8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia than in America

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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by starchild5 »

Not good for Indians though. A poor soul was murdered by skin heads in Kazan who went to study in Russia last week. Racism is at all time high in Russia.

Indian medico fatally attacked in Russia

http://www.thehindu.com/news/national/i ... 332041.ece
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by chanta76 »

That's the BIG difference between white countries vs Asian countries. Yes, there are racism in Asian countries but you rarely here a white guy get killed but color guys get there head smashed in white countries.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by Traveler »

chanta76 wrote:That's the BIG difference between white countries vs Asian countries. Yes, there are racism in Asian countries but you rarely here a white guy get killed but color guys get there head smashed in white countries.
That's not really accurate. Most interracial violence in the US involves minorities attacking each other or minorities attacking whites.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by chanta76 »


I think your getting confused by inner city crimes vs hate crimes.
Here is the FBI
https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/h ... ders_final


In 2014, race was reported for 5,192 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:
52.0 percent were White.

If you go through the web-site there are lots of white perpetrating hate crimes. Think about it why do we have laws dealing with hate crimes.
I traveled around Asia and the most I every seen white people experience racism is being ignored or not getting into places. Rarely have I seen a white guy get beat up for just being white in Asia.

Where as for me growing up in the USA I got jumped a number of times for being Asian . Being Asian I been ignored because of my race. I mean for all you white guys complaining about America or the west if your an Asian guy times that by 10.

It seems like in the western country where it is it mostly white people country I think white people feel like they are better than others. This explains the higher amount of racism and also why white girls are stuck up.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by Traveler »

chanta76 wrote:Traveler,

I think your getting confused by inner city crimes vs hate crimes.
Here is the FBI
https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/h ... ders_final


In 2014, race was reported for 5,192 known hate crime offenders. Of these offenders:
52.0 percent were White.

If you go through the web-site there are lots of white perpetrating hate crimes. Think about it why do we have laws dealing with hate crimes.
I traveled around Asia and the most I every seen white people experience racism is being ignored or not getting into places. Rarely have I seen a white guy get beat up for just being white in Asia.

Where as for me growing up in the USA I got jumped a number of times for being Asian . Being Asian I been ignored because of my race. I mean for all you white guys complaining about America or the west if your an Asian guy times that by 10.

It seems like in the western country where it is it mostly white people country I think white people feel like they are better than others. This explains the higher amount of racism and also why white girls are stuck up.
Violent white people usually victimize other white people. Blacks and Latinos are much more likely to victimize people other races. So by your logic, blacks and Latinos must be the most racist. Asians tend to be passive racists. They are less violent but don't want minorities to enjoy equality in their countries. It's perfectly legal for a business to ban people of a certain race is most Asian countries if not all Asian countries. So I don't think they are any less racist.

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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by zboy1 »

Traveler wrote:
chanta76 wrote:That's the BIG difference between white countries vs Asian countries. Yes, there are racism in Asian countries but you rarely here a white guy get killed but color guys get there head smashed in white countries.
That's not really accurate. Most interracial violence in the US involves minorities attacking each other or minorities attacking whites.
Traveler, I think he's talking about hate crimes and not crimes in general--although I agree that there is a lot of unreported Black on White hate crimes in the United States. How come you like to deny the racism Asians (especially Asian men) go through in the U.S. of Gay? I've also suffered a lot of hateful racism, too, just like Chanta. And no, it wasn't p.c. garbage that liberals like to whine about; I'm talking about outright assaults and threats, racial slurs thrown at me, and fists flying.

Btw, Chanta, this is the same guy that dislikes Trump for being a racist, yet, has no problems bashing Asians, Lol. (I'm Asian and a Trump supporter).

Anyway, I agree that Asians are just as racist as anyone else, but, let's be honest: Whites and Blacks take racism to really violent levels, unlike Asians, generally.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by Traveler »

zboy1 wrote:
Traveler wrote:
chanta76 wrote:That's the BIG difference between white countries vs Asian countries. Yes, there are racism in Asian countries but you rarely here a white guy get killed but color guys get there head smashed in white countries.
That's not really accurate. Most interracial violence in the US involves minorities attacking each other or minorities attacking whites.
Traveler, I think he's talking about hate crimes and not crimes in general--although I agree that there is a lot of unreported Black on White hate crimes in the United States. How come you like to deny the racism Asians (especially Asian men) go through in the U.S. of Gay? I've also suffered a lot of hateful racism, too, just like Chanta. And no, it wasn't p.c. garbage that liberals like to whine about; I'm talking about outright assaults and threats, racial slurs thrown at me, and fists flying.

Btw, Chanta, this is the same guy that dislikes Trump for being a racist, yet, has no problems bashing Asians, Lol. (I'm Asian and a Trump supporter).

Anyway, I agree that Asians are just as racist as anyone else, but, let's be honest: Whites and Blacks take racism to really violent levels, unlike Asians, generally.
It's true that there is more violent interracial conflict among the lower classes in the US. However, there is much opportunity for smart, hardworking members of minority groups to experience upward mobility in the US. Asian countries typically have a lot more institutional racism. Look at Korea. Only one member of Korea's National Assembly is not an ethnic Korean (Jasmine Lee from the Philippines) and every time there is a news story about her the comments section fills up with hateful, racist comments by Koreans. I'm not so sure that whites take racism to violent levels very often although it may be easy to get that idea from watching the news. The liberal media loves that narrative. George Zimmerman only became famous because he could be portrayed as white man who shot a black boy. If his name had been something like "Jose Garcia" or "Mohammed Bin Laden" the liberal media would not have even wanted to touch that story.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by chanta76 »


And yet if Asia was so racist and hateful to white guys..than why are there are growing number of western white guys going to Asia as permanent expats? Hmm..
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by Moretorque »

chanta76 wrote:Traveler,

And yet if Asia was so racist and hateful to white guys..than why are there are growing number of western white guys going to Asia as permanent expats? Hmm..
Because everything is moving to Asia as they shut the west down. The West is going going gone if nobody stands up like now and demands the thing quit being hollowed out.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by GoingAwol »

Looks do matter to Russian women, but not as much as they do to American women. I'm an average looking tall white guy and I can't get any halfway decent looking American girls, but I have talked to plenty of decent looking to cute Russian girls that seem to think i'm attractive. I will say that I have also had some Russian women (Mainly really hot ones) who didn't seem very interested in me, but even they were still polite and somewhat friendly.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by drronnie »

Winston wrote:From a letter by Ladislav to me long ago, which I added to my ebook:

8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia than in America


If you still have not figured it out, do not rack your brains over it. It is several reasons, not one- so it
is a combination of factors that lead to the different results you are experiencing. Here they are one by one:

1) East Orthodox Slavic culture vs. Anglo-Celto-Germanic. Communal and friendly vs. individualistic-cliqueish one.

Russians are generally friendlier people when it comes to strangers because of their communal past- even long before Communism. They are used to including strange people into their group. Anglos on the other hand like to be alone, do not like people they don't know, and prefer being in cliques. If you want to know why Americans behave a certain way look at their ancestors- go to London and any other English town. See how cliqueish the people are and how difficult it is to make friends. There is no eye contact, the people just seem to be absorbed into their own world and their own clique. But Anglos are very friendly inside of the clique and act as normal humans when they are in it. It is just that getting into the clique is the problem.

2) Your worth on the love market in both countries. Who and what are you as far as the context of the
market you are in.

Take (mentally) all the men in the US, line them up and put yourself amongst them. How would you rate in terms of looks, height, money, etc? Probably not high. Put yourself in a line-up with Russian men and see how and where you would rate. Probably quite high.

Mostly because Russians do not on the average have as much money and/or international lifestyle that you can offer. You are making ten times to twenty times more money than they do. If you look at it within the US context, it is as if you were a man making $20,000-$40,000 a month.

3) America is divided along racial lines and five categories of people- Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Indians.

Each group has its assigned role and image within the US. In that system Asian men and Asian people in general are not seen as something popular or powerful. Within the context of the US culture, an Asian man is seen based on American stereotypes and you are familiar with them.

Russia is not divided so much by racial lines but more along the lines of ethnic Russians vs. non-Russians and foreigners. Kind of like China or Japan where it is not Blacks vs. Whites, etc, but Chu-Guo-Ren (Middle Country Person) vs. Wai-Gwo-Ren (Out of Country Person) or Ni-Hon-Jin (Japan Person)vs. Gai-Jin (Outside Person) . Foreigners in Asia especially richer ones are seen with curiosity, positive or negative. They are unusual and people are curious about them. They want to help them, invite them to their homes, talk to them. There aren't many of them., so people want to meet them and hear what they have to say. On the other hand, Americans being descendants of foreigners who left bad conditions in their homeland have been conditioned not to look back or be interested in bad countries that their ancestors came from. So, a foreigner evokes a yawn in the US and is seen as a dorky and clumsy person. Someone who has not yet learned to behave and act as a normal, American person.

4) The US is a land of plenty. People (think that they) have seen everything, experienced everything,
done everything and that everything is available.

Especially women see it that way. Russia has not been a land of plenty. People there are not cloyed with benefits of life. Things are hard to find. Good people are also hard to find. So, you are appreciated more within that market. People's lives there can be quite drab so you seem to be like a breath of fresh air to them. There are not that many foreigners there, either. So, when they see you, it means a new experience, something better and more exciting.

5) There are too many available handsome men in the US.

There are oodles and oodles of men with money, cars, houses, careers. Women can have the pick of the day every day. So they are stuck up as they can get any man they want. Even ugly and fat women in the US can get the guy. That is why you see horrid-looking women, ill-dressed women, women without make-up everywhere parading around like they are Miss Universes. Not so in Russia. Too many men were decimated by wars and too many drunk and irresponsible men are around. Finding a good guy is hard. Finding a rich foreigner is even harder. Women need to look their best, be nice, and try hard to find a good man.

Women everywhere want to improve their species. That is human instinct. that is what love and dating is all about. In the US the people believe that the species is already highly improved. So improving your species yet means dating Donald Trump or someone like that. In Russia the male species is quite poor and less numerous than in the US and also less well-behaved. So, on that background you stand out quite well. As you can see, context determines everything in society. In a land of the blind, a one-eyed man is king.

6) The US TV and culture in general glorifies men that look like Steven Seagal, Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, etc.

Now, how would you rate compared to those paragons of manhood? Russia does not have those paragons. If you listen to songs in Russia it is usually a woman singing about how a man abandoned her for another. If you listen to a love song in the US, you will usually hear a sweet voice of a man courting a woman. Or a man whining about a lost love. The markets are different. Male-female ratios are different.

7) Russian people are used to Asians.

They have been seeing them since the 13th century. They have been dealing with them and even marrying them for a long time. It does not mean that as an Asian you are seen as "popular", it is just that you are part of the landscape. You do not evoke much negativism and it is not much of an issue. In the US, Asians are seen as fresh off-the-boat immigrants. poor and dorky, that is. People are still not used to them. There are many stereotypes of Asian men that work against them socially in the US. In Russia, there are stereotypes but not of the same nature.

A local Siberian Asian in Russia is not the most flattering thing to be, either. They will call him –a deer herder, "Churka"- the Russian word for the non-Russian colonial subjects- the equivalent of the British word "Wog", and treat him as a dorky hick.

This would not concern you as it is not so with a Japanese, Taiwanese or a US Asian. But try dressing
like a Russian and acting like those Siberian Asians. You will feel the difference.

8) The word "foreigner" in Russia ("inostranets") is not a negative word.

It immediately evokes mental associations of- "cultured- successful- richer than me-smarter than me- more exciting than me". So, when people in Russia see you as a foreigner, those associations spring to mind. And the people act accordingly.

In the US people see you and say- "Oh, another Asian man"- and the associations while not exactly hostile, are not flattering, either-" poor immigrant making noodles, maybe a martial arts freak-cannot speak English properly-a clutzy and clumsy Japanese student-short-has small dick-computer nerd." Or- "Pearl Harbor- Korean War- or Jackie Chan"- a clown. Hardly positive or respectful associations.

The word "foreigner" in the US is a negative word. It is used to designate a non-American- someone who is either an enemy of the US or someone who is poor and just came and is not assimilated. That is why even the phrase "foreign student" had to be changed to "international student".

These are the main reasons why you have a better social life in Russia."

I may have a change of mid from Thai women to Russia / Slavic women. Does this still hold for 2016?
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by jamesbond »

Winston said his social life went from zero to hero when he was living in Russia. Maybe it's time he took a trip back there. :D

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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by Yohan »

chanta76 wrote:Traveler,
And yet if Asia was so racist and hateful to white guys..than why are there are growing number of western white guys going to Asia as permanent expats? Hmm..
I am a permanent expat in Japan since 1976 as a white European.
I feel comfortable as a foreigner, I will always be a foreigner - It is true, I am clearly not a Japanese.

I see no problem with that. There are a few Japanese who are racist or hateful towards all foreigners, but this is really a tiny minority.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by chanta76 »


As a Korean..I hear stories that the Japanese mistreat Korean people. It's like there is this hierarchy in Japan. White people sit on top and maybe follow by American blacks or South americans. Other Asian nationality are at the bottom. Because of the history between Japan and Korea and even China there is this competition going.

I think whites are treated best in Japan that's why you have that 'Mr.Charisma' stereotypes in Japan.
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Re: 8 Reasons Asian men have a better social life in Russia

Post by Traveler »

chanta76 wrote:Yohan,

As a Korean..I hear stories that the Japanese mistreat Korean people. It's like there is this hierarchy in Japan. White people sit on top and maybe follow by American blacks or South americans. Other Asian nationality are at the bottom. Because of the history between Japan and Korea and even China there is this competition going.

I think whites are treated best in Japan that's why you have that 'Mr.Charisma' stereotypes in Japan.
If whites get treated so wonderfully in Japan then why is that white guy who became a Japanese citizen (Debito Arudou) always complaining about discrimination in Japan?

Koreans are obsessed with the Dokdo and comfort women issues and still insist on hating Japan after the war ended 70+ years ago. I think Japan is suffering "Korea fatigue." They are sick and tired of Korea bringing up these issues over and over again. It's kind of like white Americans suffering from "negro fatigue." They are sick and tired of black people reminding them that bad things like slavery and Jim Crow happened a long time ago. So I can understand the Japanese point of view and how they feel about Koreans.
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