So dating sites Filipinas are really bottom of the barrel?

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So dating sites Filipinas are really bottom of the barrel?

Post by publicduende »


I know this a topic that has been discussed at length before. Yet, just wanted to bring some new perspective, courtesy of a good friend of C's whom we met for dinner on Saturday. C's friend and her husband are a decidedly middle-upper-class couple in their late twenties. They both have decent jobs in BGC, nothing too special or posh, just two Millennials who could reasonably be proud of what they have achieved. C's friend got married just before Covid and we finally obliged to a post-Covid catchup. They just finished to settle in their new metropolitan pad, so home dinner it was.

So, thanks to some better than usual wine, the conversation sailed on and landed on the usual dating stereotypes surrounding Filipina/foreigner relationships, not shying away from the spicier ones.

The piece worth reporting was basically their opinion on the many dating websites that cater for "international" interactions, so the likes of DateInAsia or FilipinoCupid. Both C's friend and hubby essentially agreed on what C had told me several times before: that Filipinas usually will not resort to using such sites until they are absolutely certain that they can't find love locally. And, by "locally", they were referring to local (Filipino) men and, to a much lesser extent, the occasional bona-fide expat, e.g. working for international BPOs or at the Asian Development Bank.

When I contested that "so, by looking for a girl on a dating site, a foreigner is pretty much guaranteed that that girl will be at the end of her love life rope", they nodded.

They backed this up by saying that, after all, Filipinos love to spend time together and every group bound by same study/work activities or hobbies/interest is a "barkada" (friends circle) which ends up meeting several times a month, with religious regularity, for drinks or other social activities. They have birthdays, welcome parties, despedidas (goodbyes to someone leaving), promotion/achievement parties, boys/girls only dos. And this is without even factoring in gigs organised by their university, company, church, at every major festivity allowed.

Apparently, in the Philippines mingling among work colleagues is not frowned upon, not even in the more extreme cases of people at different levels of the chain of command, e.g. a director and a much younger officer or secretary.

Thinking about that, that's a pretty massive amount of chances for any young man or woman worth their salt to socialise and advertise themselves to their barkadas. And if not a barkada member, there will always be a best friend, a cousin, etc. Under these conditions, how long would, say, a well-educated, well-mannered and good looking young woman stay single? Probably not very long.

I then objected that this is probably less true in smaller towns and villages, and was quickly proven wrong. Smaller towns might not have the kinds of large workplace settings, like BPOs and international companies, yet schools and colleges, church and charities, will still be there. C's friend's husband added that, usually, a worthy girl would find it even easier to find a suitor in a community where everybody knows everybody and "news travel fast".

So, their thesis was that, if a girl is so good and yet has to resort to a dating site where she is going to hope to find a foreigner, it means only one thing: the girl, or her family, or both, ain't so good after all. Chances are pretty high that she or some member(s) of her family have a bad reputation in their community, maybe nothing too dramatic yet enough to keep quality suitors away from her.

One more argument: as I myself noticed, it's quite common for Filipino boys, and even their families sometimes, to scout for girls who hail from families of (much) lower status, and yet have something exceptional to offer: usually very pretty or particularly smart, sometimes both. So that means that many of the girls who are poor but good looking and/or smart and well-mannered will be snapped up pretty quickly by a boy who is more interested in a hot catch than her dowry.

The logical conclusion for all parties involved became quite clear: dating sites are for the "remaining girls", those who don't have much to offer at the local dating table and use "the longest possible fishing line" (as C's friend put it) to catch a man who doesn't speak their language, who doesn't understand their culture and customs. Most importantly, a man who is prepared to base his judgment, often one that leads to a long term relationship or marriage, only on what she chooses to tell him during her chats or during the few idyllic days spent together.

As C's friend's husband admitted, the lack of a "right to be heard" from any parties who are not the girl, the girl's family or anyone who is interested in pairing up the girl, is a problem even in the Philippines, especially in large cities where people can easily rebuild a social identity.

Not surprisingly, this rings a few bells as, even in the more traditional Southern European societies, until not so long ago, every town and village used to have people skilled at "collecting stories" and fact-checking them on behalf of a family before their son or daughter would get married to a semi-stranger.

Well, a pretty brutal wake-up call, yet supported by some impeccable logic. I was able to at least score one for the team by admitting that, given the state of Western society and how rotten girls "our side of the pool" have become, even girls who may be undesirable for the Filipino may be acceptable to a foreign man. Objection sustained, yet it didn't exactly sound like a pat on the back of my own people. :)

As a corollary, we thought that this thesis is probably applicable not only to the Philippines, but to most south-east asian cultures, who value bonding at different levels and can't seem to spend too much time alone. Probably Malaysia and Indonesia, maybe Thailand.

What do you guys think?
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Re: So dating sites Filipinas are really bottom of the barrel?

Post by MrMan »

There are still women who get so caught up in career, the one supporting the parents or younger siblings, or the woman who almost gets married and finds out the boyfriend is a cheater, etc., who breaks off and misses the critical time period to marry. Then she's too old and viewed with suspicion-- if she isn't married, something is wrong with her.

There are also the single mothers, less virtuous girls, etc.
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Re: So dating sites Filipinas are really bottom of the barrel?

Post by publicduende »

MrMan wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 5:29 pm
There are still women who get so caught up in career, the one supporting the parents or younger siblings, or the woman who almost gets married and finds out the boyfriend is a cheater, etc., who breaks off and misses the critical time period to marry. Then she's too old and viewed with suspicion-- if she isn't married, something is wrong with her.

There are also the single mothers, less virtuous girls, etc.
None of the above sound girls local men would want to date or marry. I had a bit of a wake up call last Saturday. I really had to conclude that adult foreigner, maybe divorced once or twice, easily settle for these types of girls. They are still better than the average divorcee from the US, UK, or Italy. Sad state of things...
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Re: So dating sites Filipinas are really bottom of the barrel?

Post by MrMan »

publicduende wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 7:41 pm
MrMan wrote:
April 17th, 2022, 5:29 pm
There are still women who get so caught up in career, the one supporting the parents or younger siblings, or the woman who almost gets married and finds out the boyfriend is a cheater, etc., who breaks off and misses the critical time period to marry. Then she's too old and viewed with suspicion-- if she isn't married, something is wrong with her.

There are also the single mothers, less virtuous girls, etc.
None of the above sound girls local men would want to date or marry. I had a bit of a wake up call last Saturday. I really had to conclude that adult foreigner, maybe divorced once or twice, easily settle for these types of girls. They are still better than the average divorcee from the US, UK, or Italy. Sad state of things...

If a white western man marries the busy woman who got caught up working to support her family, if he can afford to help or doesn't mind her working in the US to support him, couldn't she be a decent wife? If a nice virgin girl dates a man, then finds out about a deal breaker (e.g., girlfriends on the side, a life of crime) or he just drags out the relationship, strings her along, and never marries her, and they eventually break it off, does that make her a bad choice for a wife?

There may be some decent catches who for whatever reason just don't happen to get hitched before the age range where Filipinos are overly suspicious of them and consider them old maids who could make decent wives, right?

Back in the early 2000's, we had some people from church over for something. There was an Indonesian woman who asked my wife a question she'd heard a number of times-- how do I find a husband like yours. By that, she also meant a white man. I thought she was reasonably good-looking. I was surprised when she said she was 40. She didn't look it.

I told her there were Internet cafes around where she could get on the Internet, get some some kind of discussion forum, and meet people. She did that. I'm not sure if she used an early dating site, but I spoke with her about a year later or so, and she was engaged to a man from the US. They were still married the last I heard through the Internet, but we haven't really kept up with them.

She didn't seem like a 'bad catch', except for her age, child-bearing years, etc. Of course, I didn't know her all that well. But that depends on what the man is looking for.
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Re: So dating sites Filipinas are really bottom of the barrel?

Post by publicduende »

MrMan wrote:
April 18th, 2022, 5:40 am
If a white western man marries the busy woman who got caught up working to support her family, if he can afford to help or doesn't mind her working in the US to support him, couldn't she be a decent wife? If a nice virgin girl dates a man, then finds out about a deal breaker (e.g., girlfriends on the side, a life of crime) or he just drags out the relationship, strings her along, and never marries her, and they eventually break it off, does that make her a bad choice for a wife?
Neither of these two examples you made are bad girlfriends/wives. Both of them would be sought after local men, especially if they are also good looking. Sure, age is a bit of a hurdle, as even Filipinos in their 40s with a troubled past would still insist in dating a woman in her late 20s at most.

The typical girls you found on dating site are inevitably girls who are not pretty nor smart enough to command a local man. Many of them are single moms, true, which means they have to be truly exceptional (in looks or brains, or both) to convince a local man to have a relationship with them thaty would involve taking care of kids who are not theirs.

I only know one such example in Davao, a remarkably pretty and smart girl (Chinese-looking, tall, fair skin) who started as a paralegal for a large law firm and, typically, became one of the Partners' lovers and got knocked up. Even after a kid, she continued to practice law, stuck to the upper class circles and managed to marry one of Davao's most sought-after bachelors, a young and handsome doctor a couple of years older.
MrMan wrote:
April 18th, 2022, 5:40 am
There may be some decent catches who for whatever reason just don't happen to get hitched before the age range where Filipinos are overly suspicious of them and consider them old maids who could make decent wives, right?
Yes, there might be the occasional rare gem who joins the dating site during a low of her life, opening herself up to foreigners. Possible, yes, likely not so much, at least according to my experience and as confirmed by my conversation with C's friends.

A good catch simply won't stay in the water for long.

Now, I may sound like I'm justifying the debauchery of the sexpat lifestyle but, from the point of view of a foreigner looking for the kind of Filipina locals would find "hot" and "eligible", less than maybe 5% of woman turning up to dating sites qualify. The remaining 95% are good for short term relationships. Catch and release types.
MrMan wrote:
April 18th, 2022, 5:40 am
Back in the early 2000's, we had some people from church over for something. There was an Indonesian woman who asked my wife a question she'd heard a number of times-- how do I find a husband like yours. By that, she also meant a white man. I thought she was reasonably good-looking. I was surprised when she said she was 40. She didn't look it.

I told her there were Internet cafes around where she could get on the Internet, get some some kind of discussion forum, and meet people. She did that. I'm not sure if she used an early dating site, but I spoke with her about a year later or so, and she was engaged to a man from the US. They were still married the last I heard through the Internet, but we haven't really kept up with them.

She didn't seem like a 'bad catch', except for her age, child-bearing years, etc. Of course, I didn't know her all that well. But that depends on what the man is looking for.
Good example, thanks for sharing. As you say, she was "reasonably good looking" but maybe not attractive enough to convince local men, those with serious intentions at least, to overlook her age issue. No surprise she ended up married with a US man: she knew a foreigner was her only choice and she pursued it.

Nothing wrong with it, but it confirms one of the conclusions of my OP, that the dating scene in the West must be seriously f***ed up, if we are actively looking for the kinds of women who are easily discarded in their own countries.
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