good news. And if you act playful and lighthearted about it, as though you're having fun and not so serious, it will help, because it will rub off on them and put them at ease. Finally, you also have to LOVE cold approaching girls and really ENJOY it, otherwise you will not have the motivation to do it.
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Re: Chinese girls are obsessed with White guys in Shenzhen

Post by newarrior »

I am am expert in cold approaches..I have studied with some of the leading PUA's and am an Hollywood actor--and it GOT ME ZERO in China...In the one week I spent in Zuhai I did not get a single date or phone #
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Re: Chinese girls are obsessed with White guys in Shenzhen

Post by MatureDJ »

Cornfed wrote:
Taco wrote:So what exactly would these women expect a white husband to bring to the table? Would he have to have money, social status or whatever?
A large penis?
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Re: Chinese girls are obsessed with White guys in Shenzhen

Post by chanta76 »

If it was a penis thing than black guys supposedly should be top notch.

This post was original started in 2014. Its possible times change in two years . I think China is very dynamic and it will not stay the same. White guys might be popular but will lose popularity quickly. Replace by some other trend. Japan and South Korea is like that too.
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