Bunny Ranch now charges $1500 and calls it reasonable?! WTF?!

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Post by Cornfed »

It would be good to persuade manginas paying these kind of prices for Ameriskanks to spend the money on overseas holidays instead. Apart from being a total rip-off, it only encourages the skanks to place an even more delusionally high value on themselves and their toxic orifices.
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Post by Winston »

Cornfed wrote:It would be good to persuade manginas paying these kind of prices for Ameriskanks to spend the money on overseas holidays instead. Apart from being a total rip-off, it only encourages the skanks to place an even more delusionally high value on themselves and their toxic orifices.
Yes, and by posting here in this thread, you are helping to make that happen. You see, every time someone views this thread or posts in it, it generates activity in this thread, which in turn raises it up in Google rankings for the search term "Bunny Ranch". If you Google "myth of confidence" for example, our forum thread about it comes up at the top at number one in Google. That thread had a lot of activity. So every view and post in this thread counts.

Btw, did you see the photos I posted of the girls at the Bunny Ranch in the OP? What did you think of them? lol
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Post by Cornfed »

Winston wrote:Btw, did you see the photos I posted of the girls at the Bunny Ranch in the OP? What did you think of them? lol
They seem low to mid quality with that trashy Western skank look. Anyone with that kind of money to spend could do a lot better.
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Post by C.J. »

Winston wrote:Money is not the problem. I have about 25k USD saved up. The problem is this:


I have taken short domestic excursions. That's why I'm ready to get out of here. But too many problems keep getting thrown in front of me.
Winston, you have over 20k saved up? That's great, I'm happy for you. So why don't you just f**k all, go out wherever for a while and turn it up?

When I read your specified post though, I hear a lot of this: excuses. This is typical of westerners. There are many forces working against you, but many of them can be kept at bay by making some simple decisions. The satanist scum count on you being too tired, stupid and complacent to do anything about your situation.

Have you ever accidently injured yourself multiple times within one month(like fracturing your leg)? Have stuff not work or break down with NO logical explanation, even when it was working fine minutes before? Have people attack you/insult you/spit on you from out of the blue? You'll start finding out what "streaks of bad luck" really is once you start taking control of your situation. I've had some weird and dangerous shit happen to me, once I started taking money from satanists legally and shedding many of their shackles..

A typical human should have at least 12 hours awake. Even less for a really healthy person. I only sleep 8 hours a day, which leaves me 16 hours awake, though I've stayed up for a record 48 hours a couple times with no problems. "Normal" folks can regularly stay up for 18 hours if they're completely energized. Problem is, being a westerner drains you quite a bit. You have kids(the worst leeches), adults, the words they all say to you, all the things they do to you, and even the almighty US dollar bill is leeching you of your valuable vitality...

In order to stop this, you must take A LOT of steps to stop all these entities from draining you. Drinking distilled water instead of tap and possibly taking a fluoride antidote so you can flush that dangerous chemical outside your body for instance. That alone will put you in a better place;it'll give you more energy and help you think clearer. Eating more fruits and vegetables, and less dairy/meat/junk food. Going out and having your skin soak up sunlight, instead of staying in. Palm and keep your eyes from being strained, not playing video games(especially the new ones), not dealing with worthless westerner kids and adults including westerner-loving countries, stop having sex/masturbating/looking at porn, stop dealing with women, not touching federal reserve tender...

Keep in mind, that nearly ALL westerners will drain your energy, regardless of their origin country. You also have physical fatigue and mental fatigue, both of which cause you to be tired, irritated and depressed combined. If you knew all the ways the satanists use to keep you from reaching your true potential, you'd cry, piss yourself and probably tip over a couple tables. It's THAT depressing/frightening/angering. However, I can guarantee things will get better once you start taking control. If you don't, you deserve EVERYTHING negative that happens to you... That's how the universe perceives you. You can achieve some pretty miraculous things from just knowing that!

Good thing is, you can gradually introduce new habits as you keep more and more energy each week. In order to survive in the west as a smart, free-thinking, strong and energetic adult, you have to be on your guard and protect yourself at least 17 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I recommend slacking off once in a while, to realize how beneficial all these steps taken are. Once you all of sudden start sleeping earlier and earlier, get headaches more often and start feeling sadder and fatter, you won't wanna stop.

My problem for going abroad is, I have no motivation to skyrocket my finances and just get going! No reason to. I got everything I need here in the west except a female companion, just chugging along and earning money/power/skills. I have a great distrust for sows thanks to their deceitful/vampiric nature, so I'm not gonna travel because of one, it'd be a waste of money. I don't like sex because I cannot subvert it for my own purposes so I don't work for it, waste of money. Once your cut those two motivations from your life, you will suddenly have absurd amounts of money for whatever you want.

And since you seem to be a bona-fide money machine, you have the capacity to be a god, if you really wanted to. That's also a limiting factor. You have to WANT to accomplish your goals. To the point where you'll crush anyone to do it. If your mind's not on it, your heart won't be in it either.

Winston, if you do nothing else in your life, I want you to DO the many things described in this post and keep doing them. I honestly don't give a shit if you DON'T though, less competition for the top. It's up to you. But where there's a will, there will be a way.

You'll probably want some faith too, and to enjoy the journey more, and not the rewards at the end of it. It'll also help to sometimes forget about your issues and have fun or do something else you enjoy.

These aren't required practice, but trust me on this: they WILL help pass time when you get to the points in your life where nothing's going on and you don't think you're growing, and you're thinking of giving up.
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Post by Rock »

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Post by droid »

Winston wrote:So does anyone have a logical explanation for the exponential and abnormal price increase in the Nevada brothels from $150 - $200 to $1000 - $1500? No one seems to have one.
As women in this market become more difficult and scarce, Hoffmanstein can charge accordingly for his second-hand merchandise, while being publicized/enthroned by HBO, Stern, et al.
It' s absolutely ridiculous; one time they showed this dumbass that wanted the $1000 for pretty much just being looked at.

I'ts just another government created monopoly. And it doesn't help that guys like you (of all people) go there and actually cough up the money -fricking surreal.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Post by Winston »

Hi Rock,
Yeah I agree with most of what you say. But I do not see evidence that you have diverse knowledge in a lot of subjects. Even when we are together, you don't demonstrate a lot of knowledge on intellectual topics. I'm not just talking about conspiracies. I'm talking about history, philosophy, spirituality, religion, metaphysics, martial arts, psychology, etc. I can make many deep comments and insights in those areas. Why can't you? How come when I do, you have nothing to contribute?

If you know a lot about history, how come you never quote great historical people or philosophers? Other intellectuals and writers do. I do. So does Momopi. But you never do. Why?

You say you've studied the Roman Empire. How about next time I ask you some basic questions about it and see if you can answer them without using Google? They would be basic questions such as "Who was Caesar when Jesus was supposed to have been born?" Etc.

You never quote any historical facts on anything. So it's hard to believe you know a lot of history.

Do you know anything about great conquerors and military battles? Like Napoleon or Alexander the Great? How about philosophers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche? Do you even know the basics about them?

Do you even know anything about what Freud or Carl Jung taught in psychology? Or anything about Einstein's theories? What about psi researchers like Dr. Charles Tart, Dr. Dean Radin, Dr. Gary Schwartz etc.? Know anything about them? I'd love to quiz you on all these.

You also claim to be spiritual, yet you've not told me even one good spiritual book you've read. Have you even read these popular spiritual books? Everyone on a spiritual path has read them.

- The Celestine Prophecy
- The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
- The Power of Now

Even airhead movie stars like Jennifer Aniston has read them. Why haven't you?

If you have, I'd love to see you answer basic questions about them or demonstrate basic knowledge of their content at least. How come you never seem to summarize theories and then comment on them? Intellectuals are supposed to do that. For example, take one of the books above and explain why you agree or disagree with the content in them, their strong points and weak points, etc. I can do that. Why can't you?

You also told me that you studied martial arts before, when I told you that you don't know enough about fighting to judge people's ability to fight. Yet you do not demonstrate any knowledge in that area, either mentally or physically. It seemed that you just said that randomly to try to counter my argument.

Again, can I ask you basic questions about martial arts next time, to see if you really know anything? They will just be simple questions that a martial arts practitioner would know. That way, you cannot use Google to find the answers if you get stumped.

What if I ask you to compare and contrast kung fu, karate and tae kwon do? I'll bet you could not say much. Unless you use Google of course. lol. But even if you could say a little, it would definitely not be as much as I can say about it.

What I'm getting at is that you seem to sometimes randomly claim things that aren't true, just to be argumentative and show that you are not what I say. In other words, you are capable of making stuff up just to try to level an argument. Isn't that so? Or do you claim to be 100 percent honest?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here either, but that's just what I've noticed. You claim to be interested in this and that (spirituality, religion, history, martial arts, philosophy, psychology) yet you do not demonstrate any knowledge in them. That is suspicious. I'm wondering why.

When I watch documentaries on history and religion, the experts on them say a lot of insightful deep things about the character or period in question. How come you never say such things?

So if I'm wrong, next time we meet, I'd like you to prove it and answer basic questions or tell me what books you've read so I can quiz you on them.

I'll bet that without Google, you will not be able to answer a lot of questions like most intellectuals can, even those on the History Channel.

If I'm right, will you admit it?

Have you ever admitted to being wrong about anything? I don't recall where you've ever admitted being wrong about anything, even if it is proven. I don't know why we intellectuals, freethinkers and truth seekers here, have to have such a big ego that we can never admit we are wrong. Real men are not afraid to admit when they are wrong.

Finally, why are you trying to claim that my Russia adventures are outdated and unimportant? That's like telling Christians that their Bible is outdated and unimportant. Just because something happened years ago doesn't mean it's not real or meaningful or doesn't apply. I could go back to Russia and experience it all again.

If you understood the Russian soul, like Ladislav does, you would know that Russians are very passionate and open about meeting new people. So even if the country became rich, the people would still be very open. It's not about economics. Even Americans in Russia are very open as well. If you understood the Russian soul, you'd know that, but you don't. Ask Ladislav. He knows what I mean.

The point is, those Russian adventures are the FOUNDATION of this movement. They PROVE our claims here on HA. They did back then and still do today. So they are VERY significant. Why is that over your head? You are definitely wrong about that. This demonstrates that you are a narrow left brain that does not see the big picture. And they are personally meaningful to me as well. You see Rock:

When an event happens in life where you are REBORN, it NEVER becomes outdated.

Wise people understand this. So why can't Rock?! Why is that over your head? No one who was truly spiritual or wise or insightful would fail to understand this.

Hope you try to be open minded and understanding, rather than narrow, overly judgmental and critical.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Post by Winston »

droid wrote:
Winston wrote:So does anyone have a logical explanation for the exponential and abnormal price increase in the Nevada brothels from $150 - $200 to $1000 - $1500? No one seems to have one.
As women in this market become more difficult and scarce, Hoffmanstein can charge accordingly for his second-hand merchandise, while being publicized/enthroned by HBO, Stern, et al.
It' s absolutely ridiculous; one time they showed this dumbass that wanted the $1000 for pretty much just being looked at.

I'ts just another government created monopoly. And it doesn't help that guys like you (of all people) go there and actually cough up the money -fricking surreal.
Well what's hypocritical is that HBO will glamorize Dennis Hoff and his low quality overpriced Bunny Ranch. But when they talk about brothels overseas, they will turn it into a human trafficking issue. Go figure.
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:Hi Rock,
Yeah I agree with most of what you say. But I do not see evidence that you have diverse knowledge in a lot of subjects. Even when we are together, you don't demonstrate a lot of knowledge on intellectual topics. I'm not just talking about conspiracies. I'm talking about history, philosophy, spirituality, religion, metaphysics, martial arts, psychology, etc. I can make many deep comments and insights in those areas. Why can't you? How come when I do, you have nothing to contribute?

If you know a lot about history, how come you never quote great historical people or philosophers? Other intellectuals and writers do. I do. So does Momopi. But you never do. Why?

You say you've studied the Roman Empire. How about next time I ask you some basic questions about it and see if you can answer them without using Google? They would be basic questions such as "Who was Caesar when Jesus was supposed to have been born?" Etc.

You never quote any historical facts on anything. So it's hard to believe you know a lot of history.

Do you know anything about great conquerors and military battles? Like Napoleon or Alexander the Great? How about philosophers like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche? Do you even know the basics about them?

Do you even know anything about what Freud or Carl Jung taught in psychology? Or anything about Einstein's theories? What about psi researchers like Dr. Charles Tart, Dr. Dean Radin, Dr. Gary Schwartz etc.? Know anything about them? I'd love to quiz you on all these.

You also claim to be spiritual, yet you've not told me even one good spiritual book you've read. Have you even read these popular spiritual books? Everyone on a spiritual path has read them.

- The Celestine Prophecy
- The Way of the Peaceful Warrior
- The Power of Now

Even airhead movie stars like Jennifer Aniston has read them. Why haven't you?

If you have, I'd love to see you answer basic questions about them or demonstrate basic knowledge of their content at least. How come you never seem to summarize theories and then comment on them? Intellectuals are supposed to do that. For example, take one of the books above and explain why you agree or disagree with the content in them, their strong points and weak points, etc. I can do that. Why can't you?

You also told me that you studied martial arts before, when I told you that you don't know enough about fighting to judge people's ability to fight. Yet you do not demonstrate any knowledge in that area, either mentally or physically. It seemed that you just said that randomly to try to counter my argument.

Again, can I ask you basic questions about martial arts next time, to see if you really know anything? They will just be simple questions that a martial arts practitioner would know. That way, you cannot use Google to find the answers if you get stumped.

What if I ask you to compare and contrast kung fu, karate and tae kwon do? I'll bet you could not say much. Unless you use Google of course. lol. But even if you could say a little, it would definitely not be as much as I can say about it.

What I'm getting at is that you seem to sometimes randomly claim things that aren't true, just to be argumentative and show that you are not what I say. In other words, you are capable of making stuff up just to try to level an argument. Isn't that so? Or do you claim to be 100 percent honest?

I'm not trying to be argumentative here either, but that's just what I've noticed. You claim to be interested in this and that (spirituality, religion, history, martial arts, philosophy, psychology) yet you do not demonstrate any knowledge in them. That is suspicious. I'm wondering why.

When I watch documentaries on history and religion, the experts on them say a lot of insightful deep things about the character or period in question. How come you never say such things?

So if I'm wrong, next time we meet, I'd like you to prove it and answer basic questions or tell me what books you've read so I can quiz you on them.

I'll bet that without Google, you will not be able to answer a lot of questions like most intellectuals can, even those on the History Channel.

If I'm right, will you admit it?

Have you ever admitted to being wrong about anything? I don't recall where you've ever admitted being wrong about anything, even if it is proven. I don't know why we intellectuals, freethinkers and truth seekers here, have to have such a big ego that we can never admit we are wrong. Real men are not afraid to admit when they are wrong.

Finally, why are you trying to claim that my Russia adventures are outdated and unimportant? That's like telling Christians that their Bible is outdated and unimportant. Just because something happened years ago doesn't mean it's not real or meaningful or doesn't apply. I could go back to Russia and experience it all again.

If you understood the Russian soul, like Ladislav does, you would know that Russians are very passionate and open about meeting new people. So even if the country became rich, the people would still be very open. It's not about economics. Even Americans in Russia are very open as well. If you understood the Russian soul, you'd know that, but you don't. Ask Ladislav. He knows what I mean.

The point is, those Russian adventures are the FOUNDATION of this movement. They PROVE our claims here on HA. They did back then and still do today. So they are VERY significant. Why is that over your head? You are definitely wrong about that. This demonstrates that you are a narrow left brain that does not see the big picture. And they are personally meaningful to me as well. You see Rock:

When an event happens in life where you are REBORN, it NEVER becomes outdated.

Wise people understand this. So why can't Rock?! Why is that over your head? No one who was truly spiritual or wise or insightful would fail to understand this.

Hope you try to be open minded and understanding, rather than narrow, overly judgmental and critical.
I'm not Momopi, I'm Rock. I am me, just as I am. I don't think I ever claimed to be intellectual or spiritual.

Anyway, for me, spirituality boils down to where I'll be and what my consciousness will perceive from 2060 give or take a couple decades or so, perhaps even sooner if I die prematurely. Up to that point, it's a mix of personal spiritual discovery (in the way I choose or the way which is chosen for me) and as much enjoyment and pleasure as I'm allowed. I love things simple and elegant. Steve Jobs was a minimalist. So am I. Too bad I don't share any of his talents lol. I read Tolle's book before I ever met you. But I don't think I have ever truly grasped the concept of living in the here and now. It sounds nice but I haven't figured out how to do it myself. Perhaps I'm not yet ready to receive the whole message. I have similar experiences and feelings with other types of so-called spiritual texts. I've been reading the Bible since my teen years on and off. But my subjective interpretation of it has changed dramatically through life experience including travels to foreign lands. In my teens, I was traumatized into thinking I had committed unforgivable blasphemy because I was not able to properly contextualize a few verses in the New Testament.

I take this website's title "Happier Abroad" quite literally and practically. So I push for things I can sink my teeth into. Actions, solutions, and reality checks. I never really came here much for abstract spiritual discussions. If the dominant theme evolves into something that, so bit it. That's not what I come here for. I'm here mostly to leverage my experiences abroad in positive helpful ways, bond with some like minded friends, get entertained, and...oh yes, defend Taiwan girls.

IMO, you've stopped being a man of action way before your time. But if that's what you are, again so be it. You're current living example is in stark contrast to what HA is for me. So I make noise about it sometimes. You are the figurehead and faceman here. All eyes are on you, not me.
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Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. Escort sites like my red book lists escorts at $200 each. See below.


So why would anyone pay $1000 or $1500 for the Bunny Ranch? Why aren't such overpriced brothels they out of business for charging 5 times the standard rate?
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:I don't understand something. Escort sites like my red book lists escorts at $200 each. See below.


So why would anyone pay $1000 or $1500 for the Bunny Ranch? Why aren't such overpriced brothels they out of business for charging 5 times the standard rate?
$200 dollars would be the fee for her time. I'm pretty sure that sex will be a lot extra. If she's lucky and gets a customer like you, she can probably milk a grand or two out of him for just giving him a quick bonk.
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Post by Winston »

Rock wrote:
Winston wrote:I don't understand something. Escort sites like my red book lists escorts at $200 each. See below.


So why would anyone pay $1000 or $1500 for the Bunny Ranch? Why aren't such overpriced brothels they out of business for charging 5 times the standard rate?
$200 dollars would be the fee for her time. I'm pretty sure that sex will be a lot extra. If she's lucky and gets a customer like you, she can probably milk a grand or two out of him for just giving him a quick bonk.
How do you know? You have no experience in this area right? lol. It is also possible that the whole site could be a bait and switch too, kind of like that escort site I had you call in Taiwan, remember?

MarkLambo told me that a good escort in Vegas starts at about $300 minimum. Who carries around a thousand in cash anyway?
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Post by Luc Furr »

The real reason is so obvious.
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Post by Rock »

Winston wrote:
Rock wrote:
Winston wrote:I don't understand something. Escort sites like my red book lists escorts at $200 each. See below.


So why would anyone pay $1000 or $1500 for the Bunny Ranch? Why aren't such overpriced brothels they out of business for charging 5 times the standard rate?
$200 dollars would be the fee for her time. I'm pretty sure that sex will be a lot extra. If she's lucky and gets a customer like you, she can probably milk a grand or two out of him for just giving him a quick bonk.
How do you know? You have no experience in this area right? lol. It is also possible that the whole site could be a bait and switch too, kind of like that escort site I had you call in Taiwan, remember?

MarkLambo told me that a good escort in Vegas starts at about $300 minimum. Who carries around a thousand in cash anyway?
Yea, I don't know, just a guess.

But it's pathetic that I'm even having this conversation with the leader and figurehead of Happier Abroad. If you wanna do P4P, go to Germany or Thailand. Those are places where you can get the best value-for-money for hot girls without exposing yourself to much risk. Depending on what u do Stateside, u could get nailed in a sting operation. That's all you need!

I think we're all kinda giving up on you. You are just wasting away in Vegas. Save your money and trouble and stick to junk food, porn, and wanking off.
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Post by ***JP*** »

Winston if money is tight you should check out what I posted in this forum topic viewtopic.php?t=15321&view=next&sid=73f ... caf591bae4

This is an airline that took me to Frankfurt, Germany when I was making my way to Vilnius and I only paid $398.00 dollars just to get to Frankfurt. Way cheaper than getting a skank and since it takes you to Frankfurt you know you can find good airlines there that can take you to Asia or Russia again. I even posted their website and their list of destinations from wikipedia. Rock is right man. Save your money and don't waste it on heartless skanks.

You are the guy who inspired a lot of us to live abroad and after 4 months living in Lithuania I can say I am truly happier but you honestly need to get out cause to be honest you are just getting wasted in Vegas and it's not even worth writing about that place.
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