Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by TruthSeeker »

Winston! Yu daddy love Yu. Listen Yu daddy.
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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Guhji »

Winston wrote:
September 12th, 2018, 11:33 am
Hi everyone. Im in las vegas now. Just got our wifi and modem hooked up. I wasnt able to update u all until now.

Wow! The air is so dry and clean here. Not dirty and humid and sticky and icky like in yucky Taiwan. The air feels so healthy and dry, and there are almost no insects to bother you, unlike taiwans tropic air which is insect infested. You can leave food out here and not worry about it spoiling because theres no moisture to spoil it like in taiwan. And the streets are clean too. Not moldy and dirty like in Taiwan. And its so easy to park a car here too. Huge parking lots are everywhere here. Not so friggin hard and inconvenient and a pain like in Taiwan.

Man theres so much food variety here. Its like food heaven here compared to Asia. Unbelievable. Every average person here eats like an emperor. Lol. Dang. Yesterday my aunt took us to a buffet in a vegas casino and dang, it was unbelievable. Like food heaven. Someone from asia would be mesmerized at such food galore. I cant believe the average degenerate american eats like an emperor here. I dont see how one can be thin here. Lol

Everywhere around here all i see is consumerism, consumerism, consumerism. I guess thats the only purpose of life here. To consume. Lol. When all you do is live for consumerism i guess you will start to look degenerate too. Lol. As my greek college friend once told me "Americans have no inner life. All they do is consume, consume, consume." Yep thats so true. That sums up america in a nutshell. And i realize it now more than ever.

But most people here look so degenerate. I wonder why. Maybe if they are corrupted and ugly on the inside, it reflects on their outside too? How come no one looks wholesome here like people did in the 50s and 60s? Lol.

Maybe its just vegas. Only like 1 percent or less look attractive here. So i dont have to worry about too much eye candy distracting me. Lol

The customer service here is so polite compared to asia. Example:

"How are you doing today? Great. You find everything ok? Heres your change. You have a great day. Thank you. You too."

In asia no one goes through the trouble of so much positive formality. Lol.

But the thing is, everyone looks like they dont wanna socialize or meet people or make new friends. They are all business. Everyone is like an island in their own bubble with a wall arounf them. Its an unspoken rule to not talk to anyone unless its for business. You can feel this unspoken rule around everyone and in everyones vibe and body language. Its very different from southeast asia and eastern europe, where i thrive best and where people are very open and approachable and easy to chat with. (In slavic, latin, spanish cultures).

On the plane i chatted with a rich ukraine couple who lives in Israel and is traveling the world. It was so easy to talk to them. It was so natural and upfront, without any awkwardness or anxiety or cold wall or feeling of inappropriateness.

Anyway, Its so good and refreshing to be finally out of that terrible, nightmarish, hellhole in taiwan, where i am a 100 percent misfit and everything sucks in every category - people, culture, weather, air quality, inconvenience, car parking, vibe, no mexican food, and most importantly how you feel about yourself, which is shit.

I know i dont socially thrive in las vegas like in my favorite HA hotspots. But at least theres a lot to like and enjoy in vegas. Unlike taiwan where thered nothing to like and everything is horrible.

If you've never been in a place where u are 100 percent a misfit, you wont understand, so you should consider yourself lucky. Because you dont know what hell is like until you have. Its suffering beyond words to be a 100 percent misfit somewhere where everything is against you and nothing is to your liking!

I never imagined id ever feel so refreshed in an american suburban strip mall. But when youve been in a hellish place like Taiwan where everything is terrible and painful and inconvenient and not to your liking at all... anything... even a suburban strip mall in america is better. Thats how bad a hellish place is like taiwan. No joke.

Btw u may not see how crappy and unfriendly taiwan is at first when ur just a tourist or visitor. But if you live there for a long time you will see what i mean. All its negatives will become apparent.
My house is located in Mountains Edge Master Community, on the southwest side. If I was still out there, I'd buy you a beer. You've probably made a lot of money on your house. I wonder if you haven't considered selling it? Current home prices don't seem to jive with average wages out there. Of course, there are many other factors that determine real estate prices though.
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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by anabolic »

I lived near Taipei for 3 months. First time I went into the city , I was approached by a woman who said that she wanted to exchange phone numbers because her friend thought I was sexy/attractive but was too shy to approach me, she spoke good english. Also, Winston, I was smoking a cigar outside one of those huge tall apartment buildings , sitting at a table, and this old woman gave me a NASTY DIRTY look, like wtf are you doing lol, what was that about ? everyone smokes here. One thing I will say about Taiwan, that place is absolutely SOULESS, there is an eery, depressing almost suicidalish? weird vibe I do not know, but I was at my most depressed here, It is a very closed society, I tell u, I have a lot of thoughts on this country
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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

Guhji wrote:
September 13th, 2018, 7:35 am
My house is located in Mountains Edge Master Community, on the southwest side. If I was still out there, I'd buy you a beer. You've probably made a lot of money on your house. I wonder if you haven't considered selling it? Current home prices don't seem to jive with average wages out there. Of course, there are many other factors that determine real estate prices though.
You have a house in vegas? Why? Where are you now? When will you be in vegas again?

Are you sure you would let me see you? Lol. Would you bash my looks in person too? Lol

Well its not my house. Its my parents house. Yes they made some money on it so far.

Yes the prices on rent and housing are very high here. But the food is so cheap. I wonder why. I guess something has to be cheap here or else there would be a revolution. Lol

We went to trader joes the other day. I couldnt believe how cheap a lot of stuff was. Much cheaper than in Philippines where every international food is imported. Lol
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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

Update I sent to Mr S via WhatsApp:

Las Vegas is nice. Its a shoppers paradise and consumers paradise. Nowhere in asia has so many consumer choices. It makes your head spin. Even walmart is coming up with new stuff all the time, like gummy bears that stop acid reflux like Tums. Lol.

But the thing is, thats all there is to do here. Everything is all consumerism and shopping. Nothing else to do. Is that the purpose of life here? Geez. Its so dehumanizing after a while. The consumerism is nice at first but its overkill. As if thats all there is to life. And its on hyperdrive too, out of control. Why doesnt anyone rebel against it. I dont think God or the universe put us here on Earth to be consumers and go shopping everyday. Geez.

Also im tired of saying to everyone "thanks for your help. You have a good day." It feels so fake and empty after a while when you say that to everyone you interact with. Theres no deeper authentic conversation. Gee whiz. How can everyone here stand to be like that all day every day? Its way too fake and feels so hollow and dissatisfying after a while.

But you only realize this when you've been out of america for years i guess. Lol

Also the women here look so masculine and independent and athletic and in their own space. You can sense that they dont want to be bothered or approached and that there are boundaries around them. Like you cant just walk up to them and talk without a valid appropriate reason. Otherwise you are a creep and pervert.

So what are you supposed to do if you see a girl you like who is hot or cute or even mildly attractive? Its like you cant do anything about it. Your hands are tied.

What if i said "whoa hey babe whats up?" Would that get their attention? Lol. Or my funny pickup line, "Hey you got any overdue books? No why? Well you got FINE written all over." Which used to make american girls laugh. But they look too serious and uptight nowadays for anything like that. How come adam sandler can get away with something like that but i cant? Lol

How are you supposed to get their attention or interest or talk to them? They all look like they dont want to be bothered. I dont see even one guy approaching any girls or hitting on them. Not one. As if that kind of thing no longer exists and no one dares to even try anymore. Kind of sad.

What do u do if u want to talk to an american girl? What do you say? It feels awkward and inappropriate and anxiety provoking to even try to talk to anyone here. Everyone's in their own space.

Its as if you were supposed to find your wife or social clique long ago and after that theres no reason to talk to anyone else anymore except for business. Really weird. You're supposed to already have a girl and friends and not look for any or want to meet anyone. Because everything is all business only. 100 percent. Feels very dehumanizing.

What's the point of freedom in america if all you can do is go shopping? Kind of stupid. Why does no one question this? I feel like im in the twilight zone and already living in a dystopia, except no one recognizes that its a dystopia except me. Very scary and horrifying and nightmarish. You know what i mean?
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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

anabolic wrote:
September 15th, 2018, 1:20 am
I lived near Taipei for 3 months. First time I went into the city , I was approached by a woman who said that she wanted to exchange phone numbers because her friend thought I was sexy/attractive but was too shy to approach me, she spoke good english. Also, Winston, I was smoking a cigar outside one of those huge tall apartment buildings , sitting at a table, and this old woman gave me a NASTY DIRTY look, like wtf are you doing lol, what was that about ? everyone smokes here. One thing I will say about Taiwan, that place is absolutely SOULESS, there is an eery, depressing almost suicidalish? weird vibe I do not know, but I was at my most depressed here, It is a very closed society, I tell u, I have a lot of thoughts on this country
No kidding. So im not crazy after all. Not only is Taiwan very SOULESS but it is self hating and negative and is like a black hole too that takes away your confidence, self esteem and doesnt allow you to be yourself. The people are very weird and awkward too. You feel like being normal would be seen as freakish. Its hard to put into words.

You feel like you cannot have fun there or be positive or feel good, because its simply not allowed. The only emotions allowed are fear and guilt and repression. Its so freaking awkward. I feel paralyzed there like I can't do anything! I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus the air is always hot and humid and makes your skin constantly feel dirty, sticky and slimy. Even your assessories like your phone charger gets slimy too from all that moisture. And its insect infested too from the tropical weather and high humidity.

I know Philippines and Thailand are hot and humid too. But at least there you can have fun and flirtation and act out your desires, none of which you can do in Taiwan. I dont understand how anyone can live there, let alone claim that its a "friendly" country.

So was the girl that gave you her number cute? Did you call her or contact her? Did that go anywhere? How often did girls give you their number there? Taiwanese are super shy. So that must be a rarity.

You're lucky you didnt go to Chiayi. Its even worse than Taipei.

@zboy1 and @Falcon and @El_Caudillo felt the same way about Taiwan too.

@Mr S is heading to taiwan soon to do a visa run. I cant wait to see how he likes being around soul draining, self hating people who are full of fear and guilt all the time. Mr S is an empath like me, so he cannot possibly avoid the vibes and energy there.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by xiongmao »

I'll try and visit Taiwan sometime - I'd like to know if I get any eye contact.

I was in the UK last month. It's so good to be able to buy so many different foods there. In China there's really only Chinese food. We had a school outing to a Turkish restaurant the other day. My Chinese boss thought it was really weird. She'd never had hummous or feta cheese or any of the other awesome foods from that part of the world before.

On the downside I put on so much freaking weight while I was back in the UK. Maybe that's why there are so many obese locals in Thailand, because the food is just so freaking good.

As for eye contact, well I think a lot of this is whether you're an introvert or extravert. We have a new very outgoing teacher here. He's only been in Zhejiang for a month but already he has a massive social circle and knows all kinds of places to do stuff. He'll probably say that Zhejiang people are really friendly and he loves this place.

On the downside to being an extravert he's permanently broke and his life is in chaos as he drifts from country to country TEFL'ing where he can.
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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Guhji »

Winston wrote:
September 15th, 2018, 6:22 am
Guhji wrote:
September 13th, 2018, 7:35 am
My house is located in Mountains Edge Master Community, on the southwest side. If I was still out there, I'd buy you a beer. You've probably made a lot of money on your house. I wonder if you haven't considered selling it? Current home prices don't seem to jive with average wages out there. Of course, there are many other factors that determine real estate prices though.
You have a house in vegas? Why? Where are you now? When will you be in vegas again?

Are you sure you would let me see you? Lol. Would you bash my looks in person too? Lol

Well its not my house. Its my parents house. Yes they made some money on it so far.

Yes the prices on rent and housing are very high here. But the food is so cheap. I wonder why. I guess something has to be cheap here or else there would be a revolution. Lol

We went to trader joes the other day. I couldnt believe how cheap a lot of stuff was. Much cheaper than in Philippines where every international food is imported. Lol
I lived in Vegas from 2003 to 2014. I'm now in Chicago. Not sure when I'll go back. If I ever did meet you, I'd be happy to buy you dinner. You're alright, Winston.

I'm glad your parents bought their house at the right time. I hope you and your family enjoy your visit. Nevada, Utah, Colorado-all magnificent, beautiful, topography. The Rockies are a real sight to behold.
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Re: Winston is back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by WorldTraveler »

Winston wrote:
September 15th, 2018, 6:26 am

Its as if you were supposed to find your wife or social clique long ago and after that theres no reason to talk to anyone else anymore except for business. Really weird. You're supposed to already have a girl and friends and not look for any or want to meet anyone. Because everything is all business only. 100 percent. Feels very dehumanizing.
It's OK to talk to women if you can help them find a better job.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by TruthSeeker »

Hey Winston, which buffet did you go to? Which one is good? Maybe you could make a video like this:

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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

Btw everyone. I have a question about american girls.

1. When u see an american girl that you like and looks attractive or doable, what can you do about it? How do you approach her or get her number or a date? I get the sense that they do not welcome being approached by strangers at all. They act very tough, masculine and macho, like they would kick my ass if i flirted with them and "violated their boundaries". What can you do about that?

2. How come normal average guys do not ask these kind of questions or struggle with such issues? Does that mean there is something wrong with me and the guys here? There must be something different about us. None of my cousins or relatives or even my parents ever ask questions like "how are you supposed to make friends in america if people dont talk to strangers" or "how are you supposed to get dates or partners in america if the women arent approachable" etc? Normal people dont sit around asking questions like that. So there must be something off or disconnected about us? Perhaps we have a different rhythm or are aspies?

3. How come every female here in las vegas looks not only degenerate, but also very masculine, athletic, independent, tough and now they have this macho type vibe and body language like scott mallon (aka anamericaninbangkok) does? Lol. Thats beyond ridiculous.

Are american women in other states like that too? Or only in vegas? Why in vegas?

@Guhji did you wonder about these things when you were in vegas too?
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Guhji »

Aren't women like that everywhere nowadays? Today's woman acts like a man and vice versa. That's just the social climate that we live in. You definitely have to rank high on the looks, money, status scale to make any moves though. Otherwise, you just come off as a creep and that can get you sent to jail with a quickness.

If you want to see some eye candy, I suggest you visit the UNLV campus. Lots of young beauties walking around. A lot of foreign CHINESE students that you "may" have a shot with. I got my MBA there in 2009. A lot of fond memories of that place.

Overall I really like Vegas. People are generally nice and non-judgmental. The city is very clean and the weather is great year-round. I hope you have a nice time there.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Winston wrote:
September 23rd, 2018, 5:09 am
Btw everyone. I have a question about american girls.

1. When u see an american girl that you like and looks attractive or doable, what can you do about it? How do you approach her or get her number or a date? I get the sense that they do not welcome being approached by strangers at all. They act very tough, masculine and macho, like they would kick my ass if i flirted with them and "violated their boundaries". What can you do about that?

2. How come normal average guys do not ask these kind of questions or struggle with such issues? Does that mean there is something wrong with me and the guys here? There must be something different about us. None of my cousins or relatives or even my parents ever ask questions like "how are you supposed to make friends in america if people dont talk to strangers" or "how are you supposed to get dates or partners in america if the women arent approachable" etc? Normal people dont sit around asking questions like that. So there must be something off or disconnected about us? Perhaps we have a different rhythm or are aspies?

3. How come every female here in las vegas looks not only degenerate, but also very masculine, athletic, independent, tough and now they have this macho type vibe and body language like scott mallon (aka anamericaninbangkok) does? Lol. Thats beyond ridiculous.

Are american women in other states like that too? Or only in vegas? Why in vegas?

@Guhji did you wonder about these things when you were in vegas too?

1) Much of the time, especially the attractive girls in the U.S. look unapproachable, carrying this perma-scowl on their faces. And you don't go randomly approaching women in public, unless of course you're a guy who's a smooth talker with women. Try doing that on a university campus, and your reputation can get ruined in no time. I've heard cases where guys trying to meet women on college campuses get accused of stalking or sexual harassment.

2) To simply put it, it's taboo and politically incorrect to talk about this topic. In other words, you're supposed to pretend that everything's "great" and you're having a "great" day, even when you're not. But in most of the world (outside the Anglosphere in particular) you're allowed to express how you really feel at the moment. And yeah, how are you supposed to make friends in America after high school or university? Well, I guess there are exceptions like house parties or church gatherings. But those are grey areas, and at best you'd make superficial acquaintances. And even in settings where it's supposed to be appropriate for meeting people, sometimes the people will still stick to their cliques. Furthermore, most "communities" in the U.S. are built for cars, not for people. Notice how everything is too spread out for walking distance; and almost everywhere you look, the streets are empty with just people in their cars. But even in cities like New York City or San Francisco that are walkable and have better public transportation, you'll still sense this "ice barrier". Your best bet is staying in hostels as those cater to more like-minded people.

3) Though I haven't been to Las Vegas (I've only been in McCarren International Airport to change planes), I'd say the vast majority of U.S. women these days are masculine, look "strong-and-independent", and degenerate. Everywhere you'd see piercings in body parts other than the earlobes, tattoos, partially shaved heads, artificial hair dyes. However, in Albuquerque NM and El Paso TX, I've seen quite a few women dressed more feminine, especially the latter where Mexican culture has a stronger hold. But go to my hometown Los Alamos NM and a very very small percentage of women there dress feminine.
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Winston »

But i cant just show up at UNLV and talk to girls for no reason. I gotta have some business there. Lol.

I heard theres a Basque cultural center there. Maybe i can visit it. The Basques are an ethnic group in Spain that supposedly came from Atlantis and has the highest percentage of rh negative blood. Lol. So that may be interesting. Lol.

But seriously guys. If it was possible to approach women in america, why do you never see anyone do it? You only hear about it on the internet by guys who claim they do it and that its a numbers game. But you never see anyone do it in real life. Why?

Have any of you ever seen guys cold approach women in America? Maybe it happens in nightclubs or bars. But not in normal public areas where people are shopping or eating or consuming. Lol
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Re: Winston back in America - Observations and Updates

Post by Nailer »

Winston wrote:
September 25th, 2018, 6:03 am
But i cant just show up at UNLV and talk to girls for no reason. I gotta have some business there. Lol.

I heard theres a Basque cultural center there. Maybe i can visit it. The Basques are an ethnic group in Spain that supposedly came from Atlantis and has the highest percentage of rh negative blood. Lol. So that may be interesting. Lol.

But seriously guys. If it was possible to approach women in america, why do you never see anyone do it? You only hear about it on the internet by guys who claim they do it and that its a numbers game. But you never see anyone do it in real life. Why?

Have any of you ever seen guys cold approach women in America? Maybe it happens in nightclubs or bars. But not in normal public areas where people are shopping or eating or consuming. Lol
I've noticed this. I have done it myself but I don't think I have ever seen a man approach a woman in public in real life, outside of bars.
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