Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!

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Re: Chinese vs. Taiwanese girls: See the difference in attitude!

Post by kangarunner »

Winston wrote:
May 24th, 2022, 11:50 pm
To back up everything I've said above, here is the link to my photo album of me in Mainland China, containing 1300 photos. As you can see, the girls there are not as open and fun loving as in the Philippines of course, so it's not a dating paradise. But they are definitely a lot MORE SOCIAL than girls in Taiwan or America. More NORMAL and NATURAL too, not afraid to make eye contact with others (which Taiwanese can't for some odd reason, similar to Japanese), and more down to earth too. You can see it in these photos. There are many pics in this album, around 1300, so take your time to scroll through them.

Again, I'm not saying that China is easy or a dating paradise by any means, not for everyone that is, but the women/girls there are definitely more SOCIAL and NATURAL than in prudish, uptight, cold, cliquish places like Taiwan, that's for sure. More like REAL human beings in other words. Not afraid to make eye contact with others either.

One more thing. It may be slightly inappropriate to flirt in Mainland China, but it doesn't feel like a big taboo the way it does in Taiwan, where it is seen as immoral and wrong and creepy and out of bounds, similar to America where it feels wrong and violating too, as if you are doing something wrong if you flirt with girls.

Photo below of mainland Chinese girls treating me to dinner after chatting with me on the street. This never happens in Taiwan. So you see, I speak from FIRSTHAND EXPERIENCE.

My only experience with NE Asia has been just over a week in Seoul. When I was there, the social vibe felt cold, serious, quiet, and reserved. I agree with Winston and check his photo album. If you want to see the differences and can't go to those countries then watch youtube videos of those countries.
Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

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