Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

chanta76 wrote:Winston,

You serious? The one in white will marry you in exchange for green card and house?

You can go either way with this. Either lead her on and get sex out of it and ditch which i some guys will do but if this girl has experience she might burn you.

Just wow...i never met anyone that upfront . At least she is honest.
She sounds serious yeah. She's been talking about her "offer" for over a year now. She is 26 and by Chinese standards is considered leftover, so she doesn't seem to have a lot of choices. Otherwise, why would she hold out for me like this? She could have found another guy. I showed her texts to Rock, Ethan_sg and Bao3niang, and they were all disgusted by her attitude. However, I wonder if she's just playing with me though. She seems reluctant to meet me in Manila. Maybe her life is monitored there and she has little freedom from her employer. I don't know. She's kind of secretive and evasive and dodgy.

Rock said that a lot of mainland Chinese live in his building in Makati and they are evasive and dodgy if you ask them about their work there. It's like they are there illegally or in a gray area so they can't talk about it. That girl I know works in some online casino company, so she claims. Maybe online casino companies use light skinned Chinese girls to strip for online gamblers or deal black jack cards via webcam? lol.

Not only does she want a house and green card, but she wants 1000 dollars as a monthly allowance too. lol. She is weird. I keep asking her why she needs a thousand dollars a month in allowance and she won't say. Finally she said, "To save for our future". lol. Yeah right. Before she said she needed it for clothes and cosmetics each month. But I don't see why clothes and cosmetics cost that much, or why you had to buy new clothes every month.

It's all very vague. Not logical either. She's not good at giving logical explanations for any of my questions.

She also is under the false impression that America is a paradise and that everyone is rich there. She thinks even low income people in America make at least $5000 dollars a month! lol. So she thinks my income is puny. I tried to explain to her the facts about America, and how low income people can't even afford to go overseas. But she is stubborn and can't let go of her illusions about America.

Why doesn't the Chinese media dispel all these Chinese illusions about America? You have to wonder if the same elites that run America also run China, otherwise they should have long ago. Unless they're all in on it.

I also explained to this girl that if she doesn't love me then money and assets are not going to create love or chemistry or attraction. But she doesn't seem to get that. She keeps saying that since I'm not handsome, thin, young or attractive, that she will gain nothing from marrying me unless I give her assets, green card, and monthly allowance. lol. Man. Rock said that her values are obviously different from mine. She also wants to live in the US too. She doesn't seem to listen to me even though I'm older and wiser than her. lol. Stubbornness sucks.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Citizen wrote:Winston, when you were in Hong Kong last year were you there with your parents? I ask because I saw you and Diane (who was following behind and carrying a kid who has almost half her size) going into Mirador Mansion (you took the first set of elevators on the right). I was going in to buy a new dirt cheap backpack. The two older Chinese people didn't look anything like you except they were also both short. Anyways, you certainly seemed to be following the man and walking beside the older woman.
No I was just with Dianne. My parents have a negative view of Hong Kong and China and no desire to visit it. They are very stubborn. I find that people who grew up in the 1950's are unusually stubborn and rigid and refuse to change their views on anything, even if they should.

If you saw me, why didn't you say anything? Mirador Mansion sounds familiar but I don't remember what it is. Are you sure it was me and not just someone who looked like me? Do you know what Dianne looks like too?
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

WorldTraveler wrote:
Winston wrote: The one in white on the right, to this day, talks to me by WeChat because she is offering to marry me in exchange for buying her a house and taking her to the USA for a green card. She is very upfront about it. She hot and sexy but too materialistic minded.
Winston, I think you should sample the b***y to see if she is worth marrying. Or does she want you to buy a house before you have sex with her or marry her first to have sex?

What are the two Chinese girls doing in Philippines? Do they speak English?

Winston, you have a girlfriend now in the Philippines?
I wish it was that easy. But Chinese girls are not that easy to manipulate. They always analyze and calculate. This girl seems like a human calculator, one with false delusions about America and is evasive too. Girls who are evasive and dodgy are not easy to manipulate to go my way. I don't know when she is willing to have sex. She isn't specific. Maybe while on vacation? She wants me to take her traveling to foreign countries. But she is evasive when I try to meet her in Manila or Vietnam, where she works.

They work for an online casino company in Manila. Now she works in Vietnam though. I'm not sure doing what. She won't reply. Nor will she send me her location by WeChat to prove that she's in Vietnam. I don't like girls who refuse to answer basic questions like that. Why all the secrecy? Doesn't add up. And is a bad sign too. No they don't speak English. I speak some Chinese though.

What do you mean girlfriend in the Philippines? I have many girls I date yeah, but none of it is exclusive or committed, except for maybe Dianne.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

starchild5 wrote:
Winston wrote:We started speaking Chinese to them and they immediately took photos with us. Rock helped me to talk to them in Chinese by translating for me. When he did so, his Filipina date got jealous and suddenly left and went home. (I guess the "superior race" Chinese girls intimidated her and made her feel unworthy, so she left in shame, as Marcos Zeitola wants to hear. lol) It was a bad sign since Rock was just helping me out and wasn't romantically interested in them like I was.
Winston this is NOT RIGHT. I thought you would understand Filipinas better.

How would you and rock feel, if it was the other way around. A Filipina talking to Filipino American ...while you are on a date with her...We don't know the whole story...We need to hear her side too...like how long Rock ignored her while translating Chinese to you...or was it intentional to get rid of her..IF NOT..DID ROCK TRY TO APPROACH HER AGAIN...WE NEED PROOF THAT ROCK DID...To know you are saying the truth...

Looking at your excitement in video...and a quick dinner date...We don't know how Rock agreed to all this so suddenly when he had a date...more data is missing here...

If Rock did not try to meet her again..Its obvious..he wanted to get rid of her...if he did...what was her response...are they back together now?

Having been to close to a 1000 filipina women or more...No Filipina would get jealous and leave just like that...Its really hard to believe close to being impossible because Filipinas are very very decent...

Unless, knowing the type you and rock are...started flirting with the Chinese as when you found a better catch, you left the low grade Filipina.

Why would you say, She left in shame...Is this something to be happy about :( :( ..Why bother with Marcos..He never gets you anyways...

Common, We already know that Chinese are far superior in terms of looks, genes and intelligence even knowing that, you carelessly went after them knowing very well how it could impact a low grade Filipina...WHY DID YOU DO THAT? :| :|

I feel terrible for that girl because you have suffered a lot in America and I think Rock too to get women but you forget all those feelings and just went carelessly when you saw better girls with better DNA...even very well knowing that...Filipinas would get jealous, intimidated in your own words..due to their low grade DNA.

I hope you and rock apologized for your behavior to the girl. You are the smart one here, Its heartless. Its so fake..opportunistic..Its feels so mainstream...which i absolutely hate.

You are justifying your own misery because then all American women went for the better ones.

Its very disrespectful to a women what you both did, Filipinas are been used, abused because they are real good human beings. Men can use and throw them as they wish, and they never have to apologize to a filipina because they are low grade and just a stop over till you get a better DNA Chinese..

Now, don't bring American liberal BS when it suits you to justify your behavior...like it was her choice...she had free will, she is independent, she can do whatever she feels like load of crap...

It just don't feel right...I will never do this kind of things even though I consider myself a d*ck...
LOL you are jumping to conclusions and overreacting here. Geez. Your post has a lot of wrong assumptions too.

- No Rock was not flirting with them. They were taking pictures with their cameras too so they wanted to photo us too.
- His date left after only a few minutes, we didn't ignore her for long.
- She apologized to him the next day. He wasn't trying to ditch her at all. Today she takes care of Rock's golden retriever puppy while he's away.
- She is easygoing but has a jealousy glitch. Yes most Filipinas would not get up and walk away like that, so she is different.
- It was only me that was interested in them. Rock wasn't.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

yick wrote:A (rare but...)great post from Starchild5.

And the tl;dr version is of course, treat everyone with respect, and treat people how you would like to be treated, he also said something
along the lines of nobody has the full story about why what happened went down the way it did.

Now, I don't get all this 'Chinese people are more superior to Filipinos' it's not true - I have taught thousands of Chinese people and though a lot of them
are great and wonderful people, a fair few are thick, stupid, ugly and are prone to cheating - about the same amount of arseholes as there are in the UK.

The thing is though - we don't know what and why this girl was with Winston and Rock.

Now, it seems to me that the pair go to the Philippines and get women in Angeles City and Manila because it's easy because they have the means to get women - the women are with them because they have spare means and they can treat them to nice things.

If Winston and Rock know this - then they are going to treat them all as 'easy come, easy go'.

Would they be as disrespectful to a woman they were spending time with in Tokyo, Seoul, Gothenburg or Copenhagen.

No - because these women have standards - and they won't just go with a man on a date because he has a bit of spare cash to spend, he has to have a lot more in the way of factors going for him - it isn't easy to go to Copenhagen and date young, single women.

So this is my point.

It is absolutely UP TO THE WOMEN to determine how they are treated by men.

And this is why I have NO PROBLEM with western women and their actions - because they are the arbiter of how they get treated by men.

If western women were like Filipinas and let Winston be king of all the domain he looks out on, he would treat them like shit, so, they don't have anything to do with him.

Because he and Rock are pretty smart blokes - they go to places where they can indulge in their shitty behaviours - which is their right.

But at the end of the day - it is the woman who determines how she is treated, the Filipina in question was obviously being disrespected and she split, which is the right thing to do.

Rock could probably get her back onside - because he has money - and everyone knows that the score - now if you did that to a woman from the lowest socio-economic class in England - she would never deal with you again.

So - again - the woman is the absolute determiner of how she gets treated, and if she decides money is the factor in regards winning her over - then she is going to be treated like shit by men - don't blame the men, blame her.

Being poor is no excuse, they are poor in Argentina, but dating an Argentinian woman is as hard as dating any woman in Europe or The States.
You are overblowing this man. Me and Rock were speaking Chinese with those Chinese girls. Rock's Filipina friend could not join in and speak Chinese with us. How were we rude? What would you have done? I saw two pretty Chinese girls in Manila, which is a rarity, so I tried to capitalize on it. What do you expect me to do? Ignore them? Come on. They are my taste and type and I wasn't out with a Filipina date. Rock was. It was only a few minutes anyway.

Rock's Filipina friend was not a random girl that he treats as expendable goods. No way. She was a girl he had known for a year. Rock doesn't usually bang them and leave them, unless they have huge personality defects. He usually sees his girls regularly and maintains dating relationships with them.

We are not users. We are very talkative type of guys who love talking to girls and getting to know them. We aren't the "bang them and leave them" type that you stereotype us as.

Sorry but if I was with a UK girl, I don't see why she would mind or leave. Girls don't usually mind about stuff like this. Rock's date that day was an unusual type with a jealous streak. Most Filipinas would not do that, neither would most UK girls. Ignoring someone for a few minutes while you're distracted is no biggie. Those Chinese girls were acting like tourists taking photos anyway.

You are overanalyzing this.

In the Philippines you just live and let live. You go with the flow. You don't analyze things like that or take things too seriously.

The good thing about Filipinas is that if they are angry they let it go soon and return to normal. Rock's date apologized the next day for leaving like that. She knew she shouldn't have done that, but he couldn't help it. So don't make it sound like we did something bad or wrong. Geez.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by yick »

I am sticking up for you here (kind of...) Winston, Baby! :lol:

My point is this simply - if you are taking girls out on dates where you are paying for everything and they are going along with it because they are getting
free food and drinks and they contribute naught - then it is only natural that you can park them up whenever you want and there will be another one to
come along soon enough.

I don't know what happened, you are right, I wasn't there - I am just taking Starchild's post on board with my post - he could be right, he might not be - I was just taking on board if was correct.

The facts are, if you are paying for everything on a date all the time - and that is the dating culture of the place you are in and the particular power dynamic
that exists between local women and expats. Then it is no surprise what happened actually happened.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Adama »

Why would you men say that Filipinas have inferior DNA? That doesn't sound very nice. Filipinas running away from superior Chinese? The way you men talk, the Chinese women are pretty but stuck up, gold digging, green card seeking and calculating. While the Filipinas are an inferior race but extremely cool unless she's a scammer.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote:Why would you men say that Filipinas have inferior DNA? That doesn't sound very nice. Filipinas running away from superior Chinese? The way you men talk, the Chinese women are pretty but stuck up, gold digging, green card seeking and calculating. While the Filipinas are an inferior race but extremely cool unless she's a scammer.
No it's just that one Chinese girl I mentioned above that's like that. Most mainland Chinese girls I know aren't like that. I also seem to attract gold diggers and girls who expect me to be generous. Rock and Ethan_sg noticed this too. They said that something about me makes women think that I am supposed to be generous and giving, like a sugar daddy or Santa Claus. I don't know why. Something on my face looks generous and well off. Rock says I may look opulent to women for some reason. It's like they EXPECT generosity and money from me. But Ethan_sg's girlfriends and dates don't usually expect him to be generous for some reason. They love or like him for him. So certain guys attract gold diggers, like me for instance. I don't know why. In reality I'm very frugal, not generous to women, but my face doesn't reflect my frugal nature for some reason.

Why are you so politically correct about race and DNA? I was taking a shot at Marcos Zeitola because he always debates me on that and it irks him when I talk about Chinese being superior to Filipinos. So I was teasing him again to get his attention. lol

Look at the obvious facts here:

1. Chinese women age better than Filipinos. Their skin is more white and smooth and higher quality. They are smarter and more educated too with higher IQ.

2. Even in the Philippines, Chinese light skinned women are considered more beautiful than Filipino women. Light skin is the standard of beauty in Asia. It's also common knowledge that Chinese are better in business and run businesses better than Filipinos do. Everyone knows that.

3. Chinese have higher IQ's and intelligence than Filipinos, in general. All IQ charts show this drastic difference. The Chinese language is also more complicated to learn and write.

4. Chinese food is considered one of the best cuisines in the world, alongside Italian food and Thai food. But Filipino food is considered the worst in Asia, and is not internationally famous at all. They say that food is a strong reflection of culture. In this case, Filipino culture and food are considered low class, in Asia and all around the world. This is their reputation.

5. Filipino culture, food and infrastructure are all considered low class and third world in Europe. That's not a coincidence. Obviously, genes and intelligence plays a factor in that. Internet speed is also the slowest in Asia. Again, no coincidence.

6. The Chinese wrote famous books such as "Sun Tzu's Ancient Art of War" which is required reading in US military academies such as West Point. They also have classics such as "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu. Filipinos have written no books like that. They have no great treatises that are required reading in US military academies. Chinese have invented many Kung Fu styles and martial art styles, but Filipinos have invented no martial arts styles. I could go on and on.

7. Chinese overall are richer and have more money and assets than Filipinos. So they are economically superior of course.

8. Even in the US on a level playing field, Chinese have more money and higher incomes than Filipinos do. They own more property and real estate than Filipinos do. And Chinese students score higher grades on Math and other subjects than Filipinos do.

All this makes it SUPER OBVIOUS that Chinese are superior in genes, intelligence, skin, looks, culture, economics, etc. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OBVIOUS from all the above, and common knowledge as well. Why debate it? Don't you at least have common sense and basic logic Adama?

What, are you gonna argue the absurd notion that Chinese and Filipinos are EQUAL????? ROTFL!!!!!!!!! LMAOF!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

If not, then what's your point?

Yick, same goes for you. Why challenge this topic when there's no contest and everything above is super obvious to everyone???!!! Why are you trying to be politically correct here? There's no such thing as EQUALITY. We all know that. All races are not the same.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:
Adama wrote:Why would you men say that Filipinas have inferior DNA? That doesn't sound very nice. Filipinas running away from superior Chinese? The way you men talk, the Chinese women are pretty but stuck up, gold digging, green card seeking and calculating. While the Filipinas are an inferior race but extremely cool unless she's a scammer.
No it's just that one Chinese girl I mentioned above that's like that. Most mainland Chinese girls I know aren't like that. I also seem to attract gold diggers and girls who expect me to be generous. Rock and Ethan_sg noticed this too. They said that something about me makes women think that I am supposed to be generous and giving, like a sugar daddy or Santa Claus. I don't know why. Something on my face looks generous and well off. Rock says I may look opulent to women for some reason. It's like they EXPECT generosity and money from me. But Ethan_sg's girlfriends and dates don't usually expect him to be generous for some reason. They love or like him for him. So certain guys attract gold diggers, like me for instance. I don't know why. In reality I'm very frugal, not generous to women, but my face doesn't reflect my frugal nature for some reason.

Why are you so politically correct about race and DNA? I was taking a shot at Marcos Zeitola because he always debates me on that and it irks him when I talk about Chinese being superior to Filipinos. So I was teasing him again to get his attention. lol

Look at the obvious facts here:

1. Chinese women age better than Filipinos. Their skin is more white and smooth and higher quality. They are smarter and more educated too with higher IQ.

2. Even in the Philippines, Chinese light skinned women are considered more beautiful than Filipino women. Light skin is the standard of beauty in Asia. It's also common knowledge that Chinese are better in business and run businesses better than Filipinos do. Everyone knows that.

3. Chinese have higher IQ's and intelligence than Filipinos, in general. All IQ charts show this drastic difference. The Chinese language is also more complicated to learn and write.

4. Chinese food is considered one of the best cuisines in the world, alongside Italian food and Thai food. But Filipino food is considered the worst in Asia, and is not internationally famous at all. They say that food is a strong reflection of culture. In this case, Filipino culture and food are considered low class, in Asia and all around the world. This is their reputation.

5. Filipino culture, food and infrastructure are all considered low class and third world in Europe. That's not a coincidence. Obviously, genes and intelligence plays a factor in that. Internet speed is also the slowest in Asia. Again, no coincidence.

6. The Chinese wrote famous books such as "Sun Tzu's Ancient Art of War" which is required reading in US military academies such as West Point. They also have classics such as "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Tao Te Ching" by Lao Tzu. Filipinos have written no books like that. They have no great treatises that are required reading in US military academies. Chinese have invented many Kung Fu styles and martial art styles, but Filipinos have invented no martial arts styles. I could go on and on.

7. Chinese overall are richer and have more money and assets than Filipinos. So they are economically superior of course.

8. Even in the US on a level playing field, Chinese have more money and higher incomes than Filipinos do. They own more property and real estate than Filipinos do. And Chinese students score higher grades on Math and other subjects than Filipinos do.

All this makes it SUPER OBVIOUS that Chinese are superior in genes, intelligence, skin, looks, culture, economics, etc. It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OBVIOUS from all the above, and common knowledge as well. Why debate it? Don't you at least have common sense and basic logic Adama?

What, are you gonna argue the absurd notion that Chinese and Filipinos are EQUAL????? ROTFL!!!!!!!!! LMAOF!!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

If not, then what's your point?

Yick, same goes for you. Why challenge this topic when there's no contest and everything above is super obvious to everyone???!!! Why are you trying to be politically correct here? There's no such thing as EQUALITY. We all know that. All races are not the same.
I'm not arguing equality. I was only inquiring about genetic superiority and inferiority. I don't even think any of this was in reference to IQs or food or any of that. I think it was only in reference to the phenotype. That's one thing. Instead, why not just say that on average Chinese women are hotter? Why's everyone going to inferiority of the genes?

If you are arguing that those positive traits are from genes alone, rather than the environment, then you are on the infamous "slippery slope." Is Brad Pitt genetically superior to an average man just because he is considered to be better looking by some women? No, it just means he was blessed in a particular area. That's it. It doesn't mean he's more genetically fit or superior, despite any indicators for "high testosterone" or any of that nonsense. Good looks does not mean genetic superiority, just as not so hot looks does not imply genetic inferiority.

(You'll note also that high intelligence and good looks are not correlated either. How is that possible though when both indicate genetic superiority? Shouldn't the good looking people also be extremely intelligent due to those superior genes?)

Also, Winston, not everyone thinks that the true measure of a person is their wealth. That might be a Chinese consideration but not a Filipino consideration at all.

Some people find Chinese food revolting, and I hear much of that infamous cuisine is Americanized and not really all that compared the the original.

I'm not an expert on Filipino food, but having worked with some around the holidays, I've sampled some, I can say I was not horrified or disgusted in anyway. It was actually good.

As for IQ, well you'll find throughout the world in warmer climates people are relaxed about life. Not everyone wants to aim for the hustle and bustle of the major cities of the West.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Citizen »

Winston wrote:
Citizen wrote:Winston, when you were in Hong Kong last year were you there with your parents? I ask because I saw you and Diane (who was following behind and carrying a kid who has almost half her size) going into Mirador Mansion (you took the first set of elevators on the right). I was going in to buy a new dirt cheap backpack. The two older Chinese people didn't look anything like you except they were also both short. Anyways, you certainly seemed to be following the man and walking beside the older woman.
No I was just with Dianne. My parents have a negative view of Hong Kong and China and no desire to visit it. They are very stubborn. I find that people who grew up in the 1950's are unusually stubborn and rigid and refuse to change their views on anything, even if they should.

If you saw me, why didn't you say anything? Mirador Mansion sounds familiar but I don't remember what it is. Are you sure it was me and not just someone who looked like me? Do you know what Dianne looks like too?
Thanks for the reply.
Winston, you're appearance is rather unique. No, I don't know what Dianne looks other than the fact she is a Filipina and that you have a son with her. To me the odds of a second guy who looks just like you, is also with a Filipina and has a young son seem rather small. But hey, everybody supposedly has a twin. Mirador Mansion is a group of apartment buildings converted into little hotels. Mirador is not far from the much more popular Chungking Mansions. I didn't talk to you because I don't actually know you. You are an internet celebrity that I am pretty certain I saw. I wouldn't have asked except I have been curious ever since it happened if those were your parents. Now I know that if it was you they were not your parents. :)
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Rock »

starchild5 wrote:
Winston wrote:We started speaking Chinese to them and they immediately took photos with us. Rock helped me to talk to them in Chinese by translating for me. When he did so, his Filipina date got jealous and suddenly left and went home. (I guess the "superior race" Chinese girls intimidated her and made her feel unworthy, so she left in shame, as Marcos Zeitola wants to hear. lol) It was a bad sign since Rock was just helping me out and wasn't romantically interested in them like I was.
Winston this is NOT RIGHT. I thought you would understand Filipinas better.

How would you and rock feel, if it was the other way around. A Filipina talking to Filipino American ...while you are on a date with her...We don't know the whole story...We need to hear her side too...like how long Rock ignored her while translating Chinese to you...or was it intentional to get rid of her..IF NOT..DID ROCK TRY TO APPROACH HER AGAIN...WE NEED PROOF THAT ROCK DID...To know you are saying the truth...

Looking at your excitement in video...and a quick dinner date...We don't know how Rock agreed to all this so suddenly when he had a date...more data is missing here...

If Rock did not try to meet her again..Its obvious..he wanted to get rid of her...if he did...what was her response...are they back together now?

Having been to close to a 1000 filipina women or more...No Filipina would get jealous and leave just like that...Its really hard to believe close to being impossible because Filipinas are very very decent...

Unless, knowing the type you and rock are...started flirting with the Chinese as when you found a better catch, you left the low grade Filipina.

Why would you say, She left in shame...Is this something to be happy about :( :( ..Why bother with Marcos..He never gets you anyways...

Common, We already know that Chinese are far superior in terms of looks, genes and intelligence even knowing that, you carelessly went after them knowing very well how it could impact a low grade Filipina...WHY DID YOU DO THAT? :| :|

I feel terrible for that girl because you have suffered a lot in America and I think Rock too to get women but you forget all those feelings and just went carelessly when you saw better girls with better DNA...even very well knowing that...Filipinas would get jealous, intimidated in your own words..due to their low grade DNA.

I hope you and rock apologized for your behavior to the girl. You are the smart one here, Its heartless. Its so fake..opportunistic..Its feels so mainstream...which i absolutely hate.

You are justifying your own misery because then all American women went for the better ones.

Its very disrespectful to a women what you both did, Filipinas are been used, abused because they are real good human beings. Men can use and throw them as they wish, and they never have to apologize to a filipina because they are low grade and just a stop over till you get a better DNA Chinese..

Now, don't bring American liberal BS when it suits you to justify your behavior...like it was her choice...she had free will, she is independent, she can do whatever she feels like load of crap...

It just don't feel right...I will never do this kind of things even though I consider myself a d*ck...
Hey Starchild, you know me better than that. We've met before a couple times around Gramercy remember? I'm not like that.

We were just walking around the Spanish town area of Intramurous and Winston got all excited by the sight of 2 Chinese tourists. He looked at them, said hi, and next thing we know, they were asking to take photos with us. My plan was to have my Filipina friend take a photo of Winston and me with them and then I would switch places with her and do a second one of her and Winston with them. But since we were saying it all in Chinese (I hadn't explained it to her yet), she didn't know what was going on and right after helping us take the first photo, she abruptly handed the camera phone back and stormed off without saying a word. I went after her but she just jumped into a taxi passing by on the street and went off. I called her phone with no answer and texted her asking why she ran off so suddenly. She didn't respond till the next day but apologized saying she felt left out thought I liked those girls so was jealous too. Mind you, the whole scene played out in less than 5 minutes.

The video Winston posted was of a subsequent meeting that night with the girls after going back to Makati. Winston really wanted to ask them out to see whether or not he might be able to win one of them over. I personally was not interested at all, even for friendship, because I did not like their general style or speaking manner. And my first impression of them was that they are rather shallow, less educated type, with questionable work and background.

But Winston is my friend and I know he was really into them. So I tried to see if there might be a chance that at least one of them was potential dating material for him. My conclusion after that night was they would be nothing but time wasters.

That Filipina is a good friend of mine and invited us to her house for lunch and bonding a couple days later. She is a quality person who loves and raises dogs and has a big heart. She's also very easygoing with calm disposition. It's just that she has a small glitch in her personality which causes her sometimes to overreact by temporarily unfriending on FB or in this special case, walking off.

BTW, how is it that you are the one doing the preaching when you've been with "close to a thousand filipina women" lol?

Seriously, I'm not the one talking about how great mainland Chinese women are, Winston is. For me, they are mostly too lacking in curves and in many cases difficult to relate to. When I used to date Sino girls, I much preferred the Taiwanese to mainlanders overall. And I have great respect and appreciation for many of the Filipinos I've met, for real. I also relate very well to some of them on a deeper level.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Rock »

yick wrote:
zboy1 wrote:Chinese girls are becoming so materialistic and self-serving, I would suggest you guys avoid most Chinese girls. They're becoming as bad as American woman.
I have to respectfully disagree Zboy1.

You are in Dongguan - is that right? Women come from all over the south of China to live and work there, a lot of them are there for that reason.

There are a lot of foreign men there for that reason too - because there are lots of single Chinese women in the city.

So they are going to be a bit more mercenary than average - is it all Chinese women? No.

Women - it doesn't matter where you are, want you to be the best that you can be, they don't want to be straddled to some guy who is coasting - whether it's the States, China or Burkina Faso - that's the reality of women.

Filipinas are the same - they want you working so you can buy their uncles and nephews stupid shit they don't need. I worked in Saudi Arabia with loads of men who married Filipinas and Thais - the reason they were there was to finance whole families - which is great if that's what you want but most of the fellas I knew weren't all that happy with their current situation - hardly 'Happier Abroad'.

Anyway, my point is - whatever the nationality of woman - they all want you to step up sooner or later.
I spent some time in the area of Dongguan where zboy is living and teaching. Since my gallstone hospital is within walking distance of his school, I stayed there for check-ups, surgery, and hospital stays. IMO, it has been pretty depressed area for awhile. Real estate prices are amazingly low, many of the people strike me as less educated, and it's rather boring and mundane. The ghost town state of the New South China Mall in that region pretty much says it all.

During one of my hospital stays, someone actually came into the room and tried to steal some phones and laptops from the patients. Fortunately a sweet ayi there caught on early and prevented it before he got hold of anything. In all the times I've been there, I don't think I ever saw a white person except perhaps at the nearby Walmart. And zboy is the only foreigner I know of there (though he blends in as a Korean American).

There used to be a famous P4P area in Changpin (brothels and KTVs) which is maybe 20 min or so from there by cab. That brought in a lot of non-local Chinese punters from other countries. But from what I've heard, that scene has been pretty much shut down since 2013 or so.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote: I'm not arguing equality. I was only inquiring about genetic superiority and inferiority. I don't even think any of this was in reference to IQs or food or any of that. I think it was only in reference to the phenotype. That's one thing. Instead, why not just say that on average Chinese women are hotter? Why's everyone going to inferiority of the genes?

If you are arguing that those positive traits are from genes alone, rather than the environment, then you are on the infamous "slippery slope." Is Brad Pitt genetically superior to an average man just because he is considered to be better looking by some women? No, it just means he was blessed in a particular area. That's it. It doesn't mean he's more genetically fit or superior, despite any indicators for "high testosterone" or any of that nonsense. Good looks does not mean genetic superiority, just as not so hot looks does not imply genetic inferiority.

(You'll note also that high intelligence and good looks are not correlated either. How is that possible though when both indicate genetic superiority? Shouldn't the good looking people also be extremely intelligent due to those superior genes?)

Also, Winston, not everyone thinks that the true measure of a person is their wealth. That might be a Chinese consideration but not a Filipino consideration at all.

Some people find Chinese food revolting, and I hear much of that infamous cuisine is Americanized and not really all that compared the the original.

I'm not an expert on Filipino food, but having worked with some around the holidays, I've sampled some, I can say I was not horrified or disgusted in anyway. It was actually good.

As for IQ, well you'll find throughout the world in warmer climates people are relaxed about life. Not everyone wants to aim for the hustle and bustle of the major cities of the West.
Sorry man. You aren't very worldly and you don't know much outside of Christianity. Tons of mistakes in your post. Genetics are a factor in everything. Yeah. So it environment. Most scientists say it's about 50/50. Most Americans prefer to believe it's all environment or mostly. It's an American thing. I don't know why.

When I say "superior" I merely mean "higher quality". It isn't meant to sound racist. When you go to the store, there are higher quality products and lower quality products. You know that. Not everything is equal. Why should all races be equal in every way? They are not.

What race are you? White or black? You seem to have a bias here. The 8 examples I gave above indicate that Chinese race is higher quality. That's all.

I never said that wealth is superior. But think of wealth in terms of resources. Those who are better at acquiring resources are better survivors.

You are wrong. There is a correlation between looks and intelligence. Google "looks and intelligence correlation". That was established long ago. Man you need to be more educated. Not counting freethinkers, intellectuals and geniuses, among the mainstream, there is a correlation in that attractive people do tend to have slightly higher IQ's than ugly people. I'm not saying that good looking people are geniuses, but they tend to be a little more intelligent than ugly people among the mainstream.

There is also a correlations between female beauty and singing voice talent. That's why you usually see women with talented voices also have attractive faces.

Additionally, richer countries tend to have higher IQ's than third world poorer countries. So yeah, there is a correlation between IQ and wealth too.

Actually, Filipinos are very materialistic too. They want to be rich too, not poor. Given the chance, they become snobs too. Their upper class is overly snobby. Filipinos consider wealth to be a symbol of higher class. Didn't you know that? Man you are so untraveled.

I don't care if some people don't like Chinese food or if you don't mind Filipino food. I don't give a f**k what you think. We are talking about the world international scene here. Chinese cuisine is internationally famous and considered one of the most popular foreign cuisines in the world. Even Europe and Russia has Chinese restaurants. Sure the Americanized Chinese food may be yuck, but sometimes it's good too. I'm not talking about Americanized Chinese food anyway dummy. I was talking about Chinese cuisine in general.

Chinese food abroad is usually adapted to fit the taste of the local community. That's why in Russia, Chinese food is adapted to Russian taste, and likewise in America. In Asia, people don't like sweet and sour pork for instance, that's an Americanized Chinese dish.

Man get an education! Sheesh. Get out of America and you will see all these things. I hate explaining every simple thing to you that you should already know. Stop playing devil's advocate. It's wasting my time.

You don't see Filipino restaurants abroad except in Filipino communities. They are not popular outside of Philippines. Everyone knows that. Just accept it man. Stop looking for little exceptions. Little exceptions prove nothing.

99 percent of expats in Asia dislike Filipino food. So I don't care if you like it or not.

Btw, you never explained why when FIlipinos and Chinese are in the same country, like America, the Chinese still do better. They get better grades in school, earn more money, become more successful, acquire more assets, cook better food, etc. So even in the same environment, they still do better. Thus it's not all environment, like I said.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Adama »

I think if I had a father who considered me half inferior, I might not like him very much. But it is a good thing to you that people are comparable to things which can be purchased in a store. Good quality vs poor quality. Have it your way, Winston. Maybe you'll get to hang out with Cornfed one day and break bread.
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Re: Updates from Winston's Return to the Philippines!

Post by Winston »

Adama wrote:I think if I had a father who considered me half inferior, I might not like him very much. But it is a good thing to you that people are comparable to things which can be purchased in a store. Good quality vs poor quality. Have it your way, Winston. Maybe you'll get to hang out with Cornfed one day and break bread.
So just because my son is half Filipino, I should lie to him and say all races are equal? lol. What's the logic in that? That's not a basis to suppress truth, reality and honesty. Even if I were Filipino, i would admit that the above is true. We've had self-hating Filipino posters here before who agreed with all that too. The evidence and patterns I listed are all objectively true. It's nothing personal. You don't have a case against it. All you have is political correctness.

There are many politically incorrect "truths" in the Bible too. Why don't you suppress them and deny them too? lol
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