Miss Japan is a half-black woman

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Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Yohan »

http://madamenoire.com/520151/do-people ... qus_thread

How discriminating is Japan really?

Here in Japan, nobody cares about who is Miss Japan, but this article does not even ask Japanese people what they think about.

When I read this article and all these follow-up comments I get the impression that US-citizens know all and everything about Japan. The title of this article is really stupid.


Nobody here in Japan is 'mad' about this.

The follow-up comments are full with racist nonsense-talk, something I never noticed in Japan, and I am white and my 2 daughters are 50/50.

I have to say for the Japanese ordinary people she looks really pretty - but different, she is reacting as a Japanese as she was always living in Japan, has Japanese nationality and is a native Japanese speaker.

The Japanese jury agreed, and so far, nobody of the true Japanese candidates is crying about 'discrimination'.

For the Japanese such contests are 'fun' and nobody is 'mad' about this.

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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Cornfed »

Another nail in the coffin for Japanese society. First the PTB turn them into perverts of various kinds, then sexless freaks and now miscegenators with simians.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by chanta76 »


So in Japan they accept mix Japanese people whole heartily ? Is it that it has to be Japanese mix with white or black and they are OK?

I hear that if it was a Japanese mix with Korean they look down on that. IN matter of fact for the Koreans that live in Japan they have a hard time dating or mixing with regular Japanese but if your black or white it's little bit better.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Yohan »

I never had a problem as a white man myself in Japan, and my 2 daughters who are 50/50 never had a problem either.

When I was still working for African French speaking countries in Japan I had contact with several black men with Japanese wife, there are also some black US-military people who prefer later on to stay in Japan after retirement.

However the number of black people in Japan remains to be very small, why should a black man from Africa or elsewhere from far away prefer Japan as his or her permanent country?


About Koreans in Japan this is a totally different matter, there are 3 groups of Koreans in Japan.
1 - the North Korean group,
2 - the South Korean group,
3 - the Koreans, who prefer to become Japanese citizens and disappear to be Koreans.

About group 1 - these people have problems everywhere in Japan, if you promote North Korean politics/propaganda and refuse to let your children go to Japanese schools, are keeping control over gambling spots and similar legal grey zones, you are clearly not welcome.

About group 2 - South Koreans are doing very well in Japan, but they prefer to keep South Korean nationality, most of them are located in certain places only, like trading spots in Fukuoka and Osaka and they are not known to be interested into dating Japanese men or women either.

About group 3 - Koreans, who said good-bye to Korea, took over Japanese nationality and Japanese names. If you don't know them personally, you will have no idea that he or she is originally from Korea. These people are very successful in restaurant business, entertainment business, and if you look any TV-show in Japan, you can be sure, some of them are originally from Korea.

I am 60+ and so I can comment only about 'stars' of my time when I was still younger. For example Wada Akiko、Go Hiroshi, Rumiko Kuroyanagi, are Koreans, and believe me they get plenty of fan-mail from Japanese people.

(=Kim Bok-Ja) Can you tell me how she is 'discriminated'?

About group 2: If you visit places in Tokyo like Takadanobaba near Shinjuku or Akasaka near Hie Shrine, you will notice the large number of restaurants/otherwise entertainment businesses which belongs to the South Korean community using their Korean names only - if the Japanese do not like Koreans, I wonder why these places are full with Japanese customers every evening.

If you think, Koreans have problems with dating in Japan, you might check first if Japanese have problems with dating in Korea.

While Japanese and Koreans are looking very similar, they are clearly different in their way of behavior, food etc. - they do not have so much in common as you might believe.

Young men from both countries, South Korea and Japan and Taiwan too, are known to have 'dating problems' and often are looking for a foreign wife from other Asian countries, so it seems they are not so much discriminating.

As a fact, some people do well and others do not.
Well known in South Korea and Japan is the life of 'Rise', a Korean girl born in Japan, died in South Korea, funeral in Korea and grave in Japan.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by chanta76 »


"Young men from both countries, South Korea and Japan and Taiwan too, are known to have 'dating problems' and often are looking for a foreign wife from other Asian countries, so it seems they are not so much discriminating.?

When yous say that young men are having problems can you elaborate on that? I'm guessing it's because there is sex ratio difference in those countries and that the local women became stronger.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by chanta76 »


"Young men from both countries, South Korea and Japan and Taiwan too, are known to have 'dating problems' and often are looking for a foreign wife from other Asian countries, so it seems they are not so much discriminating.?

When yous say that young men are having problems can you elaborate on that? I'm guessing it's because there is sex ratio difference in those countries and that the local women became stronger.

I also want to add that I was watching a Korean news about the MIss Japan . A Korean reporter asked Japanese people in Japan what they thought about having a biracial as Miss Japan. Most of the respondent didn't support it. Again this is a Korean reporter in Japan ..so it maybe bias.

Anyway Yohan..I'm curious in your statement that young Japanese , Korean men are having a hard time dating ..why? Is it because the local women are becoming more westernize?
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Bao3niang »

I find the Japanese mentality to be an interesting one. They are very proud of their culture and heritage, and they view whites from desirable and superior to downright strange and suspicious. I sense that Japanese dislike Westerners deep down, yet at the same time believe themselves to be inferior in many ways. Japanese / Caucasian gives you a huge edge in the Japanese entertainment industry, to a much greater extent than in China and Korea. Another country where this inferiority complex expresses itself in the entertainment industry is Thailand. Yanks and Europeans are good at massacring populations, then getting the remnants to kiss their asses in an eternal shadow of doubt and inadequacy.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Raja »

Cornfed wrote:Another nail in the coffin for Japanese society. First the PTB turn them into perverts of various kinds, then sexless freaks and now miscegenators with simians.
You have to feel the pain in the posts of white posters who cannot let their white supremacy go. God forbid other minorities find black people attractive or likable, it goes straight to their self esteem. All they have is their whiteness, the opposite of blackness. And now it seems as if another culture is abandoning their backward self's, give it another generation only the North Koreans will be with them.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Zionosis »

Bao3niang wrote:I find the Japanese mentality to be an interesting one. They are very proud of their culture and heritage, and they view whites from desirable and superior to downright strange and suspicious. I sense that Japanese dislike Westerners deep down, yet at the same time believe themselves to be inferior in many ways. Japanese / Caucasian gives you a huge edge in the Japanese entertainment industry, to a much greater extent than in China and Korea. Another country where this inferiority complex expresses itself in the entertainment industry is Thailand. Yanks and Europeans are good at massacring populations, then getting the remnants to kiss their asses in an eternal shadow of doubt and inadequacy.

lol say what? You think they view white people as superior?

You claim that being Japanese mixed with Caucasian gives you an edge in the entertainment industry?

Do you claim that most JAV women are mixed with whites?
I am not talking about the actual halfies but are you saying the rest are also mixed with whites also? lol

You also infer that the USA runs Japan or something? Sorry that isn't the case.

The USA have heavy influence in South Korea and it's westernized. You see in WW2 Japan controlled Korea but as the Japs were pushed out the Russians gained control of North Korea while the Americans gained control of south korea.

That is why you notice South Korea to be so white washed today. Kpop women all with contacts and colored hair and surgery etc and even emulating western music. Then their game shows have literal white people in them.

But the Japanese are more racist than Americans even. Your example of their miss Japan thing doesn't prove shit. In the USA you have a black president and you give black people all sorts of special rights and you put them all in your movies and all doing your porn women etc.

It's not even comparable.

There is a lot of hate for Japan by this poster.
Why do you hate them so much? Is it because you are Chinese?
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Zionosis »

Here is the reality of it. Sad little Chinese man.

"In Japan, mixed-race people are known as "hafu", and Miyamoto's selection as Miss Universe Japan has prompted a storm of criticism in Japanese media, for whom a hafu just doesn't cut it. Her selection even has social media users asking if it is "okay to choose a hafu to represent Japan?""

"Despite her impressive accomplishments, success has not come without challenges for Miyamoto in one of the least racially-diverse countries in the world.

At six-feet tall in heels, the 20-year-old is being forced to defend herself after being abused for 'not being Japanese enough' because her father is a black American from Arkansas, US. Miyamoto, who grew up in Nagasaki, Japan, also travelled to the US for her education. "

"She also told CNN in an interview that she had always stood out in Japan and that when she was young, she was bullied for being different. "In school, people used to throw rubbish at me," she said. "They also used racial slurs.""
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Zionosis »

The OP is basically a tool. Keep bashing Japan and trying to spread BS.

In reality in Japan they don't even readily accept Sansei, Nissei etc.

No they do not worship white people or black people you silly fool.

Your evidence for such is just pathetic and retarded.

Keep posting your Japanese bashing threads. They won't change reality I hope you realize.
You can claim all you want about Japan and the people there but at the end of the day you can't change anything.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by zboy1 »

Zionosis wrote:
Bao3niang wrote:I find the Japanese mentality to be an interesting one. They are very proud of their culture and heritage, and they view whites from desirable and superior to downright strange and suspicious. I sense that Japanese dislike Westerners deep down, yet at the same time believe themselves to be inferior in many ways. Japanese / Caucasian gives you a huge edge in the Japanese entertainment industry, to a much greater extent than in China and Korea. Another country where this inferiority complex expresses itself in the entertainment industry is Thailand. Yanks and Europeans are good at massacring populations, then getting the remnants to kiss their asses in an eternal shadow of doubt and inadequacy.

lol say what? You think they view white people as superior?

You claim that being Japanese mixed with Caucasian gives you an edge in the entertainment industry?

Do you claim that most JAV women are mixed with whites?
I am not talking about the actual halfies but are you saying the rest are also mixed with whites also? lol

You also infer that the USA runs Japan or something? Sorry that isn't the case.

The USA have heavy influence in South Korea and it's westernized. You see in WW2 Japan controlled Korea but as the Japs were pushed out the Russians gained control of North Korea while the Americans gained control of south korea.

That is why you notice South Korea to be so white washed today. Kpop women all with contacts and colored hair and surgery etc and even emulating western music. Then their game shows have literal white people in them.

But the Japanese are more racist than Americans even. Your example of their miss Japan thing doesn't prove shit. In the USA you have a black president and you give black people all sorts of special rights and you put them all in your movies and all doing your p**n women etc.

It's not even comparable.

There is a lot of hate for Japan by this poster.
Why do you hate them so much? Is it because you are Chinese?
Anti-Japanese? I don't think Baoning is being "anti-Japanese?" And why are you calling him names, Zionosis? I know Baoning and he respects Japanese and Korean people, even though he does like to criticize Asians--including Chinese--from time-to-time. Calling him names isn't something I expected of you, Zionosis.

I have a White co-worker whose been in-and-out-of-Japan and China for a few years now, and many of the things Baoning has written in his post, kind-of match what he says of Japanese society. Is he being racist, too? I don't see any racist intentions in Baoning, since he criticizes Chinese people all the time. LOL!
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Bao3niang »

And why do you think I am being racist towards Japanese? I do criticize aspects of Asian culture from time to time but in the end I am still proud of my heritage and Asianess. Lu Xun criticized Chinese society for being Western worshiping, does that make him racist towards Chinese? His professor at med school in Japan told him that Chinese people had a disease of the mind, not of the body, and he wasn't racist. He was just speaking the truth about the condition of the Chinese people who bowed down to foreign aggression.

Despite my disagreement with many aspects of Japanese society and the Japanese way of thinking, I think the Japanese can be extremely bright and creative. It's a mix of finding them appealing, strange, extreme, intelligent, progressive yet backwards all at the same time.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by IraqVet2003 »

Wow!!! This woman is hot!!! I find mixed-heritage ladies very attractive!!! I would say congratulations to Ariana Miyamoto for becoming the first half-black/Japanese woman to become Miss Japan and to represent that country in the Miss Universe contest. I don't understand why people would have the right to be mad about this????!!!! After all this is the 21st century and it is about time more people would come around to accepting more diversity in the world. To me it sounds like prejudice on the part of some folks. But I hope she wins the title of Miss Universe!!!!
Last edited by IraqVet2003 on March 30th, 2015, 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Miss Japan is a half-black woman

Post by Bao3niang »

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