Dismal statistics on Russian women relationships

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Post by Eduard »

ladislav wrote:
Regardless of any cultural differences or understanding, the fact is that a huge percentage of Russian girls scam, lie, cheat, steal, drug men's drinks, and do evil things when they feel like it.
Do they do those things to Russian guys?
If a 45 year old Russian guys starts chasing pretty 18 year old girls around he is likely to get the same treatment. If he wants to play he should expect to get played. Normally people (both males and females) engaging in this kind of behavior both understand that they are trying to take advantage of what they have to offer to each other. He wants a young pretty girl in his bed and she has shopping needs that need to be satisfied. Ideally an experienced man over 35 should know that there are hardly any girls age 18 to 24 who are ready for marriage, or a lifetime committement, particularly to a foreigner.
If a man is truly interested in finding a good sincere Russian woman he should 1. look in the mirror and assess who he is and what he is bringing to the table. 2. set his expectations according to #1.
3. Look for women who are 25 yo and older keeping an age gap within reason, 5 to 15 years max. In rare cases things may work out if an age gap is larger but a man needs to be in great shape physically and be an outstanding individual to attract a young beautiful female and to have her fall in love with him. The mailorder bride days are pretty much over. No women in Russia are looking "to get out", so if a man is a looser in his own Western country he is not going to impress any woman in Russia either.
There is still a shortage of marriage minded, available, single Russian men, so Russian women will still give a good Western man a chance if they find him attractive and interesting. And even an average looking Western guy has a hell of a lot better chance to find a good Russian wife as long as he has realistic expectations and not looking for 20 year old babes to fall in love with him.
Offering a very unique, personal matchmaking service. Tap into the pool of millions direct contact single Russian women outside of the usual agency circuit. Don't deal with scam any longer. Great results. Services offered: I help men create a pool of real, single, marriage minded Russian women with no agencies or middle man envolved. I help men to get to know these women, I travel to Russia and Ukraine with my clients. I also help with Interpreting, 3-way calls, K-1 help, consulting. My site: http://www.getrussianwife.com
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Post by ladislav »

...themselves, kind of like learning martial arts. But I don't see how it is a "misunderstanding" though. Isn't it mere attack vs. defense strategy?

A westerner familiar with the good and the bad aspects of the local life will be able to guard himself better against these. Also, I do not think I used the word " misunderstanding" .

I mean, not knowing the local culture, language and ways. Just like many immigrants who get drawn into scams in the US. Or divorces where they lose their shirts. Or nasty lawsuits. They do not know the local ways and the pitfalls of life in the US which can be natural for you to understand.
Last edited by ladislav on May 12th, 2010, 11:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ladislav »

If a 45 year old Russian guys starts chasing pretty 18 year old girls around he is likely to get the same treatment.
Not if he is rich and can afford to keep a mistress. Yes, he will lavish her with gifts and bankroll her life. And when he starts paying for the mistress, he is going to bang her hard and get his money's worth even if it kills her. He is also going to make sure the girl stays down self-respect -wise and treats him nice or he will cut the money supply- something she will not like. And with his money, he will play on the side and if she so much as squeaks, he will stop bankrolling her. So, she will stay nice and friendly.

Now, other 45 year old Russian guys would most often be married and maybe bang a young hooker on the side.
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Post by ladislav »

If you look at the stats above in the first link I posted, you'll see that Russia has a divorce rate of 65 percent. So obviously Russian men don't maintain long term relationships with them either.
Because many Russian guys generally like to leave the girls once they have played with them. So divorces mainly come from men's actions. Unfaithfulness or misbehaving.
They may get scammed by them less of course, cause they know their ways.
Exactly. But then Russian girls do not really scam local guys.
Usually the most innocent and sincere Russian girls are looking for love from their own kind.
Or from foreigners who live in Russia and who act and speak Russian.Something most Anglos have a psychlogical block against.
I've noticed that when Russians talk to each other, they seem to be able to read each other's minds and understand each other's intent with few words, as though there is some connection that non-Russians can't see.
Same with the Thais and the Japanese. And the Arabs. But you need to stay in their culture and figure out their ways to see how it goes. For those unwilling to do that, things just become a matter of the luck of the draw. They may work out or they may not.
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Post by Eduard »

Scamming foreigners is a full time job for only a few thousand people (both women and men) in a country of 150,000,000 people. And more than 90% of scam comes from Ukraine which is another country all together. There are all kinds of women in Russia, just like in the US or any other large country and you can find yourself in a relationship with an angel or with the worst bitch that will chew you up and spit you out and you won't even know what happened to you. Women are usually great at acting and having a language barrier and a cultural ignorance standing in the way, this becomes a gamble for any Western man. Some get lucky and wind up with a wondeful, beautiful woman, others have to go through one of the worst nightmares of their life. Having a native Russian (like myself) who speaks the language and knows Russian women very well on your side, as your wingman can greatly improve a Western man's odds in avoiding the bad ones and finding a true gem. And there are plenty of them in Russia if you know where to look, how to talk to them, how to court them and how not to make a complete ass out of yourself. If you are realistic about yourself, realistic about the type of woman you can attract and have somebody like me on your side, chances are you will find a beautiful soulmate that will make you one happy sun of a gun!

Divorce rate in Russia is so high, IMO, because there are too many choices of women and men know that if he decides to move on, the next woman/women are already waiting around the corner. The situation is drastically different in Russia compared to the US and most European countries when it comes to women. Over there women really try to hold on to their man and in many cases put up with their man having another woman or two on the side, because the alternative is being single and possibly just be "the other woman" herself dating a married guy.
For instance, I am a decent looking 50 yo guy. here in the US, in Florida where I live, I'd be lucky to meet a decent looking woman 36 and up once or twice a year. The rest of the time I'd have to dealwith overweight, unattractive women in their late 40s and 50s.
When in Russia, I can pretty much have a date for every day of the week if I choose to, with women who are 90% more attractive, and are age 25 to 35. It's that much easier. The fact that I am a native Russian speaker definitely helps, but somehow the fact that I speak English fluently doesn't make any difference here in the US :roll:
Offering a very unique, personal matchmaking service. Tap into the pool of millions direct contact single Russian women outside of the usual agency circuit. Don't deal with scam any longer. Great results. Services offered: I help men create a pool of real, single, marriage minded Russian women with no agencies or middle man envolved. I help men to get to know these women, I travel to Russia and Ukraine with my clients. I also help with Interpreting, 3-way calls, K-1 help, consulting. My site: http://www.getrussianwife.com
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Post by Adama »

There are three reasons why Russian men are successful with their own women:
1. Wars, Bolsheviks, Czars, et al killed off massive amounts of men, changing relatiionship dynamics.
2. Pro-male legal environment.
3. Nice guys have been bred out of the gene pool, leaving only Bad Boys.
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Post by dano »

My experience dating russian women was negative so I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. The only advantage they have over western women is there stunning looks and there more feminine.

I have a friend that married a russian nine years ago and they have 2 kids and a fairly stable marriage. My friend was different than most western guys that marry russian women. He had a personal interest in russian culture and language before he met his wife, so he could relate to her on an intellectual level. Also, my friend was more patient than most guys, when his wife would start yelling at him he would just take it up the ass and smile.
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Post by ladislav »

My experience dating russian women was negative so I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. The only advantage they have over western women is there stunning looks and there more feminine.

I have a friend that married a russian nine years ago and they have 2 kids and a fairly stable marriage. My friend was different than most western guys that marry russian women. He had a personal interest in russian culture and language before he met his wife, so he could relate to her on an intellectual level. Also, my friend was more patient than most guys, when his wife would start yelling at him he would just take it up the ass and smile.
Did you date Russian women in America? If so, they are not Russians. They are (hyphenated) Americans- incorporating in themselves the worst of the both countries. Most Americans errnoeously and for hundreds of years already call people living in the USA by the names of their old countries whereas in their old countries they are just referred to as Americans. As what people living in the USA should rightfully be called and are called by the other 195 countries in the world.

If you date Russian women in Russia and you do not speak Russian and do not know the Russian culture your chances of finding a good Russian girl are slim. Again most Anglos have been brought up believing that the world speaks English and wants to be/behave as an Anglo while that is not the case. These will atract either adventure seekers or scammers like flies and will mostly fail. I have yet to see one guy who has learned the local language/culture and ways of doing things and who has been a dismal failure.

This approach does not by the way work in Asian countries ( except the Philippines and maybe rural China) where a white devil is supposed to be an English speaker, act foreign and be attractive as such to girls who want to learn about other cultures and Western ways. A Japanese speaking Westerner or a Thai speaking Westerner is a turn off rather than a turn on and is seen as a freak.

Not so in Russia. Russia has absorbed numerous immigrants over centuries. Those who had converted to the Orthodoxy and became Russified all married Russian girls and stayed there assimilating into the culture.

But as I said, while it is true that there are many bad girls there, an average good girl is mostly not available for a non russified person.

Think of it in Anglo terms as well. How well would one fair in the US/UK/Oz socially if one could not speak English and did not know the local ways?

Same there.
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Post by dano »

ladislav wrote:
My experience dating russian women was negative so I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. The only advantage they have over western women is there stunning looks and there more feminine.

I have a friend that married a russian nine years ago and they have 2 kids and a fairly stable marriage. My friend was different than most western guys that marry russian women. He had a personal interest in russian culture and language before he met his wife, so he could relate to her on an intellectual level. Also, my friend was more patient than most guys, when his wife would start yelling at him he would just take it up the ass and smile.
Did you date Russian women in America? If so, they are not Russians. They are (hyphenated) Americans- incorporating in themselves the worst of the both countries. Most Americans errnoeously and for hundreds of years already call people living in the USA by the names of their old countries whereas in their old countries they are just referred to as Americans. As what people living in the USA should rightfully be called and are called by the other 195 countries in the world.

If you date Russian women in Russia and you do not speak Russian and do not know the Russian culture your chances of finding a good Russian girl are slim. Again most Anglos have been brought up believing that the world speaks English and wants to be/behave as an Anglo while that is not the case. These will atract either adventure seekers or scammers like flies and will mostly fail. I have yet to see one guy who has learned the local language/culture and ways of doing things and who has been a dismal failure.

This approach does not by the way work in Asian countries ( except the Philippines and maybe rural China) where a white devil is supposed to be an English speaker, act foreign and be attractive as such to girls who want to learn about other cultures and Western ways. A Japanese speaking Westerner or a Thai speaking Westerner is a turn off rather than a turn on and is seen as a freak.

Not so in Russia. Russia has absorbed numerous immigrants over centuries. Those who had converted to the Orthodoxy and became Russified all married Russian girls and stayed there assimilating into the culture.

But as I said, while it is true that there are many bad girls there, an average good girl is mostly not available for a non russified person.

Think of it in Anglo terms as well. How well would one fair in the US/UK/Oz socially if one could not speak English and did not know the local ways?

Same there.
I went to Belarus to meet a woman 8 years ago, she had a boyfriend whom she married after I left. Had I known she was banging this guy I never would have bothered to meet her in the first place. She was from a tiny village and was referred to me by a mutual friend. Since this experience I have converted to filipinas with much better results.
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Post by ladislav »

Oh, sorry to hear about that. But it was not in Russia then and it was not a Russian woman after all?

I know very little about Belarus and the character of the people there. Even in Russia, people do not know much about that mysterious closed country run by a dictator. Basically, they are supposed to be Slavicized Balts- similar to Lithuanians. One Belarussian girl told me the people are lazy and corrupt there. I have never been there and I can only speak of Russia. But the same thing I guess would apply there- you need to go there and just work your way into their society and see how it goes. This way you would avoid the pitfalls and/or weed out the bad elements until you find a jewel. But these can be logistical nightmares as one would have to get the visas and live there and all. And learn the language. Otherwise, it is very very hard.
Filipinas are way better, I know. That is why I am here. An American would do well in the Philippines as these are Christian and ( kind of) English speaking people who love America, who have been under Americans, who have a US -like educational system and will adjust to an American the way he is. They grew up with "Old MacDonald had a farm" and are basically a US Commonwealth. Very little cultural adjustment is necessary.
However, even here in the Philippines, I have been taken by girls who had boyfriends whom they were dating while asking me for money and talking about love. My friend met a girl who was two timing him and banging her BF and got pregnant by him while telling my friend it was his kid and he was supporting the kid for two years. That is until he got suspicious of his jet black hair and asked the girl to do a DNA test. Which basically showed he was not the dad.
In Thailand, I was living with a girl for a while who I learned later was married and who was taking money from me and giving it to her husband and lying to us both.
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Post by dano »

ladislav wrote:Oh, sorry to hear about that. But it was not in Russia then and it was not a Russian woman after all?

I know very little about Belarus and the character of the people there. Even in Russia, people do not know much about that mysterious closed country run by a dictator. Basically, they are supposed to be Slavicized Balts- similar to Lithuanians. One Belarussian girl told me the people are lazy and corrupt there. I have never been there and I can only speak of Russia. But the same thing I guess would apply there- you need to go there and just work your way into their society and see how it goes. This way you would avoid the pitfalls and/or weed out the bad elements until you find a jewel. But these can be logistical nightmares as one would have to get the visas and live there and all. And learn the language. Otherwise, it is very very hard.
Filipinas are way better, I know. That is why I am here. An American would do well in the Philippines as these are Christian and ( kind of) English speaking people who love America, who have been under Americans, who have a US -like educational system and will adjust to an American the way he is. They grew up with "Old MacDonald had a farm" and are basically a US Commonwealth. Very little cultural adjustment is necessary.
However, even here in the Philippines, I have been taken by girls who had boyfriends whom they were dating while asking me for money and talking about love. My friend met a girl who was two timing him and banging her BF and got pregnant by him while telling my friend it was his kid and he was supporting the kid for two years. That is until he got suspicious of his jet black hair and asked the girl to do a DNA test. Which basically showed he was not the dad.
In Thailand, I was living with a girl for a while who I learned later was married and who was taking money from me and giving it to her husband and lying to us both.
Comparing Belarus and Russia is like comparing Germany and Austria. Only minor differences exist between the two countries. Everyone in Belarus speaks russian and many people in the villages also speak ukrainian since Belarus and Ukraine were part of the same country at one time. Culturally, it would not be wrong to call belorussian women russians.
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Post by ladislav »

Comparing Belarus and Russia is like comparing Germany and Austria. Only minor differences exist between the two countries.

They look minor to you.
Everyone in Belarus speaks russian and many people in the villages also speak ukrainian since Belarus and Ukraine were part of the same country at one time. Culturally, it would not be wrong to call belorussian women russians.
Well, I think it still would be. Let me give you a better analogy than Germany and Austria. Take Ireland for one. Most everyone there speaks English as their first language, more so than the number of Belarusians who speak Russian. But the accent is different and the expressions are different. Even the IRA meetings are held in English, arent' they? Now, if I did not speak English, and did not even know what Gaelic was, the Irish to me would seem indistinguishable from the English. However, it would not be for me to decide if they are English or not or consider them English. It is not my place to do that. Plus it would show my total disregard for/ ignorance of the history of Ireland or their own self identification.

Try to go to an IRA meeting in a pub in Cork somewhere and openly declare in front of all the members there that it is not wrong to culturally declare them English.

It is not for any of us to decide what to call the Belarusians. They are an independent country, they have their own flag and language which is distinct from Russian and is not a dialect. It has its own grammar and literature. They also have their own history and national character. Because they speak Russian as a lingua franca, it does not make them Russians. Just like when the Scotts in Glasgow speak English, it does not make them English, does it?

Heck, we are all carrying on this discussion in English, Does that make us English?

And when you go to Mexico and fail with a woman there, would you now talk about Spanish women being no good? After all, everyone there speaks Spanish? Or if Mexico and Guatemala have minor differences, does that make Guatemalans Mexicans?

Here is an article on Belarusians.


Both wikipedia as well as even the Soviet government considered them a separate nationality/ethnic group.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Be ... nic_group)

Their names are also different from Russian names. Just like Patric O'Hara is different from John Smith. But again, if you do not speak those languages and do not know the history of those places, they would seem very similar to you with only minor differences.

Here are some Belarusian names:

Francysk Skaryna • Leŭ Sapieha • Mikałaj Sudziłoŭski • Kastuś Kalinoŭski • Vincent Dunin-Marcinkievič • Stanisłaŭ Bułak-Bałachovič • Ałaiza PaÅ¡kievič • Janka Kupała • Jakub Kołas • Branisłaŭ TaraÅ¡kievič • Piatro MaÅ¡era • Paveł Suchi • Maksim Tank • Volha Korbut

Any Russian would immediately see them as very foreign.

They speak Russian? So? Russian is a colonial language just like English or Spanish. That is why there is a term Russophone population. Russophone does not mean Russian, just like English speaking Scotts and Welsh as well as Malaysians, Filipinos and Singaporeans does not mean English ethnically or even culturally.

Some 140,000,000 people speak Russian outside of Russia and most of whom are not Russian ethnically or culturally.

The Belarusians are not citizens of Russia and they have a distinct identity as well as heroes who died for the independence of their nation. Again, it is not for us to decide who is Russian and who is not. The Russians decide that. The Russians call themselves 'russki' and they call these people 'belarusy'. Two different nations. The three East Slavic nations are:


and they all descend from the Kievan Rus- the originally Swedish -led principality.

Here is a good article on East Slavs.


The three West Slavic groups are:


This is what is taught in schools there. And that is how they are listed officially in official books/encyclopedias, their government records and documents of their very much sovereign nations. They are also described like that in red-blooded, corn-fed, mom and apple pie, all American dictionaries and encyclopedias.

What they are called/considered by you or me, is of little significance.
Last edited by ladislav on May 15th, 2010, 5:26 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

ladislav wrote:
Regardless of any cultural differences or understanding, the fact is that a huge percentage of Russian girls scam, lie, cheat, steal, drug men's drinks, and do evil things when they feel like it.
Do they do those things to Russian guys?
According to Jim of AgencyScams, Russian women are now trying to scam Russian men. Look!

Russian Women Scamming Russian Men??

NO!!! Sit back...I am going to shock you. Yes, it's true. Russian girls are now scamming Russian guys. I don't know to what extent, or if the guys have started talking, but there it is.

The girls are advertising themselves on Russian dating sites. They usual make ads advertising sex. More often than not, the photos are NOT them. But how can they scam a Russian guy? Well, not like they scam foreign guys. A Russian guy won't send money for tickets or cough up cash to help some girl he has never met.

So, they promise sex at a cheap price...or more. But in order to know that the guy is serious, they ask the guys to buy a telephone card (for a mobile) (or even an internet card) and send them the pin code. They will then call the guys and set up their meeting. You can probably guess the rest. I am sure some girls really do call the guys. Maybe some even meet them. But hey, "buy me a phone card and send the pin code." ???

I have no idea how many guys have fallen victim, but simply that fact that the girls have started doing this is...wow...funny...

Here is the best letter I could find from one of these girls. I thought you might like to open your eyes wide and laugh...

My name is Nastya, I am 23, height 177 cm, weight 61 kg. I colour my hair so often that I forget its natural colour.
I would like to know you better, tell me about yourself, your hobbies and work. It would be great if you sent your photo. If it’s not possible, then describe yourself as best you can. To start, I want to talk to you.
I give you my word, that I 100% will give you my phone number and we’ll call each other and I will give you a blowjob and we will have sex. (But, don’t forget about the condom.) if you want and then if I like you
Concerning the conditions of our future meeting, they are as follows. Maybe this isn’t good but it insures me that you are looking for a freebie.
All you have to do is buy an MTS40 card (for example for $40. Or $2-$20. I hope I’m not asking for too much.) and for that I want to get to know you and make sure you’re for real.
Scratch the and write the pin code in your return message. I’m doing this on purpose.
I am dumped too often (I called, wasted my time and money and in total, resulted in nothing. There are those kind of chatters) and so I need a guarantee of your honesty and financial stability (I hope 1000 roubles ($30) isn’t too much for you…not a huge sum)
Then, I will give you my telephone number of contact you myself if you write down your number and we agree on a meeting.
Sorry, but another way, I am afraid to meet, and I think that a future relationship isn’t binding.
Basically, I have written everything and the decision is yours, but I won’t dump you if you don’t believe. I won’t be offended. Think about it.
Yes, I decided to earn and receive pleasure at the same time.
In the future, I await small gifts from you.
Any other way, I won’t call you.
I suggest that you give me your number and I will cal you on my mobile phone, it will be free for you…
If you don’t have a place to meet then you can rent a flat near Metro **** and it’s not expensive, we’ll meet there right away.
And if you want to spend the night with me immediately and have a flat, I await 3 telephone cards for $20.
And if you want anal sex, then add $20.
Blowjob without a condom, add $10.
Awaiting reply.
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Post by Winston »

ladislav wrote:
If a 45 year old Russian guys starts chasing pretty 18 year old girls around he is likely to get the same treatment.
Not if he is rich and can afford to keep a mistress. Yes, he will lavish her with gifts and bankroll her life. And when he starts paying for the mistress, he is going to bang her hard and get his money's worth even if it kills her. He is also going to make sure the girl stays down self-respect -wise and treats him nice or he will cut the money supply- something she will not like. And with his money, he will play on the side and if she so much as squeaks, he will stop bankrolling her. So, she will stay nice and friendly.

Now, other 45 year old Russian guys would most often be married and maybe bang a young hooker on the side.
Not if she's not attracted to him or if he is Asian. Sometimes a Russian girl who wants things from me like expensive gifts tries to avoid giving me anything back and makes excuses when I try to get intimate. They still will try to get something for nothing from me, if they're not attracted to me. My infamous Katya did just that. Many of them simply do not play fair.

And even if they do give in, it will be robotic sex or they will be impatient and say "hurry up and finish!"
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by ladislav »

Winston wrote:
ladislav wrote:
Not if she's not attracted to him or if he is Asian. Sometimes a Russian girl who wants things from me like expensive gifts tries to avoid giving me anything back and makes excuses when I try to get intimate. They still will try to get something for nothing from me, if they're not attracted to me. My infamous Katya did just that. Many of them simply do not play fair.

And even if they do give in, it will be robotic sex or they will be impatient and say "hurry up and finish!"
And the Russian guy would smack them around and kick them out and say NEXT!!!!. And eventually he would find many new applicants who are better behaved.
Russian girls ...scamming Russian guys
Looks like these are hookers. Just like hookers in SF or LA- these asked me for cash tokens of my sincerity when I replied to their ads.
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