Why filipinas want men 36+

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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by Shemp »

Since PD is wanting marriage more than short term affairs with a quality woman, let me review hypergamy theory. Women want to marry up and therefore top 10% women can only marry top 10% men, whereas top 10% men can marry women as far down top 30% of women with no loss of status, and they can pick from the entire universe of women if the woman is exceptionally beautiful and naturally intelligent though uneducated. Good breeding stock trumps social class in all societies, as far as men choosing women. The result is that top 10% women are often unable to find suitable husbands their own age. To compete more effectively, they trade their youth to get a top 10% man from the previous generation, often a divorced man. It is thus common for top 10% and especially top 1% men to trade in their first wives after 20 years (when the man is in his 40s) for a wife 20 years younger. President Trump is a fine example of this. Many of my high school friends' fathers did this and it continues to be common despite the foaming at the mouth by middle aged women against this practice.

Our own Kradmelder did this 20 ditch thing (he blames the "heifer" for the divorce though I'm sure he drove her off, I can just imagine how impossible he can be to live with if wants to be annoying), and he could easily remarry a younger and pretty and educated and ambitious white South African woman and start a new family if he wanted, based on what he has written, and nothing he has written here on ha sounds unbelievable to me.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by Shemp »

One last thing. Hooking up with much younger women who want to be educated in the ways of sex and love is NOT most men's dream because most men are only too aware they have nothing to teach and the girl will despise the man when she discovers what a big nothing he is in bed. The reason most men want inexperienced women is not to teach them but rather so the woman wont be able to judge the man's performance. By contrast, I am attracted to women around age 40 with many former lovers, precisely because such women have a good basis for appreciating my skills.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by publicduende »

Frank, honest, the more I read your replies, the less believable they sound. Mentioning Krad as a role model is just the cherry on top of the cake.

Of course older men will be more aware that sex is between the ears, as you (rightly) say, and that chemistry can be enhanced by ways beyond crude penetration. I am no Tantric sex or Kamasutra expert, but of course I know what makes women tingle in bed.

That's not the point. The points are:

1) whether it's true that pretty girls in the 18-25 are actively preferring men in their 50s, or even 40s, to men within their age range and social circles;
2) even if a tiny minority of them were, and maybe they are, how you market yourself and stand out in an ocean of 50+ years olds with plenty of money and probably free time in their hands.

You mentioned you're a good salsa dancer, and that's surely a huge plus, because engaging with lots of women, young and old, with a sensual dance like that will surely give you a confidence boost. However, when not on the dancefloor, and unless you look like a mature Ryan Gosling, you are a pretty ordinary 50-yo man. If you are so successful in catching young US girls in that age range you shouldn't be posting here, you should be writing a book and people will buy it and learn from it! :)

Another thing worth pointing out: you seem to mention that discretion when building a relationship with a young woman based on gourmet sex should be exercised. If you know the history of my posts you know I have never, ever boasted about my conquests online, let alone on this forum. I have never posted pics of my wife and the only reason why I posted pics of these 2 girls I have been dating recently is to highlight the complexity of dating them: one may be hot by our standard but is undateable by local men and yet rejected me when I felt we could go beyond the usual fling. The other I am still with but it's no fairy tale. In both case, it's hardly stories to boast about, in fact the opposite. I am detailing my failed attempts.

Certainly neither of them will know that a single pic of them has been posted online, and even more certainly it's not because of my (alleged) lack of discretion, that they have no interest in me.

I did meet and date a couple of girls in the past who were good looking (one was outright hot) and willing to hook up with me as a stepping stone bf. One was a virgin. They both had the most fantastic bodies. Both of them wanted the kind discretion you are referring to, which means they did not want to be seen in public with me. If all I had wanted was a fling, I would have been in heaven. Unfortunately I wanted more and that's where they went all shy and insecure: worried about what people would have thought of them if they had seen us holding hands at a mall, like most normal couples, and worried about losing their "prime girl" reputation they were banking on to latch on that middle class Pinoy family at some point.

I wasn't impressed and after the third (sex) date with no chance to walk out of the house, I felt bored and uneasy and let them go. In both cases.

If you say your idea of a relationship with these girls is revolving around introducing them to the pleasures of sex with an experienced man, I do understand you and I wouldn't even mind trying. However I am looking for a long term relationship, perhaps one leading to (re-)marriage and the one thing I can compromise, of course, is her experience in the sack. Young girls learn quickly and I can obviously guide her where we both want to be. And that's the main point: there has to be chemistry, there has to be a genuine desire to share that moment together. And as you say, sex is enhanced by an intellectual connection, which I hardly see with such uneducated simpletons.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by publicduende »

retiredfrank wrote:Since PD is wanting marriage more than short term affairs with a quality woman, let me review hypergamy theory. Women want to marry up and therefore top 10% women can only marry top 10% men, whereas top 10% men can marry women as far down top 30% of women with no loss of status, and they can pick from the entire universe of women if the woman is exceptionally beautiful and naturally intelligent though uneducated. Good breeding stock trumps social class in all societies, as far as men choosing women. The result is that top 10% women are often unable to find suitable husbands their own age. To compete more effectively, they trade their youth to get a top 10% man from the previous generation, often a divorced man. It is thus common for top 10% and especially top 1% men to trade in their first wives after 20 years (when the man is in his 40s) for a wife 20 years younger. President Trump is a fine example of this. Many of my high school friends' fathers did this and it continues to be common despite the foaming at the mouth by middle aged women against this practice.

Our own Kradmelder did this 20 ditch thing (he blames the "heifer" for the divorce though I'm sure he drove her off, I can just imagine how impossible he can be to live with if wants to be annoying), and he could easily remarry a younger and pretty and educated and ambitious white South African woman and start a new family if he wanted, based on what he has written, and nothing he has written here on ha sounds unbelievable to me.
You are assuming I am a top 10% man, and I take that as a compliment. Thanks, but I am not :)
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by Shemp »

Men who are merely top 30% in the west become top 10% in countries like the Philippines. That's the primary point of ha, though there are also other reasons for moving abroad, like a different culture. Surely you are top 30% in the west, therefore top 10% in the Philippines, which is precisely why you are getting these young hotties. So you're bored with them? They're still young hotties that you wouldn't be getting so easily in the UK.

Also, while those girls won't be able to find ha, anyone browsing ha could use image search to identify those girls. If not today's image search, the more sophisticated image search of tomorrow. Gentlemen dont talk about their conquests where the woman can be identified, and that's exactly what you are doing when you post pics. Ill agree you are not top 10% intelligence by western standards if you can't grasp that simple point.

As for me, if I fail to get a woman in Ukraine this summer, I'll come here for psychoanalysing, because the problem is obviously in my head. Maybe I just don't want a woman in my life anymore, I really don't understand myself.

As for getting young women in the west, Kradmelder already gave the formula here on HA, so no need to write a book: good income, trappings of wealth (house, car), interesting career (traveling around the world to remote mining sites, pistol whipping troublesome darkies now and then at these sites), interesting hobby (dirt biking the African outback), extroverted, friendly to women, good-looking face, not fat. I'm many of these things, except I live in hotels/motels year round and don't own a car since I constantly travel. My work career is long over, but traveling year round, mostly by foot like I'm doing now or bicycle like I did in the autumn, is an interesting substitute for a career. ("Extroverted and friendly to women" is my major deficiency, which gets back to the problem being in my head and what I want on life.) And obviously not every yiung woman is attracted to older men like this, just some, but some is plenty enough.

The problem is you, pd, as that other threat states in the topic line. For most men, who aren't so picky, the Philippines continues to be a gold mine, where men 36+ really are considered highly desirable by many (though obviously not all) of the local young women.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by publicduende »

retiredfrank wrote:Men who are merely top 30% in the west become top 10% in countries like the Philippines. That's the primary point of ha, though there are also other reasons for moving abroad, like a different culture. Surely you are top 30% in the west, therefore top 10% in the Philippines, which is precisely why you are getting these young hotties. So you're bored with them? They're still young hotties that you wouldn't be getting so easily in the UK.
I know I am living a privilege here in the Philippines. In Europe I wouldn't get 1/10 of the fun I am having here, whether I am complaining or not. If one of this young hotties were also somebody I could find topics to talk about, beyond the trite and the trivial, that would be ideal.
retiredfrank wrote:Also, while those girls won't be able to find ha, anyone browsing ha could use image search to identify those girls. If not today's image search, the more sophisticated image search of tomorrow. Gentlemen dont talk about their conquests where the woman can be identified, and that's exactly what you are doing when you post pics. Ill agree you are not top 10% intelligence by western standards if you can't grasp that simple point.
Why are you so paranoid about this? Is it such a big deal that I posted 2 pics of girls I was talking about, and not to brag about them but to point out that they were FAILED attempts. I think the people here who are bragging about their conquests or (alleged) abilities is you, Kradmelder and the schizoid braggadocio types like PaloAltoGuy.

I am certainly not asking for pics from you but, once again, your narrative becomes less and less believable at every new reply. Alas, this is the Internet, where anyone can be whatever they like without having to prove anything to anyone.
retiredfrank wrote:As for me, if I fail to get a woman in Ukraine this summer, I'll come here for psychoanalysing, because the problem is obviously in my head. Maybe I just don't want a woman in my life anymore, I really don't understand myself.
You clearly have a lot of time in your hands, if you can travel to Ukraine just to try and get a girl. We are on completely different planets. Good for you, that you can spend your days luring the few young women who will be attracted to an older man and bragging about it.
retiredfrank wrote:As for getting young women in the west, Kradmelder already gave the formula here on HA, so no need to write a book: good income, trappings of wealth (house, car), interesting career (traveling around the world to remote mining sites, pistol whipping troublesome darkies now and then at these sites), interesting hobby (dirt biking the African outback), extroverted, friendly to women, good-looking face, not fat. I'm many of these things, except I live in hotels/motels year round and don't own a car since I constantly travel. My work career is long over, but traveling year round, mostly by foot like I'm doing now or bicycle like I did in the autumn, is an interesting substitute for a career. ("Extroverted and friendly to women" is my major deficiency, which gets back to the problem being in my head and what I want on life.) And obviously not every yiung woman is attracted to older men like this, just some, but some is plenty enough.

The problem is you, pd, as that other threat states in the topic line. For most men, who aren't so picky, the Philippines continues to be a gold mine, where men 36+ really are considered highly desirable by many (though obviously not all) of the local young women.
If I ever wanted to learn how to win a girl from another man, I am afraid Kradmelder would fare pretty low in my list of candidates. I don't care who he is and what he does in his spare time, he has widely proven himself to be a racist troll. His arguments wouldn't be out of scope on StormFront, and of course on an unmoderated "catch-all" forum like this.

I am pretty extroverted and friendly myself but, as you may imagine, it's hard to be extroverted and friendly every day at the end of a 12-hour work day. That is, probably, 90% of my problem. If I had 3 months a year I could dedicate to exploring the world looking for available women who match me, however elusive they might be, I would give it a honest try.

To me, it looks like you know what you want from life. You want to travel, enjoy life and not be committed. Nothing wrong with that. I want something different because I know that, for whatever fun I can extract from uncommitted relationships with those young hotties, they will never really care about me. I had my fun time and I feel I need more. And it pains me to realise that I have to stick to the fun, as I still don't (or won't) have the peace of mind and spare time needed to look for a serious girl.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by Shemp »

publicduende wrote: Why are you so paranoid about this? Is it such a big deal that I posted 2 pics of girls I was talking about,
Given that Winston airs ALL his dirty laundry on this site, pics included, I suppose I shouldn't make an issue about this, though I can't help despising image-based versus word-based culture. There something to be said, imo, for strict Wahhabi islam where people get their hand chopped off for taking photos or even drawing or painting human subjects, to speak nothing about posting those photos to a forum without the person's permission.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by publicduende »

retiredfrank wrote:
publicduende wrote: Why are you so paranoid about this? Is it such a big deal that I posted 2 pics of girls I was talking about,
Given that Winston airs ALL his dirty laundry on this site, pics included, I suppose I shouldn't make an issue about this, though I can't help despising image-based versus word-based culture. There something to be said, imo, for strict Wahhabi islam where people get their hand chopped off for taking photos or even drawing or painting human subjects, to speak nothing about posting those photos to a forum without the person's permission.
I wasn't posting pics out of personal revenge dude. In both cases there were a lot of words around that single pic. Relax.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by chanta76 »

I don't know about the Philippines but just go for a walk in any city in USA. How many times do you see a hot young high quality 20's something female with a 50 years old man that is supposedly high quality? 1/20 couples or less maybe...in general speaking I still see on the average girls dating or marrying guys close to their age range.

For older men to nab a young high quality girl..Look at Mel Gibson and his new girl friend. Gives you an idea what is consider high quality for older men nowadays. Which means 99% of men in the west can't compete.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/mel-gibson-r ... 23199.html
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by publicduende »

chanta76 wrote:I don't know about the Philippines but just go for a walk in any city in USA. How many times do you see a hot young high quality 20's something female with a 50 years old man that is supposedly high quality? 1/20 couples or less maybe...in general speaking I still see on the average girls dating or marrying guys close to their age range.

For older men to nab a young high quality girl..Look at Mel Gibson and his new girl friend. Gives you an idea what is consider high quality for older men nowadays. Which means 99% of men in the west can't compete.
https://www.yahoo.com/news/mel-gibson-r ... 23199.html
Mel Gibson, George Clooney, Sean Connery, Tom Cruise...they're top 0.001% of 50+ yo men. Even men half their age can't compete. Those people live in a league of their own.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by Lorenzo »

Interesting that you bring this up, I was going to write on this topic.

Short answer: She is legit in her comments. Throughout SE Asia women prefer a more established man 5-12 years older (not 20+). They see him as more secure in his career, stable, and the big one - less likely to cheat and chase other women. It's all about security. Asian when are very pragmatic when it comes to relationships.

The above does not hold for Korea where many women seek younger partners for their virility...this is rooted in ancient practices where a 28 yr old woman would be mated to a 18 yr old boy.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by publicduende »

Lorenzo wrote:Interesting that you bring this up, I was going to write on this topic.

Short answer: She is legit in her comments. Throughout SE Asia women prefer a more established man 5-12 years older (not 20+). They see him as more secure in his career, stable, and the big one - less likely to cheat and chase other women. It's all about security. Asian when are very pragmatic when it comes to relationships.

The above does not hold for Korea where many women seek younger partners for their virility...this is rooted in ancient practices where a 28 yr old woman would be mated to a 18 yr old boy.
Asians are very pragmatic but...where's the love? That's what I am often left wondering.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by Shemp »

@pd: as you can see, others guys with experience in the Philippines agree with me. Namely, contrary to your assertion that things have changed radically in the Philippines, the change has actually been small. In all societies, there are women who go for older men. Not just the top .001% as you hysterically assert. Top 10% is sufficient. When I wrote "it happens all the time". I meant something like Chamta's 1 in 20 couples will have a 20 year age difference, which is 5%, which is a lot, more than my own estimate in fact.

The magic of the Philippines and similar places was and continues to be that guys who are merely top 30% or whatever in the west suddenly become top 10% in the Philippines. Maybe in the past the boost was larger, so that even really low quality whites were considered gods, but in your case the change doesn't matter. You are intelligent, you have a career, you are not grotesquely fat and missing half your teeth like that guy on the greyhound bus I mentioned in the other thread. You are still getting the boost to top 10% and therefore you are reaping the rewards of being in the top 10%. Namely, young atttactive girls are easy to obtain. Stop trying to tell people that the Philippines is ruined and the western god factor no longer applies, because this is simply not true.

Being in the top 10% or top .001% has never and will never guarantee a man can get every woman to love him, or even that he can get any woman with whom to experience true love. This is a straw man argument that you erected for your own reasons. You mention younger men who got women like you wanted but cant get, but you have no idea as to why the woman chose those men, whether age or personality, or even if you would really be happy with those women if you could get them.

This gets back to what I and Rock hinted at long ago, that much of your motivation is ego. You want to impress people that you scored a young hottie. Well, you did score several young hotties and you even posted their pictures for all to see and be impressed. So these girls aren't ambitious. If you got the ambitious girls, there would be some other flaw I'm sure.

What you are discovering is the same thing PUAs discover. When impressing other people is your primary motivation, the bar keeps getting set higher and nothing you do is good enough and you are always unsatisfied and jealous of other men. This is why you drag in these examples of Sean Connery and other .001% men and cry "woe is me, the Philippines is ruined, etc". You're the counterpart to those women on dating sites for whom no man is good enough because he didn't tick all the boxes. True love isnt about checking all the boxes and it usually doesn't result when you pick a partner primarily so as to impress other people.

You probably do need a long period in monk mode. Then, when you are ready to try again, maybe you should scrap that checklist and focus on women whose company you really enjoy, regardless of age or "hotness". The boner test is real, but I suspect you are mainly using this as a way to exclude all the woman who wouldn't impress other guys. Women can be very attractive at age 35. Childless career women that age would probably be a much better match for you than women age 25, given that you've previously stared having your own children is not going to happen and you don't seem like the type who really gets excited by at the idea of raising adopted kids. The downside is you wont be able wow everyone by a big age difference. Droid and Jester (if hes still around) will laugh at you for choosing a woman who's "past the wall" instead of a young one. If the career woman never was a beauty, and perhaps even is a single mother, you'll get more scorn, same as happened to Falcon. The thing is, because you've had your fun with the young hotties, with photos to impress people with, this scorn will roll right off your back. Cant accuse someone of sour grapes who actually tasted the grapes and found they were indeed sour. "Sour grapes" applies to only those who never had the opportunity to taste the grapes.
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by droid »

publicduende wrote:Frank, honest, the more I read your replies, the less believable they sound. Mentioning Krad as a role model is just the cherry on top of the cake.
You have to apply some suspension of disbelief with retiredfrank, just as with starchild, but you can indeed extract some useful information from within their surrealist posts :P
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Why filipinas want men 36+

Post by droid »

retiredfrank wrote:Women can be very attractive at age 35.
If they take care of themselves and maintain a semblance of a waist, and have no 1000-cock stare, they can be really nice.
There are some I see sometimes that i could settle with too. The big practicality issue for most of us is child-bearing though.
retiredfrank wrote:Droid and Jester (if hes still around) will laugh at you for choosing a woman who's "past the wall" instead of a young one. If the career woman never was a beauty, and perhaps even is a single mother, you'll get more scorn, same as happened to Falcon.
Falcon is an extreme, he'll probably come to his senses at some point.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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